Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 756: Guess what is your favorite? (????...

The mage legion organized and led by Silas, the defected mage of Demacia, and the few remaining thousands of elite soldiers and palace guards in the capital of the Demacia Kingdom, performed a sword and magic, courage and profit. The claw battle eventually led to a melee that affected half of the capital city of Demacia, and it lasted a whole day!

Although the final result still ended with the success of the royalist forces of Demacia over the transformational mages, until now, even if the sky is getting darker, the battle in the city has not ended, still sporadic. Proceeding...

Teams of Demacia soldiers had to be scattered and dispatched to the city, so, just like the situation on the day of the'catastrophe', it happened again in this traumatized city.

It turned out that Silas and the elite wizards who did not escape from the city were destroying everywhere in the city at this time, and they didn’t know what methods they used to be able to confuse a lot. Misleading, controlling, or angering the magical creatures who are still stuck in the city with a huge number of magical creatures.



Silas grinned. After getting rid of the encirclement and suppression of the noble generals and elite palace guards, and successfully ran to this place where there were no chasing soldiers, he saw a large group of stinky mud monsters in the ditch not far away. Where is the entanglement squirming, and there are still a lot of them?

Upon seeing this,

With joy in his heart, he grinned and stretched out his long chain hand, and began to emit bursts of dark arcane energy, ready to use the exclusive method he researched to urgently control that Smelly mud monsters, give themselves new combat power, and give those Demacian diehards who are about to catch up with a good look?

Today’s battle lasted for a whole day, from offensive to melee, and from melee to debacle, even though they, the mages, once again shamefully failed, and were defeated by those hypocritical noble armed forces! However, most of their wizards escaped safely, and the lost magical creatures are simply not worth mentioning to them!

Because, as long as their magic power allows, they can control more magical creatures at any time as he is doing now! Things like them are everywhere in the wild outside the city, almost as many as ordinary wild animals, so he doesn't have to worry about the strength of their resistance army will be damaged because of today's fiasco!

However, those noble diehards are not necessarily...

If Silas did not make a mistake, he would have lost nearly half of his elite troops in the city! And next time, when they make a comeback and come here again, it may be almost time for the royal family and nobles of Demacia to fall and give way.

He firmly believes that as the strength and prestige of the enemy are gradually shrinking, as the strength and prestige of the enemy are gradually shrinking, it will be their masters who win the final victory! By then, the flag of the Magic Kingdom of Demacia will be hung high on the highest point of the majestic square of Demacia as he wishes! !

"Curved light barrier!!"

Suddenly, just as Silas was constantly emitting his dark arcane energy to the stinky mud monster in the ditch, preparing to completely corrupt and control those stupid guys who still wanted to resist, suddenly, a dazzling light The staff was rotated and thrown over, and it directly attached a layer of curved light barrier to the bodies of the stinky mud monsters, directly shielding and interrupting the control spells that he was about to succeed.


"It's you? Laxana is the title defender?!"

Along the direction of the path that the glowing wand was turning back and forth, Silas could easily see the blond girl walking out of the darkness, and the wand in her hand was still emitting a strong light...but , He could only see her face that looked a little dark and obscure under the light of the luminous wand in his right hand, and her back was dragged long, until the road at the end of this quiet street swayed slightly Shadow.

"Enough! Silas..."

"You have no chance of winning today, and certainly not in the future, I advise you to go quickly, please never come back, you are free!!"

The great battle that took place in the city of Demacia today turned the kingdom that was supposed to be gradually stabilized into a mess again... Under the watch and destruction of the opponent, the Kingdom of Demacia thought To restore the glory of the past, do not know when it will be?

Therefore, Lux hopes that this friend from the beginning will never come back here again...

"There is no possibility of winning?"

"Huh! There is no such thing! Look now, there are so many magical and magical creatures around us... Although they don't like to be controlled, we are mages and we have patience..."

"Lux, the world has changed now!"

"If we put it in the past, we people might not even dare to approach the walls of Demacia's capital, because they are all built of forbidden magic stones... But today, we almost defeated the tyrant Gavin III. , Almost hit his Dawn Castle!!!"

In fact, Silas himself knew that it was obviously impossible to almost defeat the opponent...

Today, they were caught off guard by a surprise attack, but they just hit the grand square in Demacia? Then, they were blocked by the enemy, and they were beaten all over the city, almost losing out! And if he hadn't acted decisively and ordered the wizards to retreat in time, and a few elite and himself wreak havoc in the city and delay the army of the Demacian diehards, I am afraid that he had worked hard for many days to build the wizard group hurriedly , And it's really a little bit ugly.


"You all have obviously failed, why do you want to destroy the city unscrupulously? I don't understand, what good will this do to you?"

"Big Brother Silas..."

"Listen to my advice, go back quickly..."

"In a little while, after the Demacia Kingdom stabilizes, it will definitely make major changes! At that time, no matter it is you, me, or other "demons", they will be able to follow ordinary people. The same, I can assure you of a normal life in this beautiful country!!"

The sound of shouting and killing in the city, the sound of bows and arrows and the roar of magic continued for a whole day, and successfully made countless Demacia citizens dare not even go out of their homes, and could only be frightened. Staying in their respective homes makes this traumatized city become more and more decadent...

Although no one pays attention to his own problems anymore, no one cares about whether he is a mage or not, and he can even use his power in front of outsiders in a grandiose way... However, Lacus felt that if he could If so, she is even willing to let everything go back to the past, let her go back to the time when she was terrified when using magic for fear of being discovered by others?

At least, at that time, the Kingdom of Demacia was still a powerful and rich country, instead of being plagued by wars and magic as it is now, it was almost impossible to directly enter the terrible situation where the people were not living and the homeland was poor.

"Please shut up!"

"This is not a game, this is a life and death revolution!!"

"Laxana... I will always remember your kindness to me, but I will never easily believe any promises made by those hypocritical nobles! Those high-level political filth is something you, a little girl, can never imagine, just Just like every light of yours will leave a shadow, the behind-the-scenes means of those glamorous Demacia executives are beyond your imagination..."

"In addition to completely defeating them, we have no other choice!"

"Besides, not everyone comes from that kind of nobleman like you... So please don't stop me again, dear Miss Lux of the defending family?"

The city right now is not his site. So, for safety's sake, Silas plans to stop pestering the simple little girl from the noble family in front of him. He plans to go elsewhere first. After creating some chaos, you must take advantage of Yue Hei Feng Gao and his men to get together and leave here.

"Sister Sona..."

"Let your buddies come out, we must let him make a choice today!!"

Realizing that the advice was invalid, Lacus, who was still a little vacillating, finally decided:

If the other party is really unwilling to stop, she will definitely re-capture the culprit who caused trouble in the Demacia Kingdom at a critical moment, and continue to be locked in the Forbidden City... Then, after all the dust settles, she Think of a way to exonerate the other party?


"who is it?!"

Silas, who was about to turn around and leave to create chaos somewhere else, was suddenly shocked, stood still and yelled.

Afterwards, he was surprised to find that as a woman holding a piano appeared, a large group of magical creatures quietly came to the neighborhood of this street...those big and small, with different strengths, and him The army of magical magical creatures, which was not inferior to the previous magical army, actually surrounded this place, directly in the sky, on the ground, and even densely packed with residential walls on both sides of the street. Eyes of magic light, staring at yourself firmly? !


The woman holding the piano silently walked to a place not far from Lux, and then stood still, saying nothing.


"Only magic can control these magical creatures... It seems that you must be a powerful mage..."

Seeing the enchanting magical creatures around him, and then at the woman holding the piano, Silas laughed suddenly.

He really hadn't thought about it at all. In the Kingdom of Demacia, there really are other people who can control and command those magical magical creatures in the same way as the special method he has just researched not long ago? Moreover, it is still a one-time, one person can control so much?

There is no doubt that the opponent's magic power must be very strong! The lady of the crown defender will really surprise herself...


Sona silently looked at the man on the opposite side, saw that the other hand was still dragging shackles and chains, and opened her mouth, but she did not explain anything.


"And...Master Sona? You are..."

At this time, General Galen of Demacia also led a group of soldiers to search here, and at a glance, he saw the younger sister Lacus holding a magic wand and another holding a piano on the other side of the street. woman!

Of course, they also saw the terrifying group of magical creatures surrounding the street!

Therefore, they didn't dared to rush over to capture or kill the traitor Silas who was standing in the middle, but stood far away and looked at this side.


"This lady, you should not be a nobleman? Then, why do you choose to help them?"

"Not long ago, before this great magical revolution happened, those guys like them most liked to persecute people like you and us... Now the facts have proved that only us like mages can successfully save Demacia, we They are the same kind of people, and they are heretics!!"

Silas reached out to the troublesome defender's little boy Galen who had just appeared, and solemnly questioned the female mage called Sona in front of him.


However, Sona still didn't intend to speak, she just looked at each other silently.

"Heh! Okay..."

"Then I will be here for the time being today. You can't keep them like this forever. It's useless! The great magical transformation has quietly taken place. The kingship of Demacia and the throne of the Light Shield family are already the sunset. …Only us mages can master and dominate the new authority of this country. The nobles of the past are destined to become the dust of history!!"

"I hope you can think about it..."

Now, in addition to the capital of Demacia, a large piece of land outside the city has been quietly owned by Silas and the changemakers!

The area they actually control and own is becoming larger and larger, and the Demacian diehards without magic, on the contrary, are unable to move in this country full of magical creatures. They tend to be better and worse. Actually, there is no need to explain.

Silas believed that the Light Shield family and other diehards, they must not be able to hold on for long! Although, in a short period of time, their mage could not take the capital of Demacia for the time being, and did not have enough manpower and troops, but in other towns, it was too simple.


Sona still didn't speak, she still just stared at each other silently, the expression on her face was neither joy nor sadness.

"You fart!!"

"Silas, I will definitely catch you! The guillotine of Demacia must have a place for you, in the name of Demacia!!!"

Hearing that the other party was brazenly trying to persuade the piano master Sona next to Lacus, Galen, who seemed to understand who controlled those terrifying magical creatures, couldn't help but tentatively approached a few steps in panic. Angrily shouted at the rebel.

Today, the army in the capital of Demacia has suffered serious losses. If the hateful rebel in front is allowed to continue the chaos, the form that has just improved a little, there will definitely be major changes, such a situation, he will never allow it!

"Enough! You all stop it!!"

"Silas, I advise you to leave here quickly and never come back. Demaciaxon does not welcome you! Because my friend, the colossus of justice Galio is coming soon, trust me, you will Even if these people add up, they will not be its opponents!!"

Lacus will no longer allow major turmoil in the city of Demacia, so this time she not only invited Sona, who can control many magical creatures, to come to the rescue, but she even invited her own extraordinary great friend!

I don’t know why Galio has the ability to move freely. Obviously he will not easily refuse some things that it can help the Demacia Kingdom. Therefore, at that time, there will be Dema, where Galio is sitting. West Asia Xiongdu must be able to drive away those dangerous uncontrollable magical creatures and restore the order here to normal in the shortest possible time!

And this is the best way she can think of as the best way to help her brother and the aunt Tiana, who is the Grand Marshal of the Kingdom, the title defender.

"The Colossus of Justice..."

Silas certainly knew what Justice Colossus was, because he had seen him outside the city more than once or twice during this period!


"Laks, and this Mage Sona, one day, you will find how stupid it is to protect them. At that time, it will be too late if you want to regret it again!!"

Realizing that those magical creatures didn't mean to attack him, the young boy of the imposing crown defender in the distance was about to lead people over. After Silas put down a last bit of cruel words, he flicked his long chain. , After hooking the giant claws of a huge Demacia demonized dragon bird that flew over in the sky due to receiving his own signal, he directly flew into the air.

"You will regret it..."

"Your silence at this time will be your epitaph in the future..."

Those angry roars got farther and farther, and soon Silas disappeared into the distant night.

In this situation, what else can he do if Silas doesn't leave?

There are many magical creatures on the other side, and they all seem to be relatively powerful. With the addition of the crown defender's little cub, Gaelen, staring at him, he has no other good way besides retreating temporarily.

Originally, he thought that this raid would be able to directly rush to the Castle of Dawn, capture or kill the Jarvan III, and completely change the country... But what to think of, that hasty plan failed... He was also a little surprised. Unexpectedly, there are still so many people, even mages, who are willing to help this decadent kingdom that is about to fall?

But no matter what, today, he has successfully consumed a part of the Demacia Kingdom’s military power, severely damaging the opponent’s morale, and his wizards have not suffered many casualties, at most they just lost a part of their magical partners... Creatures are almost full of forests in the wild, and as a mage, they have lost those magical creatures. Then they will spend some time to get some new ones. He is not in a hurry at all!


Sona really wants to tell the other party that it's not that she wants to be silent, but that she is simply dumb...


"We must never let him go like this, we chase after him!!"

Seeing that the enemy had left behind and was able to escape while being besieged by Tuan Tuan, Galen was anxious and did not care to say hello to his sister, so he directly greeted the subordinates behind him and flew towards the other side. The direction followed...

"Sister Sona!"

"It's definitely not going to work like this. We must find the little guy Annie and let her restore everything to its original state! Otherwise, the Demacia Kingdom will really collapse. My brothers won't be able to hold on for long... …If this continues, Silas’s advantage will only increase. Even if it’s Galio, he can only keep this capital city, and it will be completely helpless in other places!!"

When the street was quiet here, and when I heard the faint sound of explosions and screams in the city gradually disappearing, I kept watching the direction that Silas and his brother Galen were chasing and leaving. After watching for a long time, Lacus gritted her teeth and turned to look at the piano master Sona next to her, wanting to listen to the other's advice.

The next step, what she wants to do is to find a certain instigator who has been identified, and then ask the other party to restore everything in the Demacia Kingdom to its original state! !

For example... Take back the power gained by the magic creatures, and turn the creatures large and small here into the way they were before the ‘catastrophe’?



‘Lax, I’m sorry, I don’t know where Annie will be now... and, as we said before, I will only help you this time, no next time...’

Sona, who frowned, didn't want to participate in any dispute between the royal family of the Demacia Kingdom and the Silas who had just escaped, but just slapped her strings lightly and expressed her position. He turned firmly and prepared to leave.

"Sona, should we go to the voodoo land you mentioned?!"

A certain little girl who caused the instigator came from the land of voodoo. She knew about this matter. Therefore, she immediately thought of the "gray order" of the mage organization hidden in the land of voodoo. That little girl's home, you can definitely find that little girl!


At that time, how can the other party restore the Demacia Kingdom to its original state? That is not what she can consider now. Anyway, there will always be a solution to everything!




‘This has nothing to do with me. I’m sorry, Lacus, the Demacia Kingdom is actually pretty good now... At least, you and I don’t have to fear being caught in the Forbidden City, right? So, I’m sorry, this matter should be considered by the royal family and you nobles. I’m just an ordinary piano girl, and I don’t want to get involved in these annoying things...’

‘Good night, Lux! ’

After plucking her strings again and conveying her heartfelt thoughts to this friend of hers, Sona took her own steps. Those friends around, in the place of a large group of magical creatures hidden around. Under the protection, walk to his Bouville Manor...


She Sona herself, seemingly accidentally, became the most powerful person in the entire Demacia male capital? Because... With her special piano sound, she has made thousands of friends with magical creatures, large and small, and even... including the group of powerful flame birds entrenched in the Temple of the Lightbringer!

Because they all like to listen to her Sona's piano sound and the kind of energetic and vigorous symphony that she plays hard?


Lux wanted to say something, but the other party's figure had disappeared into the dark street.


Today, Kate-Grant’s house, an unexpected guest came, and if the other party hadn’t been brought back by his son Carter himself and introduced him to him, the owner here, Kate, would definitely not let him enter his house. of!

Because, she could see that the other party was definitely not a good person! !

"Kate?? Ms. Grant, everything is probably like this..."

"Although I know that it is a bit abrupt, but the Bear Shield of our main plane really has something very important to find her, and it seems that you can summon her, so..."

Seeing Ms. Grant who hadn't seen him for half a year, Coleson felt a little bit emotional... This kind of time or travel across planes shouldn't be the place for ordinary people like them to go. Presumably, after completing the task here, he must return to his own plane world as soon as possible.

He only hopes that before that, everything goes well...

"That's it, that little guy's experience is so bizarre and tortuous, she has never told me about it..."

"Well, I think I understand, but, Mr. Coulson from another world, I have to remind you: Please don't expect too much?"

After some reluctance to figure out the details of the little guy Annie, and also figure out the origins of this bear light shield agent named Phil Coleson, Kate, who has been a little wary, finally got from her neck. I took down which ruby ​​necklace, and while rubbing the gentle gem above, he said to the Colson who had already stood up from the sofa.

Sure enough, her Kate's eyes were as accurate as before, and she knew at a glance that the bald man in front of her was not a good thing! However, since the other person, just like herself, has some ties to a little guy, and still comes to seek help, she can't always ignore it.


Although smiling Coleson was a little puzzled by what the other party was saying, he didn't interrupt him recklessly. He just looked at the ruby ​​necklace that the other party took out with interest, and waited to see if the other party would do anything next. What do you do, how can you find the little guy who has never seen the end?


"Come out, Annie! This time, you must not refuse me, I really have important things, I swear..."

After sighing with relief, Kate finally took the red gemstone necklace in one hand, and gently rubbed the red gemstone with the other hand for several times, making it look like calling Aladdin. Is the magic lamp like a god?


The corners of Coulson's mouth twitched. He never thought that the other party actually summoned a little guy like this? This situation always made him a little familiar, as if he had seen it before?

If the other party replaces that gem with a kettle...

"Hi! Hello, Uncle Colson, Aunt Kate, and... Brother Carter?"


What surprised Coleson was that a certain lawless little guy was actually summoned from a ruby ​​by the lady Grant in front of him?

Then, after saying hello, she didn't pay attention to the people present at all, and rushed directly to the exquisite solid wood low table in the living room, and hugged the basket with various seasonal fruits.



Once again, seeing the little guy who hadn't changed anything for ten years, Kate and Carter rolled their eyes together.


"Forget it, Annie, it's like this, I'm here this time..."

Although I was still a little puzzled, due to the urgent situation, Coleson did not intend to entangle too much, so he was ready to go directly to the subject without hesitation and explain the situation to the most powerful little guy in the Avengers. Happening.

Because, in this plane world, he really doesn't want to stay for a moment. He has to complete the task, and then quickly go back and report all the things he saw to the director!

"please wait!"

At this time, the Kate who had summoned Little Annie?? Grant spoke out, and she directly interrupted a certain Mediterranean agent who seemed to be planning a long talk.


Coleson, who had just prepared his words, was interrupted in this way, and his entire Guangguang forehead was instantly flushed, and then he looked at the lady Grant with a very puzzled look.

"Mr. Coleson, although she looks exactly the same as Annie, please believe me, she is really not Annie, she is just a phantom, a very real phantom..."

"We are quite sure about this matter, so we won't say why, anyway, please don't look at me with that kind of suspicion?"

This kind of thing must be explained without a half-day time. It is definitely unclear, and when he and the other party are not too familiar, Kate?? Grant will definitely not waste her time and the power of gems to follow The other party was verbose.

Therefore, whether the other party believes it or not, this is a fact, and no one can dispute a fact! !


"Mr. Carter, are you sure your mother is joking?!"

A living little Annie stood in front of her, and she took the initiative to ran to the table to find those delicious fruits to gnaw, and she ate her mouth full of juice, that kind of attitude and kind of action, Coleson said I am very familiar with it! And now, the other party actually tells himself that his little Annie is a fake? !

Coulson would not believe this kind of thing easily...because he is more familiar with that little guy than anyone else, he and Melinda even lived with each other for a long time. I already know everything about the other party! !

"of course not!!"

Thunder Shazan Carter, who had just used magic to teleport the opponent back to his home, patted his muscle-filled chest with confidence, and assured the opponent.


Some of Coleson, who was not sure about paying attention, had to turn his head and look at the little girl who was sitting on the low table directly and ate a lot.

"Haha, Uncle Coulson, why don't you guess first?!"

(*??︶??*).. .:*??

However, what made Kate and Carter feel a little helpless is that a naughty little guy, who did not look at the situation at all, made fun of each other with this kind of thing in person, and made a cute little grimace at them. ?


Coleson is a little bit out...

Because, no matter how he looks at him, the little guy in front of him, no matter its size, appearance, smell, movements, expressions and tone of voice, is exactly the same as the little guy he knows?

"Mr. Colson!"

"I'm pretty sure, she is not my master... She is just a mirrored clone of my master now. It is a very mysterious spell that has kept me out of reach..."

At this time, a voice that everyone could not expect suddenly inserted. When everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, they saw a **** bald head. I don’t know when, sitting in the wine at Kate’s house. On the other side of the cabinet, holding a bottle of precious red wine, savoring it carefully?


"I know you guy. You've broken into my house before and you got shot in the chest!!"

Kate grants angrily lowered her throat and roared.

Although it has been almost ten years, Kate Grant still recognized the distant one who had broken into his home at a glance, and he had to explain to the community police about the black invasion. By.

Of course, she also knew the true identity of the other party from the mouth of her son Carter, so she didn't feel too surprised when seeing each other again this time, except for being a little angry.

"Annie? Is he true?!"

Seeing that it was Mr. Erheizi, the demon who had helped him, although Coleson was stunned for a while because of the sudden appearance of the other party, he soon looked at a naughty little girl again and wanted to follow The other party learned the truth.

After all, his mission is very important, so you can't be fooled by a fake little guy. Otherwise, things might be serious! !

"You Er Heizi are really annoying!!"


Although she was a little unhappy about the actions of the little Balrog who committed the following crimes,'Little Annie' still ambiguity agreed with the other party's statement, and glanced at the talkative guy with unkind eyes.


Er Heizi shook his head, and continued to pour a full glass of red wine in his empty glass... To be honest, he Er Hei Zi Yan Demon is not afraid of the threat of a mirror clone with independent consciousness, I am afraid, only his one When the little master is really here, can he really scare him?


Coleson frowned, and then still stared at a little girl. He now needs a definite answer from the other party, that's very important!



" might be like that..."



"My God, what should I do? Mr. Carter, this is the way you said? You may not know that I am looking for the real Annie, the one from the Avengers, not the one left by her. This clone here in this world!"

Realizing that things didn't go as smoothly as he had taken for granted, Coleson could only take two steps back with a wry smile and shook his head, and then looked reluctantly at the mage Carter who had promised him before.

Now it seems that the other party's guarantee is really not reliable?

"Mr. Colson..."

"Please don't worry, this is indeed the only way to find the master! Now, you have to convince her that she must have a way to help you, and I dare to promise you!!"

At this time, after looking up and drank a full glass of precious red wine in his glass, Er Hei Zi Yan Demon slapped his lips and raised his head to the distant man named Coleson and said confidently.

It's been ten years...

He Er Heizi has enjoyed all the good food, drink and fun things here on this earth. Now, if he doesn’t want to conflict with Diablo, the King of Fear, who gets stronger and doesn’t put himself in his eyes, He must quickly return to his little master!

Only then can he continue to improve himself, and give the **** demon, who only does things more and more unscrupulously, a deeply painful lesson?

"Yes, Colson, this is the only way!"

"But don't hold on too much hope, because my mother and I have tried many times over the years and used countless methods, but it was useless... She can always see through our tricks easily. She is no better than the real Annie’s is more stupid, so she all failed. She just refused to help us or tell her where her real body is..."

Carter stepped forward and sat down on the sofa before sighing helplessly. Anyway, he is not very optimistic about this Coulson, because even if that little guy is not the real Annie, he is also an extremely difficult guy!

Over the years, they have all failed regardless of the use of force or intelligence, and they have long been tossed by the other party to the point of losing their temper...

"That's you guys too stupid!!"

o(??^`)o hum!

'Little Annie' who was eating, after a cold snort, put her head away.


"It turned out to be so, I understand..."

Frowning, Coleson groaned for a while, and quickly made up his mind.

"Annie, we at Bear Shield need your help, that matter is very important, very important!!"

Coulson walked directly in front of the opponent, then squatted down on his body, pressed his knees to the ground, and reached out to press the opponent's seemingly delicate shoulder.

What surprised him was...

He discovered that the so-called mirror clone of the other party not only has an entity, but also has the same touch and warm body temperature as a real person? And if Carter and the two blacks hadn’t just explained the situation, and the other party himself had admitted, I’m afraid Coleson would definitely think this ‘Little Annie’ is really Little Annie, right?



"It's also very important that people are playing in other worlds..."


Eating, drinking, playing and sleeping is the most important thing for Annie, and as for Bear Shield, she will only help when she is really bored? Therefore, after hearing the other party's question, she refused to ask the other party directly without asking what was important.

Because, if you bother yourself with a small thing casually, maybe it will be cancelled directly by some careful guy, so she won't do things that favor others and disadvantage yourself. ! If it's the kind of thing that hurts others and benefits oneself, is it still about the same?

"Annie, you promised us before, I remember, your true body owes us a promise, last time, it was here..."

Coleson knows one of the advantages of the little guy, that is: once she promises something, even if she is reluctant, she will definitely try to do it! Fortunately, when they came to this world with the director last time, they did get a promise from the other side?

Although the goals that need to be dealt with are not the same now, the promise or something should still be effective. He is very sure about this! !


∑( ̄□ ̄;)

"It seems to be... It's really annoying... Are you going to fight that Thanos?"


Even if it wasn't the real body, ‘Little Annie’ herself remembered that, so she scratched her head a little entangled, and for a while, she was still a little undecided.


"No, but another crisis, very serious! We need an avenger who knows magic. Well, Director Nick Fury means: Annie, we need you! We need you to visit Xiong Shield yourself. Bureau Headquarters!!!"

"The steel bear base on the back of the moon, the sooner the better!!"

Seeing that the task seemed to be fulfilled perfectly, Coleson finally breathed a sigh of relief, because as long as the task was completed, he could go back to work!

Now, he can’t wait to report to Chief Nick Fury about the world, including the Bear Shield branch here and those demons. Then he must talk to Director Nick Fury as soon as possible. The Secretary speaks carefully! Because everything here is almost beyond their control...



"I know……"


After finally being summoned,'Little Annie' flattened her mouth a little aggrieved, and turned her angry and aggrieved face to the other side.


What Coulson needs is not such a ‘I got it’ answer. He needs to talk to the little guy himself, and it’s better to go back with him? So he stood up, walked to the other side, and walked to the little girl again.

"Someone sent a message to the subject, she said,'I got it!"


"Little Annie" felt that the bald Uncle Coleson in front of her was really annoying. She had already done so and risked sending a message to the real body. What else does he want?

"Very good! Then what?"

Coleson is a little looking forward to the following, such as the real little Annie's answer or something?

"No more, you can go back and wait slowly, goodbye, unpleasant Uncle Coleson..."


After speaking, "Little Annie" dropped the fruit basket in her hand, ready to run back to her ruby, and ignored this pesky fellow!

"and many more!"

"Ann, Annie...I'm sorry, but...I must see her with my own eyes. Really, I promised the chief..."

Fearing that it was another long-waiting Coleson, he grabbed the opponent's hand and pleaded with firm eyes.



"Your watch, turn on the hidden authority, enter the answer to the question, and you can open a portal where you can find her! Goodbye~!!!"

o(??^`)o hum! !

After speaking,'Little Annie' waved her hand gently, and got rid of the other party, turned directly into a red light, and returned to the ruby ​​necklace in Kate?? Grant's hand, leaving only the complex mood and expression in this living room. Four different people.


"Mr. Coleson, you should really be content. During this period of time, I wanted to call her clone to come out and talk to her and ignore me..."

Stroking the ruby ​​necklace in the palm of her hand, Kate began to look sad... The little Annie of her family was more willing to talk to a bald man than to respond to her mother, and for so long. ?

This kind of thing really made her feel sad...

"Mom, that's because you had to summon her many times a day, and even I was annoying! Moreover, its energy was almost used up by your squandering!"

"It automatically absorbs energy but is very slow, and we can't recharge it by then!!"

At this time, Carter relentlessly refuted his mother Kate's words, and did not give any face.


"Isn’t that because you are too useless? Carter! Your magical powers have always disappointed me. Apart from yelling'Shazam', you have to talk about it. In the past ten years, you have learned How many magics?"

"Huh huh? Are you telling mom?!"

To break down each other's affairs, she Kate Grant was the president of Cat-Co Media as early as that year, and when her new wife, Superwoman, who ran away with the other party, was still in the superior and inferior relationship, she had been with her rivals and The other media companies are so proficient in their practice, so if this young son thinks that this will embarrass her Kate, he is very wrong! !


Sure enough, when he heard his mother run himself like this, Carter shut up decisively and did not speak...


"I have a question here...Excuse me: ‘what’s my favorite thing?’"

"This is a question that Annie didn't know when to set up in my watch. Only by entering the correct answer can the one-time portal be opened. Moreover, I can only answer it once. If it is wrong, it will be invalidated?!"

At this time, Phil Coleson, the man who has been playing with the Mediterranean hairstyle of his watch since the fake "Little Annie" disappeared, finally spoke, and looked at the three present with a look for help. Guys who have a lot to do with that little guy.

"It must be: eat!!"

Kate Grant gave her own answer confidently, because, in her impression, that little guy can't live without good food when he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth. There are always all kinds of food on hand, even The clone just came out, it was the first time to find food...

So, she is very sure, her answer must be correct! !

"Do not!"

"Mom, I think it should be: play?!"

Carter thinks that his cheap sister might like to play more?

Because, no matter what she does, she always starts when she feels fun and ends when she feels boring...If there is no fun, she will create fun things on her own? Although sometimes, people or things played by her will always be miserable by the other party's various methods?


"I think it should be: flame?!"

After being silent for a while, Er Heizi also spoke...

Because it remembers it very clearly, the little owner of its family often said: ‘Flame... is my favorite toy! ’?

So, since its little owner said it personally, there is no doubt that the answer to that question must be ‘flame’. If you listen to it, you’re sure to be right! !


"But why do I think it's sleeping?!"

I subconsciously asked the people. Actually, I already had the answer in my heart. Coleson, who just wanted to input the "correct answer" he thought, was directly frozen in the air after hearing the answers of the three. , And then asked the three people with a weeping face.


"It must be'eat', believe me, Mr. Coulson, because I am Anne's adoptive mother and I know that little guy best!!"

Kate raised her hand, she was sure, sure and sure.

"No! Mom!"

"It must be'play', that little guy is a playful kid!!"

Thunder Shazan Carter also stood in front of Coleson with certainty, wishing to enter the answer to that question for the other party.

"‘Flame is my favorite toy!’"

"Mr. Coelson, this is what my little master often said. Do you think they are right, or is my little master right?!"

Er Heizi also walked over with the bottle of high-end red wine that he drank only a small half bottle, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com showed a charming smile at a certain Bear Shield Tenth-level agent who hesitated.


"Why do I think the answers we said are all right, or none of them?!"

Coulson's hands are almost trembling...

After all, they only have one chance to enter the correct answer to the question, and once the answer is wrong, it's nothing! Therefore, there is only one chance, and on the premise that he must meet that little guy, he is really at a loss and doesn't know what to do.

"It's ‘eat’, I’m right!!"

"No! It's ‘play’!!"

"Shut up! It's'flame'!!"





"Boy, do you dare to question the wisdom of my Flame Demon King?"

"Yeah! Mr. Erheizi, I have Solomon's wisdom from Thunder Shazam Carter, and my IQ is full when I transform! Do you know that it's full value? Can the examiner hate to give me a few points during the exam? !"

"My son, you have never done that before, because... the examiner will not allow a middle-aged person to enter the examination room to take the test, even if you told the examiner that you are not old before you are old?"

"Come on! Kid Carter, let's play a game, who wins and enters whose answer?"

"Come on, I won't be afraid of you!!!"



"my Lord……"


?? Ask for a ticket???? (ψ??????ˇ????)?? Hehehe...

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