Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 76: Robbed its castle! Robbed its territory!

After seeing Shanknox admit defeat and surrender, Anne asked her bear Tibbers to sign an extremely unequal slavery contract that was humiliating and humiliating, and then began to inquire about it. The details of this place come!

   It turned out that the name of this place was called the Land of Flames (land of the source of fire?), and this is where the fire elements live! It can be said to be an independent plane of fire elements!

   But what is different from Annie's original imagination: This is not a natural formation! It's a molten field created by the Titans, dedicated to imprisoning Ragnaros and his group of men in a huge prison! When the Titans reformed Azeroth, they cast this place at the same time, and then all the fire elements that were struggling to destroy the original Azeroth were caught here!

   After all, the damage caused by the fire element to the Titans' proving ground is too serious! Think about it, a group of fire elements that can only set fire, and may ignite a forest when they pass by, how can the Titans tolerate it? They exist in general as pests, and they hop around in their own experimental grounds all day long. Those titans who have not sprayed pesticides directly to kill them are already very kind!

   After knowing that this place was actually cast by hand, Xiao Annie was a little surprised on the spot! It really deserves to be the handwriting of the gods! A jail that you just get is such a big project! Such a large floating island, and still in an independent molten field in the void? Annie thinks that this is a bit unfunny!

  Because, since this place was cast by the Titans for the purpose of using it as a prison, there must be no way to get out easily! According to Shanknox's statement, this molten field is very close to Azeroth in the main material world! However, unless someone is called, otherwise, nothing in it can't get out!

   Little Anne doesn't want to stay here for so long! Originally, according to her idea, she just planned to find a communicable elemental creature to ask for directions. After playing here for a while, she ran to some other fun place and waited until the space gem was recharged again! The Flame Land can only be regarded as novel at best, and there is absolutely nothing fun to say!

   What about now? This fire demon named Shanknox can't even tell? How can this work! Do you want her to stay here until the space gem is recharged again? In that case, Annie will go crazy! She doesn't like spending time with a group of prisoners in a prison!

   Then, Annie asked some other things in the Land of Fire, and she learned a lot about it! For example: The flame plain they are in is actually called the Molten Wilderness, and it is mainly owned by Shan Knox!

   It usually patrols this area and is responsible for maintaining order here. The main fire elemental creatures here are Fire Demon and Lava Dog! There are also some messy bugs, flame turtles and lava giants, and the management is their fire monsters! Because the fire demon is the most intelligent in the land of flames, and has the most rigorous social structure!

   On the high ground to the left of the Molten Wilderness, is the nest of the Cinderweb Spider Mother Beth Tirak! This Bestilak and her unforgiving offspring satiate their appetites by sucking the magma and flames on the remains of fire elemental creatures.

   In order to provide more nutrients to her offspring, Bestilak weaves countless large and small flame webs around her lair, specially used to trap other fire element prey that strayed into it.

   Therefore, many elemental creatures in the Land of Fire are afraid to approach its high ground! In fact, all elemental creatures don't deal with their fire spiders! After all, no one would like to befriend a predator! Maybe when you are talking and laughing with others, what they think is how to steam or braise you at night!

   On the right side of the Molten Wilderness, go up through a mountain range of the Ancient Flame Heights, which is the Riole Heights! There is a huge Lord Leolis on it! It is a huge ancient lava giant! And it is one of the oldest elemental creatures in existence!

   It is said that it originated from the wild flames that created Azeroth. It is now mainly responsible for creating new elemental creatures in the land of flames! Just pinch the villain to play when it's okay! The mountains over there are scattered with many large and small fire elements, most of them are the masterpieces of Leolis! It squeezes the fire element to lay eggs faster than a hen!

   At the same time, this ancient stone man is still an old angry young man! It thinks that the Titans who forcibly migrated it to the Land of Fire are too arrogant, and this hatred of the Titans still burns in his chest. So it hates all Titan creations, hates the world of Azeroth! In general, this is an angry youth plus old stubbornness!

   Finally, right above the molten wilderness, there is a huge flame castle! That's the master of the Land of Fire: Sulfuron Castle of Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames! As long as you walk a distance to the north along the Molten Wilderness, you can see the shadow of the towering huge castle among the standing flames!

   This castle is usually not accessible to any elemental creatures! Nothing can easily step on the Saffron Bridge! Even if it was Shanknox, the gatekeeper Belllock would not let it in without the call of the Balrog King! Not even close!

   In ancient times, in the elemental wars of Azeroth, Belllock once became famous as a ruthless Pyro fighter. Now, of course he is also trapped in this flame land together! After countless thousands of years, it has become increasingly irrational, grumpy and aggressive! Few other fire elemental creatures dared to come to the gate to disturb him, for fear that he would be slashed by it accidentally!

   This is a better way to say, if it is ugly, it means that this baby has been detained for too long, and it is very likely that he has suffered from prison depression! It is estimated that they are almost mad!

  Because this girl wants to cut it when I see it! Everyone feels unpleasant! I always feel that everyone wants to murder him! Except for the big boss Ragnaros, in this land of great flames, there is really no elemental creature that has the courage to provoke it! After all, after it became mad, the two swords cut over is not a joke!

"Land of Flames? Sulfuron Castle? Hmm... So, your lord should be the huge Balrog called Big Screw?" After listening to a bunch of messy stories, Annie nodded, and finally she was small Summarized.

   "Honorable master! It is not called Big Screw! It is called: Lord of the Balrog, Ragnaros! Lord of the Land of Fire!"

   Shanknox weakly responder, this new owner has signed a contract with it, and now it doesn’t even have the courage to resist! Because after signing the contract, it discovered that this little human mage turned out to be a demigod powerhouse who was not weaker than the King of Flame Demon! The only thing that may be a little bit different, maybe it is the crush on the size! If the two sides play hand-to-hand combat, the King of the Flame Demon will definitely win!

   "Oh! It's just a title! This is not important! I said it is called a big screw, then it is a big screw! It is not too! Well, I will ask you finally now, are you sure that this big screw is not in the castle now?"

   Annie thought of something interesting. Maybe she could take advantage of that big screw's absence and take the opportunity to occupy its home? After all, this land of flames is a realm of flames, which is still very useful to her!

"Great master! The little one dares to guarantee his life, it Ragna... that big screw, it is definitely not in the castle now! Not even in the land of flames! Because it has now gone to the main world of Azeroth It's almost three hundred years! It is said that it consumes a lot of energy. It would rather stay asleep over there and recover slowly! They are not willing to come back here in the Land of Fire!"

   Shanknox suffocated when he thought of this! The old Ragnaros is unfair and nepotism! Look at it all, it summons the old Lucifron, Magmanda, Shathlar, and the gangsters of the Saffron pioneers, where do they have their own qualifications? High strength?

   Why can they go to the colorful world of Azeroth and be happy? And I want to stay here to keep dog patrol? Even if there is no such human mage to hit the scene now, Shan Knox almost wants to quit the peach! This sentence is not for nothing! It can be used everywhere!

   "Didn't you say that you can get out of this prison? How did the big screw get out? Did you just lie to me?"

   Annie was angry, and a frost magic began to appear in her hands! Since it just said that this is a prison forged by Titan, it can't go out! So, how did that big screw get out? This fire demon must have lied! She intends to punish the dishonest fire demon in front of her!

"No, no, no! Master! I really didn't lie to you! That was because at that time, a fool on Azeroth summoned it, so it was able to break free from this cage! And it is said that it still can't stand it. Minor injuries, if it could go in and out casually here, it would have come back to heal its injuries! After all, the speed of recovery here is much faster than that on Azeroth!" Shanknox quickly explained.

   "Oh? So, are you sure you are not lying?" Annie thought for a while, as if what it said was reasonable! This dissipated the frost magic in his hand.

   "No! Absolutely not! The little one dare not deceive you!" Shanknox was so scared that he fell to the ground.

   "So, the inside of the big castle should be empty now?" Annie turned her head and looked to the north. It was far away, but she could see a fuzzy outline! Safron Castle should be there!

"Except for the lunatic Bellock, the gatekeeper, the inside is indeed empty!'s not right! There are said to be a few huge magma bugs in the magma pool inside! Other than that, there really seems to be nothing else Up!"

   "Hmph! I ask you! Then if I occupy the castle, will the big screw come back suddenly?" Annie suddenly thought of a wonderful idea, anyway, she can't get out for the time being, so it was decided! She will take over here! Who dares to refuse, she beats someone!

"No! Definitely not! Unless it is killed in Azeroth or is seriously injured and has to escape back to recover, otherwise, it must be unwilling to return to this cage!" Shan Knox Definitely responder. After all, this is a cage. Its former owner, Big Screw, is not stupid. How could he come back again? It was easy when I came back, but what should I do when I go out?

   "Very good! So, I'm here to announce now! The Land of Fire will be mine! You will call me the Queen of Fire: Anne? Hasta! Do you understand?"

what! Little Annie feels that this Queen of Fire is much more domineering than the title of Lady of Fire! So, she decided, anyway, she is still idle now! Let's strike down this territory first! She wants to put her mark on everything here! Everything here is my own! No one can steal it!

   Not even that big screw will work! After she has completely taken this place, she will also block all the gaps in the space, so that the big screw will not come back! That's right, that should be done! From now on this will be Anne’s own flame kingdom! This is great!

  Fire Queen? Shanknox looked at the energetic new owner and thought for a while, and it found that if she lays down this flame territory, it seems to be good for herself! If this is the case, maybe it must do something too! Anyway, it now has no turning back! Then go ahead!

"Master, if you want to completely occupy this place, you'd better clean up the group of spiders on the high ground on the left. They have always been lawless and have always been unruly! They also prey on other elemental creatures all day long! If you take action to kill them If so, we can gain the loyalty of the fire eagles! Also, other fire elements will also be grateful to you! This is very beneficial to your future rule!"

   made up his mind, Shan Knox, who had completely succumbed to Annie, planned to go all the way to the dark! Otherwise, if the Flame Demon King will come back any time, how could he spare himself lightly? At that time, then I really have no way to survive!

   In this case, it's better to help the new boss swallow Ragnaros' foundation! Be a thorough leader and take the things of the former boss Ragnaros as your own entry level! At the moment, I'm afraid there is nothing better than this! Presumably, after the new owner succeeds, he will not treat himself as the number one hero, right?

  Furthermore, Shanknox and the spider mother Bestilak can still be regarded as rivals. That big spider is preying on his own fire monster tribe! As the patriarch, I have endured it for a long time! Now that it’s hard to come across the Land of Flames when the power is reshuffled, and there is such a good opportunity for public revenge, it must not be let go! Encouraging the new owner to kill the enemy, and then wooing the Firehawk allies to strengthen themselves, this plan is simply perfect!

   "Huh? Firehawk? And spiders?"

   Annie looked at the big golden flame bird that flew in the sky from time to time, her eyes lit up! This thing seems to be more beautiful than the dragon! Look at their fire all over! Fly fast, grow big and fierce! It looks so beautiful! If you can get one as a mount, it seems to be good too, right?

  Tibbers, what do you think of my thoughts? Do you want to get rid of those spiders and take the opportunity to take down all the sites here?

   Looking for Tibbers undecided in case of trouble, this is already Little Annie's habit! So Annie hurriedly asked Tibbers' opinion. In any case, her little bear Tibbers is still very reliable, although sometimes she always irritates herself for no reason!

   Little You are happy! Anyway, their heads are not here, if you like it here, just take it! But I can remind you that it is best to kill those who are disobedient, otherwise, after you leave here, they may make some moths! Also, the fire demon named Shanknox on the ground does not look very honest.

  Tibbers took Little Annie on her right shoulder and sat down, and looked at the fire demon creeping on the ground in front of her with bad intentions! This fire demon is not an honest thing!

"Okay! Then it's so happy to decide! Let's kill the spider monster! Take advantage of that big screw's castle while it's not at home! Take its place! Then never let it come back!" Annie suddenly He took it up from Tibbers' shoulder, and said with little finger excitedly at the high ground to the west.

   "You! Get up! Go and greet your men now! And those fire eagles! Let's clean up those spiders right away!"

  Anne is not afraid that Shanknox, the fire demon, is always dishonest! Anyway, its soul is pinched in its own hands, afraid that they will make trouble? The contract signed is no joke! Now, since this novice is going to kill those spiders, she certainly won't refuse!

   And Tibbers also said that if you want to rule here, in addition to enslaving the fire demon, you must also show some strength to other fire elemental creatures! Then, the group of spiders who are said to be very powerful are the best targets! As long as you kill them first, I believe you can save a lot of trouble!


   ask for a recommendation ticket~ maybe even more at night

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