Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2021: ?(??0`?)? Only Paimon is a fool

In Mond City, the three of them just entered the hotel recommended by Amber. They entered this room with two beds, one big and one small, as well as a small bathroom and a small living room. Although it doesn't look very luxurious, However, in a very elegant room with a small balcony full of flowers, Annie, who came in with Miss Ying and Paimon and closed the door, exclaimed in surprise and asked on the spot.

"Sister Ying!"


"Have you become stupid after spending too much time with stupid Paimon?"


"You actually promised to help them?"


She was outside just now, because Amber was following, so Annie had something to say, but now that she's in the room, she doesn't care too much!


"It is indeed promised."

Ying thought for a while, but finally did not refute, and directly admitted with a smile.

It turned out that in the few months before they came to Mond, I don't know what happened, the Wind Demon Dragon suddenly recovered, and then, of course, the other party started to move around the city and create all kinds of chaos.

Just like today, if it wasn't for Annie's presence and action, God knows what Mond would have been like under the attack of that crazy wind dragon!

And then, according to what the so-called genius magician Lisa said once in 200 years, the flow of elements, the circulation of the ley lines, etc. in the Mond realm are now messed up like a ball of wool that has been scratched by a cat. a mess?

Therefore, the West Wind Knights resolutely decided that they could no longer allow the situation to continue to deteriorate like this after thinking about the pain!

And as the initiator of all factors, as the wind demon dragon who set off the storm and caused chaos and various attacks here in Mond, and also damaged the statue of the God of Wind twice, it must be suppressed!


During the day, when Annie left early and went to eat and drink, Ying, Paimon, Amber, and those of the West Wind Knights, namely the one-eyed Kaia, the acting head Qin, and the librarian Lisa, etc. After discussion, the people unanimously decided:

Abandon the useless passive defense strategy, and plan to take the initiative to attack, and plan to attack the abandoned temple ruins of the Four Winds before the dragon disaster expands, thereby preventing the wind dragon from using the residual power of the three abandoned temples to deal with Mond .

Unfortunately, at that time, Paimon, who had a fever for a while, was fooled by the group of people, and volunteered to take the initiative when the other party did not include meals, accommodation, wages and other incentives. Go for a kick?

Of course, the above is what Annie said, and Ying definitely doesn't make any judgments about it.

"Why are you so stupid!"


"You do what they say?"


"What good have they done to you?"


Annie still asked a little indignantly.

Although, in her opinion, the elder sister Qin and the cunning Lisa don't seem to be evil and bad people, but the other party is not a good person either.

Anyway, since they had just met each other once, they were not familiar with each other, and their impressions were not very good, Annie would definitely not go to work for each other stupidly.

Even, not to mention hard work, even being cute!




"It's good!"


"That sumptuous meal just now, doesn't it count?"

After flying around the room first, then after getting familiar with the terrain and leaving behind his own scent, when he heard what Annie said, Paimon flew back quickly, biting his fingers for a while, and then just so stupidly Replying to Anne's words.



"No! That's money given by others!"


"A total of about 100,000 morahs were eaten, and that's all their money!"


Annie said angrily.

Although it is not difficult for her to use her own gold to make Mora, let alone a dozen gold coins, even if it is tens of thousands of trillions of coins, it is just a matter of her Queen Anne's thoughts, but that meal does not matter. No matter how she invited them, it really has nothing to do with those two guys who only pretend to be kind to people!

Although, the other party is very familiar with that shop, and he specially introduced and recommended a lot of really delicious things, but those things were bought by Annie herself, and even other people eat it, so Paimon To say that it was the other party's treat, that kind of statement, Annie could not agree with anyway.


"Didn't they invite guests?"

"I thought……"

Hearing that it was Annie who gave the money, Paimon thought for a while, then scratched his silly face, not knowing what to say.


"Why don't you find them tomorrow and let them treat you?"

As a last resort, Paimon had no choice but to suggest this.

At that time, when she heard that the head of the piano group said that, and heard that it was for the safety of the citizens of Mond, her brain became hot, and she agreed.

And now, hearing Annie say that, she also seems to have a faint feeling that the West Wind Knights seem to be a little bit arrogant, and they obviously need their help, but they are not willing to give any practical benefits?


"Paimon, it's not a question of whether to invite or not."


"All right!"

"My plan at the time was actually like this."

She looked at Annie who was annoyed, and then looked at Paimon, who was stupid, but she didn't realize until now that it was being used. As a last resort, Ying had no choice but to shake her head with a wry smile and tell her thoughts.

It turns out that she herself also intends to approach the West Wind Knights, and what she does is of course to gain their trust and some support!

In addition to looking for some clues and clues in the other party's library, there is also the need to go to the temple of the 'Guardian of the Four Winds', to explore those ruins, and see if you can finally get from the guardian of the Four Winds and the wind demon. The meaning of getting information about his brother and that strange **** from the dragon's body.

After all, the Guardian of the Four Winds is said to be the servant of the God of Wind. She used to guard the land of Mond with the God of Wind. If she can connect with the God of Wind, who is said to have been missing for a long time, maybe she can get some Something mortals don't know?

So, although there is indeed a suspicion of being led by the nose and being used by those people, but in the idea of ​​using each other, Ying finally did not remind Paimon, who was acting stupid at the time, and just agreed casually. .


"That's right!"

"Paimon thought the same thing at the time, all to help Ying find her brother, and to find clues to that villain's god!"

"That's it!"

Hearing that Ying originally had that kind of plan, Paimon was shocked, and then hurriedly agreed loudly, pretending to be very wise.


"Tomorrow we and Amber are going to the ruins of the abandoned temple together. Do you want to go see it together?"

"We're going to the city gate to gather in the morning."

Ying didn't pay attention to Paimon's funny look of Zhuge Liang after the incident, just opened her mouth to little Annie who was blinking at her and invited her tentatively.

In her opinion, Annie's strength is unquestionable, and she has easily defeated the wind demon dragon. If she is there, perhaps the action will be smoother and safer, especially when her current strength is not yet strong. This time of recovery?



"Don't go! Don't go!"


"No time!"


"I don't want to go if I have time!"


Annie expressed her thoughts in no way implicitly.

After all, if you think about it carefully, those guys, those guys from the West Wind Knights, they eat and drink her, and they even pay for the place they live, but now, they still want her to be Anne Her Lady Queen stepped in to help, where in the world is there such a good thing?

Besides, she didn't need to investigate something like Sister Ying!


She decided that unless they entertained her with a big meal for a few days and coaxed her into a happy mood, otherwise, she would not pay attention to those guys!

In the current situation, when the other party didn't give any benefit, it would be a good idea to ask her to help. She didn't secretly cause trouble for the other party.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Is that so?"

"That's fine!"

"It's not too difficult a task, I should be able to handle it."

Nodding, Ying didn't mind too much.

After all, this is also her personal business, and now she wants to force Annie to pull her, which is really unreasonable.



"Whatever you want, remember to be careful, if you encounter danger, run quickly, don't hesitate!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Now that the two of them had decided, Annie didn't say much, just exhorted it like this.


"If you are in danger, shouldn't you help immediately?"

Hearing Annie's exhortation, Paimon asked in exclamation.



Annie didn't explain, just gave the other party a look and let the other party experience it for themselves.



"This big bed by the window belongs to me!"


After finishing the business, Annie cheered and jumped directly onto the big bed by the window, saying that from now on, this big bed is exclusively for her queen.

The bed is very soft, by the window, as soon as you open your eyes, you can see the unknown flowers that cover the entire window sill, and there is a faint warm and cool night wind blowing in. There is nothing better than this.

"That one is mine."

Ying didn't mind either, and headed straight to the slightly smaller, apparently single-person cot, and fell down, and then lay on top of it and didn't want to move.


"I'm so tired..."

The bed was very soft, the sheets, quilts and pillows were all brand new, and the inside of the pillow seemed to be a small leaf of some kind of plant. Botanical fragrance.

It seems that Amber is right. Although this hotel is a little small, the service and quality are indeed first-class, which can be seen from the details of the bed linen used by the guests.

Speaking of which, she hadn't been able to sleep on such a clean and soft bed for a long time.

Since she woke up, she has been wandering in the wild, and if she hadn't met Paimon and Annie later, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to find the way to Mond now, right?



"Did you forget something?"

Suddenly, Paimon, who was floating in the air, let out angrily and shouted with his hips on his back.


"What's wrong?"

Ying, who was lying comfortably on the bed, turned her head to the side, looking at Paimon, who was floating in the air, and asked with some confusion.

"Forgot what?"


Annie also came over comfortably.



"Have lunch and dinner together, and dessert after dinner..."




"By the way, I almost forgot, maybe we should take a hot bath before going to bed?"


Annie thought for a while, and then suggested that.


"It's really time to take a good dip."

"Last time, I had a chance to wash myself on that cliff. It's been a few days..."

I smelled the smell on my body, although I didn't feel too much odor, but thinking of the tiredness of the journey, plus the tossing for a long time today, and the dust all over my body, Ying sat up firmly from the bed, agreed, and agreed. Get ready to take a good shower.



"not like this!"

However, Paimon was still wandering in the air angrily, and continued to protest loudly.

"What's wrong?"


"It's right to take a shower before going to bed!"


Annie was a little puzzled.

"That's not right!"

"What Paimon means!"

"You all have a bed, what about Paimon's?"

With his waist stuck, Paimon, who wanted to say this, finally couldn't help pointing to the two beds and said angrily.


"Is that so?"

Listening, Ying couldn't help laughing a little, obviously she didn't expect Paimon to be angry because of this.





"How about that little bed over there?"


As she said that, Annie stretched out her finger carelessly and pointed to the corner of the door solemnly, where there was a small thing that looked like a futon.


Paimon looked subconsciously.


Then, her eyes gradually became straight.

She saw that it was a small bed specially prepared by the hotel for some guests with pets, which can be used for cats and dogs.

Of course, the size of Paimon, if you use it, it should be just right?


She Paimon...

Is it that kind of cat and dog?



"Absolutely not!"

"That's a cot for pets!"

"Paimon don't sleep there!"

First, he protested loudly and angrily, and then, after thinking about it, Paimon flew to Annie.

"Your bed is huge!"

"Then Pai Meng has shown mercy, I'll just squeeze with you."

Since Annie occupied the big bed, and Ying occupied the smaller one, Paimon suggested it in a big way.

"sleep together?"


"That won't work!"


However, Annie refused without thinking.



Paimon screamed back.

"People are going to sleep with their little bear Tibbers, it's already very crowded, you should go to sleep in that den!"


Annie started to hold up her Tibbers and opened her eyes to talk nonsense, saying that there were already two occupants in this big bed, and there was really no room for a third.



"People like to beat and bite people when they fall asleep at night, and they like to roll around, so don't sleep with you."


Then, Annie, who was afraid of the opponent's insistence, threatened her with a sullen expression.

Although, she is not as outrageous as someone said, "I want to kill in my dreams, if I fall asleep, you should not come near", but, if this little girl in front of her really dares to come to her Queen Anne If an adult grabs the big bed, then she will definitely make the other party pay some price. At that time, a kick under the bed will be considered light.


Paimon was in a hurry, and just wanted to say something, but suddenly felt that he was being hugged from behind.


She turned her head stiffly and nervously, and only relaxed a little after she found out that it was Ying.


"You two stop fighting!"

"Paimon sleeps with me in this little bed, just right, I still lack a pillow, that's the decision."

It was so late, Ying didn't want to see Paimon and Annie fighting over such a trivial matter, so she just made a decision for Paimon.

"Let's go!"

"Let's take a bath first..."


"Do you want to come together?"

After finishing speaking, Ying then walked to the small but delicate bathroom, trying to appease Paimon, and at the same time not forgetting to send an invitation to Annie.



"Clean it up!"

?*. ?(ˊwˋ*)??*.

Of course Annie would not refuse, so after cheering, she also rushed to the matching bathroom with Tibbers, her little bear.


First, there was a rustling sound of playfulness, and then, the sound of the rustling water flowed out.



"don't want!"


"Help, help!!"

But it didn't take long for Paimon's horrified exclamation to be heard from inside.



Then came the cheers of Anne's mischief succeeded.

It turned out that, while washing, Annie made a lot of bubbles with soap at some point. onto the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, without opening his eyes, the flustered Paimon naturally began to smash around in the small bathroom.

Yingcai just took the water and wanted to help, but Annie pushed him into the big bathtub that was also full of foam.

So, I was caught off guard, and my whole body was smooth and slippery, so Ying, who couldn't stand up with help, could only dance and scream in the white porcelain bathtub.

that's it……

Amid the frolics of Mond Fei and Annie the night gradually deepened.

At this time, Tibbs, who was also covered in foam, was washed casually and twisted by Annie and left on the shelf to hang out to dry, of course, he could see the three of them playing at a glance.

It's a pity that Tibbers doesn't seem to care much.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Obviously, it knows that the two white-flowered females, the Ying and the Paimon, at most, it can only look at it. It is definitely impossible to eat it. When it comes to the food in his stomach, Uncle Bear doesn't want to waste too much thought.)


ヾ(=?w?=)o Everyone remember to vote monthly~?


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