Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1903: !!!∑(?Д?ノ)ノ Why do you still have fingers?

After a lapse of more than a month, Annie returned to Stoneville City again.

Then, when she went out for a walk the next day, she found that the city here has become more prosperous and lively, with more people, and the city and fortress no longer have the shabby look they used to be. It's getting more and more like that.

"La la la~?"


However, Annie didn't care about that kind of thing, she just wandered around the city.

She is in a very happy mood right now, because ah, she knows, a certain lady named 'Rani' must be very, very angry now, and correspondingly, due to the law of conservation of happiness, that hateful guy is not happy, then she Queen Anne can naturally be happy.

As for whether what she did would make it impossible for the other party to go to that night sky and enjoy the cold loneliness, then she couldn't control it. After all, that's what the other party should worry about.

"Go away!"

"Go away!"

"Ms. Haida!"

"Please don't do this."


"Do not!"

"I'm waiting for my duty, please don't make it difficult for me to wait?"

At this time, Annie, who happened to be passing by a secluded block, suddenly heard the sound of arguing not far away.



Then, when she got to the corner of the street and looked at it, she was stunned to find that it seemed that it was the witch Heda and the two fire-eyed knights who seemed to be the finger she sent back before. The geeky people who are the same don't know what they're fighting for.



"Hey! What are you doing?"


Seeing this, she was curious, and Annie, who was currently idle and had nothing to do, of course, went straight up and shouted at those people from afar.


"King Anne!"

"His Majesty!!"

Seeing that it was Annie, the two fire-eyed knights hurriedly stood aside and saluted, while those strange people who looked like dead birthers fled like snakes and scorpions, taking the opportunity to escape to the place that had not yet escaped. The dilapidated urban area, which was completely repaired and had no residents to live in, soon disappeared.

"What's so noisy..."



!? (?\'\'??)?

Just now I wanted to reprimand these good guys who insisted on quarreling, but when Annie turned her head and saw what that Miss Haida was holding in her hands, she was instantly startled.



"Miss Haida, you can see now, why are you still holding that thing?"


"Aren't you going to throw it away soon?!"


Annie clearly remembers that the last time, more than a month ago, when she forcibly teleported the other party back to Stonewell City, she healed the other party's eyes, and now, the other party's face is no longer there. Covered with a strip of cloth is the proof!


The other party can see things clearly, but he still insists on holding those kind of eyeballs, so what is going on?

"His Majesty……"

"It's the way it is!"

At this moment, one of the two fire-eyed knights came to Annie's side and whispered the reason.

It turns out that the reason why they quarreled with the witch of this finger and the sick people just now was because of the rotten eyeballs that the witch Haida was holding at this time!

It is a yellow and rotten eyeball of a patient. The skin is about to fall off, and the inner layer is thick and soft. The appearance may be similar to a large ripe grape, but that one is not ordinary, nor is it edible. Just seeing It can make people sick!

But even so, under the adoration of the group of sick people who did not know where they came from, the witch Haida really wanted to eat it. That was something they couldn't understand, so they almost lost it. Fight those crazy and ugly guys just now.



"Miss Haida?"


Hearing that this was the case, and seeing it with her own eyes, Annie could not help but look at the little sister Heida, who was still holding the so-called 'Chapoli grape', and wanted to Know what the other person is thinking.


The witch Heida with the finger did not speak, but stared blankly at the 'Chapoli Grape' that she was holding in the palm of her hand, at the yellow and rotten eyeball of the patient, and at that it had nothing to do with beauty, Even the disgusting thing was silent for a long time.

Similar things, she has eaten many, many times, they are sticky and soft to bite, sweet and a little hot...

She always thought that it must be a very beautiful and beautiful fruit, a rare delicacy, or it would not be so few.

But what do you think...

It, the so-called 'Chapoli grape', turned out to be such a thing?


"It turns out that you sent me back to Stonewell because of've been lying to me, this is the kind of grape I'm looking for, it's completely different from the kind you gave me, I said right?"

After a long time, the pointing witch Heida smiled miserably, raised her head slowly and asked.



The other party has seen it himself, what else can Annie say?

Originally, she originally wanted to imprison the other party in Stonewell until she eliminated the finger, and then waited for the "bewitching" of the finger in the future, the other party would naturally forget about the "grape" thing, that is the best result. .

But who would have thought that those fanatics of the fingers, those sick believers, even found the city of Stonewell by themselves, and offered those disgusting eyeballs again?

"……how so."


"That means everyone..."

"That voice..."

At this time, the finger witch Heida also seemed to be touched by the cruel truth in front of her, and began to speak intermittently, in that kind of crying.


"Grapes are everyone's eyeballs..."

"how come?"


Finally, as she spoke, Heida knelt down and retched, and the eyeballs in her hands rolled to the side.

Obviously, as the finger witch, although her faith is still firm, the truth about grapes still makes her feel difficult to accept.


However, what made Annie feel a little puzzled was that after the other party had rested for a while, he actually picked up the rotten eyeball again, and held it in his palm like a pilgrimage before using that somewhat dazed expression and tone. continued:

"……very sorry."

"Annie, although you deliberately concealed it, I still saw it..."


"I have eaten it many times, but I still have this reaction."


"Forget it, it's all right, please don't worry about it..."

After all, Heida adjusted her state, and it took a while to recover from the state of confusion and nausea just now.

Then, she continued to say quietly:

"You healed my eyes and allowed me to see so many great things that I couldn't give back."


"Grapes are equal to eyes, and what it means for me to eat them, I think, I can already understand."

"The lights on the other side are far away and the lights are small."


"It's really impossible to tell just by one's eyes."


"Put everyone's eyes together and you can feel it."


"……finally, I understand."

"I can definitely become the witch of the finger, for sure!"

As she spoke, her originally hesitant and uncomfortable expression gradually became firmer, and she once again looked at the rotten and disgusting eyeball with the eyes of a pilgrim.



Annie read the pictures to understand the meaning of the other party's words, but she didn't have any clues.

At present, based on what she saw and heard, she only vaguely knew that the main task of those sick people who looked like dead people and those who looked like madmen seemed to be to contribute to their finger witches. 'Chapoli grapes', that is, their eyeballs, and after the witch eats the grapes, she can see the lights on the other side, and the more she eats, the clearer she sees?





"Finger is dead!"


"Shuangzhi, it was killed by Miss Rani last month. They saw it with their own eyes!"


Finally, Anne said triumphantly.

Although she didn't know how to comfort or refute the other party's boring beliefs, all she knew was that since the finger had already burped, there was no need for the other party to see the lights on the other side or become the witch of the finger.

Next, it's better for the other party to do whatever they like, and there is no need to eat that eyeball, and there is no need to pay attention to those sick fanatics, everything is over.


"Two fingers?"


"I'm not a two-fingered witch..."

I was stunned. Although I didn't know whether the shocking news that Annie had said that Two Fingers had been killed was true or not, Heida was still very clear that she was definitely not a witch of Two Fingers!

"I'm the three-fingered witch..."

"Although we are all called 'finger' witches, there is still a difference between 'finger' and 'finger'..."

Although some did not understand why the expression of the little girl king in front of him gradually became dull and ugly, Heida hesitated for a while, and then corrected it weakly.

"What did you say?"


"And a finger called Three Fingers?!"


"How many fingers are there?!"


Annie exclaimed, and at the same time straightened her face, she was immediately angry.

To be honest, she never imagined that she had tossed around for a long time and did so many things, but as a result, the Miss Haida in front of her told her that it seemed that she had made a mistake, that Rani The 'finger' that Miss Sister killed was the second finger, but the 'finger' she wanted to kill before, and the 'finger' she wanted to free Miss Haida in front of her, was the third finger?


"I do not know."


"There should be only one of the three fingers of our faith?"

Seeing the suddenly scary and dangerous expression on Annie's face, Heda shrank back in fright, but in the end, she still said what she knew.

"Is that so?"


That's it, another 'Three Fingers' name has been added to the list of bad guys Annie must burn!

Although, she seems to have made a mistake before, and accidentally helped kill a guy called 'Two Fingers', but it doesn't matter, it's just another little thing, although she doesn't know Where did that 'hunting finger knife' go by some nasty guy, but, who is she, Her Lady Queen Anne, burn a finger, how could she need such a boring thing?



"Miss Haida, where is the three fingers now?"


Annie leaned over and asked with ill will.

If she knew the exact location of the other party, in order to correct her mistakes, Her Lady Queen Anne would of course not mind visiting and killing the other party in person.


"You, don't you think..."

Heda was taken aback.

After all, during the month she stayed in Stonewell City, she knew all the great achievements of the little girl in front of her, such as destroying the demigod 'Limb' Greg Dingding Ningmgfu, defeating the strongest demigod Ratann And cure Crimson Corruption and more.

In a word, the little girl king of Stoneville City in front of me is a very mysterious existence. If the other party wants to harm any of their "finger", it is a very scary thing.

"Of course I burned it!"


Annie didn't hide it, she said it directly.


"I do not know……"


"I'm not yet the witch of 'finger', I haven't found the light on the other side..."

"I really do not know!"

The witch who is the finger revealed the location of the finger to outsiders. Heida obviously would not do or dare to do that kind of thing, so she hurriedly shook her head and stepped back.



"In that direction?"


However, Annie, who read something directly from the other's eyes, stretched out her hand and asked towards the north.


Heda's face instantly turned ugly, and those eyes that had seen the light again subconsciously glanced at the direction Annie pointed.

"It's north!"



This time, Annie determined the approximate position of the finger of the other party's house, which is where the other party's so-called 'light on the other side' is located.


Haida stopped talking.

Although she vaguely felt that Annie might really be doing it for her good, she would not betray the finger because she is the witch of the finger, although she is not yet, but...

She originally existed to become a witch of "Finger", and she couldn't imagine what meaning she would have in this world if "Finger" didn't exist.

"People will find it!"



 ̄? ̄)????

"Send someone to watch her day and Before they kill that 'Three Fingers', she is not allowed to leave Stoneville City!"


After speaking, Annie ignored the face of Miss Haida, looked directly at the two fire-eyed knights next to her, and gave her order.



"Follow orders!!"

Although, I don't know if the shocking thing that King Anne said to kill the 'finger' is true or not, and I don't know if the other party just said that the 'two fingers' have been eliminated, but the two' The Fire Eye' knights stood at attention and responded loudly with excitement.


(?ω?) It's the last day of the end of the month, so throw in the monthly pass.

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