Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 780: Little Annie teaches you a magical magic ( ̄︶ ̄)?…



"It's all dogs, why don't you guys know how to talk? Hey, forget it... here! Give it to you, it's cheaper for you two dumb guys who can't talk!!"

(o ̄w ̄)○

Standing on the edge of the pond, one of them was grilled a little and smelled a bit fragrant, but the fishy thing was thrown to the side. The two have been watching and wagging their tails. After watching them tore each other and quickly cleaned them up a few bites, Xiao Anni curled her mouth, patted her hands, turned around and stepped away from her feet to the well-manicured lawn not far away. Go.

Roasting frogs is not fun at all! !

"La la la..."

"There are a few happy little frogs in the pond..."


"I caught a stupid one and used it to bake..."

"Wow, wow..... All the rest jumped into the water and disappeared..."


To be honest, Annie really likes playing in this remote manor in the outskirts of the mountain forest, because it is really beautiful, not only has gardens, lawns, ponds, groves, etc., where she can play by herself, but also just Those big bullfrogs in that pond!

It's just...

When she was bored, she did not eat which one she caught and roasted, because they were too fishy... You know, her Queen Anne has very high requirements for food, especially now Under this conditional situation?

So, she just fed the two big hounds in this manor who were raised to see the nursing home just now, and made them shake their heads and tails to themselves. It seems that they have become more obedient and obedient?

After all, after all, she herself is now the temporary owner of this manor, isn't she? It’s a pity that a certain alien bad dog Frank hides it too well. Otherwise, if you catch it and bring it here, maybe she might catch a few more frogs to feed it, or bring it Maybe it goes hunting in the woods outside to catch other small animals?



"It's really annoying!"

"Tibbers, people are really boring these past few days. Tell me, why aren't any funny aliens coming to trouble us anymore?!"


Although those delicious things can never be eaten, and the fun things are always not enough, but...if you eat, drink and have fun every day, it seems a bit boring? Therefore, now Annie is very dissatisfied with the fact that she suddenly became idle!

She always felt that she had to find something to do as soon as possible to satisfy her fragile heart that was becoming more and more empty and lonely! For example... after eating, hitting aliens and other health-healthy activities? Only in this way can I get enough exercise for my body that I have eaten and nothing to do, can I not gain weight, can I become more happy physically and mentally, and continue to eat, drink and have fun?



e=(o`*))) alas

Sure enough...

Eating, having fun and sleeping well is the real theme of her Queen Anne’s world. Others, such as those who save the world, fight aliens, seize territory and dominate the world, or set fire to those bad guys or go. Doing that kind of good deeds is actually just incidental? !


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbs doesn't want to bother about some bad guy who is having trouble with him...)



"It's boring! It's boring! Tibbers, what should we do now, do you want to go out and find something to do?"


Since there is nothing to look for herself at the moment, then Annie feels that she can go out and look for trouble by herself?

"But... where are you going to find things to do?"


Headquarters of Men in Black?

The place is messy. Although there are many funny aliens, just think about it...

Those black-clothed strange scorpions will definitely not welcome her, because they are afraid that the "evil Lailong" will run into their headquarters to find her troubles and cause unmanageable troubles... and the aliens also Nor would she welcome her, because every time she accidentally saw something they carried, she always kindly pointed it out loudly to them'face to face'?


But in the city, she doesn't want to go...

Seriously, she has stayed in the city for a long time recently and played for a long time... Besides, the air inside is not very good, there is a lot of noise, and the dust is big, anyway, she doesn't want to go for the time being! Also, the key is that every time you go out, there are always some nervous uncles in black sneaking around her, always thinking that they are well hidden, she can't see?

So, Annie doesn't want to go out now, because she doesn't like the feeling of being tracked and monitored at all, that's so annoying!

Although, there are a lot of uncles in black in this manor castle, but at least, they just take care of this big manor, but they don’t care about themselves wandering anywhere in it, let alone. Come in and bother yourself... Besides, they can be regarded as their own servants and bodyguards, so Anne doesn't bother to bother them! Because they refused to come and compete with themselves to catch frogs? Anyway, this is probably the case now, Annie can only let them live under surveillance for the time being!

"Hey! Tibbers..."


(Respected little master... If you remember correctly, you used to be as boring as you are now? If you don’t want to play here, go back to sleep... Anyway, this little The manor is quite quiet, the castle is also very big, the bed is also very soft, you will sleep until the afternoon, no one will come to disturb you...

As soon as you close your eyes, today will be the past, and once you open them, a new day will come again tomorrow?

Tibbers knows very well that this horrible little master of his family never does business. He is idle all day and eats and has nothing to do, or is he looking for something to do? In short, it will not be fooled by the pitiful expression that the other party pretends! )



Finding that a badass little bear dared to ignore him, and did not give him a reliable suggestion, Annie couldn't help but to continue forward with angrily, leaving the pond with more mosquitoes. Ignoring that two of them were wagging their tails and staring at their big hounds eagerly, they ran directly to the lawn under a big tree and threw a soft toy to the ground. She lay open her hands and feet carelessly on the grass with a little prickly skin.

If she wants to sleep leisurely, she can actually be here now. Why does she have to run back to the small castle of that manor? You know, Queen Anne has been to many worlds, and she is not the kind of bed lover. She can sleep in any place, so she won't sleep in the castle every day. , She is not the kind of dragon that likes to sleep in fairy tales!


Thinking of the dragon or something, Annie suddenly thought of a bad guy named Chromie!

That nasty bronze dragon, the bad guy who looks more like a dragon than the big alien bugs of the "Evil Lai Dragon", but owes her a promise and will be a mount for her for many years! And next time, when she has a chance to meet each other, she must not let that little dwarf escape easily! !

(Hello! Little master?

After a while, maybe it was dissatisfied with the bad treatment of being smashed to the ground and being crushed, maybe there is really something to say? Anyway, Tibbers finally took the initiative to speak again. )



"Tibbs, I'm asleep now, please don't bother me..."


Queen Anne is now very spiritless, unhappy, unhappy, unwilling... So, she doesn't want to care about a bad guy who is being used as a pillow by her! !



(Little master, I don’t know if you found it? Those people in black... They seem to have transferred you to this remote place on purpose. They are not at ease, they are probably afraid that you will go to their city again. Trouble and destruction?

Tibbers had long understood the "streak" intentions of those in black. Therefore, in order not to make a certain miserable little master too boring, and now toss itself like this every day, it resolutely decided to give the other person upright Set up one or two targets that attract hatred or attention, and draw the other's overactive mental energy to other places?

For example, if you work a little harder and can successfully fool the other party to find the trouble of those people in black, maybe it is a good idea? )



"Tibbers, people actually knew about it a long time ago!!"


"But, look at this place, this manor is so spicy now, it's much better than the broken apartment house in the city that is only two meters high! And there are so many delicious animals and fun things here. You can sleep in a comfortable big bed and generous generals, as well as grass, ponds, woods, blue sky and white clouds. How comfortable is this to live in?"


"With such a good place, I won't live in those high-level pigeon cages!!"


At this moment, Little Annie suddenly opened her eyes, slanted her big blue eyes, and glared fiercely at a rattlesnake that was slowly crawling towards her on the distant lawn with her beautiful eyes. After frightening the other party, she quickly turned around and fled into the distant woods and disappeared, before she closed her eyes again groaningly.


A little snake with no thick arms dared to come and disturb her Queen Anne resting and sleeping on the grass? If it dares to run, if you dare to come closer, you can see if her Queen Anne will catch it and burn it, and then give it to the two in the distance with long tongues. It seems that there are still some big stupid dogs who are still a little bit more silly?

Actually, what her little bear Tibbers just said, she already knew it!

However, she has a large number of Queen Anne, and she doesn't mind being arranged and monitored by the other party.

Because she herself really likes to live in this quiet place, and if necessary, she will flash directly to the city with a whistle, so she will not be delayed in eating, drinking and having fun, so she is not afraid Those people in black blamed themselves for arranging themselves to live in this kind of deep mountain and old forest in the suburbs!


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers, who found himself fooling and failing, had to fall into silence, because it knew that its little abacus was seen by a thief's little master...)

"Hey! Tibbers..."


"In the early morning, I just woke up and now I can't fall asleep... Why don't you take a look and see what fun and interesting things are around here or in the city? If so, can we go for fun?"


After lying on the lawn for a while, Little Annie stretched out her hand, pulled the arm of a certain bear who was used as a pillow, and then asked happily.

With her own little bear Tibbers here, she definitely doesn't want to search for things, people or affairs around her, because it doesn't make any sense to do that, as if she lacks the mysterious sense of unknown?

(Of course there is! The people on Earth in this world are living in dire straits. They have been deceived by those **** in black clothes and have been living in the fictional world of those bastards. Do you want to save them now?

If this little master of its family is going to confront the people in black, specifically to expose their conspiracy and make the aliens and the things of another world hidden from the public public, it promises, I will definitely not be bored in the future, and I will definitely have something to do every day? ! )



"Tibbers, you really hate you, are they so bad? How could they do that kind of thing?!"


Those people in black did not provoke themselves, and now they are not only for food and drink, but also for money. Moreover, there is such a big manor and castle here to live casually, so why should she go and embarrass them? ? After all, she can be regarded as a vested interest no matter how she said it? And since she is being treated like an alien guest, then she obviously has no reason to oppose others anymore, does she?

Besides, she also knows the uncle K and the shameless black uncle J in the people in black organization. Therefore, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke her to anger, then she will definitely not go to the other party or sing the opposite. , Her Lady Anne is not the kind of bad guy who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong.


(Sometimes it's really so bad...Of course, if you die like this, Tibbers will definitely not be foolish and take it to communicate with that awful little master in his own house...)


∑(△`)? !

"Hey! Tibbers, what is that in the sky? Is that an alien ship?!"


At this time, she was lying on the grass with the furry body of Tibbs, her little bear bear. She used her as a pillow and lay down comfortably on the grass in a'big' shape. She opened her eyes and found that something was wrong. I saw the billowing flames and smoke in the sky, like a meteor that cut through the atmosphere, and was hitting the strange alien spacecraft at a depression not far from this place. .

Rumbling rumbling...

Soon, a huge sound was faintly rumbling from the place where the trail of obliquely stabbed smoke remained and hit the distant mountain forest.

There is no doubt that it must be an alien spacecraft that ran to the earth!

Because, although the current technology of the earth people themselves is somewhat advanced, most of them use alien items directly or use those finished products with their help. They themselves cannot create the kind of spacecraft that navigates the universe! Also, the people on earth have their own cosmic harbor, they don't have to plunge into the earth like a meteorite, right?


(Report to the little master, it must not be a spaceship, you must be dazzled...

Is it actually a fallen stone, a satellite that voluntarily falls after the working life reaches its limit, or a fairing dropped by a satellite rocket launched by a certain country? I believe that by tomorrow night at the latest, you will definitely be able to see the rumors about this incident on the evening news of various channels in this city!

There are no aliens or ufos in this world at all, including you and the little ones, are all non-existent aliens?

(● ̄ ̄●)

Without even thinking about it, Tibbers imitated the tone of the people in black or the news broadcasters, and gave this matter a certain degree!

There is no doubt that those people in black will do what it just said! Moreover, they are likely to drop a dilapidated scorched satellite or a broken fairing of a rocket in place after moving the spaceship, and then let the news media and ufo enthusiasts go to the place to take photos at will to testify? )



"You really hate it more and more..."

"Didn't I just not give you a holiday? You have been awkward with me for so long? You don't want to think about it. I take you to various places in the world every day. What a good treatment is that. , Or else, be careful I beat you!!!"


He jumped directly from the ground, looked at the billowing smoke in the sky, and sensed the direction and location of the spacecraft's fall. Then, after realizing that it was not too far from here, Xiao Annie quickly picked it up. One of the legs of Tibbs bear, he spread his feet and ran to the smoking place.

She didn't think about using the ability of magical teleportation in broad daylight, because this large manor is monitored here, so Annie intends to take the lead to take a look before the people in black react and arrive at the scene. , And then see if there is anything rare and interesting on the falling spaceship?


(● ̄ ̄●)


Seeing the light reflecting in from the window and the image of the rising sun, the leader of the black-clothed headquarters z sighed deeply.


"K, I really never expected that you would mess up this time..."

"This time, we have only captured thirty-one split extraterrestrials... whether they have any other splits, we don't know at all now, and whether they will continue to split on Earth, we I don’t know either... But to be honest, if one day our planet is occupied by their “cosmic cancer cells” and someone else is forced to wipe out the planet, I really wouldn’t be surprised at all. !!!"

Looking at the report that K just submitted to him and the bad news gathered by other agents, the leader of the Black Man’s Headquarters, z, covered his forehead with a headache, and looked at the window outside the window in a daze. The sun is fascinated.

Originally, yesterday, he thought he would send the experienced and skilled Detective K to deal with the "split body" alien that strayed to the earth, and let the other party catch it before it got enough energy to split. The opponent's!

But what do you think...

The other party actually made a mess. Not only did they take the initiative to give the **** alien energy, but they also had to send out more agents and agents to directly block that large area?

Although so far, they have captured a total of 31 split extraterrestrials of various sizes, but now the encirclement has not been cancelled. They have to search for countless times in that place, consuming a lot of manpower and material resources. , Even if it is finally confirmed that there are no omissions, the land will be completely burned with flamethrowers and incendiary bombs, and it will be permanently sealed off!

Otherwise, once any split extraterrestrial people with the size of a finger are allowed to escape, it will be a huge disaster for their entire planet! !

"I'm sorry, sir!"

"I was negligent, everything was my fault..."

K didn't deny, because he did something wrong, and his team did miss it. So now he can do nothing except bow his head and admit his mistake.


"K! We all know what that happened. You don't need to take responsibility for your stupid man. I know he shot the alien and broke it without authorization. You protect him like this. It's useless, he made a big mistake, this is a fact that no one can argue!"

Speaking of this, Z bitterly toward the outside of his soundproof office, toward the black-faced agent J who was sitting on the stool outside the door boringly.

He clearly remembered that the mission clearly stated that the alien must be captured alive, and he could not use any powerful penetrating or exploding sexual energy weapons... But who would have thought of a self-righteous guy, Finally shot at that **** alien?

Damn it!

Did that agent J think it was like when he was in the New York Police Force, who could shoot anyone at will? Look, it's all right now, one accident, the earth is not good this time, I am afraid it will be over! !

"very sorry!"

"Sir...I am indeed responsible this time, because when I set off, I didn't remember to remind him of this, so..."

Seeing that the other party became more and more angry, while K sighed in his heart, he could only continue to bite the bullet and take the initiative to buckle all the faults on his head. After all, he really didn't have the assistant who was able to train him well. He was really a little dereliction of duty. This is understandable.

"Stop! Stop it!!"

"Okay, k, I know what you want to say, but so far, don't you take it as an example?"

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, he directly stretched out his hand to signal and roughly interrupted the other party's words, then sighed heavily, turned back and sat down on the seat behind his desk.

I don't know what's wrong. Recently, he has always felt that things in the Men in Black organization are not going well, and he doesn't know if it's because he is too old, so that his energy is gradually getting worse?


Should he step down from the leadership position and leave this important position to those with more potential and ability?


"K! If you were replaced by me, the **** outside would have been cleansed of my memory and let him roll back to his New York police force!"

z Stretched out his finger and pointed at a waiting agent in black outside the transparent glass of the office, but how could he think that after seeing his actions, the other party had a hippie smile and reached out to greet him?


"But he is yours after all, and you have been guaranteeing him all the time, then forget it this time... But k, I warn you, this is really the last time, there will be no next time!!"

"Even if he is a newcomer, but if he makes any mistakes again, it proves that he is not suitable for the profession of a'black police detective'! At that time, even if you and I have friendship for nearly forty years, I He must also be kicked out. This is good for you, me, and the earth. You should be able to understand, right?"

With a dark face, he exhaled, and did not go to an agent outside the door who has not realized the seriousness of the matter so far, and dared to reach out to say hello to him with a smile, Z only calmed his face and used the harshest tone that seemed He lowered his voice and emphatically reminded the old friend K who was sitting in front of him.

Although his wording is a bit harsh, Z does not feel that he has done anything wrong!

It’s just like what he just said, their job is different from the general job...because their fault tolerance rate is extremely small, everyone must go all out for every task, this is When they select personnel, they are one of the reasons to select the most elite personnel for interviews.


One carelessly, once the mission fails to allow the aliens to escape, it would be light for those incompetent agents to die by themselves? Because, no one knows what dangerous items are carried by the aliens who broke into the earth. God knows whether the other party will release a dangerous virus or directly blow up the earth?

Or, as it was written in this **** report today, the men in black actually blasted a splintered extraterrestrial on their own planet, blasting the terrible kind of planet called cancer cells. Terrible alien creature? !

"Yes! I see..."

"Don't worry, I will teach him well next! If he is really unbearable, I think I will send him back directly!!"

In this case, in K's view, he must also have an unshirkable responsibility! Therefore, he didn't intend to let the outside j bear any fault. He just kept the opponent in front of the furious leader z of the man in black, so it was almost all right.

Of course,

Next time, if the guy outside makes another mistake, no matter how big or small, I'm afraid no one can keep it...

At that time, it shows that the other party is really not suitable for the profession of the person in black, and can only be sadly cleansed from the memory, and then arranged an excuse such as'vegetative re-awakening' to let him return to the other party's original Exert the waste heat in that job?


"Please remember what you said, k!"

After speaking, Z nodded, and then reached out and picked up another document that was not too anxious from his desktop, and threw it in front of K, beckoning the other party to open and watch.

"Now is a new task!"

"It's still the troublesome little guy... This morning, about an hour ago, an unregistered alien spacecraft forcibly broke through our atmospheric defense network, broke into our earth illegally, and landed in the city. In the mountainous area outside..."

"At that time, I had sent the nearest agents to check it out, but...we discovered that the **** who smuggled to the earth in the spaceship seemed to have been snatched by the little girl Anne Hasta?"

"I heard that you and her are friends...So, if you don't want her to be eaten, you'd better go and go and persuade her to hide the "cute" that she hid Give the aliens over for us to deal with?"

After finishing the last sentence, Z lay down on his office chair with a bit of exhaustion, and waved his hand to indicate to K that if he finished reading and had no comments, he could go out and perform the new task by himself.

The mission this time is relatively simple, even if the **** agent J outside makes another mistake...because ah, he hopes that the other party makes another mistake, and then he better be eaten by the **** alien?

If that were the case, then they would be too relaxed!

Because, by then, they only need to bury each other’s bones and say two indifferent eulogy, and it’s over. There is no need to trouble a large group of agents to re-arrange a new identity or restore the original old one. Identity?

After all, the workload of those two situations is one by one...


"I understand, we will go right away!!"

After reading the documents in his hand at a glance, Agent K's face suddenly sank, and after turning off the device that displayed the files and putting it back on the table gently, he stood up and walked outside.

And outside the door, his assistant Agent J seemed to be a little impatient.


"K, how is it? That bad old man didn't scold you? I just saw it, but his face hasn't been too good?"

j knows that the old guy must have scolded himself. Although he did not hear the conversation between the two, he saw the other's expressions and movements, as well as the maliciousness and the kind of very unconcealed look at him Is it rude to point and point?

That old guy doesn't like his agent j, and likewise, he doesn't like him much!


"But we have a new mission now. You should come with me as soon as possible."

K doesn't plan to repeat what happened just now, because it wasn't a good experience... Besides, he didn't think this companion next to him would be happy to hear the extremely awful things that boss Z just said to him.

"Huh? God..."

"I just came back and have another mission. Where are we going this time? Europe? Australia? Or the North and South Pole?!"

Having just returned from a terrible task, and now he was sent out before he could take a break, J had to sigh bitterly and complain.

of course,

He complained and complained. Knowing that he had just made a mistake in guessing, and it was necessary to complete another task to make up for it, he did not dare to say too much. He just lifted his energy a little, and then quickly followed his face. There are also some not so good-looking companions around K.

"Outside the city!"

"It's the castle manor that hasn't appeared on the map! Of course, the opponent is not Xie Lailong!"

In two simple words, k directly explained where the two of them are going to go and the enemy they are about to face.

"Manor? Not Xie Lailong?"

"My God! No way? k... What's wrong with that little guy Annie?!"

J is a little unbelievable, think about it seriously, it seems that there is no time for a few days, how can the little guy provoke them to get out after living in that remote place?

Agent J had already caused a lot of troubles himself, but he didn't expect that a certain little guy could cause trouble more than himself? But I don't know why, this made him feel a little worried just now, and suddenly became a lot better?


Now on this earth, there is at least one little guy who can toss more than Agent J himself, and even make some bad old man in their black-clothed headquarters more headache, right?

"She didn't cause trouble!"

"A ‘Zelen’ carnivorous broke into the earth, and it seems to have gotten together with the little girl Annie... Besides, that little guy doesn’t seem to want to hand it over to the agents we set up in the manor?"

As K walked forward, he dialed the communicator like his mobile phone.


"Annie still doesn't answer the phone..."

Putting down the convenient communicator in his hand, k now is nothing to the little girl who never likes to carry the communication equipment distributed by their headquarters in black.

Thinking carefully of the terrible evaluations of the alien intelligent animals of the'Zelun' clan, the uneasy feeling in K's heart becomes more and more intense... That's right, those are alien beasts, and they are not worthy of being called. It's an alien! Although these guys also have high intelligence and can drive a little spaceship, but in the entire galactic universe, there is no alien race who will wait to see the guy who lists all the creatures on their recipe list. Guys!

Now it’s even worse: if the report is correct, the carnivorous'Zelun' seems to have been hidden by a little girl who doesn’t know anything... If that’s the case, then they They have to be quicker, otherwise, when they find it, it is just the tragic skeleton of a little girl?


"Ha! k, it shouldn't be a big problem, right? You and I all know that the little guy Annie is no ordinary little girl, she is even stronger than a hundred elite soldiers of the'Evil Lai Dragon'!! "

Although I don’t know what that kind of cosmic carnivorous beast is all about, but j is much more optimistic than his companion k... In fact, no matter what he does or under any circumstances, he j is Very optimistic. For example, he just made a big mistake and almost really ruined the earth, but now, can he still laugh out loud?

Anyway, he didn't think that powerful little guy would be harmed by a carnivore that came from the universe to spread the wild on the earth, because it was obviously unrealistic?


"The problem is, Anne doesn't know what we know, if she doesn't know about it..."

Anyone who knows the details of that kind of'Zelun' beast, but there is absolutely no one who will lose the heart to associate with them and help hide, so, unlike his partner's optimistic attitude, now j is very worried, he But I don't want the little guy who can't do anything for the time being'Xie Lailong', but finally fell into the hands of a carnivore!

If that's the case, I'm afraid that either they or the evil Lailong aliens who are ready to take revenge will be very sad or disappointed! !


"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up. We are on a mission this time, so it's better to go by plane. The outskirts are too far away. It must be too late to drive your broken car!"

"By the way, this time I can shoot the alien monster called Zelen directly with my weapon, right?"

He ran into the elevator, directly pressed j on the top floor of the headquarters, and hurriedly asked his companions.

Anyway, this time, he definitely didn't want to be blamed for attacking the enemy...The kind of thing that messed up things and bore other people's strange eyes, he really had enough!

He really dare to swear that he has always worked very hard to read related books, but there are too many kinds of aliens, more than the 10,000 kinds of insects in the animal world on TV. More, he will be there for a while, how can he remember it? !




"Great, I will let it see how good Agent J is!!"


"What's wrong? Boss K?"

"I want to remind you that ordinary low-intensity individual weapons are not effective against them, so you'd better not get too close to them..."


"Hello there!"

"Agent K, you are finally here!!"

On the flat lawn of the manor’s castle, when a black unmarked helicopter spun its blades at high speed and slowly landed in a strong wind, a woman in black suit and black tie explored The officer hurriedly covered his eyes with one hand to avoid the grass clippings hung by the strong wind of the propeller, and pressed his tie that was dancing in the wind with one hand, and quickly greeted Agent K who had just stepped off the plane.

As for a certain Agent J who followed Agent K, she was ignored by Hualili.

Because she had heard a lot about Agent J, she didn't like to see each other a little bit, so her attitude or something naturally became cold. That's normal! After all, in the organization of the black body people, they follow the law of the jungle, and the survival of the fittest is the most basic requirement, so she does not understand why the other party has the face to continue to stay between their teams?

"How's the situation? That little girl, Annie, is she okay?"

K didn't treat each other politely or wasted time. When he got off the plane, he walked forward hurriedly, letting his clothes, tie and hair flutter with the high wind from the helicopter propeller, just asking him what he cared most.

"she was……"

The agent was a little bit hesitant to say something, she just wanted to make a report and go back to report in detail, but how can she think that the other party came so soon.

"Something happened to her?!"

Seeing that the female agent’s tone seemed a bit wrong, a Ji Ling who followed behind J quickly caught up with her, grabbed the opponent’s arm and asked with her eyes wide open.

It took them less than ten minutes to get here. Could it be that the most terrible thing they didn't want to see really happened? That little clever Annie, that cute little girl, the little guy who faced a large group of terrifying evil Lailong soldiers alone, was actually eaten by that unknown alien carnivore? !

If that's the case, Agent J swears that he will put the nuclear grenade that he has kept in his pocket into the fart of the carnivore. God can testify! !


Hearing what J said, and looking at the female agent's hesitant expression, K's heart suddenly stopped, and he had to stop with a cold face.

He doesn’t quite understand, there are at least a dozen agents and agents here... Even if they really can’t force the little guy to surrender the carnivore, why they still can’t protect her, so they still have to What happened to her in the hands of that kind of monster? If that's the case, in his opinion, these guys would be even more unreliable than the rookie around him!

After all, J is still a newcomer, and it hasn't been long since he joined the Men in Black organization, but the guys around him are old players, they shouldn't be so incompetent! !

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with that little girl!"

"Anyway, this matter is not easy to explain. I was planning to write a report just now, but you guys came at this time... Forget it, I won’t talk about it. She is by the pond over there. You should ask yourself. She, I am going to write a report now?"

The female agent shook off J's big hand, and after tidying up her clothes, she said to Agent K, who had a rather ugly expression.

Then, before the two of them continued to ask questions, she finally gave a cold snort after indicating the location of a certain little girl, turned her head and walked towards the small medieval castle... Now, she is going back to write a report , I don’t have time to receive that agent k and another useless j!



The expressions of K and J quickly turned from cloudy to clear, and after looking at each other with a little bit of face to each other, they also learned the appearance of the female agent, and slightly adjusted the hairstyles of their clothes that were messed up by the helicopter. , Then walked quickly in the direction indicated by the other party.

Here, they have already seen the figure of the little girl in the distance, the guy in the conspicuous little red skirt is there, it is indeed good!


"What are you doing?!"

K, who walked to the little girl first, watched the little girl holding a small stick, tied with a thread and a small soft grass at one end, and holding the other end of the stick in her hand, she was standing on tiptoe. Standing on the edge of the small pond, the movements of the hands trembled, causing the tutu tied to the other end of the stick to jump on the wet ground by the pond.

Now, when he saw that the little girl was fine, he was relieved, so he was not anxious about other things, but asked the little girl curiously.



"Keep it down! Uncle K, you are fishing for frogs!!"

That's right, Little Annie is fishing for frogs now!

Because, in the morning, due to the fact that she had recently disturbed them, those cunning big bullfrogs are now hiding. She didn't want to use magic to catch them, so she remembered this frog fishing game. That's why she is now thief standing on tiptoe here and sticking out the wooden stick to the wet ground in the grass to make the grass tuft jump inside.

"Frog fishing?"

K opened his mouth somewhat speechlessly. They hurried to hurry and worried all the way for a long time, but in the end, this little guy is really playing here? !

"Hey! Little guy, wild bullfrogs can't be eaten because they have a lot of parasites?"

At this time, J, who also leaned over to watch the little girl's movements, also grinned.

He didn't believe that the other party could catch that kind of big frog this way, and he didn't even believe that those things could still be eaten! Because here in the Americas, only the big bullfrogs that are raised have edible value, and generally only eat their thighs? As for these wild ones, forget it...



Little Annie gave each other a white look. Did she say that she wanted to eat? She was just fishing and preparing to feed the two great wolfhounds who like to eat. What's up with him?

"Hey! Little guy, stop it!"

"What about the alien carnivorous beast of the ‘Zelun’ tribe? Tell us, let’s catch it now! I tell you, that guy, it’s very dangerous, you must not hide it!!"

J took out the small one in his hand, and blasted a'split' alien yesterday, and was reprimanded by boss z, and received countless small pistols with white eyes and contempt. Are you ready to atone for your sins and catch a carnivore that dared to come to the earth to do evil as soon as possible?



"Hey, it's over there, but I cooked it through..."

Little Annie, who was busy with her important things, turned to the other side, and snorted under a certain big tree.

There, there seemed to be a strange large animal that was charred lying in that place, but the other person's appearance was a bit charred, and he couldn't recognize the appearance?



K and j were surprised again, and then looked at each other again.

They finally understood a little bit why the female agent just now had such a weird expression...It turned out that before they came here and started, the other party actually burned the terrible alien carnivore directly? !

"How do you give it to..."

K is puzzled. Before, in the report, he saw it. He said that this little guy and the ‘Zelun’ carnivore who is good at disguising are very good, they even mix and play happily? This matter caused him to worry for a long time on the way here, for fear that a little guy would be caught.

"That one……"


"I think it looks very cute... and can't speak human words, unlike a wise creature, so it just..."


So it burned!

She was just trying to roast it, but who would have thought of it accidentally... Now, even the two great wolfhounds don’t bother to eat it, so she has to come fishing for frogs and prepare to reward her just now. The big wolfhounds that the alien monster that suddenly burst into contact with him for a long time?


K didn't understand what the little guy meant.

"But Annie..."

"Why are you going to bake it? Did you see that it was wrong at that time, so you should start first?!"

With some regrets, J had to put away his small weapons, and then asked regretfully looking at the group of coke in the distance.

I don’t know what kind of fire weapon this little guy took out, and he was able to burn the alien carnivore that is said to be not afraid of ordinary weapons in that way... I didn’t say anything, the other party must be dead, there must be no him The performance of the agent has a chance.

"No, I just saw it looked cute when it was not transformed, so I couldn't help but want to burn it..."


"Cute is going to burn it? Why is that?!"

K and J have more doubts in their minds. They seem to be a little confused by this little guy's messy statement, and their logical thinking can't be turned a bit at once.

"But, shouldn't cute animals be eaten?!"


You want to eat it because it looks so cute and fleshy? If you want to eat it, you have to bake it. This kind of thing Annie answers it is straightforward and strong, there will be no problems at all! !



k and j glanced at each other, not knowing what the other party is doing... Maybe, this is the unique customs or culture of the aliens on the planet of Runeland?

If that is the case, then they must find time to write in the shared database of Men in Black, which is very important!

"Forget it, if that's the case, then forget it."

The little guy was slapped, so K didn’t intend to pursue it, and he didn’t even care what the little girl did to roast the man-eating monster like that...

In any case, the little guy is safe now, and the troublesome alien'Zelun' carnivorous beast was burned to death. This matter has been perfectly resolved. He has nothing to worry about. This matter has been understood, and they have It is a task completed!


This is the reason why the previous female agent had a weird expression, and I don't know how to explain it, right?



"Huh? Huh? I got the bait!!!"

Suddenly, Little Annie gave a violent cheer, and slammed the stick in her hand. A huge, ugly bullfrog with a slimy skin was thrown directly by her to a black face who just happened to stand behind her. Big black face!

‘Wang? ’

‘Wow! Wang! ! ’

Then, two of the big hounds who had been waiting for a long time, waiting to catch their prey so that they could add meat to their lunch, roared and hurried forward, taking advantage of a bullfrog to return. Before it fell, he rushed on to a black-faced agent who was exclaiming about the foreign object on his cheek! !


"Damn! What is this? Wow! These two stupid dogs, get out of me!"


The screams of a dark-faced agent from a certain Big Mouth Village began to resound in this quiet mountain castle manor...

Of course, there are also the barking noises of the two great wolfhounds and the unbridled laughter of a little girl after catching her please help, help me get this out Two stupid dogs! "

Agent J, who finally got up and was entangled with two great wolfhounds, had no idea. The reason why he has been entangled by them is actually because his hand subconsciously grabbed their prey and food. reason?

You know, dogs, animals, are very protective of food...

★,:*:\\( ̄ ̄)/:*°★*

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