Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 759: Miss Fortune's 2 Guns


In the middle of the night, some of the elite guardians of the temple hurried out, and then returned in a hurry before dawn, the sea animal priest Iloi, now sleepless...

With her tall and sturdy body, she stood in a daze by the window of the temple's main hall, condescendingly overlooking the slaughter pier of the bones harbor below the Butcher’s Bridge in the distance, looking at the slaughter wharf in the dawn sun. The figure stretched into the abyss Titan, his eyes gradually lost focus, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Bang! !

With the sound of slightly messy footsteps sounded behind him, when Illaoi, the blessed land true man and priest of the true **** Nagakaporos, turned around, he only saw his own statement making peace. The snake caller was viciously pinching the captain they had previously captured to the cold rock floor of the temple, bringing his dirty face to the ancient cracked rock floor of their temple.


"Planck... how is he now?"

Illaoi didn’t take care of the one on the ground, apparently suffering a lot of torture from them, and was groaning about the sinful captain who wanted to struggle to get up, but first looked at the resentful and resentful face on his face. The man who stared at the ground was both an emissary and the snake caller.

Things always need to be solved one by one. Before dealing with the matter in front of her, she doesn't hope that at this critical time, the Planck guy will have trouble again...because the other party passed the true **** Naga Capolos The test of her will be of great use to her plan in the future.

"Return to the true one!"

"We have notified Okao and other gang leaders, and they have all received the news that you want them to support Planck!"

"However, the subordinates don't think that is of any use! Because the city is in a mess right now, and he is seriously injured... If it wasn't for some accident last night, the old man would be killed suddenly, I'm afraid he Now they have been caught...True man, are you really sure, do you no longer provide him with more help?"

When the true person asked about other things, although he was puzzled, he still honestly said what he knew.

Planck and most of his direct descendants, as well as his flagship ship, were bombed by that nasty woman. He has lost control of the city because most people witnessed the ship with their own eyes. The destruction of the legendary battleship parked in the dock basically confirmed the false fact that he had been'dead'!


"Don't worry about that stupid old bastard, let him go..."

Hearing that, Illaoi was not only not worried, but relieved.

In her opinion, as long as an old **** was not taken advantage of by someone falling into trouble last night, as long as he survived the hardest moment last night, there would be basically no big problem!

Now, she can focus her attention on other places. For example, the one in front of her was captured by them overnight. It is said that she had caught a large-aged beast and the abyss Titan Nottilus, who had just been promoted. Captain's legendary sea hunter Harpoon Lars?

"Did he...did he say something?"

Illaoi didn’t believe that the sluggish, stubborn-bearded ordinary man who seemed to be tortured could catch and control the abyss Titan Nottilus, so she just glanced at each other. He turned his head to look at his interrogator and the snake caller.

They interrogated each other for so long, presumably the other party must have already said everything. There is no need for her to waste time and energy to continue interrogating, because it is meaningless!


"This **** is very slippery. He only knows that the other party is a little girl mage. He doesn't know each other, but he was hired?"

Having said this, the snake caller angrily used his skeleton multi-headed sea snake staff, intending to give the other party another impressive soul blow, letting the other party know the fate of deceiving the sect?

An unfamiliar mage would casually give the other a valuable medium-sized sailing boat and a big beast that can be sold at a sky-high price? This kind of thing, I'm afraid that the stupidest kind of Bilgewater would not choose to believe it, right?


Illaoi reached out his hand to stop the snake caller’s plan, but with a wave of his hand, a sea-blue transparent octopus tentacles slowly floated from the ground of the temple, and then immediately caught the man lying on the ground, strangling Behind the opponent's chest, he slowly raised it in front of him, so that he could look directly at the opponent's cloudy eyes.

"Say it!"

"I think you should know who I am, and also know what will happen to deceive me? This is your last chance, trust me, no one can lie in front of me, because...I represent me The true **** is the great Nagakaboros!"

"If you don't want to say it, I don't mind letting your crew members tell me?"

The other temptation words or cruel words, or torture on the soul, must have been said or done by both the emissary and the snake caller just now, so now Illaoi does not intend to go like that again. To do, she directly gave the final notice to the dying man.


Exhausted physically and mentally, he was tortured by two vicious women not long ago for a long time. Now Lars, who has been rolled up by a huge blue octopus tentacles, finally slowly raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. The priest of the lady with beard who was respected and feared by the entire Bilgewater.

"True, true lord..."

"I, I'm the captain of that ship, that's true...but, but I swear...that big guy, that abyss Titan Nottilus really wasn't my catch..."

"As for my crew..."

"They...I'm really sorry, I don't know where they are now... He, they ran away early, I came back by sailing alone..."

"Really, I swear, in the name of Lady Beard..."

"That Deep Sea Titan Not Tilles, it... it's the captain before me, a little girl, her name is Annie, she is a great mage, she gave me the Greasy ship, And that big big beast..."


"I, I don't know where she is now... Master True, you, please forgive me..."

Lars, who was lifted in mid-air by a terrifying transparent tentacle, stabbed all over his body, only his head and heart can move, once again weakly explained to the real lord in front of him, but, unfortunately, It seems that the other party didn't buy it and didn't believe what he said?

"I believe you didn't lie to me..."

"However, I am more willing to believe in souls that have never deceived people, because, under the watchful eyes of the true God, it will never deceive people!!"

Seeing that the other party was still trying to resist, Illaoi was not annoyed. He walked slowly towards the steps of the temple, and before reaching the statue of the huge true **** Naga Capolos, he squeezed his own. After the golden idol'Shenxi', he suddenly turned his head and beckoned to the man trapped by her in the center of the temple, and the'soul trial' directly pulled out the other's soul.

To be gentle and friendly to all those who can or cannot be redeemed is indeed the working style of certain gods, but the true **** she serves by Illaoi is not among them!

"I don't need you to tell me now..."

"Because your soul will naturally tell me everything you saw before!!"

After a roar, Illaoi's eyes and the eyes of the golden idol "Shenxi" on her shoulders began to emit a seeping green light at the same time, and they all looked at the one she had just pulled in front of her. Above the eyes of the man Lars' soul.

Now, with the power of the true god, she uses the soul and memory of the other person as a medium, and through the supreme power of the true **** Nagakaboros, she spy on the little girl who is talking in the other person’s mouth to see where the other person is ?

Hum! !

A strong green light shot through the eyes of the golden **** "Shenxi" on Illaoi's shoulder, through Lars's soul, through the void, towards the port of Bilgewater outside the temple. Let the green light be exceptionally conspicuous under the harsh sunlight in the early morning.


Really a child, who would it be?

In the fog, Illaoi seemed to really see a small figure with a dark red thing in his hand, bursting with some kind of golden and red light, jumping on the streets of Bilgewater Jumping around...

The other party was completely unable to find that Illaoi was using the power of the true **** Nagakaporos, and was spying through a poor soul, and continued to move forward, walking on the streets of Bilgewater that Illaoi was familiar with. And look around.


When Illaoi was in doubt, continued to use his power, intending to see a little more realistically, intending to see the specific face and exact shape of the opponent...



'Hey! Don't even think about peeping at me! ! ’


At this moment, the opponent's body suddenly burst out with a strong golden light, and made a big grimace at Illaoi's eyes! !


Unprepared, the priest of the sea beast exclaimed directly, and instantly retreated several steps, and almost collapsed on the ancient rock floor of the temple...

Boom! !

At this moment, the golden idol'Shenxi' that she was carrying and glowing with a strong green light also fell from her shoulders to the floor, the light dimmed directly, and the tentacles of the transparent holy beasts collapsed instantly. Dissipated, allowing the soul of the legendary Harpoon Lars to return to his body again, and stunned him, who had been wailing in his original soul.


"True! Are you okay?"


"Quick! Come here!!"

"True! True?!"

Seeing that things had changed unexpectedly, the emissaries in this temple, the snake caller and others, all exclaimed, and ran to the panting, staring at the faintly cracked golden idol on the floor. Beside the true person of'Shenxi', and asked with concern.


"Go away! I'm fine..."

Illaoi's face is a bit unsightly, and I don't know if it is tired or scared, or both? However, she did not accept the greetings and care of the clergy, but with a cold face, she pushed them away.


"Let me kill him!"

At this moment, the snake caller who remembered something, brazenly raised the Skeleton Sea Snake Staff in her own hand, and prepared to throw it out with the staff, and used the bottom thorn to penetrate the man lying on the ground not far away. Head.

"Do not……"

However, a large, sturdy hand caught the hideous skeleton sea snake staff held high by the snake caller from behind in time.

"Snake Caller..."

"This matter has nothing to do with him... Forget it, it's useless to say more, you should find someone to send him away..."

Illaoi, the sea beast priest who still wanted to say something, frowned. She wanted to explain, but in the end she shook her head and motioned to the other party to find someone to send the man who had just passed out.


"The true one?"

The strange changes and the inconsistent decisions of the truth make the narrator and the snake caller very puzzled. They want to ask clearly, but some are not afraid...


Illaoi stretched out her hand to stop the two of them. She remembered what had happened just now, and remembered the face that she made to be blind to each other, but she could clearly see the terrifying and intense golden light bursting out of each other. Little girl...

It is impossible to imagine that through the power of the true god, she can't even peer into the little girl mage through the soul world?

That kind of situation is something she has never seen or heard of, so she must think about it...

"For the time being, let's do this... I'm tired and need a good day's rest."

I don't know why, the situation that has never occurred makes Illaoi feel a little uneasy...So, she plans to continue to observe and observe, or wait for the true **** to give her more tips before making plans?


At this time, she tried to pray silently in her heart, but the true **** she served unexpectedly did not respond to her in time, which made her feel more uneasy...



Although I didn't know what was going on, the interpreter and the snake caller still didn't dare to disobey their order from the true one who said one thing, so he bowed his head and responded with a slanderous voice.

The atmosphere between the two became more solemn...

for a long time,

He smiled and looked at the strange man with a pale face across the table for a while, then looked at each other for a while, feeling that his anger, fear, or other negative emotions were about to reach the critical point...Red The haired woman suddenly grinned, and generously placed herself under the table, and gently placed the large-caliber musket that had been facing the other party on the table, and no longer looked so aggressively at the other party’s eyes. Belly cramping.

"Dear Mr. Colson!"

"I was just joking with you. I never thought about taking your head to collect the bounty. Otherwise, you died in the room on the third floor last night, even though you took some precautions. , I have been very vigilant during the period? But believe me, it doesn’t help much, at least it’s useless to me!

"right now……"

"Now introduce yourself, can you call me Sarah or'Miss Doom'?"

Sarah's hand left the weapon that she had placed on the table with the fire demon and projectiles. She smiled and signaled that the other party should not be nervous, because she would not tell the other party that her other handgun is in her own In the crook of her leg, and her left hand can pull it out at any time and give the opponent a hard blow?

She believes that if the other party makes any irrational actions and insists on embarrassing her, then she, a long-famous bounty hunter, will certainly not draw and shoot faster than the new emerging "fast shooter" of the other party. Slower! !


"Ms. Salad, you haven't said yet, what do you want to do?"

Obviously, the good behavior of the other party putting the weapon back on the table made Coulson relax a lot, making him no longer as nervous, desperate and hostile as before...

Now he, for this plane world, the impression of this Bilgewater Freeport is getting worse and worse! After all, anyone who was besieged by a few malicious drunks just over, almost died on the street, and now threatened by a woman holding a gun, his mood would definitely not be much better.

"Mr. Colson, do you know?"

"If you finish your last breakfast and leave this tavern, you may not survive the time when the sun shines to the south of'Butcher's Bridge'..."

"You can look outside now and move a little bit...yes, that's it, just observe quietly, wow! You are really talented... Or, you have been professionally trained?"

"Anyway, no matter whether it is the front door or the back door, there are several teams of bounty hunters waiting for the head of your neck to exchange reward money!!"

Sarah smiled, and after reminding the other party something, she stretched out her hand and directly picked up a piece of sea beast meat from the other party's food tray and ate it, not in a hurry to say what she wanted to do. .


Coulson tilted his head slightly, and quickly glanced out of the window with the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, he did see several groups of unprofessional guys who seemed to be staring at him. They put their eyes naked on him, and they never looked away, and the greed and murderous intent were not taken at all. Cover up!

Moreover, Coleson can also see that from the fact that those people have always put their hands in their arms or waists, and bite into those strange cysts, one can guess that: they must also have that in their bodies. Although the accuracy is unknown, the caliber and power will definitely scare people to death! !


"Okay! Ms. Sarah, you certainly didn't come to laugh at or remind me kindly. Please tell me what you came from."

Coleson pondered for a while, exhaled, and finally decided to see what Sarah wanted to say before him.

After all, compared to the guys outside, although the woman in front of her does not seem to have any good intentions, at least, she does not have such obvious strong hostility at the moment?

In any case, in this unfamiliar place of life, in this strange and dangerous world of Runeland, before he can find a stubborn little guy, he must first make sure that he can continue to live, not Inexplicably in this **** place, a group of indigenous people like medieval people were shot to death in a dirty street with gunpowder weapons!

Otherwise, Coleson will definitely become the laughing stock of the entire Bear Shield! Although, other people may not know his kind of tragic and pathetic end?


"When did the breakfast in this broken tavern become so delicious?"

I don’t know if it’s in a good mood or some other reason. Anyway, Sarah always feels that the meat on the other party’s plate is actually a little bit tenderer and better than the free breakfast served? Therefore, before answering the other party's question, she couldn't help but reached out and took another piece.

"Mr. Colson!"

"Do you know? Actually, yesterday evening, I just killed the actual ruler of the city of Bilgewater, and bombed the Planck ship... I let him be in full view, In the flames and the sea there is no bones... let the'king of Bilgewater' and his ship'Nether' sink into the deep sea outside the dock..."

At this point, Sarah sneered and stopped, continuing to recall the sense of inability to get revenge...

She would not tell the other party that the big ticket bounty hunters outside, in fact, at least half or more of them came for her...but if they hadn't maintained basic restraint and were willing to follow the traditional Bilgewo The rules of the special port are not willing to attack this tavern, and they are not willing to attack this place that is a safe house for anyone. If they rushed in and opened fire! !

Now, please report the inequity, so that she can calmly negotiate with a newcomer, this kind of thing is no easier for her!


Coleson did not rush to speak, but continued to look at each other in silence... He wanted to see more from the other's eyes and some subtle expressions!

However, it may be that the opponent is too cunning, or that the physiological characteristics of people in other worlds are different from those of people on earth? In short, the results of his analysis seem to have been somewhat contradictory, making him a little bit annoyed at the same time, but also a little uncertain.

At this moment in time, surrounded by foreign enemies, in such a strange environment without any intelligence and external support, he, a senior agent from the earth, didn't know what to do.

"Tell the truth!"

"Mr. ‘Quick Gunner’ Coleson, there is chaos in this Bilgewater harbour now, and I now want to replace Prandtl’s position and rule it, so I may need your help..."

"Of course, I still have a lot of people..."

"I came to you now because I think your abilities should be pretty good? And since you can easily kill Lao Chui and the three guys under him, then your abilities must be beyond doubt. ,Am i right?"

"How about, come and join us!"

"Use your power to serve my Sarah, and I will guarantee that no hunter in Bilgewater can take your head to receive the reward and give you everything you want!!"

"Whether it is money, rights, or women?"

After reaching for a slightly cleaner rag and wiping the oil stains on her hands and her **** red lips, Miss Doom Sarah smiled and gave the other party a wink charmingly, and the corners of her mouth were curved at the same time. , Patiently waiting for the other party's reply.


Coleson frowned and looked at each other, and then looked sideways at the unpredictable people outside the window and the door. After roughly determining the number of enemies and suspected enemies outside, he couldn't help but sigh.

He seems to have no choice now...

"Miss Sarah..."

"I don’t need anything. The reason why I came to Bilgewater was actually to find someone... If you promise to help me find someone after I join you, I can promise to join you until I find what I’m looking for. That person!!"

"What do you think of this proposal?"

When he was a first-level agent, Coleson, who used to work with Director Nick Fury on the field before, understood the importance of the team better than anyone, and knew better that he wanted to be in this dangerous Bilge with his own strength. How difficult it is for Walt to find someone here...

However, if it is with the help of the snakes in front of you, it will be different! Although it would not be a good choice to rush into the ‘team’ of this unclear woman, he has no better choice at the moment.

"A very reasonable suggestion!"

"Now, in the name of'Mrs. Beard' we are in the same group, Mr. Colson!!!"

Seeing that she had successfully fooled another subordinate and recruited a powerful gunman for her upcoming breakout operation, Sarah showed another ‘sincere’ smile.


"What shall we do now, Miss Sarah?"

Now that the agreement has been reached, and since there are countless so-called ‘bounty hunters’ or gangsters who come to seek revenge, Coleson finally couldn’t help asking after hesitating for a while.

"Don't do much, let's kill it!!"


After speaking, Miss Fortune stood up abruptly from her position, grabbed the pistol on the table, and drew another hand from her leg with the other hand.

"These are my two guns, one is called ‘Shoot!’ and the other is called ‘Ah!’, how about it, Mr. Coulson, the fast gunner, do you like it?"

Miss Doom, who held the two guns on her shoulders, once again blinked at a bald and handsome man who had recovered his senses with a bewitching wink, and gestured to make the other person stand up, it was time to get ready to work! !

Today, the two of them will go all the way from this tavern! Until they break through the enemies on the three streets outside, her vacillating subordinates will definitely come to support her! !


not good! !

Coleson never believed that someone would work hard for someone they just met or his subordinates, let alone a cunning little woman! So, subconsciously, he knew that Coleson, the tenth-level agent of his wise Bear Shield, seemed to have accidentally boarded the other party's thief ship? !

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