Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 749: The frog prince in the deep sea

Python Islands...

Or the Blue Flame Islands described in the population of Valoran mainland?

Tonight, in this large area of ​​islands stretching in the deep sea, the surrounding seas have always been calm and calm. Everything seems to be quiet... There is no strong wind or big waves in the past. As for the speed of the wooden sailboat, it never gets up.

When we set sail in the morning, the weather seemed to be sunny, but from the evening till now, the whole sky has been drowsy, just like the moment before the storm is about to hit?

Anyway, the night is not so good...

Looking around on the sea, it's all black...

Except for the dim light from the brightest stars in the sky, which can occasionally pass through the dull clouds and provide the necessary reference position for the sailing helmsman who is in charge of the helm, the whole sailing ship is like traveling in a dark abyss, the whole world It's all black, and you can't see anything... Only the slight noise when the ship breaks through the waves can let the helmsman know that they are still sailing above the sea.

At this time,

On the deck of this medium-sized three-masted sailing ship, except for the two sailors on duty who were secretly drinking, chatting and chatting together under the mast and the senior helmsman who was silently playing and owing the helm, the others, They had already returned to their cabin under the deck and fell asleep.

It’s calm tonight, and the speed of the sailing boat is slow at night, and if there is no crisis or other alarm and the bronze bell on the ship is ringing, they will definitely not choose to get up in the middle of the night. And came to wander around on the deck.

For safety alert or something, a helmsman and two incompetent sailors on duty are enough...

Besides, they are not afraid that pirates or other bad-hearted people will sneak up in the middle of the night to robbery, because ah, their broken ship has no money or any valuable goods at all, so, in the harbour of Bilgewater Those bastards, definitely look down on them and this ship!


Most of the sea hunters who came out of Bilgewater are actually a group of murderous pirates who can change jobs from sea hunters at any time! If you encounter a fat sheep passing by, if the opponent's armed forces are not as good as your own, then, it is not always certain who will grab whom!

Of course, now the captain of their group is a little girl who knows magic, and the other party is clamoring to catch sea beasts, and he must not condone them to do the kind of ruining (get rich) robbery passing by merchant ships. Evil.



The light noise of the cone-shaped hull of the sailboat broke through the waves, vaguely uploaded from the deck on both sides of the sea, to prove that the ship is still moving forward at this time...

Everyone knows that some people will never be idle and will not follow the rules!


Of course, besides the helmsman and the two sleepy and inexhaustible sailors on the deck, between the two auxiliary masts on the bow, they are firmly fixed about one yard from the deck. On the net hammock in the distance, there is a captain's hat on his head, a stuffed bear in his arms, and the Caribbean-style **** long-sleeved shirt and sailor's narrow-cut trousers. Plus a little girl wearing a pair of tall leather boots!

There is no doubt that she is the current captain of this raged sailing ship ‘Greasy’-the great and omnipotent Queen Anne! !

"Tibbs, it's really nice and comfortable to lie down like this..."


"The sea breeze makes people lazy, really comfortable...Don't tell me, although this broken ship is very slow and wobbly when driving, it is not bumpy at all...and if it doesn't tonight If the wind is not raining, it might be better..."


After opening her eyes and taking a look at the thick dark clouds in the sky and the looming stars, Annie closed her big blue eyes again, and continued to lie on the hammock while dangling. I fell asleep and enjoyed this exclusive bed that only the captain could enjoy, the salty sea breeze blowing sideways, the faint sound of waves, and the cradle-like sailing boat.


(Little master, you can rest assured, the little one just watched the sky at night, and judged based on years of experience in boating... The clouds are so thick tonight, it is definitely rain clouds! At the latest in the middle of the night or before dawn, or tomorrow One day after the day after tomorrow, there will definitely be a heavy rain!!

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

——Since a bad little master still doesn’t want to sleep, Tibbers naturally laughs indifferently...Of course, this is just a bear judgement from Tibbers’ Uncle Bear. If you want To get a more accurate first-hand weather forecast, you can only do things like throwing one or two satellites into the sky. )


ε=(′ο`*))) alas

It would be even better if someone could play a nice little song next to him now...

For example... That awesome guy like Big Sister Sona who is now living in Bouville Manor in the Kingdom of Demacia?

But, she doesn’t know if there is any Demacia Kingdom now...

In this world of backward swords and magic where communication is basically based on roaring, and going out is basically based on walking, whether it is the things that happened in Noxus or Demacia, this python who wants to reach Bilgewater It must take a long time to travel to the islands.

"Forget it, I still don't want that big sister Sona..."


It's a pity that Annie and the Sona sister are so familiar with each other so much that... She doesn't seem to be embarrassed to cast some kind of spell in the middle of the night, and then open a teleportation door to the other side. Catch it to play a piano for yourself?

That kind of thing, it is certainly possible to deal with bad guys! However, if she were to deal with her own sister Sona, she would not have the heart to quarrel with each other.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

Sailing at sea has always been very boring and tedious. With regard to this, Little Annie has actually experienced it as early as when she sailed in the Caribbean Sea... For this, she was already mentally prepared and basically able to Get used to it, you can endure and adapt to this with patience.

After all, this time she got such a ship and an incompetent ship of this ocean with pirates, crews, sea hunters, and other complex bad guys to go to sea to hunt those big beasts. How could it be possible to come out for a day, to die down and to go back to Bilgewater's bone-infused harbor without any gain?

In any case, whether she was for fun or for other reasons, she would definitely catch a huge sea beast back!

And the best place to hunt giant sea monsters is in Bilgewater, which is the Sea of ​​Watchers in the northwest corner of the Python Islands! Where, it is said that there are all kinds of terrifying deep-sea behemoths, such as those with axe-fin behemoths, giant dragon sharks, razor-sawtooth fish, large worms, giant electric eels, cuttles, toothed sea snakes, etc... .

But in fact,

From the deep waters of the western bay of the Python Islands to the Watching Sea above the northwest corner, this large area of ​​sea is all traditional hunting grounds for sea monster hunting!

So now, after coming out of the slaughter wharf in Bilgewater Harbor and spending a whole day sailing and going northward around the archipelago, this medium-sized sea ship of Little Annie, this sturdy high-speed sea hunter dedicated to sea hunters , It has come to the hunting grounds where the traditional sea hunters hunt the giants in the sea... However, the giant beasts here are scattered out of the archipelago due to years of hunting and killing, and being too close to Bilgewater. The terrifying sea water with the strong breath of the blood of various giant beasts has already scared the behemoths nearby.

in case,

They want to catch a behemoth in the real sense of the sea, instead of just catching a few big fish and going back dingy and being ridiculed...then it's better to keep going north, and then tomorrow at the latest In the morning, they can reach the Watching Sea where various giant sea beasts frequent.

Click! !


∑(′△`)? !

Just when Little Annie was drowsy...

Suddenly, a shining ordinary magic gem that exuded a charming light in the black night was suddenly thrown by someone or some creature from the sea on the bow of the ship to the deck of the bow. She went up, and stopped at the auxiliary mast under the hammock of Little Annie after making two rounds. The dazzling light directly illuminated her pretty face with closed eyes.




It's here again...

Little Annie just opened her eyes and glanced at the magic gem under the hammock that was still covered with seawater beads. Seeing that it even splashed a small piece of the deck that had been dried by the sea breeze, it also brought a kind of stickiness. After the squishy, ​​dry and unidentified liquid peculiar to aquatic creatures, the corners of her mouth finally couldn't help but twitch... For a long time, she hesitated again and again, after all, she was cruel, and directly closed her eyes. Slowly turned his face to the other side, intending to make a blind eye.

Now, she didn't want to pay attention to a certain magic gem that was thrown back by some bad guy, because she had already paid it as the tithe of that rouse tomorrow morning! !


(Report! Dear little master, the sea frog in the sea with only light blue skin and a harpoon in his hand is harassing you again... It is definitely the biggest frog you have ever seen , And it's still a rare product that grows in the sea. Don't you really think about it. Grab it and bake it and dip it in salt for a late night snack?

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

——I found that a certain little guy who had been entangled all day followed up again unwillingly, and then threw it into the sea again as a tithe magic gem and returned it'kindly' , Uncle Tibbers Bear, who was also a little impatient in his heart, began to vigorously encourage him in the ears of his little master. )



"Tibbers, that kind of frog... It looks like a human being, and it holds a magical harpoon. It must be a sapient creature, the kind that cannot be eaten, right?"


Everyone knows that intelligent humanoid creatures are absolutely forbidden to eat, and Annie seems to have never eaten that kind of weird food with humanoid shapes...

Of course, except for ginseng fruit?

Because, those ginseng fruits are not human-shaped creatures at all, they can only be regarded as human-shaped fruits at best? Then it's almost the same as the unpalatable pears and watermelons that some unscrupulous fruit farmers on the earth use plastic molds to set out?

The fruits were originally grown well, but they were tossed and grotesquely shaped by some greedy fruit growers. They were also marked with some messy names. Don’t think they changed the faces of the fruits. Her Lady Anne just Can't recognize them! !

(Little master...)

(Even a frog that looks like a human is also a frog! Although it only lives in the sea, although it is about the same size as you, although it still holds a magic harpoon weapon, and it will Walking on the waves with two frog legs... But, it must be a frog!

At most, is a humanoid sea frog who can use tools? So, please feel free to grill it. It's not your first time eating frogs anyway...

?● ̄? ̄●?

——I think back then, when he was in the laboratory of the elementary school in New York that was bombed by aliens all day long, the lawless, sordid little master of Tibbers, but even the kind of frog as big as a fist I dared to bake it and fool the kids to eat together...So, now, the one under the sea outside is running to make trouble while it is dark, and is still peeping under the sea and sneaking peeping. There must be no good sea. Frog, where is the reason not to eat it?

If his little master doesn't let his mouth go by the time, then his uncle Tibbers Bear is very willing to do it for him, and he can definitely swallow the opponent in one bite without leaving any bones or scum! )



"Tibbers, you know it yourself, it's actually not a frog at all, don't you want to lie to me again!!"


Whether the other party is a frog or not, and whether it can be eaten or not, this kind of thing is definitely not difficult for Her Majesty Queen Anne who is a foodie!

Besides, it’s too late now, and even the two guys who have been slacking off under the mast behind are almost falling asleep... So, she, who doesn’t want to move much now, had planned to ignore the one far away. The sneaky guy who still probed under the surface of the sea... She just wanted to take a good rest in this hammock for one night.

Otherwise, a little later, maybe in the middle of the night, or early in the morning, when it's windy and heavy rain, if she thinks about lying here comfortably as she is now, sleeping on this shaky little hammock, That's not an easy task.


(Hey hey hey! Dear little master, look at it quickly... You are a lot of adults who don’t plan to pay attention to the big frog, but it is not going to let you go... Ah! Look! It caught it A lot of dirty little sea fishes are definitely going to play with you like a monkey...


——I saw that the one in the deep sea caught a large tug of a small sea fish that was struggling and twisted like a loach, and gave it to the frog humanoid in its arms. The frog humanoid was quickly floating on the surface of the sea. Only after the dirty and slimy little marine fish aimed at his little master, as if he was about to launch an'attack', Tibbers hurriedly reminded the little master who was holding him and still planning to go to sleep'loudly'. )



"Damn it! Tibbers, can you stop being so blind, I'm not blind, I've seen it a long time ago!!"


Speaking of it, the strange creature in the sea like a frog, it has been reluctantly following her Queen Anne’s sea hunting boat for a whole day... But what makes Annie feel strange is that the other party seems There is also no obvious hostility, it's just a probe on the surface of the sea in the distance, or just following under the boat? !

and then,

In the afternoon, the other party had repeatedly ‘kindly’ to throw the magic gem that Annie had thrown into the sea as a tithe again...

And Little Annie, who had never bothered to take back the lost things, naturally threw it back into the sea once again!

After that, the two sides just like you come and I went to the ground...

It was not until the evening, when Annie threw the stone back into the distant sea again, that the other party stopped for a long time... So, when Annie felt that the stubborn and strange little thing was probably already When he gave up completely, who knew it would have followed up again, and chose to throw back the gems at this time in the middle of the night and prepare to'attack' itself? !


A little fish was first pointed and aimed at by the opponent for a long time, and then accurately threw it towards the face of Little Annie lying on the hammock!

It seems that the other party is planning to invite Annie to eat that kind of small sea fish, and the way, make fun of her, who is wearing a captain's hat and played the game of'throwing the frisbee' with it all day. It is a very different little human being. child?


It seems that the wishful thinking of a certain "big frog" is in the wrong place? !

After that one was thrown out, the little sea fish that was still smashing into the air and twisting its body frantically was about to fall on him, and it was likely to jump **** his face or in his arms... Suddenly, originally slowly The dangling net hammock, under Anne's secret control of the spell, suddenly swung open to a big angle, allowing the little sea fish that would have fallen into her arms and jumped directly onto the deck. on.


Click! !

In the next second, after losing the seawater, the fresh, full of vigor, that loach-like fish was unable to breathe freely, so it was frantically jumping around under Xiao Annie’s dangling hammock. It seemed to be Anxiously want to jump back into the sea without knowing where it is?

'what! ! ’

At this time, a small exclamation sound soon came from the distant sea.

Obviously, that was the regretful and unexpected exclamation of the big sea frog, which was obviously deliberate to make trouble, that is, deliberately to prevent a messy little girl from sleeping. Maybe... it didn't even think that at a critical time, the hammock would suddenly swing at a huge angle under the sway of the hull, causing its prediction to go wrong, right?


What? What?

mock up……

Queen Anne is now lying down very comfortably. She was a little confused and about to fall asleep just now, so now she doesn't want to play with the strange "Frog Prince" in the distance, if the other party thinks she can miss her If so, why not continue to try it?

With this kind of trick, she doesn't need to open her eyes at all, even with her eyes closed and in a daze, she can easily avoid that kind of boring prank attack!



Another soft, almost inaudible sound of breaking through the air sounded again...

In the distance, a big frog, who allowed his lower body to soak under the dark night sea surface, and only exposed his upper body, after taking a careful glance, turned another little fish away a little unbelievingly. One of the little girls lying in the fun hammock on the bow of the ship accurately threw them onto the other's nice little face.

Actually, this big sea frog, it really doesn't have any malicious in itself...

It’s just a little too boring, and it’s eager to see the nice little human on the bow of the boat make a little ugly, and then force the opponent to run off the hammock, and then, it can take advantage of it. When the other party ran back to the cabin to sleep, when it was dark, no one could see it, and then went to try that very interesting little hammock?


The little fish was again dangerously near the swaying hammock, wiping dangerously from the cheeks of the little girl who was resting with her eyes closed, and fell on the wooden deck again, causing another one to jump on it. , And the little fish breathing with his mouth wide open.


What? What?


Annie dared to swear in the name of Tibbers, no matter how many the other party lost, don't even think that she can be lost! !


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


The third, fourth, fifth...

Until the little sea fishes got together, jumping happily under Xiao Annie’s net hammock, jumping all over the deck, even when the few that were thrown up by the opponent at the beginning became a little weak, Finally, the big frog-like guy in the distance was a little crazy! !

After it caught a lot of small fishes again, it used its frog-like webbed fins to stand on the slightly undulating sea without believing evil, and grabbed it with one hand on the undulating night sea surface. Is the harpoon standing, just like standing on the ground with ordinary people?


A large number of small fishes, perhaps hundreds of them, were directly encased in a blister the size of a basketball by their magic techniques, before being raised high above their heads with both hands.

Obviously, it seems to have discovered the problem itself, and it also saw some hidden magical fluctuations from the irregularly swinging hammock... So, it felt that the little girl was definitely not an ordinary person, and deliberately embarrassed herself. , Not only was it unable to successfully tease the opponent, but after being teased by the opponent with magic, it finally planned to tear its face...

It intends to directly imprison all the marine fishes in the blisters, which are about a hundred in number, and throw them directly at the little girl! Then, wait until the big water ball is thrown above the little girl's hammock, and then cast a spell to break it open!

At that time, when the little fish in the sky smashed down together with the sea water, it would have to see, that weird human villain, how can she hide? !

‘! ! ’

However, he hadn’t waited for the "frog prince" standing on the water to prepare to put his thoughts into action, and before he took aim and threw the water ball out, he actually saw a glowing, little The thing slowly floated from the deck, and slowly flew by itself between the little girl's thumb and middle finger?

That shiny little thing seems to be...

It was thrown back to the ship many times today, and then the magic gem was thrown back into the sea many times by the opponent? However, she now pointed the direction of her finger and the gem at herself, what was she doing? !

Whoosh! !

Suddenly, a sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, followed by a flash of light, and flashing white straight lines lit up in the dark sky...

Slap~! !


Puff! !

As the luminous gem flew from a distance, and accurately hit the smooth and strangely speckled forehead of the'Frog Prince', the sound of two objects falling to the surface of the sea sounded. But the sea frog that was originally standing on the sea, along with the luminous magic gemstone that was bounced high, was planted under the sea and sank slowly, and there was no more movement.


At this moment, a sleepy helmsman at the stern of the ship finally turned his head curiously and looked at the dark sea at the front right of the ship...because, just now, he seemed to see a flashing over there. A ray of light, like lightning? However, he couldn't hear the rumbling thunder, which made him wonder whether it was because he was too sleepy, had hallucinations, or was misreading something?



After a while, under the dark sea, a vicious sentence of unknown meaning came faintly, and it was successfully heard by Xiao Annie.


?(ψ???ˇ??)? Hehehe...

"Tibbers, look, that stupid guy, he was finally beaten away by me, right? I think he will dare to come back and make me sleep again next time?!"


I used my huge mental power to perceive that the opponent was stunned by the magic gem he popped out. After sinking into the sea for a long time, he woke up quietly, grabbed the magic gem for the first time, and then swayed wildly. Fleeing away with its webbed fins, and soon disappeared, Xiao Anni hummed triumphantly, ignoring the little fishes below her that were out of the water and continued to jump and lean on her little body. , Curled up in a hammock, ready to continue to sleep on her own!

A little "Prince Frog" who doesn't know what it is, dares to tease and tease her, Queen Anne. Look, it's all right now, and his head suddenly swelled up. Look at it next time. Dare to make trouble?

This time, she was just a small punishment and a big admonishment on the opponent's forehead. UU read and next time, if another time, if the other party dares to use that slimy nausea If the fish comes to throw herself for fun, then she has to catch the opponent and hang it on the bumping corner outside the bow, and play the punishment game of'drying clothes' on it! !


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Unexpectedly, the big frog was not roasted alive, which makes Tibbers very dissatisfied! So, it has now decided: tonight, it will never go with a bad, unfaithful little master who does not listen to it. Just a few words!!)

"Good night, Tibbers..."


It's getting late. After the entertainment activities before going to bed are over, after some stubborn little thing seems to have finally admitted and was run away, Annie is finally ready to get her sleep!





Here at the bow of this medium-sized sea-going ship, as the little fish suffocated, calmness gradually returned...

The hunting ship continued on this calm black sea, heading towards the hunting area in the north, and proceeding slowly towards the sea that was watching.

At this time,

Whether it was the helmsman who was dozing off while driving, or the other two irresponsible sailors who were on duty on the deck but fell asleep first, they never noticed what they had experienced just now on the ship...

Of course, that kind of thing is not important now, because...a certain sea spirit who was extremely jealous by the sailors and seamen of Bilgewater, has been unknowingly, by their playful and powerful. After a gasp, the captain ran away alive! !



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