Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 818: The destroyed Archangel and the crazy little Annie o(`…


   hum! !

PLANT’s red-clothed elite Yitzhak has finally managed to get close to the newly-appearing platform he was staring at with the number 01 M1 Heresy Gundam on the chest, and successfully forced the opponent to be like his own duel Gundam. Use shield to shield, beam saber against beam saber in close combat.


   First of all, the two high-speed opposing airframes slammed into each other with shields in midair above the sea!

Then, when the speed of the two units in the battle was almost the same, but the weight of the duel Gundam was more than ten tons, the 01 M1 heresy was naturally hit by Yizhak to take advantage of it. When I got to the side, I almost lost my balance.

   But it is a pity that the mobility of that M1 heresy is indeed better...

   Clang! !

As a result, under the effect of the superb driving skills and pedigree strengthened by the pilot of a certain main **** team, Yizhak, who was about to cut down the enemy, was shocked to find that his duel was actually in an instant. Not only did he not cut the enemy, but the other party’s beam saber slashed deeply on the PS armor from the right shoulder to the chest and abdomen of his body? !

Although the attack of that level did not damage the internal skeleton of the body, important circuits or hydraulic pipelines, nor did it affect the normal actions of the body... However, the frontal chest and abdomen of his Yitzhak duel Gundam At this point, after the several pieces of PS armor were cut, they gradually became bleak. Obviously, some of the armor pieces with phase transfer function were destroyed by the opponent’s attack, making them almost invincible against live ammunition attacks. Was forced to lose.

   For a while, Yitzhak, who originally expected to use melee combat to solve the enemy, fell into a more embarrassing situation than when he shot the enemy with a beam rifle!



   Suddenly, on Aslan’s team battle channel, he heard another horrible cry!

When he hurriedly turned around and looked at the location of Storm Gundam Diaka, he discovered that, whether it is a long-range bombardment or a close-range entanglement with the enemy, Diaka is very comfortable. Faintly lost to the two recruits with the most PLANT enlistment level, and the new Orb's body that is not even qualified for aiming and advancement? Even Aslan faintly felt that Diaka's performance at this time seemed to be worse than those of the two enemies, so that he was frequently almost attacked by the opponent's attacks?

It's hard to say that the highly skilled long-range support fireman Diaka of his Aslansala team, their red elite of the Zaft army, was infected by the poor performance of the two enemies, one was not careful, Has the technique become worse than the opponent? !

  ‘Aslan! ! ’

'You have also seen that the current Ober is not the cowardly appearance your Zaft army had when attacking the neutral colony of Heliopolis. Their new mobile suit will never lose to you after they start to serve. Genn of Zaft, you should retreat quickly, don't come here to waste time! ! ’

When it was discovered that with the addition of Orb’s reinforcements, Aslan and their Zaft squad had begun to turn left and right, and even showed signs of defeat, the pilot Kira Yamato who attacked Gundam once again. Contacted the good childhood friend Aslan in the cockpit of Aegis Gundam, and persuaded him again.

right now,

Although he still shot continuously at the Aegis Gundam in the sky one after another, trying to keep the opponent from getting close to the Archangel, anyone could tell that he was already showing mercy on purpose...because, Not only did his attack frequency drop, he even deliberately aimed at the surroundings of the Aegis Gundam body to bombard each time, making it clear that he didn't want to continue fighting with the opponent.

Otherwise, standing on the deck of the Archangel, he only needs to immediately change to a high-mobility assault equipment, or a sword-fighting'SchwertGewehr' 15.78-meter-long anti-ship knife, and rush up to the Sara team. Hammer hacking, coupled with the help of Orb’s Amu Gong squad, these small groups of attacking Zaft army Gundam, Aslan and the others only have four Gundam units, both in quantity and quality. How can there be no reason to be undefeated when the situation is far worse than that of your own side?

So, now is the opponent’s last chance to escape. Once the other M1 heresy of Am Gong and Orb and their opponents in the distance will decide the outcome, his good friend Aslan of Kira, maybe Will die here!

   And this is what he didn't want to see Kira Yamato...

Prior to this, Kira hated the rest of the Sarah team, and even wanted to fly out to shoot down the Duel Gundam, because he was innocently killed by the opponent when the Archangel and the Eighth Fleet were fighting in low orbit. Those Orb civilians in avenge revenge, but when he found out that this was the case, he was still reluctant to kill his childhood friend Aslan, and still planned to give him a chance to survive. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

  ‘Aslan! Take advantage of the opportunity now, hurry up! ! ’

   One more shot to force the Aegis Gundam back. Seeing that the other party did not continue to go back and forth, Kira simply stopped and urged again kindly.



Aslan's eyes sank, and he ignored the communication of Kira Yamato who struck Gundam, let alone the warnings and persuasion of his childhood friend, but continued to circle around the Archangel. Entangled, neither willing to take the initiative to leave, nor continue to attack, anyway, the Archangel is not given the slightest chance to escape north!


   "Itzhak! Does it matter if you want, can you hold it?!"

Aslan couldn't believe it, playing fighting was not inferior to his own Yitzhak. At this time, he was beaten by the enemy so that he could only evade and parry, and there was basically no power to fight back, even a few pieces of his body. The transferred PS armor was slashed by the opponent's beam saber, so deep gully scars were made, so it was almost completely broken by the enemy? !

Although Aslan can see that the enemy is indeed very strong, both the actions and the various reactions of the body faintly make him feel dazzled and amazing... But the opponent is really strong even in Zaft Military Academy. Ranked second among CE70 graduates, Yitzhak, who is only slightly inferior to himself, can't support it? !

  ‘That bastard! ’

  ‘Huh! call! Aslan, he... he is really strong! It feels better than you! ! ’

   Soon, Yitzhak's voice and the other party's sweaty face with scars resounded in the communication.

Due to the fierce fighting and the continuous manipulation of the high hand speed, his physical energy and spirit are consumed rapidly now, so Yitzhak Jiul, who is still breathing a little at this time, is taking the opportunity to get rid of the terrible M1 heretical body opposite him. After slashing, while panting, he replied to Aslan in the communication with lingering fear.

   Obviously, Yitzhak now means:

   The enemy is very difficult to deal with. If possible, it's better if Aslan can come and help him quickly? Or, the two of them change their opponents, let Yitzhak go to entangle the Archangel and the Assault Gundam that he hates so much, and let Aslan deal with the fierce and strange 01 Orb not far away. Heresy of the army? !


   "Diyaka, where on your side, what the **** is going on with you?!"

Unexpectedly, even Yitzhak, who has always been struggling to win, even if he had taken the first place in Zaft’s military academy and won the title of Red Ace Pilot, had never been softened, he would admit it. Aslan was horrified, he had to look anxiously to the other side, to the Diakana who suddenly became extremely awkward and couldn't solve even the two bad opponents of the enemy. Typhoon Gundam asked.

Now, Aslan can’t clean up the Assault Gundam temporarily, and he can’t get close to the long-legged Archangel. In addition, Yitzhak is gradually losing to Orb’s new unit 01, then, once If it is confirmed that there is really something wrong with Diaka, then their Sara team must retreat!

   Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be really just like what Kira said later, they will probably have to explain here, and there will be no chance to escape!


  ‘I...I don’t know...’

'Ah, Aslan... My head hurts, and my body is hot and cold... I feel like I was infected by some kind of virus on the earth... Phew... My hands and feet are getting duller... ..Whhhhhhhhhhhh, I, my body seems to have something wrong, it, it began to become difficult to control, I clearly aimed at, but, but its muzzle is uncontrolled Lift up...'


   Just finished speaking, Diaka Storm Gundam's high-energy beaming firewire rifle actually fired another shot at the enemy's position, but the accuracy of the head was indeed very poor, and it was at least hundreds of meters away from the enemy's body.


  ‘I...I don’t think I can continue to fight...’

  Diaka, who was connected to the communication, was as sweaty as Yitzhak at this time, but his eyes were a little loose, and his lips were a little white. It was obvious that the whole person was not well.


   When Aslan heard it, he turned his head for the first time, and used the optical visual eyepiece on the head of his body to look at the storm in the distance.

Sure enough, he saw at a glance that Storm Gundam just used the 94mm high-energy beam rifle connected to the left arm of the body to shoot randomly, not only the PS armor of the right arm was hit by the enemy's beam rifle. Smoke, and even evasive actions are becoming less and less, and if this continues, it will definitely not last long.


   "Damn it! Itzhak, hurry up! Get ready to retreat! I'll meet you!"

"Hey! Nigor, did you hear all of it? Hurry up, stop pestering your enemy, go and cover Diyaka retreat immediately, he needs you now! I'll go over and help Yizhak get rid of the trouble Entangled Enemy 01, remember! Your actions must be fast!!"

After shouting in the battle channel and issuing the command, Aslan resolutely abandoned the Assault Gundam and the Archangel at the foot of the opponent, directly transformed into a more maneuverable MA form and turned around. While still in the distance, the ober 01 M1 heresy, who was still fighting against Yitzhak in the duel, rushed past, at the same time, he did not forget to bombard the enemy with the MA form of the dual phase energy cannon.

   Now, Aslan, who has just persisted for more than a minute, can't care about anything...

He didn’t even think about the simple request of a little girl to tell him that Sara’s team must insist on three minutes, because now he plans to protect himself and his teammates’ lives as the top priority. Option, even if you lose the last chance to leave the Archangel at this point, it will be at all costs!

   In fact, it is not whether they can leave the Archangel, but whether they can escape in time! In this terrible battle situation in front of him, if he continues to hesitate, it may not take many minutes. He and his Sara squad four people and four bodies, I am afraid all have to stay here.

   "Huh? Yes!!"

Of course, Nigor also heard Aslan’s conversation with the enemy Kira Yamato, Yitzhak and Diaka. So, seeing that he was about to destroy the three entangled in front of him, it must be an ordinary machine. The driver was cowering, not knowing why he dared not fight one of the three fuselages... After hearing Aslan’s anxious order, he pretended to rush forward immediately. After scaring away the three wretched Orb units, he suddenly turned around and accelerated, and rushed towards the location of Diaka in the distance!

  ‘Go away! ! ’

   Since the distance is not too far, the Thunder Gundam, which was originally known for its speed, was just an impact, injuring the enemy and rushing to Diaka's Storm Gundam.

  '? ? ’

'what! ! ’

'not good! Aslan! My body also has a problem! It must be the enemy’s two fuselages that have any special devices that can interfere with our fuselage. I can’t control my fuselage...’

'not good! They rushed over! ! ’

At this time, the Thunder Gundam’s right hand was replaced with a right wrist offensive shield system, and his left hand held a 50mm high-energy beam rifle. In one charge, he cut off an enemy’s half shield and exploded another heresy shoulder armor. Nigor, who almost wiped out the two enemy units that had been besieging Diaka for a long time, had just controlled his unit and caught Storm Gundam. Before he was ready to drag the opponent to evacuate, he was shocked to discover:

   His own body is suddenly out of control? Therefore, under the fright and fear, after he thought of something, he loudly warned their captain Aslan and Yitzhak on the channel.

'Be careful! Nigor! ’

'what! how come? Aslan! ! ’


   Boom! boom! !

   Two explosions sounded...

Afterwards, Nigor and Diaka could only call for help at Aslan, who had spare capacity in the communication, and they were hit by the two Gundams with beam rifles. The two units that were together hit the PS armor on their respective bodies!

   Boom! boom! boom! !


Amidst the bursts of serial explosions, Thunder Gundam and Storm Gundam quickly fell directly into the turbulent filthy sea water, leaving a pool of burning engine oil or hydraulic oil-like substances on the sea surface. The damaged airframes, the two iron bumps weighing more than 100 tons, quickly sank to the bottom of the ocean tens of meters deep, and became the Orb Navy that had just been sunk by them. A member of the fleet...

  ‘Diyaka! ’

  'Nigor? ! ’

   "Nigor! Diaka?!!!"

   "Hurry up! Nigor! Diaka! How are you, please answer when you hear it! Hello! Hello?!"

Seeing my friends and team members were both hit by two pilots who seemed extremely technically inferior and sank to the bottom of the sea without knowing what new equipment. I don’t know the life and death of Aslan and the two Yizhaks whose armors were already scarred People can only open their eyes angrily, calling out anxiously and sternly in the channel...


Apart from seeing the two missing red'LOSE' signals belonging to their teammates in their respective data interfaces, they can't hear any reply from the other party at all... Maybe, they can only salvage them in time and disassemble them. Only after the body's cockpit can we know the life and death of the two.

  ‘Asshole! ! ’

  ‘I will never forgive you! ! ’

I found out that my friends Diaka and Nigor seemed to have been easily destroyed by the two nasty Orb fuselages in the distance using some despicable means of interfering with the fuselage. They saw the two explode and crash into the sea, and It is likely that he had died in the explosion, and Yitzhak, whose spirit was greatly stimulated, could not help but shrank suddenly, and then he roared at the same time, leaving the one he had been entangled with for a long time on the spot. M1 Heresy No. 01, directly accelerates, and maximizes the power of the engine behind the body, completely ignoring the rapid consumption of energy, and intends to rush towards which two culprits in the distance! !

It is a pity……

Yitzhak’s machine was so scarred, and even the PS armor had many dull duel Gundams. Not long after it flew out, it was caught by a dark red four-claw MA. Lan's machine had already transformed the body's limbs into the Aegis Gundam MA form with mechanical claws for easy capture, and began to accelerate at full speed, quickly fleeing away from the battlefield.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Aslan, what are you doing? ! ’

After discovering that his body was out of control, and it was discovered that Aslan grabbed his body behind his back and began to forcibly drag it away, Yitzhak yelled at his companion and captain Aslan in the communication. Questioned.


   "Our action has now failed. We must evacuate as soon as possible. This is an order!!"

   Aslan was also red-eyed, forcibly enduring the sadness and anger in his heart, and began to let his MA-shaped Aegis Gundam drag Yitzhak's Duel Gundam, and flew quickly out of the Orb Territorial Sea to the east.

  Although he is also very sad and angry, as the captain of Sara's team, now he must shoulder the responsibility of command and must have a clear mind! The current situation is: The remaining two of them must leave here, must retreat, and must run as fast as possible! !


  ‘It’s useless, Aslan! Let go of me now, you have a chance to escape when you become an MA, and if you take me with you, none of us can run away...’

  ‘Let me go, I will help you stop them! ! ’

for a long time,

It seems that it was Yitzhak who had calmed down. He looked at Aslan’s distorted face in the newsletter, and then looked at the three stations from the “Neutral Country” Orb that were still reluctant to pursue them. The red and black M1 heresy, as well as three other units of the same type that are hesitantly catching up further afield, look at the units of Diaka and Nigor, which have been showing'LOSE' in the friendly signal. Signal, Yitzhak was silent for a while, then sighed to his last companion, and persuaded Aslan who was about to take him away.

"To shut up!"

   "Itzhak! We have lost Nigor and Diaka now. I will definitely not leave you here too!!!"

   Aslan did not compromise. Although he also knew that was the truth, he still stubbornly gritted his teeth to increase the engine power of the body that transformed into the MA form, and wanted to quickly get rid of the pursuit of the new Orb army body.

   But what made him a little helpless was that he soon found desperately that the speed of the other party seemed to be faster than them?

   Soon, Aslan had to brake to a halt. When he was floating on the surface of the sea, Orb’s three fuselages had already rushed forward and blocked their retreat.

In this worst situation, he had to sigh and let go of Yitzhak's duel Gundam. At the same time, he quickly changed back to the MS form of Aegis Gundam, holding a shield and a 60mm high-energy beam rifle, waiting for him. Staring at the M1 Heresy 01 with the red and black three-color beam resistant shield with the Orb emblem in the left hand and the beam saber in the right hand that blocked their retreat.

   As for the two weird mechas that caught up with them at the same time, they can only be temporarily handed over to Yitzhak for processing...



   "You can't run away!!!"

   Eminem's gong stopped the opponent and snorted to himself.

   He did not pay attention to the communication request of Orb's high-level staff who was blazing wildly, because he knew that it must be a stupid order to let them go immediately! Therefore, he simply pretended not to notice, and did not intend to connect!

Moreover, now that he is about to win a big victory, he has no intention of persuading the opponent, because in that case, he will not receive any special rewards from the main god, and the award from the Orb side is for them. For the kind of reincarnation, there is absolutely nothing that can absorb him! !

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘Amu Gong! We just destroyed the Thunder Gundam and Storm Gundam. Although we don't know whether the pilot inside is dead or not, and the rewards for the kills don't seem to be available, but this is the case, we really made a lot of money! I got more than 24,000 reward points... Amu Gong, now duel to us, he has been injured by you, you can divide a little more, the Aegis will be handed over to you alone, do you think this proposal how about it? ! ’

   The pilots in Thunder Gundam and Storm Gundam that were sunk have no problem of dying. Electromagnet King Tom is not in a hurry, because they will definitely make up later! Now, all he was thinking about was just to divide another machine from the Amu Gong to earn reward points!

   He believed that as long as the Duel Gundam was destroyed, the three of them would definitely be able to get a lot of benefits according to the damage to the enemy.

  ‘The Immeasurable God! ’

  ‘I just earned more than 20,000 bonus points just now. If I come to Duel Gundam, I can’t say that I can change a few elixir that can break through to the Nascent Soul Stage! When the time comes, the poverty-stricken Dao will soar, and you will definitely benefit from you, fellow Daoist Amu Gong! ! ’

   At this time, in the communication of a certain **** team, the voice of the electromagnetic king Tom thief just stopped, and the voice of a certain cow-nosed false Taoist Jiang Ziya almost sounded at the same time.

   Obviously, they just destroyed Storm Gundam and Thunder Gundam together, but they were actually rewarded by the Lord God with a lot of reward points, so that now some of them are addicted to eating, even Duel Gundam is not going to easily let it go!

As for the trio of Boss Zah who are still slowly and unhurriedly rushing over, they have obviously forgotten the gorgeousness of their heads... They don’t even count after eating the meat, they seem to have bones. Want to swallow the soup in one bite? !

"I bother!!"

   "If you want to take it away, but this Aegis is up to, I warn you, if you dare to intervene, then you are dead!!!"

Under normal circumstances, he wants to defeat Aegis Gundam single-handedly. It may not be easy to defeat Aslan, who is not weaker than Kira, but now, he knows that the opponent's energy is fighting. After a long time of heresy, and after maneuvering at high speed with Duel Gundam, there is definitely not much. As long as he continues to entangle the opponent, it will not take long for him to be able to kill the opponent.

   When the time comes, as a reward for killing each other alone, the main **** will definitely have a higher evaluation, and the rewards won will certainly not be less than those two trivial guys who use special abilities to cheat and win! !

   "The Immeasurable Heaven..."

  ‘So, it’s a deal! ! ’

   After obtaining consent in the communication of a certain **** team, certain two M1 heretics performed the same trick again, and thieves surrounded the scarred duel Gundam!

  ‘Metal control! ’

  ’Curse: Confusion! ! ’

   In the next instant, a certain station was planning to rush forward to avenge its friends Nigor and Diaka's Duel Gundam, but suddenly fell into the previous dilemma of Thunder Gundam and Storm Gundam, becoming uncontrollable?


   "Itzhak, what's wrong with you?!"

Seeing that his teammate Yitzhak was the first to rush to the enemy, he not only hacked, but also almost fell into the sea. Aslan manipulated his Aegis Gundam and quickly turned around with two shots to drive away the two enemies who were about to fall into the rock. After driving, he quickly asked worriedly in the newsletter.

  Nigor and Diyaka’s bodies were destroyed by the enemy and crashed into the sea. If Yitzhak had problems again, then Aslan himself might be too bad for him. By then, the Sarah team would be wiped out! Moreover, it is still the loss that has always claimed to be neutral, and claims that it will not participate in any wars in the hands of the Aub State? !


  ‘Aslan! I, I don’t know, I suddenly feel very strange... I’m a little dizzy, those two enemies... They must have a problem, they probably really have some kind of secret weapon, you run quickly, just leave me alone Up! ! ’

I don’t know if the battle just now hurt some important components of the body by the No. 01 M1 heresy, or if I was interfered by some special equipment of the enemy like Nigor and others, anyway, now Iraq Zach also felt fatigued, his vision blurred, and even his body's sense of manipulation became extremely heavy, and his hands and feet became a little bit unresponsive to his own commands?


   "Asshole! You guys get out of my way!!"

Hearing that his last comrade had also been tricked by the enemy, Aslan roared and abandoned the 01 machine, instead rushing towards the two Orb's units behind, preparing to kill the two. After clearing the siege for Yitzhak, I went back to clean up the No. 01 machine.

  ’! ! ’

'Hey! Amu Gong, please take good care of your "chicken", or we will start to eat it! ! ’

The electromagnetic king Tom, who was almost shot into the cockpit by two Aegis guns, quickly retreated a long distance to ensure his safety, and then faced that one in the channel of a certain **** team. Shi Cai flew up to be able to intercept the Aegis Gundam Amu Gong warned.

If they don’t use their special abilities to cheat, I’m afraid that neither of them is enough for Aslan’s Aegis to be as high as a charge. Therefore, they were really afraid of each other just now. After all, their body manipulation skills are also That's the same thing. After barely three days of fishing and two days of training in the net for less than two months, how strong can it be?


   "How on earth should I drive Gundam to fight? I don't need you two idiots who don't drive well to point me at me!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the No. 01 M1 heresy of Amu Gong rushed towards the Aegis Gundam that still wanted to support, and controlled his own heresy No. 1 machine, holding up the beam of his body. The saber, immediately slashed towards the head of Aegis Gundam!

   Clang! !

   A powerful and heavy attack was cut to the shield of Aegis Gundam!


   "Damn it!!"

As a last resort, after blocking the enemy's attack with his own shield, Aslan suddenly cursed, and then as if something had exploded in his mind, he found that everything in the whole world seemed to slow down. ... He quickly manipulated his body, intending to kill the formidable enemy in front of him first, and then hurry up to rescue Yitzhak.


"Is it finally exploded? Okay, let me do my best to see who of us is better? Humph, the so-called strongest pilot Zaft, Aslan, I am strengthening the body technology. A lot of rewards, don’t let me down!!"

Seeing that the opponent's attack suddenly became fierce and abnormal, and he almost couldn't stand it, and almost turned around and was smashed by the opponent's beam saber. After knowing that the opponent was probably using that kind of'SEED' ability Amg gong, then I also fully unlocked the ability of the Ikura Shinji bloodline that I exchanged from the main god, using that 99.99% special mental connection ability to forcibly connect with my own mismatched M1 heretical body, and then the same fiercely and abnormally. The dark red Aegis Gundam hit it!


   Clang! !

  呛! ! !

In the next moment, in the dazzling crowds, only the M1 Heresy 01 and the dark red Aegis Gundam were seen, and they began to slash back and forth quickly near the sea surface, making a violent metal crash from time to time, and let The aftermath of that shock exploded huge splashes on the sea, making the entire sea seem to boil.



In the distance, standing on the deck of the Archangel, we are talking with the people on the Archangel, and the two Sky Overlords hovering in the sky watching the Assault Gundam's cockpit Kira Yamato. He was talking to himself, looking at the battlefield in the distance in the distance, watching the high-speed and fierce battle between the dark red body and the M1 heresy, and then he couldn't help but sighed sadly.

Because he knew that the two of them were basically the same in strength, and they seemed to have activated just like himself, a certain peculiar ability, it seemed that there would be no winner or loser in a short period of time... But Gila Knowing that the ultimate failure must be Aslan's Aegis Gundam!


   The energy of the opponent's body has almost bottomed out...

   If you continue to do that kind of high-speed maneuvering and fighting with the heretics waiting for work like this, it obviously won’t last long!

Although Kira wanted to let the opponent go, but now the opponent is fighting the pilot of the Orb side, and he, as the pilot of the Earth Alliance and the Archangel, is fine if he does not intend to help. , But, if you help the enemy instead, it will definitely not work...

   Now Kira only hopes that when Aslan’s body loses energy, Orb’s pilot will not be able to kill him, but can capture the opponent alive, right?


  ‘Boss, how are you, are you moving? That is at least tens of thousands of reward points...’

'Humph! ’

  ‘Uncle Li, if your heart beats, you can go! I know you have a way to fight with the body like them, but you have the λ-DRIVER ability, the kind of lambda drive optimized by the main god, but you can use it without the body of the full metal frenzy. Yes, as long as your mind is strong enough, right? ’


  ‘Haha! Boss, you have a good reputation! Uncle Li, I’m old, and I’m not using it... The kind of moves that transform my mind and mental power into attack and defense energy, but it will consume a lot of mental power. Didn’t you see that my head is bald? This is a sequelae...So, if you can use it, it's better not to use it. The reward points in front are given to young people. ’

  ‘Or, girl Shao Yun, you go and use your shadow dagger to kill the enemy pilot directly? ’New Bayi Chinese Website is first published https://https://

  ’! ! ’

'Do not! ! ’

In the rear, the fuselage driven by Boss Zha, Uncle Li, and a certain assassin girl Shao Yun, who were still flying slowly, was still a long distance away. Therefore, the three of them began to change from the main god. Chat on the team channel that came.

  ‘There is a situation! ! ’

   Suddenly, the boss, who was the true captain of the Lord God team, stopped abruptly and looked in another direction.

   Next second...

   Boom! boom! boom! boom! !

Four consecutive violent explosions sounded, and everyone’s attention was quickly drawn to the past, and the three of Zha, Li Shu and Shao Yun who had originally planned to rush to give their teammates fake help also stopped, Qi Qi Turned around and looked in the direction of the Archangel.

  ’! ! ’


"Explain the situation!?"

   "That is... the Archangel?!!!"

No one had thought that the mutation would come at this time. Therefore, at this time, whether it is the two M1 heretics that are besieging Duel Gundam, or the M1 Heresy 01 that is in a fast death fight with Aegis Gundam, including Ah Including Silan, they all stopped at the same time...

   rumbling rumbling! ! !

   However, the violent explosion sound will not stop because of the shock and confusion of others!

Everyone present, whether it is the main **** team, the embarrassed Aslan and Yitzhak, the Assault Gundam that was blown off by the explosion, and the two Skymasters of the Archangel who were originally watching the battle, they were just shocked at this time. Found:

The four most important large main engines at the rear of the Archangel, which was originally okay, did not know why they were suddenly attacked and exploded into flames and smoked... Then, that beautiful ship with good flying posture The long-legged spacecraft, after all the main engines at the rear exploded and completely failed, suddenly it tilted, and the tail was down and the bow was up, causing the extremely heavy and huge lump of iron to hit directly. After reaching the surface of the sea, after making huge roars, it sank quickly!

  After everyone came back to their senses, it had already sunk directly to the bottom of the sea, leaving only two ‘long legs’ in the hangar’s attack channel, which was still exposed above the sea...

Of course, in addition to the attack channel of the hangar, there is also a broken, chaotic bridge that can be faintly seen in the sea, and the chaotic high-level Archangel inside the bridge, such as a certain The **** and big **** Marula Mias and the fierce Natal Bagirul, or the charming Miriariahau?

However, many people feel fortunate that the Archangel’s violently exploding tail engine and burning and billowing **** directly sank to the bottom of the sea. Under the action of massive seawater backflow, the fire was very serious. It will soon be extinguished, so that the Archangel will not continue to be killed and become a piecemeal fate.

However, there is no doubt that: the extremely auspicious Archangel, from the neutral colonization of Heliopolis in the universe all the way to the earth, no matter it is in space or the atmosphere, it has nothing to do with it. It has now been This enemy was sunk, and it was still sunk in the territorial waters of Orb, the'neutral nation' that made it, and the minister was under the eyelids of the Earth Alliance's control! !

  ‘Hehehehehehe! ! ’


An extremely arrogant and triumphant little girl’s laughter began to resound in all the MA, MS, sunken Archangel and the public non-encrypted channel of the Orb Army headquarters in this area. , So that some people who have heard the sound and shadow of the other party can't help but get frightened goose bumps.

'Hello? How are you all? ! ’


   Immediately afterwards, all the instruments that received the signal showed the thief and splendid smile of a little girl pilot.

  ‘Aha! Look at it! The damned Archangel was finally shot down by me. I think it can't run this time? ! ’

   It turned out that little Annie, who was strong first, used her own body's beam sniper rifle to accurately and secretly launch an attack from the vital part of the enemy ship's engine, and then she finally successfully shot down the opponent.

   Now, even if some nasty guy launches a hostage to threaten her, it is useless! Because, when there is no power, on the earth, like such a big iron archangel, which weighs at least tens of thousands of tons, once it sinks to the bottom of the sea, it will definitely not run away. ! !

   As expected...

   Now that she suddenly attacked and destroyed the annoying Archangel, her Queen Anne's mood became strangely relieved? And if the Zaft Army sends one or two more ordinary warships here, it will definitely be able to capture a whole ship of the Earth Alliance prisoners, right?

   When the time comes, no matter what they want to do, even if it is to capture the hateful woman and the captain of the Archangel who threatened her and beat her big **** with a whip, that's all right!

   ̄ ̄ Hehe!


   ̄ ̄


  '? !

   "Aslan bastard, why are you two left here? Wait, I seem to find something interesting..."


   "Wow! How did Nigor and the others sink into the sea? Haha! They fainted, what a poor guy..."

  !? \'\'

   Soon, after scouting the battlefield with the fairing and other equipment used to strengthen the enemy's ability to find the enemy, Xiao Annie began to gloat and laugh loudly at the misfortune of the ‘Friends’.

  Let's take a look, those people used to refuse to change her body for life and death. They were too petty, but now they are in bad luck, right? So, she can finally laugh at those guys fiercely, and then... after seeing the two guys without Gundam, they can only pitifully drive Jean to attack, dare to continue to Was she crying in front of her Queen Anne? !

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Anne, are Nigor and Diaka all okay? ’

Aslan certainly knows that the opponent’s airframe is a forcibly reconnaissance type Jean. The opponent with an additional radar fairing is definitely better than their airborne radar for detecting enemy situations and checking the undersea conditions in complex situations. .

   So, if the other party can still see the life signals of Nigor and Diaka, then they must be fine, but he still couldn't help but subconsciously ask.



   "It seems that there is no life-threatening for the time being, but they can't get out easily!"


   "Hey! It's you..."

"You guys, how can you be so useless, you can't hold on for three minutes? If I didn't come in a hurry, you guys would all be fed by their useless fools. ?!"


Regardless of the fact that the conversation between herself and Aslan could be heard by other people on that unencrypted public channel, Xiao Annie was so unscrupulous and taunted in front of all the Archangel crew and Orb Army. Combatants from both enemy and ours.

   then soon,

A certain fiery red painted and golden body of the beautiful forcible reconnaissance Jean arrogantly carried a long beam sniper rifle, and stepped on a military green Zaft atmosphere MS special glider under its feet. , The thief flew slowly towards the battlefield from behind the reef in the distance.

   Obviously, he approached quietly, and then the combat operation of forcibly reconnaissance Jean with a cold shot was successful! She used her beam sniper rifle to knock out all the main engines of the Archangel four times in a row, giving the opponent no room for evasion or counterattack at all.

Besides, at such a close distance and still in the atmosphere, a warship the size of the opponent can even reach 345 meters in length, which is longer than the Ford class, the largest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the Earth era. The bigger guy, whose weight is estimated to be more than 200,000 tons conservatively and hasn't been discovered in advance, will definitely not be able to avoid that kind of beam attack! !


   Once the main mission failed, the Archangel was sunk in the territory of Orb! No punishment!

   Now the main task 2 rewards are increased!

   Live, until Orb declares his surrender or successfully defeats the Atlantic Federation's offensive! The bonus points increase by 250 points!

   The description of the task has been changed


  ’! ! ’

  ‘The Big Angel was actually sunk? Our main mission one failed? ! ’

When they heard the failure of the main line mission one, and the change of mission two and the increase of the reward by two hundred and five, all the staff of the main **** team reacted and turned their heads to look at the green magic skateboard. The fiery red Jean of the MS special glider in the atmosphere of the FT Army couldn't speak for a while.

They never imagined that the "Auspicious" Archangel spacecraft, which was known to be unsinkable, like a shit-cutter, had been stirred up in the world of Gundam for many years, was actually being used by an unknown soldier of the Zaft army. In the cartoons of Gundam SEED' world, the little characters who have never appeared before are sunk. What international joke is this? !


  ‘Damn bastard! ! ’

  ‘What is the heart of the Lord God, he even added 250 rewards to our main mission two. This must be a mockery of our incompetence? ! ’

   ‘That Tianzun of Wuliang, the old-fashioned nameless fire is about to rise...’

  ‘Go together, Jiang Ziya, let’s go kill that guy and see if she is worth three thousand reward points! ! ’

After a while, the enraged electromagnetic king Tom and the bull-nosed false Taoist Jiang Ziya planned to repeat the same tricks, first to kill the new Zaft army's Gene, and then turn around to clean up the one that was already The duel of meat on the cutting board is Gundam.

   As for the opponent who claims to be Zaft's strongest pilot who can hack Kira with three swords, they can't take care of it now! Besides, they will cheat, no matter how strong the other party is, as long as one of them controls the body's metal and the other curses, the other party will still obediently give them heads and reward points?

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Wait, let me meet her first, and see what she is capable of! ! ’

Seeing a certain electromagnetic king and a false Taoist priest preparing to fight against the little girl, some of the amusing gongs who were delighted by hunting hurriedly stopped them, and then took the lead, waving the beam saber in their hands, and rushed directly at high speed Go up.



   "People hate those bad guys who want to bully people because of their strength! Look at the trick, see if I can't kill you!!"

  ˉˉ╭o 呯! !

   Seeing that beautiful red, black and white three-color machine holding a shield and a beam saber to hit herself, Xiao Annie was angry, and shot directly at the other's beam resistant shield! !

   Boom! !

After the explosion, her large-caliber sniper beam rifle successfully blasted the MI heresy 01 with the shield, and successfully hit a fragile node on the opponent's beam resistant shield. , Let the shield explode directly.

   "Damn it!!"

   only one move!

   Am gong was hit and defeated!

Although he was not in any serious trouble, he was just inexplicably attacked by the opponent to explode the shield, and then had to stop and retreat to reduce the shock wave's damage. However, the opponent exploded his shield with a single shot, which is also somewhat It's too ridiculous!

  ‘This can’t be played, what kind of guy did the Lord God balance out? Just now I used 99.99% of the body's spirit to connect, she could actually find the fortress of Orb Army M1 heresy beam resistant shield? ! ’

  ‘That pilot, she is at least an SS-level pilot! ! ’

   Amu Gong thought for a while, it’s not a good idea for the M1 heresy 01 without a shield to rush up, so he put away the beam saber directly and replaced it with his own body’s 71 beam rifle.


  'SS-class pilot? Does that mean... if you kill her, at least there will be special rewards above S? ! ’

   Suddenly, after hearing the grumble of Amu Gong, the gloomy voice of electromagnetic king Tom rang.

If the opponent is another SS-level indigenous powerhouse, they may not dare to provoke them. However, if it is only an SS-level pilot, the kind of waste that has nothing to do with other abilities except for the boot body, they deal with it, it is not As easy as playing?

   "The Immeasurable Heaven..."

   Obviously, Jiang Ziya, the false Taoist priest, is also a little tempted...He is calculating, what kind of reward will they get if they repeat their tricks and kill each other?


  ‘Don’t worry! I will meet her first and see what she can do! ! ’

If the main **** completely restricts all the special abilities, and only allows them to control the body combat like ordinary people, then there is nothing to say. Am gong will definitely weigh its own weight first, and find a way to make the strongest adjustment. Only when he cooperates with himself can he dare to trouble the other party... But now, he is not restricted by other special abilities, he opened his genetic lock on the spot, and simultaneously controlled his body with 99.99% of the spiritual connection. , Rushed up again! !

   "Huh? Strange..."


   "Well...then let's have fun!!"


Although it seemed a bit strange that the high-speed and high-mobility machine rushed towards him, little Annie, who had no time to think about it, reacted immediately and controlled her fiery red Jean, standing directly in Zaft. On the back of the MS-special glider of the army, while dodge the opponent's attack, he used his own body's sniper beam rifle one by one to shoot at the opponent violently!


   ‘Okay, amazing...’

At this time, Yitzhak, who was still in poor health, saw the shooting performance that dazzled him in the original place, and saw that the fiery red Jean, who was standing still and only doing partial adjustments, could easily avoid the opponent's. He shot and then counterattacked, but every time he was able to narrow it down, or hit the high-speed maneuver directly, which made it difficult for his body and eyes to catch the M1 Heresy 01, he exclaimed.

Although, they had always known that a certain little girl was very powerful, but because the other party has never had more chances to perform, they have the kind of idea that the other party is actually like that... But now, when he sees the other party easily Being able to cope with that difficult Orb body, and even after gaining the upper hand, he finally understood why the other party was able to wear the red coat and also had the title of PLANT's Little Phoenix.

  ‘So it’s her? ! ’

At this time, the pilot of Strike Gundam Kira Yamato who had just been blown off by the explosion and flew into the sea angrily, was about to find the enemy to retaliate. When he saw that the enemy turned out to be the body of the little girl who made him remember. , When he saw the opponent's performance at this time, he hesitated to float on the sea, and did not rush to do it.

   He was going to take a look first. At this time, his performance was amazing, and it seemed that he was stronger than the real strength of his first pilot Amu Gong and the little girl. Then he decided whether to take the opportunity to shoot to help the other party?

   Boom! !

However, Kira and others soon discovered that the M1 heresy turned around at extreme speed and turned behind the flaming Jean. Before they had time to shoot, they were surprised by the Genn who didn’t look back. With the gun movement, it hit the shoulder of the machine and burst into flames? !

  ’! ! ’

  'Jean who knows how to fight? What kind of **** is this? ! ’

  ‘Asshole! That must be a reincarnation, fast! Everyone sits side by side and kills her together! It's too late! ! ’

After retreating to a safe place, Amu Gong saw the hideous wound on his body's shoulder and saw that the original body's left arm holding the beam saber fell onto the sea, and then think about the strangeness of the other party before. Suddenly remembering something about his body movements, he screamed in horror in his body, in their own main **** channel.

  ‘Understood! Humph! ’

   "The Immeasurable Heaven..."

I can’t wait for a long time and I also saw some clues about the electromagnetic king Tom and the copycat Taoist Jiang Ziya. They immediately controlled their body to surround the enemy and activated theirs at the same time. The ability to control metal and curse spells.

  ! !

   Report to the little master, the little one finds that someone is secretly messing with you and your body! It is just that if you don't learn the mecha control well, it will make those crooked red and black three-color machines! !

  -Tibbers found out what was wrong for the first time, and then, after doing his best, he naturally reminded one of his own bad little masters who had just had a good time.

"Of course I know!!"


   "It turns out that Nigor and the idiots actually lost in this way. These nasty **** dare to cheat in front of this queen?!"


   It's fine to cheat. Her Queen Anne has never cheated less herself! However, if the other party cheated on himself and he was caught by himself, then absolutely not! !

   Now, Little Annie is angry, she is going to show her a good look! !

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