Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 799: Saved the earth again (1) (*????`?)...


"Wang Wu..."


You can't see me, you can't see me...

Frank, a pug dog who survived being caught by Serena because he hid well in the corpse of a huge octopus-like alien creature that had been dead for a long time. I saw this terrible phenomenon in front of me, and also because it used to watch the movies of the people on earth, such as the kind of master key, the grudge, the ghost, the silent hill, the death video, the ghost street, the shining, etc. Horror film, which has long been studied for the definition of ghosts and monsters of some people on the earth. It sobbed in terror on the spot, holding its own dog's head and returning to the corpse of the giant octopus-like alien monster. Shaking, never dared to sneak out to watch.

Frank never imagined that the Sadako in the headquarters of the Earthling MIB was actually Sadako...

This kind of thing is really scary!

Therefore, it secretly decided: in the future, it will never continue to seek a job in this man in black headquarters of the earthlings, even as a watchdog! !



Countless sadakos quietly gathered from all directions, step by step...

They didn't speak, but in silence, gloomily staring at their **** and tearful red eyes, their pale and blue, penetrating and sluggish faces were slightly lowered, and the corners of their mouths were full of chill and evil. Laughing... Amidst the gusts of wind and ghost crying, Serena, who was in the middle of the distance, and Z and K who were hung upside down gathered together to stand together as they were more than ten steps away.


Looking around, in the office lobby of MIB Headquarters that suddenly became dim, Ying Yingzhuo turned out to be the white shirt, black hair, and that piece of the disheveled and silent dead face of the "girl ghost" Sadako A scary face exactly the same? !



At this time, in the face of this infiltrating situation, even the two upside-down boss Z and Agent K that Sadako had known for a long time, after they looked at each other the same, the goose bumps all over their bodies and The hairs exploded almost at the same time.

Although they also knew that this must be the miscellaneous staff Sadako of MIB trying to rescue them, but... the very shabby scene and the weird atmosphere in front of them were too scary!

Especially when they were more or less inadvertently frightened by Sadako in the mirror, behind, in the bathroom or other places before, seeing this kind of scene, they felt even more difficult to hold on to themselves! !


"What's the situation? Virtual 3D imaging technology?!"

It's a pity, even if Sadako has done her best to make the biggest and most scary atmosphere and appearance... But, in the cognition of a certain alien, especially Serena, the queen of the Carlosser star In fact, there is no concept of monsters and monsters at all!

Pretending to be ghosts and scaring people, at best can only scare people on earth with that kind of "concept", and for Serena, she has done no evil, has blown up countless planets, and has killed tens of millions of lives. For the evil queen of Carlosser, she was just a little curious about why this earth-like woman in front of her had such a strange appearance and used countless illusions to'siege' herself.

Because she can't see the other side's pretending to be like that, what good is it?

In her opinion, this kind of hand has no arms at all, and will only blame the strange woman who smiles and surrounds herself. It is just an extremely stupid guy, and it has no meaning at all!


"Huh! Fool!!"

After watching it for a long time, she didn't understand the practical significance of the other party's pale face, bleeding eyes, and bloodshot teeth. Finally she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and took one of her own. The finger turned into a black thorn'vine' that can stretch out indefinitely and shoot out at a high speed, making it directly like a long snake launching an attack, toward the throat of the first woman with disheveled appearance that I just saw. Bumped into it.

Now, she has finished watching the other party’s tricks, and when she feels that it is meaningless, she intends to destroy the other party directly, and then is busy preparing to restore Agent K’s memory, but there is not much time for this stupid pretending guy in front of her. waste time!

puff! !

Black, I don’t know what material it is made of, the malleability is very unscientific, and the sharp head of the thorn "vine" that looks extremely tough and sharp penetrated the first one in an instant. 'Female Ghost' Sadako's throat instantly penetrated the past and viciously behind him, plunged deeply into the rock wall of the MIB underground headquarters office lobby, leaving a hideous crack easily. Da Hang!

"Huh? Strange!"

Seeing that his attack was missed, did not touch anything, but seemed to have hit the other side an illusion? This couldn't help but make Serena, the queen of Carlosser star, couldn't help but scream in exclamation, and she couldn't believe that she had seen the other person's true body wrong.


She turned her head again to the other strange women who stood motionless and smiled sullenly at herself... Then, the well-informed woman quickly determined that the surrounding Those are all real phantoms created by a group of people who don't know what method the other party used to change the light and shadow effects, and the woman she just attacked is the real body! !


Serena is very sure that the first weird woman she just saw is absolutely true, but...

"Uh ha!"

"I think I understand... It turned out to be like this, a strange life in a different dimension? Humph! It's so boring, it's a waste of my precious time!!"

After discovering the details of the other party and knowing why her attack just now was completely invalid, Serena laughed at herself, no longer caring about the strange alien life behind her, who looked like a woman on Earth wearing white clothes and had a disheveled hair. I no longer care about the illusions around me staring at me, but turned my head again to look at the two important prisoners in front of me.

That different-dimensional being cannot attack the other side by itself, and for the same reason, the other side certainly cannot attack itself!

At most, it is just like now, pretending to interfere with oneself?

Therefore, with knowledge and determination, the Serpentine Queen, who can chase a flying vehicle in the universe for decades for the sake of the "Sata Light", is obviously not easy to be superficial and superficial. Meaningless behavior is disturbing.

Soon after she figured it out, she simply turned around and looked at her two captives who were still hanging upside down. She didn't plan to waste time any more, but decided to find a way to find herself for decades. The unsuccessful'Sata's Light' that has disappeared! !

"Z, you know, we are'old friends', you know my methods..."

"However, it seems that you definitely don't know the whereabouts of the'Sata's Light', right? So, you think I should kill you directly now, that is to eat you in one bite?!"

Undoubtedly, the most valuable one is obviously Agent K, who was the client of the year!

And the old, faint and incompetent Earthman Z in front of him was completely useless except for killing or coercing the agent K next to him to obediently.


In view of the fact that Agent K himself has forgotten that important part of the memory... So Serena feels that it doesn't seem to make much sense to coerce or something? Simply...she should just kill or eat the opponent directly, just as revenge for the price that these hateful black detectives have teased herself, the Queen of Carrosser, for decades? !

"Hum hum……"

She has always thought of doing something. She didn’t hesitate to even bomb the planet to kill tens of billions of intelligent beings. Under a single thought, the black thorns'vines' that bound the earthling Z. They came alive like terrible basilisks, and pointed their heads like snake heads that spit out sharp needles at Z's eyes, who was a little worried.

Obviously, they were ordered by their owner and were ready to act on the leader of this MIB headquarters.


"Bah! Don't even think about it!"

"Serina, your little coercive trick is useless to us... You may know me yourself, and I will never succumb to you... Also, that'Sata Light' I really I don’t know, even if I really know, I will definitely not tell you!!"

Looking at the ghost things around my head that can kill my life at any time, I look at the Serena in front of me and the surrounding "girl ghosts" who seem to be in trouble. In the end, As the head of the MIB headquarters, Z still glared at an evil alien woman very hard and stubbornly and shouted loudly.


" look too high at yourself...but, since you really don't know where the thing I want is, then what do I still keep you as a bad old man?"

After thinking about it, Serena still smiled and decided that if she ate the other party first, she might relieve her anger a little bit more?

Although, swallowing such an old and ugly fat man in one bite might make the body of the earth woman she transformed into a little deformed, but she believes that is not a big problem, because she no longer needs it. Going to pretend again, and she believes that her'belly' will soon be able to digest the fat guy in front of her, saying that the other party has transformed it into a little bit of insignificant energy!

"How? Have you thought about your dying prayer?"

"As an'old friend' of yours, I can barely give you ten seconds to think about how to pray to the non-existent **** that you people on earth believe in, and let him forgive your crimes?"

"Look, I've always been generous, haven't I?"

Serena smiled and walked up to the opponent, turning her five fingers into five black snake-like thorns'vines', and then kept climbing and stroking the opponent's head and body. It seems to be measuring the opponent's body, so that I will find the right position of the lower mouth later, and then go and swallow the somewhat blessed old fat man in front of me?

"Asshole! Serena!"

"I did the things, it has nothing to do with Boss Z. If you have anything to do, please come to me first. If you want to eat, you can eat me first!!"

Although knowing that everyone might be ill-advised this time, K is still struggling desperately, and even wants to shake his upside down body, hit the **** alien woman, or on the other person’s face , A bite of meat or something...

What if the body of the evil Queen of Carlosser was really made of meat?

But it's a pity...

Those black vine-like ghosts on his body are just a slight tightening movement. In the sound of the bones creaking, the huge pressure made his eyes turn white, and then his eyes As soon as it gets dark, I can't use any extra strength other than breathing. I can only watch the other side turn his head and look at his old officer and friend Z again.

"Have you thought about your prayer?"

"If you think about it, just say it quickly, because I can't wait to start lunch now..."

After mockingly glanced at a dying agent K next to her, Serena turned her head again and licked her **** and round earthen lips seductively.

Immediately afterwards, I didn’t see what she did. Those black vines that firmly bound the MIB leader Z actually pulled up the leader Z of the people in black again, and it went higher and higher... Are you going to hang a certain fat man to the highest point, and then directly put it down in a free fall and swallow it in one bite?


But surprisingly, just before Serena was about to open her'bloodbath mouth', the woman with a disheveled hair and an abnormal dimension with a pale and blue dead face actually walked in front of her again. , Staring at himself with his red and bloodthirsty eyes staring round?

"Heh! Woman..."

"Don't think that you are a life in a different dimension now. I can't help you. If you irritate my Queen Serena, please believe me. On our planet Carlosser, there are ways to deal with you ignorant fools!! "

Although she felt that the other party couldn't help herself, and she couldn't touch the other party, Serena was still a little angry at the alien life that could slightly interfere with the real world, because the other party blocked her sight!

Although she intends to clean up this messy woman in white, it is a pity that this is the earth, not her planet Carlosser... She is here, and there is really no good way to deal with this **** annoying thing! If the other party keeps pestering him like this, it seems that it is really not a big trouble?

After all, her Serena is doing business now, but she has no time to spend time with this ignorant idiot who dares to offend her queen's dignity on the backward planet of Earth! !

"Okay, Z!"

"Your time has come! Since you don't want to say the kind of dying prayers that you made me appetizing, then I'm not welcome?"

After warning a certain ‘female ghost’ who was pretending to run to her, Serena directly ignored the opponent, but looked up at the high ceiling of this hall.

There, her black snake-like vines were gradually loosening their restraints, preparing to put down the detective Z who had caused a little trouble to herself in the past, and then she opened her big mouth instantly to give him Eat it in one bite! !

As for the disheveled'girl ghost' standing in front of her, the guy in a different dimension who pretended not to know what she wanted to do, she didn't even care about the other person! After all, just like she can't touch the other person, the other person can't touch her either, so she doesn't need to care at all, just treat the other person as an insignificant background.


Just as Serena, the evil queen of Karothea, was about to perform a correct way of eating for the people of the earth in front of a certain deadly Agent K, suddenly, something that made her feel astonished and puzzled...

That alien life, the strange "woman" who thought she could frighten herself with disheveled hair and a pale, dead face, suddenly raised her sharp nail with a trace of black moss Hand, grabbed it hard towards his neck?

Although, Serena knew that the other party would definitely not be able to harm her, and that kind of futile attack would only interfere with her at best? However, without knowing why, she still took a step back subconsciously and stretched out her hand to block...


In the next moment, the claw tip of that weird ghost claw flashed a red light that could not be noticed! !



A stern exclamation sounded!

After the ghost claw was successfully swung down, Serena suddenly let out a cry of pain, and jumped away from her place as if she was frightened, and fell into a free fall by a black police detective named Z. As she fainted on the ground, she also retreated several meters before she stopped in shock.


At this moment, the left hand that she had raised subconsciously to block before was actually cut off by the opponent's claw from the elbow? !

"My name is Sadako..."

"I like you……"

After one hit and successfully grabbed one of the opponent's arms, the female ghost Sadako stopped moving again.

She just smiled evilly, making her pale, green and disheveled face, and at least dozens of you ghosts around her, saying exactly the same things as her, and succeeded in bringing the atmosphere of the scene The son became even more permeating.

The air here became more and more gloomy in an instant...

The light has also become darker...

Those Sadako's faces became paler and paler...

The bleeding pupils are also abnormally terrifying...

Of course, and their weird smiles that almost appeared together?


Finding that something has changed, some people are undoubtedly scared and extremely happy. For example, a certain Agent K who saw that his chief was lucky enough not to be eaten by the other party?


"How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible!!"

Regarding her left arm that was cut off, Serena actually didn't care about it at all!

Of course, the other fat man who fell to the ground and fainted didn't care... She just stared at her eyes with an incredible look at the head standing in front of her slightly lowered, and her chin was hidden. In the skirt, with pale face, **** eyes, and dark lips, he used his pale face, **** eyes and dark lips to face the alien being who was grinning gloomily.


For the first time, she reached out and touched the broken part of her left elbow, touched the smooth cut on the upper side, and was sure that it was not any illusion that the other party had misled her, her face instantly turned ugly again. .

"Your name is Sadako, right?"

"Very good! Damn another dimension guy, you successfully angered the queen of Carlosser! Now, let's have a good talk?!"

Although I don't know how the other party did it, Serena firmly believes that since the other party can hurt herself, then she can definitely hurt the other party too! Because this is the most basic law in the universe, just like the forces between objects are mutual, unbreakable!

and so,

In an instant, she caused her elbows to squirm and entangle thorns and vines like dancing black snakes. After repairing her left hand in an instant, she didn't seem to be cut off by the opponent anymore. The broken arm, which was twisting on the ground, stretched out the index finger of his right hand and instantly turned it into a fast-growing, tough black vine, and then it grew rapidly, like a bullet, slamming towards the opponent’s one. The pale face pierced directly toward the other party's **** mouth that dared to laugh at him!

Her attack was very strong, just for an instant, it was as if she had not touched any objects or stagnant objects that were similar to real objects, she hit an office in the MIB headquarters in the distance, and gave the explosion-proof glass exterior wall It was hit into a pool of shattered uniform fragments, and shattered to the ground...


"This is impossible!!"

There is no doubt that something that shocked Serena again happened again...

The guy called Sadako who pretends to be a ghost, the other party must have used some method to interfere with reality, changed the physical state of the other party's own existence, and was injured by the way he hurt his body or interfered with the dimension. I... But now, when I counterattacked the opponent for the first time, he even let his attack fail again. How did the opponent do it?

She really didn't understand this! !


A weird smile once again appeared on the mouth of "girl ghost" Sadako.


At this time, the Zhenzi on the opposite side suddenly opened her mouth and chewed again, opening her bloodshot black mouth, and between the quick one and one, she just stretched out Serena again. The black thorn vine, which can be used as a weapon or part of the body when it goes out, gives her the vine that is tougher than the best battleship armor in the universe. Just bite into two pieces with just one click?


"This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!"

After Serena stepped back again in consternation, she roared, ignoring that the one that was cut off again was twisting crazily on the ground, like a gecko’s tail-dangling vine, directly again The ten fingers turned into ten thick snake-like black thorns and vines, and they rolled directly toward each other's body!


Soon she found helplessly that no matter what she did, she couldn't even touch the other-dimensional life form on the opposite side. She could only let her'ten fingers' place the floor, nearby seats, etc. Was twisted into a ball of pieces, nothing more?

Huh! !

At this moment, the one who was still standing still, with a pale and blue dead face slightly lowered, and staring at Serena's Sadako with red and **** eyes, the corners of her mouth curled up again. The ghostly smile, and then with a wave of both hands, she cut off her Serena’s ten fingers again, turning them into a pile of black thorns entangled in the ground and twisted in vain. ...


"You, how did you do it?!"

Serena, who took two steps back due to severe pain again, became hysterical about things that she couldn't understand at all!

Because, she has not seen life in another dimension, but this is the first time she has seen this kind of weird guy who can deeply interfere and attack the real world, but she can't touch each other at all!

and so……

For the first time, Serena felt a trace of terror for the pale-haired, blue-haired face in front of her that seemed to never change and Sadako who was standing still with disheveled hair.

Of course, her fear did not stem from the ridiculous appearance of the other party or the pale and blue face, or the gloomy atmosphere and chilly air surrounding her! She is actually the kind of strange attack that can hurt herself by fearing the other party, but she can't hurt the other party anyway! !

Although the other party cut off her fingers and elbows, it is not something worthy of attention to her Queen Serena of Karothea. It did not really hurt her, and those who were cut to the ground Part of her body, she can recycle them back to her body at any time... However, she should be a little scared about things that she has been attacked by the other party, but she can’t do anything about it. It's too passive.

What’s more terrible is that this is not her planet Carlother, this is a backward and wild earth world, there is no magnetic device that can interfere with other dimensions that allows her to hurt or capture the other party, and she There is no such thing on the Carlosser C-class spacecraft that came to Earth, because she and it have been chasing the non-existent "Sata Light" in the universe for several decades, and it has been completely There is no time to return to the planet Carlosser!

Therefore, if the other party keeps pestering himself like this, it will be a huge trouble! !

"Damn it!"

"I don't believe it... anymore...... why are you...?"

At this moment, Serena was just about to go crazy, and released more and more snake-like black thorn vines on her hands, feet and body, just like Medusa in ancient mythology on earth, ready to go all out. When she continued to attack the female ghost Sadako ahead.


Huh! !

A cyan claw light with a little red paw print, once again slashed across her back, instantly making her mouth ready for shouting words and immediately Become pale and weak.


When she turned her head one hundred and eighty degrees with difficulty, she naturally saw the same one again, also with disheveled hair, wearing a white blouse, pale and pale with blue, blood and tears, and looked at it with an evil smile. The face of another'Sadako' of his own.

Obviously, the other party just attacked him, and the other party was still smiling at him...

However, what Serena did not understand was that the other party's real body was clearly in front, and she also cut off her fingers and elbow twice. How can this guy who is obviously an illusion be able to hurt herself?


Next second,

Serena's body was finally broken from the waist at an angle, so that she finally couldn't hold her balance and slipped on the floor of the cold and messy MIB headquarters office area...


Serena stretched out her other hand on the upper half of her body, trembling to catch the other "girl ghost" Sadako who had just cut her in half and still smiled evilly at her.

However, her actions are destined to be futile, because she did not catch anything...


For a while, Serena, who had been scratching in vain for a long time, seemed to have been hurt to a certain critical point. Therefore, she who persisted for a long time finally trembled, opened her own eyes in anger, and opened her mouth. Motionless.

A certain evil queen Serena from the star of Carlosser who has just been invincible, under the attack of the alien female ghost Sadako, it seems that she was really killed by the opponent's attack and died?



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