Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1941: (????`?)? Fairy Mo's actions

After tossing and frolicking for half a night, Fairy Mo Caihuan Mo finally failed to borrow as many sect contribution points from her little sister Li, and she also did not know how many sects the other party had. Contribute points.

But what she knew, it must be a mysterious number that made her very curious but somewhat helpless.

Fortunately, the 'reasonable' junior sister Xiaoli reluctantly borrowed her a thousand points for her contribution after she agreed to the outrageous conditions of 'nine out of thirteen returns' and so on, allowing her to exchange for one. A handy 'Big Dipper Sword' and a 'Liuyun Su Skirt' plus some sundries that might be used in case of emergency.

After all, regardless of her personal mission or personal feelings, she, the 'Fairy Mo', must continue to carry out follow-up investigations and clean-up operations against the Black Demon Sect, and given that the enemy is likely to have a more powerful leader and a large number of disciples, Therefore, the necessary armor and weapons must be indispensable.

Although the seven-star sword that was exchanged did not have the great power and shocking origin like the 'Frost Cold Kyushu' or the 'Dragon Capture' that she saw at a glance, the Big Dipper Seven-Star Sword and The Liu Yun Su skirt is by no means ordinary.

At least, the long sword made of 'refined platinum iron and decorated with the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper' was by no means something that ordinary blacksmiths in Xujing could easily forge.

And as for the Liu Yun plain skirt that he just put on on his body, it is said that it is a skirt woven by the Weaver Girl with flowing clouds, and it has a very strong defensive power, let alone.

Last night, when it was just redeemed, Junior Sister Xiaoli still didn't believe in evil. She found the sharp kitchen knife in the kitchen and chopped her up without using her spiritual power, but in the end, Aside from feeling a little pain and being frightened, the plain skirt didn't even scratch at all, and the ground was amazing!

Of course, none of the above matters.

The important thing is: today, Fairy Mo Caihuanmo was finally able to tell the truth of the matter and the important information she had investigated about the real reason for the disappearance of the loose cultivator in recent years and other important information in detail to Xiao Cui'er who came to the appointment. younger sister.


"Black Demon Sect?"

After listening to Mo Caihuan's statement, Xiao Cui'er of course covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"Sister Mo, that means..."

"The Crown Prince Xin who was beaten up the night before, he is actually a villain of the Heisha Sect, and they captured us loose cultivators in order to give them some kind of evil practice?"

"They will still turn into that evil demon form, and then their skills will skyrocket?"

Hearing the shocking and terrifying news, Xiao Cui'er's face suddenly turned pale.

So much so that she didn't pay much attention to the little gestures that her sister Mo seemed to have changed into a new outfit today and wanted to show and show off to her from time to time.

"is that true?"

"The Heisha Sect is actually entrenched in the Xu country, and it may have some connection with the powerful and powerful people of the Xu country?"

"The country of Xu was controlled by the Black Demon Sect?"

This news is really really important. As she was talking, Xiao Cui'er couldn't help but stand up from the bamboo pavilion, and wanted to go back immediately and inform her grandfather and the others.

However, after thinking about it, she slowly frowned and sat down.

Obviously, she seems to know that even if she runs back to tell her grandfather now, it doesn't seem to be of any use?

After all, no matter whether the Heisha sect is entrenched in Xu country or near Xujing, there is no good way for these loose cultivators. The most powerful ones around Xujing are only perfect in refining Qi, and on average they are not good at refining Qi. The low-level strength in the middle and late stages is definitely unable to resist the terrifying Heisha Sect that has colluded with the secular dynasty.


"Sister Mo, what are you going to do next?"

"Need our help?"

Then, after thinking for a while, Xiao Cui'er hurriedly asked again.

Although knowing that she is only at the fifth level of qi refining is definitely not a big help, Xiao Cui'er feels that she is still a simple task, such as serving tea and water, running errands to pass information, or helping to track down. Barely capable.

Besides, there are not too many scattered cultivators near Xujing. If Sister Mo is willing, she and grandpa should be able to find a lot of people to help.

"I don't need it yet, and I haven't figured out how to deal with them now."

Shaking his head, Mo Caihuan refused.

"Now there are only one or two leaders of the Heisha Sect who are out of the water, and only the Xinwangfu and the valley to the north outside the city are found in the stronghold. The rest is still unclear."

"So, I'm going to continue to investigate."

She actually didn't know what to do, but she decided that she could start with the Xinwangfu that had already been discovered, and use that place as a breakthrough point to slowly dig out the Heisha who was buried in the Xu country.

Now, Fairy Mo has a sharp weapon and immortal clothes that are invulnerable to swords and guns. Not to mention she is full of confidence, but at least she has more confidence than before, so she is not going to let her this world of cultivating the only thing left. The next friend is easily in danger.

After all, even if she can't beat her at that time, she can use the division's supernatural power to escape directly, and then go home to rescue soldiers, but the other party is difficult to say, her division's supernatural power can't bring others.

"Not like this!"

"Sister Cui'er, if possible, I still hope that after you go back, your grandfather will quickly pass on the Heisha Sect in the loose cultivator, so that everyone can be vigilant?"

"If you find out more, you can also come and let me know."

"However, before I try to get rid of them completely, you'd better hibernate first, or leave the country of Xu and go somewhere else to avoid the limelight, and don't let the people of the Heisha Sect catch you to practice. "

The ordinary disciples of the Heisha Sect all have mid-stage qi training levels, and there are a large number of them. Those leaders are likely to have strong foundation building or above, such as the dog thief enemy that Mo Caihuan met that day. After the transformation, the strength has indeed improved a lot. If a loose cultivator like Sister Cui'er encounters it, it will definitely be irresistible.

So, thinking that she couldn't protect the other party, and for the safety of the other party, she could only instruct her like this.

"Sister Mo!"

"We're fine."

Xiao Cui'er hurriedly waved her hand and said.

"My grandfather and I have the 'breathing technique', which can restrain the breath. As long as we don't investigate at close range, no one will know that we are immortal cultivators."

"We're not leaving!"

"In addition to helping you pass on the situation, we can help you investigate!"

"Can you keep track of you?"

After all, over the years, many acquaintances and loose cultivators around them have 'disappeared', but she and her grandfather Xiao Zhen have always been fine, and they have never been discovered and taken away by Heisha, which proves that she The exercises depicted on the animal skin that Grandpa and Grandpa picked up are indeed unique.

Therefore, she felt that if Sister Mo really wanted to eradicate the Black Demon Sect for Tianxingdao, they would definitely be able to help a little.

"That's not OK!"

"Too dangerous."

"You don't have enough ability to protect yourself, and I won't let you participate in it."

It's a pity that Mo Caihuan didn't even think about it, just shook his head and rejected the other party's kindness.

Of course she wouldn't refuse to send a message to her when other loose cultivators found out by accident, but if she deliberately intervenes in the affairs of the Heisha Sect, then she would never allow it, no matter what. Especially before she made a thorough investigation, she didn't want the other party to get involved so quickly, so as to save the time when the other party, like that girl Zhao, happened that kind of thing that she couldn't regret.


"Sister Mo, do you want to solve the Heisha Sect alone?"

After a pause, Xiao Cui'er pursed her lips and asked worriedly.

"Would that be a little reluctant?"

Although she knew that Sister Mo was cultivating very fast in front of her, she already had the kind of Taoism around the stage of forming a pill in just one year, and her master's supernatural powers and swordsmanship were even more extraordinary, which made her envy all the time. , but, if possible, she still doesn't want the other party to deal with the Heisha Sect alone, it is really too dangerous.

"Don't worry!"

"I won't mess around. I'm going to continue the investigation first. At least I have to thoroughly understand the specific situation of the Black Demon Sect, and then I will take action according to the situation."

"Besides, even if I really can't beat it, I can still ask my master and sister for help, and it should be fine."

Mo Caihuan said with confidence.

Although her family's master Annie might not be involved in such 'boring' little things, but Junior Sister Xiaoli is different, the other party will definitely help, after all, she still owes the other party a thousand sect contributions If the other party didn't want to lose everything, he would definitely consider and think about it carefully.


"Sister Mo, what are your plans next?"


"Of course, I'm going to start from the stronghold outside the opponent's city and the Xinwangfu!"

"However, the stronghold outside the city may be abandoned directly by the other party, and there should be no valuable information."

"But, Prince Xin's Mansion can't escape!"

"That Prince Xin, and the other's Master Wu Xianshi, I think if you start with them, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort?"

"Prince Xin's Mansion?"


"Yes! Since Prince Xin's son is taught by Heisha, then the other party's master must be too."

"However, Sister Mo, immortal cultivators can't arbitrarily take action against mortals in secular dynasties, especially those high-ranking officials in the imperial court. Don't mess around when that happens!"


"Is there such a thing?"

"Of course there is!"

"That's the rule set by the seven major factions many years ago, and it is also known to the world of immortals. If you really do something with the powerful and powerful of that secular dynasty, maybe the seven major factions will be disturbed."

After the two discussed it for a while, Xiao Cui'er hurriedly explained it on her behalf when she saw that Sister Mo didn't seem to understand some of the rules that everyone in the world of immortal cultivation had acquiesced to.

"That is to say..."

"Even if I want to attack the Heisha Sect, I can only do it to those who are sure to be the Heisha Sect, and if I mess up, it may lead to seven major factions?"

For this matter, Mo Caihuan felt a little rare.

However, speaking of the seven factions, she thought of her big brother Han again.

She remembered that when they met a year ago, the other party had told her that he was a disciple of a cultivator called 'Huangfenggu', and Huangfenggu seemed to be one of the seven major sects?

"more or less?"

"But not necessarily!"

"I heard that the seven major factions are now fighting fiercely with the devil, and I don't know what's going on, but as long as you don't go too far, Sister Mo, they shouldn't interfere easily."

Having said this, Xiao Cui'er couldn't help but sigh again, and her immature face in her early thirteen or fourteen years rarely showed a trace of sadness that did not match her age.


"If it weren't for the fact that the Xiu Xian world is currently in chaos, maybe the seven sects would have sent people to investigate the matter of the black evil sect."

From this, Xiao Cui'er can actually see that these loose cultivators are loose cultivators after all, and they have not been given too much attention by the seven major factions.

After all, over the years, the Heisha Sect has captured so many loose cultivators, it is estimated that there are hundreds before and after, and it is absolutely impossible for the seven major sects to receive no news at all, but the other party has always turned a blind eye and let the black If the Shajiao is here in Xujing, it clearly explains the specific position of these loose cultivators in the hearts of the seven major sects.

Thinking of it this way, it is precisely because of this that the Heisha Sect has no fear, that it makes frequent calls, and does not have to worry about being suppressed by the seven major factions, so there must be some considerations in this regard.

These loose cultivators, after all, are a group of helpless existences in the world of immortals, and they don't have much power themselves, so they are destined to be bullied and ignored at any time, and they have no reason to reason.

Therefore, before she and Sister Zhao thought that Fa'er was going to join Sister Mo's sect, but it turned out that a year later, Sister Zhao was murdered, and she herself was still unable to enter, and she was still scattered. Fix one.

"Won't come?"

"That's better."

"You can rest assured, Sister Cui'er, I will naturally not mess with those who have nothing to do with Heisha Sect."

"Besides, what about the seven major factions, is it possible that they dare to make things difficult for Fairy Ben?"

Mo Caihuan said arrogantly.

You must know that Fairy Mo Caihuanmo is a disciple of the Great Immortal of Flame and the Great Immortal Sect of Yuanzi in Wuzhuangguan Town. Her identity is not necessarily worse than that of the seven major factions, and what she wants to do is hard to return. Does it have to be approved by the seven major factions?


"Sister Cui'er, this is for you!"

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Mo Caihuan suddenly remembered another thing, and then hurriedly took out a piece of yellow square paper from her bracelet and handed it to Xiao Cui'er.


"Sister Mo, what kind of spell is this?"

"What is the use?"

Although she is a loose cultivator, Xiao Cui'er's knowledge is not low. She can see at a glance what Sister Mo is giving her.

"It's a flying charm!"

"It's a magical spell. After using it, you can travel across the earth and travel thousands of miles!"

"I don't know when the Heisha will be eradicated. So, Sister Cui'er, you hold it. If you encounter danger in the future, use your spiritual power to activate it immediately, and then you can return here immediately."

She specially exchanged it with the sect contribution points. It was a little expensive. She only exchanged two for a rainy day, and now she has only one left after giving one to Sister Cui'er.

Originally, the sect contribution points can be exchanged for a more affordable 'Guiding Flag', but, to use that kind of guiding flag, you need to first exchange and learn a Taoist method called 'Qimen Dunjia', Mo Caihuan There must be not so many contribution points to squander now, so she can only change two flying charms and some useful medicine pills.


"so smart?"

"Then I can't take it anymore!"

"Sister Mo, you are going to deal with the Heisha Sect, it will be very dangerous, you should keep it yourself."

Saying that, Xiao Cui'er hurriedly handed it back to reject it.

"No need!"

Having said that, Mo Caihuan smiled and took out another one.

"Look, I still have it here!"

"Besides, my teacher has a supernatural power called 'Dou Zhuan Xing Yi', and those people of the Heishan Sect must be helpless to me."

"Sister Cui'er, don't worry!"

After pushing the opponent's hand back without question, Mo Caihuan was ready to end today's brief meeting, and then proceed to her mission of 'destroying the Heisha Sect'.

This time, she decided to continue with the Xinwangfu.

Although the Wang Yi who was discovered by her ran away, but the monk could run away but couldn't run away from the temple. She is now staring at the Xinwangfu. She can't believe that she can't find more information about the other party's Heisha Sect?


"Sister Mo, you must be careful!"

"I'll go back and tell my grandfather the news, you must be careful!"

"If you need help with anything, remember to contact us!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Cui'er still did not reject Mo Caihuan's kindness in the end.

So, after carefully putting away the spell, seeing that her sister Mo had nothing else to do, she hurriedly ran to the direction outside the bamboo forest while talking, and soon disappeared in the bamboo forest inside.


"Black Demon Sect..."

"This fairy is here!"

After watching Sister Cui Er While it was still early, Mo Caihuan picked up the Big Dipper Seven Star Sword that had been placed on the bamboo table before, and then also walked towards Xu. Go in the direction of Jing.

She decided that she would go to the city to stalk during the day, come back to make dinner at night, and then go to stalk after a short rest. She didn't believe that the Heisha Sect could hold its breath, and as long as the other party showed more flaws, that was When Fairy Mo punishes evil and promotes good!

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

Naturally, while punishing evil and promoting good, there is also revenge for the family and countless contributions from the sect, which is something that Fairy Mo would never give up easily.


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