Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2066: (???) Watching chess without speaking

After Mona became the invisible richest man in Tewat overnight, she started to become a little nervous, hiding in the room all day, and she didn't know what she was reading or muttering, and she didn't even feel anxious. She was rushing to Monde to carry out the important task assigned by the old lady in her family, but she just stayed in Wangshu Inn, in Anne's luxurious VIP suite.

Isn't it?

The next day, when Annie woke up, she saw at a glance that Mona, who had been tossing nervously for most of the night, was curled up sleepily on the soft bed in the living room of the suite with the fairy storage bag in her arms. Both hands were still clutching the bag tightly, and tied it to his wrist with a rope, even in his sleep, he had no intention of letting go.



"Is it so exaggerated?"




Seeing the situation of the other party, Annie, of course, sighed a little incomprehensibly.

Although she really wanted to say that the bag of gold coins was not a big deal, it was just hundreds of thousands of tons of gold, so there was no need to be so nervous. She still had a lot of them, so it didn't matter if they lost them.

And then...

Those things, if needed, she, Head Anne, only needs to give an order, and the mineral smelting company of the Federation of Heroes in the Koprulu sector can casually bring those yellow ones to her with a large space freighter of the tens of millions of tons. Boring industrial metals, and it is guaranteed that any ship will contain tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of tons of gold, which is inexhaustible.



However, after thinking about it, although she didn't understand, Annie still didn't pay attention to the other party. She just hummed a song, opened the door and walked out.


Following a noisy sound, Annie came to the small terrace at the top of Wangshu Inn, to the terrace with rockery, lotus pots, roofs, green plants and a wide view, as well as the golden maple tree on the top The entrance of the viewing terrace that blocks the sun and forms the cool shade.



"What are you doing here?"



After observing secretly for a while, and then saw that the older sisters and uncles outside were watching something on the table, and then they were concentrating on discussing in a low voice, Annie finally couldn't help but rush. looked over and asked curiously.




It's a pity that none of the people present paid any attention to her, and they continued to discuss with each other around the things on the table on the balcony and pointing.

"Give way!"


"People have to go in and take a look!"


After much difficulty, Annie pushed away the buttocks of a young lady who was blocking the way, and got in smoothly amidst the exclamation of the other party.



"So it was playing chess..."


Soon, Annie who squeezed to the front saw that the table in the crowd seemed to be some kind of board game that she had never seen before?



"This is…"


"Liyue Port?"


Then, when she took a closer look, she realized that the chessboard was actually Liyuegang?

Moreover, she also saw that it not only reproduced the terrain and streets of Liyue Port in proportion, but even some vendors, teahouses, shops, hotels, miscellaneous shops, etc. that she was familiar with or not, were all there. For example, Wanmin Hall, Liuli Pavilion, Xinyue Pavilion, etc., are they all available?

Moreover, she also saw that there were even small human-shaped chess pieces of Master Mao, Miss Li Cai and Miss Yue Shu on it, and they looked extremely exquisite and lifelike?

"How to play this?"

∑(△`)? !

Then, after being surprised, Annie, of course, continued to make noise and observe.



Not long after, she said that she already understood the rules.

There is no doubt that it is a board game with six-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided dice, and players use the way of throwing dice to determine the number of moves of various pieces, and the pieces fall in different places , will trigger different and environment-related events, resulting in a loss or a certain amount of money, or some kind of benefit, and finally the whole game depends on the number of chips in the player's hand to determine the outcome.



"People know, you are playing Monopoly, right?"


Ever since, after thinking that she had fully understood the rules of the game, Annie cheered crisply again.



However, the elder sister who seemed to be familiar with the game of chess and the fat uncle who came from a merchant who didn't know where they came from both turned their heads and looked at her.

That uncle glared at her impatiently and somewhat angrily, as if to signal her not to disturb his rhythm by talking nonsense?

And the older sister who looked familiar glanced at her with meaningful eyes, half a smile, but quickly looked away, and slowly opened the folding fan with golden paper to cover her mouth and nose, He returned his gaze to the table and began to meditate.



Annie looked innocent, she didn't care at all, and continued to lie on the table looking at the exquisite Liyue chess that looked like a sand table.

Although the big sister did look familiar, she seemed to have seen it somewhere, but that kind of thing was not important. What Anne cared more about now was the seemingly fun game on the table.


"Very good!"

"I rolled a six!"

"Set off!"

"Towards the port!"

At this time, it was the turn of the middle-aged man to throw the dice, and after he cheered, seeing that the value of six was up, he hurriedly stood up and picked up his chess piece, and counted forward impatiently Prepare to take six steps.





"Can't go to that port!"


Seeing this, Annie, who thought she was already good at playing, couldn't help but exclaimed, and wanted to reach out to stop that stupid fat man.


"Watching chess without speaking is a real gentleman!"

"Little guy, no one told you that when others are playing chess, don't the people next to them talk nonsense?"

It's a pity that the fat middle-aged uncle didn't appreciate it. Instead, he turned his head and gave Annie a hard look. Then, ignoring the advice, he resolutely counted six squares forward and put the chess piece in his hand, and then He sat back contentedly.



Annie stared back at the other party bluntly.

"I'm not a 'gentleman', I'm a little girl!"




"Uncle, you are miserable, you are bound to lose!"


Then, after making a playful grimace for the other party, Annie took a step back gloatingly and said mockingly.

"whispering sound!"

"This Liyue chess is very complicated, what do you know, a little girl?"

"Go! Go! Go!"

"I don't have many chips in hand now, if I don't hurry up and do some business in the port, then I will really lose!"

Hearing what Annie said, of course the fat uncle turned his head with some displeasure, and said it smugly. Finally, he gave Annie a dissatisfied look.

"Doing business at the port?"


Annie blinked, then moved to the edge of the table and stood on tiptoe to look at the grid where the chess piece was, and then raised her head to look at the fat guy with big ears and a big belly in front of her.



"People don't know whether you can enter the port to do business and make money. Anyway, people only know that you are almost out of money."




"That grid is the Liuli Pavilion. The food in the Liuli Pavilion is very expensive. Your chips will be eaten up!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)cut~~

Annie turned her face away, expressing that she didn't want to talk to that kind of idiot.

Although she is not very clear about the specific rules of the game, she only knows that she has been to Liuli Pavilion several times, and it took a lot of time for the first time to get those guys to reluctantly agree to her jumping in line. It took more money to invest in shares, and those guys allowed her to eat whenever she wanted, and the uncle like the one in front of me who didn't have much chips dared to put the chess pieces in front of the Liuli Pavilion. ?


Hearing this, the middle-aged uncle's expression changed, and then he seemed to have remembered something, and quickly stood up again to look at his chess pieces.



"How did I forget this?!"

Then, he exclaimed, and wanted to reach for the chess piece, and then change the direction of his advance.





It's a pity that at this time, the young lady standing by the table wearing a red cheongsam, wearing glasses on the bridge of her nose and looking stern, who seemed to be the referee, suddenly stretched out her hand, and unceremoniously used the small stick in her hand. Mitiao pulled back the middle-aged uncle's hand, forcing him to hold the back of his hand and let out a cry of pain.


"Since you know 'watch chess without speaking', don't you know there is also 'play chess without regret'?"

"Chess down, it has taken effect!"

"Now I declare: Party B advances six squares and is located in front of the Liuli Pavilion. The Liuli Pavilion has to wait in line for three months to eat. Therefore, Party B needs to skip the next three rounds and cannot act, and consumes 300,000 moras!"

After the announcement, the young lady wearing glasses stretched out the strip in her hand again, and pulled away a total of thirty chips from the few Mora chips left in front of the middle-aged uncle's table.



However, Annie saw that it didn't seem to be a bargaining chip, but the real Mora?


"Next, it's my turn?"

Seeing the dejected look of the middle-aged man, the big sister with long platinum hair smiled noncommittally, then, after looking at Annie thoughtfully, she picked up the dice and threw it. out a little.


"Just a little bit!"


"You can only move forward one space?"

It seemed that she was a little dissatisfied that she only threw out a mere point, so the big sister with long platinum hair sighed, then shook her head, and then stretched out her delicate and slender fingers after a while , the delicate white jade-like chess piece with her moved forward on the chessboard.


"Party A moves forward!"

"Party A is located in front of the 'guide' of Qunyu Pavilion, and can climb to Qunyu Pavilion, obtain important business information, double its assets, and double all income in the next three confluences and avoid all loss traps!"

After glancing at the location of Party A's chess pieces, the young lady wearing glasses coldly read out the information about the location of the chess pieces. Then, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she bowed her head and took out almost the same amount of chess pieces from the referee's treasury. Mora and pushed past.


"It actually doubled again..."


"You have less than 50,000 moras left now, do you want to continue?"

He looked at a large pile of moras in front of him, at least three or four hundred of them, and then looked at the poor few remaining on the opposite side, and thought that the other party would be punished to stand for three rounds, the one with long platinum hair The woman covered her mouth and asked with a light smile.



"It's really bad luck!"

"Forget it!"

"I admit defeat, stop playing!"

His expression froze, and then he looked at a lot of moras in front of the platinum-haired woman, and then at the few left in front of him. As a last resort, the fat man could only sigh with interest, and then He picked up the last five left and turned around to leave.


"Boss Huang, don't be discouraged!"

"As the saying goes, winning or losing is a common thing for businessmen. If you lose today, you can win back another day, right?"

"Come on!"

"I'm the host today, shall we have a drink downstairs?"

At this time, seeing that Boss Huang looked depressed, Huai An, the shopkeeper of the Wangshu Inn, stepped forward and took the hand of the middle-aged man, Boss Huang, and led the other party and his two followers downstairs with a smile. gone.

Then, as a matter of course, as they and some people left one after another, on this terrace with rockery, lotus pots, roofs, green plants and a wide view, only little Anne who came to join in the fun, the one with platinum hair The elder sister with long hair, the elder sister with glasses who acted as the referee, and Yuhua, the maid of the Wangshu Inn, were just four of them.


"After playing chess for a long time, I'm a little tired."

"Hundred senses!"

"Clean up, let's go back to the guest room to rest!"

Then, the big sister with platinum long hair suddenly brushed her hair lazily, stretched her waist, and was about to let the maid wearing glasses and red cheongsam pack up her things and leave.





"Big sister, the weather is so good today, don't rush to go back to sleep, I'm here to play a game with you, how about it?"


At this moment, Annie hurried forward and held the back of the hand of the older sister wearing glasses, preventing the other party from packing up the chessboard before looking at the older sister who was standing up with beautiful platinum long hair, eager to try asked.

You must know that Lady Queen Anne is currently idle and has nothing to do, and since she has encountered such a fun game, if she can't play a few rounds, she will never let it go!


(● ̄ ̄●)


"The weather is great?"


"Little guy, don't trust your eyes easily, it can lie, maybe, there are some turbulent waves hidden under this calm sea?"

Shaking his head, the other party stared at Annie with scrutiny and playful eyes for a while, then turned around and looked at the lake and mountains of Dihuazhou in the distance, and sighed jokingly.

"Just say yes or no!"


Annie didn't have time to play riddles with the other party, so she straightened up her little face.

Of course she could tell that the other party meant something, and she could tell that the other party was waiting for her on purpose, but she didn't care what the other party's purpose was, she just wanted to play a few rounds with the other party, that's all.


"It's not impossible."


"Do you have Mora?"

"I'm different from ordinary people. I need at least one million moras to play a game, that is, a hundred of these gold coins as chips."

"I never use fake props."

Said, the woman smiled and pointed to the golden pile in front of her, and all of them were the largest 10,000 denomination Mo La asked.

"Of course there is!"




"Is that enough?"


Without even thinking about it, Annie took out a full hundred of those brand new 'counterfeit coins' Mora from her pocket in an instant and slapped them on the table vigorously.



"Can we begin now?"


Then, without waiting for the other party's consent, she couldn't wait to climb onto Party B's seat, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, she took the chess piece of the stupid fat man just now and put it in the starting position, which is one of the entrances to the Liyuegang model , put it on the steps of the Yunlaihai plank road and asked with a smile.



Seeing the hundred brand-new coins that Annie took out, the woman with long platinum hair narrowed her eyes slightly, then thought about it, and finally put away the folding fan with a smile and nodded in agreement. down.


"Let's change places, go to my room, and adjust some rules, what do you think?"

However, before Annie could cheer, the other party said these words again with a smile, and pointed to the big house not far away that was also hung between the big trees and the cliffs.



"Go and go!"


"Later, you are not allowed to cry when you lose!"


Of course Annie didn't and she didn't believe that the other party could play tricks, so she readily agreed without even thinking about it.


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers knows that some smart humans are probably going to be unlucky... Anyway, the creatures in this world may never know that a certain high-end and bad hunter, she often appears in the form of prey ?)

"very good!"

"I am looking forward…"

Seeing that Annie agreed, the woman smiled and waved her hand, beckoning the inn maid Yuhua to lead the way.


(ω) monthly pass

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