Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1845: -??(???) Stoneville City (six)

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On the highest point of the cliff in Stoneville City, in front of the building that looks like a church and has a golden tree relief, there are countless tombstones, and only a few big trees have withered, only one or two A small golden tree is rooted stubbornly in the desolate courtyard, and a monstrous man with a crown, pale beard, haggard face, and a dark green luxurious blanket is stretching out his deformed and disproportionate hand. He slowly groped for the head of the motionless black flying dragon, and at the same time said something in his mouth like he was talking to himself.


"Dragon of the same descendant..."

"Your power is beyond doubt..."

"It will definitely push my power to a higher level!"

If you look closely, from the golden crown on the strange man's head and his words, it is not difficult to judge. He is undoubtedly the king of Stoneville Castle, that is, the legendary demigod. 'Greck!

Of course, he is also the culprit behind the bleak situation of Stoneville City and the entire Nimgford area!

And this can be seen from the miserable and dilapidated appearance of Stoneville City, which was originally claimed to be second only to the royal city of Rodel, and the inaccessible situation in the Nimgford area, as well as the densely packed tombstones in this courtyard.


"I will definitely go back..."


The eccentric continued to rub the dragon's head and muttered to himself.

At the same time, the eyes on his pale, dead cheek also narrowed slightly, and he didn't know if something crazy or dangerous was planning or brewing.


Suddenly, a castle soldier wearing chain armor and holding a shield walked quickly through the arch and came to the courtyard, and reported loudly and gave a salute to Greck, who was rubbing the black dragon.


'Limb' Grick paused, and the movement of his hand stopped.


After a long time, he turned his head slowly, and looked at the soldier who was running to disturb him with his horrific eyes with only a little black spot in his pale eyeballs.



He was startled by the fierce eyes, but the soldier did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly told what he was going to report:

"His Majesty!"

"Evil, bad omens, the ghost, Malkit, fell off the cliff, and his whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown!"

"Giant, many high-ranking generals have died!"

"The lion guard has also defected. Now it is still entangled with the guards in the vestibule. It has contained hundreds of our troops."

"That little girl, she..."

"It's a pity, Your Majesty, we didn't catch that little girl!"

"She seems to have entered the castle!"

Although he was afraid of being punished, the soldier still had to bite the bullet and tell everything he knew.



"Are they all a bunch of trash?"

Finally, Greck, who had just turned his head, this time, instead of looking at the little black dragon who didn't know whether it was dead or imprisoned by his divine power, he slowly turned around, suppressing his anger, and turned towards him. The soldier asked through gritted teeth.


Seeing this situation, the soldier dared to answer, he just lowered his head for the first time, and his body was still trembling slightly.


"Add a manpower and make sure to catch her for me!"

"To live!"


"At least, complete?"

After staring at the soldier for a while, in the end, Greck still did not have a seizure, but issued a clear order in a deep voice.



The soldier hurriedly stood at attention, and just wanted to go out, but suddenly stopped, and then hesitantly and dutifully asked again:

"His Majesty!"

"Would you like to strengthen the defense here?"

Because their monarch had been in the Nimgford area for a long time to endlessly harvest flesh, so he knew that it was not just the little girl who had sneaked into the castle at this time, but there must be other people. people.

For example, the kind of abominable fader who is inexhaustible killing and annihilation?

What's more, most of the people in the whole land of Nimgford are eager to take revenge on their grafted king, including some of their own people in their castle, and that number is also Absolutely not in the minority!

But how...

The king in front of him, Greck, is a serious demigod. Although the curse of death has polluted everyone now, and their king is not a strong man, he was beaten in a panic in the war of shards. I fled from the royal city, and I haven't dared to go back, but, no matter what, the other party is also a demigod of the golden family with pure blood, and it is an existence that these soldiers will never be able to resist and disobey.

In addition, these people have done a lot with Greck in these years, and if Greck is defeated, they are the accomplices who have committed countless evil deeds of harvesting flesh in the Nimgford area. Wouldn't there be a happy ending?

Therefore, even now this Stonewell City is becoming more and more desolate, even though their soldiers are getting fewer and fewer, and even if most of them are beginning to leave their hearts, they must continue to maintain the 'Limb' Greck The king of grafting aloof!

That has nothing to do with loyalty, just because they have no other choice.



Hearing that the soldier actually said that, Greck's pale and ugly head that had just turned back to look at the dragon slowly turned back again.

"no need……"

Then, he suddenly shook his head slowly.

He wouldn't say to the soldier: So many people haven't caught each other, what's the use of recruiting people here now? Moreover, if the opponent is really strong enough to defeat him, mobilizing those wastes is just a hindrance.



The soldier wanted to say something, but suddenly the long and deformed finger that Greck held up, with six fingers and all kinds of sarcomas growing on them, was obviously also the strange hand that took over the limbs. interrupted.


"Subordinates retire!"

After speaking, the soldier was not talking nonsense, but hurriedly turned and left, and went to convey the order to continue the search and 'catch' the enemy alive.

As the heavy footsteps drifted away, slowly, the desolate tranquility of the past was restored in this dilapidated courtyard.


But Greck ignored it and continued to turn around, groping for the head of the dragon he captured, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Come out!"

After a while, he suddenly turned his head and said in a certain direction.


There was nothing there, no figure, no answer, and among the weeds, there was only a small golden flower stubbornly growing there and swaying in the wind.

"Since you're here, what are you doing covertly?"

"The golden flowers that grow up absorbing the nutrients of the carrion do not fall off easily. You shouldn't pick it off."

Seeing that the person who came was still unwilling to come out, as a last resort, Greck directly told his findings.


!? (?\'\'??)?

The next second, a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a red hooded skirt really appeared in that area, and suddenly dropped a few golden flowers that she didn't know when she picked it.

"You bad guy, do you actually use corpses to grow flowers?"


Annie was not surprised that the other party could find her, but was surprised that the flower that the other party raised was using corpses as fertilizer. Fortunately, she just said that this kind of golden flower looks good, and then picked several flowers!

But now...

But think about it, in this huge courtyard, there are densely packed tombstones near and far. There is no doubt that this is a huge cemetery, and those flowers, don't they grow up by absorbing the nutrition of the corpse?


(● ̄? ̄●)


really someone?

Greck was shocked!

In fact, he wanted to say that he didn't notice it at all, he just saw that the flowers in that place were broken for no reason, and thinking about the report of the soldier just now, he suddenly tried to say that.

But in the end, he really deceived the enemy?


"Are you the kind of stargazer who divination and interprets the wheel of fortune and inherited the magic of pyroxene?"

After barely suppressing the surprise in his heart, Greck frowned and asked vigilantly while staring at the little girl who was rubbing her hands and jumping away from the flower.

"It's none of your business, people won't tell you!"


Obviously, Annie, who thinks she has encountered something disgusting, must be in a bad mood right now, so of course she doesn't want to answer the other party's question.


"The mere faders..."

"I dare to appear in front of me, but I have a lot of courage..."

Seeing that Annie didn't answer, Greck wasn't annoyed, just grinned, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he slowly grabbed his golden axe!

Then, as soon as he turned around, he shook off the luxurious dark green blanket he had been wearing.

Boom! !

"Kneel down!"

"I am the King of Gold!!!"

While smashing the giant axe with his two arms to the ground and making a loud noise, the other small hand grabbed a small patterned battle axe, and the other exposed arms also began to twist in the air like claws and claws. stand up.

So, Greck put the POSS, which he thought would stun any enemy, so majestic and commanded a little girl who was already standing beside a small golden tree at this time.



"one two Three……"


"Seven, eight, nine..."


It's a pity that Annie was not deterred by the other party's aura, she just opened her eyes wide and pointed at the hands, big and small, that were 'connected' on Greck's arms and back.

"Blame Shushu!"


"You actually took so many arms up?"




"And on the feet, there seem to be traces of the limbs..."


The opponent's aura or something, it doesn't matter at all!

The important thing is: Annie was really surprised by the various "joint limbs" marks on the other person's body, hands, back, legs, head and even palms.

She never thought that someone would actually play like this, and directly treat herself with such an inhuman, ghostly appearance?


I found that the focus and performance of the little girl seemed to be a little different from what I imagined. The momentum of Greck couldn't help but stagnate, and he didn't know what to say about some cruel words or scenes, etc. that he wanted to say. How to start.

"Shi Mi..."




"Don't you think that as long as you have enough arms, you will become more powerful?"


After being surprised, Annie quickly thought of something that even a child like her could not believe.

"Are you really that stupid?"


Immediately afterwards, of course, Annie laughed loudly and unscrupulously in front of the other party, not caring what the other party's mood or thoughts were at all.


(● ̄? ̄●)


ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Shu Mi, even if you want to integrate other people's power, you don't take it for granted that you can just connect it directly, right?"


While speaking, Annie's beautiful blue eyes were full of disbelief.

Thinking about it, she has seen a lot of idiots in this world, but this is the first time she has seen such a guy in front of her!

This reminded her of a certain black dragon prince she met in the world of Azeroth. The guy also wanted power, but the other party was much more shrewd, not directly grabbing the five-colored dragon and cutting off his wings. Claws or head or something, but to study genes and blood and so on.

Even, the other party also found a large group of scientists such as goblin and gnome, and finally created the colorful dragon army that is said to be invincible through countless years of research, barely succeeding in gaining the power of the five-color dragon.

And something like that is the slightly correct path. Where is it like this stupid guy in front of him, who directly attaches other people's limbs to his own body, how careless he must be?

"People tell you, it's definitely useless!"


"Immune response, and magic conflict, you should know about it, right?"


"Look, those sarcomas on your body, and that stench, that's the proof!"


"Even if they are forcibly connected, they will rot and fall down after a while... It's disgusting to think about!"


Annie spoke solemnly, and at the same time did not forget to teach the other party the basics of magic and science, and she did not hide the disgusting expressions on her face at all.


Greck didn't say a word, but just picked up the two large and small axes in his hand, and after pondering for a while, he slammed towards Annie!


The golden-yellow king axe, between the electric light and flint, slashed the Huashan Mountain with a powerful force, and suddenly fell from top to bottom.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the sand and stones splashed out, and the ground was instantly cut into a deep pit by the giant axe, and the surrounding golden flowers, which were exceptionally gorgeous thanks to the nourishment of the corpse, were also hit by the shock wave and Greck's. Divine power shattered.

But it is a pity that the poor little girl who was still scolding Greck here just now disappeared just as the giant axe was about to land.



Greck did not speak, just silently exerted his strength, and pulled out his king axe from the rocky ground where the tiles were smashed by himself, and then slowly turned around, facing the church, with a golden tree relief, but Looking at the front of the building surrounded by countless tombstones.

It wasn't actually a church, but his throne room.

There, there are statues of the Golden Throne belonging to him, the Eternal Queen, the first King Elden, and his father "Golden" Godwin. It is a place where no one can enter except him.


It didn't matter, the important thing was that he saw that the little girl who mocked him with all her might just now was standing there, in front of the gate of his throne hall, with a small face, Looking down at him with that terrifying expression and condescension.




Subconsciously, Greck was frightened by Annie's little expression and took a step back.

"Do not……"

"Come down!"

"That's my throne!!!"

But soon, he came back to his senses, and then, without knowing which of his own nerves was touched, he roared in an instant, and was about to move towards the top of the throne ladder that was standing on him. The little girl in front of the gate of his throne room rushed.



"Do not!"


"This is not your throne, this is the cemetery of the innocent!"


"Wake up!"


"The dead who can't sleep forever, in view of the cries and calls of you, now, I will give you the power of revenge!"


Speaking, without waiting for the so-called demigod Greck to rush forward, Annie raised her hand, and the entire space, including Greck, who was roaring and charging, was imprisoned.

Immediately after...

First, the motionless little black dragon suddenly opened his eyes and began to roar and struggle, and then, there were the countless tombstones.

At this time, they didn't know what was going on, and they started to vibrate one by one, and then, the red, flame-like magical energy began to brew wildly inside them, until the tombstones melted into a pool. Lava or iron juice in the beach.


One after another, countless magic circles formed on the pool of magma or iron juice. Then, one hand and one hideous head began to appear and climbed from the pool of magma or iron juice. They came out, and soon, the magma or iron juice poured onto them automatically, forming warriors wearing exquisite full-body plate armor and weapons.

Judging from their body shape, it is known that they are male and female, tall and short, and of course fat and thin, but they are motionless, just staring at the imprisoned people with their burning red eyes. The demigod 'Limb' Greck not far away.

Naturally, the weapons, shields, and armor in their hands were also red and steaming, almost exactly the same as their eyes at this time.



"They call them magma casters. They are made up of the ashes and souls of the innocents whose limbs were placed by you, plus the semi-metal plate shells poured by magma. How about it, strange slut, are you ready?"


I saw that the shell plates of the 'magma pourers' gradually cooled down and revealed beautiful lines with a red metallic luster. I saw that those weapon shields gradually became hard, and only those eyes were still like flames. After it was burning, Anne suddenly released that Greck's imprisonment and asked maliciously.

That's right, Annie only came to see the rare, and she didn't plan to punish the demigod Greek herself, but after seeing the situation here, and thinking about the almost empty city, she suddenly changed her mind , I intend to let those innocents who can't sleep forever and have no revenge to deal with it themselves, which is what it is now.


Seeing that the densely packed, thousands of tombstones around his throne hall have all turned into terrifying warriors, feeling their invisible anger and the impressive power hidden in the cooling armor, Greck was horrified. .

"Do not!"

"This is impossible!!"

So, he no longer dared to rush towards the little girl who was close at hand, but retreated step by step in fear and disbelief.


"who are you?!"

Then, he looked at Annie with his bloodshot white eyes that were about to fall out and asked in a trembling voice.

Obviously, although Greck is stupid, he is timid and afraid of death, and his strength is not very strong. He was beaten to the point of doubting his life in the war of fragments, but he is also a serious demigod. With the bloodline of Eternal Queen Malika, he naturally knows that he can summon the ashes and souls of so many innocent people in an instant, and at the same time has enough power to instantly arm and bless them. What kind of existence will it be.



"Since you asked, then people will tell you generously!"


"People are the kind of omnipotent and most most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the most powerful Arcane Archmage!"


Annie didn't hide it, and said directly to the demigod Greck playfully.


"Kill Greck!"



"kill him!"

"Kill ah ah!!"

"Chop him!!!"

"Give back my hand ah ah ah ah!!!"


Almost at the same time, those densely packed tombs stood on their original tombs. At this time, the armor and weapons had completely cooled and formed, and only the 'magma casters' whose eyes were still burning were left, as if they had received an order. They raised their weapons and shields such as long swords, spears, big axes, javelins, and halberds, and then roared in unison, towards the man with nine arms, who seemed to have no momentum at all, just felt Funny 'Limb' Greck dashed up...  

"Do not!"

"Don't think about it!!"

As soon as he turned his head saw that the back road was blocked and found that he could not escape, Greck did not retreat, but went forward, and went straight forward, with an axe at a name clamoring to let him The magma pourer who returned his arm slashed hard.

clang! !

Unfortunately, what surprised him was that his powerful blow was actually blocked by the opponent's shield?

Although the opponent was also hit by his strength and retreated several steps, the opponent really resisted.


Without waiting for Greck to attack again, countless magma casters around him, those innocents who had died in his limb test, all stabbed him with the weapons in their hands.

'Roar~! ! ’

At the same time, the little black dragon that was supposed to be dead actually flew above him, and a flaming dragon breath sprayed down at him!


?(ψ`▽′)oAt the end of the month, the monthly pass is going to get moldy, so hurry up and throw it over.

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