Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2033: (o???) o Mond's night

The afternoon of the second day.

Even if Amber, Ying, and Paimon finally returned to Mond City again, and then, in the evening, at their invitation, they also returned to Mond's Anne, and they met at the Deer Hunter Restaurant. The three converged together.


╰( ̄▽ ̄)

"Hello everyone!"


Annie, who ran down the fountain steps in the center of Mond, saw the three at a glance, and then waved her hands to greet them from afar.



"What's the matter, with a frowning face?"


Then, after approaching and seeing the sullen expressions of the three, Annie couldn't help but ask a little strangely, wondering what was going on.



"People know, it must be that your plan to play the piano didn't work out, right?"


Then, Annie, who had reacted, suddenly remembered what the three of them were doing in the past two days, her expression changed, and she asked tentatively with a smile with a little gloating.


(● ̄?? ̄●)



"It's playing the piano to the dragon!"

"It's a dragon!"

Hearing Annie's words, Paimon, who was swaying and flying on the table, hurriedly jolted, and then flew to Annie's front to correct and protest loudly.



It's a pity that Annie didn't want to hear Paimon's protest at all, she just grinned and stretched out her hand, pressed the opponent's face and pushed him away, walked to Amber and Ying's side, pulled a chair and sat down.

"You mean that plan..."

"Of course it didn't work!"


"It was about to be done, but the result..."

Sighing, remembering the situation at that time, Ying suddenly didn't want to say more, just felt very tired.

After all, thinking about it carefully, it seems that no matter what they do recently, it seems that they are not going well. I don't know if it is because of bad luck or because of their lack of ability?


"Annie, where have you been in the past two days?"

Shaking his head, Ying, who didn't want to recall those bad things, asked in turn, wanting to see what happened to Annie.



"I didn't run anywhere, I just went around looking for something delicious with a big sister and little Keli."


"Yesterday, we also found the camp of a group of Qiuqiu people. After eliminating them, we found a big treasure box guarded by them!"

(*??︶??*). .:



"When I opened it, I found it was full of boring junk!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Speaking of the big golden box, Annie couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

At first, she and Keli thought it was the Chuqiu people hiding something good, but it turned out to be a mess of things... Of course she didn't need those things, and Keli also didn't need them, so at the end , Sister Xiangling took it all away.



"You're with Claire?!"

However, it was fine for Annie not to say anything. As soon as she mentioned the name 'Keli', Amber, who was sitting quietly opposite, suddenly exclaimed and stood up and asked:



"The explosion last night wasn't really caused by you, was it?"

After hesitating for a while, Amber hurriedly asked with a tense face.

Although, the cadres of the Knights who flew across the lake from Mond City with Wings of Wind for the first time found nothing at the explosion site except a large pit filled with water and a mess on the ground. The initiator had already run away. Now, the way and elements of the explosion are also a bit strange, but right, the head Qin and the others still suspected Keli for the first time, and were ready to arrest the other party for questioning as soon as they came back?

But unfortunately, they never found anyone.

So now, hearing that Annie was actually with Claire, Amber subconsciously asked about the situation for the first time and was eager to know what happened at that time.





"You mean that big mushroom cloud?"


"People have seen it too!"


"But at that time, we were catching golden perch in the lotus pond in Qingquan Town, and we were chased by a bad old man. In the end, if they hadn't paid the money, we would have been regarded as thieves!"


After speaking, Annie stuck out her tongue playfully, with a smug little expression on her face.

As for what the other party said about the explosion... She didn't give a clear answer. After all, it really wasn't done by 'them', it was just done by 'Keli' alone, and it had nothing to do with 'them'.

"That golden sea bass is delicious!"


At that time, after seeing the knights of the West Wind Knights, Annie teleported to Qingquan Town with Xiangling and Keli, and rushed to the spring in that town as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the lotus pond that the townspeople used to fetch water has a very small spring, and the fish are easy to catch, so there is no need to put bombs at all. of a story.

"Qingquan Town?"

"You were in Qingquan Town when the explosion happened?"

"You really didn't do it?"

Hearing Annie's description, Amber couldn't help but have some doubts, but since she didn't have any solid evidence herself, she didn't ask any further questions.

"All right!"

"I'll investigate..."

"If you didn't do it, it would be troublesome."

Amber nodded, frowned again, but secretly kept the situation in his heart, ready to go back to report to Master Qin later, and personally go to Qingquan Town to find old Finch and the hunters to ask about the situation , to see if Annie, Keli and others were really catching fish in the lotus pond where the townspeople of Qingquan Town fetched water when the incident happened.

"It's not what we did!"


"People dare to use the name of Tibbers to guarantee!"


Annie said righteously and loudly, and also used her own bear as a guarantee.

After all, they really didn't do that thing, it was just a good thing Xiao Keli did alone, and it had nothing to do with her Queen Anne and Xiang Ling, so ah, she can really say this matter with confidence and strength, No shame or anything at all.


(● ̄?? ̄●)


"Do you know where Claire went?"

"It looks like she hasn't been back for two days."

Amber thought for a while, then sat back again, backed away and asked secondly.

"We've been looking for her for a long time, and Qin is going crazy."

"I just hope you really didn't do it..."

That matter, whether it was done by Keli or not, is not a trivial matter, so the necessary interrogation must be indispensable. Who made the frequent visitor of the confinement room, the demolition master of Mond City, that person called "the one who escaped" The little guy in the sun has so many previous convictions?

"of course I know!"


"She went to that Eagle Flying Beach."




"Could it be another beach?"


Annie is indeed a little unsure about this, but what is certain is that the other party must have gone to the beach, but which beach it is, you have to look for it to find out.

Anyway, when they parted, she kindly gave the other party a house with a universal capsule, so that the other party could use it as a research institute. As for when the other party would come back, she didn't know.

Maybe it's ten days and a half months, maybe it will be back in a few days, anyway, it's not an important thing, and that little guy has the ability to protect himself, there's nothing to worry about.

"Go to Eagle Beach?"


"She didn't run to fry fish again, did she?"

Hearing this, Amber couldn't help exclaiming again.

She knew that if that guy Keli fried fish in the fruit wine lake, he would definitely be caught and locked up in a confinement room for at least three days!

However, if the other party runs into the sea to fry fish, the mountain will be long-term, and no one will be able to control that little guy.

Besides, there are many fish in the sea, and they are very big. If Keli only fried a little fish to eat to a limited extent and didn't interfere with others, even the captain might turn a blind eye?

"Probably not."


"She went to study 'deuterium' (dāo)."


Annie didn't hide much, and directly and generously disclosed Keli's research plan with a strong purpose.

"Research knife?"


"What is there to study about knives?"

"No, when did Keli start to like researching weapons?"

In this regard, Amber said that it was a bit baffling.

After all, as far as she knows, although that little guy Keli has that kind of pure curiosity about everything in the outside world, she is more enthusiastic about objects that can explode.

Compared with weapons such as swords, the little guy prefers to secretly develop various new types of powerful bombs, and then either use them to fry fish or use them to cause trouble, or to cause terrifying forest fires, or even change a certain Topography of a place or something.


"If you want to study knives..."

"Isn't it enough to go to the smithy in Mond to find that Uncle Wagner or Schutz?"

"Why are you running to the beach?"

After thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't figure out how Keli went to the beach to study the reason for the 'knife', so she whispered with her arms crossed in confusion.

"This question..."


"You'd better ask her yourself!"


Knowing that the "knife" in Amber's mouth and the "deuterium" she just said were not the same, of course, Annie didn't want to explain too much.

After all, if Amber knew that she had taught Claire a more powerful way to explode, and also provided her with a lot of research convenience and samples of explosives, it would definitely cause her unnecessary trouble. !

Unfortunately, Her Lady Queen Anne hates trouble the most, so she doesn't want to talk too much about it.


At this time, Paimon, who was waiting on the side, was a little impatient.

"You have said so much, is it enough?"

"Amber, I'm hungry!"

"Since Annie is here, let's start ordering quickly!"

She flew over directly, flew to the middle of the two and interrupted the conversation that the two might continue to talk about.


"Then let's order first."


"Let's eat and talk again?"

Seeing that it was getting late and everyone was hungry, Amber nodded and agreed with Paimon's proposal.


"Sarah, let's order some food!"

"My treat today!"

"It's all on my account."

So she called and waved to Sarah, the waiter at the counter.


"I want to eat 'Sweet Flower Stuffed Pigeon' and a 'Honey Sauce Carrot Fried Pork' today!"

"I want a big portion!"

"Paimon finished eating!!"

Seeing that Miss Sarah finally came over with the book, Paimon hurriedly said the name of the dish she wanted to eat.



"I want a fisherman's toast, and a radish and vegetable soup!"

Immediately afterwards, Ying also spoke up.

She seemed to be in a bad mood, so she didn't order much, and it was relatively light, and she didn't order that kind of heavy flavor.

"I am also a old appearence."


"Annie, how about you?"

After Amber finished speaking, he looked at Annie who was sitting opposite her again.



"Bring someone a cup of apple fermented, remember to add ice!"


After thinking about it, Annie also ordered a drink, and then said that there was no more, so she ordered as much.


"Annie, don't you want to eat?"

"Just order a cup of apple stuffed?"

Amber was shocked.

You know, she is ready for a big hemorrhage today, and plans to use her half-month salary to satisfy the terrifying appetite of this little guy, Annie, which is deeper than the Valley of Falling Stars, but who would have thought, the other party turned out to be a cup of apple stuffed Just satisfied?



"I really don't want to!"




"You don't have to save me money!"

Amber was a little puzzled, and then hurriedly added angrily.

"Annie, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Ying, who was sitting beside him, also asked with concern.

She and Paimon haven't come back for the past two days, and they went to work on the wind demon dragon Twalin, so I don't know what Annie has done.

"No la!"


"People only ate Sister Xiangling's big meal in the afternoon, and I'm still full now, so I don't really want to eat."


Annie didn't hide it, she told the truth directly.


Amber subconsciously exclaimed.


"who is it?"

After looking at Paimon, who came over curiously, Ying, who said that he had never seen that name, asked strangely, wanting to know what new friends Annie made.


"No way?"

At this time, before Annie could answer, Sarah, the waiter of the deer hunter who came over to place the order for the four of them, also exclaimed in surprise while recording.


"Miss Sarah, what's the problem?"

Ying was a little strange, looking at Amber on the side, and then looking at the thoughtful Sarah, she didn't know why the two of them were startled, so she asked directly.

"Don't you know?"

"That Xiangling is a famous talented girl chef from Liyue!"

"She is very talented in cooking, especially spicy dishes, which is said to be a must?"


"Next time, if it's convenient, please tell Xiangling that I want to compete with her again. This time, I will definitely not lose to her!"

After explaining such a few words for Amber, Sarah warned Annie two more words, and then seeing that the four of them had no more points, she turned over and went back to the counter to busy and prepare.


"Is that guy named Xiangling really good at cooking?"

Seeing Amber's reaction and listening to Sarah's praise, Paimon hurried up to Annie and asked expectantly.


o( ̄▽ ̄)

"But she always likes to put some messy things in the pot..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Saying that, an expression of disgust began to appear on Annie's face.

"Just last night!"


"She also used the slime's slime's slime's slime's slime's slime to dipped the cloudless chili powder on the golden sea bass and then roasted it. Although it was delicious in the end, it was very fragrant, spicy and fresh, but..."


"People always think it's a little weird..."


Thinking about it, Annie frowned, with a tangled look on her face.

Because, that slime is the same as the slime monster she has seen, and it makes her sick to look at it, but Sister Xiangling cooks with slime slime, so of course she always feels that there is something wrong with her. There is always a strange feeling in my heart when I have the illusion of eating an ooze monster.



"Annie, next time, if you go out with that Xiangling to find food, please bring Paimon with you!"

At this moment, Paimon suddenly spoke and pleaded.

She doesn't care about slime slime, she just wants to eat the dishes made by Miss Xiangling, whom even Miss Sarah admires and praises.



"just forget it!"


Glancing at Paimon, then without thinking about it, Annie shook her head directly.



"Do you still have any opinion on Paimon?"

Paimon asked angrily.





"If that guy Xiangling sees you, she will definitely find a way to put you in the pot and eh?"

"Annie, do you want to eat Paimon too?"

"That's great!"

"I've long wanted to eat this emergency food and reserve food. Shall we steam it, or put it in the pot and braise it?"

At this time, Ying also suddenly came over, and then grabbed Paimon in his arms and said this with a joke.




"Hurry up!"

"Paimon is not your reserve grain!"

"Let go!!!"

Hearing this, Paimon protested loudly and struggled desperately.

"Don't let it go!"


"Come and help!"

However, Ying didn't buy it, she just hugged it hard, and bit into Paimon's face in one bite, and at the same time, she didn't forget to greet Annie.



The sun began to gradually set westward, and the sky gradually became darker.

At this time, the street lamps on the side of the road in Mond City also began to be lit one by one by the lanterns, so that the dim yellow street lamps began to illuminate the Mond Street that was gradually sinking into darkness.

At this time, at a round table in front of the deer hunter restaurant, Annie, Amber, Ying, and Paimon were in their respective positions, eating their dinner, and talking and laughing at the same time. They were frolic in their seats, and their silver bell-like laughter and the delicate appearance of the beautiful girls naturally added a bit of vitality and gorgeous color to this quiet city at night.


(゜▽^*) Don’t hide the monthly pass~??


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