Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1939: ?o(′~`●) Metamorphosis

Fairy Mo Caihuanmo was now surrounded by a large number of people in black. At the same time, she also saw that there was a huge hemispherical transparent formation with a radius of hundreds of meters above her head, which firmly held her. Covered in the middle, like a pot lid.

At this time, standing in the distance opposite her, on the edge of the formation, was the steward of Prince Xin's Mansion, the head of the Lanzhou Five-color Sect, the guardian of Heisha, and the great enemy of her Mo family.

To be honest, this is the first time that she encountered such a bad situation in front of her. If Fairy Mo Caihuanmo said in her heart that she would not panic at all, it would definitely be impossible! After all, there are so many people on the other side, and with the help of the formation, she lured herself into the trap with ease. If one is not good, maybe she really doesn't need to go back to prepare dinner for her master and sister in the future.


So, while feeling uneasy, she could only stand in place a little overwhelmed, and silently pulled out the long sword in her hand and held it in her hand to add a little confidence to herself, but what should she do next? , she doesn't know yet.

Well, at least she knew not to show her cowardice, so after pulling out the long sword, she kept the sword in her hand and looked at the enemy in front of her without moving.

That dog thief was the original owner of the Lanzhou Five-color Gate!

Mo Caihuan still remembered that many years ago, before her father's accident, the other party was friendly with her Mo family on the surface, and he often looked sane, but when his father was away, the dog thief led someone to destroy her directly. The Mo family caused her family to be destroyed and had to flee to Yanjiabao.

Whenever she thinks of the miserable situation at home at that time, she can't wait to step forward and kill the opponent with a sword.

However, she also knew that she couldn't do that, at least not yet.

One, because now the enemy is outnumbered, if she acts rashly and recklessly, she is afraid that she will put herself in danger, which is not what a wise person does.

Furthermore, she is basically certain that the other party must have some major connection with the prince of Xinwang's mansion who attacked the loose cultivator, that is, the case of the disappearance of Xu Jing loose cultivator in recent years, and the other party seems to be the guys around. Even if she wanted to kill the other party immediately, she had to endure it, at least until she had investigated the ins and outs of the matter?


Thinking of all kinds of things quickly in my mind, and since the current situation is very unfavorable to me, Mo Caihuan secretly decided after looking at the surrounding terrain, I can try it later to see if I can preempt it and see if I can. Catch the thief first and capture the king to take the dog thief who seems to be the leader in one fell swoop.

And if she can't, then she will directly use Shimen's supernatural power 'Douzhuanxingxian' to escape, and she must not be brave enough to fight the enemy.

After all, although this place is very hidden, she has secretly kept it in her heart, knowing that this is in the deep mountains north of Xujing, she can go back first, and then call her sister, it is best to ask Master Anni. Come with me too. At that time, no matter how many people or traps the other party has, she may not have to be afraid at all.

"Why, do you know you're afraid?"

"Tsk tsk!"

"You loose cultivators, let me tell you what you want?"

"Shut up!"

Seeing Mo Caihuan pulling a sword in his hand and keeping silent, and the sword still looks so unbearable, it seems to be something that can be bought anywhere on the street. The identity of the person on the surface is the steward of the Xinwangfu, and the secret is The original five-color sect master, who was the guardian of the Heisha Sect, sneered and shook his head in disdain.

"Last time!"

"It's not enough for us to catch so many. This time, you dare to send someone who doesn't care enough to follow you, and send it to your door directly. You won't learn a lesson at all!"

"Sure enough!"

"A loose cultivator like you is not worthy of being an immortal, you are only worthy of being my food!"


Perhaps it was because he subconsciously thought that Mo Caihuan was the same as the previous loose cultivators. He wanted to investigate the inside story of their frequent arrests of loose cultivators by the Heisha Sect and track him. At the same time, he also felt that he was under a trap. The prey could never run away, so the guy shook his head and sighed with laughter, as if he had already eaten her.


"So, two months ago, Miss Zhao and the others disappeared, was it your fault?"

"is not it?!"

He was stunned, but he didn't expect that Mo Caihuan, who had opened his mouth to reveal important information, was instantly extinguished, and was about to suddenly burst into the mind of taking the lead in attacking the thief and capturing the king, and then he couldn't wait to blurt out and ask.

It's alright now, the other party didn't wait for her to capture and question her, and she said it first, and judging from the situation, there was no defense or concealment at all, which was too much for her.


"Return to Miss Zhao?"


"I've caught so many loose cultivators before and after, I can't even count them. Who knows which 'Miss Zhao' you're talking about?"

Regarding Mo Caihuan's anger and questioning, the man didn't mean to be on guard or hide it, he just told what he knew.


"Two months ago, I did catch a few loose cultivators who had completed their qi refining period. It seems that there was a surname Zhao?"


"She looks pretty pretty..."

There were indeed too many loose cultivators and those with the surname Zhao who were caught by them, and I can't remember them clearly.

However, among the group of elite cultivators who were applauded by the leader two months ago, there was a woman surnamed Zhao that really impressed him, because the other party had a strong desire to survive at the time, which made them black It took a lot of effort to take down the Shajiao after hundreds of people chased him for a long time.


"Say it!"

"What happened to Miss Zhao?"

Now that's all right, Mo Caihuan has figured it out, the dog thief in front of him, and the people in black on the surrounding cliffs at the Xinwang Mansion, are indeed the culprits that led to the disappearance of many loose cultivators!

More importantly, it turned out that it was not one or a few people who attacked many loose cultivators, but a large evil cultivator organization?

In this way, things make sense.

It's no wonder that in the short year since Mo Caihuan came to Xujing, there were so many loose cultivators in the vicinity who had frequent accidents and in most cases there was no clue at all, and there were few who could escape the claws. , It was such a group of guys who took action against the loose cultivators?


"How else can it be?"


"She was eaten by us and turned into a part of our Heisha Sect!"

Saying that, the villain in the distance, who used to be the sect master of Lanzhou's Five-color Sect and is now the guardian of the 'Black Demon Sect', opened his hands and laughed proudly. General evil spirits fluctuate.

"Black Demon Sect?"

After listening to the other party's words, Mo Caihuan, who knew that Miss Zhao had really been poisoned, first snorted, and then a nameless fire gradually rose from the bottom of her heart.

Although, she and Sister Cui'er had already prepared for the disappearance of the girl Zhao and the possibility that she had already been killed. After all, two or three months of no information is enough to explain something, but, Now that she personally heard what the murderer said, and the other party didn't show any apology or repentance, and didn't treat people like people, she still couldn't help but tremble slightly in her sword-wielding hand.


"You will pay for your evil deeds!"

Mo Caihuan, who finally suppressed her anger, gritted her teeth and said.

She made up her mind that today, she must teach the so-called "Black Demon Sect" villains a profound lesson, not only for personal hatred, but also for the sake of heaven and justice.

"The price?"


"Now you are just a turtle in a urn, what price can you make us pay?"

"I heard you scream, and then calluses on your ears?"

Hearing Mo Caihuan's words, the dog thief in the distance, the protector of the Heisha Sect once again laughed proudly and arrogantly.



"Something happened recently. We are currently lacking a loose cultivator to take to heal the wounds. We don't need to bother others, just decide it's you!"

Saying that, the man began to patrol Mo Caihuan's body with those unbridled eyes.

Obviously, he couldn't see what Mo Caihuan's true cultivation was.

Presumably, from his point of view, Mo Caihuan is nothing more than a mere stray cultivator, and if the stray cultivator reaches the sky, it is nothing more than the Great Perfection of Qi Refining. Surely it won't be too laborious.


Although he didn't know what the other party said about healing, Mo Caihuan knew that it was definitely not a good thing!

So, she began to step forward slowly, and while preparing to do it, she didn't forget to take a quick 'look' at the personal status displayed on her bracelet.


Character: Mo Caihuan

School: disciple of Wuzhuangguan

Title: Taoist Fairy Child (pseudo)

Level: 8

Constitution: 78

Mana: 63

Strength: 63

Stamina: 63

Agility: 68

Basic martial arts: Qixingdun (level 12), Zhou Yixue (level 20), Xiaoxiang Xianyu (level 25), Immortal Cultivation (level 19)

Has comprehended martial arts:

Star Wars (Comprehension condition: Seven Star Escape skill reaches level 1)

Exorcism (Comprehension condition: Zhouyi Learning skill reaches level 20)

Misty Rain Swordsmanship (comprehension condition: Xiaoxiang Xianyu skill reaches level 25)

Ethereal Form (comprehension condition: Xiaoxiang Xianyu skill reaches level 20)


Recently, she has been busy with investigations, and has basically not practiced much, so now she still has no progress, or only has four supernatural powers.

Among them, the 'Douzhuanxingxiao' is used for returning home and escaping, and it must not be used easily until the last moment!

As for 'repelling the corpse', it is an auxiliary magical power that relieves various poisoning states. It can be used to cure diseases and save people, but it is definitely not acceptable to use it against the enemy.

Therefore, Mo Caihuan knew that this time, the only thing she could rely on was the 'misty-style' swordsmanship that was good at melee combat with fewer enemies and the misty and rainy swordsmanship that could sustain multiple attacks on a single target, so , she must go all out later, otherwise, the consequences may be unpredictable.


"Catch her!"

Seeing Mo Caihuan's white clothes fluttering towards him step by step, the protector of the Heisha Sect didn't want to continue talking, so he just waved his hand.


"The Dharma Protector has an order: Do it!"



"Go on!!"

The next moment, after receiving the order, the men in black who surrounded the cliff and at the edge of the formation pulled out their weapons one after another, and jumped from the cliff dozens of meters high. Down, attacking Mo Caihuan from all directions.



Seeing those men in black coming in a rage and crowds, although I was still a little apprehensive, Mo Caihuan, who was unwilling to run away like this, still gritted his teeth, and when they approached quickly and would use The moment the sharp blade attacked her, she suddenly launched her master stunt—the ethereal style.


"What, what?"

In an instant, when the surrounding Heisha Sect believers were about to take the Mo Caihuan down, they stayed in the distance and remained unmoved. They never thought about the Heisha Sect who wanted to take action in person. Protector, the five-color door sect master only saw this scene in astonishment:

The 'Loose Cultivator' in fluttering white clothes suddenly raised the tattered long sword in his hand, and in the long sound of the long sword, he incarnated into myriads of thousands, but upon closer inspection, it was also a little vague. The incarnations are all inexistent, appearing very empty and mysterious?

Then, the countless vague incarnations, the afterimages caused by the excessive speed, and the figures with fluttering white clothes but full of beauty like a fairy descended from the earth, were all around their dozens of Heisha disciples. flashed away.

Maybe it didn't even take a breath, but when he blinked and regained his senses, the woman in white fluttering had already reappeared in place.


"No, it's impossible!!"

So, the Heisha sect protector directly exclaimed.

Of course, what terrified him even more was that the dozens of Heisha disciples who were the worst and in the middle stage of Qi training, after the other party's ethereal white figure stopped, a gust of air burst out from their necks. The scarlet blood, and then, actually covered their necks and fell to the ground one after another, tumbling and rolling?


This, so powerful?

To be honest, seeing this effect, even Mo Caihuan was taken aback.

Naturally, she wasn't surprised by the deaths of those Heisha disciples, she just felt a little unbelievable about how powerful the 'Mistoric' type was and how easy it was to kill and injure a large group of enemies.

After all, when their Mo family was destroyed and they were sacrificed in blood by demons in Yanjiabao, what kind of battles did she not see, and how could she have deserved cult disciples for the crimes in front of her?

"It happened!"

"She's not a loose cultivator!!"

Almost instantly, the guardian realized that the situation was wrong. Then, he shouted and instantly turned into a monster with sheep's horns. Then, while his strength soared, he turned around instead of advancing and retreating. Just run outside the formation.


"Dog thief!"

"Stop running!!"

Seeing this, Mo Caihuan, who was still silent in his fierce swordsmanship just now, hurriedly reprimanded, then accelerated and rushed up immediately.

Clang! !

Unfortunately, the opponent calmly passed through the formation and exited, but the Mo Caihuan who was pushed up from behind was blocked and bounced away.


"Open it to me!!"

Looking at the dog thief who was running farther and farther, Mo Caihuan was furious, raising his hand and stabbing towards the hemispherical transparent shield.


Soon, a crack appeared at the contact point, but the formation was not broken.

"Come again!"

Seeing that the formation doesn't seem to be very strong, Mo Caihuan was overjoyed, so he quickly raised his hand again, wrapped the long sword with spiritual energy, and stabbed it hard.


At this time, outside the formation, seeing that Mo Caihuan was as fierce as a servant, and was able to break through the formation with strength, the Heisha sect guardian who originally wanted to stop to see the situation no longer dared to delay, and directly released the magic weapon. , and then the imperial artifact flew and ran away without looking back.

Obviously, this time, he must have misunderstood!

He never imagined that the guy who looked reckless, had no ability to track, and seemed to be a little inexperienced in the world, was actually a powerful cultivator who could break through formations with his strength, and he could kill with one move. With dozens of disciples of his Heisha Sect, if he can achieve that level, they are at least masters of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment and even the Core Formation Stage, and enemies of that level, even if they are not disciples of the seven major sects It would be cultivated by a famous and authentic cultivator, and a **** like him who used a crooked way to walk on the path of cultivating immortals, how dare he easily provoke him?

So, seeing that the opportunity is not good and running away, it becomes his only choice right! !

A quarter of an hour later, the formation was forcibly broken by Mo Caihuan's powerful mana. However, she also discovered that the dog thief, the enemy, had long since disappeared.


"Let that dog thief run away?"

Looking left and right, and then looking at Wang Yi, the master of the five-color sect who had long since disappeared, Mo Caihuan, who was annoyed in her heart, couldn't help stamping her feet.


"What's next?"

Looking at the sky, it was completely dark, and then looking at the **** dense forest behind him. In the end, Mo Caihuan had to grit his teeth and turned towards the temple-like house in the mountain stream. past.

She wanted to see if there was anyone from the Heisha Cult or other clues, and then, whether she found it or not, she had to go back first, after all, it was getting late.

In fact, if you bite the bullet and try to catch up, you might not be able to catch up, but thinking about the fact that she didn't go back on time yesterday, so tired that the master and junior sister couldn't eat the dinner she made on time, and if she was late again today God knows what terrible things will happen then.

Although this happened for a reason, and what she did was the right thing to do, she couldn't guarantee whether she would be punished for it.


?(?^o^?)? Remember the monthly pass~?

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