Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1987: ???(?)???? Let's play together

"Are they all here?"

Jin Xiaoli stood proudly on the guardrail, then looked left and right, and found his senior sister Mo Caihuan, apprentice Xiao Cui'er, as well as the future backbone of the sect, Daoist Hongfu, Dong Xuan'er, Chen Qiaoqian, the sweeper Xiang Zhili and that After the curious sect protector Tu Shanxue had arrived, she took out the unpretentious token, and planned to take advantage of the opportunity that the people from the Six Demon Sects and Huang Fenggu had already escaped from here Take up the land.

This was originally planned by her and her senior sister Mo Caihuan, but the only thing that was a little different from the plan was that before they could take action, the people from the Six Sects of the Devil's Way ran away knowingly. , which saved them a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, once the fight starts, it will inevitably be another destruction. At that time, if the flowers and plants are hurt, they will all feel distressed.


"You back away a little bit!"

"Should I start?"

After waving her hand and motioning for the guys who were staring at her to back away for a distance, Koi raised her tender hand, ready to activate the unpretentious token in her hand.

"and many more!"

"its not right!"


"Master, she doesn't seem to have come out yet..."

At this time, just as Jin Xiaoli was about to start, Xiao Cuier suddenly made a noise and stopped her.




"Master, she said that she will come out by herself later, we don't have to wait for her!"

The koi carp who almost stumbled and fell to the 10,000-meter altitude turned his head and glared at Xiao Cui'er before he pouted and turned his head again with some disapproval, and prepared to use his spiritual power to activate the token again.


"This Daxian is here to announce!"


"Jin Xiaoli, the disciple of the Great Immortal Sect of the Flame, has established a sect here!


After finishing speaking, after successfully activating the token with spiritual power, the koi threw it into the sky with force, and then just watched it spinning there, slowly growing in size, On the other hand, there were bursts of inexplicable mysterious fluctuations.






"That is……"

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that after the token became as big as a person, it suddenly cracked open inch by inch, and then began to crumble and burn?


When the dark red flame was burned, the token disappeared completely.

for a long time……

After the last little flame disappeared, what was displayed in front of everyone was still the charming scene of the golden sky and the sky.




Therefore, everyone who was puzzled in their hearts cast doubts and puzzled glances at Mo Caihuan and the little koi carp.



"And Sister Mo!"

"We are successful..."

"Is it a failure?"

Xiao Cui'er is outspoken, and when she gets along with her master and uncle on weekdays, she is neither big nor small, so she is not too taboo, she just opens her mouth and blinks her eyes. Which pot asked bluntly.


Where does Mo Caihuan know?

There was no other way. After she looked at everyone, she could only cast the same puzzled and incomprehensible gaze to the junior sister Jin Xiaoli who was standing on the guardrail at this time, who seemed to be a little overwhelmed.

Anyway, it was Xiao Li's fault that something went wrong. The other party insisted on doing it. She Mo Caihuan would never carry this pot!



"What are you doing?"

"It's none of my business!"


"I just injected spiritual power, and then activated it and threw it out. How did I know it would be like this?"


Just when the koi carp was at a loss, and was going to try his best to shirk responsibility and explain...


Everyone felt something in an instant, and then even Jin Xiaoli turned around and looked up, staring at the sky with round eyes.


All of them saw that the golden-red sunset clouds in the sky were rolling as if they were burning?

Immediately after, above their heads, as the clouds rolled and stirred, they soon formed a huge pattern like a flaming lotus, and it was just above them.

What shocked everyone even more was this: In the middle, in the cloud in the center of the huge flaming lotus flower, was the blazing white and dark red flames forming a huge yin-yang fish shape?

Then, the blazing white and dark red flames quickly mixed together, and then as if it burned through the sky in an instant, revealing a black hole and a huge void full of terrifying purple lightning.

And then……


Very abruptly, with the sound of a distant and simple ancient bell with a certain rhythm that trembled the minds and souls of everyone present, the golden buildings of the big and small immortals flew out of them. .

They just flew down to the mountains below while everyone was stunned, and arrogantly used the method of directly squashing or remodeling the terrain, and instantly replaced the large and small buildings that were originally the residence of the Huangfenggu Sect. .


Everyone was shocked to see that at this time, directly below the spaceship, there was a huge mountain rising up from the ground and getting higher and higher. In the end, it humbled and took the initiative to undertake the last building that crushed the Lotus Fire Cloud. The largest and most brilliant building that broke out of the world, the giant building that looked like a golden palace in the heavens slowly landed on top of it.

Then, pieces of auspicious clouds flew up from its surroundings, and one after another of spiritual springs emerged from the crevices of the mountain streams and rocks on the mountain peak where the main hall was located, and golden lotuses bloomed instantly near where the springs converged.

At the end, when a colorful rainbow of spiritual energy formed around the hall, and when the golden glazed roof of the hall reflected the dazzling rays of light under the setting sun, countless spiritual birds and cranes were like a hundred birds facing the phoenix. Gathered from all directions, and just hovered above the hall, greedily and cheerfully absorbing the endless merit and aura that appeared around the new main peak out of thin air.



In the end, when all the buildings were completed and replaced the original Huangfenggu sect building, Hongfu, Dong Xuaner, Chen Qiaoqian and Xiang Zhili, who was called the 'Ten Thousand Years of Qi Refining Period', were not able to recognize this place at all. It was after the place where the Yellow Maple Valley was originally located, and the ancient and melodious bell that brought everyone back to their senses rang again.

After a while.

The clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, when the cracks in the burned sky gradually narrowed, and when everyone thought that the event that subverted their life's cognition was finally over, in the cracks that were about to disappear, it was very abrupt. Two huge steles and an arch flew out.

They quickly landed on a mountain top about a hundred miles in front of the mountain where the main hall was located. Then, a mysterious formation instantly enveloped the hundred-mile radius where the new sect was located, directly connecting the inside and outside. Block it.

When the people on the ship were sufficiently cultivated to look at them, they were surprised to find that on both sides of the stone arch, there were a stone tablet carried by a cloud-walking beast and a stone tablet surrounded by fire clouds. On it were written: 'Cuiping Mountain' and 'Flaming God Sect' in large golden characters, and also exuded a bright golden light, making people dare not look directly at them for a long time.

It turned out that the previous token seemed to have some kind of spirituality, as if knowing Mo Caihuan and the others and Huo Daxian's instructions, it gave the newly established sect two names at the same time?

As for the relationship and origin between 'Cuiping Mountain' and the 'Flaming God Sect', it is not enough for outsiders for the time being.

for a long time……

When everyone felt that things should be over here, they saw a change in the air: where the bright yellow, aura, and colorful glare occurred, a huge white ball of light suddenly appeared, and when After it appeared, it gradually changed its color, from white to a big flaming fireball, and at the same time, a majestic and vast imperial voice came:

'Today, the fire **** sect of Cuiping Mountain in the south of the sky is newly established, and the first disciple of Huo Caihuan in this world, Huo Xian, has no merits, but also hard work. ’

'Give teaching treasures: a golden crown with purple flames, colorful phoenix wings, golden silk daily shoes, panlong and phoenix belts, and a purple gold tourmaline pendant; a pair of jade double rings, a weapon to defend against the enemy, 'Worryless Fengyue'; four A magic weapon 'Purple Fire Ruyi'. ’

'I look forward to doing my job diligently and make no mistakes! ’

'Other! ’

'The second disciple of the Flame Great Immortal in this world, Jin Xiaoli, although ignorant and stubborn, he has a little meritorious deeds. ’

'Give the elder's coat: a set of golden silk cicada wing shirts; a hand of the enemy-defense weapon 'Forgetting River Three Ways'; a third-level magic weapon 'Five Fire God Flame Seal'. ’

'I hope to fulfill my duties, suppress the sect, and do not leave without permission! ’

'again! ’

‘The Great Immortal Huoxian’s disciple, Sun Xiao Cui’er, although his aptitude is not good, but he is very handsome, and is now specially designated as a sect’s eldest disciple. ’

'Give defense treasures: a set of Bixia Caiyun clothes; a bundle of golden fairy ropes for defending the enemy. ’

'I hope to practice diligently and not fall into the prestige of the Fire God Sect of Cuiping Mountain! ’

'at last! ’

'The little monster under the Great Immortal Flame is painted with snow on the mountains, with excellent aptitude and appearance, and is now specially designated as the guardian of the sect, Wuji Tianhu. ’

'Giving the Dharma Protector Immortal Clothes: a set of gilt moon coats; a jewel 'Chiming'. ’


In this way, amid the astonishment of everyone, as the majestic fairy sound gradually dissipated, Mo Caihuan, Jin Xiaoli, Xiao Cui'er, and Tu Shanxue's hands were all in vain. , at a glance, you can see that it is not a magical fairy clothes of ordinary things, which makes everyone on the side look at it with envy.

Especially the fairy clothes and orbs that Tu Shanxue obtained, when everyone looked at it, they only felt that the rainbow was wearing clothes, and the golden cockroaches were breathing.

At the same time, as the miracle gradually dissipated, at this time, within the Huangfeng Valley, the spiritual veins that had been depleted day by day became foggy in vain. More than a hundred times more? !


"What is the origin of the flame fairy?"


"Actually attracted the sense of heaven and lowered auspiciousness?!"

Dong Xuan'er and Chen Qiaoqian are not good enough, so it's fine if they don't know anything, but at this time, Hong Fu, who slowly recovered, couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.

She is still a well-informed person, and she probably understood what happened just now. Of course, she only understood a little bit, not a lot.


As for the gift of the Spirit Transformation Stage on the side, he could no longer be envious or astonished at this time. He just respectfully moved towards the fireball in the sky and the spatial fissure that had appeared before. bowed down.

Obviously, he sees a little deeper and understands a little more than Hong Fu, and it is precisely because he knows a lot that at this moment, his mood is like a stormy sea, and he cannot calm down for a long time.

reading net



"Unfortunately, we don't seem to have entry, no rewards..."

As for the ignorant and fearless Dong Xuan'er and Chen Qiaoqian, they were full of envy and jealousy. They only looked at the sealed Mo Caihuan, Jin Xiaoli, Xiao Cui'er and Tu Shanxue. I didn't think too much about it.

"I'm coming!"


At this moment, a certain red figure finally wiped his mouth, and rushed out of the cabin in a hurry.



"Is it over yet?"


However, when Annie saw the changes in Mo Caihuan and the others, saw the fireball of the Lord God that was slowly descending, saw the splendid palaces on the floating islands on the top of the mountain below, saw the distant mountain gates and After the formation, how could she still not know what happened?

"Huh? Why is the Fire God Cult?"




"Cuiping Mountain Flame Religion?"


Soon, Annie herself was taken aback when she saw the two stone tablets standing beside the mountain gate a hundred miles away and the seal characters on them.

Annie knows that the Fire God Cult is a magical church created by the guys in Charlotte, while Cuipingshan is a great immortal cultivator accidentally created by the Prehistoric World. It's always weird to have two unrelated sect names mixed together.

"All right……"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"so be it……"


However, after all, those were just small issues, and she didn't care too much, and didn't want to tangle too much.

"Since it's over..."


"Then let's go down and have a look, let's play together!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

Then, without waiting for everyone to react, Annie cheered and directly ordered the Xiaobai spacecraft to turn into a streamer, and instantly jumped to the largest glazed golden-roofed building, and then she took the lead in moving towards the newly built Zong The gate hall square jumped down, not even looking at the Lord God fireball that was slowly floating down at this time.


At this time, Li Huayuan, who was hundreds of miles away and was flying towards the north, the core area of ​​Huangfeng Valley where Annie and others were located, also saw the huge movement just However, because The distance is too far, because the Yellow Maple Valley has a radius of thousands of miles and is incomparably vast, so he couldn't see what happened just now, but he knew that there seemed to be some kind of terrifying fluctuation that made him feel unstoppable. It came, and the sudden change in the situation that day was very terrifying, and at the same time, his Golden Armored Horned Python was slightly trembling and uneasy.



"What exactly is that?"

"Is there another old monster in the Yuan Ying period fighting?"

"Who will it be?"


"Never mind!"

"You're not afraid of dying left or right, and you're still afraid of the Yuan Ying old monster?"

Frowning, Li Huayuan, who was riding on the head of the golden-armored horned python, first tried his best to appease the python under his feet and after thinking about it for a while, he gritted his teeth and continued to drive the python at full speed. I flew forward, wanting to see what the terrifying movement that appeared above the Huangfenggu station was all about.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is going to rescue his senior sister Hongfu, even if he loses his own life, even if he dies, he will do it!

Tonight, he is willing to go out of his way to cultivate that immortal, and he also requires that his own thoughts be mastered!

"Let's go!"

"Old man, let's go meet those Demon Dao brats!"

"And that Nascent Soul old monster!"

After finishing speaking, the golden-armored horned python did not hesitate, turned into a golden streamer, and flew towards the original location of the Yellow Maple Valley in a decisive gesture.


(?ω?) Remember the monthly pass~?

?Flame immortal, boundless mana? Subscribe to the original version, good luck again and again?

?*. ???(?)??????*.

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