Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1847: ?('?`)? The Witch's Guide

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Houwang Chapel.

It is located on the west side of Stonewell City, on the reef opposite the cliff mountain, and is only separated from Stonewell Castle by a narrow strait, just like the lighthouse of Stonewell City.

And if, in that kind of sunny weather, someone stood on the wall of Stonewell Castle on the west coast, it is estimated that the gate of the Houwang Chapel and the broken masonry eaves or pillars could be clearly seen. The pattern on it?

And now, some miserable little girl is back here again.



Annie didn't go to talk to those 'magma pourers' knights who were busy and clean up this Houwang Chapel on the island and reef, saying that they were going to repair this place into a stronghold and incorporate it into the defense circle of Stoneville City. Jumping forward.

Speaking of which, even Annie herself did not expect that she would come back here again, and, in the identity of that kind of master?

Come to think of it, that's pretty dramatic indeed.

Although, Annie herself never wanted to be the master of this place, and she didn't want to be the king of Stonewell City, but who made her cheap at that time, she couldn't help but accept those innocent people. The souls and ashes of the limbs were mixed together, and they were directly summoned in the form of 'magma pourers', and also gave them freedom of movement and 'life' in physical form?

So, of course, she was embraced by those guys as the king of Stonewell City, and she was still the kind that couldn't be wrong.

But it doesn't really matter if she is Annie herself. After all, she has been a lot of kings, and it's not bad.

So, since they insisted on letting her be, then she should be, anyway, it's just a name, and she won't really take care of things, so she doesn't need to care too much!


(● ̄? ̄●)



Suddenly, Annie seemed to hear some movement in front of her.



Then, looking at the place where the sound came from, it seemed that she was the one who had just appeared in the direction of the door of the main hall of the Houwang Chapel. After thinking about it, she hurriedly walked over while listening.


"What about this corpse?"


"She looks like a witch?"

"Yes, look, there are still words on the ground. Isn't she a witch!"


"King Eldon?"

"So, she's the witch of the finger, the one in charge of guiding the faders?"

"It should be."

"This is really rare. It's the first time I saw the witch of Finger, but, after being here for so long, why hasn't she transformed into that kind of dead person?"

"I don't know..."

"Is that so?"

"Then shall we bury her or burn her directly?"

"Let's burn it..."


When Annie walked inside the main entrance, she saw that there were two magma pourers of that kind standing beside the corpse, and after discussing for a while, they planned to move the one that was leaning against the wall and motionless. witch corpse.

"You wait first!"


Seeing this, Annie, who also felt a little strange about their conversation just now, hurriedly stopped it, then walked over quickly, and then looked carefully at the corpse of the witch.

"She's still here..."


After the two of them saluted and backed away respectfully, Annie saw that the dead witch was still leaning there, and she was not eaten by wild wolves, wild dogs or mice.

However, it was different from the first time she saw it before: the body of the other party that was fresh before has gradually turned into a shriveled and pale corpse, and the blood on the ground and body has long since dried up and turned into After the moldy black-brown color, there are only a few magic words that still stubbornly shone with white fluorescence like the first time she saw it before.

'Even if the guidance is already broken, please be the King of Eldon. ’





Looking at the text on the ground, and then at the corpse of the witch, suddenly, Annie seemed to have found something, and she couldn't help exclaiming.



Hearing the exclamation, of course the two people next to them were looking at Annie with inquiring eyes. However, they didn't dare to make trouble, and they still stood there obediently and watched Annie move towards the witch's gaze. The corpse held out his hand.



Soon, the two of them were surprised to find that with a golden light on their queen's hand, the corpse of the shrunken and pale witch, which was close to a mummified corpse, became full and ruddy in the next instant, as if being washed away Go in like blood?

Immediately afterwards, something even more unbelievable happened: the witch who had clearly died, at this moment, the other party's white and tender fingers moved slowly, and then, in less than two breaths , opened his eyes slowly?

"Alive, alive?"

"My king..."

"Is this a miracle?"

Seeing this, of course, the two of them knelt down on half knees toward Annie and prayed in a low voice.

Obviously, they know that resurrecting the dead is as simple as summoning their souls and ashes and re-entering the world in a physical shell. The kind of divine power of resurrection can only be possessed by the former golden tree.

And now, Eldon's ring is broken, and the golden tree has lost the ability to bless, but what makes them horrified is that right now, right in front of their eyes, their queen has the moment to make a dead man The ability of people to resurrect, then what kind of existence she is, and her true identity, it is almost ready to be revealed in their hearts.

"All right!"


"Miss is so pretty!"


However, Annie didn't have time to pay attention to the two people next to her, only after seeing the delicate and kind-hearted lady witch reopened her eyes and looked at her, she finally did it with a sigh of relief. grimace.

"Now it's ready to be demolished. If you can move, hurry up and leave!"

?( ̄??)???

Originally, she didn't want to care about this kind of shit.

However, just now, when the two behind them were going to move the corpse of the witch, she took a second look and found that the soul of the other party seemed to be maliciously taken away?

So, she didn't even think about it, her heart moved and her brain became hot, she directly resurrected the other party, and at the same time, she also snatched the other party's soul from the hands of some evil guy in the distance, and then shoved it into the other party's activation. inside the body.

Now, it is estimated that some bad guy must be confused, right?


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Is that the one I'm waiting for?"

However, to Annie's surprise, the other party didn't mean to leave. He just looked up at her first, then at the two knights who were saluting and praying behind her. After thinking about it, he suddenly sat up straight. He folded his body and approached her excitedly.


"Finally waiting for you."

"I, Serorina, hereby swear that I will definitely help you to become the King of Eldon!"

"I promise!"


Then, the other party crawled down so slowly, making a big salute to Annie while still firmly guaranteeing.


!? (?\'\'??)?



"Miss, did you recognize the wrong person? They don't seem to be the ones you want to wait for. They haven't seen you before!!"


Seeing the other party's actions and hearing the other party's words, of course Annie was taken aback!

Then, of course, she hurriedly waved her hand and explained, and then corrected her in a low voice and nervousness.


"It can't be wrong!"

"I feel it, it's a very kind atmosphere, you must be the one I'm waiting for!"

Unfortunately, what disappointed Annie was that the witch who just called herself Serorina, the young lady just froze for a while, then frowned slightly, and then quickly shook her head and smiled again. He said it so earnestly.



"You feel kind because someone just saved you, so..."


"Anyway, they are really not the people you want to wait for, and ah, they are not some faders, they are really not the people you want to wait for."


Annie already knew that the witch of the finger was waiting for the fader. It is said that what kind of blessing will lead the two to meet. Looking at the past, this is the case, and there has never been a mistake?

Therefore, she did not hesitate at all, and simply explained and rejected her identity as a faded person.


"What is a fader?"

After blinking her eyes, Serorina, the beautiful witch who was kneeling on the ground, asked Annie back with a confused look on her face.





"Is your brain broken?"


Hearing the other party's words and looking at the other party's silly expression, Annie suddenly didn't know what to say, and she moved carefully towards the other party, and began to blink her big blue eyes carefully. up.

If she is not mistaken, the other party should be a two-fingered witch who will serve a fader, guide the fader, and convey the instructions of the two-fingered, etc., just like the previous Melina told her. ?



"It seems to be really broken..."


"Is it because the soul was destroyed by someone? Although it was repaired when I pulled it back, it seems to have damaged some memories..."


It didn't take long for Annie to figure out why.

It turns out that this little witch called Serorina, the soul of the other party was taken away by some heartless guy and made a series of clumsy transformations. The Grand Master Shu forcibly grabbed it back from a long distance and succeeded in forcibly repairing and resurrecting it. However, I don't know if it was because the opponent's body was left for too long, or the opponent's soul was damaged, or both?

Anyway, the final result is like this, some key memories of the other party seem to be partially missing?

"What's up?"

"Any questions?"

The witch Serorina didn't know why Annie looked at her so strangely, she just blinked and asked innocently.

Then, after waiting for a while, seeing that Annie didn't speak, she suddenly wanted to reach out, as if she wanted to touch Annie's delicate face that could be broken by bullets?



It's a pity that, without waiting for the other party to touch it, Annie easily avoided it.

"All right!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

After looking at the other party for a while, although she found the key to the problem, Annie didn't want to continue to help.

Because, to deal with it, you need to distort time, then retrieve the other party's memory, and then smooth the distorted time flow. In Annie's opinion, that kind of thing is still a bit strange and troublesome, and she is not very familiar with the other party, and she doesn't really think about it. to do so much for each other.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"Whatever you think!"


"People are going to play elsewhere, goodbye!"


Trouble or something, as long as you stay away from it, it will naturally no longer be trouble.

So, Annie didn't even think about it, and regardless of what the other party and the two people behind her thought, she turned her head and walked out.



"I finally waited for you, please accept my guidance!"

Seeing that Annie was going to leave, the witch Serorina of course refused to obey, she struggled to stand up, and then ran after her bare feet without wearing shoes.



"What are you doing? People don't need your guidance!"




"Look at you, your body is stinky and dirty. It's been a while since you washed it. Stay away from others..."


Soon, as the increasingly impatient voice of some troubled little girl got further and further away, the hall of this Houwang Chapel gradually returned to calm.



I don't know how long it took, the two 'Magma Casters', those two Annie's 'Fire-Eyed Knights' finally ended their prayers, then stood up again, and after looking at each other, very quickly. He continued to put himself into the intense work of cleaning up the ruins of this island and reef.


Almost at the same time, on the city wall beside the main entrance of Stonewell Castle, a man with gray hair but still wearing a worn-out chain mail stood in front of the battlement of the city wall, silently watching the front ring at the foot of the cliff. The dilapidated and desolate city in a circle froze.


After a while, the big tree guard wearing golden plate armor appeared behind him with heavy steps, and walked to his side without saying a word and stood still.


"You say, did we do something wrong?"

"If we could come back earlier and do something earlier, this place definitely wouldn't be like this, right?"

That's right, he was the lieutenant uncle whom Annie had known before in the Nimgford Wilderness and Woodland.

However, although the other party is now back in his hometown and in Stonewell City, his mood is not very good.

"I have no idea."

"It's useless to come back early..."


"It's the world that's wrong, isn't it?"

With a sigh, the tree guard supported the arrow stack and silently looked at the golden tree above the sky, which was even more bleak than before.

He knew that his friend and lieutenant returned home once during the day, but, where is there any home in Stoneville City?

Here, under the rule of Greck, the so-called home is just a barren ruin covered by weeds.



"you say……"

"Your home in Wangcheng, has it become the same here?"

The two were silent for a while, and suddenly the lieutenant asked bitterly.


"Do not……"

"I have no idea……"

"Maybe, it's a little better than here, right?"

As for Wangcheng, the tree guards have heard of it.

It is said that the ominous king Menggt did not intend to pursue Rune. The other party has been defending the royal city and repelled waves of intruders, barely maintaining the order of the royal city?

Furthermore, there should be no madman like Greck who thinks about connecting limbs all day long in the royal city. Therefore, even if he has been affected by war for many years, if he thinks about it, it should not be as dilapidated and desolate as Stoneville City. Not to mention that you can't see many lights at night.


The lieutenant suddenly stopped talking, and continued to stand silently at the battlements looking at the dilapidated city under the night.

"Think about it."

"It will get better soon!"

He didn't know what to comfort him. In the end, the big tree guard just stepped forward and patted the other person's shoulder. After thinking about it, he turned around and left slowly.

It's getting late now, a certain little girl should be back too. I don't know if the other party will meet him at this time. After thinking about it, I don't plan to stay any longer, but go straight to my own in the castle. Go to the residence.


"Get better?"

Above the The golden tree still covers most of the sky, but, unlike before, it no longer emits a strong golden light, and it can no longer cover the sky. Sing a little bit of stardust beyond the starry sky.



"It doesn't even get better..."

"Is this world really going to get better?"


The lieutenant muttered something as if he was talking to himself.

He knew that the ring of Eldon had long been broken, the golden tree had lost its blessing, the demigods had become increasingly mad, the stars were peeping over this land, and the shadow of war was still hanging over everyone, For this broken world, for the disintegrated homeland and the family whose life and death are unknown, he is a mere mortal, and he has long been unable to see the direction of the future, and he does not have much expectations.


One day, he himself will become that kind of dead man like a corpse, right?


(?ω?) Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month

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