Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1971: ?(???)? 3 women 1 play

On this day, the Six Demon Sects who won the battle that lasted for several years in the Immortal Cultivation World, but their camp was taken over.

What exactly happened, Xu's world of immortality and the seven major factions are not very clear.

However, they only know that the old monster Yunlu, who was in charge of the Demon Dao camp and was in charge of the battle, was beaten away, and more than half of the magic Dao masters in the Core Formation stage were killed or injured, and the remaining ones who didn't die didn't know how to run. where it goes.

As for the thousands of disciples of the Six Sects of Demon Dao who were originally stationed in the main camp, they died and ran. Those who didn't die and didn't run have a high chance of being summoned by the Great Flood General who was vented by the later Li Daxian. The camp was drowned when it rushed into a flat land.

Immediately afterwards, the news that Wuzhuangguan Huoyan Daxian was probably an old monster in the transformation period and Wuzhuang Guanli Daxian was a great power in the early Yuan Ying stage, so he flew away from the disciples of the Six Demonic Sects and the rescued disciples of the Five Sects. The mouth spread toward the entire Xu country and even the entire Tiannan.

In this regard, it is very surprising, and I don't know what the people of the Six Sects of the Devil's Path are thinking. Not only did they not mobilize the army and the monks of the Yuan Ying period to go back to encircle and suppress the Wuzhuangguan Huoyan Daxian and Li Daxian, but they also accelerated the attack. The speed of the five factions that have been beaten to the extent that they have no ability to resist, that is, the five factions of the Covering Moon Sect, Huangfenggu, Qingxumen, Huadaowu, and Jujianmen are advancing rapidly.

According to their meaning, it seems that they want to completely eliminate the organized cultivators in the Xu country in a short period of time, that is, to completely destroy the five factions, and then turn back to deal with the Wuzhuangguan and that only three or five people. Flame Fairy?

Of course, Huo Daxian didn't know what the man in the devil's way was thinking, and he didn't want to find out!

Anyway, she is now taking Mo Caihuan, Jin Xiaoli, Xiao Cui'er, Chen Qiaoqian and the captured prisoner Dong Xuan'er to camp and repair on the bank of a river not far from Jinguyuan. At all, I never thought about going after the Demon Army and saving the five major factions of Xu Kingdom.

"so beautiful……"

"Fairy Mo, I'm afraid this isn't a treasure like the large flying boat from my Seventh...My Five faction, right?"

"But your Wuzhuangguan flying boat is much more luxurious and delicate than my eagle-headed flying boat in Huangfeng Valley."

Chen Qiaoqian followed Mo Caihuan to the so-called tourist ship 'Xiaobai', which was so crystal clear that it was made of white jade and was super gorgeous. .

Although, Huang Fenggu is not without such a large flying boat. Even when she was on the front line of Jinguyuan, she had seen flying boats from other sects many times, such as the one from the Covering Moon Sect?

But in comparison, its gorgeousness is far from the 'Xiaobai' in front of me!

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the exclusive large flying boat of the gods of the transformation period, and they are really incomparable to the small sect of Huangfenggu.

"This is not from our Wuzhuang Guan, but from my master Annie!"

"Okay, Miss Chen, don't talk about it, come in, we can finally have a good rest."

Shaking his head, Mo Caihuan explained one more sentence before letting go of the cabin door, indicating that Chen Qiaoqian had something to say to come and say it first.

Anyway, about the fact that her master Annie, the flame immortal, has nothing to do with Wuzhuangguan, and also has no belonging or subordination, she can't explain it right now, and she can only occasionally turn to these preconceived ideas. Fellow Daoists, as for whether these fellow Daoists believe or not, then she can't control that much.


"What, Miss Dong, do you want me to invite you in?"

Then, seeing Dong Xuan'er who was standing in front of the door, not knowing what to think, and was not willing to come in, Mo Caihuan asked the other party with a half-smile.

To be honest, this situation is really a feng shui rotation, and the karma cycle is unhappy!

Is this not?

A few hours ago, Fairy Mo Caihuanmo was still a prisoner of the other party's subordinates, and then she was washed and stripped by the other party and pressed into the bathtub to bathe, and she was still anxiously waiting for some terrible fate to happen to her.

But now it's alright, her master and sister of Mo Caihuan rescued her from the hands of the old demon Yunlu, and then the other party became her captive of Mo Caihuan. This kind of rapid change in identity, in addition to It made her feel that in addition to bursts of raised eyebrows, there was an inexplicable pleasure in her heart.

"No need!"

"How dare you trouble Fairy Mo to you."

Originally, Dong Xuaner wanted to run away because she was not restricted or sealed with her spiritual power. As long as she wanted to, she could just fly away with her sword.

However, thinking that there is an old monster in the spirit transformation stage and a powerful Li Daxian who is also in the Nascent Soul stage but can beat her cheap father Yunlu old demon, after she hesitated again and again, she still did not dare to do so. to do it.

After all, if the other party didn't seal her, she must have some kind of confidence and confidence. She must be confident that she won't run away, but if she doesn't know what to do, God knows what will be waiting for her, Dong Xuan'er. ?

"Speaking of which, Xuan'er hasn't had time to thank Fairy Mo and your teachers yet!"


"Dong Xuan'er, the disciple of Huangfenggu Hongfu, thank Fairy Mo for saving her life."

With that said, after entering the hall of this beautiful so-called 'sightseeing' spaceship, without waiting for anyone to say anything, Dong Xuan'er was preconceived and gave Fairy Mo a smile and bowed and bowed, and then she looked innocent. Stand up straight.

And looking at Fairy Mo with round eyes, she couldn't help but feel even more proud.

She thinks, at this time, Fang Shaxia must have a stunned expression, which is very interesting just thinking about it.

She had almost forgotten that in addition to being the daughter of the old demon Yunlu, Dong Xuan'er was also a disciple of Huang Fenggu, and she was indeed kidnapped. In addition, when she was in the magic camp, she did not face her eyes. There is something rude about this Fairy Mo, so right now, she doesn't need to worry about anything at all.

But in any case, it's right that she Dong Xuan'er is not a prisoner.




Sure enough, after hearing what the other party said, Mo Caihuan was so choked that she didn't know what to say.

She never thought that things would turn out like this. When the other party was in the six camps of the Demon Dao Sect, she was obviously the eldest lady of the Hehuan Sect, and then she was her own prisoner just now, but now, the other party has begun to call herself a disciple of Huang Fenggu. Come on, how could there be such a shameless person in this world?



"Miss Chen?"

"I forgot to ask."

"She, is she really your Huang Fenggu's disciple?"

As a last resort, Mo Caihuan was annoyed, so she turned her head and asked Chen Qiaoqian who was looking around in the hall beside her.

Although the other party said it once before in the six camps of the Demon Dao Sect, Mo Caihuan really wanted to confirm this matter, so as not to let some evil demons get involved with them.


"Of course yes."

"I still remember, it's about less than a year, right?"

"At that time, Senior Sister Dong and Senior Uncle Hongfu came to Jinguyuan to practice together. Then, I don't know what happened. I heard that Senior Sister Dong never came back after going out, and then it was reported that Senior Sister Dong was arrested. and missing news."

"In this regard, Master Hongfu and Master Li Huayuan have sent people to look for it for a long time."

"I didn't even think that Senior Sister Dong was actually caught by that terrifying old demon Yunlu, and she actually had a relationship with that person."

Dong Xuan'er was actually the illegitimate daughter of Senior Uncle Hongfu and Old Demon Yunlu. When she first learned about that kind of thing, Chen Qiaoqian was very surprised. She never thought that the truth was like that!

However, she is not good at judging and discussing too much about the secrets of the elders of the division, but she only knows one thing: Senior Sister Dong Xuan'er was indeed captured by people from the Six Sects of the Devil's Way. Many of the disciples of Huangfenggu knew about the matter, including Senior Brother Liu Jing and Junior Brother Han, who also knew about it.

"It really is?"


"All right!"

"Since they are both fallen from the end of the world, I will not embarrass you!"

As a last resort, seeing that Chen Qiaoqian had said so, Mo Caihuan thought about it, and then said nothing more, after all, she was also arrested, and now it is not good to embarrass the other party again.

"Junior Sister Chen is right."

"But I wasn't caught by the old demon Yunlu, I was caught by that guy, Wang Chan, the young master of Ghost Spirit Sect."

"At that time, I was cleaning up a few disciples of the devil's way, but I accidentally chased a little further, and then I accidentally bumped into that Wang Chan. The other party was very crowded and immediately arrested me."

"And then, the other party sent me to the Hehuan Sect..."

"I thought I was dead then!"


"It's soft and comfortable!


Said, that Dong Xuan'er was really like a guest, and she didn't see the outside world. She walked directly to the hall, and then sat down towards the milky white 'soft', and then she was shocked, and then she narrowed her eyes to relax. Where did you lie down.



Chen Qiaoqian did not believe in evil, so she walked over and sat down.

"It's not a flop."

"This is a sofa, made of the leather of the thousand-year-old monster."

At this time, a beautiful lady in a palace uniform came out with a few cups of drinks, and then gave each of the three present a cup before explaining with a smile.


"Thank you."

"Who is this……"

Seeing this, Dong Xuan'er and Chen Qiaoqian hurriedly sat up straight to receive and thank them, and at the same time they didn't forget to cast a questioning look at Mo Caihuan.

"I do not know either……"

"Her name is Xiaobai, she seems to belong to this 'flying boat'..."

"Should be considered an artifact, right?"

It was also the second time that Mo Caihuan had entered here. She didn't know more about the matter here than the two of them, so she could only answer reluctantly.

"Tool, tool spirit?!"

"My God!"

"For a flying boat that can generate an artifact spirit, she at least has a cultivation level above Nascent Soul, right?"

"Senior Sister Dong, Junior Sister thinks it should be more than that!"

"The conditions for this kind of flying boat to generate an artifact spirit are much more demanding than the requirements for the transformation of the demon race!"

"Then what do you think she is?"


"Fairy Mo, what do you think?"


"I do not know either……"

"But I heard from the master that she has a powerful technique called 'fusion bomb', which can shatter Tiannan Continent with one blow!"



"How can it be possible to smash Tiannan into pieces with one blow?!"


"Even even a powerful cultivator above the God Transformation stage can't do it, right?"

"I do not know then……"

"Anyway, what Master Annie said, I wouldn't dare to ask her in person."


In this way, Mo Caihuan, Chen Qiaoqian, and Dong Xuan'er were startled to discuss what kind of existence the "Xiao Bai", the artifact spirit of the flying boat, was.

They just whispered whispers like that, and kept thinking about the so-called 'fusion bomb' that the other party practiced, what kind of amazing exercises, and why they couldn't even notice it. The other party has the slightest spiritual power. Is the other party the same as the flame fairy, the existence of the kind of spirit transformation or the above cultivation level, and so on.

As they talked, the relationship between the three gradually improved.


"Fairy Mo, where are your junior sister Li Daxian and that little sister Xiao Cui'er?"

At this time, Dong Xuan'er, who had gradually become familiar with her, suddenly asked.


"Should we bathe together in the bathtub on the second floor?"

Mo Caihuan did not hesitate, just glanced in a certain direction on the ceiling of the hall, and then said with some hesitation.



"The Great Fire Immortal is so kind, how can you let Great Immortal Li and Xiao Cui'er bathe together?"


"Let's go too?"

Dong Xuan'er didn't know what to think, but she suddenly said eagerly.




"Do not!"

"I dont go!"

However, what Dong Xuan'er never expected was that her junior sister Chen Qiaoqian and Fairy Mo turned their faces into a stern refusal, and she didn't know why.

"How do you..."

So, she was puzzled and asked in a confused way.


"I'm not going anyway!"

Mo Caihuan knew it. Now that her junior sister or Cui'er's sister didn't know who she was, she was afraid that she was being beaten. Of course, it was also possible that both were being beaten. How could she send her to the door by herself?


Chen Qiaoqian didn't speak, just moved her **** subconsciously.

She also wouldn't tell that Senior Sister Dong: Before, she accidentally encountered a stab, and then, based on the principle of fairness, she was also grabbed and beaten by the unreasonable Huo Xian. The pain was still fresh in her memory.

Moreover, after so many days of contact, she actually understood it for a long time. The character of that Fire Immortal is that of a little girl, and some of the things the other party does are sometimes completely unreasonable. At certain times, such as now, is it best to stay a little further away from each other?



"Senior Sister Chen, how has Junior Brother Han been recently?"

"I haven't heard from him for almost a year."

At this time, suddenly, Dong Xuan'er thought of a certain guy, she drank the cold but delicious drink through a straw, and then asked.


"He returned to Huangfeng Valley after Xujing destroyed the Heisha Sect. He has never come to Jinguyuan. He should be fine, right?"

Seeing that Dong Xuan'er seemed very interested, Chen Qiaoqian had no choice but to recount what they had done in Xujing a few months ago and their experience with Mo Caihuan and others.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"


"Miss Dong, what's your relationship with Han... Fellow Daoist Han?"

After Chen Qiaoqian finished speaking, looking at the expression on Dong Xuan'er's face, Mo Caihuan frowned, and finally couldn't hold it any longer and asked.

"This is..."

Dong Xuan'er's face froze, and then she thought about it. She was a little embarrassed and didn't know where to start.

"I know!"

"Fairy Mo, it's like this. My Master Hongfu and Master Li Huayuan originally planned to match these two to become Taoist companions, but after looking at the situation, Junior Brother Han seems to be a little unhappy?"

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Dong Xuan'er's face, Chen Qiaoqian hurriedly told what she knew.

"That is, Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, but Junior Brother Han doesn't want to accept the arrangement of the two uncles, right?"


"Senior Sister Dong, don't be too sad, because I confessed to Junior Brother Han before, and he rejected me as well. That's a ruthless guy!"

"He actually pretended to be stupid with me, thinking that I didn't know what he did to me, and he fed me Wangyou Dan several times..."

"He doesn't know, I remembered it all when Fairy Mo helped me use the detoxification last time!"

Chen Qiaoqian said bitterly, and accidentally revealed some of her secrets, causing Dong Xuan'er and Mo Caihuan, who were already affectionate to Han Li, to stare at each other, as if they wanted to know. What did Han Li do to her?

It's a pity that Chen Qiaoqian was just a little resentful, but did not continue to talk about it in detail.

"It turns out that..."

"Speaking of..."

"I haven't seen that fellow Daoist Han for several months, and I don't know how he is doing now."

Unexpectedly, the two old and new friends in front of me are actually the Taoist companion designated by the elder brother Han, and the other is the confidante of the elder brother Han, which makes Mo Caihuan who is in a state of confusion not knowing what to say. Just fine.


After thinking that both of them were rejected by the cruel big brother Han, and thinking that she had the same experience, Mo Caihuan felt a little better and balanced.

Of course, at the same time, I have a little more affection for the two of I heard that the army of the magic road is leaving for Huangfeng Valley, you said..."

"Will fellow Daoist Han be in danger?"



"I heard that when I went to suppress the demon army of the five factions, there were several old Nascent Soul monsters in the line!"


"Then what should we do?"

"What else can I do, I can only go with the Great Immortal Flame, and we can't beat it."


"Hey, I just hope Junior Brother Han is okay?"


Then, after Mo Caihuan asked such a question, the three women who had a lot in common and who were suffering from the same illness started chatting one after another on the sofa in this luxurious hall.

What they didn't know was that at this time, in the Yellow Maple Valley, hundreds of thousands of miles away, the huge 'Dragon Stunning Bell' was rang.

Then, a certain Han Li (Junior Brother Han), who was packing his luggage in the cave and preparing to run for refuge, also heard the bell.


"Shocking Dragon Bell..."

"Twelve times!"

"Destroy the door!?"

Hearing the twelve bells echoing in the huge mountains of Huangfeng Valley, Han Li, who was thinking about his way back, couldn't help but change his expression.

"Could it be..."

"Is there really a big incident on the front line?!"

Then, his face was a little ugly. After hurriedly packing up some important items, he gritted his teeth and planned to go to the sect hall to see the situation first. If the situation is not good, he will return immediately, and then pack all the things and run away.


(?ω?) Where is the monthly pass?

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