Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 772: Customs of the Earthlings

Facts have proved that children are very difficult to coax...

Because, you don't know what they think of or are about to do suddenly in their little brains, especially when facing an alien little girl?



Agent K and Agent J looked at each other speechlessly, and then sighed in relief.

"If every day is such a tiring job, I would rather go back to my police force to chat with the drug dealers, thieves, robbers, smugglers and stolen goods?"

That's what Agent J thinks, because he doesn't know how to be a babysitter and hates being a babysitter, especially the kind of babysitter who needs to make an alien girl happy...


He felt that his head was a little dizzy, and he didn't know whether he was dizzy by his own thoughts, or was dizzy by a certain little girl?


"Our organization does not accept any form of resignation. If you have to do that, you may not be able to afford the consequences."

Agent K first glanced at the little girl in front of him, then turned to look at the complaining companion beside him, and then beat his new assistant ruthlessly.

Because the People in Black Organization does not talk about human rights here, they are just a group of ‘non-existent’ people! When you come in, you have to go through layers of selection. When you want to go out, there are generally only two ways:

Either you die on the way to a mission one day, or you get old and have to retire...

"Hey! My God, please, boss, can you not be so serious?"

"I just wanted to make a joke with you, and then complain and complain by the way. Are you like this?"

"Hey! Wait for me!!"

However, Agent J discovered that his companion hadn't listened to his nonsense at all, but with a cold face, led the little girl in front to the outside of the agent's dining room, and he had to rush to catch up.


It took a lot of effort and a lot of time wasted, but in any case, Agent K and Agent J were barely in the dining hall of the senior agents inside their headquarters building. Finished dealing with the little alien girl Annie who was persuaded by them to come back!

They feel very lucky now...

Fortunately, the dietary standards of the other party seem to be more inclined to their people on earth?

Moreover, they also discovered that some of the other's aesthetics and tastes seem to be almost the same as those of the people on earth?


From beginning to end, they were not asked by the other party to look for those alternative, disgusting sticky alien foods! Instead, they barely satisfied the other party with the normal food they often eat, and after a good rest after the meal, they were allowed to persuade the other party to go to the customs registration office with them to prepare for follow-up foreign affairs. Is the entry and registration of the stars?

As long as they lead people to their destinations, to the customs hall on the nth floor at the bottom of the headquarters building and the underground docking port of the ‘foreign’ spacecraft, their task is completed!

"Annie, let me introduce it to you: maybe you have seen it too, here is what you call the headquarters of our uncles in black..."

"Our'Men in Black' institution was established by the federal government around 1950. It should be almost the same. I remember it was established at the beginning of the Cold War... It was just an attempt to get in touch with aliens like you? "

"In the beginning, basically no one of us on earth would like to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life..."

"But it turns out that they do exist!"

"Later, I remember that it was in 1961 when they finally had the first contact with us. At that time, I was a kid...probably about the same height as you, Annie?"


"In the blink of an eye, counting time, decades have passed, and I am more than 50 years old..."

Detective k and his heart assistant, Detective j, led the little girl who was walking behind them in the direction of the customs hall, and introduced them to each other roughly. The history of this terrestrial "foreign-related" management and registration agency.

"It's incredible when I think of it..."

"Those first group of aliens who came to the earth, they are just a group of interstellar refugees? In short, they may be a little different from your lost little guy. At the beginning, they seemed to just think of the earth as Their political refuge?"

"Of course, it's a bit different from the four guys you saw in the restaurant. At that time, the aliens were taller, taller than the people on earth, and they weren't as cute as you?"

"In fact, it's not just j, even me. At the beginning, if the intelligence information provided by the headquarters were not correct, I almost recognized you as a little **** our planet..."

The road to the customs is still a bit far away. They still need to walk through two corridors and then go down through the elevator. Therefore, Agent K continued to chat with each other, he likes to do this, this kind of ease The conversation will make their work very efficient.

Because just now they have obtained a lot of valuable information from the small talk with each other.

For example:

The opponent came from a planet called the ‘Rune Land’, and his home was in a ‘Voodoo Land’ in the ‘Valoran Continent’, and the opponent seemed to be a little princess from a kingdom called the ‘Grey Order’? However, whether it is a country or not, neither k nor j will go into it. Anyway, they only need to know that this little guy's background is not the kind of interstellar refugee who can be bullied!

There is...

That alien planet called Runeland, there seems to be a lot of human beings resembling the earth, or almost exactly the same intelligent life races? Of course, it’s said that there are others that don’t look like people on earth at all...

"I really don't like the four little bugs in the restaurant!!!"

(* ̄ ̄)

Following the other side, little Annie, who was looking left and right, and gradually feeling a little impatient with this boring place, when she heard the other side mention the four little aliens in the restaurant who were noisy and dirty everything. When it was a human, it couldn't help frowning and pouting.

Anyway, she just didn't like the four stinky guys who sang super ugly, looked so ugly, and seriously affected her appetite, and looked like four hairless mice! !

That is to say, it’s in this other people’s home. If it’s a different place, Annie might have burned them all in a fire, and how could they run to her side and jump again when she was eating. Jumping, noisy and noisy, and sing and sing nonsense?

However, this also gave Annie a little bit of pride in her heart...because, now she finally found four guys who sang worse than her, so that she had a little impatient pace, A little bit happier?


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibers, who was carried by his own little master and was ruthlessly used as a rag just now, suddenly didn't understand, that kind of thing...what is it to be happy about?)

"You don't like them?"

"But, they like you very much... Also, I saw you get along very well just now, I thought you were already friends..."

When I was in the restaurant just now, K had noticed that this little guy didn’t seem to drive away or say more to the four diligent guys, which made him think that the other party didn’t dislike his four alien elders. What about my friends!

But who ever thought that the truth would be like this?



Return a friend?

Anne would not consider those ugly and weird guys as her friends!

Moreover, she would not tell this Uncle K, if they were not there to make her a little bit restrained, I am afraid she would have taken the action to clean up the four guys! !

"Ok, I think I understand..."

"But please don't worry, Annie. You will be free after the registration is completed. You don't have to stay here at our headquarters. You definitely don't need to face the four guys all day."

"In fact, this is where our headquarters and customs are located. Most of the time, no alien would be willing to stay here."

"Now there are about 1,500 aliens on our planet. Most of them are currently staying in Manhattan, and others have a little bit of each other... Most of them are good people who guard themselves and live outside. They have gone through disguise. But if it’s like you, then don’t use it at all, and you certainly don’t need to worry about being discovered by ordinary people!"


"Your business, I think boss Z will definitely have arrangements. We are very professional in handling foreign affairs involving aliens like you!"

Ding~! !

It wasn't until after opening the elevator door that Agent K, who had been leading the way and introduced the situation to the little girl himself, finally breathed a sigh of relief and stopped.

To be honest, although communicating with aliens is one of his basic tasks, the task of guiding an alien girl still makes him feel a little twisted, because he doesn’t know what to say at all, he I don’t know how to coax a little girl, so I can just pick up some familiar things and introduce them randomly, just try not to let this little guy idle...

However, fortunately, now the two of them have successfully fudged the little guy back, and after serving them with delicious food, they are finally ready to hand the other party into the hands of customs officers!


They can almost go to business and write reports! And for the next two days, I think I should be able to take a good rest?

In general, today’s field mission is quite easy and smooth. It doesn’t seem that the terrible confrontation scenes he imagined before happened, and he himself is not like other agents. Wash or tamper with memory or something.



Annie suddenly felt a little boring now, because that kind of thing seemed troublesome, not fun at all! Moreover, she doesn't need these people to arrange it! If it were not for fear that they would bother herself all day long, she would have ran out by herself to continue her journey of eating, drinking and having fun.

In all, she has been to many earth planes, and she is really familiar with this city! At most, some of its details and age, or the crowd is somewhat different?

Anyway, she has money now, that kind of green banknotes from another world, can they be spent directly? That really made her feel a little surprised... As for whether someone will come to the door because of the wrong serial number or printing year, it doesn't matter to her!

Who made their guys only accept paper money instead of gold coins? Anyway, she still has a lot of green bills in her pocket that Uncle Coleson gave to her back then. Now she has used them to spend her money, which is just as good as possible.

"Ha! I said boss K?"

"You tell her so many messy things like this. Does she understand? I think you are wasting time. Why don't you say something fun and interesting!"

"Am I right, cute and clever little Annie, you sure don't understand?"

When the automatic door of the elevator closed slowly, and when the elevator began to move down quickly, Agent J, who walked in with him, complained to his companion first, and then confronted the reluctant girl in front of him. The girl winked and teased, as if she wanted to tease this cute little guy, and then make herself a little bit happy?

It's a pity that his abacus seems to have failed again...

Because, after the other party rolled his eyes at him first, he turned that cute little head directly to the side, as if he was reluctant to talk to him, making him just like a self-assertive fool?


"J! Didn't I tell you?"

"Please don't use your terrestrial cognition to understand an alien...because some aliens may have an IQ higher than we thought, and maybe she is several thousand years old now It just looks more'petite'?"

K, a highly intelligent alien as big as an ant, has ever seen it, so he never judges a strange alien by his appearance, because if he deals with'foreign' affairs according to their earthly judgment standards and experience If you do, it will definitely cause trouble!



"Huh! You are only a few thousand years old! When I ran to your earth from Bilgewater a few days ago, according to your earth people's algorithm, I was only a little over eight years old!!"


That's right, according to the world of Runeland, according to the planetary revolution time of the Valoran continent or the calculation of the age of the earth people, Annie is indeed only a little more than eight years old now!


The truth is that the situation may be slightly different, but that kind of thing is not important! Anyway, things that are thousands of years old are absolutely impossible! !


"Boss K, look, I am finally right? She is indeed a child!!"

Agent J has always believed that this little girl alien will not be too old, because sometimes, the tricks he learned from the police to deal with children are very effective when tried on this little guy! Of course, sometimes, some small tricks don't seem to work?

But that didn't mean anything. Anyway, he felt that the little girl in front of him was indeed a little girl. At most, it was just that she was more cunning or clever? And on this point, probably the difference between himself and K.

He has always treated this little girl like a little girl who is an earthling, and K is more accustomed to seeing each other as an equal or unequal alien?

This is very bad in J's view...

At least, he felt that it was not very good to treat this cunning and clever alien girl, he still insisted on what he had learned in the police force! And the facts have proved that it is indeed very effective, otherwise, their task today would not be so smoothly completed.

All this is due to his Edward... Oh, it is all due to his Agent J, this is a fact that no one can deny!

Regardless of what other people think, anyway, on the first day he took office as the "Man in Black" agent, he performed the first mission, and he did the merits. It is absolutely necessary for the Z boss to get him a regular promotion and raise his salary. , Or take a paid holiday?

The vacation actually doesn't need to be too long, and he isn't very greedy, so he can have ten days and a half months so-so, so that he can take an alien spacecraft to the outside of the earth for a round trip, it is almost enough to pack food and accommodation.

Ding~! !

Just as a new agent Mr. J was thinking about it again, suddenly, the elevator bell rang, and after the slight weightlessness of the elevator brake disappeared, the automatic door in front of them finally opened again.

"Welcome to the customs of our earthlings, the little princess Anne Hasta from the Kingdom of Grey Order in the Land of the Voodoo Land of Valoran, the planet of Runeland?"

"Here, we people on the earth will serve you wholeheartedly. We will have someone to answer any questions you have, or provide you with help within our capacity, so that you can spend a wonderful holiday here on our earth!"

"Of course, the premise is that you have to remember to abide by the law?"

Stepping out of the elevator door, I looked at the outside like the busy human staff in the lobby of the airport waiting room, all kinds of strange aliens coming and going, the Kasunga tribe, and the Nazapo tower. Tribesmen...and all kinds of automated equipment, advanced super-tech robots, etc. were mixed together in a harmonious scene for a while before Agent K proudly introduced the little girl next to him.

This is the headquarters of their so-called ‘Men in Black’ organization. It is a special organization hidden from public view by the people on Earth. It is also their confidence to fight against any illegal immigrants!



"I'm registering over there, right? I can go there by myself, you don't have to come, goodbye Uncle K and the cheeky black uncle!!"

(ˉ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie doesn’t know what's so proud of this strange uncle named'k', because, in her opinion, this kind of broken place is compared to the political, cultural, and military capital of Haiwen Star in the Kepulus District. The cosmic harbor of the center and the interplanetary world is coming, but it's too far!

But no matter what, in order to prevent herself from being disturbed by those foolish uncles in black suits and sunglasses during this time of wandering in this earth world, she finally decided: to go to that with a lot of difficulties. The customs where the aliens lined up go to register, and then...

Then she went there for what she was supposed to do, so she wouldn't waste time here! !


"Wait! Why do you call him uncle ‘k’ but refuse to call me uncle ‘j’? Little guy, do you have any opinion on me?"

"Let’s do it! Listen, kid! Next time, you have to call me brother! Black brother or'j' brother is fine! Because I'm only in my twenties, I'm not married yet, I'm still a big boy, I Just two...three eight years older than you?"

"Also! I don't actually have a thick skin at all. If you don't believe me, can you come and pinch each other?"

J has always strongly protested against the disgusting, cunning and clever little girl calling herself the cheeky black uncle!

But it's useless. Until now, the other party is still doing its own way...

Just like now, before he finished his words, the other party ran out of the elevator quickly, squeezed into the crowd in the distance, and went to the front customs entrance declaration and inspection office to queue.

This made him helplessly pat his head bitterly...


"Man, why are you looking at me with that expression again, is there any problem with this?"

As soon as he turned his head and found that his companion K was staring at him with that kind of dead face, J couldn't help but ask in a puzzled manner.

Sure enough, he didn't like these serious things and didn't know how to joke at all. It's definitely not unreasonable for a guy with a dead face all day long!

This is the same as the guys in the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Army Special Forces, and fbi departments who were also selected when he came here for the exam a few days ago. Those people are really too It's dull. It's all a group of brainwashed guys. They don't know what humor is. What's the meaning of being a guy like that?

Fortunately, they were all ruthlessly eliminated by his Edward. Otherwise, if he was really asked to work with people like them, he would have to drive him crazy!


"No! It's nothing, let's go back and write a report..."

K shook his head, and finally took a look in the distance. After confirming that the little girl had been lined up to check in under the guidance of the staff, she got off the elevator again, planning to return to her office, and didn't plan to continue to be here with someone People waste their precious time.

Because today's task is completed, as long as the report is finished, the next time is their personal time, and there should be no new tasks to be issued within 24 hours.

"Will write a report?!"

j with an incredible face...

He didn't understand, such a clear thing... The two of them went out and successfully persuaded the little alien girl who looked like an earthling to come back and register for filing. There were no more unnecessary conflicts and contacts between the two parties. What report should I write?

Is it possible that this organization is like his former New York Police Department, a bloated bureaucracy? If you have time to write a report or something, it might as well go out and catch more aliens! !

"If you want to get right now, you must write!"


"Oh! My God..."

"Is it really impossible to write it?"

"No way!"

"Damn it! I really hope God will punish you bureaucrats who are procrastinating..."


"and many more!"

"J! What is it in your hand...?!"

Agent K, who was about to press the elevator floor, frowned, and locked his gaze tightly on a metal gadget in the opponent's hand.

He was pretty sure, that thing, it didn't seem to be anything he had seen?

"You said this?"

J threw his hand directly in the elevator, and when he found that K’s eyes had been moving up and down with it, he confessed indifferently:

"This is the gift our alien kid Annie gave me when you went to the bathroom just now in the restaurant. It seems to be a gift called..."

"Oh! I remember!"

"It seems to be... a device called Deuterium 8?"

In fact, it is not a gift, and J doesn’t know what this thing is. Anyway, he only knows that he took advantage of K’s absence, pretending to check whether there were any dangerous items on that little guy Annie, and signaled. The other party took out all the things in his pocket?

Although he knew that there was definitely no way to hide things in the pockets of the little girl's little skirt, who would have thought that in the end the little guy really hesitated to take out such a cold gadget, and Give it to him?

He doesn't understand the use of this device called ‘deuterium 8’, but he is studying it and believes that he will soon know what it is.

"Deuterium 8?!!!"

Agent K's eyes widened, his breath was instantly held, and he was so scared that he took a step forward. After catching the gadgets thrown by his new assistant who didn’t know the importance of them, he caught the gadget with his hands. There was no movement in his hands, and he was relieved when he realized that he was waiting for someone alive.

Fortunately, he just asked a bit more, otherwise, he would definitely be messed up by this stupid guy next to him! !


"Why are you so nervous? This thing is so small, it's just a small iron ball, are you?"

The knowledge of chemistry and physics is obviously inadequate. Until now, he has no idea what the word ‘deuterium’ means. He is just a little curious about his companion’s fuss.

Although it is indeed not very good for him to hide the confiscated items indiscriminately, but a small iron ball like such a toy is definitely not worth a few dollars, and it is light and flirty. It doesn't matter if it is handed in. Therefore, he Think it’s no big deal to use it for fun?


"J! Do you know what'deuterium' is?"

k ignored the other party, but confirmed once again that there was nothing abnormal about what he was holding in the palm of his hand, only when he urgently contacted the organization’s dangerous goods storage place, he continued to ask his newcomer with incredible eyes again. Tao.

He has already decided that before the next mission, he must take time to popularize something for the frizzy guy in front of him. Otherwise, God knows what kind of trouble the other party will cause?

"I don't know! Is that important?!"

J looked indifferent and even wanted to reach out to retrieve the small iron ball, but was avoided by the opponent, and at the same time received a warning stern look.


"You can give it to you if you like it, but you should always tell me what it is? I want to know why you are so nervous about it?"

Anyway, it was something flicked from the hand of that alien girl, so it didn't hurt at all to send it out.


"Your middle school grades, what are your physics and chemistry grades in general?"

K didn't answer the other party's question, but instead asked.

"It's usually d+ or f..."

"Hey! Man, please don't look at me with that kind of look. If my physical chemistry scores are good, I don't need to fight the criminals in the New York police station!!"

Seeing that the other party's eyes suddenly became weird after hearing his middle school grades, j loudly protested! It is normal for him to go to the office with good grades and go to the office with bad grades. Otherwise, he himself would not be mixed with the police station and the more dangerous black-clothed agent.


"I will arrange for someone to make up lessons for you!"

K nodded and shook his head again, his expression very complicated.


"You haven't said what this thing is!"

j once again pointed his finger at what he was holding in his palm.


"Deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen (h), is also called heavy hydrogen. The element symbol is generally d or 2h... There is a proton and a neutron in the deuterium nucleus, and its relative atomic weight is twice that of ordinary hydrogen. In thermonuclear reaction, beta rays are emitted during fusion to form helium with a mass number of 3. Do you understand?"

K did not say directly, but quickly explained the characteristics of deuterium to the other party.

"do not understand……"

J's dark face with thick lips is full of question marks...


"Simply put, it is probably a fusion device!!"

K sank his face. He didn't expect that the little girl's hand still had such a thing? It's just that he doesn't know if this is a weapon or an energy source?

But no matter what it is, it is definitely not good to throw it like j just now! !

"Fusion device?!"

"You mean... it might be a nuclear weapon?!"

After blinking, UU read www. uukanshu.comj finally understood why K was so nervous, and then his voice trembled a little...

"It's possible, but I'm not sure!"

K doesn't know what it is. You need to ask the little girl first, but before doing that, they must take good care of this stuff.

"my Lord……"

J is a little unstable. He has never thought that something like a ‘little boy’ was just thrown by him for fun?

Sure enough, there is no white pie in the sky. The danger of the black man's job is not what he can imagine. If he is not careful, there may be no scum left? I don't know if I regret it now, is it too late?

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