Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 753: A world entangled by a little girl?

After the storm, the sea looked unusually calm, looking like a blue and verdant gem in the distance, plus the blue sky and white clouds, scorching sun and sea breeze that made Annie’s wooden sailing sailing in the vast ocean far away. Looking at it from a distance, it is like driving in a dream.

Of course,

If the sea behind it did not follow the chasing violently, and the sea surface within a few hundred yards of the sea was full of white flowers and roared like sea water, this way A picture of, is it really beautiful?

"Hey! Uncle Lars!"


"The big beast is behind our ship. It is getting closer and closer. Hurry up and think of a way or fight back. Will you just keep running away like this?!"


Beginning with the discovery of the huge sea beast coming from a distance, until now, the various hunting tools on their ship, the ballistas, the giant crossbow arrows with a tough rope tied to the end, and the sharp spears projected by their hands. , All kinds of large, medium and small fishing guns from Hex Technology, large machete with sharp barbs and blood troughs, serrated blades used to cut off the horn teeth of certain behemoths, and nets Some of the specially-made meat net bags, large hooks with hooks, etc., are all properly prepared on the deck!

And those sea hunters, except for leaving the necessary few thin crew members under the deck to guard and check the ship's condition at any time, all the other people came to the deck of this medium-sized sailing ship and held various ferocious boats. Hunting tools, either standing in their respective posts, or crowded along the stern or bow of the ship, filled the attack position of the originally small sailing deck, so that Annie could no longer feel before. The kind of empty and comfortable feeling.

However, these things are actually not important...

Annie just wanted to know that after discovering that the giant beast was staring at her ship, these people immediately ordered the sailboat to be full of sails at full speed and turned to the northeast to continue its high-speed advance in the direction of the northeast. The behemoth behind is chasing after each other fiercely, but is not planning to fight or hunt the other side alive?

The prey comes to the door but does not fight, what is going on? !


Lars, who was named, looked back at a little girl captain who could only make a mess for the time being while he was tense command.

"Master Captain, it's not that I don't want to hunt it, but we have to take it for a while!"

"Look at it?"

"It's really too big. It's definitely a young basilisk with sharp teeth. It's very difficult to deal with! So we must continue to drag it around a few more times to consume its physical strength and let the sun shine. Do more damage to its skin?!"

The excessively high temperature on the sea surface and the sun's exposure will cause the mucosal skin of the giant beasts to become dry and cracked, and then it will be more likely to be attacked and injured! And this is the precious experience that Bilgewater's countless sea hunters and countless harpooners have exchanged for their lives!

"Don't worry, Captain!"

"Just wait another half day, when it is almost exhausted, we will return to kill it!!"

Everyone knows that fighting against a huge exhausted sea beast is definitely much safer and more efficient than against an energetic crazy monster that is burning with anger!


In order to be able to successfully hunt down that terrible beast, so that the ship is not easily crushed by the energetic sea beast, and so that the legendary harpoonman himself can successfully return alive and return fully loaded, Lars will not If you don’t have enough energy, you will no longer care about a captain who can only command blindly. He is going to have a game of racing with the monster in the distance. When the opportunity is right, he will definitely order a turn and take a hunt. of.

Besides, he didn't worry that the other party would give up chasing after him!

Because once that kind of monster has spotted its prey, it will keep chasing, endlessly...or until the bottom of the ship is completely lost? Therefore, he is not in a hurry, nor is he in a hurry! And he believes that other sea hunters must be similar to what he thought, although they have not hunted sea beasts for a long time?

"It's like this..."



"Uncle Lars, I still don't understand. Its speed is obviously much faster than us. How do you want to drag it until it has no strength?"


Race against a huge sea beast that swims much faster than her full sail sailing ship, and she keeps saying that she wants to drag the opponent down... This kind of thing, Annie doesn’t need much If you think about it, you know that it is absolutely impossible to achieve! !

and so,

She couldn't help but begin to express serious doubts about the uncle Harpooner who had spent a lot of money in front of her... If the other party really thought that way, then today's hunting operation is absolutely impossible. successful!

By the time,

In case she really fails, she will be so angry that she will use magic to kill the giant beast, and then the bad guys and seamen who dared to whisper under the deck last night, Want to deal with the bad guys of your own captain, throw them all into the sea to feed the turtles?

'captain! ! ’

‘It’s getting closer and closer to us, almost a nautical mile, at most a quarter of an hour, it’s going to catch up with us soon! ! ’

as expected!

At this moment, in the tallest observation tower above the main mast of the sailing ship, a watcher with a single-scope telescope, after looking back for a long time, used those trembling voices. , Shouted at a little girl below.

In fact, everyone knows that his real purpose is to call the legendary Harpooner to Lars, who is on behalf of the little girl below! Because, this action of hunting giant beasts at sea will be commanded and taken over by the other party throughout the entire process. As for a little girl mage who can only eat, drink, and can do little tricks, they didn't give too much attention.

If the behemoth can be successfully captured today, it would be a problem for the little girl to be able to or return to Bilgewater!


"It's now! The harpoonman in the stern, one nautical mile away, at an angle of forty-five, throws the heaviest fishing crossbow arrows, bleeds it first, and slows down its swimming speed!!"

At this critical juncture, Lars, the harpooner and the commander of the sea hunter, did not waste time explaining too much to the little girl. After all, he is experienced, it is impossible for him to not even consider such small issues. !

Since he dare to say that the speed of that behemoth will be slower than theirs, then its speed will definitely slow down! If not, then they can think of a way to slow it down. For example, now, using a crossbow that has a very long attack distance, let the opponent bleed and calm down?

Hunting those giant beasts in the sea is not simply a matter of killing them overnight. It will be a long process of consumption, consuming the physical strength of the giant beast, consuming the blood of the giant beast, and consuming the patience of the giant beast. No!

In the meantime, whoever can't stand it first will be finished! !


‘Target behemoth, launch! ! ! ’

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Following the order of Harpoon Lars, the crossbowmen operating on the ballistas behind the sailboat took aim for a while, and there were four huge bow-xuan tremors, and they blew up!

Buzzing~ing! !

Afterwards, a burst of tearing sounds mixed together...

That kind of horrible, pure steel crossbow arrows with the size of a child’s arm, those terrifying sea hunting weapons with deep blood troughs, sharp barbs and steel balance wings, were thrown into the air by the four ballistas at the stern. Under the volley, they cut through the air one after another, and shot at the snake-shaped monster that was trailing behind their ship, showing several huge bodies from time to time on the surface.

Unlike ordinary hunting crossbow arrows, they are not tied with any ropes behind their crossbow arrows, so obviously, those arrows are disposable consumables, and the sea hunters do not intend to take them back after they are launched. ...Because if a crossbow bolt with a rope is launched from the stern, once the giant beast flutters and rolls or turns to escape, under the force and drag of the stern, their ship must sink instantly! !

boom! boom! boom!

Puff! !

Driven by the power of the four sea beast tendon winches and the powerful crossbow arm of the powerful stern ballista, the four long crossbow arrows with terrifying kinetic energy are like a terrifying metal cannonball. Under the action of the planet's gravity, it quickly slashed into the sea where the behemoth was in a parabola, and made four consecutive noises when it hit the sea and three high splashes. .

‘! ! ’

‘Haha! Hit it! Hit it! ’

'Long live! ! ’

‘Bless the great lady with beard, we hit the first round! ! ’

'that is really good! ’

‘We are going to be rich! ! ’

‘Yeah~! ’

Of course, the crew also saw the distinctive red blood blossoms rising in vain in the distance, so when they realized something, they cheered loudly.

That's right, they will be rich soon...

After successfully hunting that sea beast, this ship, that old valuable giant sea beast, and all the property of a certain little baby captain are theirs! !


‘Four crossbow arrows, three missed, and one hit the main trunk of the giant beast! ! ’

While the seamen cheered loudly, the watcher who was looking at the distant situation with a binoculars from above the main mast, also reported down excitedly.

Under normal circumstances, this method of throwing crossbow arrows from a long distance, even when facing a huge sea monster, the hit rate is extremely low! Therefore, after being able to shoot one round at this time, there will be one hit, and after successfully seeing the crossbow arrows leave the big monster with a bright red trace on the sea, this kind of thing like the favor of the goddess is indeed worthy of them. Everyone cheered.

Only this time, their hunting of giant beasts was at least half successful!

Because, under the barbs of the crossbow arrows and the special hunting blood tank, with the passage of time, after the excessive flow of blood, the opponent's physical strength will only become less and less, and the movements will become more and more awkward, until they are captured or Until the moment of killing?

"It's really amazing..."


Annie swears that she definitely didn't help them, they just hit the dead mouse when the blind cat hit!

Moreover, she seems to understand a bit...

According to this style of play, they only need to shoot a few more rounds, as long as these sea hunters have enough accuracy, or are they lucky? If you hit another three or five arrows, it seems that you can really successfully consume the monster behind it slowly?

Then, maybe she really doesn't need her Queen Anne to go out. They can really pull a huge sea snake smoothly and triumphantly return to the slaughter wharf in Bilgewater Port?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Unfortunately, unlike the optimistic attitudes of those sailors and sea hunters, Tibbers is very disdainful! Because, in that round of crossbow attacks, there is actually nothing worthy of cheering for them...In the distance, everyone on that side Guy, although the opponent did hit an arrow, if they don’t shoot a few more arrows and hit them, it’s not always certain who hunts and who!)


Unlike the optimism of other sailors and sea hunters, Lars has been carefully observing the sea conditions in the distance.

Because any qualified harpoonman knows that a huge and powerful deep-sea behemoth cannot be easily hunted by anyone...Almost all sea hunters who dare to think like that are already dead. ! And his Lars is still alive now, because he has never underestimated any giant beast, even in his childhood, let alone the current man in his prime! !

"not good!!"

"Quick! Continue to shoot, we angered it, it was not hurt to the point, its speed is faster! Quick! Keep shooting, you must hit it!!!"

Finally, I have been carefully observing the legendary Harpoon Lars in the distance. After seeing the poisonous crossbow bolt deeply pierced into his body, although he was injured and bleeding, although there was a bright red on the sea. Blood Road... But its speed not only didn't slow down, but rushed up violently?

Seeing this terrible situation, his heart was agitated by fright, he hurriedly sternly stopped at the stern idiots who were still cheering and celebrating.

"Quick! Get on the crossbow arrow and stop it for me!!"


Lars, who roared and ordered, couldn't help but sighed in his heart! Because he knew that a giant beast that was injured and inconvenient to move, and a giant beast that was violent due to injury were two different concepts!

The former may give the sea hunters great wealth and honor, while the latter... may easily kill a whole boat! !

'what? ! ’

‘Look...Look! It really accelerated! ! ’

‘I saw it, it rushed over! It speeds up and rushes over! ! ’

‘This... how could this be? ’


‘Damn lady with beard! ! ’

'fast! Quickly pull the winch, what are you guys wondering about? Quickly bring the crossbow arrow to us, hurry up! ! ’

‘Let’s work hard! Pull the winch to full! fast! fast! ! ’

'One! two! three! Hi drink! ! ’


'One! two! three! Hi drink~! ! ’

Under Lars’s reminder and the yelling reminder of the watcher on the mast, the sea hunters and sailors who stopped cheering turned their heads, and as expected, they found the distant animal hitting with a violent gesture. The violent behemoth that opened the sea and rushed over!

Afterwards, they hurriedly got together again next to the four hunting ballistas fixed to the stern, and began to stir the winch tendons with amazing elasticity.

at the same time,

There were also other sea hunters and sailors who ran to the long wooden boxes containing steel crossbow arrows, and squeezed out one by one. Although there was a lot of rusty rust, there was a hideous inverted arrow on the crossbow arrow. Hooked blades and deep blood trough the spare giant crossbow arrows fired before.


"Not good! I was fooled!!"

At this time, after a hurried operation, just as the crossbowmen had just placed the huge arrows of the crossbow, before they had time to aim and prepare to launch, the legendary harpoon behind Lars exclaimed again. ...

Then, he clung to the bed crossbow in his hands firmly, and was ready to strike.

Next second...


boom! ! !

At this time, I didn't know what it was, and slammed into the bottom of the ship under the seabed! Then, the whole wooden sailboat jumped like a beach at high speed and ran aground, and then fell to the surface again, almost without being hit by a huge force directly! !


The injured deep-sea monster just now, its sudden increase speed is even more terrifying than what people like them have seen! Moreover, the other party was so cunning that only the second half of his injured body was exposed to the sea, making the sailors mistakenly believe that the other party's head was still farther away?

Then, at this moment, its huge head, under the cover of its long body, had already caught up, and it also slammed against the bottom of the sailing ship with full sails, almost causing it. The tragedy of ship destruction and death!

But even so, there were still several leaking cracks in the cabin on the bottom floor, so that the sailors who were on duty at the bottom of the ship had to find wooden tarpaulins and nails for the first time to repair the damage. Cracks.

But it's not without good news...

The head of the giant beast just exposed made almost everyone discover: its huge mouth with countless fangs and sharp teeth seems to be different from the previous sea snakes? It... does not seem to be able to open its mouth and swallow the entire sailboat?

Therefore, the sailors and sea hunters on the ship recovered their lives and avoided the tragic fate of just being swallowed by a giant beast.

‘Wow! ! ’

Unlike the seafarers on the deck who were stumbling, standing unsteady, or even falling dizzy, a certain watcher at the top of the mast was not so lucky... because he was directly hit by the giant beast just now. Under the violent ups and downs of the ship and the ship, he who forgot to tie the safety rope directly screamed from the hanging basket above, and was thrown high into the sea of ​​the ship's right-hyun, and was caught by a huge behemoth. The big mouth swept past, and there was no sign of it in an instant...


Bang! !

Harpoon Lars, who has been waiting in battle, finally started at this time!

I saw that he violently fired the crossbow bolt of the ballista he was manipulating, making the terrifying iron arrow, with a long tough rope, directly towards the head of the giant beast, and just exposed to the opponent and swallowed it. The monster who looked down at the hand shot across the neck! !

Huh! !

The ferocious steel crossbow pierced diagonally into the sea...

However, it has not been able to make any waves...because, judging from the ropes floating slantingly on the surface of the sea, everyone knows that the crossbow arrow must have failed to successfully hit the huge target. The legendary Harpooner Charles hit empty at a critical time?


(Dear little master, are you really not going to help?


——Seeing that some bad-hearted little master of my own family is still standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the sea under the bed, he is completely indifferent or hangs up high. , Letting the watcher just be eaten alive, Tibbers couldn't help but ask such a sentence curiously. )



"Tibbers, you are so strange! You don't know that they were still plotting to overthrow my captain last night, and the watchman even said that they would sell me for money... Then I Why save him?"


You know, her Queen Anne'sometimes' is very careful, stingy, and very vengeful! !

In fact, Annie now, except for the harpoon Lars who was not involved in anything, and the fool who sailed behind, even if all the other people were eaten by the monster, she would never go. Take a look!

That is what they deserve! !

Because, those guys of them are all a bunch of bad guys, robbers, robbers, thieves and murderers in Bilgewater Harbor! The greatest value of their existence is to accompany her to see how to hunt big monsters!

And now, since the big monster has seen it, she probably understands how to hunt it, then where else would she care about the lives of their people? !

(After they die, no one will sail for you...)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

Boom! !

However, as soon as Tibbers finished speaking, there was another loud noise from the stern!

It turned out that the long sea-snake-like behemoth flew up from the sea at the stern of the ship again, with a huge mouth, and gnawed dozens of sailors and a large part of the ship deck behind it. In the huge mouth, the crew of this sailing ship shrank by a half in an instant.

‘! ! ’

'not good! It's in Uhyun now! attack! attack! Attack! ! ! ’

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this time, the frightened sea hunters on Chuanxuan's right were also in horror, and they slammed the crossbow machine in their hands, causing the huge arrows to face the huge and smooth hidden in the water. His body shot over! !

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the same time, other sea hunters armed with Hextech’s various large, medium and small fishing guns also shot various weapons of different sizes and powers in their hands to the right of Chuanxuan almost at the same time. In the sea.

In an instant, a total of more than 20 or 30 large and small crossbow arrows were shot into the sea...

The behemoth in the water is still swimming fast. After the sea hunters have fired various crossbow harpoons, it seems that one of them has hurt it? Because, the sharp-eyed people succeeded in seeing more of those bright red tracks in the sea?

Wow! !

However, without waiting for the sea hunters and sailors to be happy, the giant beast suddenly slammed it toward Chuanxuan with its huge flat tail again? !

boom! ! !

After a burst of violent tremors and swaying of the hull, the hull was slapped sideways by the opponent’s powerful force and moved a long distance to the left...Even the main sail was snapped off, and the rest was taken directly. A few frightened sailors smashed into the chaos of the sails and mast beams.

And where are the sea hunters who just stood at Chuanxuan and launched an attack?


('⊙ω⊙`)? ? ?

It's really useless...

Seeing this, Annie doesn't understand. Does the sea hunter usually play like this? Why are they killed by the giant beasts with heavy casualties after only two blows, and the ship will be destroyed and the entire army will be wiped out?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers knows that its horrible little master must soon be unable to bear it.)




"I'm so stupid, get out of the way and let me come!!"


Seeing that those idiots were about to be wiped out, little Annie, who couldn't stand his temper, snatched the large Hextech fishing gun in the hands of a trembling harpoonman. The gun, and then, as the greatest leader and ghost agent in the history of the Kepulu region, she didn’t need to aim much. She just raised her weapon and slammed the trigger forward. The speargun with blood grooves and barbs in his hand, while dragging the long rail rope, accurately pierced into the eye sockets of the big sea snake that was about to pounce on the bow of the ship with its big mouth open!

‘Moo woo~! ! ’


The big sea beast, which was deeply submerged by the speargun, struggling and thumping...and succeeded in that the sea was boiling, and at the same time, a large swath of lightning spread in the sea not far away, bringing countless fishes of all sizes. While Lei’s white belly floated up due to electricity, he successfully made two sea hunters who were preparing to pull the ropes to be electrically convulsed and fell into the sea with black smoke...


∑(′△`)? !

"Wow! It still discharges? This is clearly an electric eel! You just said it is a sea snake, where does the sea snake discharge?!"


Seeing that he took the shot, the big fish began to flutter in the sea vigorously, even released terrible lightning, and dragged the rope wheel next to the crossbow to spin crazily, and Annie exclaimed in surprise. For a moment.

It turned out to be an electric eel like a giant sea snake...

And if it hadn't been for her just shot, I'm afraid the sea hunters who come on a few more ships would not want to catch the dangerous big guy who can discharge?


Lars, who was about to refit his crossbow with that huge steel crossbow, was stunned by the little girl captain's work!

"Good job, Master Captain, you are the most talented harpooner I have ever seen!!"

"Quickly, what are you doing? Install the speargun, put the ropes, and retract the sails. We may at least be carried on the sea for a whole day!"

After expressing his infinite admiration for the little captain, the experienced sea hunter, the legendary Harpoon Lars, began to shout excitedly at the crew members who were a little frightened. .

After all, the vitality of that kind of behemoth in the sea is very tenacious. Before the opponent's physical strength is exhausted under the torture of the bloodletting and barbed speargun, they must have no chance at all. They can only wait for the opponent to be completely exhausted. Only to drag the surface and kill it.


'what! ’

'Yes! Yes! ! ’

It turns out that the situation has been reversed in the hands of a seemingly useless little girl, and the terrifying giant sea snake is swimming frantically into the sea, pulling the wheel with a large bundle of ropes. After the earth turned and laid the rope, the sailors and sea hunters who were almost frightened, thinking that they were bound to die, finally began to brave their courage and act again.

Although they have suffered heavy losses now, and although there are only a dozen people alive, they believe that they have a chance to win! !


The waiting time is the longest and the most impatient, it is a kind of suffering...

Even Coleson didn’t expect that the Diablo in this world, and the director of the Bear Shield sub-bureau would have such a big shelf, and even the request of his special envoy from the headquarters of the Bear Shield in another world would be so big. Do you dare to procrastinate, even dare to let yourself wait in the hospitality room for more than an hour?

If you count the nearly an hour he wasted waiting for the Hulk, Bruce Banner, he has already spent more than two hours waiting for the mid-foot, which is far beyond the previous two sunspots. Your appointment time for yourself!

This situation makes Coleson wonder if it is because the rules and regulations of the Bear Shield in this world have undergone extremely serious changes, so that the time concept of these agents and directors has become extremely poor and their work efficiency Also become extremely low?

Patter, patter, patter...

Just as Coleson had listened to Banner’s basic introduction to this world and the Bear Shield in this world, he was bored like two fools together, waiting here in this reception room, waiting for the summons of a certain bureau chief. Time……

A red-haired woman wearing tight-fitting black leather clothing, high heels, tall, rugged, and at least 1.9 meters tall, with a sheathed short blade and a certain type of pistol pinned to her waist, using a kind of obsessiveness With his posture, twisting his waist, the extremely angry venue crossed the transparent glass door of the meeting room of the two of them, and walked straight to the black door of the secretary's office in the distance. Instead of knocking on the door, he just pushed open. The door went in.


"Banna, I want to ask... Who is the red-haired woman who just passed by us and walked to the secretary's office?!"

If it wasn't for the opponent's height, the skeleton was a bit big, and the fierce face was completely different, Coleson would almost think he saw the black widow Natasha!

Of course, it was not that the other party looked like Natasha, but that Coleson felt that the impression that the other party gave him made him unconsciously think of the super female agent of their Bear Shield. The black widow who is a member of the Avengers!

Strictly speaking, he himself is actually the same as Banner. He hasn't seen that amazing woman for nearly half a year. After all, he and Natasha have their own tasks and jobs, and even the other is better than Coleson. Busier? Therefore, apart from occasional tasks and intelligence exchanges in the communicator, they didn't have much time for private meetings, let alone the need.

"You said she..."

"She is the ninth-level agent I just mentioned when I briefed you, Andariel, Queen of Pain! Like the Director, she is also a powerful demon from the Burning Hell... is a dedicated to bringing death to the enemy. The demon king of disaster and suffering is the worst nightmare of all aliens who dare to invade the earth under the aegis of Bear Shield..."

"At the same time, she is also the idol of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of men on earth, the source and creator of countless family conflicts, the target of disgust and condemnation of married women, and the favorite reported superhero of TV shows!!!"

Having said this, Bruce Banner shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Once upon a time, countless TV stations liked to broadcast superheroes such as Superman, Superwoman, Superman, Arrow, Batman, etc., and news related or not related to them. , But now, no matter which TV station on the planet, whether it supports the Bear Shield or opposes the Bear Shield, their TV shows, newspapers, online news interface, etc., the most frequently appearing above are those that have just walked past. That Bear Shield ninth-level agent Ms. Andariel!

There is no doubt that this earth world now belongs to the Bear Shield, and the most popular one in the Bear Shield is the Andariel! Even before, the Countess who used to shine, the Green Knife and the Flame Girl, is now his Hulk’s wife, which is said to have been used by Director Diablo to reshape her body from the burning **** by magic and succeeded. The resurrected Alyssa is not as famous as the other party! !


Banner, the Hulk, obviously wouldn’t be jealous of this kind of thing, and neither would his wife Alyssa. After all, the other party is said to have been his wife’s boss when he was in the sanctuary world?

Of course, it is still the same now!


"That lady... is she really a demon? Why do I always look a little bit different?"

Coleson thought about it for a while, and felt that the red-haired lady who just walked past, except for the taller figure and fierce expression, seemed to be all normal. Why did he get involved with the demon king? Relationship?

And, the queen of pain that sounds uncomfortable?


"Coleson, she is indeed a demon, I'm pretty sure of that! If you've seen her look like when she transformed, you wouldn't think like that now."

"However, we actually prefer to call her the superhero "Ms. Pain" than the nickname "Demon" or "Queen of Pain"?"

Banner also knows that'Ms. Pain' is often verbally verbal by people who like or support Andariel, while in the mouths of others who resent her,'Spider Monster' and'Sluts' are red-haired. Female devil' wait, is the adjective that is more apt, but difficult to refute?

But that kind of thing is meaningless, just like Bruce Banner himself, in the world of another world, in the world of the Bear Shield headquarters, his Hulk is still a big guy with mixed reviews and critics. Many people are disgusted and even gritted their teeth, wanting to get rid of them and then quickly destroying them? !



Coleson's expression was a bit tangled. He always felt that the values ​​of the earthlings in this world were distorted? Otherwise, why after a group of demons ruled the world, they not only did not oppose, but were grateful for Dade's appearance?

Even the Dr. Bruce Banner in front of him is the same. Not only does he have no other opinion on this, he even took the initiative to get together with the devil, and he also established a family with a devil countess, and has two children? !

This kind of thing is really strange and unpredictable everywhere...


"Coleson, you don’t have to look at me with that expression, I know what you’re thinking, but... the situation in this world is what I said before. It’s our Bear Shield and our Bear Shield. These demons are trying to defend the earth, it is just like this!"

"Here, the devil is not a derogatory term, it...should be almost the same term as the angel of God?"

After tangling for a while, Bruce Banner brewed for a while before he found a more appropriate adjective...Yes, in this world, the devil is actually an angel, and the angel is actually a devil. meaning!

It doesn't matter if it was like this before, and it doesn't matter what kind of besieged, attacked and condemned by Director Diablo when they first emerged, but the current fact is like this, and no one can deny it!


"You know the basic constitution of our Bear Shield... But now, these demons have not only embarked on a path different from ours, but also emptied the governments of this world... This kind of thing, I I don’t know if this kind of thing is good or bad, and I don’t have the authority to judge..."

"Anyway, I can only record everything I saw and heard, in my mind, in my holographic video equipment, as for Director Nick Fury, what would they think in the end? I no longer know."

Yes, after he returns, Coleson will definitely submit the report truthfully! !


From the perspective of Coleson, the current situation...seems to be a group of demon aliens from Burning Hell, through the shell of their Bear Shield, fulfilling the true purpose of occupying the earth...and What's more terrifying is that the earth people in this world still don't know it, and most of them are still praising these demons?

This kind of thing, if you think about it seriously, it really can make Coleson feel cold from the soles of his feet to his forehead! It also reminded him of a previous parasite in the former SHIELD organization, which eventually led to the dissolution of SHIELD and the organization established by Bear Shield!

That is-Hydra! !

Of course, those demons in this world, what they do, can they be more clever and more blatant than Hydra?

"Okay, Colson!"

"Why do you think I can't control it, and don't want to control it? However, I can tell you soberly that most people on earth in this world think this is really good, and of course I am included!"

Back then, after the corruption and corruption Lord Erheizi didn’t care, and the fear king Diablo forcibly snatched the actual control of S.H.I.E.L.D. from his hands and built the framework of this organization, he saw it with his own eyes With this alternative, Xiongguang Shield, step by step, relying on blood and fire to walk to the present...

They have quelled almost the entire world’s gangs, resisted the siege of the federal government, fought against various decent or villain superheroes, crushed countless alien conspiracies and invasions, merged the Atlantis Undersea Empire, The Amazon mother clan who signed a contract with Paradise Island, they have done countless great things, big and small, before they finally come to this step...the sweat and sacrifices they have paid are not insignificant.

So, no matter what Coleson thinks in front of him, anyway, Bruce Banner himself is extremely supportive of this Bear Shield, extremely supportive of this peaceful world without civil war, and extremely supports Director Diablo!

No one can change this point! !


"Oh! This is exactly what I worry about..."

The people on Earth were invaded by a group of demons without realizing it, but were grateful for Dade... This kind of thing is even worse than the act of burning, killing and looting by the Cheritas who directly invaded their other world, New York!

Presumably, in another hundred and eighty years, the earth will be assimilated by the demons, right?

Thinking about it, Coleson turned his head and looked at the Hulk beside him. From the other side, he combined with the demon and gave birth to a hybrid of human demon. This kind of thing, this is the naked proof, and he is most worried about it!

To be honest, until now, Coleson really still thought about running back to his own world, listed it as a highly dangerous area, and no longer advocated that anyone open the plane to teleport and come to this danger. Another weird world?


"Worried? What are you worried about? Coleson, what were you just talking about?"

I noticed that there was movement in the office of the director opposite, and seeing that the tall red-haired figure came out again and looked at him, Banner was slightly startled, so he did not pay attention to what Coleson beside him was saying .

Therefore, he nodded to the lady in the distance, and asked an old friend beside him with some wonder.

"No, it's nothing, please don't worry about my little grumbling..."

Of course, Coleson also saw the tall woman who was walking towards them. While embarrassed and uncertain, he quickly stood up and, together with Banner, looked up at the tall girl who walked in. Glamorous woman.

"Hi! Banner!"

"This person... he is the envoy who doesn't know the so-called, right?!"

After Andariel walked in and greeted the Hulk Bruce Banner, he pointed to a certain strange man who had a Mediterranean head and was only as tall as his magnificent chest, who was pretending to be a strong smile. Asked.


"Ms. Andariel, his name is Coleson, Phil Coleson, my old friend, the veteran of the Bear Shield headquarters and the tenth level agent, today I am responsible for bringing him over to meet with Director Diablo. "

Hearing the question from this powerful woman in front of him, the Hulk Bruce Banner quickly stood up, rubbed his hands, and introduced it somewhat at a loss.

To be honest, he is really a little scared of this drug-playing woman. He who had fought with the other party before would never want to stand on the opposite side of the opponent, because, that kind of thing, really It's too scary... Besides, the other party is his wife Alyssa's immediate boss. He really can't afford to offend him, so he can only deal with it with a smile.


"Where is the'Er Heizi' Lord Flame Demon? Why didn't he come by himself?!"

Own master, that noble Lord Diablo doesn't like the two Balrogs who only use the funds of the Bear Shield to eat, drink and have fun, and of course Andariel would not like it either!

After all, it's almost ten years...

During this period, for the head of the Xiong Shield Bureau's genuine director, he didn't work and only enjoyed it. Instead, he let his boss work hard to act as the director. For the guy who didn't work but reaped the benefits, She Andariel was very angry!

of course,

What makes her even more dissatisfied is... the ordinary earthling Coleson in front of her does not seem to be terrific. She can pinch to death with one hand, so why can he be promoted to the tenth level agent, and she Anda Lil has worked in the bureau for many years, but he is still a Level 9 agent. Why is this? !

"Sorry! Madam, I don't know..."

Why is a certain Er Heizi Lord still not showing up, but just assigning himself, Bruce? Banner is still confused!


"Forget it! Director Diablo let you in, and good luck to both of you! Goodbye, Banner! And... the new tenth-level Special Agent Special Envoy?"

Smiling, and after casting a wink at the two of them, Andariel turned around and twisted his tight black leather waist, striding broadly with breathtaking strides, and left the hospitality room directly.

Because she just came to send a message, not really wanting to deal with the two of them.


"Unimaginable, she is such a **** woman that a senior agent like me can't help but want to get close... turns out to be a demon?!"

For a while, it wasn't until the other person's back disappeared into the black corridor aisle that Coleson came back to his senses and realized how gaffe he had just been.


"Be careful of her magic, Coleson, she will charm you, and then you're done!"

Seeing the other person leave, Bruce Banner warned his old friend for the first time.

"However, when you see her transformation, you may not think like this..."

"Compared to family’s Alyssa is much better. She is just a reborn succubus, and she can also become a human miracle... No matter where you look at it, she is better than that Andariel The lady is much better!!"

"Oh! What did I say..."

"Okay, Coleson, you remember, don't tell me what I just said, have you heard?"

A little annoyed, he patted his head, and Bruce Banner hurriedly guided his old friend to go to the office of Lord Diablo, the director of the Bear Shield.


"Hurry in, Director Diablo is free now. We must hurry up, remember not to talk nonsense?"

When he walked to the black mysterious gate, Bruce Banner, who suddenly felt a little uneasy, turned around and urged Coleson, who was curious and cautious behind him.

Because, Director Diablo has become more and more uncomfortable over the years, especially when facing strangers? Therefore, he didn't want his old friend to have a conflict with each other, so he didn't want to be caught in the middle.

"Of course, no problem!"

Of course Coleson has his own discretion in doing things himself, and the other party's warning or warning, whether to listen or not, that is his own business...


At this moment, Bruce Banner, who was about to knock on the door just now, realized with some embarrassment that the door in front of them looked like steel and black stone. He didn't even wait for him to knock on the door. Open inside?

Then, at first sight, they saw a figure sitting behind a black desk...


o((*^▽^*))o? Asked for a ticket at the end of the month?

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