Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 808: The Zaft army was defeated! ?*??(???*)?...

‘Sister Shao Yun, come on! We support you! ! ’

‘Come on! Come on! ’

‘Beat his cockpit! ! ’

‘Beat that bastard! Change me later! ! ’

'come on! Come on! That's it! Hammer him, stun him, hit his armor...’

In the distance, two unarmed heretics of the M1 are competing, and a group of recruits are giving a certain body shape, handsome face, and super physical fitness. They have already ranked among the best in the physical training these days. Some male soldiers were a few blocks away from the Orb recruit girl Shao Yun cheering loudly.

Although the two huge machines in the field are not doing well, it is obvious that a **** female pilot is more popular than a male pilot. Therefore, the other recruits who are onlookers take it for granted. Loudly cheered on one of the units in the field, regardless of whether the opponent could hear it or not.

‘Shut up all! Look carefully! !’

‘Remember, anyone who fails the assessment should not think about having their own body! According to Shangfeng’s instructions, I will at least eliminate most of you in this recruiting! ! ’

After being a little unbearable with the roar of some idiots, a certain Orb's sergeant yelled loudly, almost finding a whip to put a few whips on those roaring bastards...because it was just At the most basic level, it's just a preliminary examination. As an instructor, he doesn't understand what excitement the animals are.


"Amu Gong..."

In the Orb army camp on the west side of Corigor Island in Orb, the other members of the Demon team who are also recruits also get together, looking at the huge school field full of sand in the distance. The two M1 heretical fuselages are under the command of a sergeant instructor in Orb, and one of them is driven by the reincarnation recruit Shao Yun and the other recruits of the other squad are doing low-intensity training tests.

After watching for a while, I felt that his current operation skills and those two recruits did not seem to be too different from the boss. After struggling for a while, he still had to ask his side like himself, watching the battle and waiting for the training results. The Eminem gong sounded:

"Look at the current MS driving skills of those two people. What do you think? What is their level?"

There is no doubt that the best technology in the entire Orb’s new barracks is the cutting-edge driving technology that has been exchanged for up to MS from the Lord God at a high price. He has purchased and owned an EVA first machine, and also has With that copycat version of "Amu Gong" of the bloodline of "Ikura Shinji"!

Up to now, basically all the Orb recruits have more or less sat on that kind of M1 heresy and have undergone relevant basic training. In addition to the amazing performance of the Amu gong in front of them, they can easily become sergeants. In addition to defeating the two moves by the instructor, the performance of the others is almost the same, so the boss, the captain, now asks the technical situation of the two being training, in fact, it also means to compare his own skills.

Calculated according to the time of the plot development, there will be at most two months, and they may have to go to the battlefield... However, he has always doubted whether he can successfully drive the M1 heresy and survive on the battlefield. attitude!

Because, in addition to the Am Gong, who is still hiding his ability to drive the body, and is slowly showing his talent to the Orb Army, these people of them are only driving the heretical body without using other abilities, but Even the sergeant of Orb may not be able to fight.

"not very good!"

"Probably it can be shot down by a plot character like Aslan, Yitzhak or Diaka of the Zaft army, and then to set off how good they are?"

Amu Gong didn't seem to notice the hesitant expression of their captain's boss, and he bluntly slapped the other party's self-confidence.

"Ah ha ha!"

"Captain, please rest assured, now everyone has instructed to just start training, and the specific situation will have to wait two months before we know! By then, I think it will definitely be better than just touching the body now?"

Soon, it seemed to be reminded of someone nearby who had exchanged vampire blood, and turned on the gene lock. The melee ability is extremely powerful, and it can even be said to be able to tear up the Gundam by hand. The guy who kicks the battleship is also a new mobile phone division. When M1 was heresy, the situation was not better than that of the female killer Shao Yun who was training in the school field. After that, Amluo smiled and quickly comforted the other party.

However, even though he was comforting the other person, there seemed to be that kind of gloating expression in his eyes?

Think about it...

At the beginning, he kept redeeming the operation skills of Gundam MS, even at the cost of redeeming Shinji's talent and bloodline, and even spent a lot of bonus points and advanced plots to buy the first machine, but he was not less in sight. These guys laughed!

Can you see it now?

When I came to this world of Gundam and when the Lord God thoughtfully introduced the special ability that is not recommended to use other special abilities that have nothing to do with Gundam, these guys who are usually indifferent, now they can only stare, right? !

"Don't worry!"

"I will definitely protect everyone when the time comes. If I can get'Dawn', it will be even more okay!!"


If these guys are really given a second by the powerful Zaft guys from Aslan or Diak, that would be great! In that case, the devil team must be his Amu Gong alone in the future?

However, before these guys die, it’s best to get him the Dawn Gundam that Orb’s secret research and development, and it’s probably already completed! Thinking of the built-in nuclear fission energy furnace, the reflective Yata mirror armor that specifically restrains other Gundams, and the Shiranui and Osu tactical backpacks, he couldn't help drooling...

According to Amluo, since the main **** of the M1 heresy is rated as A-level, then, in terms of power alone, Foxiao Gundam is at least an S- or S-level machine, which is definitely not more important than his EVA first machine. worse!

"Huh! I hope..."

No one would believe what level he could achieve in two months. Therefore, the captain of the Devil team did not take the comforting words of his player too seriously...and somehow, he suddenly felt that this world, Shouldn't he go to brush points or fight for other benefits and reward points, but should he protect himself first?

After all, when the main **** does not recommend the use of their respective special abilities, and he will not be able to manipulate the body to exert his strength for a while, Mingzhe may be the best choice!


"Tom, you are finally back, how is it, how is the situation, do you find any valuable information?"

At this time, after discovering that Tom, who had just asked for leave and ran to ‘go to the toilet’, came back, Boss lowered his voice and asked quietly.

Now, among them, apart from a certain Amu Gong with a home court advantage, the one with the best ability to manipulate the messy M1 heresy is probably the ‘Electromagnetic King’ Tom in front of him!

Because the opponent has that special ability to control metal, which is almost the same ability as Magneto! Just when the opponent was testing the M1 heresy, they secretly used the ability to control metal and played against the instructor for a while, and was praised by the sergeant!

As for whether the method like cheating is considered to be the use of special abilities, it is temporarily unknown.

"Cough! Don't mention it!!"

Now these people dare not show and use their special abilities in front of outsiders, for fear of causing a mess that would make it impossible to even get out of the barracks. How much information can they find?


"I just went to ask. It is said that the daughter of Aube's representative is that Kagali. She is not in Orb's country, but secretly went to a colony in space and was accidentally trapped in Heliopolis. It’s no secret that Si was still trapped by Zaft’s people..."

"Now it is basically certain that Zaft's news report on the seizure of the body should be conclusive. The news that the news has been raging about the secret cooperation between Orb and the Earth Alliance must refer to the fact that the body was taken!"

"But the strange thing is that now Heliopolis has not been beaten to collapse, but has been forcibly occupied by Zaft's army?"

Having said this, Tom, who had just gone out to search for information, paused and reorganized the language.

"As for the current status of the Archangel and Assault Gundam..."

"Then I don’t know. I haven’t found any information at all. Even if I hacked into the host computer of this military camp, I didn’t find any relevant content. I don’t know where they are now. When will I come to Orb!!!"

Tom complained a little annoyed. In his opinion, they shouldn’t all stay in Orb’s barracks, but go out and move freely, so that they can maximize their strength instead of being **** like they are now. , But nothing can be done.

He had suggested it a long time ago. It’s better to just leave the little **** Amu Gong here to play the **** Gundam, and the rest of them will quickly find a way to get out of Orb’s army instead of staying here like they are now. Work hard to recite those OS commands and contact the operation of the body! !

But unfortunately, his suggestion did not pass. Most of the people in their team still stubbornly believed that it is necessary to get a machine in this world of SEED?


"Boss, I told you a long time ago. It is now at the end of January in 1971. The Heliopolis incident must have happened. As for why it was not marked as garbage in the universe by the two warring parties, then I don’t know for now..."

"But let me tell you, since there is no news about the Archangel now, what I didn't say, the auspicious spacecraft with the nickname'Long Legs' must have gone away, and the Archangel will definitely be in late March at the latest. Will come to Orb, then it's time for us to perform and score!"

Unlike other people's worries and fears, Amu Gong is not worried at all. He feels that he only needs to perform well in the boot camp and strive to get his own M1 heretical body!

The plot will definitely continue. This is the reason why the Lord God restricts them to Orb and still refuses to let them out! Otherwise, if there is no Archangel, then what is the point of them coming to this world of Gundam SEED?

"Ah! Sorry! BOSS!"

"Not to mention the Archangel, I almost forgot. I seem to have found some things that don't seem to be the same on the TV in the data room. You should read this news first. I just recorded it secretly!!"

While a certain instructor was watching intently which two M1 heretics in the school field were facing each other, Tom of the Devil team saw that no one noticed this side, and used their main **** wristband to broadcast a news. It can be said that it is the Zaft army's propaganda offensive. The above broadcast is:

The outstanding performance of a fiery red Jean in the battle of Heliopolis's neutral colonization and the battle to pursue the Archangel! Anyway, in the eyes of Tom, who doesn't know much about aircraft warfare, it is really amazing, at least it is countless times better than the house-style training in their Orb barracks!

In particular, the scene where the terrible Genn slashed through the universe with three knives and overwhelmed the Assault Gundam and chased the Archangel and had to flee. It was rendered into the main page of the news, which seemed very powerful. Violent and shocking.

What hasn’t been said, this must be the Zaft army’s propaganda offensive against the earth. It is those.. While inspiring their own morale, the T people have not forgotten to attack the “arrogance” of the Earth Alliance and expose the private secrets of Orb and the Earth Alliance. Cooperation, that shameful hypocrisy that violates the basic principles of a neutral country and cite the irrefutable evidence for Orb? !


"This must be a joke, right? Who is that pilot? How could he even defeat Kira who can't kill Xiaoqiang who always likes to steal brothers and women?!"

After reading the news, the frightened Amu Gong directly exclaimed!

Regarding a guy named Kira Yamato, the strength of Xiaoqiang who can only envy the dead, his Amu Gong couldn't be more clear!

You know, the girlfriend who slept with the little four-eyed first, snatched the fiancee of his good brother Aslan who grew up with him, and finally married Lacus, became the commander of ZAFT in white and Phnom Penh, in the defense force of Aub General, and even together with the prime minister of Ober Kagari, Oberzo Aslan and others to jointly maintain world peace, the guy who has since reached the pinnacle of life, the strength of the opponent is obvious!

That was the strongest first-class level in this world, and the protagonist's halo was covered. Even Aslan's vacillating two-five boys could only stand avertedly and stand aloft and sing to conquer... …

Like that, the protagonist who can't kill after being blown up several times, how could it be a mass-produced general-purpose Genn that looks a little different in color and gives it to that kind of waste body? Cut alive into that miserable appearance? !

In short, this thing is not reasonable at all! !


"Could it be a member of another main **** team?"

Suddenly, the bald and glasses-wearing middle-aged uncle Li on the side made a sound... the other party came over with a black face and said gloomily. The two sides behind the glasses were full of bloodthirsty and crazy looks, like choosing someone with the same head. And the biting beast is general.

"No! Now it's not a team battle, where can other teams get in?"

The boss frowned for a while and shook his head firmly.

It is not so easy to want to mix into the mission world of other teams! Besides, is their Demon team the kind of little character that can be rubbed by others? In the entire main **** space, who can have the confidence to defeat them, I am afraid that there are none?

Now everyone is working hard to improve their abilities and trying to survive in the mission world. Who dares to trouble them at this time? Therefore, he didn't quite believe that the pilot would be the one who would add chaos from the world of reincarnation.

"I don't believe it either!"

"In the whole world of reincarnation, we know that I am the only one who focuses on redeeming Gundam driving skills. I am afraid I am the only one. Have you ever heard of someone like me?"

Amu Gong also shook his head at this time, directly negating the idea of ​​a dog-headed sergeant who had a penetrating light in his glasses.

Because, if he were to drive the Gene on his own, the old machine that was a bit more backward than Orb’s M1 heresy, I’m afraid it would be almost a tie with the scum Kira who just debuted. How can one expect that, as broadcast and advertised in the news, three swords slashed and attacked Gundam, "empty" to pick up enemy darts, and beat Captain Mu of the Earth Alliance, known as the "Eagle of Endymion" , In the end, the Archangel that scared away extremely auspicious?

He had never heard of the sturdy body combat ability! And if the other party is driving the freedom Gundam, Justice Gundam, or Divine Will Gundam, then he is almost reluctantly convinced?

Therefore, Amu Gong felt that there must be something weird in this matter!

Anyway, he doesn’t remember any powerful pilot in Gundam SEED who is driving the fiery red Jean. If there is one, he will be the protagonist if he can beat Kira so badly. How could Gundam's bamboo pole fans fail to remember? !

"and many more!"

"Let me see, what's her name? Annie... Annie... Annie?? Hasta?!"

After frowning and thinking for a long time, after filtering all the names of the famous pilots he knew well in his mind, Amu Gong finally regretted that he had never heard the name himself!

After all, the name Annie is really a bit too common, and there are too many people called Annie. It will not be too much to find more than 100,000 or 200,000 people named Annie on the earth. And all kinds of movies, animation, There is even more Annie in the game! And now, appearing in this world of Gundam SEED again, he didn't think there was anything strange!

And it’s the first time for the fiery-red Jean to see that there are guys who are famous for operating the red body, such as that Char's special body for Aznable? But that guy is an uncle wearing a mask, not a little loli! Moreover, the opponent's body is a dedicated Zaku, not a mass-produced general-purpose Genn!

The Zagu warrior body of the Zaft Army has to wait until two years later, that is, the Mobile Suit Gundam SEEDDESTINY, which is two years later in this world, and it will not appear until .73 years, not now!

"It's okay!"

"Since you don't know, let Lao Dao use the Conferred God List. As long as you can write her name, you can know if she is a reincarnation! Everyone, please wait?!"

Seeing everyone arguing, Jiang Ziya simply took out a brush and his own confession list, and after pondering for a while, he used irregular hand gestures to hold the pen and slanted the other side’s name. , Wrote the name of Anne Hasta, and began to recite the spells learned from the Lord God...

By now, they have almost figured out the meaning of the main god... The other party's meaning is probably that they cannot use special abilities on the plot characters, such as Aslan of the Zaft army. They must not run directly to the door. Kill others and get points, and even more can't dismantle others' Aegis Gundam with bare hands! They can only use their own Gundams to fight other Gundams. Only in that way can they not lead to some terrible things. I don't know if it comes from the interference of the world or the main god?

So, now Jiang Ziya uses his baby "Feng Shen Bang" to tentatively write the name of the enemy pilot, wanting whether the opponent is a plot character in this world or a member of another team from the main **** space like them. I believe It will be clear soon!


Soon, Jiang Ziya, who had just written the name of the little girl pilot, was stunned. Even the hand holding the pen froze in the air, looking a little at a loss...

"what happened?!"


"Hey! Niubi, old-fashioned Jiang Ziya, you mean, what's the situation now?!"


Seeing the strange expression of the other party, the four people present cast inquiries and puzzled gazes, wanting to hear some valuable information from the other party's mouth.

"It's strange..."

An old Taoist priest, who was pretending to be wearing Orb's military uniform, looked a little nondescript, first looked at the Fengshen Bang, then sighed and shook his head, but didn't say it directly.

"You guy! You mean, what a weird way?!"

Emu Gong is obviously a bit anxious now!

Because, if the other party is really a reincarnation, and can still be so powerful, then their mission this time will not be so easy, and his private plan to score points by himself will also fail. Then, maybe Have to rely on his unreliable teammates?

"Because, her name just disappeared suddenly..."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ziya still slowly explained what he saw.


"What does it mean that the name disappears, is it already certain that she is a reincarnation?!"

Uncle Li with the murderous eyeballs behind certain glasses approached again and frowned.

" shouldn't be..."

"No... it's definitely not a reincarnation, if it's a reincarnation, it won't be like this!!"

Jiang Ziya thought for a while, thinking about the hapless guys he had made the list before, and then shook his head firmly.

"What the **** is going on, you're so old-fashioned, you're so quick to say it, you're almost anxious, I'm going to die!!"

Amu Gong expressed his dissatisfaction with a teammate's dulling practice! Had it not been for the fact that he couldn't beat the opponent without a body, he might have passed it with a fist.


"If you are an aboriginal, after writing your name, the Conferred God List will not have any reaction, then it can prove that the person who is written is not qualified to be on the list, and is not recognized by the Conferred God List... And if it is our special ability reincarnation After being written on the name, the name will take on the golden light, and then it will be recorded on the Conferred God List. When will he die in the future, it will be the day he is on the list?"


"The name is clearly written like this, but it quickly disappeared again. It was neither recognized by the Conferred Gods nor recorded in the book. It is the first time I have seen it in my life..."

Jiang Ziya is actually a bit puzzled...

Because he is not an out-and-out cultivator, but just a liar who can't survive inadvertently mixing into the main **** space and step by step hit the big fortune until today... even, he even has a chance to win the title of god. The blessing potion, the lucky potion, by the way, the temporary lucky buff was exchanged from the main god, and he was "accidentally" dug out from a world of the doomsday plane, and he didn't fully understand the other magical powers of the Conferred God List. Where will I know what specific situation this is?

"Then what do you think is going on?"

"Yeah! Say it quickly!!"


"Anyway, the other party is not a reincarnation, otherwise, even if it is the boss, whether it is your real name or a fake name, once it is written by the old man, it will definitely be on the list. No matter what items are used, it is useless, unless Can you guarantee that you will never really die?"

"So, that little girl is definitely not a reincarnation!"

It's a pity that he is a confession of gods, not a treasure like the nail-headed seven arrows book. Writing a name or something, not only can't kill others, but can save others' lives instead?

"Old Tao just thought about it..."

"I think she may be a special plot character, protected by the main god, is specially set up to increase the difficulty for us? Captain, you also know that the MS Gundam redeemed by Am Gong is already very capable of driving. If the special forces don’t have a strong pilot, maybe Sarah’s team will be planted in Orb’s place..."

"In this way, it basically makes sense. Why did the main **** advise us not to use those special abilities at the beginning of the mission?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ziya still guessed and gave a reason that he thought was reasonable. He felt that the little girl must be the main character who balanced the strength of Orb and Zaft. Protected!


"Amu Gong, in this world of Gundam, who else is a powerful pilot like that little girl?"

Boss Zha didn't seem to believe it. He was suspicious by nature. After seeing a certain Kotou Sergeant Li's uncle who was not ready to speak, he had to look again at the Am Gong, who was very researching about the world such as Gundam SEED.

"That's too much!"

"Like Harman Kahn, who has extremely strong NT abilities and excellent driving skills, is known as the strongest Gundam female pilot Harman Kahn? One of the NT capable people in a million, the mental power is strong enough to linger on Larazin! And Farah Griffin, Caddy Jenna, Alianbi, and a certain women's clothing boss, etc. are all messed up..."

"But those worlds don't seem to be related to the Gundam SEED world. They may be parallel worlds, or they may be different times? Anyway, that's it. Who is that little girl and what may be the origin? Even I don't know... …"

Although Gundam is a man's romance, Amu Gong himself is not a die-hard fan, so he only knows a little about some things, not very proficient.


"What kind of eyes are you? Why don't you think about it, this world is so big, with a population of tens of billions, and so many adjusters. Suddenly there is a butterfly effect, and a powerful aborigines accidentally ran out. Is it normal?"

Seeing the distrustful glances of his teammates, a certain Gundam fan was anxious.

"Anyway, whether it is a reincarnation or not, you will know when you catch it and ask!"

"But I guess it may not be. My body driving skills have been converted to S+ level. I don't think anyone can stick to this enhanced route like me, and the main **** has no convulsions, nor It is very possible to recruit a few-year-old girl to be a reincarnation, and no one will go crazy and waste reward points to buy the expensive and useless magic medicine for rejuvenation!"

Amu Gong roared angrily, and also attracted many Orb recruits who had been watching the training around and cast puzzled glances at several people.

"The Immeasurable Heaven..."

"It seems that this Conferred God List still lacks aura... The old Dao really wants to go to the wild world and charge it, but he is afraid of being snatched away by others!"

There are so many big bosses in the prehistoric world. He, a fortune-telling liar who was originally just a scam, does not have any complete inheritance. He only learns a little bit of this and that, with the help of the Lord God, who has learned a little, and he has learned a mess of old ways, how dare he go to the predatory Looking for death in that terrible world?


If he ran to retreat, it might be okay... But he still has a good treasure like the Conferred God List in his hand. At that time, others will count and say that this treasure is predestined with the other party, and when he comes directly to the door, he is Give it or not?

It is precisely because of this that this good treasure in his hand, which he has been lucky enough to dig, will always be his heart disease. He has always wanted to exchange reward points for the kind of predatory world to spend a vacation, but he did not dare to live or die. Go... And the kind of aura that is simulated in the main **** space, this Conferred God List will not buy it at all! !


"Everyone is gone..."

"As long as we have the bottom in our hearts, that little girl... Regardless of whether she is a reincarnation or not, we can only investigate after they chase the Archangel to Orb, and now we can't get out of Austria. Boo, if she doesn't live or die, what's the use of thinking so much?"

At this time, Uncle Li finally spoke, which was to set the tone for this matter.

Whether the opponent is a reincarnation or not, you only need to see if the opponent has that kind of Lord God's bracer! What they should be concerned about now is how to work hard to improve their maneuverability, so that when the recruit training is over, they won't even be able to mix with an M1 heresy? !

Judging from the current situation, even if Orb may have been preparing for the battle, the output of the M1 heresy should still be limited at present, and the indigenous sergeant said that there is only the best and the top one. It is possible to obtain the body by batching new recruits! And they, reincarnations, say nothing can be compared by a group of Orb natives!

At that time, in case he is really compared, he will have to use a little bit of means to say that he is not worthy of his uncle, using some things that are not valuable in the main **** space, but are very valuable in this world, and mediate with the instructors. , Drinking, drinking, chatting, etc., in order to rank higher?

Anyway, Eastern culture is vast and profound. As long as it is operated by humans and not by machines, there will always be a way! Of course, even the machine is not afraid, because they have Tom, a computer expert in their team!


'beep! beep! beep! beep! ’

'alarm! alarm! ’

‘Duel Gundam’s right arm is damaged! Now withdraw urgently, please make preparations for the emergency landing entrance of Hangar No. 1 immediately! ’

‘Aegis Gundam, Thunder Gundam and Storm Gundam will return to the ship from Entrance No. 2. Please prepare all staff in the maintenance team to urgently replace the spare battery energy pack! ’

'alarm! alarm! ’

‘The right engine of the Vesalis high-speed battleship was damaged and its propulsion power was severely reduced! The inner wall of the fifth floor was destroyed and a fire broke out inside the battleship. Now the fleet is ready to evacuate! ’

'repeat! ’

‘The Vesalis and Gamow are ready to coordinate their evacuation from the war zone! Please prepare for the relevant evacuation! ! ’


∑(??△`)? !

Little Annie, who was eating and playing game consoles comfortably in the red-clothed pilots’ lounge, quickly threw away the bunch in her hand after hearing the rapid alarm sound. Half of the grapes grabbed the sofa under him instead, so as not to throw themselves out due to inertia when the warship turned urgently.

Snapped! !

However, that bunch of grapes is not so lucky.

In this weightless environment, when the Lorasia-class battleship Gamow hurriedly turned to prepare to evacuate, the string of purple-black things really went along with a certain bear who was abandoned by his owner. In the cabin without gravity, under the action of inertia, it really began to accelerate violently and hit the metal bulkhead above the gate firmly!

In the next second, on the original white metal warehouse wall, there was a large pool of purple and black things and a certain plush toy bear that was almost flattened...

"Hey! Tibbers..."


"Look, those four guys, they really seem to have lost back horribly? Wow! Take a look, that Yitzhak's body still lacks a broken arm, looks very serious... They, are they really cursed because they accidentally said something wrong?!"


Immediately afterwards, when the large display on the wall of the pilot’s lounge saw that it was clearly four enemies and one, they were all beaten up by the assault Gundam and had to cover each other in embarrassment. After returning from the defeat of the four Gundam bodies of different colors, a certain wretched little girl finally yelled and jumped up from the sofa, and almost hit her forehead on the ceiling of the cabin.





"You said……"

"The little brother Yitzhak in the Duel Gundam, is he dead? But... it seems that his body drive torso is not injured. If I think about it, I can’t die. I just don’t know if he suffered from that kind of bed in the first half of the year. Severe injuries that can't come down?"


Little Annie looked a little worried, but also a little worried...

However, listening to her tone of voice, it seems that it is not the kind of worry about the other party, but the kind of regret that the other party did not die or was not seriously injured?


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(Tibbs doesn't want to talk to a bad little master now, and the other party just abandoned it, and until now he has let it hang on the wall, which makes him very dissatisfied with Uncle Xiong!)

'beep! beep! ’

‘Attention all the crew, the fleet is beginning to accelerate the evacuation, please prepare all the crew! ’

At this time, when Aslan and the other four’s bodies returned to the battleship, when the wounded Vesalis approached Gamow and received protection, finally, the two-ship fleet had to be on the Archangel. Under the intimidation and assault Gundam's gaze, he began to evacuate the battlefield in embarrassment...


ε=(??ο`*))) What a pity...

"It seems that Yitzhak didn't die, and he didn't get injured... This is really a shame..."


From the huge monitor hanging on the wall, I saw that the four Gundams had successfully entered their hangars, and the chest cockpit of the Duel Gundam had also opened smoothly. Someone rushing out of it looked like an aggressive guy There was no problem at all. After chasing a pilot in the same red combat uniform and flying over to the lounge, Xiao Annie sighed regretfully, and turned off the monitor that had been focusing on the four units with the remote control. .


Due to the close proximity of the hangar to this pilot’s lounge, when Annie turned off the monitor and sighed to herself and uttered the regretful words, the four idiot pilots who had just defeated almost also At the same time rushed in.


Originally, Yitzhak was planning to immediately find the trouble of Aslan, who was absent-minded during the battle, refused to cooperate, and was still a little in the way! Because, if the other party insisted on going to capture Gundam alive at the beginning, and thus missed a great opportunity in vain, why would the four of them and the fleet want to be so embarrassed now?

In the beginning, they really almost won!

But in the end... not only did they fail to successfully shoot down the opponent, but they were also counterattacked by others, fighting more with less, almost taking his Yitzhak's life into it! !

"and many more……"

"Sir Anne, what were you talking about?!"

It seemed that Yitzhak had just heard something unfriendly. After a while, he had to temporarily abandon a **** named Aslan and turned his head aggressively to look at someone. A little girl floating on the sofa, looking at them with that innocent look.



"No, nothing, I didn't say anything just now, and you didn't hear anything either!!"


Unexpectedly, the four guys came back so quickly. It seemed that they still rushed straight into the lounge at the first moment of the body. This caught the little Annie who had just accidentally said something unprepared, and had to wave her hands against her will. Denial of some irresponsible heartfelt I just said.

Anyway, the other party definitely didn't understand, she didn't need to worry about it! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"I just seemed to hear..."

Yitzhak was very sure. The moment they entered the door, it seemed that they heard what the other party said, "Itzhak was not injured, I feel sorry"? !

"No! You didn't hear anything! I didn't say anything either!!"


"By the way! I have something important to go out for a while, this bunch of grapes will be given to you first, don't thank me!!"


Little Annie, who just said bad things about others and was hit by others, and still wondering whether she cursed the other party, floated to the door and grabbed Tibbers, her little bear from the warehouse wall, at the same time. Throwing the bunch of smashed grapes into the hands of Yitzhak who seemed to be still angry, then turned around and ran away! !

Straight from the gap between the four, floated out from the door of the lounge...


I subconsciously caught the bunch of grapes, I don’t know why they were all cracked, but it seemed that the grapes were still fresh and exuding a strong fragrance. Yitzhak was a little tangled, and his throat moved. I don’t know if I should go now. Do you need trouble with your teammate Aslan, or eat this tempting fruit first?

Of course, he certainly didn't know his thoughts when a little girl, because now Xiao Anni has floated outside in the hangar, and began to watch the staff of the Zaft army maintenance squad busy cooling the four units. Repair and replace the battery.

Annie could see that the driving skills of those four guys were really not good. Except for the very miserable Duel Gundam lacking arms and legs, the other four Gundams also had some scars. The enemy has hit many times.

It's just that the opponent has that kind of PS phase transfer armor with amazing defensive capabilities, so there is no such thing as being injured or directly knocked out.


∑(??△`)? !

Suddenly, because the fleet was retreating and there was nothing to look at here, Xiao Annie, who had to prepare to leave and go back to her cabin to sleep a long time, suddenly stood still.

"Who is talking about me?!"


Xiao Anni said that it seemed that someone was chanting her name just now...Moreover, UU Reading www.uukア was someone she didn't know, and it seemed that she still wanted to do something bad?

Because, at that moment, she seemed to feel some kind of malicious malice! !

(Respected little master...what is the difference between being ill-intentioned and malicious?!


——After feeling the other party's thoughts, Tibbers suddenly felt that the vocabulary used by some of his own bad little masters was becoming more and more casual. It seemed necessary to correct it? )

"I want you to control!!"


Being interrupted by Little Bear like this, Little Annie quickly put the matter behind her.

Because, since the other person doesn’t dare to show up in front of her, let’s just forget it for the time being... Wait until she is free to investigate it. If that time... she can still remember that matter or mood When you want to find someone to vent your anger?


But now she should go to bed!

Because, it’s already. It’s 23:25:47 on January 29, 1971, it’s too early, plus there’s no fighting now, so I don’t need to watch the excitement, and I don’t have to worry about being bombed when I wake up. The battleship or something, so she should go back to sleep first.


Now, her Queen Anne doesn't want to fight against those who have bad intentions, she just wants to defeat the evil quilt big devil first...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


(*????╰╯`??)mua~???? Ask for votes at the end of the month??

Wonderful book house

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