Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1899: ?(???*)?superior! ? Ni, bite it to death! !

Without much effort, Anne went west along the main stream of the Ansel River, and soon found the once eternal city of Nok Stella.

Then, she casually walked in with the new toy in her hand, that is, the little doll of La Ni, and saw that there were still a lot of silver teardrops that could explode in this eternal city and that Some night swordsmen riding giant ants.



"There are so many night people here? People always thought this was an empty city!"


Seeing that the situation was different from what she imagined, of course, Annie commented directly with some surprise.



"At that time, not all the night people moved to Norronn, the remaining night people and ancestors still stayed here, and spent many years with those who believed in the scarlet goddess. The corrupt believers are fighting."

"But that's not easy..."

"However, thanks to the magic and artificial life technology of the night people, that is, those silver teardrops you see, with their assistance, they barely kept Nok Stella and curbed the rapid spread of scarlet corruption."

At this moment, Lani, the little doll with her thighs and a small piece of **** exposed, was grabbed by one leg and held in her hand by Annie, and said quietly.

"Oh okay……"


"Then let's sneak in!"

?( ̄??)???

Said, without waiting for the night and the silver teardrops who were patrolling in the distance to find out, Annie immediately disappeared, and then continued to walk forward.


"You don't want to hurt them?"

After being silent for a while, Lani suddenly asked.

You must know that from the previous Ansel River mainstream to here, the monsters and the dead were all burned to ashes by Annie directly, but now it is better to take the initiative to hide and avoid fighting, That's really rare to hear.

"That's right!"


"But in fact, it's because the nightmen of Norronn are now their subordinates, so they don't want to fight with them!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie said proudly.

Although she didn't know whether the Eternal City Nok Stella had any affiliation or contact with the Eternal City Nokronen, but, in any case, Annie didn't want to intrude and destroy, and she didn't want to explain. Therefore, direct stealth has become the best choice at present.



"You actually conquered the eternal city of Norronn?"

"It's incredible!"

Hearing Annie's words, the little doll, Lani, exclaimed in surprise and expressed some disbelief.

Although that Nokron has been cleaned up with two fingers, it is estimated that there are not many people left, but it is not something that a little girl can conquer so quickly! Anyway, according to Lan Ni's calculation, Annie only stayed in Norronn for one to two days at most, and what could she do in such a short time?

On the other hand, she herself has been calculating for countless years, and only recently got the 'hunting knives' and achieved a series of conditions.

But as a result, the little girl in front of her has only appeared at the border for three months, and she has become the king of Stonewell City, ruling over the Nimgford area and the Weeping Peninsula, plus the eternal city promise. Kronn, one-third of the border has already fallen into the other's hands.

And if you add Lienia and Gayled, who are currently in excellent relationship, wouldn't most of the border area already be within the other's sphere of influence?

"It's like that anyway!"


"Nokronen is indeed someone's territory, but it's just that they're not very rare!"

?( ̄??)???

Annie continued to walk forward, not wanting to explain the relationship between her and the avatar teardrop, because that kind of thing was too much trouble to say, and now she didn't want to say that kind of boring thing.


Hearing this, Lani was also silent, and only felt her tongue smack.

She suddenly felt that the little girl in front of her who was carrying her doll's feet seemed to be the invisible King of Eldon.

Perhaps the only thing the other party lacks at the moment is that they did not send troops to attack the royal city and drive the so-called 'Blessed King' Monggot away from the throne hall, right?



Annie ignored what the little doll was thinking, and continued to stealth and quickly passed and moved forward from the patrolling night people and the silver teardrops.


"It's boring to travel like this, let's just talk about the past..."

Suddenly, I don't know if it was because of sudden interest or other reasons, Lani suddenly seemed to be talking about something about herself.



"To be honest, Annie, you should also know..."

"That's right, I used to be a god."

"Among the countless demigods, only me, Mikaela and Malenia are godmen..."

Lani began to speak quietly.

"God man?"


"Is it any different from a demigod?"


Annie didn't think there was any difference between a **** and a demigod. Anyway, in her opinion, it was probably the same thing, and they were almost the same, and many of them were killed by her. Limb 'Grek, and that Blood King Munger on Norkronen's side?

"Of course there is."

"We were each found by a different pair of fingers, yes, there's more than one pair of fingers, and the night people of Norronn hunted one, and that's why I had to get that knife anyway. ."

Speaking of which, Lani paused for a while, then continued:

"That is, after we were found, it meant that we became candidates for the gods..."

"We are predestined to be the next generation of gods after the goddess Malika."

"I also got Blazer because of this. He is a special servant of Kamito, maybe, just like Malika's black sword?"


"I refused to double-finger."

"I'm afraid you've heard about what happened next..."

"Yes, I stole Death Rune, killed and abandoned my body as a god."

"Because, I refuse to accept the manipulation of that ridiculous existence..."

"Since then, Shuangfin and I have cursed each other..."

"So, He sent the Shadow of Calamity and let him linger on this land, waiting for me to fall into the trap. That's why I need your help."

Rarely, Lani clearly and clearly stated what she had done and what she was facing.

"That's it..."


Annie said that the other party's story is good to listen to, but it's only good, she just listens to it for fun, and compared to the story, she is more concerned about the battle between the other party and the **** later!


"However, Blazer, as a special servant of the gods, resisted the two-fingered orders for me. I really can't repay this..."

Lani continued to speak quietly, and introduced Annie's attendants for the first time.

For example, the loyal and loyal, who knew exactly what the end of her dark path of the gods was, but she sacrificed her life to follow, the werewolf Blazer who resisted her **** and chose to be loyal to herself, and... the scheming man who never Silves, who are not trusted by her, and so on.

In this way, the two of them communicated in a low voice while moving forward in stealth. They stopped together when they realized that Annie had come to a small lake full of scarlet corruption and saw a red figure in front of her.



"that is……"


"Is it Blazer?"

(? ̄? ̄)

Soon, Annie could see clearly at a glance. The figure who was wandering in front seemed to be the uncle dog?


"That's not Blazer."

Although Lani was sure that Blazer would probably become like the other party in the future, she was not sure when the other party would change.

Also, the one in front of me is definitely not her loyal subordinate!

"how do you know?"


"Don't they all look the same?"


Actually, no matter whether the other party is or not, from Annie's point of view, the dog's head looks the same, and the clothes are also the same, so without any other way, she would definitely not be able to tell the difference.

"He wears a black wolf mask..."

"Those calamity shadows who tried to assassinate me like to disguise themselves as my attendants, and specially put on the black wolf mask and the same coat, and hold the same weapon, they look exactly the same as Blazer, ordinary people. It's really hard to tell."

Xiao Lani spoke quietly and sighed.

"That is to say!"


"What you want to destroy is the guy in front of you?"


Annie, who was still invisible, first glanced at the guy in front of her, and then frowned. She didn't think the other guy was powerful.


"That's it, it's the last one."

Lani didn't hide it, she admitted it generously.

"Then go and destroy it!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

Now that it was confirmed, of course, Annie walked straight forward without any hesitation.

Although, she can continue to be invisible and bypass the other party, but since she has promised the puppet sister Lani before, she can only bite the bullet.


"...Shadow, you are the last one."

"Go tell Two Fingers!"

"The witch Lani is going to carve a scar for you..."

"The one that never heals..."

"'Destined' scar!"

As Annie walked forward, the little doll Lanni spoke quietly, as if she was no longer worried about being heard by the other party.



"Tibbers, go, bite it to death!"


With that said, Annie threw out the bear in her hand, ready to let her Tibbs kill that boring guy.


However, the expected flame bear did not come out. Instead, a small puppet was thrown into the water in front by Annie and made a muffled noise. It also attracted the attention of the disaster shadow, causing the other party to keep moving towards Sniffing and sniffing here.



And after hearing the crisp sound of falling into the water, Annie's raised hand froze, of course.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(And Tibbs, who was supposed to be violent and hurt people, didn't say a word, and remained motionless, indicating that he didn't take the blame.)


And Lanni was the same, she was silent in an instant.


"Did you do it on purpose?"

After a long time, a weak voice with suppressed anger came from the water.

And listening to the voice that suppressed the anger, is it not the hoarse voice unique to that little doll, Lani, or who is it?


At this moment, although the red shadow of Calamity still hadn't found the invisible Annie, he did see the little red-capped Lani puppet that slowly floated to the surface!

So, he immediately shuddered, and immediately swung the big sword with black and red flames in his hand excitedly and flew over.



And almost at the same time, after discovering that her little bear was still being hung on her waist by her crony, and what she had just subconsciously threw out was the little doll of the doll's sister, Lani, Annie Ji Ling hurriedly tore off another 'doll' from his waist.

"Tibbers! Come on! Kill it!!"


Annie said she really didn't do it on purpose...

'Roar~! ! ’

??????: Ow!

Fortunately, at the moment when the calamity shadow was about to jump on the water and bite a helpless little doll floating there, Lani, appeared in the air and blocked the two. among the people.

Immediately afterward, Tibbers slapped the calamity shadow far away, and then swooped on the other side before he landed.


A bear and a wolf were just not far away, fighting fiercely in that piece of land and pool water that was polluted by scarlet corruption.



"I'm sorry, Miss Lani, they forgot that it was you who was carrying, so..."


When Tibbers slapped the calamity shadow and rushed over to scuffle them together, Annie hurriedly trotted and jumped over, and then picked up the figure of Miss Lani floating on the water, and then tried her best. Shaking the water stains, he apologized a little ashamedly and shyly.

She swears that in the name of Tibbers, she didn't really mean it just now, she just subconsciously threw him out as her own bear.

After all, she used to do that too. How could she still remember that she was carrying the figure of a young lady who had lost her body and could only live in her soul?

But no matter what, thanks to her quick-witted hands and quick response, or else, now the witch Lani would have died before she was able to get out of school, and fell into the hands of that calamity shadow.

If that's the case, I guess a pair of fingers can laugh to death in some hidden lair, right?


I don't know if she was angry or frightened. Lani stopped talking, and just let Annie toss her hard.

"You won't be really angry, will you?"


"It's really not intentional, it's guaranteed!"


Annie continued to explain. At the same time, she kept moving her hands. She stripped the other person off again, and after scrambling to wipe them, she put on another set of the same Little Red Riding Hood suit for the other person.


However, Lani still didn't speak.


At this moment, a wolf howl suddenly came from a distance.

But soon, the wolf howling stopped abruptly!

Then, Annie and Lani saw it: Tibbers, the giant flame bear surrounded by dark red flames, had already solved its enemy and was walking towards them with a thing that looked like a wolf's head. come over.


"Excuse me, thank you..."

"In this way, I can finally see him smoothly..."

"...It's time to say goodbye."

"If you have a chance, help me convey it to Blazer and Iggy, and say I love them."

Finally, after seeing that the shadow of Calamity was successfully eliminated, and seeing that the other party's black wolf mask was ripped off by the bear with blood and blood, Lanni knew that it was time for her to take action.



"and then?"


Anne asked again.

However, before she said she would go take a look, the figure of the little doll, Lani, didn't respond at all, and the other party's touch became cold again.

At the same time, an inexplicable key also fell out of the little doll's arms.



Annie didn't pay any attention to the key and so on, she just threw it into the water next to her, and continued to stare at the doll.







"You haven't said where you're going to watch you fight with that two-finger!!!!"


Annie was stunned when she found out that the other party had slipped away at the last moment.

You know, watching the other party fight with two fingers, that is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most important purpose of Annie's coming here, but now it's better, when it comes to the end, the other party runs away first, Does it make sense to not give her a specific location to Her Lady Queen Anne and not to give her a chance to watch the play?



"Don't think that people can't find it!"


After saying that, after putting away the other party's little doll, Annie flashed directly and flew to Tibbers' shoulder.

"Set off!"


"Tibbers, go find that hateful guy!"


Annie pointed in a certain direction, beckoning a bear to hurry up.

Although she doesn't know the way, she does know that the soul fluctuation of that abominable puppet sister Lani is in that The other big puppet of the other party must be in front, as long as she follows If you look in the direction of the fluctuation, you will definitely not be wrong!

(But, Master, there is no way there...)


"If there is no way, dig through the wall!"


(It's not a wall, it's carved out of the rock wall...)


"People don't care!"




"Even if you dig a hole, you have to dig through it!!"


Annie said with a bit of anger.

(Well, as you wish...)

ε=('?'●))) Alas

This time, even Tibbers couldn't do anything, so he had to carry his wrathful little master with great strides forward in a certain direction.


(?▽?)? Double monthly pass, don't hide it, throw it all over?

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