Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 290: Battle of Rohan (9)


Here in the battlefield of Sacred Helmet Valley Taniguchi Grassland filled with black and red stagnant blood, a strong orc whose left arm was broken by a bullet is holding its big hooked knife, revealing his hideous fangs and a full face. His bloodstain roared harshly towards the sky.

Although it did not understand what the enemy did, it did not admit defeat!

The name of these strong orcs was Zagrag, and they just barely managed to crawl out of a pile of corpses. Then, it was surprised and angrily discovered: just now they have nearly 10,000 strong orcs army, those super The spear's iron armor phalanx and the sword shield and plate armor phalanx all fell here, in this huge area about two hundred to eight hundred yards from the enemy's front.


Zagrag couldn't remember exactly what happened just now, and the roar continued...

It was originally the leader of a sword and shield phalanx, in charge of a full 155 strong orc sword and shield iron armor soldiers under it. It itself is the strongest of their team of strong orcs, so, of course, it became a team officer and was responsible for leading its team during this battle and taking the lead in the forefront of its team!

Before that, when attacking the Horn Fort, Zagrag’s team was at the back, so they could not be assigned any combat tasks. Because of this, they could not **** any from the feast of the front troops. Their stumps and arms were broken. They had been marching for several days, but they were very dissatisfied with those who could only eat the black bread with maggots!

However, fortunately, when they were about to try their best to squeeze into the high wall of the horn fort, to see if they could find one or two corpses from the ruins on the periphery to open the meat and add some meat, in their large rear, unexpectedly There are waves of strange horns?

Then Zagrag was surprised to find: In the direction of the Valley of the Helm, a group of stupid human soldiers blocked their way back? Therefore, Zagrag and the other strong orcs were ordered to attack the ridiculously sparse formation of the opponent and resolutely eliminate those stupid enemies!

They didn't spend too much time forming a team outside the wall of the horn fort. After that, they couldn't wait to press in the direction of Taniguchi!

While marching, Zagrag yelled excitedly at his subordinates while still not forgetting to explain them: Later, in any case, they will find time to grab a few enemy corpses for their team. Improve the recent bad army food!

Since the enemy didn't seem to be strong, so in order to get enough benefits, Zagraget specially won a position in the forefront for his team. It has always been complacent about its wise decision.

At the beginning, Zagrag felt very strange, because when their large forces gradually approached the strange group of human forces at a distance of four or five hundred yards, the opponent still did not move at all and was still fiddling. With that strange...iron rod in their hands?

Although, Zagrag himself felt a little puzzled, wondering what the new group of enemies without armor and blades wanted to do? However, this does not diminish its sense of longing for the meat and the killing soon!

Therefore, when their group of forwards reached within three hundred yards of the enemy, Zagrag began to raise his shield excitedly and shouted loudly, because the distance is already very close, it intends to let Together with me, my subordinates began to accelerate and charge, directly overwhelming the little human ladies who were not far away!

At that time, the other strong orcs phalanx walking in the front row also did the same. At a distance of 300 yards, they only needed 20 or 30 breaths to rush past, and then they smashed their formation severely. , Chop off their heads, and then eat them again?

It's better for them to be strong orcs. They don't need to waste time cleaning the battlefield and burying or burning corpses like those stupid humans do. Their approach is generally that the victorious party directly eats the enemy!

Even if it is the same kind who died in battle on one's side, it is-eat it! So, it's not unreasonable that their morale is higher. At least, they don't need to feel sad for the death of their companions at all, but are happy? Because the dead companions mean that after the battle is over, they will have an extra source of meat and one less competitor to share?

However, what Zagrag might never think of is that the final result is the scene in front of him?

It also remembered that when it held up its shield and started shouting loudly to boost its morale and prepare to speed up the charge, the strangers on the opposite side, their first row of the ribbon battle line divided into five rows, unexpectedly Lifting the iron rod in his hand toward them?

Then, after bursts of fire and smoke came out of the iron rod in the opponent's hand, Zagrag heard the ensuing explosion sound, and found that the arm and shield of his left hand were directly Was beaten out? Then, he felt that something seemed to have rubbed its head armor, making it instantly black before it fell...

"no no!!!"

Finally, when Zagrag regained consciousness and woke up, trying to use the remaining hand to crawl out of the pile of corpses, he only found the scene before him: their strong orcs, countless in darkness. The corpses of the plate armor all lay down here silently, and fell on the wilderness of the valley mouth of the Saint Helm Valley...

It looked around just now. At this moment, the corpses that were supposed to be companions, the closest to the enemy, are still about two hundred yards away, and more of them fell back to the enemy. In the area of ​​one hundred to eight hundred yards!

Obviously, when they charged before, they failed to rush to the enemy's line, and they were already broken...They shamefully handed their backs to the enemy...

"Kill you! Zagrag wants to kill you!"

After the great fear and anger, followed by that endless madness!

"Kill you..."

Therefore, Zagrag grabbed a large sharp knife on the ground with his only right hand, with blood on his face, and roared like a beast in his mouth, while roaring viciously, and Towards the distance, the formation of those enemies who seem to have not yet dissipated, walked over step by step...


The battle has been over for a long time, and Queen Ofina, who was riding a unicorn standing in front of the battle, did not order to clean the battlefield, because there are more enemies in the distance!

Therefore, they were able to stand in their respective positions in their spare time, start emergency charging or check their weapons, and by the way watched the dead bodies of the nearly 10,000 strong orcs that they had crushed.

Except for a few lucky ghosts who fell behind and managed to escape back to the horn fort, the other strong orcs who launched the attack all fell here...

Occasionally, there were also three or two strong orcs who got up from the pile of corpses and wanted to escape. They were all named and killed by their sharpshooters one by one, and they did not escape very far.

However, it was the first time Ofina saw the strong orc in front of her. Not only did the opponent not run after being seriously injured, she even dared to copy the guy and walk step by step toward her battle line?

This made her feel a little interested, so she didn't order her subordinates to shoot, but instead let them walk within two hundred yards.

"Lend me your weapon, soldier!"

At this time, when Ofina saw that the strong orc soldier was still roaring, walking towards her side step by step and beginning to raise her weapon to start the charge, she finally smiled, directly on the back of the unicorn Possessed, snatched from a soldier next to her the opponent's Mini rifle with a faintly hot barrel.

After confirming that the ammunition had been loaded inside, she held the gun on her shoulders and began to aim at the strong orc soldier who was still rushing forward step by step.

Regardless of whether the other party's behavior is brave or stupid, Ofina has already decided: this time, she will do it herself and give the other party a decent way to die?

So when the mechanical sight of the Mini rifle in her hand covered the ugly and hideous head of the opponent, Ofina pulled her index finger gently.


When the fire sickle hits the edge of the medicine pool, a bunch of sparks rises, and then the gunpowder in the medicine pool ignites suddenly after it hits the sparks. After a clear gunshot, the medicine pool and muzzle on the right side At the same time, a burst of fire and gun smoke burst out, blocking Ofina's vision, and she had to squint her eyes slightly.

But she could still clearly see that the head of the strong orc in the distance burst like a corrupted black watermelon, and the other's iron helmet also shattered into two pieces and flew out! At this moment, almost all the headless corpse on the other side's neck was shattered slightly before it finally fell to the ground...

Actually, this little strong orc leader called Zagrag is already amazing! Because it was among the 10,000 strong orcs who had died the closest to the red-bottomed and golden-rimmed condor flag before the battle line of the Musketeers of the United Kingdom of Alicia!

It died in the place closest to the enemy, which is also an extremely glorious thing, right?

"Heh! It seems that their strong orcs have finally begun to be anxious..."

After returning the musketeer with the bullet in her hand to the admiring musketeer next to her, Oufina looked into the distance with interest.

Outside the wall of the horn fort, countless strong orc troops began to be driven out of the horn fort by their generals, and began to gather directly outside the wall.

Soon, they lined up into a close and large square. The squares were separated by just one or two people. When the Alicia soldiers in the distance looked over, they felt Densely densely, like a large group of black man-eating ants gathering together.

"Groyin! Is your artillery position ready?!"

After calculating that the enemy should have a long time before the abbots were able to maintain order and form a formation, Ofina stopped watching, and ran backwards and ran into the artillery array on the high ground, towards the dwarf Ge, who was building an artillery position. Luo Yin asked loudly.

Just now, because the strong orcs came up too fast, she didn't count on the slow artillery. And now, once those tens of thousands of strong orcs and Dunlanders rushed in desperately, then she must let the artillery suppress and destroy the morale of the enemy, so as to reduce some of the pressure on the Musketeers.

"It is ready, please relax, Your Majesty!"

Groyin, who was carefully stuffing a big round iron ball into the cannon, waved his hand and shouted, indicating that their artillery position had been constructed and loaded.

"Now, as long as you order, we can even directly bombard their strong orcs in the big position outside the castle!"

After estimating the distance between the two sides, the old dwarf Groyin felt that the strong orcs were lined up in densely packed formations. They probably didn't need to aim at them, and if they just shot it over, they would be able to draw out a long series of flesh and blood connections Right?

He has the final say, if they don't miss the shot, they only need one salvo. After 30 shells have passed, at least they can kill hundreds or thousands of strong orcs? There is no better way to reflect the power of their artillery than to fight this kind of close formation. Before, they hit the city gate or bombed the city wall at most!


On the side of the mountain fortress of the Horn Fort, now, the strong orcs who were hitting the door have already ran out of the retaining wall. They walked too hurriedly, and even left the huge bumping wood directly outside the door. On the edge of the stone bridge.

And now within the retaining wall of the Horn Fort, apart from the thousands of Dunlanders who are still wrecking or destroying fort facilities or trying to find a way to enter the mountain fortress, only a handful of strong orcs remain. The troops lingered inside and no one was in charge.

At this time, in the mountain fortress, in this hall, the generals and soldiers or refugees who had previously felt incredible and talked about the ranks of the Alicia Kingdom have been collectively silenced!

At the same time they are excited by the powerful support from their side, they are also instinctively afraid of the terrible weapon that emits fire and blasts like bamboo!


After thinking about it for a while, Hidden finally spoke with difficulty.

"You have traveled around Middle-earth for so many years. Have you ever seen a weapon that emits fire and smoke? Or is it... similar?"

Next to a stone window in the mountain fortress of Hornbill, after observing the attack and destruction of the 10,000 strong orc army and the terrifying weapon of the United Kingdom of Alicia throughout the entire process, Hidden is now almost speechless. coming.

You know, that is an army of nearly 10,000 strong orcs equipped with iron armor...

Xiurton felt that even if it were to give himself 10,000 of the most elite cavalry, it would take at least several days to repeatedly rush into the formation to lure the enemy and minimize the loss if you want to completely eliminate or defeat these strong orcs that form a tight square formation. Is it possible for a small army to do it?

And now, in the Alicia Kingdom, they just relied on that terrifying fire-bearing weapon to block Taniguchi and almost wiped out the first batch of enemies without any damage to themselves? He just saw it very clearly, the number of strong orcs who can escape by chance, the number of people who can finally escape successfully, will definitely not exceed one thousand!

Hidden asked himself, if he replaced them with 10,000 cavalry from the Luo Khanate to attack the formation of the Alicia Kingdom, he himself felt that with equal numbers of both sides, their cavalry would definitely be charging. You will be slaughtered on the way!

He felt that at least three to five times the number of cavalry troops, and also in the wide and flat grassland terrain, can hope to withstand the shooting of those terrible weapons and forcefully rush to the enemy's front, right?

Moreover, the most terrible thing is: under the huge casualties and the huge blow to morale, is there any unit that can withstand the loss? The sense of despair when you have to lose half of the time without touching the enemy, can definitely bring down any of the most disciplined troops in Middle-earth!

The strong orcs just now are the best proof! Their morale and discipline can be said to be excellent!

But the result? When they were easily slaughtered by the enemy for three to five thousand, they could no longer be restrained and began to collapse and escape! Then, when they handed their backs to the enemy, they ended up with only a few hundred flukees left and fled back, almost completely wiped out?

That terrible weapon just chased them back and fired until they reached a position close to a thousand yards... Could it be that they were holding large catapults, or else how could they have hit so far?


"I'm sorry, King Haydon...Although I have been to many places in Middle-earth, I have never seen such a terrible weapon!"

"Even, I haven't even heard of it..."

After being silent for a while, Aragorn also shook his head a little hard. At this moment, he only felt a burst of bitterness in his heart...

In the face of this terrible weapon that the devil can possess, personal bravery will become useless! When faced with this kind of weapon, even the most elite ranger or knight might not be as good as a woman without the power of a chicken?

By now, Aragorn finally understands, why the armies of the Alicia Kingdom hardly wear armor? I also know why there are still a group of women in their formation...

If there is such a terrifying devil weapon, let alone a woman, even a child, as long as he can afford that kind of iron rod, it is estimated that he can easily kill the most heroic knight, right?

Moreover, an attack that can be launched from such a long distance...

"Maybe, they really are the devil from hell?"

Except for the adjective of the devil's weapon, Aragorn really can't imagine a better modifier...Those terrible weapons, perhaps shouldn't appear in this Middle-earth at all!

He suddenly felt a little lazy now. The Alicia United Kingdom of unknown origin, just by looking at their current military strength, Aragorn already knew that the other party could definitely be north of the White Goose River, in his Arno Kingdom. Have a firm foothold on the homeland!

With these powerful troops as a deterrent, no one would be foolish enough to oppose them!

The most terrible thing is that they are now developing south. If nothing happens, Rohan should also join them. Then, how can the Kingdom of Gondor gain a foothold on Middle-earth?

Even if he Aragorn really took advantage of the inheritance right to successfully take back the Kingdom of Gondor, what can he do? Can he defend his Gondor under the threat of this terrible devil weapon?


The King Xiuton Hussar also made a calm face and did not speak any more.

Compared with the sadness and heavy blows in Aragorn's heart, his own feelings are actually more mixed? The good news is: if nothing happens, they can basically be said to be safe now! The worry is: Does his Luo Khanate really announce to join the other side? When the time comes, how can his Rohan be in the other's United Kingdom to ensure his independence and other interests?

Half-happy and half-worried, he is now thinking: If he is the general of those strong orcs, how should he defeat the army of Alicia?

In front of that terrible weapon, from the battle just now, he had already seen a fact: They still maintained terrible lethality at a distance of 800 yards!

In contrast to their traditional bows and arrows, those began to appear backward shooting weapons.

In the case of the elves, those elven bows that use special wood and bowstrings and are well crafted can have a direct firing range of at least 100 yards. In the case of projectiles, they can reach 400. A distance of five hundred yards is already pretty good!

As for humans or dwarves whose crafts are a little bit behind, apart from the powerful but troublesome hard crossbow, if it is a bow and arrow, it can only reach 70% to 80% of the range of the elf bow and arrow unit, or even less?

Moreover, the most important point is: ordinary bows and arrows are certainly not able to shoot through the enemy's steel plate armor, especially the strong orcs. They are almost a whole panel of cast-in-piece armor. Although the craftsmanship is awkward, but very effective!

Ordinary bows and arrows are shot directly or projectile, as long as they don't hit those weak spots, they can be easily bounced away without using a shield to block!

This matter has already been proven when humans and elves were defending the walls of the horn fort! At that time, their bows and arrows were not ideal for killing strong orcs.

And what about Alicia’s terrible weapon that would brave fire and smoke? They can actually penetrate the plate armor directly at a distance of a few hundred yards? And if it's about three hundred yards away, can you even make a direct crossover and knock down one or two strong orcs in the dense formation?

Therefore, after thinking about it, Hidden came to an amazing conclusion: if he was the general of those strong orcs, he himself would not only let tens of thousands of people force the pig charge together, pile the road with human lives and rush past it. Besides, he actually has no other better way...

Moreover, this is still assuming that morale will not collapse, even if it can eventually rush through, it is estimated that there will not be many people left?

"Aha! I tell you, we actually have the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain that are similar to things that will blow up and smoke!"

Suddenly, Jin Li, the dwarf who was standing on a large wooden barrel, was able to watch a scene of the Musketeer vs. the Plate Infantry while lying on the windowsill. He didn't know what he thought of, so he shouted and cheered.

Just now, during the battle, he had always felt that the fire lights and sounds of the weapons of the Alicia United Kingdom Army seemed familiar?

"In fact, we dwarves will also configure a powerful thing called'Flashfire'!"

"The sound and smoke it makes when it explodes are almost the same as those of the Alicia army in the distance! But, we usually stuff it into a large iron ball and then throw it out with our hands?"

At this time, Jin Li also remembered that his father Groyin had boasted to him many times: In those days, a dozen dwarves and the hobbit Bilbo Baggins together with the gray-robed wizard Gandalf When they were on an expedition to Gushan together, they had used that kind of'flash fire' in Gushan Fortress! Moreover, they used it to blow up the head of the dragon Smaug!

Although, those gadgets did not have much influence on the dragon Smaug at the time, but no one can deny that when they exploded, they would make a huge noise, produce firelight and choking smoke! Regarding these points, it must be beyond any doubt!

Together, these similarities are a bit similar to the weapons of the Alicia United Kingdom army on the opposite side!

Although Jin Li still doesn't quite understand, why is the opponent's iron stick so powerful?

Maybe, when he goes back to Gushan by himself, he can also try to make a large iron pipe, and then plug the matched "Flash Fire" into the pipe. After it is full, finally Let's try it out again?

"Flash fire?"

"I remember, I have seen that stuff too! But, you dwarves never seem to use it in wars, right?"

Hearing Jin Li mentioned this, Aragorn finally remembered.

In the realm of dwarves, there are indeed such things that will explode and emit fire and smoke! However, they seem to be far less powerful and useful than the little iron rods of the Alicia Kingdom. Aragorn still remembers that those things called ‘flash fire’ were used as if they were put in a large earthenware pot or iron pot, and then set alight and thrown beside the enemy?

"Yes! It's just that we generally use it to blow up rocks for mining or to defend the city? Although we dwarves almost never need to defend the city..."

Having said that, Jin Li feels a little embarrassed.

Because most of their dwarves live in caves, and they really don’t need to defend the walls. In fact, in the country of dwarves, even if they are fighting against the foggy mountain half-orcs or Gundaba half-orcs, they are almost always What goes on in the cave is just like in the Moria mine.

"Everyone, pay attention! The army of strong orcs has finally begun to move!"

At this time, standing next to Jinli, Legolas, who had been focusing on observing the strong orcs and the musketeers of the Alicia Kingdom, finally reminded everyone in the discussion in time.

Here, Legolas's elven eyes are the best, so he can almost clearly see the subtle movements of the musketeers of the Alicia Kingdom army in the distance!

He had seen it clearly just now: What they were holding in their hands was not actually an iron rod, but seemed to be a uniform long iron pipe?

When preparing to fire, those musketeers of the Alicia Kingdom first bit something, then stuffed it into the iron pipe, and then stuffed some kind of iron pill inside?

In the end, it is to raise the weapon and aim at their enemy, and inspire the kind of weapon that emits fire and smoke. When the weapon explodes, the iron ball will fly out at a high speed almost invisible to the naked eye. Shoot through the strong orcs' plate armor and their filthy flesh and take their miserable lives!

The speed at which the troops filled the iron pipes with items and iron pellets was actually not too fast! Legolas had just seen very clearly that their fastest people would take at least ten breaths or so to complete a set of filling movements. With this time, he is confident that he can almost shoot a dozen arrows?

It's just that the power and range of the opponent's weapon is far greater than his bow and arrow!

Legolas still couldn't even imagine. What is the concept of directly piercing the plate armor at a distance of five hundred yards? ! If it is his own bow and arrow, let alone 500 yards, within 100 yards, he can only shoot the enemy's armpits, neck or eyes where there is no armor protection!

Otherwise, his arrows are likely to be bounced off by the enemy's armor!

In Legolas's opinion, the only drawback of those iron-tube weapons that can emit fire and smoke, perhaps is that the rate of fire is too slow?

However, the people of the Alicia Kingdom cleverly used the method of multi-stage shooting, so that the army was divided into several waves to shoot sequentially. This way, the continuity of the shooting can be guaranteed and the people who have shot have ample time to do it. The action of reloading?

This is really a good way!

The elven prince Legolas felt that by doing so, the opponent could not only cause continuous terror damage to the enemy, but also cause tremendous psychological pressure on the enemy's soldiers under the circumstances of that kind of bullets and rain. We have the terrible illusion that the enemy’s attacks will never stop, and they may never be able to rush up?

"The strong orcs moved together..."

"So many people press it up together? If that's the case, even Alicia's terrifying weapon will probably not last long, right?"

Sure enough, what the strong orc generals thought was similar to what Xiurton himself had just thought. They all found a way to target the enemy's terrible weapon.

In this situation, no matter who the generals of the strong orcs are, apart from rushing through the crowds, there seems to be no good way? Unless, their strong orcs are willing to abandon the horn fort that they continued to attack Rohan, and escape directly from the narrow **** on the right side of the horn fort?

"Hi!" "Drink hi!"

"Hi!" "Drink hi!"

In Saint Helm Valley, there are at least thirty or forty thousand re-arranged powerful orcs to form a huge army. Looking at the castle, their formation and aura are also very extraordinary! Under that kind of thick army formation, if they were replaced by Rohan people, they would have no other better way than turning the horse's head away and wandering away and away from the enemy.


"No! There are too many strong orcs. People from the Alicia Kingdom are probably going to retreat first..."

With a sigh, Hidden felt that this battle of the Helm Valley would take a while?

He felt that if those strong orcs dared to fight for the cost of losing 10,000 or 20,000 people and also charged forcibly, they should indeed be able to rush through the kill zone of that terrible weapon and directly rush into the opponent's formation.

Therefore, Hidden thinks that in the current situation, the best way for the Alicias is to gradually retreat, using wolves tactics and their advantages in long-range shooting weapons, while ensuring the distance between the two sides, little by little to destroy the enemy. ?

Although this method takes a lot of time, no one can deny that they can absolutely destroy this group of tens of thousands of powerful orcs or even wipe out the enemy with very little loss on their own side?

Of course, the premise is that these strong orcs, after they rushed out of the Taniguchi of Saint Helm Valley, did not turn around and ran away...

"The weapon is very good, but the mobility is slightly insufficient?"

Xiurton pondered for a while, and soon discovered some shortcomings of that weapon. In addition to the rate of fire, maybe it was mobility?

He felt that if the three thousand troops armed with terrorist weapons could equip each of them with a war horse, or if their Luo Khanate could also have that kind of weapon...

Hidden couldn't imagine it anymore. At that time, in Middle-earth, what existence could match this kind of special cavalry unit with extremely long attack range, strong lethality, and the wind? !

Thinking about it, Hidden could feel his heart start to become hot!

I just don't know, if the Rohan Hussars announce to join the United Kingdom of Alicia, at that time, Queen Ofina, will she also provide her cavalry with this terrible weapon? Growing up on horseback, once the Rohan people with superb riding skills are equipped with such weapons, they will definitely be able to exert a terrifying killing effect, right?

It's weird...Why didn't they start to retreat?

"Wait! What is that!?"

Just as Hidden wondered why the Alicia United Kingdom army did not plan to slowly retreat, something shocked him again!

When the strong orcs gradually approached a distance of about 500 yards, dozens of large black and white gunpowder smoke suddenly exploded behind the iron rod weapon units. Then, after the fire, there were about 30 or 40 nearly The huge iron ball visible to the naked eye suddenly shot out from the place where the black smoke was rising, and dragged a track that was also almost visible to the naked eye, directly ploughing into the dense formations of the strong orcs, just in the dense In the square formation, dozens of long blood gully were torn out...

After a while, the sound of dozens of half-overlapping thunder-like rumblings spread to the innermost mountain fortress in the Saint Helm Valley, and began to rumbling under the echo of the mountains surrounding the valley. Make a sound, and for a long time...

At the same time, Hidden also saw that those Alicia soldiers armed with strange iron rod weapons fired the iron rod weapons in their hands again. Obviously, they also knew that there were too many enemies this time, so they didn't put them within three hundred yards closer?

However, this bombardment of huge weapons alone killed and injured hundreds or even thousands of strong orcs, right? After all, their formation is too dense...

What's more terrible is that the kind of attack that seems to be an extra-large iron rod weapon, the scene of flesh and blood flying across and to pieces, is far more frightening than the small iron rod that only smokes and fires!

Anyway, these Rohan people, who are hiding in the mountain fortress far away, can feel shocked in the past, let alone those strong orcs who are being hit directly!

So, of course, now they can see that the army of strong orcs seems to have become a little messy, under the intimidation of such terrifying weapons, under the long-range shooting of those iron rod weapons, Some strong orcs began to turn around and retreat regardless of the order, while others wanted to continue to advance under the shout of the officer, and they soon squeezed together like this.


"good chance!"

Originally, Ofina thought that those strong orcs would probably continue to advance with huge casualties, but what she never expected was that the enemy was actually frightened and confused by a salvo of cannons? Especially the chaos of this big army, it is definitely a nightmare for all generals!

At this time, absolutely no one can easily organize the soldiers in chaos again!

Therefore, Ofina felt that she should add another fire, so that today's battle can be completely established before the sun rises?

After the decision, her face became cold, she gritted her teeth, and drove the tall unicorn directly under her hips, accelerated to the front of the Musketeers, and slammed out the golden long sword from her waist. Today, she decided to Play a big one!

"In the name of my lord! In the name of light! In the name of flame!"

A loud, crisp shout began to echo on the battlefield of the Saint Helm Valley, and then everyone could see that in the middle of the Musketeers’ formation, the golden figure riding a strange mount, her The long sword held high began to emit bursts of strong light...

"Come out! Doomsday angels! Purify the evil in front of you!"

Gathering the strength of her whole body, when the light of the long sword was set to illuminate the entire Holy Helm Valley, Ofina slammed the long sword forward! In the next instant, dozens of huge beams of light fell from the sky.

Then, after the beam of light slowly dissipated, dozens of doomsday angels appeared, flapping feathered wings with the power of flames, holding huge cross swords and the flag of the United Kingdom of Alicia in their hands. ...

Well, Ofina just wanted to add a fire, in fact, to release these energy creatures, angels of apocalypse to scare people! Their combat effectiveness is actually just a group of giant flying trolls? But, this matter, apart from the initiators Xiao Anni and Ofina, no one knows, right?

"Dengdan cavalry! Follow behind the angels and charge! Cut their formation and disrupt their order!"

Seeing the angels she summoned began to fly and rushed at the strong orc army that was frightened and chaotic at high speed, Ofina turned around, looked at the stunned cavalry behind her, and used her long sword again. He pointed at those strong orcs who were retreating in a panic and ordered.

Now it is a god-given opportunity, she will never miss this good opportunity to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!

"Long live Alicia United Kingdom!" "Long live the Queen!"



After finally seeing the rumored Angel of Doomsday Judgment, the Dundan knights instantly felt that their morale had exceeded the peak full value, and the combat power seemed to have exceeded 10,000 percent? Therefore, they shouted all kinds of slogans that they thought could demonstrate force or loyalty, and rushed directly from the two wings of the musket phalanx towards the enemies!

"Attention Musketeers! Go ahead! Shoot in turns!"

"Attention artillery! Continue to bombard the last part of the enemy!"

After seeing tens of thousands of enemies start to huddle together and start to become a big rout, Ofina knew that today's battle was almost over!

However, she also knew that she couldn't care less now, after all, the number of the other party was too much! What they are doing now is to constantly compress the enemy's space for activity and maintain uninterrupted artillery bombardment. At the same time, the Musketeers must keep their distance. They must not give the enemy a chance to fight back or reorganize!


"How can this be?!"

"The gods are on top, what are those? Are they really angels?"

"Please forgive me for my past sins..."

"A miracle... that is really a miracle!"

While the powerful orcs who were descended from the sky, the giant doomsday angels made of energy were so scared, the Rohan people in the mountain fortress were not much better. They knelt down at this time, and peeked in surprise. Looking at the angels driving away the enemy in the distance, they kept praying in a low voice...

"The strong orcs can't rush out, they're done!"

At this time, the only remaining strong orcs and the Dunland barbarians in the Horncastle saw that the situation was not good, and they all ran out of the high wall! They seem to be planning to escape from the small gap **** on the right side of the Horn Fort?

"Bring our war horses over and prepare our only remaining soldiers for battle! Later, we will open this door and rush out to drive the enemy out of our horn fort. We must not let those strong orcs go call back!"

"Hurry up! Let's get started!"

Seeing the King Xiuton Hussar, who is taking advantage of it, of course will not easily let go of this good opportunity to beat the dog in the water! Therefore, he immediately ordered his opponents.

"Blessed by the king! We haven't failed after all..."

Now the enemies within the high wall of the horn fortress are almost running, and in their mountain fortress, there are still three to five thousand human and elves coalition forces. First rush out and defend their castle. They must not be defeated. The strong orcs in rush in again!

Soon, the last door of the mountain fortress of Horn Fort opened by itself, and Hidden and the other soldiers rushed out again!

"Quick! Attack and disperse these broken soldiers! Infantry, guard your city wall and close the second city gate!"

The hussar King Hidden who was cheering up his courage, while riding his horse along the fortress's curve assault, he instructed the soldiers following behind.

The entire horn fort they definitely can't hold it, after all, below, the huge gap that was blown up by the strong orc is still there! Therefore, they only hope to guard the second fortress and retaining wall of the inner circle and retake the second gate!

"Wait! What's that?"

Suddenly, after severely chopping down a strong orc who was injured and too late to escape, Hidden reined in and looked to the right of the horn fort.

Where, through the red sky when the sun was about to rise, he saw that on the top of the **** gap, the red-bottomed and golden-rimmed condor flag of the United Kingdom of Alicia appeared again?

Two or three of the iron rod phalanx and some one handle, they quickly blocked the narrow **** gap, and with that terrible weapon, they began to condescendingly savage the Dunland, who was just as capable of climbing halfway. The human and the strong orcs fought back fiercely...

"Today's battle may be over soon..."

Looking at the enemies who were being driven down again, as well as the large groups of defeated soldiers being beaten back by the main force of the Alicia Kingdom, Hidden knew that today's war was almost over.

The sound of guns in the distance continued, and the thunder-like rumbling and crisp firecrackers echoed throughout the Saint Helm Valley, as well as the screams of the strong orcs when they fled in panic...

Today’s battle will be remembered in history! This will record that a new era is rising...

Then, the history books of Middle-earth will record like this: The Third Age of Middle-earth, in the early morning of March 4, 3019, when the sun rises, the elite angels of the United Kingdom of Alicia wiped out Isengard. The White-Handed Legion of Strong Orcs was in the Valley of the Helm. This battle killed tens of thousands of enemies!

This is an epic victory...

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