Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2012: ?(???*)The tragedy caused by 1 bite of meat

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That night, a certain miserable bear child naturally went directly to camp with her two useless new friends on the small island in the middle of Xingluo Lake.

And what they eat, of course, is the big white crane that Annie said before, which is made of mud, lotus leaves and earth kilns!

Naturally, their real names are not actually called big white cranes, nor are they called cranes, they are just a group of poor blue-plumed herons living in Xingluo Lake.

In fact, there are traces of them everywhere in Mond, whether it is Fruit Wine Lake or Xingluo Lake, or Qingquan Town, Wangfeng Mountain, Yingxiang Beach, etc., as long as there are large areas of water, there are them traces.

However, those are not important, what is important is:

Now several of them have become steamy and tender and smooth, melt in the mouth, and the rich meat fragrance explodes in the mouth, full of the fragrance of rare birds, without any additional The seasoning is also very delicious, making people want to **** every bone clean, and even the Annie brand 'Baked Original Flavoured Poultry' with Lotus Mud can't help drooling after seeing the seven-day idol behind the three!

"Look at what?"


"I don't even give you food!"


Annie, who was sitting cross-legged on a stone, of course saw the statue and the crystal 'saliva' flowing from the corner of the statue's mouth, but she turned her head away without seeing it, and didn't even want to hold her in her arms. The big white crane that was gnawed by the fragrant roasted mud and lotus leaves gave the other party the idea of ​​​​having a bite.

You know, she only caught ten of them in total, not to mention how big they look, but after her own bear, Tibbs, was washed, cleaned, chopped off her head, and her belly ripped open, there were less than one left. She has lost a lot of meat, and then she has to give it to the greedy Paimon and the stupid little sister Ying, so she doesn't have much left, so she definitely can't, and she won't pay tribute to the drooling idol. of.


Hearing Annie's words, Paimon was a little surprised and raised his head from the 'lotus mud roasted original chicken', first looked at Annie, then at the statue, then lay down again, and immediately Ripped off a thigh and gnawed it.


Although Paimon highly respects the God of Wind, she still chooses the latter resolutely, and she still chooses the latter without hesitation or negotiation.


"God statue?"

Ying also looked back at the statue.

Then, of course, there was also the embarrassed appearance of seeing the **** statue staring at the three of them eagerly, with a trace of crystal liquid hanging from the corner of her mouth, which made her a little surprised and surprised.



"Annie, that's not actually drooling, don't talk nonsense!"

However, Ying soon thought of the reason, and then directly laughed and laughed.

She has seen it clearly, although there is indeed a hint of crystal, and the sight of the **** statue is indeed looking towards them, but of course it is not really drooling, it is just because of the heavy humidity in Xingluo Lake , and then the dew condensed on the statue after nightfall, and then slowly converged and dripped down its mouth, so that it looked like it was just staring at them eating and drooling.

"Whether it is or not, people don't give it to eat anyway!"


"and also!"


"No more to you!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

After speaking, Annie hurriedly increased her tone and added.

You know, the earthen kiln she dug just now is still a little too small, only ten of them were put in, and then the three were divided equally, Paimon took two, Ying sister took two, she took six , there is really no more leftovers, and none of her cubs have to eat!


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers said that Uncle Xiong is not interested in the meat of those beasts, and in comparison, the creature called Paimon and the female human called Ying are quite suitable for its appetite, but will there be any in the future? If you have the chance to eat it, then it won't know.)



"never mind."

Seeing Little Annie's serious look, Ying shook her head, dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

"rest assured!"

"We've had enough."

"Besides, if girls eat too much of this meat at night, they will gain weight!"

After licking the grease on her hands, she threw the last thighbone of the blue-plumed heron into the lake not far away. Although Ying was still a little unfinished, she looked at the little girl's food protection. It looks like, thinking about it again, it seems that she has never helped her from beginning to end, and she was embarrassed to ask for it again, so she had to say so stubbornly.

"Paimon, are you right?"

Then, for fear that her persuasiveness would not be enough, she smiled and asked Paimon, who was holding the second blue plume heron and gnawed her whole face in the blue plume heron's stomach with a smile. road.


"Ying, are you full?"


"If possible, Paimon would like to have two more!"

"This 'Baked Original Poultry with Lotus Paste' is really delicious, and Paimon wants to eat it all at once!"


Paimon, whose hands and face were all covered in greasy clothes, said so, without knowing a certain wink that Ying Ying made to her frequently.

"All right!"

"If you want to eat, just ask Annie to be okay!"

Reaching out and covering her forehead, Ying didn't know what to say to Paimon, who had no tacit understanding at all, so she could only wave helplessly.

"Don't ask!"


Hearing this, Annie first took a bite of the unfinished food in her hand, and then hurriedly pulled the three 'lotus mud roasted original chicken' that had not even been peeled off the mud and lotus leaves behind her, and used the A puffy little look glared at Paimon who was looking over.

"No question!"


And from her puffed-up look, it's not hard to guess that if a little thing really dared to reach out, it would definitely be beaten.



Looking at the half skeleton left in his hand, and then looking at the three complete delicacy behind the other party that didn't even peel off the mud and lotus leaves, Paimon thought about it, and suddenly took out a yellow-orange one. fruit.



"I will use this fruit to exchange you for a 'Baked Original Flavoured Poultry' with Lotus Paste!"

"How about it?"

After throwing the blue-legged heron skeleton in his hand, which had become a pity to be eaten and discarded, to the Xingluo Lake not far away to feed the fish, Paimon only smiled anxiously and expectantly and approached Annie's. He came forward and proposed with the fruit.



"What fruit is this?"


"Is it Lianwu?"


Looking at the yellow-orange lotus mist that looked like an immature lotus mist, and then leaned in to sniff the strange sweet smell emanating from it, Annie couldn't help frowning suspiciously.

It's not that she hasn't eaten Lianwu. It looks tall and watery, but when you eat it, it looks like a sponge. It's tasteless, juicy, and the pulp is dry, even if it's freshly picked. The taste is also not good.

Anyway, I don't know if it was a bad buy, but she definitely doesn't want to eat it a second time after eating it once.

"wax apple?"

"what is that?"

Hearing Annie's words, Paimon couldn't help but startled, obviously not knowing what Annie was talking about.

"No, this is not Lianwu!"

"It's called sunset fruit!"

“It was delicious!”

"You shouldn't have eaten, right?"

Seeing that Annie didn't know her and her face was full of suspicion, Paimon knew that there seemed to be a connection, and then quickly added:

"Sunset fruit is a natural gift from our Tivat continent. It has plump fruits as beautiful and beautiful as the sunset. It tastes very fragrant and sweet, and it can also make people refreshed, really!"

"Annie, you must try it!"

Holding the sunset fruit in his hand, Paimon vigorously boasted of his recommendation, and at the same time, with his small eyes, he looked at the delicious ones that were still wrapped in dried and cracked dried mud and lotus leaves behind Annie. Neither implicitly stated her true intentions.

"Sunset Fruit?"


"Is it really delicious?"


Some unbelieving Annie leaned forward again and sniffed hard, and then, she could not help but hesitate a little, who had indeed smelled the strong sweet fragrance.


"Come and try one?"

"Paimon just needs to change another 'Lotus Mud Baked Original Poultry'!"

A wild fruit that I don't know where it came from wants to replace it with a roasted bird. This kind of thing must only be said by a greedy guy like Paimon who can't take his eyes away when he sees the delicious food.

In this matter, if you encounter any native of Tivat continent, it is estimated that she will give her a ruthless back of the head, there is no doubt!



Fortunately, however, Paimon met little Annie, who likes to eat good food and has never eaten sunset fruit.

At the same time, Annie didn't know that sunset fruit is everywhere in the Tivat Continent, and the output is still very high.


"OK then!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"However, you can't replace one fruit, you can only replace one thigh!"


After thinking about it, Annie, who thought it would be a good choice to rinse her mouth after having a fresh and uneaten meal, finally gave in.

"Only one thigh?"


"At least two thighs!


Blinking, Paimon thought for a while, then looked at the fruit in his hand, and finally gritted his teeth and stretched out two fingers, and then handed the sunset fruit in his hand to Annie at the same time.



"make a deal!"


With a blink of an eye, Annie finally responded, and swiftly ripped off two hot thighs from her half-eaten roasted poultry and handed them over to the other party. Then, she snatched the other party's hand. The fresh fruit called Sunset Fruit.


"That's not right!"


"Annie, this thigh was bitten by you!"

Looking at the two thighs in his hands, and seeing that one of them even had a fresh bite mark, he was missing a big bite of meat and a piece of fragrant skin. Paimon, who felt that he seemed to be at a loss, hurriedly shouted to stop and stop. protested.

"Is that so?"




Looking at the bird legs in the other party's hand, she found that one of them had indeed been bitten by herself. Then, looking at the sunset fruit in her hand, Annie quickly thought of an excellent solution.


"Mmmm, tender~!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!




(╯▽╰) So fragrant and sweet~~

So, under Paimon's gaze, she grabbed the fruit and took a bite, showing a satisfied little expression.



"People also took a bite of the fruit, so it should be fair, right?"


Licking her lips, she handed the fruit in her hand to Paimon, indicating that the gap in the fruit was basically the same size as the gap in the bird's leg, and said with a smug smile.







Paimon instantly widened his eyes and opened his mouth wide, as if something had strangled his neck, or as if he had seen a ghost, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.


And Ying on the side, of course, also had a stunned expression.

Well, at first glance, it seems that there is nothing wrong with what Little Annie did. There are gaps of the same size on the legs and fruit, which is indeed quite fair.


Think about it carefully, but always feel that something is wrong?

But anyway, Ying hesitated for a long time, and wanted to say a few words several times, but for a while, she didn't know where to explain.


"How is this fair?!"

"It's obviously you who bit it!"

Finally, Paimon who reacted was angry.


"It's only fair that Paimon has to take two bites and come back!


As a result, she, who was angered from the heart to the courage, rushed forward and planned to take two bites of meat on the thighs of the unopened 'lotus mud roasted original chicken' that Annie was protecting. Come.


!? (?\'\'??)?



"Even if you bite, you can only take one bite, why do you have to take two bites?"


Seeing that the other party had snatched one and opened up the dirt and lotus leaf to take two bites, of course, Annie rushed up and stopped the other party.

"What's wrong?"

"If you take two bites, then Paimon will take two bites. That's fair!"

Paimon didn't care so much. After tearing off the sealant and lotus leaf, he recklessly took a bite on the thigh of the hot, fragrant roasted bird.

Then, while she was chewing and talking, she planned to take a second bite.

"That's not right!"




"You can only take one bite!"


That's right, the sunset fruit has already been exchanged. Her Lady Queen Anne bit her own fruit, so what does it have to do with the other party?

So, after thinking about it, she felt that the other party could only take one bite to make up for it, and taking two bites would definitely make no sense. In that case, Her Lady Queen Anne would suffer!

"Shut up!"


But well, Annie didn't want to explain so much in a hurry, so when the other party took a vicious bite and was about to take a second bite, she hurriedly jumped on it, and then flew with the other party in the sky. tangled up.




"Annie is right, as if you really should only take one bite?"

At this time, Ying on the ground pinned her fingers and figured it out, and felt that Annie's statement was right. Paimon really shouldn't take a second bite, it would be unfair again.

"in spite of!"

"She took two bites, and Paimon will take two bites too!"

It's a pity that Paimon, who is angry now, has a simple mind, and doesn't seem to be able to pass arithmetic and logic very well, how can he care so much?

In any case, she admitted to death, just gritted her teeth and competed with some hateful little girl.

"All right!"

"Then leave you alone, I'll go wash first!"

The two were rushing to fly into the air. For Ying, who can't fly now, she must be unable to stop her, so she flopped her shoulders, turned and walked towards the lake.

She plans to wash the greasy hands and face, then rinse her mouth with cool lake water, then soak her feet, and finally she can find a clean place to rest on the island in the lake.


At this time, Yingcai had just walked to the lake, and before she rolled up her cuffs and squatted down to wash, there was a loud bang behind her, and it seemed that something was splashing.



"What, what?!"

Then, the first time she turned around, she saw in astonishment: The seven-day **** statue was actually in the fight between the two, and I don't know who knocked it down?

At this time, the statue rolled into the Xingluo Lake while Ying's mouth was stunned, and only half of the pillars were still standing there?




Then, of course, the two people who were fighting over finally stopped.



!? (?\'\'??)?

"It doesn't matter what other people are doing, it was Paimon who was knocked down!"


Annie, who found out that she accidentally got into trouble, of course, got rid of the relationship for the first time, and then flew back to the bonfire and picked up her little bear and those who had not finished eating, and then flew towards the lake in a smoky smoke. Prepare to be the first to flee the scene.



"I did not do it on purpose!"

"not me!


For a long time, looking at the collapsed statue, and then seeing that a certain little girl had flown to the shore of Xingluo Lake in the distance and was running towards the mountains to the west, Paimon finally got a jolt and hurriedly announced himself. It had nothing to do with the matter, and at the same time did not forget to fly directly behind the other party.



Looking at the collapsed statue, and then looking at the two perpetrators who escaped, Ying Lao couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"and many more!"


"You can't leave me!"




Then, looking left and right, looking at the conspicuous bonfire, and thinking about some of the storms that the collapse of the idol might cause, Ying gasped in a breath of cold air, then hurriedly shouted, and jumped into the lake for the first time. Chase behind the two fast-moving perpetrators in the distance.

Although she doesn't know who broke it for the time being, but she only knows that she must never stay at the scene of the eucalyptus, otherwise, if she is accidentally touched, she will But it really doesn't make sense.



"You wait for me..."



quack! quack!

It's a pity that even though Ying's shout broke his throat, neither of the two initiators responded to her. Only the frogs in the Xingluo Lake were alarmed by her and jumped into the lake with exclamations.



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