Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 751: Sea hunter, everyone is in place! ! ?

When the little girl who caused the instigator was still in the middle of Runeland, in Bilgewater Bay, in the sea of ​​watch in the northwest corner of the Python Islands, on the land of Demacia, west of the mainland of Valoran, It is still a messy state in chaos!

Since the cataclysm, the royal family and nobles of the Demacia Kingdom are basically able to maintain the basic order in the capital and maintain their basic decency and power in a more embarrassing posture. Architecture?

Moreover, with their many efforts, you have been able to regain basic contact with most important towns and border areas in the entire kingdom...

Although, the situation in various parts of the country is both good and bad...Although, the royal family and nobles have much less control over all aspects of the kingdom...Although, their various orders sometimes can't even leave the capital...Although , And the entire Demacia is still in a state of chaos and scattered sand...but fortunately, they persisted in the terrible magical "catastrophe", and gradually, they were forced to adapt. Now the new environment.


No one can deny that they have indeed been forced to accept the basic fact of'peaceful coexistence' with those magical and magical creatures, and have to seek to change their hatred, loathing and fighting against evil magic, wizards, and magic that have lasted for thousands of years. The basic national policy of the dyer has become a little more enlightened?

They have to do that, because, ah, those who are unwilling to accept reality and unwilling to compromise are almost already dealing with the terrifying magic that seems to be inexhaustible, inexhaustible and powerful and cannot be underestimated. In the battle of the creatures, they were wiped out by the terrifying magic of the opponent! !

The people who can continue to live moistly and live well are basically smart people who ride on the wall...

Therefore, the remaining people, especially those who were originally the most stubborn, worst, and most determined representative of the Demon Sect, whose power, interests, and prestige were severely hit by the “catastrophe”, to Jarvan III. Now I can only tacitly acquiesce to everything that happened in his kingdom, and I no longer dare to clamor like "Don’t let any magic or magical creatures appear to me like when the "catastrophe" was happening not long ago. Within sight of the castle's kind of irresponsible and angry words.


Even if this is the case, at this time, the capital city of the Demacia Kingdom does not usher in a peaceful reconstruction, or it is a sign that the citizens will be able to restore a peaceful life under the presence of magical creatures...

‘Enemy attack! ! ’

'fast! Stop them, line up! ! ’

Boom! !

‘Uh! ! ’

Whoosh! Whoosh!

boom! boom! boom! !

The more than ten city guards on duty at the east gate of Demacia’s male capital, before they had time to react, were drowned in the empty city gate by the magic of a group of wizards rushing out from a distance... Behind the mages with hundreds of people, what rushed out from the forest of war steles together were large and small groups of different shapes and more terrifying magical magical creatures! !

‘? ? ’

‘Help! ! ’

'not good! Those magicians, they are here again today? ! ’

'fast! Go back and report, ring the alarm bell, and you guys...... Uh! ! ’


‘Team, captain! They have already rushed in. The city gate squad has been wiped out. We can't stop them. What should we do? ! ’


‘The **** that are dyed with demons! **** it! All of them! Retreat now! ! ! ’

Demacia’s East City Gate, which was damaged on the day of the Cataclysm, has not been able to be installed again until now... Because, those huge gears, those large parts that are necessary for the installation of the gate, they They have become magical creatures and ran by themselves. If you want to catch them back and press them again, it would definitely not be a wise choice!

And now, the kingdom is in a state of loose sand. It is hoped that the blacksmiths in Demacia can use limited materials and manpower to rebuild and install those huge gears in a short period of time. It must be impossible, at least. It takes three to five months.

and so,

Now when facing the organized raid of a group of fugitive wizards, demons and various magic creatures led by them, facing the flames, frost, stone bullets, ground thorns, water arrows, poison gas, When pollen, lightning, and other magical attacks with extraordinary attack power, such as pollen and lightning, the soldiers of the Demacia Capital Guard Corps, who only wore a not too thick Demacia rune steel armor, were wailing and knocked over. The ground, the dead and wounded and they had to retreat embarrassedly, they basically couldn't do anything at this time...

What surprised and frightened them was:

Today, the number of wizards and magic creatures they lead seems to be quite a lot!

They even have humans and animals, at least two to three thousand in total?

Moreover, everyone can tell that the opponent is a bad person this time, and there is still an organized and coordinated action with a division of labor!

Under such circumstances, the swords, guns, swords, halberds, bows and arrows, etc. in the hands of the Demacia soldiers who rushed to the battle seemed abnormally weak when confronted with the opponent's magic... So, let alone organize a counterattack. The enemy, or trying to defend the east gate that had no city gate for a long time, was even directly defeated by the enemy's first wave of surprise attacks and had to flee in embarrassment!

They have no other choice...

They walked all the way from the east to the King Demacia Avenue to the west, directly through the east gate through the city and defeated to the magnificent Demacia Square, until they encountered the news of the enemy attack and led the army and elite palace guards. After the Garen of the Demacia Fearless Vanguard, the German governor Xin Zhao, and the troops of Crown Prince Jarvan IV who were deployed here in the square, their group of hundreds of embarrassed soldiers who had already run away from their armor and armor, finally finally It was able to stop and breathe a sigh of relief.


Galen pulled a stinky face and looked at the group of rout soldiers who had bypassed their defenses and ran to the back of the square before stopping to fix them. After seeing that few of them were still holding weapons in their hands, they darkened. Turned around and looked at the group of'enemies' who were chasing and now in formation.

Galen said that he knew the guys opposite, whether it was before or after the cataclysm, he knew who the leading man was! !

"Rebel, Silas..."

"Last warning: the majesty of our Demacia kingdom cannot be violated! Please back up immediately and withdraw from our royal capital immediately! Otherwise, you will definitely pay the price!!"

When the invaders and the opponent brought a large group of magical creatures with teeth and claws of various shapes, they stopped in front of their own army formation, in front of this magnificent, but somewhat messy, demacia square. After standing on the avenue, Galen, who was now in danger and was appointed as the general of the Demacia Kingdom, strode forward, clutching the storm sword that emits golden energy in his hand, facing the hands, feet and neck in front of him. The enemy chief, who was wearing thick metal locks and even dragged two huge and heavy chains behind his hands, cried out.

He does recognize that guy...

In fact, no matter whether it is him Galen, Prince Jarvan, or Xin Zhao and the four thousand elite Demacia soldiers behind him, none of them does not recognize or have not heard of each other's deeds! Because, during this period of the most difficult recovery of the Demacia Kingdom, the other party has come to add chaos to them, whether it is waiting for an opportunity to mix in or outrageously attacking the alone city guards, or breaking the city as openly as you want. It’s not the first time that they have raided military and political locations!

It's just that this time, the scale of the other party's attack is even greater. Isn't it an intrusive sneak attack or an attack on the cell to steal the prisoner?

"Tsk! Majesty?"

"Hahaha...a young man from the noble family, I know who you should be the Galen named Demacia Power, from the defending family... right?"


"Please stop deceiving yourself!"

"What is the ridiculous majesty of the Kingdom of Demacia? I yeah! Where is it now? Why don't you open your eyes and look around, why I haven't seen its majesty?!"

Silas grinned, and after looking up and down the brave young man in front of him, he motioned everyone to look around, to look at this decadent Dema, who in the past was praised and admired by the people by the rulers. West Asia Square, and this huge quiet and beautiful city.


It's not the same as before...

In fact, the entire Demacia Kingdom is now different from before! And some people in front of them seem to be still living in the ridiculous glory of the past, but can't see the drastic changes of the times? !

Now, whether the Demacia Kingdom can continue to exist is a big problem, the other party dare to talk to Silas about the kingdom's majesty?

That kind of thing is simply ridiculous! !

If he guessed correctly, if the soldiers in this royal city can continue to fight and maintain a certain morale, I am afraid that there are only three to five thousand people in front of him? As long as he can defeat them today, he will definitely be able to capture or kill the tyrant of the Demacia Kingdom-Jarvan III!

At that time, their just cause and their transformation can be declared a glorious victory! !


"You will see! If you insist on being an enemy of us, I will let you know what is the true power of Demacia!!"

The golden light on Galen's body became more vigorous, and even directly condensed into a layer of fiery light like a battle armor on his body, making him like a **** of war, standing majesticly among the two armies. In front, enjoying the admired eyes of our soldiers and the look of fear of the enemy.

"Oh? The power of light?"

"I'm curious... Is there any substantial difference between this power and magic? Why do their so-called "law enforcement", the demon hunters of Demacian Light and the hypocritical kings and nobles You, the little boy of the crown defender's family, are also locked up in the Forbidden City?!"

"Ah! Sorry, I almost forgot..."

"I remember our spies told me that they had been there. The Lightbringer Temple in your city seemed to have been occupied by a group of powerful magical flame birds, so why can't they do it?"

"Tsk tsk..."

"It's a pity...their powerful flame birds are not under our control. Otherwise, then we should really burn all the guys in the temple and you people?"

After Silas stared at the opponent's body for a few times, while secretly shocking the opponent's talent, he did not forget to tease the opponent again.

He can perceive the power formed by the powerful beliefs in the opponent, just like endless, it is terrifying and tricky...


This does not hinder his determination to defeat the last guard force in the capital of the Demacia Kingdom today, and then achieve his goal!

Because now, he is no longer a lonely man, nor is he a prisoner who is kept in prison and allowed to be bullied and abused by the other side! He is Silas, the leader of the Demacia Resistance Army, and he also leads a powerful magic army!

That was the magic army that belonged to Silas! !

At this time, the persecuted wizards behind him and the magical partners they successfully controlled are the reason why he can stand here today and face the stubborn army and generals of Demacia!

He is not afraid of them now!

Because he Silas has now found and gradually grasped the power that can destroy them, the ubiquitous magic power...


After being exposed, a little ashamed that Galen was just about to say something, or just planning to order a direct attack, Prince Jarvan on the side stretched out his hand in time, took his shoulders, and strode to his body. Before, he looked at the enemy chief in front.

"Just enough!"

"Silas, I know you, I know what you want to do, and I know you will not destroy this country and retaliate against us now!!"


"Believe me, now the Kingdom of Demacia is undergoing a major transformation, whether it is you, me or someone else, we have seen its changes! This kind of thing, it is likely to be irreversible forever... …In this regard, our royal family and aristocratic officials have already understood all this and are working hard to find the right time and countermeasures for reform?"

"So I hope... I hope you can go back and wait patiently. When everything is settled and everything is arranged, your crimes will be forgiven by the kingdom... In fact, all your crimes will be forgiven by then. Unconditional forgiveness!"

"At that time, what you see will definitely be a brand new Demacian Kingdom where everyone can live and work in peace!"

"About what I said, in the name of my crown prince, in the name of the Kingdom of Demacia, I dare to assure you!!"

Unlike Galen intending to defeat these insurgents, Prince Jarvan would prefer to reassure or persuade the opponent?

Because the power of the Demacia Kingdom is indeed very weak now, especially in the capital... they really can’t afford more and greater losses, even if they defeat or repel the opponent here today, that’s nothing. Meaningless and not worth the loss! It has no meaning at all, it will only magnify the contradiction between the two sides, consume the power of the Demacia Kingdom in vain, and delay the time and process of post-disaster reconstruction! !

"Hey! Really?"

"But your Highness...I think you are a bit late? Your hypocritical words should have been said before this great change (catastrophe). In that case, it might seem more sincere?"

"Therefore, I am sorry to tell you an unfortunate news here: I think, today, the blood of your Light Shield family will probably be cut off soon..."

"huh huh huh huh……"

"Perhaps it's time for me to think about it. At that time, where should your noble corpse hang the most appropriate place?"

Silas grinning, not intending to continue talking nonsense with these people, he resolutely grasped the chains that once imprisoned him, planning to fight the opponent first, trying his best to defeat these enemies in front of him, and then think about it. Other things.

His Silas experience told him that they absolutely cannot compromise with these hypocritical nobles who are full of hypocrisy and morality! These nobles of Demacia can't be trusted any word of the other party!

Therefore, their reforms must be carried out unswervingly until the ridiculous upper strata of the entire Demacia Kingdom on the opposite side are completely overthrown! Because he represents the people who have been persecuted and tortured in Demacia...

Besides, now they, the once persecuted wizards, have a common goal...

That is:

Overthrow the royal family, put an end to the cruel and evil system and country that have long harmed them for a long time, overthrow the glorious nobles who are above the people and enjoy all kinds of privileges everywhere, and establish new ones that belong to all the people of Demacia The Magic Kingdom of Demacia! !

And the miraculous changes they have seen in this land during this period of time have long made their confidence extremely firm! They firmly believe that they can do that kind of thing and accomplish their great and just cause!

One day, they will surely be able to clean up the decaying upper maggots of the Demacia Kingdom! !

Although the result of today’s raid may not be as much as he intended, he and his followers estimate that it is likely that the Dawn Castle in the distance cannot be defeated... But today, he saw Germany. The weakness of the kingdom of Marcia, the cowardice of the opponent, and the fact that the opponent is doing something outside...So next time, when they come here again, it won't be such a simple magic army lineup.


"The blood is cut off?"

"Ignorant idiot, I'm the Debon manager. Again, you can come and try it?!"

At this time, the German general manager Xin Zhao, holding a long spear, walked to the prince's side sternly, with a long spear, looking coldly at the front one who had defected from prison not long ago, but now has gathered such a group. The evil mage'Rebel' Silas of the mob.

Not long ago, Xin Zhao had slaughtered giant dragons, and even killed countless powerful magical creatures many times during this period, so he didn't pay much attention to the mobs on the opposite side! Moreover, the distance between the two sides now is enough for him to perform a fearless charge...If the prince can cooperate with him, maybe, they can join hands to kill the enemy chief on the spot?


It is very likely that you need to take a big risk, even nine deaths? Therefore, he was a little worried about the safety of his Royal Highness, for fear that the terrible things of the royal family's bloodline cut off would happen, so he did not dare to choose the high-risk things.

After all, the huge number of large and small magic creatures on the opposite side, as well as the difficult talented wizards, are not too bully...


"It's useless, his fellow is not someone who can shake with words, let's prepare to fight!"

Before the prince was ready to come forward to say more, or to continue to make more guarantees, the changes afterwards took a step forward again, held down the shoulder of his good brother, and shook his head towards the other party.

Galen had just finished speaking, and Silas on the opposite side had a new movement...

"Offensive! Destroy them!!"

Silas, who felt that there was no point in waiting and that the negotiation would not yield results, worried about the arrival of more support from the other party, while letting the chains dragged by his hands light up the dark purple magical energy. , Jumped fiercely, suddenly lengthened the golden chain of the forbidden magic stone tied to his hands, and then smashed his head towards the distant Jarvan IV!

The sentence he just said, intends to cut off the blood of the Light Shield Family here today, but it is not just a casual talk! If there is a chance, he will do it like that, like now?

"Go away!!"

boom! !

Before those two huge chains, with boundless potential and magic, slammed on the prince Jarvan IV, who had been put on a parry with the halberd of Atama, Xin Zhao, the palace general and the commander of the royal guards , He directly attacked the crescent moon guard, flicked the spear, and successfully shot the enemy's two chains back directly...

That's right, for the safety of His Royal Highness, even if it is just starting the group, even if it is scolded by his teammates, he will not care for the time being!

"Brave warriors of Demacia, charge with me!!!"

Now that the enemy has started the fight first, Galen also unceremoniously opened his shield of courage, leading the elite Demacia soldiers and palace guards, taking the lead towards the chaotic group of mages and fangs in the distance. All kinds of magical creatures rushed past the terrifying and vicious spells that were bombarded by the opponent!

‘Kill! ’

'attack! ’

‘Demacia! ! ’

boom! boom!

Bang! ! !

The magic of various colors and different elements suddenly bombarded the array of Demacia soldiers in the charge, making the original uniform formation instantly chaotic.


'go ahead! ’

‘Demacia, never give up...’

‘Watch out, monsters in the sky! ! ’

Tweet~! !

Some kind of eagle-like eagle chirping sounded, and a large swath of feathers, wind blades, sound waves, and even sharp points, enough to scratch the claws of the various flying magical creatures in rune steel armor, came to Germany again. Above the heads of the Marcia soldiers, their original mighty charging posture suddenly weakened a bit, and successfully made them stop to deal with the enemies in the sky, so that the formation became more and more chaotic. .


'what! ! My eyes, no! ! ’

‘Ah ah! ! ! ’

As more soldiers were attacked from the sky, and some were even caught high in the air by huge monsters, the formations of the two sides finally collided viciously together...

In an instant,

The screams of Demacia soldiers, the roars of transformation mages, the roars or screams of magical creatures, and all kinds of spells, such as frost, flames, lightning, falling rocks, and other varieties, but Another extremely deadly spell exploded violently in Demacia's army formation and this magnificent square!


"Damn bastard!!"

I smashed a huge chunk of ice that I don’t know which mage or powerful magical creature threw over to me, and used the righteous power of Demacia in my body to forcibly wash away the kind of ice that was almost frozen by myself. With a trembling chill and dispelling the magical energy that had invaded his body, Galen flew viciously and fiercely at the brave soldier in front of him, while madly rushing towards the huge and huge one. The strange stone man slashed over with a sword!

What he saw...

The opponent actually has a huge, round, ball-like stone body, four arms, two sturdy, low thighs that run extremely fast, and the ugly piece that spews deadly gravel and small pellets around. big face?

Fatal blow! !

Cang! !


Amidst the spattering of sparks and the breaking of rocks, the sword of the storm bounced away. Galen, who was trembling with his huge power and the opponent’s hard body, shook his mouth. After avoiding the opponent’s fist attack, He changed the attacking direction again, turned the sword's slashing direction again, and slashed toward the opponent's head embedded in the body! !

at the same time,

The corner of his eye also saw that their Demacia soldiers, as well as Xin Zhao and the prince, were also fighting violently with the enemy's forwards, the huge and strange magical creatures...


Double Convenience is fighting wildly in this magnificent square in Demacia...

In general, the soldiers of the Demacia Kingdom have an advantage in numbers, but they are not very large? The enemy's striker, however, has a huge size and that kind of strange magic attack, so that their Demacia soldiers can only be awkwardly exhausted to deal with it, and every time a lot of elite soldiers are bombarded by the enemy's magic. Fly or knock down... and the archers or musketeers behind them, the patter of arrows they shoot towards the enemy, can't take advantage of the opponent's magic protection and confrontation. .

It didn’t take long for the archers’ positions to be messed up by a group of weird swarms of fists that flew past. Many soldiers who were attacked even dropped their guns or bows. , Began to hug his head wailing and ran wildly regardless of the formation?


Ugh! !

Seeing this, while Galen sighed in his heart, he could only grit his teeth and continue to chop towards the stone monster that stopped him! He must want to knock down the opponent as quickly as possible, and then find the brave Demacian soldiers who are slaughtering them with chains in front of Silas, and find a way to kill or defeat the opponent! !


This is Demacia Square, not the tightly guarded Dawn Castle area...Due to the rush of time, when they ran here to deploy defenses, they did not carry too many long-range troops and heavy weapons. Otherwise, where are they? Need to take the initiative to launch a somewhat chaotic charge toward a group of difficult enemies and a group of weird magic forces?

boom! !

I just cut off the stone man’s thigh with a sword and put it on the ground. I planned to take advantage of the opponent’s tilt and before the opponent had time to reassemble the broken leg by magic. The oblate inlaid in the body. Galen with his head just raised the storm sword in his hand. Before he had time to slash it down again, he was slapped by a tail of a giant rock snake that rushed forward...

The other party shot Galen flying and saved the chubby stone man with four arms. After jumping up, he plunged one end into the hard ground, leaving only a huge dilapidated cave. The guards of the Demacia Palace who came over to help looked at the ground but had to stand in place with a little staring at each other?

'attack! ! ’

‘Demacia! ! ’

‘For our magic kingdom! ’

‘Destroy those diehards! ! ’


The shouts of killing, the violent magical explosions, and the screams of soldiers or magical creatures when they fell to the ground resounded in this grand square in Demacia, and successfully attracted the surrounding city residents and neutral Those magical and magical creatures felt horrified and surprised...

"Silas! Take your life!"

"Ha! Want my life? You can try it!?"

Soon, in the chaotic battlefield, the German general with a long spear was holding his breath and stabbing to death an army that was facing Demacia, flapping its wings, frantically spreading the enemy and us on the entire battlefield. After the big moth with poisonous pollen, a fearless charge, and an instant dash over a long distance, with the Demacia soldiers holding chains, obviously a mage, but like a warrior. Silas, who was leaning back and howling, rushed over, and soon fought with the opponent's chains with his spear...

The blood gradually began to stain the snow-white boulders and floor tiles of this square red...

The cries of war, the cries of killing, broke out again in the kingdom of Demacia, which finally became a little calm...The two sides who had already killed the red eye, at this time are fighting endlessly for their own beliefs. , Let magic and arrows fly in the sky of the magnificent square that should have been full of ribbons...At this time, before the balance of victory is clear, no one will easily quit, and will not quit! !


When a small-scale war broke out in the capital of the Demacia Kingdom, in this area of ​​the Watcher’s Sea, the waves on the sea were also beating like crazy, it seemed that some kind of huge creature was being Under the bottom of the sea, the sea is stirred frantically, so that the entire surface of the sea is trembling as if it is boiling?

Now, this sea area is extremely dangerous, no ship, no captain or helmsman dared to drive their ship into this crazy sea area...

Fortunately, the wooden sailboat owned by Little Annie and the others had already left here two hours ago! Otherwise, under the effects of waves and chaotic sea conditions that are a bit more terrifying than the previous storms, the medium-sized sailing ship that has been ravaged by the storm for a long time does not need others to gouge its bottom. Under such chaotic waves, I had to be photographed alive and sunk into the sea!


Now here is the place where a little girl who was so upset just summoned the huge water element! Although their sailing boat has been far away... But a certain giant sea giant still tried his best to order, and a certain blue sea frog in the deep sea under the sea. Here, you come and I go, you attack me and fight to death endlessly!


"Monster! Don't want to catch me anymore!!!"

The blue sea frog once again wielded its sea stone trident. When the blade was filled with the magical energy of the sea’s blue water system, it manipulated the sea water and directly formed three huge vortices in the deep sea. Almost all of the whole body is composed of sea water, only the sea element with two huge golden bracelets on the wrists is temporarily tied between three vortexes in the shape of'Pin'.

'what! My big fish? ! ’

That dragon shark almost the size of a medium-sized sailboat, under the exhaustion of physical strength, was finally caught off guard by the huge blue palm, and then pinched by the opponent, the turbulent red blood disappeared. The dragon shark's mouth and nose squirted out, and it seemed to be dead...

"Bad guy! I can't spare you!!"

Seeing the opponent in the canthus, he squeezed his own dragon shark mount, which was finally caught, and swam dexterously in the water like a small fish, avoiding the opponent's stretch. After coming over to try to grasp the other huge palm of its own... it once again activated its own ability to quickly penetrate the blow, directly using its own trident in the deep sea, facing the opponent's huge body quickly Conflict back and forth!


When it stopped and panted in the distance, it saw that the chest, arms, neck, head and other parts of that huge enemy were instantly opened by it with several huge whirlpool-like holes!

to be frank,

In the previous fight between the two parties, it has tried this way many times...

But every time, the opponent's body can quickly recover, making its attacks often return in vain.

Because it has discovered early:

The creature that has been entangled with it and fought fiercely, the big guy summoned by a female human mage, it is not a certain kind of sea beast with flesh and blood, but a powerful water elemental creature!

Its whole body is made up of blazing water streams that crazily swirl together, so, like this ordinary interspersed attack, it has no effect on the opponent at all! !


"You are fooled, you stubborn guy!!"

Seeing that the sea element who was trapped in the three huge vortexes was trying to quickly draw water from the surrounding deep sea to replenish the body that was knocked out when he penetrated, the'Frog Prince' finally let out a sly laugh , And then suddenly held up the seastone trident in his hand!

Therefore, under the action of the powerful water magic on the trident, the three huge vortices that trapped the enemy promptly invaded the opponent's body from the multiple wounds of the sea element, and it was in the distance. Under the control of this frog prince, he violently stirs and rotates various parts of the opponent in different directions and injects violent sea water and magic power!

"Moo~! ! ’

With the intrusion of alien magic power, as those vortices continue to pour new ice-cold sea water into one's head, arms, chest, neck and other parts, and continue to stir and tear them, they finally made this one silent. The water element who didn't retaliate could not help but wailed.


After holding on for a while, this water element, who had fought with the enemy for almost a long time, could no longer maintain his body shape, and finally, in a bit of miserable and helpless wailing, let his whole body The water in the body collapsed and burst open, and instantly merged with the sea water in the entire deep sea, and disappeared directly, leaving only the two that were slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea with the chaotic current. Golden bracers in the mud...

Maybe, with the passage of time, when their pair of golden bracers re-accumulate the water system energy that can condense a new body shape, it will come back to life again on the bottom of this deep sea?

Of course, it will definitely be a long time, a very long time compared to mortals...

After all, it is a real and powerful lord of the water element! It's just... I don't know why, it was so well, inexplicably, it was summoned from the ocean of Azeroth to another world by a powerful little mage? !

"So tired..."

When two hours passed, when the storm on the sea gradually stopped, and when the sea slowly became calm and calm, a certain frog prince who looked like a frog finally returned to the surface of the sea.

at this time,

It was covered in scars, slumped with its seastone trident, and stared bitterly in the direction where the wooden sailing boat was leaving.

Although the shadow of the sailing boat is no longer visible, it can pass through the current of the sea and clearly perceive it: the other side is in the north! !

If it is swimming at full speed now, it will definitely be able to catch up with each other in at most one meal time!


Now it doesn’t want to do that, because it says that it’s already tired and doesn’t want to find the trouble of that damning little girl mage by itself. It must take a rest and wait until it fully recovers its strength and strength. !


It doesn't want to catch up right now, but doesn't it mean that it can't send other things to cause the other side a big trouble?

"Now the situation has reversed!"

"Don't you guys want to run away, just sink to the bottom of the sea!!"

The funny little man who looked like a frog first stood on the surface of the sea and looked at it for a while before holding his seastone trident viciously.


A huge and ferocious hairtail sea beast, which was swimming freely in the deep sea far away, was as if it had suddenly heard some incredible order. It was stunned for a while. , Just suddenly aroused, he turned his huge head directly, and moved towards the direction of a certain sailing boat, towards the north, swaying its huge body quickly, and swimming firmly in the direction of the target... …

"You will definitely be caught!"

Originally, it just wanted to put a small hole in the other party’s ship, so that the other party was in a hurry for a while, and didn’t really want to sink the big wooden ship... But what do you think, that nasty little mage actually let it A big monster comes to beat yourself?

That nasty big guy not only made himself really embarrassed, but also pinched the dragon shark mount he had newly caught to death?

Such a shameful shame, where can it let go? !

So, from the curiosity and playfulness at the beginning, it turned into a very angry one, and it didn't care about anything! Anyway, over the years, the ship that it has sunk to the bottom of the sea by its playfulness is not one or two anymore. Now, it seems that it is not so bad?

It will wait. If the big guy it ordered can successfully sink the opponent's ship, it must find a way to catch the human little mage and bully the opponent again! !


The storm has gradually ceased, and now the sea is breezy and sunny. The sailing ship is accompanied by a group of seabirds in the sky, happily riding the wind and waves, and sailing to the depths of the Watcher Sea ahead. .

With the current speed, it only takes one or two hours at most, and their medium-sized sea hunting ship can prepare for their main purpose in the deep sea area where the giant beasts are infested-hunting those from the deep sea. The behemoth, carrying out the kind of exciting action that Little Annie has been looking forward to for a day and night!



However, at this time Annie's face was a bit surprised, it seemed that something unexpected happened to her?



(Similarly, Tibbers’ expression is not very good... But, don’t need to be explained by a bad little master. Tibbers also knows that a certain frog not only was not killed by the sea element, but also The water element summoned by the little master who successfully overturned and defeated it is still considered a relatively powerful water element?

That kind of thing, in Tibbers' eyes, was unexpected, but like its little master, he didn't mind too much, because the other party didn't seem to dare to catch up. Should he admit defeat? Therefore, it didn't ask its little master to return to kill and eliminate evil. )




"What about sea beasts...I clearly saw a lot of them. Why are they always on the bottom of the sea? They just don't come up and attack us?!"


Annie lay on the cable on the bow of the ship and ‘watched’ the deep sea under the ship, while chatting with her little bear Tibbers.

At this moment, on the deck behind her, where most of the sailors are busy, they must check the condition of the ship in the shortest possible time, fix the sail cables, clean the deck soaked and lubricated by sea water, and Carry various materials from the warehouse under the deck to the top for preparation or drying.

These things do not need to be directed by the incompetent captain Anne. The crew members who are not too bad know what to do, because they are about to do something more dangerous than fighting the storm. If you don't prepare early, it's very likely that no one will be able to go back alive!

Because the sea hunter is one of the most dangerous professions in Bilgewater Harbour, there is no one! !

"so boring……"


"Those bad guys, when will they come up..."


Although Annie also knows that the crew is not ready now, this is not the best time to hunt, they have to wait patiently... But she still complains a little impatiently. After all, she is an impatient. Little girl, waiting for something, but the thing that makes her feel the most torment is the most, the most annoying! !


"Don't worry, Master Captain!"

"Wait until our overhaul and preparation work are completed, and when everyone is full for lunch, we will be able to find our prey immediately!!"

Harpoon Lars, who was pressing one of the most powerful sea animal tendons on his ballista, explained with a smile after hearing the complaint of the small captain at the bow.

After experiencing a terrible storm, the other party was still so energetic, which he had never expected! But no matter what, they have to wait until the correction is completed before they can prepare for hunting operations that are likely to last for several days.

That kind of thing is extremely dangerous, they must be prepared properly, there can be no sloppy! !




Little Annie seemed to have discovered something suddenly turned around and looked towards the stern of the boat.



"Uncle Lars, hurry up and prepare, there is a super big big beast coming to attack us, it's behind!!"


Surprised, Annie didn't think much about it, and hurriedly pointed to a certain position in the direction of the stern, and then hurriedly shouted to a certain harpoon who was working hard.

Now it's okay, the big beast is delivered directly to the door, they don't need to find it, they don't have to go to lunch and repair! !

"It's impossible..."

Lars smiled and shook his head. He didn't believe that at this time of noon there would be sea beasts floating on the surface for food, because now the blazing sun in the sky would burn their huge body skin! So, only on cloudy days or in the evening, they will come up to breathe fresh air and stretch out on the sea? !

"and many more……"

"That is……?"

Lars, who thought it was the little girl who had misread or was joking, glanced in the direction indicated by the other party, and his eyes widened in an instant.

"A monster is coming!!"

"Sea hunters, everyone is in place!!!"

Then, a heart-piercing voice was suddenly yelled from Lars' throat, who was filled with excitement and despair! !


??*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*?? Ask for a ticket??????*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*??

. Wonderful book house

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