Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 803: Flaming Jean is about to strike again (*????`?)?


"You said that after this incident, our...T's Supreme Council or the National Defense Council, will they formally declare war on the neutral country Orb?"

In the cockpit of his own Storm Gundam, Diaka, who was working hard to cooperate with the staff in the warehouse and those crew members to test the new body, suddenly turned his head to the right side of his body, facing the same god. Asked the busy Aslan in the cockpit of Shield Gundam.

Their Zaft Army was originally a political organization called ‘Zodiac Alliance’, which was established in .50 by Siegel Clyne and Patrick Sara. Later, they changed their name to today's ‘ZAFT’ in .65, and three years later, it was reorganized into a standard military organization equipped with mobile suits! Zaft’s army is now directly under the command of the Supreme Council and is responsible to the National Defense Council of which Patrick Sala is a member.

Although they are essentially...T’s National Defense Forces, Zaft has never established a military rank system. It is not a regular army but a militia organization in form. It can also be regarded as the private army of the defense chairman Patrick Sarah. .

Therefore, his teammate, aslan, the only son of Sarah's only son, is obviously a better target for inquiry.

"I do not know……"

"Diyaka, please don't ask me such strange questions in the future, and please concentrate on your work, because our time is running out, we must form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, the sooner the better!"

The movement of his hand paused for a while, and then, Aslan, who didn't intend to waste too much time on this sensitive issue, frowned at Dia who was not far from the left side of his body, who was doing almost the same job as himself. Card Ellsman told such a sentence.

Aslan himself knew that the neutral country Orb secretly developed a new G-series mobile suit for the Earth Army through the Heliopolis neutral colony to fight against...T’s Genn mobile suit. There is no doubt that it has It's a certainty, and the evidence is conclusive and irrefutable at this time! !

Think about it...

A neutral country dared to secretly conceal that the ..T and Zaft forces are fighting in a stalemate with the United Earth Forces, and they are also trying to develop cutting-edge MS combat weapons for the other party in the war. This kind of thing can be said to be It seriously violated the neutrality treaty of this world, and it can even be said that it has declared war with...T!

Therefore, Aslan feels what they did when the two warships of Zaft’s Vesalis and Gamow were ramming and pursuing the long-legged'Archangel' in the cosmic airspace of Orb. For, including intruding into other countries' airspace, etc., are all more legal.

On the way, their two Zaft warships, in addition to biting the trajectory of the Archangel ahead of them, are all based on any Orb guard ship that dared to interrogate or intercept. Forcibly driven or directly destroyed by force, it will no longer be almost pitted at all...T's neutral country Orb will be put in the eyes, almost like an undeclared war...

They have to speed up, because they have now snatched four of the five cutting-edge fuselages developed by the Dawn Society for the Earth Alliance, and the last one and the Archangel battleship that should have been matched, they Right now in front of their two battleship routes!

Therefore, now they are busy with the Lorasia-class battleship Gamow, in this huge maintenance hangar specially prepared for the Jean Squadron... At this time, there are Aegis Gundam and Thunder Gundam. , Duel Gundam, and Storm Gundam. The four units, which were just snatched from the Heliopolis neutral colony in the previous two days, are high-tech units developed by the Aurora Society of the neutral country Orb for the United Earth Army, and are urgently researching , Copying and scanning the relevant data of these high-tech bodies.

‘The fifth program group, please go to hangar 003 to stand by...’

‘Pilot Aslan and Yitzhak, please dock the interfaces of Aegis Gundam and Duel Gundam, and prepare to receive and update relevant information and data...’


"Roger that!"


‘Storm Gundam! Now we are starting to remove the firewall of the Earth Alliance, plant a new data link virus firewall program, and remove the self-destruction program. Our preparation team is ready to remove the self-destruction device...

"Okay, I know."

‘Drip~! ’

‘Database docking is complete! ’

‘Data is being uploaded, 300 seconds remaining...’

‘The second group of the maintenance team pay attention to the Aegis Gundam Energy battery pack interface is bipolar. Be careful not to detonate the battery or short-circuit the board...’


‘Preparing for the final inspection of the body shell and charging of the battery pack...’

‘Attention to the third maintenance team, please give priority to the debugging of Captain Migru’s squad and Captain Olu’s squad to prepare for the upcoming combat mission...’

'understand! Received the third preparation class! ’

Up to now, the distance between the two parties in the universe is still a little far away, and the distance chasing to the combat radius that can effectively attack the Archangel is a little bit close. If at this time, it will be the same as a "carrier-based aircraft". If the En squad were released, I am afraid that when they accelerated to the space of the space where the Archangel is located, their batteries have almost bottomed out... So, now the battleships Vesalis and Gamow They must continue to chase forward for a long distance, and at least it will take that short half a day before their Zaft's warship will release the Genns on board the warship and perform combat missions.


Now in the hangar of this huge battleship Gamow, the atmosphere is relatively relaxed...

In addition to the upcoming Zeon team who continued to be nervous and busy, Aslan, Nigor, Diaka and Yitzhak just sat casually in the cockpit of their newly captured aircraft. , In cooperation with the relevant aircrew and program personnel of the Zaft Army, respectively performed the final data verification, inspection and uploading of the four airframes.

Later, after they finish transmitting the data and return to the relevant research institutions in the country, they need to continue to update the relevant software and data of the four airframes, and break through those installed in the airframe by the Earth Alliance and Dawning Society during the test phase. The built-in firewall software was replaced by the Zaft army’s own, and the self-explosive bombs installed by the Dawning Society on the test body were removed and new batteries and weapons were installed.

In short, in the upcoming battles, I am afraid that these four new and looted mechas will definitely not be able to fight.

Of course, in such an interesting place, there must be a certain lawless Queen Anne who is too idle to panic anyway, and does not want to toss a little trouble and will always be uncomfortable! !



"Hey! Big Brother Aslan, after your Aegis Gundam opens the phase-shifting PS armor, this red suit really looks like my ‘Flame Gene’..."


I don't know when Little Annie, who wore the red elite combat uniforms and flew to the hangar again, suddenly hovered and flew outside the cockpit of Aegis Gundam.

Navigating in this kind of gravity-free space makes Little Annie feel more fun... because these backward warships do not have that kind of gravity device at all, and it is impossible to simulate with centrifugal force like that kind of large space station. The gravitational environment can only be like this, floating all day in weightlessness, but it also allows her to fly to any place at will without using magic, such as easily floating to this height of 18.86 meters. Aegis Gundam's chest cab is here?



"Let's change it instead? You go and drive my awesome'flaming jean', I'll drive your Aegis Gundam, what do you think of my suggestion? Is it super cost-effective? !"


I didn’t say anything. After seeing the beautiful Aegis Gundam opened the PS armor, it was almost fire-red armor, and it looked slim and pleasing to the eye, and felt so good. The body was used by such an idiot Aslan, who was a bit spoiled, so he thiefly got to the position of the open chest cockpit of the other party, and persuaded with a little expectation.

Actually, what Annie was after was not some of the high-tech or powerful special abilities of this machine, but just the other's beautiful appearance! So, without knowing what happened, she suddenly had this little urge to find the other party to replace her body?

"Change, change the body?!"

Aslan, who originally thought it was weird for a little girl to get close to herself, suddenly heard this even stranger request, which made the conversation with Diaka just ended and immersed in his work. He was stunned.


"Um... The OS of this unit of mine is almost finished. It took me nearly a day... So I'm sorry, Annette dispatched... I don't want to spend another day to give it again. Your suit has written a new OS system that suits me..."

After a while, after finally figuring out what the other party meant, Aslan quickly waved his hands and tactfully refused to some expectant little girl.

"I'm really sorry, why don't you go to Diaka and the others to ask?!"

What's the joke, I actually want to use a ragged mass-produced Jean. Apart from the different painting, the other performance is basically the same as the mass-produced general-purpose type used by ordinary Zaft pilots. Gene is exactly the same, not even comparable to that of the captain of the captain Cruze's "flaming Gene" to exchange for his Aegis Gundam?

what! He Aslan is not an idiot!

So, this kind of outrageous thing, he didn't need to think about it, he directly rejected a little girl who was floating outside his cockpit and wanted to make himself succumb with that cute look. That outrageous suggestion, and then carefully directed the opponent’s attention to the three Diaka and Yi, who also opened the PS armor for testing, and looked no worse than their own. Zac on them.

Anyway, Aslan must not easily give up the cutting-edge machine that he has seized, and if one of the three friends next to him is hot-headed and agrees to exchange it, then he must There won't be any opinions.



"Huh! Don't change it, I'm not happy if you want to change it now!!"


Now that the one in front of her was called Aslan, and she looked simple and honest on the outside. She thought it was a good deception but was not fooled by the cunning and cunning inside, so Xiao Annie had to hum and turn her head around.

Although she kept saying that she didn't want to change it, she still under the other party's suggestion, she directly stretched out her hand to support the heavy armor on the edge of the cockpit, and easily stayed in the hangar in this gravity-free environment. To the left, the three Thunder, Storm, and Duel Gundams, which are also cutting-edge fuselages, floated past. It seems that they are really ready to follow what the other party said, and see if those three guys are willing to change or give her a new fuselage.

She promised that she was just for fun, she would definitely not take it for herself, at most... just to play for a little longer, until she got tired of it?

(????ω????) Hey...

Finding that Huyou’s first goal had failed, there was no other way, so Xiao Annie had no choice but to look at a certain station called “Storm” Gundam, thinking about her wording later, and at the same time moving towards the opponent’s The position of the cockpit drifted away.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

‘Drip~! Shit~! ’


However, what made a little girl with a ghostly idea feel a little surprised:

The Diaka Elsman, who is closest to Aslan’s body, suddenly clicked a button at this critical time, and directly closed the door of his Storm Gundam cockpit and lowered his chest. The PS armor also spewed out bursts of cooling and anti-vibration steam, directly going to the little Annie, who was about to say something, blocked the hard and cold red-green chest armor?

Obviously, Diyaka must have just heard Aslan’s conversation with a certain little girl, so he suddenly closed the hatch at this moment and prepared to avoid seeing a certain little girl. That kind of pie-in-the-sky thing that the guy came to have a meaningless entanglement with him and wanted to change his body?

Aslan is not stupid, and Tadiaka is not stupid either.

In fact, the wisdom of all genetic modifiers, especially in terms of learning knowledge, logical judgments, and reaction speed, has surpassed ordinary natural persons to some extent... Therefore, he certainly would not Suddenly lacking a string in his mind, wanting to change the body with a certain tragic little girl who had severely offended them yesterday!

Now almost everyone knows that, compared with the test machine he is currently debugging, and the Gundam named ‘Storm’, the mass-produced general-purpose Genes are simply useless! Even if the opponent’s Genn has a beautiful fiery red paint, even if the opponent’s existence has a lot of brilliant records and rumors, it is still a mass-produced Genn, and it must not be able to follow the earth. The secretly developed by the Allied Forces is comparable to the'Storm' that was supposed to be used as a killer weapon!

Therefore, he would resolutely close the cockpit armor before the opponent was in front of him, in order to make the opponent die as soon as possible, and to avoid the impracticality of coming to him in front of Diaka. Ghost idea?





"What are you proud of? People never thought that you must change your tattered feces-yellow body! Your'Storm' is up to square and square, but also five big and three thick, it looks ugly. I'm not rare!"


Reached out and slammed his small fist and punched the heavy PS armor of the opponent with the storm as high as the chest, and then continued to lift his leg and kicked hard, when he found a dark-skinned Diaka inside. There was no response from the guy who did not want to pay attention to herself. Little Annie turned her head bitterly, and turned to the one on the left with black as the main body and red as the embellishment. It is said that there are also the Thunderbolt Gundam with magical camouflage systems such as'Mirage'. Floated past.

Annie knew that the Thunder machine was a certain little brother, it was the super-tempered Nigor?? Amalfi's machine, the other party seemed to be very bullied, so...






"Wh, what's wrong? Annette dispatcher, what are you looking at?!"

Nigor didn’t pay attention to the scary “whispers” that a little girl had just told Aslan, and he didn’t know why Diaka suddenly closed the cabin door and made trouble with the little girl. ...Anyway, he was just a little curious, why did this little girl suddenly look at herself with a'harmless' and'innocent' smile?

I don’t know why, seeing the cute and cute smiling face of the little girl floating right in front of his cockpit in front of him, he always has an inexplicable sense of panic... It seems that something terrible is about to happen. Is going to happen to yourself? !

"That one……"


"Brother Nigor...If you are free, let's discuss an important matter now?!"


Now that the red Aegis Gundam is completely hopeless, and the scum-yellow Storm Gundam is probably useless, because a stingy guy has shut himself out, the other party's unwillingness to replace it is obvious... …That’s not said. Now if you get this black and red Thunder Gundam and pull it out for a stroll, it seems to be a good choice?

That's why Little Annie stayed with a cute and cute expression, and got in front of a little brother who was at a loss.

"Important? What the **** is...what and what, do you talk about it first?"

Nigor turned his head and looked at the side with a little bewilderment. At this time, Diaka, who was at the height of the storm, had closed the cockpit door and armor, and didn't mean to open it at all... and the one farther away. Silan seems to be sitting in the cockpit of the too red Aegis, busy writing OS for his body, while Yitzhak on the other side is discussing something with the staff, sure I don't know what happened...

Therefore, now he had to stammer and watch the pilot who had already floated into his cockpit and was standing on his control platform, who was also worn by the elite in red. Little girl in combat uniform.

I don't know why, Nigor suddenly felt that there was a strange aura on the opponent, which made him feel uncomfortable, and it seemed that no matter what the other party asked, he would have to agree to it? !

"In fact, it's's like this..."


"I suddenly think your Thunder Gundam seems to be very fun, or... Let's change it now, I will drive yours, you go drive my fiery red Jean, what do you think? , Isn't it fun?"


Annie thiefly probed into the opponent's cab. There was a tendency to use force if the opponent dared to disagree and beat the opponent severely? Of course, before she knew it, she even used a little bit of Avia, which belonged to her already extraordinary archmage, just a little bit, and it was definitely not done deliberately to force the other party to agree!

"is it okay?"


"I'll just play for a while, I promise it won't be long!!"


In this regard, Little Annie really dared to use the ethics of her bear Tibbers to ensure that it will not be long...Anyway, when she is almost tired of playing, she will definitely keep this The **** guy gave it back to the other party!

It's just that when she has the final say, the other party can't come to urge, otherwise, if one is not careful, she will raise a fist and hit someone! In short, she definitely won't be like some bad terrestrial bosses or contractors who owe money and refuse to pay, or simply "roll the money and run away"! She really just wanted to change for fun, and she would definitely return at the right time.

<( ̄︶ ̄)↗Yes, that's it!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn’t understand why the bad little lord of his family is so enthusiastic about those iron bumps. From his point of view, whether it’s those Jeans or those Gundams, they seem to be just ordinary, as if No Viking fighter is practical!

Although, those Vikings who landed on the ground did look a little ‘frustrated’ after deforming, but they are nuclear-powered at any rate? It certainly wouldn't be like the world where the science and technology tree is seriously crooked. Humanoid weapons will come back to replace the battery or emergency charge after a few strikes. )

"Change, change the body? This, this... Isn't it a bit bad?"

Hearing the kind of outrageous thing about changing his body, although Nigor heard it for the first time, he was still sobered by the shock.

Now it's good, he also likes this machine, all the data and performance are several blocks away from the ordinary general-purpose mass-produced Jean, why does he want to change it?

Moreover, he had snatched this machine by himself, and Captain Cruze also said that in the future, after the data is uploaded, this machine will be his Nigor's special machine, Aslan and Diaka. It's the same with Yitzhak, so now he is working hard to debug, he wants to get familiar with this new body as soon as possible, so as to form combat effectiveness in the shortest time, anyway, it is absolutely impossible to exchange it easily!

Besides, the other party used a mass-produced Genn to exchange itself for all aspects of data and performance. Thunder is extremely advanced. This is too insincere... If it is Aslan or Diaka, they use the Aegis 'Or if'Storm' is exchanged, maybe he might still agree?

"What? You don't want to change?!"


Unexpectedly, this guy with green hair, who usually looks honest and quiet, could refuse her kindness and refuse her Queen Anne's'reasonable' request... This made Little Annie very angry, and she was ready to go. Before, I used force to pull the opponent out, and then snatched the opponent's cutting-edge Gundam body!

Now, she just wants to rob her, how about they can use her as a special commissioner sent from...T, who is directly under the National Defense Council?


Suddenly, the sound of a man pretending to be coughing rang in the hangar, and many staff members and logistics soldiers of the maintenance squad who saw and heard stood up straight and walked towards the people. A simple military salute.

"Annette dispatcher..."

"These four new units were grabbed by me and my hands. Their ownership and dispatch rights are now given to me, so please don't make me and my subordinates embarrassed?!"

A certain white-clothed officer gave a perfunctory greeting to everyone, then stretched out his hand to support the metal wall of the hangar, and slowly floated towards the position of the four new Gundams...

There is no doubt that the one who is slowly drifting into the maintenance room of this hangar is the one who is most hated by Little Annie, a certain masked man named Cruze!


No one knows exactly why Cruzer came here to the hangar at this time, but there is no doubt that he must have seen and heard the unreasonable coercion of a little girl to change planes. Therefore, without waiting for the other party's strategy to succeed, he directly spoke out and relieved a shy Nigor pilot who was temporarily unable to advance or retreat.

This is exactly what he said. These two battleships are under the command of him Kruze, and they also include Aslan, Nigol, and all the bodies they grabbed! In fact, except for an extra little girl and the opponent’s fire-red ordinary Jean, everything here is the captain of his Cruze, who has the final say, of course, including who the four Gundams are allocated to. And other issues.

Therefore, as long as he is still here, a stubborn little girl commissioner wants to make things difficult or threaten his crew’s pilots in private, and ask the other party to change the machine. In his opinion, that It is absolutely impossible!

Even if the other party was dispatched by the National Defense Commission to help, to be honest, he Kruze had long been unwilling to obey his orders, and he was still acting on his battleship because of his status and age. The undisciplined little girl has been dissatisfied for a long time! !


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Wow! It turns out you are the bad guy wearing a mask again..."




"If you don't change it, don't change it, don't change it, I'm not rare! I tell you, even if I keep using my fiery red Jean, I will definitely perform better than you idiots like you who open the tattered gun it is good!!"


Now that the conspiracy to replace the machine body was revealed, and some nasty white-clothed devil and villain wearing a mask was staring at him, there was really no way, so Little Annie had to slam Nigor's cockpit operation. The station, in this weightless hangar maintenance room, quickly flew towards the conspicuous, beautiful, fiery-red painted Genn that was far away from him.



Isn't it the four ragged Gundams in red, **** yellow, black, and blue and white? Now, her Queen Anne is not uncommon, even if they want to change, even if they ask her, she is still not happy! !

o (????~????) o

Wait and see, she will drive her flaming Jean in the future, and she will definitely be able to play a record that makes those who drive up to the envy of the guys, and ashamed their stupid guys! !

Besides, her Queen Anne is very powerful...

She is a well-deserved protagonist in this world, and these nasty guys dare to openly reject her kindness. If she really irritates her, she might get angry anytime, there is a way to make these bad guys not survive three episodes. ! !




"Oh, is it?"

"Well, let us fools wait and see..."

Cruze, who didn't care about it, also snorted coldly, and didn't put the words that a little girl was stunned in his heart.

In any case, even Kluzer himself has to admit that Gene must be no match for Gundam...

Because, now he has almost figured out the things that the Earth Alliance and Orb’s Dawn Society secretly figured out... and the more he understands, the more he understands, and the more he feels that there is nothing in Gene and Gundam. Comparability! After all, it was secretly made by the Earth Alliance Army, especially for the terrible things of their Zaft's Gene MS, but it is really not a big toy with a mere appearance!


"Great, she's gone..."

Seeing the little girl who had to retreat angrily due to the arrival of Captain Cruze, saw the other party drifting far into the cockpit of her fiery red Jean, and quickly shut down the driver. The hatch of the cabin and the armor on the chest of the mecha, Nigor, who had just been forced by the opponent to almost let go and agreed, turned and left at first, expressing gratitude to the back of Cruze floating elsewhere. After the look in his eyes, he said to the companion Yitzhak who had just been watching the excitement not far to his left.

I don’t know why, he always felt that the little girl’s eyes were really terrifying just now... Maybe it’s because the other party has never failed during the simulation training cabin duel, and he showed his power yesterday. Why are you afraid of that little guy?

But no matter what it was, now that the other party ran away, he always let him breathe a sigh of relief, and no longer need to worry about his body being snatched by the other party to'play'.

"Nigor, why don't you just close the cockpit just like Diaka?"

Just now, after hearing clearly what the little girl was talking to Nigor, Yitzhak was coordinating with the staff in the cockpit of his duel Gundam. At that time, he thought, if the little girl came to him If so, he would definitely be the same as Diaka, before the opponent speaks, refuse directly, or also close his cockpit, and make a blind eye to the opponent?

After all, he Yitzhak is not familiar with the little girl Annie, even if the other party is a special agent sent by ..T, even if the other party is a powerful little pilot, but that does not allow him to easily agree to change the body. Reason.

"I don't know, Diaka didn't tell me..."

Yitzhak’s indifferent words made Nigor feel a bit wronged, because before the little girl climbed into his cockpit, he didn’t even know what the other party was doing, and someone knew what the other party wanted to do. Diakar did not greet him in advance on the communication channel in time.

So, by the time Nigor wanted to refuse, it was already a bit late...

And if it wasn't for their majestic Cruze captain passing by at a critical time, maybe he could only prepare to open that Jean pitifully now? It is conceivable that after getting in touch with a high-tech super MS such as Thunder Gundam, going back to play with that general-purpose ordinary Gene will definitely be a huge torture to his soul! !


"Aslan didn't tell me, but I closed the hatch and refused her immediately!!"

At this time, in the public channel of Nigor and Yitzhak, there suddenly appeared a red suit that had been hiding in the cockpit and was busy with his own affairs. Until now, I have never thought of reopening the hatch. The figure and mocking voice of the elite Diaka.

Obviously, he must have just heard the conversation between the two on the public channel of the four machines. Therefore, he disagrees with a certain companion complaining that he did not notify him in time! Because the Aslan on his right also didn't ventilate him or say hello in advance! !


"If you don't want to, you can just refuse, she can't grab it, right?"

At this time, Aslan’s avatar and voice appeared again in the public channels of the four phones. He was busy doing final debugging work for the new OS system he designed. He didn’t know that Nigor was almost killed by a little girl. It succeeded.

Even, he almost didn’t notice that Commander Cruze had been here before. He only learned from the conversations of his companions after an angry little girl had crossed his cockpit. What happened.

"she was……"

"She... she just seemed to want to grab..."

Nigor lowered his head, some quietly speaking in a low voice... However, at this time his companions had already begun to immerse themselves in their urgent work again, and did not even notice what he was saying.

beep! beep!


"Attention all members of the Gene Team who are about to attack!"

"In this attack, if the Gundam named'Strike' cannot be successfully captured, we must destroy it together with the battleship'Archangel'!!"

At this time, on the broadcast in this hangar, there was the voice of the badass mask man Cruze who was particularly hated by a little girl who had just been here.

Obviously, the reason why the opponent came here just now seems to be to check the preparations of the Jean team and do the final mobilization work?

"Our battleships Gamow and Wesalis are less than ten minutes away. They are about to enter the radar scanning area of ​​each other. Please be sure to put them together before they successfully reach the sphere of influence of the Earth Alliance. They will catch them all!"

"If it can't, it must also be intercepted, blocked its orbit, forcing it to change the direction of its navigation, and absolutely not let it have the opportunity to merge with any Earth coalition forces, do you understand?!"

Cruze’s voice on the radio was unusually harsh. Obviously, he had a little flaw in the seizure action, and he failed to blow up the long-legged "Archangel" and the last one. "Strike" Gundam is a little bit brooding, so I plan to make up for it now, and plan to try my best to redeem the task they didn't complete perfectly before the other party can escape completely?

'Yes! ’

'understand! Sir! ’

After Kruse’s broadcast was finished, the MiGru and Oulu team green-clad pilots who were queuing up to ten people suddenly agreed, and after standing at attention, Qi Qi Dispersed and ran to their respective units waiting for the order to attack.

Some of their units were repaired, some were brand new units in stock, and some had to escape without any damage in the last battle, but this time, they will surely wash away their shame , The Archangel and the Assault Gundam that escaped from the Heliopolis colony in Obb are completely wiped out in the universe!

"Please note!"

"The Migru team and the Oulu team boarded the plane immediately and stood by in the preparation room, using D-class heavy equipment, and attacking on time in ten minutes! This time, everyone must solve all our enemies in one go, no mistake!!!"

"All for...T!!"

"Don't forget the shame of Junius7!!!"

At this time, the captain of the battleship Gamow, Addis, also said in the ship's broadcast.

Under normal circumstances, the D-level equipment is the heavy fortification equipment that Zaft uses to attack the fortress, and the damage is huge! And this time, the captain actually used it when chasing the Archangel and against the Assault Gundam, which is enough to show his and Commander Cruze's determination to sink the Archangel and Assault Gundam!



The Zaft green-clothed elites, who had arrived in their respective Jean cockpits, once again roared in unison in the battle channel.

Obviously The Junius7 incident that Captain Addis just mentioned has already stimulated them, and their morale may have been only 70% to 80%, but it suddenly rose to a 100% level. Are you going to dismantle the "Archangel" with your bare hands, and bring that "Strike" Gundam to the adult club and bring it back?


‘The Oulu team’s body has been fully prepared, please line up at Catapult No. 1, and the Migru team, please prepare...’

At this time, the voices of the staff of the maintenance squad rang, and they began to urge the soldiers to prepare in advance, and be ready to eject on time when the time came.



"What are you idiots still trying to do, don't you hurry up to recharge my flaming Jean and replenish ammunition? I will attack later, or else, with their idiots, there are not enough people to fight!! "


At this time, a little guy angrily floated out of the cockpit of her fiery red-painted Jean body, and angrily faced the logistics soldiers in the maintenance squad who thought they could relax and have nothing to do. They scolded.

However, what she didn't know was...

After her voice, not only the morale of the Zaft green elites who were originally high morale was almost beaten to the bottom, but also almost everyone was successfully harvested, including Captain Adis, Aslan Team, Crewe The glaring eyes of Commander Ze, the two cannon fodder teams preparing to attack, and the maintenance squad!

"What do you look at! You are stupid, so you are not allowed to talk about it?!"



?? Ask a ticket??

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