Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2035: o(^?^)o The troubles of the fools


Benedict! Benedict!

In the city of Mond, in the most luxurious and brightly lit hotel, that is, the Goethe Hotel, which was wrapped by the envoys of the fools, a man wearing a red and black robe and a strange mask in the style of a blindfold, you can tell by looking at his clothes. A man who was not a native of Mond tapped on the door of a room that was still lit by candlelight.


"Please come in."

"The door is not locked."

Soon, a slightly tired voice of a woman came from the room.



Then, after getting the consent of the people inside, the man naturally reached out and pushed the door and walked in gently.


"It's Mikhail you...

In this luxurious and spacious hotel suite, behind the desk, is sitting a woman wearing a gray trench coat, with light gray hair and a similar mask, and she recognized the man at a glance and called out his name. .

There is no doubt that they clearly know each other, and looking at their outfits, they seem to be members of the embassy of the Fools' mission to Mond?


"Did something happen?"

After seeing the man come in and close the door, she pointed to the sofa opposite her own table and motioned for him to sit down, and at the same time she did not forget to ask in surprise.



"I'm just here to tell you something."

"I think you should listen."

The man was noncommittal, just walked straight to the sofa and sat down slowly, and then said this.

However, it is not difficult to guess from the look of his frowning, it seems that the situation is not very good?


"Please say."

"Am I all ears?"

Hearing that it was a routine, the woman nodded and put down the paper and pen in her hands, then put her hands together on the table, signaling that the man named 'Mikhail' could start.

"Is such that."

"Yesterday, news came from our detailed work."

"That woman and that bard, they seem to be preparing a plan again. I heard that they seem to be going to the ruins of Fenglong tomorrow?"

"I think, I think you should pay attention to this matter, so I came over overnight."

The man named Mikhail with a mask on his face said this with a slightly hesitant tone, and then lay down on the back of the sofa, no longer trying to hide the tired look on his face.

"Wind Dragon Ruins?"


"Speaking of which, I also heard that a few days ago, they went to Zhaixing Cliff, and they were going to use the piano of the sky to wake up the wind demon dragon, right?"

"But in the end, they failed."

"Now, they even want to go directly to the ruins of Fenglong, it seems that they are still not giving up!"

First startled, then coldly snorted, that foolish envoy Lyudmila then sneered and sneered.


"Have you figured out their team composition yet?"


"Who are they going with?"

However, despite the disdain on her face and heart, after a pause, the woman named Lyudmila frowned slightly and asked slowly and solemnly.

"It's still those few!"

"Jyn Gunhilde, the acting commander of the Knights, Diluc Legenfind, the former captain of the cavalry, Ying, a traveler from a foreign land, and..."

"The bard, Wendy!"

Mikhail, the envoys of the fools who came to visit late at night, did not hide it, and directly told what he knew.

At the same time, he seems to have directly and selectively forgotten a certain mascot, little Paimon, who is also a spare ingredient and reserve food, and never counted it in the 'Dragon Quest' from the beginning to the end. within the team members.


"That Wendy again?"


"It was he who led the way."


"It seems that his identity is really not simple!"

"It's really not easy."

"Lyudmila, what do you think we should do?"


"No, don't worry about it!"

"I'll report this matter to "Ms." later, I think it shouldn't be a big problem. "


"I think the same as you, anyway, as long as there is a "lady", even if he really is that existence, he may not be our "lady" opponent! "

"hope so……"


"Apart from the few you just mentioned, are there other people involved?"

"for example……"

"The little girl who once set fire to the wind dragon?"

"This is..."

"I can't confirm it right now."

"It's just that our people saw her going out with Lisa Mintz, the librarian of the Knights Order, in the afternoon, and it seems that she hasn't returned until now."

"At least the waiter at the small hotel didn't see her coming back."


"Do you know what they are going to do?"


"Sorry, I don't know."

"Our people didn't dare to get too close, only that they used teleportation spells to teleport away and disappeared without a trace after they left the city."

"Mage of their level, it's not easy to track down."

Having said that, the man Mikhail shook his head with a wry smile again, indicating that his abilities are limited, and not everything can be done perfectly.

"Is that so?"

"never mind!"

"Let's talk about what they are going to do tomorrow!"

"That is to say..."

"Have they found a way to break through the barrier of the wind dragon ruins?"

After pondering for a while, she knew that some things were indeed difficult for some strong men, so the woman stopped asking, but asked again what the other party reported before.

"I have no idea."


"Since the bard also participated, presumably, it should be no problem, right?"

After thinking for a while, the man spread his hands weakly again and gave the woman behind the desk a bitter smile.


"If he goes too, there should be no problem, just..."

"Ms. is continuing to put pressure on the Knights through the Wind Demon Dragon recently, I hope they don't resolve the Wind Demon Dragon's threat too quickly. "

"It's better that the little girl doesn't go!"

"In that case, maybe we can delay it for a while?"

Having said that, the woman also laughed a little bit self-deprecatingly, and then she felt that she had no way to directly intervene in this matter, let alone make trouble secretly, so she had to give it up for the time being and pin her hopes on illusory luck above.


"Let our people keep watching, be sure to know their every move!"

"Absolutely not to be taken lightly!"


"After this period of understanding and investigation, I always feel that the Knight Order is not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

"It's very likely that they should be hiding more strength?"

Having said that, Lyudmila, the female envoy of the Fools, paused again, then frowned and thought for a while, before continuing to ask:

"and also!"

"The big explosion that happened in Mingguan Gorge a few days ago, have you investigated the truth?"

"Is that the secret weapon developed by the Knights?"

"the most important is……"

"Is it related to that Spark Knight Claire?"

Thinking of the weird and terrifying big explosion a few days ago, of the little girl who was so strong that she could set fire to the wind dragon, and thinking about the many efforts that the Knights were making to solve the threat of the wind dragon, Lyudmila only I felt that one of my head and two were big, and at the same time, for the first time, I felt a feeling called powerlessness welling up in my heart.

She suddenly felt that this time they came to Mond with too few people. If they were in their own Winter Solstice Kingdom, when there were enough people, how could they be so constrained?

"I checked."

"But there is no clue at the moment."

"After the people of the Knights left, our people went to the scene to check carefully. The strange thing is that they didn't find enough fire element residues. That situation is a bit different from what that spark knight Keli did in the past. Too similar."


"That woman is right, it's probably just a meteor?"

"That was an accident?"

The 'woman' in the mouth of Mikhail, the envoys of the fools, naturally refers to Zhang Qin, the agent of the Knights.

And the meteorite he said was of course the one that formed the Falling Star Valley in the legend, but the power of the meteorite that day only caused a crater of more than 100 meters and huge sound waves and vibrations. Compared with the terrifying disaster that created a huge starfall lake, the power of the star valley is obviously much worse.



"Don't be too sure!"

"Especially their official rhetoric is not to be believed!"

"Who knows if they are covering up, or, who knows if they are trying to hide that powerful terror weapon?"

Thinking of the huge mushroom cloud that shook the city of Mond that day and could be seen in almost the entire Mond and even the border of Liyue, Lyudmila's face became even more ugly.

It's no exaggeration to say that an explosion of that magnitude is the power of the gods. Even if their "lady" encounters it, they probably have to retreat, right?

If, that kind of strategic-level explosive weapon, let's think that it is a weapon?

If it has been completely mastered by the Knights, then the plan they made before the fools to annex the divine power of Mond and Barbatos must be carefully weighed.

Otherwise, at that time, I am afraid that who will eat who will not be sure!


"Inside the Knights, is there any reliable news coming out?"

"About that explosion!"

After thinking for a while about the embarrassing situation that he would face in the worst case, and feeling that the situation became more and more difficult to be controlled by his own side, the envoy of the Fools first frowned, then his eyes narrowed, and his expression gradually became indifferent and temporarily. Throwing away all kinds of unfavorable thoughts, and then continued to ask aloud.

"not yet."

"They don't seem to have reached a final conclusion at the moment, which is very strange."

"Of course, the woman said it was a meteorite. Maybe it's really to stabilize people's hearts? But the specifics will have to wait until they find the spark knight Keli and finally confirm it."


"That Keli, it's been a few days, hasn't she appeared yet?"


"Our people just confirmed that the confinement room is empty and no one is on duty. She should really never come back."

"People from the Knights are also looking for her. They also sent a lot of people to Yingxiang Beach to search, but no news has been returned so far."



"The meteor was blamed for the explosion, but the most important spark knight disappeared. If the knights deliberately hid and protected the other party, then the situation would be really bad."


"Lyudmila, what do you mean?"


"I still don't want to believe that the truth of the matter is as simple as a meteor!"

"If it's some kind of new weapon from their knights, it would be a fatal blow to our fools' plan to take over Mond and what we "lady" are going to do! "


"Mikhail, do you understand?"

Having said that, the woman suddenly raised her head and looked at the man sitting opposite her, who was also a high-level envoy of the Fools, with a cold and urgent expression.



"Should I continue to send people to spy?"

"Or, take the risk and send someone to the second floor of the Knights and some of the forbidden places inside?"

Frowning and pondering for a while, that Mikhail asked tentatively like this.

"Do not!"

"It's better not to scare the snakes, and don't expose our people!"

Unfortunately, the woman shook her head and rejected it.


"The focus is still on that Keli. After all, she is the most suspect and has all kinds of criminal records..."

Thinking of the incident in the Wangfeng Mountains circulating in Mond City, the expression of that fool Ludmila couldn't help but turn a little dark, and then the mood that was not very good suddenly became worse.

"For now, let's wait and see what happens."

"Once you find that little girl Keli appears, immediately find a way to confirm the situation!"


"I know this."


"The focus of our work next is..."

"Two things!"

"First, keep an eye on the bard and their gang, and watch their every move!"

"But this matter will be handled by the lady herself, so don't worry too much about you and me."


"The other thing is...?"


"The other thing we're going to do is..."


"Find someone!"


"Dark Night Hero!"


"Dark Night Hero?"


"That rascal……"

"It has caused a lot of trouble to our plan, and we must find out as soon as possible!"

"Then, let the debt processing team deal with him!"



"I understand."

"Then I'll make arrangements first."

"Lyudmila, you should rest early too. If you have any other orders, just send someone to let me know."

Having said that, seeing that the matter was basically negotiated, the man Mikhail stood up and gave a salute, then turned around and left the room unhurriedly and closed the door of the hotel room again.


Seeing the other party leave, the messenger of the fools, Lyudmila, didn't say much. After sitting quietly in the room for a while, she suddenly took out a portrait from the drawer.


Name: Anne Hasta


Occupation: Arcane Archmage

Age: eight years old

Attribute: Fire

Weapon: Golem Bear: Tibbers

Talent: unknown

Information: A little girl who claims to be from outside the world. She has the power of fire element in her body beyond ordinary people's imagination. On the first day she arrived in Mond, she burned the wind dragon on fire. Currently, she has a close relationship with the West Wind Knights.

Hobbies: All kinds of delicious food.


"Annie Hastur..."


Looking at the portrait in her hand, at the little girl who was wearing a big grimace, and at the incomprehensible information on the other side, Lyudmila, the envoy of the Fools, could not help but sigh again.

She has sent people to try to contact the little girl many But in the end, the other party is either walking strangely or getting together with the knights, so until now, it has not achieved much practicality. Progress.

All she knew was that the other party had a close relationship with Amber, the scout knight of the knights, Ying, a traveler who also came from a foreign land, and the girl chef Xiangling from Liyuelai and the Spark Knight who had been missing for many days. Claire rubbed together.

It is precisely because of that, their fools want to win over each other or investigate each other's tasks, so there has been no good progress.


"Although the lady asked me to investigate this little girl, it's better to have a good relationship."


"It always feels like there is no way to start!"

Thinking of the other party's terrifying fire element power that can completely defeat the Wind Demon Dragon, and thinking about the explosion in Mingguan Gorge a few days ago, Liudmila always felt that the matter seemed to have some kind of subtle connection with the other party, but unfortunately, she There isn't any real evidence.

"That's it!"

"Left and right is that there is no reliable evidence and progress..."

"Let's report first."

In the end, she didn't understand why, she shook her head, then put away the paper that registered the other party's portrait and information, then got up and extinguished the candle, making the whole room and windows instantly darkened.

Then, as the door opened, she walked into the corridor of the hotel, turned and walked towards the VIP suite on the top floor of the hotel.

That is the room of the "lady" of their group of fools. She has to report on the movement of the Knights now, but she can't wait until tomorrow.



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