Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2007: (??ω??) Great achievement, homecoming

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(The 10,000-character chapter, reproduces the rivers and lakes)

Chaos Sea of ​​Stars.

In the north of the Chaos Xinghai, in a deserted island deep in the boundless sea, there is a quiet room dug out of the rocks of the deserted island.

At this time, Han Li was sitting cross-legged inside, his eyes closed, and he concentrated on his cultivation with a calm expression.

Following his breathing, on the top of the heavenly spirit cover above his head, there is a mini Nascent Soul about the size of a slap, also practicing cross-legged breathing. .

And above their heads, there was actually a three-colored mist that slowly swirled around.

If someone else is here, it is not difficult to know that it is actually some kind of manifestation of 'one gasification and three purifications'. That is to say, at this moment, Han Li has already entered the stage of spiritual transformation. As long as he goes further, Refining the Nascent Soul into the Primordial Spirit, then returning to the virtual body, turning it into an external avatar or many avatars, then it is time to refine the virtual body!

At that time, he will be able to directly fly to the upper realm and go to the wider world!


At this moment, very suddenly, Han Li's original Gujing Wubo's expression changed. Then, after his eyelids trembled slightly, he stopped cultivating and slowly took Nascent Soul and the three-colored Qingyun back into his body. , and then opened his eyes, revealing those deep eyes with excitement and contentment.




"Thanks to the ginseng fruit that Miss Mo sent me, not only has my lifespan greatly increased, I can live for 47,000 years, but I've only cultivated for fifty years, and I've directly cultivated to the Great Perfection of the Spirit Transformation Stage!"

"Looking at the entire Tiannan, it should be one of the best, right?"


"It's really good fortune to make people, things are impermanent..."

Cultivation has no time, open your eyes for decades!

After doing some calculations, Han Li couldn't help but feel a little stunned and emotional after realizing that he had been practicing for fifty years without realizing it, and that the spiritual power provided by the ginseng fruit in the Fajue body had not yet been fully refined.

Back then, in Tiannanxu Kingdom, the Six Demonic Sects and a few Nascent Souls forced him and the disciples of Huangfenggu to have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, and almost died.

And when he first came to Chaan Xinghai, he was only in the middle stage of foundation building, but now...

In just fifty-three short years, he has cultivated from the middle stage of foundation building to the peak of the terrifying spiritual transformation stage. He is only one step away from using the vitality of heaven and earth in a true sense, and his mana is boundless?


"It's time to go back."

"Advance refining requires the five elements of spiritual roots to be combined into one. Although the metallic ginseng fruit has made up for the golden spiritual root for me, it is not the time to advance."


"It's time to ask Miss Mo to get the little green bottle back."

After muttering to himself for a while, with Han Li's anxiety, his own master Li Huayuan, uncle Hongfu, senior brother Liu Jing, Song Meng, Wu Xuan, and senior sister appeared in his mind. After Zhong Weiniang and their figures, he quickly made a decision, that is:

For the time being, I don't plan to continue to practice and advance, but I will go back to Tiannan to see the situation first, and then make plans after handling some things properly.

"I don't know what's going on with Master, Uncle, Brother and Sister..."

"and also…"

Of course, there are Dong Xuaner, Chen Qiaoqian and others.

At the beginning, it was because he was disturbed many times by those two people that he had no choice but to leave Xiaohuan Island in a hurry. It was not easy to find such a remote island with no spiritual energy to open up a cave, avoid them and concentrate on retreat. cultivated.

In the absence of spiritual energy and spiritual energy on this deserted island, he can directly cultivate from the early stage of forming pills to the great consummation of the spiritual transformation stage. It can be seen that the ginseng fruit is indeed a rare and mysterious divine object. The green bottle was given to Miss Namo as a thank-you gift for fifty years and still earned!

At the beginning, he said that he would borrow 50 years, and now that when the 50 years arrive, he has also reached the Great Perfection of the Spirit Transformation Stage.

"All right!"

"It's time to go back."

When the plan was decided, Han Li stood up.

Although he has not fully refined the spiritual power of ginseng fruit, it would be a waste to suspend his cultivation now, but if he continues to cultivate, he will probably ascend to the spiritual world when he reaches the empty refining stage. Therefore, before that, He had to stop temporarily and go back to Tiannan to deal with some personal affairs.

That is what he said just now, go to meet the masters, uncles and brothers, show off his achievements, and then go to Miss Mo Caihuanmo to get back the little green bottle he borrowed, and then he directly Find a place in Tiannan to continue cultivating, wait until the advanced stage of virtual refinement, and then fly up to the upper realm!


After thinking about it, Han Li did not go back to the small roundabout, but took out the flying charm that he had never dared to use.

He plans to use the rune that he has never had the chance to try out to go back to Xujing as soon as possible, and then return to Xiaohuan Island to get his personal belongings, settle down the soul of the song, and those strange insects that he has raised before he is about to ascend. beast.


With the flash of light on the flying talisman, just like when he activated the ancient teleportation formation, he only felt dizzy and dizzy. On the streets of Xujing.

The difference from using the ancient teleportation array at the time is that his cultivation base has reached the peak of the God Transformation stage at this time, so the dizziness is much better than the situation when he vomited into darkness.

"Sure enough, it's Xu Jing!"

Xu Jing is still the same Xu Jing. More than 50 years have passed, and I don't know if the emperor they supported at the time is still there?

However, those trivial matters were not what Han Li had to think about today, so he just thought about it casually and didn't go too deep into it.


"The flying talisman is also mysterious. If you can know the specific method of drawing, it will be really convenient."

"That's it!"

"Let's go to the bamboo forest first..."

First, he proudly looked around the capital of Xujing, which was almost the same as 50 years ago, and looked at the ordinary people who were pointing at him because of his sudden appearance. Han Li didn't mind much, just smiled noncommittally, and then he thought. As soon as the thought moved, the news disappeared immediately in front of those mortals.

Right now, those people are like ants in his eyes, so if he wants to do something, he will definitely not mind their thoughts.


The next moment, just a thought, he had already arrived in a still lush bamboo forest outside Xujing City, and then started to walk towards a certain place in his memory step by step.

"At that time, it should be in front, right?"

"I don't know. With my current cultivation, can I see through the restriction of the Great Flame Immortal?"

Han Li knew that there was a restriction left by the Great Immortal Flame. Although he no longer lived there, he knew that the restriction had always been there. When Huangfeng Valley was captured by the Demon Dao, he had come here to talk to Liu Jing and Song Meng. , Wu Xuan and Zhong Weiniang have joined together.

And the reason why he didn't immediately fly towards Huangfenggu just now, but came here first, of course, he also wanted to see the gap between his cultivation at the peak of the Spirit Transformation Stage and the Great Flame Immortal!

If he can see through the opponent's prohibition formation and walk into the small bamboo forest, it will prove that his current cultivation is almost the same as that of the Great Flame Immortal!

And if you still can't see through and can't get in...

Of course, Han Li didn't think that kind of thing would happen. After all, his current strength could be said to be a half-step immortal. How could he not be able to see through a small formation in a hidden residence?


Soon, Han Li saw a small courtyard of a bamboo building hidden in a bamboo forest.

Looking at the lush bamboo forest that was still familiar to him, looking at the bamboo building that seemed to be repaired from time to time and still inhabited by people, and looking at the bamboo pavilion, Han Li remembered the time when he was with Fairy Mo, Liu Jing, Song Meng, and Wu Xuan. , Zhong Weiniang, Xiao Cui'er and others met and said goodbye here, recalling the time when he left Xu Kingdom more than 50 years ago and came here to gather with those brothers and sisters.


"The green mountains and green waters are still there..."

"I didn't see the young man back then!"

Looking at it, he felt it, and sighed softly.

Then, he continued to walk slowly forward.

He knew that after walking a few dozen steps forward, on the edge of the bamboo forest, the pile of 'weeds' in front of the pile of rubble was the residence of the concealed Great Immortal Flame.




Soon, Han Li exclaimed, and the confident look on his face disappeared!

Because ah...

He found that with his current half-step immortal, that is, the strength of the peak of the gods, he still can't see the reality of the 'Zhulin Xiaoyuan' formation of the flame immortal?

Moreover, he wanted to forcibly teleport in with a single thought, but was forcibly blocked by some invisible and indescribable existence?


"Absolutely impossible!


Han Li couldn't help but exclaimed again.

He didn't understand a little, why a mere formation, and it is said that it is still an uninhabited formation, can stop him, the half-step immortal at the peak of the spirit transformation stage?


"Who dares to trespass on the forbidden land of my divine religion?"

"Hurry up and grab it!


At this time, Han Li, who had not waited for the return trip to the old place, went to try another method. Suddenly, a golden cultivator flew out of the bamboo hut behind him.

The opponent's cultivation level was so high that he rushed to him at once, and suppressed him with the kind of terrifying strength that he couldn't see clearly or comprehend at all, making him think he could look down on the world At this time, the powerful spiritual power of the man can't be used even a little bit? !


While scolding and locking Han Li, the other party also flew towards him step by step, drawing a sword in his hand, intending to stretch it towards his neck.



In this way, when the other party walked with raised eyebrows and terrifying momentum, and when the other party was stepping on his own heartstrings, when the other party saw that the sword was about to come out, Han Li was stunned and shocked, and finally one. Ji Ling responded.



Then, of course, without waiting for the other party to make a move, he hurriedly tried his best to shout loudly:

"This senior!"

"Don't do it!"

"It's not an offense to have an old relationship with the master here!"

After speaking, the other party was stunned, the pressure disappeared instantly, and then Han Li also took a few steps back with an ugly face and sweating profusely.

At the same time, he also looked at the sword-wielding man with a suspicious look. He didn't know what his cultivation was, but it was very scary, and he was definitely much higher than his own cultivation. It seemed that he was not very old. The cultivator glared away.


"Have an old relationship with the owner of this place?"

The man put away the golden light all over his body and completely let go of the invisible oppression that bound Han Li. Then, he frowned and asked suspiciously.

"No, that's right!"

"I know the original owner of this place, Great Immortal Flame!"

"And Li Daxian and Moxianzi!"

"I also know the owner of this bamboo building, Mr. Xiao Zhenxiao!"


"And that Xiao Cui'er, she is the granddaughter of Xiao Zhen's old man!"

"I haven't come back for decades. This time I came back to visit friends. I passed by here, so I came here to see."

Hearing that the other party claimed to be a 'sacred religion', and thinking that the other party would stop persecuting him after he just said that, and the stern expression on his face also slowed down a bit, he felt that Han Li, who had a door, didn't dare to neglect him, and quickly got to know him. The names of those individuals were all spoken out.

"Is it really a visit to an old friend?"


"Dare to ask your friend's name taboo?"

Hearing what Han Li said, and hearing Han Li mentioning the names of 'Flaming Daxian', 'Li Daxian' and 'Moxianzi', the immortal cultivator who had just wanted to take someone suddenly didn't dare to act rashly. He quickly put away the long sword and asked suspiciously.

"You don't dare to be a fellow Daoist!"

"Junior Han Li!"

"I've seen seniors!


Having said that, Han Li hurriedly bowed towards the other party.

To be honest, he didn't mention how frustrated and frightened he was at this moment.

He used to think that he had become a great power of the God Transformation stage. After returning to Tiannan, he would be comparable to the existence of a land fairy, and he could do whatever he wanted without hindrance. I was surprised to find that even if I had cultivated to the peak of incarnation, I could still only be a junior?

"Han Li?"

"I've never heard of it..."

"That's it!"

"Wait a minute!"

"I'll find out when I report it!"

The other party didn't know Han Li and didn't seem to have heard of it, so in Han Li's eyes, he took out a golden jade talisman, and then he didn't know what information he had entered. Let go, the jade talisman flashed away, and flew away in a certain direction.

The speed was very fast, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye, causing Han Li, who was already at the peak of God Transformation, to be taken aback.

Because, he is very sure that even if he is in the realm of the half-step immortal at the peak of the gods, he will not want to chase or intercept that jade talisman that is so fast that it is like light!



Immediately after that, after the jade talisman flew away, within ten breaths, something that surprised Han Li once again happened:

As the white lights lit up, they all looked familiar, but the spiritual power fluctuations on their bodies were very terrifying, and the monk who was many times stronger than him and the monk in front of him appeared in an instant.

And when Han Li took a closer look, those people...

Are they not Master Li Huayuan, Master Hongfu, Dong Xuaner, Chen Qiaoqian, Mo Caihuan, Xiao Cui'er, Liu Jing, Song Meng, Wu Xuan, Zhong Weiniang, Xin Ruyin and Nangong Wan?

Of course, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most shocking, the terrifying and the terrifying thing for Han Li is: those guys, everyone has a lot, many, many more than him. terrifying power?

Anyway, with his current strength at the peak of the Spirit Transformation Stage, he can't see through the specific cultivation and strength of any of them at all?

In his consciousness, the spiritual power fluctuations on those guys were extremely dazzling. Looking at the golden light in the past, he almost blinded his soul-transforming Nascent Soul's eyes.


"a ha ha ha!"

"Sure enough, it's Han Li, you kid!"

"Are you willing to come back?"

After seeing it clearly, Li Huayuan was the first to laugh loudly, and then quickly walked towards Han Li.

Then, without waiting for the trembling and messy Han Li to raise his hand to salute, he stretched out his hand and patted Han Li's shoulder several times, causing Han Li's whole body's spiritual power to riot in an instant, and he almost lost his breath. Old blood spurted out.



"Junior Brother Han!"

"Big Brother Han!"

"Senior brother..."

"Han Li, it's really you..."

"whispering sound!"

"You idiot, you can be considered back, mad at this girl!"

"Junior Brother Han..."


Then, naturally, Master Hongfu, Dong Xuan'er, Chen Qiaoqian, Mo Caihuan, Xiao Cui'er, Liu Jing, Song Meng, Wu Xuan, Zhong Weiniang, Xin Ruyin, and the flickering-eyed Nangong Wan rushed over. , and with different expressions and becoming a little silly, Han Li greeted them one by one.




"You are... Qi, Qi Yunxiao?!"

"How do you..."

"No! Aren't you dead?!"

"And Miss Xin?"

Then, seeing Xin Ruyin and the Qi Yunxiao beside Xin Ruyin, Han Li was so frightened that he quickly stepped back.

Then, he also subconsciously thought that he had fallen into some kind of powerful illusion?

Otherwise, how could it be possible that the dead person who had been buried in the ground and the dead person who should have died appeared in front of him?

And there is…

How could these people be even more powerful than him, a powerful cultivator at the peak of the god-transforming stage, and a terrestrial immortal?

"It is indeed dead!"


"Thanks to Ruyin's successful practice, he used Putuo Mountain's magical power 'willow nectar' to save me twenty years ago!"

However, Qi Yunxiao's light-hearted words made Han Li stunned, and at the same time pulled him back to the ruthless reality.

Of course, Qi Yunxiao didn't tell the truth completely. For example, his resurrection was not only due to Xin Ruyin's credit, but also with the assistance of the Lord God. Otherwise, he would be afraid that his bones would be rotten.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

"Come, come!"

"Han Li!"

"Tell us about your situation over the years!"

"Where the **** did you run off to?"

Then, without waiting for Han Li to think about it, Li Huayuan happily pulled him to the bamboo pavilion beside him, and then the two sides began to talk one after another, and briefly introduced each other over the years. circumstances and changes.

After more than half an hour...

After some chats and explanations, Han Li, Li Huayuan and other talents basically got to know each other, and finally let Han Li know why everyone has changed so much.




"And all the brothers and sisters!"

"Your cultivation at the moment, I am afraid that you have reached the calamity period of Dachengdu early, right?"

"Then why haven't you ascended to the Immortal Realm?"

Finally, after the initial consternation, and gradually calmed down, Han Li confronted the masters, brothers and sisters who claimed to have the highest level of 'more than 130' and the lowest level of 100 or higher. asked repeatedly.

Anyway, Han Li can understand that here, he is not only the lowest in seniority, but also the lowest in cultivation!

And the peak of the Spirit Transformation Stage that he was proud of before was just a mere 'forty-ninth level' in the eyes of these people, not even the Three Realms Loose Immortals, not to mention that they are the lowest Heavenly level.


"Flying to the Upper Realm?"

"This is..."

"Cough cough!"

"It's too long to say."

After hearing Han Li's question, a group of people instantly looked at each other, and then you looked at me and I looked at you, with weird expressions, and no one spoke.

"Han Li..."

"You don't understand, there is a main **** here, and there are many fellows of the Cuiping Mountain Flame God Cult. I'm not willing to change Da Luo Jinxian, why do you want to ascend?"


"Don't fly! Don't fly!"

"Flying what?"

"It doesn't matter what kind of immortal world and spirit world he is, only those who lack heart will fly away!"

"One of Xiang Zhili's lessons is enough!"

"Don't you know that he is clamoring to come back every day, and wants us to spend a lot of money to let the Lord God help him open a space rift!"

Li Huayuan waved his hand impatiently, and then explained briefly, without telling Han Li who was the 'Liuzhili' who was used as a negative teaching material after ascending to the spiritual world.


"Junior Brother Han!"

"look at you!"

"It's just over forty levels and she wants to ascend to the spiritual realm. Don't you know that our head of the divine sect, Mo, is almost at level one hundred and fifty-five now, and she has never thought about ascending to the upper realm, but you What's the hurry?"

At this time, Zhong Weiniang also came forward and joked with Han Li.

She is now in the 100th level, with the Taoist name 'Nine Heavenly Maiden', and her realm has reached the realm of heaven. However, after Xiang Zhili, she has never thought about the matter of soaring. Therefore, for Han Li, she is only forty. At the ninth level, she was busy thinking about soaring, so of course she wanted to make fun of it.

"Wei Niang, don't make trouble."

"Han Li."

"It's not impossible to fly, but..."

"It is feasible to ascend the realm and break through the limit, but it is absolutely impossible to soar across the realm and leave this realm!"

Then, compared to before, Senior Uncle Hongfu, who had become more gorgeous now, also explained aloud, and corrected some of Han Li's thoughts that were not desirable in her opinion.


"Last month, the golden light of the immortal world appeared, but in the end, wasn't it destroyed by this girl with the jade fire glaze?"

"I don't know which **** it is!"

"I actually want to trick this fairy to go to the spiritual world or the fairy world, don't even think about it!"

Seeing her mother kissing Hongfu's mouth, Dong Xuan'er came over with a look of disgust and said with a cold snort.

Due to Li Huayuan and Hong Fu's inclination in resources, her cultivation base was a little higher than Zhong Weiniang's. Now she was almost 110th level, surpassing Han Li by not knowing how many realms.

"Ha ha!"

"Junior Brother Han, you don't understand..."

"Happy here, don't think about immortals!"

At this time, Song Meng came over with his long spear, and shook his head to add this sentence.

At this time, he was born in a martial artist, entered the Dao from martial arts, and was considered a half-person cultivation. In addition, he had a full level of 118. He was known as the 'Thunder God General' of the Fire God Sect of Cuiping Mountain, and he had a 'Flying Dragon' in his hand. In the sky, the long spear is wrapped in Tianlei and has the courage to be defeated by ten thousand men. Once one person and one shot, he even attacked the six demons of the Tianluo Kingdom, and the demons bowed their heads. Looking at the entire Tiannan and Dajin, no one can match!


Han Li stopped talking.

You must know that before returning to Tiannan, he still thought that after finishing some karma, he would go to submerged cultivation and strive for an early ascension, but who would have thought, these people's attitude towards the upper realm of Ascension is actually like this?

"Brother Han..."

"Are you afraid you don't know?"

At this time, Mo Caihuan also came out and persuaded with a smile:

"My teacher..."

"Our master said that it is best for everyone not to rush to that spiritual world fairyland?"

"Because, once you go, it won't be easy to think about coming back."

"Cultivation to the 155th level here in Tiannanxu Kingdom, and then to rise through the calamity, condense the soul and true spirit, and finally, like Tu Shanxue, the guardian of the door, first cultivate to the peak of the 175th level, and then slowly go To understand the Dao, to prove the Dao of Hunyuan, and to achieve that Hunyuan Promise Luo Jinxian is barely a righteous path?"

Mo Caihuan has only just touched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to proving Taoist Primordial Primordial, so he doesn't know much.

In a word, Fairy Mo is now at level one hundred and fifty-five, and is preparing to ascend to re-concentrate mana and spiritual power. She is currently in retreat, so her 'Mo Caihuan' can move freely, with a level one hundred and twenty-nine The identity of Jinxian appeared in front of everyone.


Han Li lowered his head silently.

Seeing that the cultivation bases of these former relatives and friends have already dumped him at least a hundred streets, and then looking at Han Li, who thought that he would be able to run wild in the sky at the peak of God Transformation, he couldn't help but feel a little resentful, and then, With his head down, he didn't know what to say, and he didn't dare to make those ridiculous remarks like a child.


"Almost forgot."


"Brother Han, return this little green bottle to you."

At this time, when Han Li was embarrassed by the crowd laughing, Mo Caihuan hurriedly stepped forward with a smile, and then changed the subject and handed a small green bottle to him.


"Don't you need it?"

As Han Li retracted it, he subconsciously opened his mouth and asked angrily.


"It's very good. With it, Master and I have planted a lot of 3,000, 6,000 and 9,000-year-old peaches on the hills behind Shimen. It will only take another 1,000 years. The three thousand year old peaches will mature, and when the time comes, each person will send one, and my disciples of the flame **** sect of Cuiping Mountain will soon be the kind of immortal cultivators who start with the worst 100-level immortals!"

"When the time comes, let alone Tiannan, including Dajin, Chaoxinghai, Inner Xinghai, Outer Xinghai, Wulonghai and Tiansha Continent, all of them will be under the control of our faction!"

Mo Caihuan clenched his fists and said proudly under Han Li's stupefied gaze.

Now, it can be said that after her master (Master), the Great Immortal Huo, quietly left fifty years ago, the entire Tiannan, or it can be said that this world, is her Mo Caihuan alone. !

Because, her other identity is the headmaster of the Cuiping Mountain Fire God Sect, and she is the only one in this world, in the sky and the ground!

In fact, if there is no way to permanently open the passage to the immortal world or the spiritual world for the time being, I am afraid that those two worlds will be taken into their pockets by them?



"Pan Tao?!"

Han Li was taken aback by the two key words 'Pantao', and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Obviously, when he was in Xiaohuan Island, he had heard Mo Caihuan talk about pan peach and ginseng fruit, and knew that pan peach was better than ginseng fruit, but now, with the help of Xiaolubo, the other party has only In just a thousand years, can the freedom of the peach be realized?

At that time, a new disciple may only need to eat a 9,000-year-old, and then give a little guidance, maybe three or five days or even three or five months will endure his fifty years of penance?


"It's the peach, we planted a lot of it!"

"Any questions?"

Blinking, Mo Caihuan asked strangely.


Han Li was speechless.

It's a pity that he thought he was the peak of God Transformation before, and he should be one of the best even if not the highest level after coming back.

Then, he could be considered to have returned home, but who would have thought... When he came to the end, he found out that the clown was actually himself? !


At this time, that Nangong Wan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Han Li!"

"I went to look for you back then, but why aren't you on Xiaohuan Island?"

After seeing that no one was talking, she stepped forward in three or five steps and asked Han Li with a displeased expression.



"Senior Nangong!"

"Because he received a ginseng fruit from Miss Mo at that time, Han Li didn't want to waste that treasure, so he left Xiaohuan Island and went to a remote island to practice cultivation."

Han Li didn't dare to hide it, and directly told him about the fact that he had been closed for 50 years and cultivated to the peak of the Spirit Transformation Stage.

He didn't dare to say that he was actually visited and attacked by Xiao Cui'er, Mo Caihuan, his own master Li Huayuan, Dong Xuan'er and Chen Qiaoqian one after another. In the end, after he was unsettled, he decided to find someone He went to the place to devote himself to cultivation, not to worry about world affairs, and he did not dare to return to Tiannan until he cultivated to the peak of God Transformation today, which is what these people call 'level 49'. Therefore, when the other party went to Xiaohuan Island, it was natural Couldn't find him.

Of course, he still has Song Soul and some personal items on Xiaohuan Island. After a while, he should still need to go back and clean up.


"Is it ginseng fruit?"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and that Nangong Wan glanced at Mo Caihuan suspiciously.

Although Nangong Wan can't afford to buy something like ginseng fruit now, she also treasures that kind of rare and expensive stuff. If you let her give it away easily, even if the other party is Han Li, she will feel pain in the flesh. !

And the ink color ring was given fifty years ago, so how could she not think about it?

However, since Mo Caihuan was the first and only apprentice of the sect master, and at the same time his cultivation base was several levels higher than hers, she didn't say much, just snorted and turned her head away.

"Big Brother Han!"

"According to our original agreement, the fifty-year period has come, and your cultivation base is no higher than any of us, so..."

"You shouldn't refuse to enter the sect of my Cuipingshan Fire God Sect, right?"

Mo Caihuan asked playfully.

"Miss Mo..."

"Han Li...Han Li is willing to admit defeat!"



"And all the brothers and sisters, thanks to the teachers, I will go back with you, and from now on, I will concentrate on my practice, and I will not run around!"

Hanging his head in shame, he bowed deeply to the teachers and gave a big salute. Han Li didn't stand up straight for a long time.


At this time, he was so ashamed that he almost wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in, and then he never came out again.


"Ink, Ink girl..."

"Since there are peaches planted in the door, you should take this little green bottle back and use it to continue cultivating peaches, right?"

Then, Han Li suddenly thought of something, then hurriedly straightened his waist, and handed the small green bottle in his hand towards Mo Caihuan again.

Since he is not planning to ascend to the spiritual world for the time being, since he intends to join the Fire Sect of Cuiping Mountain, and since there are still a lot of peaches planted in the sect, Han Li, who feels that he will definitely have his share in a thousand years, is so generous. said.


"It's no use!"

However, Mo Caihuan shook her head and rejected Han Li's kindness.


"Need not?"

"Why is that..."

"Miss Mo, if it is there, use the spiritual liquid it produces to water it. I believe that the ripening period of the peach will be greatly shortened!"

While he was puzzled, Han Li of course hurriedly explained it.

What makes him feel a little strange is that the other party has been using it for a full fifty years, which is longer than he has used it, and he must have a better understanding of its effects than him. Why is it now abandoned?



"I have another one here!"

She made a playful face, and then, Mo Caihuan with a hippie smile happily took out an identical small green treasure bottle from her jade bracelet, and showed it off like a treasure.



"This is…"

"Why do you have one too?"

"Two little green bottles?!"

Han Li was once again shocked.

Then, he hurriedly looked at the one in his own hand, and then looked at the one in the other party's hand, but if he hadn't understood it very well, he almost thought his little green bottle had been exchanged by the other party.

"I showed the Lord God your little green bottle and scanned it, and then the Lord God re-engraved one as a reward!"


"If anyone wants it, everyone can go to the Lord God to exchange, as much as they want!"

"Guaranteed to function exactly like the original!"

Mo Caihuan replied eloquently, and explained it to some people present who didn't know it yet.

Of course, she didn't say, although the little green bottle is really how much you want, but there are a lot of redemption points needed. If the Lord God hadn't generously rewarded her with one, I'm afraid she will rely on 'Mo Sect Master' Identity cannot be exchanged in a short period of time.



"How much do you want?"

"It's still the same?!"

In an instant, Han Li felt like a thunderbolt from the blue, and his whole person was a little bad.

At this moment, it's as if he doesn't understand the world at all, especially the more and more he doesn't understand about the fire **** sect of Cuiping Mountain... He doesn't understand at all, what is that 'master god', why the other party can re-engrave his little one Green bottle, and how much more can you ask for?

Since when did he, the supreme treasure that he was proud of and depended on as a cultivator, became a popular item that everyone could own?

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Han?"

"Are you OK?"

Seeing that Han Li became dumbfounded, Mo Caihuan hurriedly asked worriedly.

"Do not!"

"No, nothing!"

Han Li quickly waved his hand, saying that he was fine.

Because he is really fine, at most, it's just that his mind has received tens of thousands of critical hits.


"Senior Nangong, is this storage bag yours?"

"At the beginning, when you were chased by those demons, it fell down and was picked up by me."

"Now return to the original owner?"

As he spoke, Han Li thought of something, and hurriedly changed the subject. He handed the storage bag he had kept so well and returned it to Nangong Wan. He also explained that he was lurking nearby and was able to watch it. When Nangong Wan was seriously injured and in a coma, he also saw that Huo Xian Daxian saved him and he rejected the other party's invitation for various reasons.


"It turned out that you were the one who passed by, so I said, why can't I always find it..."

She took it and looked at it at will, and found that only some spirit stones were used, and most of them were still in use. She thought about it and took out a few private personal items, and the rest were left untouched and thrown back to Han Li. hand.

"That's it!"

"I can't use it."

"You can keep the rest!"

Except for some of her personal personal things, the rest, Nangong Wan really doesn't like it, it's just like tasteless, so, remembering that Mo Caihuan once gave ginseng fruit, she simply also gave her 50 years ago. All the belongings were given away.


Looking at the storage bag in his hand, which was almost more than half a small sect's spiritual stone reserve, and then looking at the arrogant Nangong Wan, Han Li couldn't help but feel a little uneasy and reverie, but he didn't know what the other party was really thinking. In the end, he still nodded, and then clung to it.

"All right."

"This bamboo forest is a forbidden place for sects. It's not a place to talk. It's too outrageous for us to stay here to reminisce."

"bring it on!"

"Let's go back together!"

Looking at the place that was still hidden in the distance, and then seeing that a certain sect disciple guarding the place had repeatedly signaled to him and others, Hong Fu thought about it, and before everyone could say anything, he took the A cyan guide flag was thrown out, and after seeing if everyone did not object, he waved the flag, and a blue light instantly enveloped everyone, and then everyone, including Han Li, suddenly disappeared. She was teleported back to the residence of the Fire God Sect in Cuiping Mountain.

In this way, Han Li, who had been separated from his fellow brothers and sisters, as well as some relatives and friends for more than 50 years, ran from Tiannan to Chaoxinghai, and finally returned with his masters and uncles. The Cuiping Mountain Flame Sect returned to his original Huangfeng Valley and officially became a second-generation disciple of the Sect.

After that, what will happen to Han Li after he has seen the magical effect of the Lord God is temporarily unknown.


|?˙?˙) Hello?

"If you don't mind, do you want to come here to play?"


Because, at this moment, when Han Li followed the crowd back to the sect's station, a certain bad flame immortal had already selected an interesting one among the plane barriers with no concept of time. The plane world, and probed into the brain, before forcibly drilled in without waiting for a response.


(● ̄? ̄●)


???(?)???? Monthly Pass~?

The great immortal of flame, with boundless mana;

Subscribe to the original, good luck again and again!

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?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

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