Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 769: The miracle of Bilgewater?

Due to its superior geographic location on the sea, Bilgewater cruelly robbed the various civilian ships, commercial cargo ships, and even the most prosperous trading city Piltoff from Noxus, Ionia, and Piltoff. The huge profits obtained from the piracy of Noxus warships and other acts of piracy succeeded in making a fortune, and the free port prospered with the high-value deep-sea specialties harvested from the hunting of sea beasts. Now it is finally obtained in this unusually tragic night retribution!

Because, now, it has gradually been ignited into the sky by all kinds of Bilgewater deliberate or unintentional behavior...

With the help of the howling sea breeze, dry wooden houses, and the threat of terrible ghosts from the Shadow Island that raged everywhere, streets, blocks, and hills began to be ignited. And the fire is gradually burning more and more vigorously, more and more tragic, there is such a terrible trend of burning the city?

Especially on the mountain on the other side of the Butcher’s Bridge, due to the deliberate actions of a certain bear, the dark red flame has gradually spread to most of the entire mountain where they are located, and gradually With those countless ropes, trestle bridges and suspension bridges, spreading to the hills and urban areas of the entire Bilgewater city...

Countless Bilgewaters had to run out of their houses, and when they discovered that those dark red special flames could effectively help them resist the monsters from Shadow Island, resist the threats of the undead, and even After burning those terrifying ghosts easily, they all held up the torches of dark red flames that seemed to never be extinguished by water and wind like a carnival, cheering, roaring, and venting in their hearts. His anger and fear took the initiative to join in the vast actions of burning their own cities, burning their own homes, burning and driving away those ghosts, and trying to dispel the cursed evil black mist.

‘Huh! Haha! ’

'burn! burn! burn! The flames are burning...’

‘Burn out the shreds of the Shadow Island! ’

‘Evil spirits, come on, my uncle is not afraid of you anymore! ! ’

'a ha ha ha……'

‘They are there, burn them...’

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Brother, send a fire, Lao Tzu's torch is out! ! ’

‘Help! ’

‘! ? ’

‘That’s my house, my money is still in it! ’

‘My child, who saw my child? ’

'mom! I am here! You see, I just burned several ghosts of Shadow Island with a torch! ! ’

"Ms. Beard..."


‘Burn them to death...’

‘They are over there, go and help! ’

‘Don’t even think about running, let’s chase them together! ! ’

‘No! Danger over there! ! ’

"Wow, ah...."

‘Hahaha! Look at those idiots, they fell by themselves? ’


All kinds of shouts, shouts, and killings began to resound continuously throughout the burning districts of the entire city of Bilgewater...People have verbally taught that simple and effective night of soul eclipse. The black mist and the methods of the undead, and actively included more houseboats, wooden houses, and everything that can be burned into the dark red flames.

Of course, on the way to hunt down the flying undead, many unlucky people accidentally walked from the side of the street or the cliff that was not very stable by the fire, carrying torches and screams. Falling down into the dark sea water or low urban areas, the flame spread more rapidly.

Flames, shouts of killing, and the fight between the dead and the living have become the main theme of the Bilgewater Freeport City tonight...

No one wants to die, and no one wants to be shredded by a group of shreds from the Shadow Island, dragging away their own souls, even if their Bilgewater souls, quite a few of them are already dirty and depraved. To the point where it can't be more ugly?

Anyway, when their own lives and their own money were threatened at the same time, most of them chose the former without weighing them up!

after all,

Without money, their great and heroic Bilgewater can go to the main fairway of Pi City to grab it! Or, go to the deep sea to beg the behemoths of'Ms. Beard'?

As long as people are alive and strong, as long as they are not too unlucky, as long as they don’t accidentally encounter those hard ideas, it’s not too difficult for them to get rich overnight... If the ghosts from the Shadow Island in the Night of Soul Eclipse are harvested and dragged away their souls, then everything about them is really finished! !

Therefore, it is not unreasonable that they take the initiative to set fire to their city at this time! Of course, it may also be caused by some incitement or ill-intentioned people's instigation?

But anyway, so far, only a small part of the places swept by the dark red magical flames, only a part of the Bilgewater can use them, or dare to use those flames for the first confrontation. Those from the Shadow Island, endless ghosts and ghosts! Only a few people dared to excite and spontaneously form a team of torches, to destroy or expel the existence that had made them extremely fearful, and to fight with all kinds of monsters that constantly emerged from the black fog!

Corresponding to the brave and crazy Bilgewater people, most of the Bilgewater wharf area is still shrouded in the dark and deep dark mist of the horrible and evil curse... …Most of the Bilgewaters still stayed shivering in the dark mist-shrouded area, and from time to time there was a piercing scream that was the same as when they were captured by evil spirits.


‘Ms. Beard...Mother of the Abyss...Naga Capolos...’

‘Please bless me, please, I am willing to be your believer sincerely, I will go to the temple on the top of the mountain to pray to you every day, please be sure to...’

In the quiet dock area at the bottom of this still chaotic Bilgewater city, a thin fisherman is huddling on his only property. The stern of the ship is a bit decayed and looks full of worm-eyes and parasitic conch And the rotten wood that is about to break, but still barely able to continue to float on the sea, barely able to fish in the cabin of the canoe-style boat, while leaning hard in his cabin, which is small enough to only accommodate one person, Prayed quietly to the snake mother Naga Capolos, hoping that the true **** who is said to be omnipotent, that great existence, can protect him from the cruel and vicious undead who make a scream or two from time to time. To discover?

Over the years, his luck has not been so good, so much so that now there is only such a broken fishing boat that no one can see...

And think back then,

At his most glorious time, he also killed people, set fires, and even robbed many merchant ships from Picheng at sea. The blood of those who killed a ship stained his leather boots and dyed red. The entire deck and the white sails of those idiots have robbed countless gold and silver treasures and beautiful young women...

In addition, he had also hunted the dangerous and valuable big beasts from the deep sea of ​​the'Ms. Beard' with the sea hunters a few years ago. At that time, he was so happy and happy, living like that every day.' When he wakes up, he eats and drinks in the tavern and spends the night with prostitutes when he is drunk... But now, he, who is old and frail and a little desolate, somehow, he was inexplicably mixed up and left right now. How desolate is the only fishing boat that can depend on him?

But, even if this is the case, he still doesn't want to die...

He hasn't lived enough yet, even if he lives in the humblest life, even if he suffers from poverty and sickness, even after today and no tomorrow, he still wants to struggle to live... Even if he may not be able to turn over again in the future, as long as he lives. From time to time, he can remember the "prosperous years" from time to time, miss the good days he had had, and recall the young women he had played with by himself and caught them from a boat. , But extremely beautiful!

At least, in his life, he himself had been brilliant for a long time, didn't he?


"Ms. Beard bless..."


What he didn't know while praying was:

At this moment, a silent figure gradually emerged from the black fog, and slowly appeared on the water beside his broken ship docked by the side road of the pier.

"If I must die, please take me home... so that my soul and body can be buried in the deep sea forever... I beg you, I sincerely hope--"


Immediately afterwards, a stern cry made the kind of mumbling prayers abruptly stopped!


At this time, several hooks with chains have pierced his chest fiercely, his stomach, his throat, and his hands and feet... They just gave him so mercilessly The only property nailed to his ship was nailed to the cabin of that small broken ship!

At the same time, the vicious blood trough on the tip of that terrible chain hook kept his blood flowing out, and it gradually gathered in his cabin before his eyes and slowly gathered into a pool of enough Give his nose and mouth a little drowning viscous liquid.

The unforgettable pain made him want to scream loudly... However, the vicious hook chain had pierced his throat, and he couldn't make a scream except the scream just now. More voices beyond...

"Hum hum……"

"It's really a torture that makes people feel extremely pleasant...It's a pity that your God can't seem to save you... But I can?"

At this time,

A vague shadow finally appeared completely from the black mist, and appeared in his eyes that had been tortured by the severe pain that had already been rounded...

He saw: it was a hideous and evil horrible figure, the other party's body exuded the purest, naked malice in the world, and the terrifying and hideous skull with horns was lingering around at the same time. With those evil dark green flames...

There is no doubt that it is a dead spirit from Shadow Island, a more terrifying existence than ordinary ghosts! !

The other party's whole body was wrapped in a black-gray ruined robe, and a string of pale, white misty keys hung around his waist, and what he held in his hand was a weird one that exuded terror. The lantern of breath, it is swaying non-stop with the chains that have nailed him...

He felt the tragic soul-burning pain from his stomach, throat, and limbs. The lantern, inside it, was also exuding that terrible breath and sorrowful groans, as if it were back then. The screams they made when he killed the innocent men, women and children?

He seemed to see the faces of those people...

And that lantern, it felt his boundless fear...

Soon, the evil spirits there were cheering and savoring his suffering, his fear, his regret, his apology, and his unwillingness?

But this is not enough, the endless torture continues, because they want more, more...


Finally, when the excessive blood that flowed out gradually flooded his nose and mouth, and formed a scarlet sticky bubble formed by the gas he exhaled in front of his widening eyes... He finally ended his humble life, and felt that his soul seemed to be pulled out of the cabin by something, only to see a squat figure lying dead in the cabin.

He had never thought that one day, he, who does everything evil and never believes in the rewards of good and evil, will be drowned in a small puddle of blood formed by the blood flowing from his body? !


"Another inferior twisted soul..."

Successfully collected the opponent’s twisted soul, and the lantern in his hand closed the small door with a click. This evil spirit who had just attacked a living person and collected the opponent’s soul, treated those as if they had their own consciousness. He had already left the shriveled corpse of its own accord and shrank back into his hand so that he could hold the hooked chain and gently hold it, before he sneered and turned to look at a hidden corner of the pier.

Well, it can't be said to be a sneer, because, on his hideous horned skull face, there is no skin at all, and he can't make any extra expressions?

"Come out, little girl, I found you long ago..."


"Come out and play with me?"

"I know……"

"You want to go up the mountain, am I right? But... this seems to be the fastest way in the near future. If you don't come out yet, I think I will definitely not leave here easily. Patience, you can't escape..."

"Hum hum……"

Just harvested a soul, the evil spirit carrying the lantern and the lock hook in his hand smiled so gloomily, and at the same time it floated lightly, as if it had no weight, ignored the one who died in the tattered canoe The thin, thin old man, floating directly from the sea, flew to the dirty flagstone pavement next to this pier, floating wildly, and directly stopped here brutally.

Behind him, it was a hidden stairway winding upwards surrounded by houses. Under the black fog and the fire from the mountains, they were like a cave directly inserted into the mountains. If you check it carefully or are familiar with it, you really won’t find it.



This **** undead!

My heart first cursed secretly, and hesitated for a while...

But in the end, Miss Doom Sarah still had to chill her sweaty pretty face, exhaling filthy heat, and the waves on her upper body were also slightly undulating, and she had been concealed by the black mist from there. Slowly turned out from the corner of the street and began to walk on the road, facing the enemy who was in her way and looking very powerful and unique, facing the unique evil spirit.


"A special quality soul?!"

"Hmm...I'm already thinking about it now, how exactly should we carry out what kind of pleasing torture to make your soul completely sublimate?"

After seeing the other party walk out honestly, the evil spirit carrying the lantern just glanced at it, and let out a cheerful laughter... and the dark green soul fire on his body and the chains on his body turned out to be They all began to tremble involuntarily, as if seeing something delicious food that made him feel extremely excited?


Just like what he said, he was already thinking about...what kind of vicious torture method was used to twist the opponent's soul to a sufficient degree, and then let him successfully extract a good quality ghost grudge Come out and use it?


He can nail the opponent's hands, feet and head to a wooden shelf, peel off the beautiful and useless skin on the opponent's body a little bit, and then soak the parts below his head in salty sea water. Here, let him die slowly and little by little in endless wailing, pain, distortion of fear and despair?

In that case, the other party's soul must be successfully collected by him into his own soul-locking lantern, and become one of his own superior resentful spirits and be permanently collected?


"Say your name, evil spirit!!"


Click! !

With two clear metal collisions, Sarah gave the pistol from the dying man Coleson and another large-caliber musket from her mother at the same time. With a cold face, he stared at the head of the ugly monster ahead and asked.

"my name?"

"Humph! Interesting..."

"Well, little girl, a good soul always has some preferential treatment, isn't it? Humph...My name is Thresh...I am a warden of Soullock from Shadow Island... …Remember it? But, you don’t need to rush to get to know me, because I believe that we will definitely have enough time for in-depth'communication' in the future..."

"Hum hum……"

"Now, please let us start to think about it, how can we effectively torture your beautiful body?"

"Please believe me..."

"Your mortal flesh and blood is nothing more than a useless cage... Soon, you will like the sweet and screaming voice when you are about to "get out of trouble". ..."


Huh! !

Two gunshots suddenly sounded! !

Before the so-called Soullock Book Warlord Thresh could finish his annoying words, Sarah’s pistol came from Coleson, who had been stubbornly deemed dead by her. , The muzzle of the mechanical fixed-load ammunition burst weapon suddenly burst into two groups of flames!

Then, two round-headed projectiles rotating at high speed flew out back and forth, smoothly piercing Thresh's hideous and evil, long-horned skull head burning with dark green soul fire! !


Two bullets just passed through in vain, but they couldn't cause any effective damage to his body, which seemed to be entirely composed of illusory spirits?


Ding Ding~! !


"It's a bit unexpected, isn't it? You mortals, you have no ability to hurt me..."

Showing rare look at the two small and delicate bullet shells with a trace of smoke that fell under each other’s feet, Thresh looks extremely beautiful to those mortal people who are tight. The woman with a small face sneered.

Yes, if you look at Thresh’s eyes when he was alive, the other person is indeed very beautiful. He is the kind of prisoner that the warden likes most, and he is most willing to torture or'special light'. Object……


Now that kind of flesh had no meaning to him at Thresh.

Therefore, he still decides: he will nail the opponent to the cross alive, and then peel off the beautiful skin of the opponent, shoot the opponent's body into the sea, and wait for the scream of the opponent. In the wailing sound, go harvest the opponent's superior soul that is contaminated with distortion and black mist! !


"Go to hell! You monster!!"

Huh! Huh!

Huh! Huh! Huh! !

The angry Sarah began to shoot at the opponent mercilessly with the weapon in her hand!

In an instant, round-headed bullets spun out of the muzzle, and instantly penetrated the opponent's head and body at close range, even if it did not have any effect on the enemy, even if she was ejected from her side. She kept firing bullet shells that bounced on the rocky floor and made a crisp sound, until the weapon in her hand had to get stuck, and the bullets were completely finished.


"Perhaps, but you see, your attack is completely useless to me..."

The whole body is like non-existent water mist. When those bullets pass through, they can only make waves of ripples on his body, but they can't hurt him.


Bang! !

When Thresh did not mind allowing the opponent to shoot and slowly approached with a smile, suddenly, the woman in front of him brazenly raised the other musket in the other hand? After that, at close range, she pointed the muzzle at his head again, and hit him in the head?


A piercing weird howl sounded!

It turned out that at that instant, under the effect of the gushing firelight and that special projectile, the Soul Locked Prisoner's Thresh, who was originally still floating in the air smiling and approaching, had his entire head enlarged The caliber bullet was shattered in an instant, and then the whole person whirled and flew out towards the distant black mist, and disappeared instantly?


"It feels really good to do this!!"

After inserting the mechanical fixed ammunition pistol that she had just used to confuse the enemy back into the belt around her waist, and then drew out her own large-caliber rifle that had been loaded, Sarah first turned towards the distant one. She was sure that her head had been smashed by her. At this time, the disappeared monster sneered fiercely in the direction of the monster, and then hurriedly ran towards the winding rocky staircase in stride, and soon Disappeared into the darkness.

Just like a fool like the other party, want to torture her Miss Doom Sarah's body and harvest her soul?

Dream it! !

And if the situation is not right now, and the advantage is not on one's side, it is not necessarily who is torturing whom! However, she had no time to think about it now, she had to run to the lively, seemingly safe neighborhood on the mountain.


for a long time……


After a while, when a certain prey belonging to the finest goods had completely disappeared in the darkness and disappeared, a certain Soul Locked Warden's Thresh slowly floated out of the black fog. ... Then, under the raging burning of the dark green soul fire, his ugly skull head with horns was finally in the green fire, slowly repaired, and broken apart The mass was restored to its original appearance.

and so,

Of course, after quickly repairing the trauma of his body, he gritted his teeth and flew up toward the burning city of Bilgewater.

Now the warlord of the Soul Lock Code, Thresh, swears, that the hateful woman, the guy who shot him, he will definitely catch the other person, and then let her body and soul bear his endless terrible torture! !


When the Warlock’s Warlord’s Thresh began to control the black mist of Shadow Island in resentment, flying towards the burning city on the hillside of Bilgewater, here, an extraordinary interrogation just began. .

"You guys! Are you convinced now?"


"If you concede defeat, let's talk about it!"


"Say it!"

"You bad guys, peeping your head here, what are you trying to do? You! You're a good-looking guy, you can talk about it first, what is your name, and why are you here sneaking? Peeping at others?!"

╭('??o??')╭??! "

First, she took a look at the row on the ground very proudly. After Annie had just caught a look at the guys, she hummed and walked to the face of a monster like a big catfish, and pointed at the other guy Asked with his big nose and big head, who was more slimy than the little murloc Fitz.

Just now, after she felt bored, she brazenly caught some bad guy who was flying high, and then kept teasing her bear Tibbers, and at the same time caught so many sneaky bad guys. They.

"Big, my lord..."

"My name is Tam... the two of them came here after me..."

"For what I accidentally offended you, Xiao Xiao expresses extremely sorry... Please forgive my offense, I promise, I will never dare to again..."

The situation is stronger than that of people. The demon king and Tam of the lord of the river who were caught by the opponent didn't dare to lie, and he didn't dare to confess directly with his temper.

Although, it also had the urge to devour the delicate skin and tender meat in front of him in one bite, smelling sweet and delicious little girl? However, his reason finally defeated his desire, after carefully glanced at the captive beside him and the giant bear behind the opponent that had shrunk the flames, he only dared to crawl down on the opponent's feet with lowered eyebrows. , Explained humbly.

"Oh! It's like this..."

∑( ̄□ ̄;)

Little Annie looked at the two strange uncles who were caught on the other side. It was Graves and Drizzt. She had heard of them when they scolded each other! By coincidence, one of them has actually been seen, but the other hasn’t been... But, anyway, it’s right that they are not good people anyway, although it’s just easy to catch them now, but, then There is always nothing wrong!



"Don't even think about teleporting and escaping. Didn't you see the big lich next to you, even he gave up?"


Annie walked to the person named Drizzt, then pointed to the big lich beside him who had been bowing her head and was silent.

Originally, she didn't want to catch this guy so quickly, but who made him feel free to look for trouble, and flew into the air to sing a big move? Therefore, in order to prevent Uncle Coleson from being injured, and to prevent all of the people in this city of Bilgewater from all at once, she had to make a bold move and captured each other in the blink of an eye!

Although there are not many good people in this city of Bilgewater, she still took the shot after all, and as soon as she shot, she caught the most powerful guys, and prepared to wait for a while to start to disperse the black mist And those souls who died tragically.


Just as Drizzt wanted to speak, he had to endure it again.

Earlier, when he saw each other for the first time, he was slapped violently, and finally got rid of those troubles, but now that he saw him again, he was arrested? Anyway, even though Drizzt was angry, he thought about it seriously, after all, he still had to succumb to the fact that the other party was better than him, and didn't dare to swear.

After all, it was just that he was the first to lose. Who made him die and wanted to sneak attack this little girl with his card weapon?

"As for you..."


"Forget it! Don't ask, you are a bad guy who came here to do bad things. If you ask, you will ask!"


Little Annie walked to the front of a certain annihilated messenger, undead undead, great lich, death chant Karthus, and then thought for a while, or gave up the questions that she just wanted to ask.


Karthus was speechless...

Until now, he is still a little confused. He can't believe it at all, and didn't expect... the little girl in front of him, she is so strong that she can grab herself with one shot, and she still has no one at all. The degree of resistance a little bit?

This kind of terrible thing, I am afraid that even the gods believed by the Baru people who live in the aquatic waters of the Python Islands, the snake mother Nagakaporos is just like this, right? But that Naga Capolos did not have the ability to appear in the material world, but the little girl stood in front of him in front of Karthus.


"I think it's almost time to disperse those monsters. If you have the ability, you'd better hurry up?"

Finally, seeing the little girl no longer chattering with the prisoners of different shapes, Coleson on the side looked at the dark fog for a while, and felt that the night was still very deep, so he began to persuade him with some excruciation. .

He felt that if the black mist was dispelled earlier and the monsters were eliminated, maybe the losses in this city of Bilgewater would be less? Because in his opinion, compared to those evil undead, those Bilgewater people obviously can make him sympathize more, and make him feel that there is still need for salvation?


"Why disperse it? Isn't this fun now? Let it continue to burn!"

At this time, Fitz, the little murloc, who was also standing by and looking at the circle of captives trapped by the red magic rope, actually urged him to object.

(Small also agree very much!!)


(Tibbers raised his bear paw quietly...Although it failed to ignite the whole city, the scene seems to be quite spectacular now, if you wait, it would be even better! )


"No way, Uncle Coleson!"


"It's easy to burn their resentful souls directly, but...Many of them are actually very poor. Let Uncle Mograine and the others do it later. Their gods are the best at dealing with and super saving the undead. We are!"


Annie pointed at the two knights who were still fighting in the distance.

What she said was indeed correct, because most of the screaming in the black mist were those resentful spirits who died tragically! Moreover, there are really too many of them. If they were burned directly, it would be too cruel for them, and she wouldn't do it like that! !


If she burns them, she won't be affected in any way, but that kind of thing is not right after all. Can't she use her strength to bully the weak unless they come to provoke herself first? But now, they obviously didn't dare to approach the ground, they would just yell in the dark mist in the distance.


Damn it!

He has been fighting with his enemy for a while, and has also discovered the fiasco of Karthus. After seeing that the opponent was captured alive by the weird little girl, Hecarim, the Shadow of War, does not intend to continue the fight. Going to sneak!


Before that, he must first entangle the opposing one with him for a long time, holding the strange golden weapon, and defeating the golden knight that he wants to die! Otherwise, if he continues to waste time in this way, even if he is not beaten by the opponent, he will most likely be captured by the little girl! !

Therefore, he was about to use a trick, and he was about to summon the ghost cavalry of the ‘Iron Group’ to charge the enemy in front of him, try to defeat or kill the opponent in one fell swoop, and then take the opportunity to flee here.

"See the power of Shadow Island~!!!"

Shadow Impact!

Endless blue-white or light-green cavalry began to appear behind Hecarim, and then they rushed towards the golden-armored Paladin who was panting in front of them with a thunderous force! !

That's right, Hecarim couldn't play singles, and now he plans to fight in groups!


"Don't think about it! Knights of the Silver Hand, charge with me!!"

The enemy didn't follow the rules, and the solo fight turned into a group charge. Seeing this, the Paladin Highlord and Ashbringer Alexandros?? Mograine also activated theirs at the same time. The imprint that Lord Moe gave him, opened a portal to the world of Azeroth behind him.


As he inspired the powerful light power of the Ashbringer, a large group of similarly golden paladins held high a sacred light hammer or big sword, from the portal behind him, followed him, toward The ghost knights on the opposite side rushed out! !


"It's not fair..."

Hecarim, the shadow of war, who originally thought he had a chance to win, couldn't help wailing in his heart when he saw that the opponent had also summoned a large group of helpers.

Immediately afterwards, he and the ghost knights under his command were completely overwhelmed by a large group of golden cavalry who were still slamming their heads with various hammers and sword attacks...


Crackling! !

Suddenly, a slender woman with a quick hand stretched out from a small gap in a wall that was concealed by a pile of wooden boards. Then she rolled twice on the ground, releasing her strength. When I was about to get up and turn my head to continue to escape, I found that amazing scene not far away:

In front of that group of weird guys, there are even living people or undead **** with red luminous ropes?

Then, in the spacious garden not far away, there was a strange blue gate, in which groups of golden armored knights rushed out continuously, beating a group of undead knights surrounded by them. , And quickly filled the garden with a small open space? !


Seeing this weird situation in front of her, Sarah finally had to ignore the enemies chasing behind her and stopped. She started to look at the strange people in the distance with some confusion.

There, standing upright there are a group of people who seem to be the subordinates of the dead ghost Okao, a little girl who seems to be familiar, a strange marine creature holding a harpoon, and...


"It's really Coelson, you are not dead yet?!"

Sarah's eyes widened instantly, and she looked at the man with the Mediterranean hairstyle in the distance with an incredible look. Of course, she doesn't know what a Mediterranean hairstyle is. It should be said that it is a man with a big back and a smooth forehead and a little back hairline?

"Ah! It's you, Miss Sarah..."

"Of course I am not dead, or have I died once? But in the end I was saved by a terrific little guy!"

After seeing clearly that the person was someone who had put him together, Coleson also shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then looked at a little guy who was blinking and with big cute blue eyes. Said.

Since I came into this world, I have been tossing about it for almost a day and a night. Coleson, who has been playing almost all the time, feels that it is almost time to clean up the mess now? Of course, he didn't count all of this. In the final analysis, it was the little guy around them who was in the Bear Shield, the Archmage Annie, who had the final say! !


"It's really great!!"

A woman's hot body plunged into Coulson's arms, and gave him a big hug and a passionate kiss on her face! Of course, this doesn't express anything, it's just Sarah's normal treatment for the resurrection of a man she likes or appreciates.

When the Night of Soul Erosion arrived, she really thought that this guy was dead, and she really thought that the rumors of being saved to life were false, and that some unpredictable people wanted to use it to attract her. Some stupid strategy to get the bait?

"Hum hum……"

At this moment, from the direction of the hidden intersection where Sarah had just jumped out, there was a wave of evil laughter, and then a guy dragging a chain and carrying a lantern floated out from there.

"I found you, woman!"

"Your end is coming, prepare to wailing, prepare to scream, prepare..."


"Uh huh!?????"

Just finished speaking, the Warlock Thresh of Soul Lock Code seems to have realized that the current situation and atmosphere on the scene seem to be a bit wrong? Because he saw that the ground next to the living people in the distance was filled with living people, monsters, and a big undead lich who seemed to be familiar with the dejected look? !

and many more!

Look at that guy's appearance... isn't he the Death Singer Karthus, how could he be trapped in place by a red rope and behave like a poor lonely ghost? !


"That one……"

"Maybe my head was hit by a woman just now, so I said something wrong and came to the wrong place... You guys, can you treat me like I've never been here?"

At this moment, the corner of his eye also caught sight of the tragic situation of Hecarim, the shadow of war in the distance, and saw that the opponent was being caught by a group of knights in golden armor, and he was holding the golden weapon that scared people to death After a fierce hammer, now that life is not as good as death, Soul Lock Code Warlord's Thresh quickly put away his arrogant expression and arrogance just now.

Then, after he said a soft word, he turned around gorgeously, and quickly shook his chain hook sickle towards the distance, intending to hook a houseboat across the mountain, and then let him hurry up When pulling away from here, a red rope quickly stretched out from behind him, and instantly trapped him in Tuantuan. At the same time, it also sealed all the magic power, the power of the undead, and the power of the curse on him. He was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, he was pulled back in an instant, and fell severely beside Karthus...

puff! !

Without being physically present, he actually made a dull muffled sound after falling face down beside a certain death chanter? !

"Don't worry, it must be right!!"


"Because, it's you bad guys that people want to catch!!"


After catching the opponent, Annie clapped her hands triumphantly, stuck her waist, and looked down at someone lying on the ground condescendingly, enjoying the pain brought by her kind of rope that can imprison all creatures and energy. , And said angrily.


"Master Anne, I'm really not with them... I remember, my name is Parker, I am a native of the undead here in Bilgewater, and I am the ghost of Bloodport wanted by the bounty list. Please let me go..."

"I promise, I will never kill people in the city again, because your rope has caused the villain to get through, really! In the name of the snake mother Naga Capolos?"

At this time, an undead who was also tied up, with pale skin and a smooth head, wearing a sailor’s red turban, and wearing an ugly armor made of sea beast teeth, began to cry heartbreakingly. , Successfully attracted the attention of many people around.

He was captured by a nasty little girl mage when he was just passing here. He swears that he was really just passing by. He did nothing, and he was definitely not the same as the undead who emerged from the black fog. Hey, he Parker is a single-handed undead, he has no organization!

"shut up!!"


"You all look the same, and you want to lie to me and not a group? Be careful I let Tibbers burn you to death!!"



???????????? Super fierce!

(Tibbers stepped forward excitedly upon hearing this, walked in front of a noisy undead, and burned the dark red flame that could burn souls and undeads on one of his bear claws, expressing It can burn the unconscious soul in front of you at any time!)


"It's time to stop your group of Paladins..."

After stopping a grumpy female gunfighter who was going to give a certain undead two shots, Coleson looked at the golden lights in the distance. They beat the knights who were not in human form for a long time. Do not bite the bullet, walked up to a certain little girl, and whispered a word.

Because, they still need the help of this little guy for some things in the local plane world of the Bear Shield. If he can, he wants to finish everything here quickly, and hope that the other party can go back in person?

Of course, he also wanted to return to his own world quickly. He definitely didn't want to do this kind of journey across the plane again! !


at this time,

On the top of one of the large mountain peaks in Bilgewater, the free port, near the temple of the true **** Naga Capolos, large and small blue and white transparent tentacles are protruding from the ground, walls and temples. They were dancing, constantly absorbing the energy of the black mist and beating the ghosts who tried to forcibly break into the temple area and prey on the Bilgewater souls hiding here.

Although the blue and white transparent tentacles are constantly working hard, fighting against those ghosts and absorbing the black mist, most of them are some fragile tiny tentacles, like the huge ones, and several people hold them. There are still too few and too few that are not so thick, so I can only be forced to defend, and I will be unable to guard this sacred temple belonging to Nagakaboros...


"Get out quickly, we can't stand it! Those baby holy beasts are too weak, and the strongest heirs of Nagakaboros will not approach the stinking slaughter pier!!"

In the hall of the temple, the snake caller ignored the worries and questioning gazes of the restless Bilgewaters around, and ran directly to their true ones, and ran to Illaoi and persuaded them loudly.


Illaoi did not speak, but stubbornly summoned a huge blue and white transparent tentacles again, summoning a relatively powerful heir of Nagakaboros, and a group of those who were about to rush in at once After the evil spirits were shot apart and swallowed, she was free to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, she did not have time to be happy...

Moreover, she soon became desperate...

"Here is the **** reality. If this is the will of Naga Capolos, I will gladly accept..."

Because at this time, she saw that more and more evil spirits were rushing over. There were really too many of them. Together with the terrible black mist, they were approaching, whether it was her or theirs. The tentacles of the sacred beasts released by the snake caller were completely unable to resist.

Those people outside must have been more unfortunate...

Now it's too late....

Those undead, they came so fast that many of her arrangements did not have time to implement... But even so, she did not feel too lost or blamed others, because she knew that no matter what the ending was, Naga Capolos will not let her soul fall into the hands of the undead. Her Illaoi is the true one of the true gods and blessings, not the filthy undead who can watch!


"True, look, what is that?!"

At this moment, he was manipulating and directing several transparent tiny tentacles to resist the undead's statement by the window, and suddenly exclaimed.

With her voice, Illaoi and the Bilgewater people in the town hiding in this huge, brightly lit shrine saw a golden light soaring from the window!

Then soon, the golden light that soared into the sky became bigger and bigger, and it directly included the entire huge Bilgewater city and this free port composed of several huge islands.

"Naga Capolos, what the **** is going on?"

With the golden light shining on the entire Bilgewater, including the place where the temple is now, and gradually dispelling the black mist and purifying the evil spirits and spirits, Illaoi closed slightly. After feeling the warm and righteous golden light with my eyes, I knew that it must be a sect or **** who did not belong to the true **** Nagakaboros!

They unexpectedly descended on such a naked miracle in this python island blessed by Nagakaboros? !


Snowman asks for a ticket????↓


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