Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1978: (??ω??) 2 peach kill 3 people

Although Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng, the two old Nascent Soul monsters who arrived after hearing the news, did not immediately turn against the old demon Yunlu and face each other with swords because of the 'Golden Dragon Scissors'. Fighting against each other is definitely inevitable.

Anyway, when the so-called omnipotent, in fact, omnipotent and capable of doing anything, Huo Daxian and her little follower, Koi Xiaoli, received Mo Caihuan's distress signal, and immediately let her small ship. When the white travel and sightseeing spacecraft rushed to the scene in stealth, they only saw this scene in front of them:

In the sky above the valley, three groups of people are fighting meleely!

That's right, the kind of fight where you hit me, I hit him, and he hits you.

The first group was the two ghost-sect Yuanying old monsters with grimace masks on their faces; the other group was the Mo Caihuan holding the 'Golden Dragon Double Scissors' and sending out golden dragon strangling attacks from time to time. Team up with an unfamiliar Taoist nun that I have never seen before; the last one is the old demon Yunlu who had fought with the koi carp in the sky above the Jinguyuan Demon Dao Camp!

As for the people who came with Mo Caihuan before, such as Dong Xuan'er, Chen Qiaoqian and Xiao Cui'er, they were surrounded by several beautiful young ladies in white gauze beside the flying chariot in the distance. They were held and controlled with long swords.

At this moment, their three unlucky and tragic guys, let alone resisting or running away, even their spiritual power was sealed up, and they just stood there with a bitter face and couldn't move.



"Aren't those people in the same group?"


On the invisible spaceship, Annie stretched out her hand to stop the koi who wanted to rush forward and help, and then asked strangely.


"I have no idea……"

Jin Xiaoli shook his head, how did she know why this was the case?

"However, Master!"

"Little Li only knows that if we don't help, Senior Sister Mo will soon be unable to hold on!"

Then, Jin Xiaoli said anxiously.

Actually, she didn't care that her senior sister Mo died. She was just worried that when the other party died, she would ask her Li Daxian to buy Jiuzhuan and return to the soul pill and healing medicine for treatment. In that case, she would come and go. It's a big loss!

You must know that Senior Sister Mo still owes her a full 50,000 contribution points. She will not let the other party die if she says anything. At least, she will not let the other party die until the other party pays off.



"That's fine! You go and rescue those three idiots over there first, and they will be handed over to others!"


Annie pointed to the three idiots Dong Xuan'er, Chen Qiaoqian and Xiao Cui'er who were being held hostage in the distance. The villain next to the three of them was not very good, so there would be no problem if they were handed over to Jin Xiaoli.

Of course, even if there is a problem, it doesn't matter, anyway, even if it is dead, there is a way to save it.


Hearing that, the koi carp, who has always been good at bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, will of course not refuse, so without hesitation, she turned around and quietly sneaked towards the chariot in the distance and flew over.



"Stop it all!





"You three people, when will this be called?!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

After letting Jin Xiaoli go to save the people first, Annie looked at those people and fought for a while. Then, when she saw that the three parties seemed to be helpless for the time being, she might have to fight for a long time before they could win. After losing, she couldn't help it a little, and she flashed forward and showed her figure, and shouted shyly.



Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng from Ghost Spirit Sect had never seen Annie before, so when they saw someone appearing, they immediately stopped and quickly retreated a short distance. A suspicious and fierce look.



"is her?!"

However, the old demon Yunlu knew a lot. After hearing the voice and seeing the figure, he immediately stopped and retreated hundreds of meters, and the expression on his face began to become cloudy.



Then, after hearing Old Demon Yunlu's exclamation and seeing the other party's reaction, Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng, the two Nascent Soul monsters, were not that kind of mindless. Supernatural powers and spells and again retreated a long distance.


"It's Master!"

"Great! Master, are you finally here?"

After the three Nascent Soul old monsters stepped back, Mo Caihuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, cheered at the same time, and hurriedly greeted the new little figure.



"Fairy Jingmo's master?"

"I see……"

It was found that the person who came was the teacher of Fairy Mo, the Great Immortal Huo who had beaten the old demon Yunlu and flooded the demon camp. Fu also hurriedly followed Mo Caihuan to the little girl's side and bowed in a proper manner, directly doing the kind of disciple ceremony that puts his status very low.

"Huangfenggu Hongfu..."

"I have seen Shang Xian!"

After all, the other party is Fairy Mo's master, and Fairy Mo's strength is higher than her Hongfu, so there is nothing wrong with her treating Fairy Mo's master as a disciple.

Besides, she is not the kind of person who judges people by their appearance, but she will not dare to despise the other party just because she looks like a little girl.



"Don't go back and forth all day long, it's so annoying!"


Annie waved her hand impatiently, and then turned to look at Mo Caihuan and asked:

"what is the problem?"


"I just saw that the three of you seem to be fighting each other, aren't they a group?"


Yes, that's what makes Annie curious.

From her point of view, the two strange uncles with masks and the strange man with calcium in them should be in the same group, but she just saw that the two wearing masks not only attacked Mo Caihuan The Taoist aunt and aunt who teamed up with this team also tried to stop the strange **** with calcium in the calcium, and the strange **** with calcium in the calcium also played against both sides at the same time, so she wanted to find out. key among them.


Hearing his master's question, Mo Caihuan certainly didn't dare to hide it.

"It's like this..."

So, she just briefly pointed out that they wanted to go to Huangfeng Valley to check the situation, and then accidentally encountered this fellow Hongfu Daoist and his disciples who were ambushed and besieged by demonic demons, and then looked at it, she could not see it. He told me about what he had done outrageously to help.

The result can be...

She had just attacked and cleaned up the three elixir-forming demons, but suddenly three old monsters in the Nascent Soul came in, and the other party also captured Xiao Cuier, Chen Qiaoqian and Dong Xuan'er. And he wanted to capture her and this fellow Daoist Hongfu alive.

There was no way, they who didn't want to be captured, of course, sent out a signal for help while fighting with each other.

Fortunately, the three Nascent Soul old monsters were not of one mind.

Among them, the two wearing masks seem to have taken a fancy to the treasures in her hands that have just been replaced for two days, that is, the two double short swords 'Golden Dragon Scissors', while the old demon Yunlu is even more ruthless. , the other party not only took a fancy to the weapon in her hand, but also seemed to take a fancy to her Fairy Mo and fellow Daoist Hong Fu next to her. The other party wanted to take people and things with them?

And for that kind of outrageous thing, the two masked ghost spirit door Nascent Soul old monsters are naturally irresistible. They said that people can take them away, but weapons can't!

As a result, the three parties naturally fought without a word.

The two ghosts of Yuan Ying and Old Demon Yunlu both wanted to give birth to them, but they also wanted to grab the double short swords in her Mo Caihuan's hand, and at the same time, they had to give The other party makes the stumbling, or prevents the other party from making the stumbling?

In the end, when the three Nascent Soul old monsters had to use most of their energy to fight infighting and stumbling each other, she Mo Caihuan and fellow Daoist Hong Fu worked together and relied on the magic weapon in their hands to fight. With help, he managed to maintain a situation where he couldn't win but couldn't lose easily, and it continued until the arrival of his master who received a distress signal.

"So that's how it is..."


Nodding, after hearing this, Daxian Anni said that she finally knew the reason why the two groups of people fought each other even though they were in the same group.



Then, she frowned and looked at the pair of 'Golden Dragon Double Scissors' broken swords in Mo Caihuan's hands, and then raised her head to look at the three Nascent Soul old monsters opposite, and began to think hard.

"Have it!"


Soon, she seemed to think of a good way to forcibly grab the pair of golden double daggers with a dragon-shaped phantom from Mo Caihuan's hands, and then waved them directly towards the opposite side. The three of them who were still unwilling to leave said Mengmeng:



"The strange uncle on the opposite side, listen carefully!"


"Don't you want them?"


"People can actually call the shots and give them to you!"


Annie just said loudly, ignoring Mo Caihuan's shocked and anxious expression, and before Mo Caihuan wanted to speak, she quickly waved her hand to signal the other party to step back.



The two old Nascent Soul monsters, Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng, just looked at each other. They didn't speak in a hurry, but stood silently aside with some jealousy and jealousy.

After knowing that the little girl was the Great Flame Immortal, they knew that they would not be able to get the pair of short swords easily today.

However, they are not in a hurry to leave.

First, they want to see the specific strength of the other party; second, because they don't want to easily give up the pair in the other's hands, they don't know what their origins are, but they are likely to be more mysterious than magic weapons!

Anyway, in their opinion, Mo Caihuan's performance in using them to compete against the three Nascent Souls has already proved that it is a divine artifact of the heaven and earth treasure level, and it can make the cultivator of the Core Formation stage threaten the Nascent Soul. The treasure that the monks attacked, they would not let it go easily no matter what!

Otherwise, they wouldn't have risked turning against each other just now to fight with the old ghost Yunlu.


"Fellow Daoist Flame..."

"If Your Excellency is really willing to give up your love, this seat can not only release those three people, but also promise that in the future, I will not be embarrassed by your five villages under the Hehuan Sect."


In fact, the old demon Yunlu doesn't really believe that the little girl is willing to give away the treasure directly, but now he has a hostage in his hand, so he doesn't panic at all, and points to the captured man not far behind him. The three women said half-threateningly while smiling.

After all, no matter what, he has the initiative in his hands today. Even if the competition fails, he believes that he can retire calmly, just like the last time he was in the Jinguyuan camp.



"Are you threatening people?"


Annie could hear the meaning of the other party's words. That guy actually wanted to exchange the hostages for the two broken blades in her hand?

"But people won't change with you!"


Then, Annie made a big grimace directly at the other party.

At this moment, very suddenly, a certain Jin Xiaoli, who also had the cultivation of the Nascent Soul, and with the help of the magic weapon, was able to draw a tie with the old demon Yunlu unexpectedly and suddenly shot and launched sneak attack.

At that moment, she not only rescued the captured Dong Xuan'er, Chen Qiaoqian and Xiao Cui'er, but also smashed Old Demon Yunlu's chariot into pieces. The maid of the Hehuan Sect also vomited blood from her attack, and then fell into the sea of ​​​​clouds, not knowing whether she lived or died.

"Master Master!"


"I rescued people!"

Then, the koi carp cheered loudly after he succeeded, completely ignoring the shocked expressions of the other three Nascent Soul old monsters, and flew directly towards Annie with the three captives.



Seeing this, of course, the old demon Yunlu turned black.

However, apart from the ugly expression on his face at this time, he did not dare to make any extra moves.

Obviously, he knows that the koi carp is also in the Nascent Soul period, and the two have fought each other and understand each other. Even if he rushes out at this time, he probably won't be able to stop each other, and there is also a flame immortal staring at the side. , so he simply did not move.



Of course, the two old Nascent Soul monsters, Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng, did not stop him. They remained silent and watched from afar.

After all, the female nuns who were killed were not their ghosts, and the three rescued women were not their captives, so they naturally wouldn't be too busy.



"Are you OK?"

Seeing that the daughter that he had been dreaming about was rescued by the Li Daxian, Hong Fu was naturally overjoyed, and he couldn't care about anything else, so he directly hugged the other party and hugged her fiercely. arms.

"Master, Master..."

Seeing her own master, especially after knowing that the other person is her mother, Dong Xuan'er felt a little confused and moved. She didn't know what to say, but after thinking about it, she didn't say anything in the end. Just bury your head in each other's chest.



"Do you still want this pair of weapons?"


However, Annie was not in the mood to watch any family ethics drama, she just asked again loudly and waving the pair of short swords with the phantom of the golden dragon in her hand.


"How are you doing?!"

The old demon Yunlu first took a deep look at the pair of mother and daughter who were hugging together, and then, after seeing that his family reunion opportunity was destroyed several times, he felt that the initiators were the Huo Daxian and Li Daxian, so he gritted his teeth. asked hatefully.

"It's very simple!"


"Look, these two swords only have two handles, but you have three people, just give it to one of them, the other two will definitely not be happy! Let's divide it evenly, but they only have two handles, that's not enough. yes, right?"


"Or else!"


"You fight both of them and then, if you win, they give them to you alone and let you go! But if they win, they give them to both of them and let them go , what do you think of this proposal?"


Like a little devil, Annie spoke out her plan of 'two peaches and three men' in front of the three of them.



The two masked Nascent Soul monsters Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng still did not speak. They just glanced at each other calmly, then looked at the old demon Yunlu and waited for each other. 's response.


"It's ridiculous!"

Unfortunately, the old demon Yunlu was not fooled, but continued with a cold snort with a displeased expression:

"Flame boy!"

"It's fine if you're still fresh..."

"Do you still want to think that we are that kind of three-year-old?!"

Although he Yunlu was not afraid of Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng from Ghost Spirit Sect, it was not so easy for him to win against two early Nascent Souls with one mid-Nascent Soul.

Besides, the other party's clumsy attempt to lead them to kill each other and then stand on the sidelines, and finally the fisherman's conspiracy, he is not stupid, how could he be fooled?



"Is not it?"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"You old Nascent Soul monsters, aren't you the kind of monsters?"


Annie said that in her understanding, the Yuan Ying old monster is equal to the jerk, and the **** is probably the kind of guy who likes to pretend to cry at every turn, that is, the kind of big kid with the temperament of a child. Anything wrong!

Furthermore, she, Anni Huo Daxian, thinks that the other party is a weirdo, and thinks that the other party is a three-year-old child, then the other party is, if it is not, she has the final say!


(● ̄? ̄●)


Old Demon Yunlu didn't speak anymore, but began to examine the opposing forces in his heart.

From his point of view, the three early and middle stages of foundation establishment are not worth watching, and that Hongfu is his old acquaintance, and now it is only in the stage of forming pills, which can basically be ignored.

And that Fairy Mo, although the opponent's cultivation base is only around the middle and late stages of Formation Pill, but, with the assistance of the pair of supreme double swords, the strength is no less than that of ordinary cultivators in the early Nascent Soul. .

As for the big immortal carp...

The opponent has at least the strength of his Yunlu about eight or nine points, which is very difficult to deal with!

In the end, it was the Great Immortal Flame. The other party was likely to be in the late Nascent Soul stage or the Great Perfection. It should not be wrong, and in this way, the other party can be said to be a full three monks in the Nascent Soul stage, one of which is a great master. Late, one is mid-term and one is early.

On the other hand, on their side, Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng, two old Nascent Soul monsters, are both in the early stage, and Yunlu is in the middle stage. So, whether it is their number or quality, it seems that they have no chance of winning?

"Two fellow Daoists!"

"It's not appropriate to fight today, why don't I retreat first?"

So, after analyzing the strength comparison between the enemy and ours, the old demon Yunlu made a proposal to the two old ghosts from the ghost gate who were stumbling him just now.

After all, they have already negotiated before. After finishing the five major factions in Xu country, they will gather more than a dozen Yuan Ying friends and a large number of troops. At that time, the flame child in front of him and the other party's disciples and grandchildren will naturally know It's easy to capture, there's no need to fight with each other now.


"Fellow Daoist Yunlu, today I will spare them for the time being."

Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng, the two old Nascent Soul monsters, looked at each other, and then they felt that even if the three of them joined together, they would have no chance of winning, so they nodded, and then planned to retreat together.



!? (?\'\'??)?

"Did they say they let you run away?"


Seeing that the three were ignoring her proposal and trying to escape without her consent, how could Annie be willing to obey?

"Tell you!"


"Today you have to fight if you fight, or fight if you don't!"




"Then don't even think about leaving!



Saying that, Annie, who was a little angry, took out a yellow and simple picture of Yin-Yang fish gossip, and threw it directly into the air.

Then it unfolds in an instant and captures this entire valley.

Then, the scenery outside the valley disappeared in an instant, as if the entire area of ​​several kilometers had been captured by it in a different space.



"That is the fourth-level magic weapon - Hetu Luoshu!"

At this moment, Mo Caihuan, who recognized it, let out a loud exclamation.

Apparently, she has been looking at the exchangeable items in the bracelet a lot recently, and she immediately recognized that amazing item that she couldn't afford to exchange for a long time.


"It's worth tens of millions of contribution points, how come you have so many contribution points?"

After being amazed, Mo Caihuan hurried over to ask, ignoring the doubts of the Hongfu mother and daughter, Chen Qiaoqian and others around.

"whispering sound!"


"Don't contribute a little when people take it out to play!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie waved her hand indifferently.

She said that she never needed to spend money on that thing from the Lord God, and ah, she still wanted to take as much as she wanted, and take whatever she wanted!

After all, the main **** is her private property, how can she pay for her own things?

However, that kind of thing is very complicated to explain, so she ignored Mo Caihuan and the jealous koi beside her, and then looked directly at the three people who were a little scared.



"You want the three of you to fight each other and pick a winner..."


Annie crossed her waist angrily, and stretched out her fingers to the three stunned monsters, saying that she was an idiot in the fire, and it would not be easy for them to run today.

"Do you still want to fight with others?"


"Hurry up and decide!"


If the three of them fight and make her look happy, then everything will be fine. In the end, she will definitely know what to say. Not only will she send equipment, but she will also generously let the other party leave.

And if she doesn't fight, or makes her unhappy...

Then there is nothing to say, those three weirdos, don't even think about leaving one today!


(● ̄? ̄●)




The old demon Yunlu and the two old ghosts from the Ghost Sect didn't speak. They just tried it out and found that they couldn't leave. They got together and looked at Annie and the others. I don't even know what's on my mind.




Hong Fu and her daughters Dong Xuan'er and Chen Qiaoqian also looked at Annie Although they couldn't understand why Huo Xian insisted on keeping the three Nascent Soul monsters, However, at this moment, in this situation, they, who did not know what the other party had in their cards, still did not dare to say much, but just stepped back a little distance, and maintained their basic trust unconditionally.


"My weapon..."

However, Mo Caihuan on the side was a little sad, and wanted to reach out to ask for her weapon, but she didn't dare, looking like a little daughter-in-law who was wronged.

You know, the pair of short swords cost tens of thousands of contribution points, and their power is extraordinary, but she didn't want her master to give it away just for fun.


"Are you stupid?"

At this moment, Jin Xiaoli hurriedly reached out and pulled her winless Senior Sister Mo aside.

"Master sent it out, so you can ask her for Nahetu Luoshu to make up for it?"

"When the time comes, let's sell it again. You and I, the two sisters, will make a fortune if you share half of it?"

"Even if it is sold at a discount, it still has several million contribution points, right?"

Then, Li Daxian just leaned into Mo Caihuan's ear and said slyly, looking at the quaint picture scroll that became very large in the sky with no good intentions, and at the same time did not hide her heart. Bad idea being played.


?*. ?(^o^*)??*.

Annie Daxian, boundless mana, more monthly votes, subscribe to genuine, good luck again and again!


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