Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 831: I like this baby so much, it must have a fate with me! o(...

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A certain Taoist is still jumping up and down in the sky. He has tried to swoop with his hands, pour with water curses, extinguish with fire curses, and even fly to the ground to splash and roll, etc... It's a pity that the flame can't be extinguished!

But fortunately, it didn't seem to continue to spread to other parts of his body, it was burning hard behind his ass, which was very embarrassing and difficult.

‘It’s hot! So hot! ! ’

‘What kind of fire is it? Is it the real fire of Samadhi or the red lotus karma fire? Why can't it be destroyed? ! ’

Under Chen Tangguan, Li Jing and his wife anxiously yelled "obsessed not understanding" in a group of onlookers. They are fighting desperately like incomprehensible enemies. For the time being, they can't tell the victory or defeat, and they have no swords and guns. When they saw the red, their rescuer, Taiyi, was now overwhelmed!

He is just trying to put out the fire for himself now, where is the chance to take care of others?


Before, Taiyi Zhenren had discovered for a long time that there seemed to be someone deliberately approaching his good disciple Nezha, and he had also been in contact with the'man of the gods', and even went to Chentang with several important figures of the robbery. After the conflict, and at the same time, how he was asked to investigate, and no matter how to calculate it, he came here quickly, ready to mediate the misunderstanding between the two parties, and probe each other's bottom...

But how can you ever think that the other party is so unreasonable?

Just now, when the two parties met, he himself did enough etiquette, but the other party didn't say anything about the rules before they met. Before the two parties had reached the point where they would start fighting with a'disagreement', he brazenly let go. A strange fire burned his... behind? !


"It's hot! It's hot!"

After trying several methods, I found that the flame was like a tarsal maggot. It could not be thrown away from life or death. After it could not be beaten or extinguished, Madam Taiyi finally reacted. It seemed that one of them had not had time to be caught by him. Can the innate magic weapon given out be used to fight various flames?


(Respected little master...Since you don’t plan to burn those people, why don’t you hurry up and control the spells and put out the fire? If you wait any longer, I’m afraid you will accidentally burn his fat man... …

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Looking at the flames in the sky behind the slapped buttocks in the distance, the funny fat man flying up and down in the sky, Tibbers waited for a while before he kindly replaced his little one in the opposite direction. The master persuaded. Because, it knows, this bad little master just wants to play, and there is no one who really wants to burn that weird person.

Otherwise, just meet with a big fireball or burn directly and burn the other person to ashes. How can it be like now, after burning the other person's ass, just ignore it, just sit in this tower Watching the excitement on the roof, instead of taking advantage of the fire to rob or fall into the pit and burn the opponent completely? )

"Fire? I don't want it!!"


"Tibbs, those guys are the kind of so-called gods, don't worry, they can't be burned easily, let him be burned for a while!!!"


I have been in the world of Qiantang County for a while, and I have also known many fairy Annies. Of course, I recognized at a glance what kind of existence the fat man who was trying to put out the fire by various methods in embarrassment. .

The breath on the other party was almost the same as the gods who gave her ginseng fruit and delicious flat peaches at the time. Therefore, Annie didn’t think that the flame she threw out casually, mainly for punishment, could burn to death. The other party, and she didn't want to burn him to death! Otherwise, for such a long period of time, the flame would have spread all over Fu's body and burned it to ashes.


∑(??△`)? !

Without waiting for Little Annie to continue watching those who irritated her performing the scenes of burning her **** and turning her back into enemies, she suddenly discovered that in the sky not far away, the fat Taoist didn't know what strange methods were used. , And took away the flames that had just burned him embarrassed?

You know, originally in Annie's plan, that kind of strange fire should burn for a while...

"Fortunately! Fortunately!"

"There are still many magic weapons for the poor, otherwise, this time it would really be a big ugly!!"

At this time,

Real Taiyi held a weird golden dragon-carved cover about the size of his palm in one hand. With the other hand, he was relieved with a whisk that had been burned more than half of the time, and he patted it with lingering fear. Somewhere behind yourself.

Then, he pretended to be relaxed with one hand and one hand to brush the dust, ready to go forward and continue to find a little girl who didn't let him finish talking about the theory!

But soon, when he discovered that his whisk had been burned bald, he continued to hold it in his hand and felt that it would damage his image of a fairy, so he simply stuffed it into the sleeve of his robe, and then a little bit After tidying up his clothes, he happily flew again to the little girl who was still blinking with beautiful big blue eyes, looking at him curiously.


"This little Taoist friend, Poor Dao is the second generation disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, the master of Jinguangdong, Taiyi, you are polite here!!"

Through what the other party gave him abruptly, Taiyi had already learned a little bit about this little girl who claimed to be the Great Flame Fairy. Therefore, while guarding the other side for a while, he hurriedly bowed to the other side. , Is considered to have done his own courtesy.

after all,

He knew that the other party was not actually the fire demon who murdered and set fire, and the tragedy in Poshan Village was not caused by the other party, and this is one of the reasons why he sneaked here just now! Entrusted by others, he wants to resolve this misunderstanding, and at the same time strives to prevent the other party from approaching his apprentice and Li Jing's family, who is very useful for the future Fengshen!

Anyway, everything that happened here at Chentangguan was an accident. He originally planned to observe and observe, and then come forward to mediate when the two sides are arguing... But who ever thought that the other party was so fierce. , As soon as he shot Li Jing and others in Chentangguan, he was completely unable to fight back, and he almost shot himself away just now? !



"I'm not your kind of daoist friend! I never practice, I practice magic and arcane magic!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Annie had known from the kind-hearted grandfather of Zhenyuan Daxian what a ‘dao friend’ meant, so she was not the kind of ‘friend who cultivates and learns Taoism together’ that the other party thinks! Because she doesn’t cultivate immortality at all, nor does she want to cultivate that kind of immortality. She is just a mage, studying various spells, arcane arts, and the real rules of the world, etc., and those single minded thoughts will become immortal and return to the basics. The guys are very different!

In fact, Annie doesn't want to become a god, and she doesn't want to return to the basics. Anne is herself, no one, and she doesn't want to become someone else! What she studies and learns is the whole world, all the unknowns, so she doesn't want to integrate herself directly into a certain world, and then pursue the kind of "immortality" that coexists with the world! !

"Arcane? Magic, magic?!"

Hearing the word ‘devil’, Madam Taiyi shook his heart, and then quickly raised his head to concentrate again, a flash of divine light in his eyes, and quickly swept towards the little girl.

Soon, the divine light in his eyes gradually diminished, and then some doubts in his heart deepened...

"This little friend of Annie, I don't know... I don't know where your tutor is?"

Just now, Master Taiyi silently settled his mind, and once again looked at the other person’s real body with divine light again. However, what made him feel extremely surprised that even if he saw the other person in person, he could not count it. The other party's heels and feet can't even see the other party's true body and origin?


Although the opponent claimed to be practicing ‘devil’ magic, no matter how he looked at it, there was no way to see a trace of the evil spirit in the opponent’s body, which made him very strange! Therefore, besides asking the other party again in doubt, he really has no other way.

In any case, when the other party appeared in Cuiping Mountain and was in contact with Jiang Ziya, Nezha, and Li Jing, the real man Taiyi would definitely not be able to sit back and watch, he must be well supervised! !



"I don't have the kind of messy pedigree that you said. Most of my spells are taught by myself! How about it, isn't it great?!"


In fact, it is the same. Except for her mother Amoryn who laid some foundation for herself when she was a child, the other magic and abilities were really discovered by Anne indiscriminately!

Especially after obtaining that piece of space gem, and starting to "walk around and eat" and wander in different worlds, she suddenly became so powerful if she didn't pay attention...

Sure enough, sometimes, talent is too high, and it is also a thing that can make people feel very troubled! !

(*????╰╯`??)??← Come and praise me desperately!

↑People are so powerful, they are not proud or complacent at all!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Also, you fellow, can't you speak human words? The kind of words that you say are verbal and eloquent. Don't you just want to find out the details of others?"


"I'm telling you, I really don't have the kind of "teacher" you want to ask. Everyone I know in this world can count with one hand. If you want to fight with me, you can start now. As long as you can beat me, no one will come to trouble you!!"


Although Annie thought the fat Taoist in front of her looked very funny, but when she remembered that the magical aura on the other party was exactly the same as the aura of a thief who had wronged her, she was a little out of breath! !

and so,

Don't think that the other party can say a few good things to let her let them go with a smile!

Anyway, today she is sure to laugh, but she is the kind of laugh based on the pain of their bad guys! She just wanted to hit all those who were present today, who had shown hostility to her, or were suspected of being a bad guy, as if it were revenge.

"Good! Good!"

"Fellow Daoist Annie joked, Pang Dao is here to resolve misunderstandings, not to fight against Daoist..."

To be honest, Madam Taiyi just heard that the other party had no background and he didn’t know many people. After hearing the voice of the other party’s invitation to fight, he really thought about having a fight with the other party, and then took a look. Can you take the other party?


Who knows if the other party is telling the truth?

Moreover, think about his disciple, Nezha, after the other party begged him to come to resolve the misunderstanding part of the reason why he came here, he had to temporarily suppress the kind of direct acceptance of the other party, and then Things are all over, no matter what misunderstandings or what the other party has intent, you don't need to worry about your own headaches.

‘Stop it! ! ’

‘Master Chief! Stop fighting, she is your wife...’

‘Mrs. Yin! Don't fight! You are really going to be a widow anymore! ! ’

'Ouch! ! ’

A group of generals in the general army, who were barely recovering, were about to rush forward to persuade Li Jing and Mrs. Yin who were in a death fight, or forcibly pull away the two masters who didn’t know what was going on. Thinking that as soon as they approached, they were beaten and kicked indiscriminately by the other party, and flew out sideways or downside down again in embarrassment?


'monster! Pay your life! ! ’

After Madam Yin kicked the two "little monsters", she stretched out her long sword and slammed it into the heart of that "little fire monster"!


'Humph! evil creature! Li can't spare you! ! ’

After **** two'monsters' trying to hug him, Li Jing also shook his spear suddenly, and pointed the tip of the spear at the chest of the difficult'little fire demon' in front of him like a dragon drill. , Struck the past with all his strength, seemingly determined to put the other party to death.

Cang! !

Bang! ! !

Two huge collisions of weapons sounded...

At this time, under Guancheng, Chen Tangguan General Li Jing was fighting desperately with his wife, Mrs. Yin. Their long swords and bronze spears were all directed at each other’s vital parts, slammed toward each other’s head, neck, and heart with all their strength. At the moment of attack and block, sparks splattered. After that, their sword bodies and bronze spears are now covered with various gaps, large and small, which shows that the fighting between the two is not that kind of joke!

From this it can be seen that the fighting situation between the two sides in just that period was terrible!

But fortunately, they still haven't been injured. According to the performances of Li Jing, who has become more brave in the Vietnam War, and Mrs. Yin, whose explosive power has faded, there is no long-term consumption, and the gap between the two sides is gradually widening, or Before a major mistake is made by one side, there is no way to tell the winner.


"Friend Annie, this is really a big misunderstanding! But it's all like this now, what's the point, why don't we try to explain Li Jing's illusion first and then let's explain it slowly?"

Seeing Li Jing and Li Jing’s wife below are slashing and attacking where you are coming and going, maybe when one of the two sides will splash on the spot and die?

Therefore, I didn’t want the feud between the two parties to grow bigger, and I didn’t want Taiyi who killed and wounded people here today, so he anxiously turned to the opposite side who was still sitting on the roof of the city gate building. The little girl with the big deal gently advised.

Today's things have been big enough. The opponent made a total of three shots. In the beginning, not only did more than a thousand Chen Tangguan soldiers be embarrassed, but there were even severe injuries and coma. I don’t know what illusion technique was used to make Li Jing and his wife like enemies, fighting desperately underneath. If there is any accident, the matter will be really big!

At that time, it may not only be that he, as a master, can't explain to his apprentices, I am afraid that the matter of conferring gods that his own master has confessed will also cause waves, which is not what he wants to see! So, now he just wants to calm everything down quickly, and then the two sides sit down and explain things calmly. The left and right are just a small matter in the Little Demon Slaughter Village. Both sides explain and resolve the misunderstanding. Where does it need to be as loud as it is now?



"I want to see how they compare and see who is better?!"

(??????????) Hehehe!


"You gave me that weird thing in your hand to play for a few days, and I generously forgave them bad guys?!"


Obviously, Little Annie is now a little bit interested in the little golden dragon-carved cover that the fat Taoist holds in his hands. Of course, just a little bit, not too much? After all, it was the thing that sucked her flames away just now, which made her want to watch the excitement for a while, and the idea of ​​watching other people burning their **** and staring at her was gone.


Madam Taiyi was stunned, and subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at the baby who was being pinned in his palm, just in case and to deter the other party.

"The magic weapon of the poor road is called the "Nine Dragon God Fire Cover"!"

"It is a powerful fire attack and killer, a fire-type acquired spirit treasure that can summon spirit beasts and fire dragons to help fight! Also, it contains nine fire dragon spirits that are weapon spirits, and they The fire spewed out was the nine-fold damage of the'Sanmai True Fire', the strongest artifact in the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain in Poor Dao, and the treasure of Zhenshan!!"

Unexpectedly, the other party was actually hitting the golden dragon-patterned bell jar magic weapon in his hand, which made the real Taiyi, who just used it to extinguish the dark and strange fire of the other party, shook a little bit dumbfounded. Shook his head.

What's the joke, this baby is his Taiyi's treasure of the mountain, where can he give it to the other party to play for a few days? Moreover, he doesn't believe that after giving it to the other party, the other party is really as simple as "playing for a few days"!

At that time, I'm afraid the baby will never come back! !

"Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Cover?"


"It sounds very prestigious... how, do you want to give it to me? If you give it to me, I will generously forgive them for all those things!!"


The more Annie listens, the more she feels that the baby who can set fires and summon fire dragons is very destined to herself, so, if possible, she very eagerly wants the other party to give the baby to herself free of charge, as she has suffered so much this day. Reasonable compensation for your grievances?

Anyway, if the other party really gave that baby to himself, then the misunderstanding or something is not important.

(Little master, just keep dreaming... The little one thinks, you should just go forward and grab it, it might be faster?!

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Thinking about Tibbers with his **** knows that even if the fat Taoist is really lacking in his brain, he will definitely not give the so-called magic weapon to others easily, let alone his small family. This is the stranger the master met for the first time!

Therefore, it directly encouraged the opponent to go forward and grab it. Anyway, the opponent is far inferior to its little master, so he grabbed his magic weapon. What can he do, dare to come to the door and make trouble? ! )


"In that case, friend Annie, let's do it once!!"

Seeing the failure of the negotiation, seeing that the other party was unwilling to accept his own mediation, seeing that the death battle between Li Jing and Mrs. Yin became more and more severe, and feeling that he could not continue to waste time, after the ignorance in his heart rose, he Decide that it is better to suppress the other party as soon as possible, so as to save the night and dreams?

Just need to win the opponent and suppress it, then, if he says it is a misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding, and it is not! !

"If you hit it, hit it, I'll still be afraid that you won't succeed?!"


"Look at the move! Pyroblast!"


Little Annie has always said to hit and hit, and never cares about the consequences. Therefore, after seeing that the other party is preparing to use force, and has not given the baby to herself for a few days for free, she slapped her hands to two terrifying flames. Dumped directly at the opponent!


Seeing the terrible flames of the enemy hit him again, Madam Taiyi didn't dare to hold it up. He threw out the Nine Dragons Divine Flame Cover in his palm, and then cast a spell to sacrifice it at the same time, and then in the two flames Just before the bombardment reached him, the golden dragon-patterned bell jar suddenly enlarged, and the mouth of the bell was facing the direction of the flame.

"Hurry as a law! Give it to me!!"

As the spell was cast, in the next instant, those two terrifying groups of ‘fire explosion techniques’, which boiled and twisted the air, were directly sucked into the inside by the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover?

Then, the golden-yellow dragon-patterned bell gradually turned red, and it trembled slightly, as if the two Pyroblast arts that it had absorbed had burnt red...but soon, it gradually recovered. Calm, after shrinking quickly and a little smoke of gunpowder, he returned to the palm of Master Taiyi again.



"It's so powerful, can you really eat my flame? There's nothing at all?!"


After being surprised, a certain wretched little girl put on a very wanting expression!

Obviously, now Xiao Annie is very interested in the magic weapon called the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover, and the strange magic item that can actually absorb her flames. Therefore, she is now more and more wanting to change that magic item. Get small things that are big, fly, and swallow fire, and study them? !



However, what a little girl didn't know was that after taking back her magic weapon, Madam Taiyi was secretly relieved?

Because, it was the first time he saw that the acquired intermediate magic weapon of the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Hood was burned red and trembling smoke after absorbing the flames... If the other party comes back for a few more times, God knows the other party will not Will you directly burn your baby into a ball of melted juice? !



"I'm telling you, I can put countless fireballs like that, and you can eat them again! If you can't finish them, I will burn you to death!!"


Before getting the weird magic item called the Nine Dragon God Fire Hood, Little Annie planned to test the opponent’s limits first, so as she slowly flew up and threatened the fat Taoist, more fireballs, almost there Pyroblast fireballs as big as Luokung appeared around her body one by one.

"not good!!"

"Anxious as a law: the fiery fire is born, the Nine Dragons are coiled, the real fire spirit beasts, come out quickly! The Nine Dragons God Fire Cover, give me out!!!"

Just two fireballs made the golden dragon-patterned bell jar of the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover a little unsustainable. How could the real Taiyi let more fireballs hit?

Therefore, seeing that the little girl named'Flaming Immortal' was coming fiercely, she didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and she didn't dare to use her body or other defensive spells to parry him, so she chanted the spell quickly and quickly to make herself The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover in the palm of his hand turned again and again.

Immediately afterwards,

As the golden-yellow dragon pattern on the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover started to burn and shine, the golden dragons with the same dragon pattern actually started to creep slowly, and then...

'Roar! ! ’

‘Roar! ! ’

"Woohoo~! ! ’

A huge roar sounded, and the nine-headed lifelike flame dragon, or the real fire dragon weapon spirit at all, was sprayed out from which hood by the'Nine Dragon God Fire Cover', and roared, welcoming He rushed up with the baskets of Pyroblast that were thrown out by Little Annie, and directly swallowed them one by one.


∑(??△`)? !

"That thing can really eat fire? Wow! It's too powerful, it seems to be!"


Although Little Annie had been playing just now and had never taken it seriously, but the iron lump that can release the fire dragon to eat her flames, it seems that it is really a good baby?

Moreover, she also saw the fire dragons. As they scrambled to eat the pyroblasts that had flew past, their bodies became even bigger and hotter, as if she had just thrown them out. A lot of Pyroblasts are used as tonics for them?


So risky...

"Anxious as a law! Shenlong strikes out and puts up the Nine Dragons!"

Seeing that the fire dragon of the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover that he released urgently can easily swallow the flames of the enemy, and not only becomes stronger, but also does not affect the golden dragon bell itself as a magic weapon, Taiyi true talent Secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly commanded the spirit dragon, planning to suppress the little girl who was particularly arson, and waited to catch or subdue the other party before making other plans?



"Should I find a helper if I can't beat you alone? I tell you, I'm not afraid of you!!"


Xiao Anni originally planned to summon the fire eagle out to deal with the enemy fire dragons. She could even use her talent to have absolute control over the fire to directly crush those fire dragons. However, when I think about it, I am a little worried about the fire dragon being eaten or destroyed. Later, she who might damage the baby she liked, she finally resisted not daring to do it, but with the same strength as the other party, she continued to fire one by one Pyroblast, like feeding a fish. The fire dragons teasing each other.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



That Flame Immortal is so powerful? !

Madam Taiyi was stunned to watch that little girl like boundless mana, constantly going outwards, throwing huge and howling terrifying fireballs toward the nine spirit **** fire dragons released from his Nine Dragon God's fire cover. After dyeing red, and even feeding the thick fire dragons that could be folded by one person to the exaggerated level that several people could not hold, he finally couldn't sit still!


He knows that the nine weapon spirit gods fire dragons have their limits, and if they continue to be attacked with fire by the opponent like this, if they continue to feed them like that, I am afraid that they will not wait for them to return to the golden dragon bell jar and enhance the magic weapon. Power will be born and bursting because of swallowing too many alien flames!

and so……

"Hurry as a law!"

"Nine-Dragon Devil Formation, take it for me!!"

'Roar! ! ’

‘Roar~! ! ’

After seeing the opponent's greatness and knowing that he could never go on like this anymore, he took advantage of the little girl's busy "beating" of his nine-headed dragon, and violently activated the long-arranged formation. The nine-headed flame dragon no longer cares about the huge fireballs that are constantly bombarding them, but directly roars, hovering quickly in nine different directions, compressing the space, and strangling the little girl in the middle. .


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Wow! You still want to burn me?!"


Although Annie is not afraid of flames, she does not want to be twisted inside and outside layer by layer by nine huge fire dragons like those dragons in the Valley of the Four Winds of Pandaria, so she stretched out her hand and made a firm layer. The lava shield firmly blocked those interesting fire dragons. No matter how hard they tried, even the nine fire dragons wrapped her and her lava shield into a dragon strangling. The big fireball couldn't help her in the middle.


∑(??△`)? !

I was planning to figure out how to capture the nine-headed flame dragon spirit little Annie, but she suddenly discovered that, I don’t know when, a golden dragon-patterned bell about the size of a football field appeared. Above her and the dragons, they covered it fiercely, and in an instant they covered her and the nine-headed dragons inside, and hit the ground fiercely, covering them firmly.

Rumbling rumbling...

The thunder-like rumbling sound rang, directly suffocating Xiao Anni and the nine-headed spirit dragon in the golden dragon-patterned bell of the huge "Nine Dragon God Fire"! !

And the raging fire escaping from the huge golden-yellow dragon-patterned bell jar was the place where the magic weapon fell, and the dense forest outside the city was burned to the raging sky fire and billowing smoke... …

"Good! Good!"

"Little Taoist friend Annie, if you surrender and are willing to surrender to me and enter my Qianyuan Mountain Golden Light Cave, I will let you out. What do you think?"

Really Taiyi, who thought he was winning, and somewhat pitying the little girl's amazing talent, hesitated for a while, then he became a disciple.

Because in his opinion, the existence of that terrible flame power must be some kind of extraordinary innate true fire that has gained spiritual wisdom and practiced and transformed into a human form. Such existence is definitely not the kind of'hairy with horns'. People, the generation of damp and ovum, so you can definitely enter his Yuqing Sect.



A muffled rebuttal sounded from inside the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover...


"Why don't you realize it, little fellow Taoist friends?!"

Seeing that the opponent would rather die than surrender, Majestic Taiyi sighed. Somehow, but he didn't dare to release the fierce Flame Fairy that he had finally caught. He could only continue to suppress him. Within the magic weapon.

He wanted to wait and see to see how long the other party could last? Is it true that when I can’t hold it, when I’m about to be refined by the sacred fire, I have to beg myself for mercy, and then "safely" enter the gate of my Qianyuan Mountain Golden Light Cave, becoming a promising person Explain to teach three generations of disciples?

‘! ! ’

'monster! Come to pay for life! ! ’


"Why am I afraid of you?!"

Suddenly, when the real Taiyi wanted to continue to persuade the little girl to persuade the little girl, he suddenly heard the conversation between Chen Tangguan Chief Soldier Li Jing and his wife Yin, and then bowed his head, he saw it. The death match between the two below has entered incandescence, and the two far apart, as they begin to charge and accelerate, the long sword and copper spear in their hands have not reserved, and they went to each other's throat without blocking. Stabbed?


"Look at me, I almost forgot those two of them when I didn't pay attention! Come here... let my Taiyi recite a pure heart mantra for you!!"

I found that the two people below were about to be born and died. Majestic Taiyi didn't dare to neglect, and did not stop him. Instead, taking advantage of the distance between the two parties was still a bit far away, he quickly chanted the curse of the Qingxin Mantra:

"The avenue is invisible, giving birth to the world; the avenue is ruthless, running the sun and the moon... People can always be quiet, and the world will return... Purity mantra! The heart is clear, the sky is not alarmed, wake me up!!"

After chanting the spell quickly, the real Taiyi who stood in the air above Chentangguan, when the two couples who were struggling with life and death underneath, were about to see their swords and guns red, they slammed their fingers and let the two golden lights arrive. Two people.



When the spearhead of the copper spear was about to pierce the opponent's throat, Li Jing, who suddenly came to his senses, saw that the opposite of him was not the evil little fire demon, but his wife, and suddenly stopped his feet, and he just used brutality. Li moved the spear in his hand and threw it over the opponent's shoulder!



Madam Yin also woke up at the same time, and then, after cutting off a few strands of her husband's hair with the long sword in her hand, she was shot flying away dangerously...



Then, of course, the two people who were charging at full speed and fighting life and death before, just rolled into a ball...


"Strange, what is going on?!"

Soldiers in this world are all strong and strong, and Li Jing is one of the leaders. He can even go shopping with ordinary immortals or monsters without falling under the wind. Soon he helped his wife. He stood up breathlessly.


"Husband? Why, how come back to you?!"

Madam Yin was also a little shocked, because she almost beheaded her husband alive just now!


She clearly remembered that the hateful and evil little fire demon who was in a death fight with her just now, how could he become her husband in the blink of an eye? !


"You two, I can explain this matter. That's because you two have used that little girl's illusion... If you don't believe it, you can ask them?"

Seeing that the two couples finally woke up in time and stopped the fight, and some of the instigators were also covered by his own Nine Dragons Sacred Fire, the true talent of Taiyi finally slowly descended from the sky with pride and stroking himself. He explained to Li Jing and the other's wife who were familiar with him.

At this time, the embarrassed family generals around also helped each other to stand up. From the injuries and expressions on their bodies, it is easy to see that what Taiyi said just now was true!


"So it's like this..."

The somewhat frightened Madam Yin nodded clearly after taking a breath.

"other side!"

"Real man! Where's that evil little fire demon?!"

Li Jing also relaxed with some lingering fears. To be honest, at the moment he was sober, he was really a little frightened when he saw that he almost pierced his wife's neck with a spear.


"She is now being suppressed by me in the Nine Dragon God Flame Hood... She has been reluctant to surrender or ask for mercy. I am afraid that she has been burned into a prototype or turned to ashes now?!"

After hesitating, Madam Taiyi turned his head and looked to the other side.

In the burning forest with billowing black smoke, I saw the huge and no longer swaying Nine Dragons Divine Flame, watching the golden yellow dragon bell that slowly calmed down, Tai Yi suddenly I feel that it has been so long, the other party must have already turned to ashes, or ended up with the Shiji Empress who he burned to death before, was burned into a prototype, and the true spirit was annihilated.

What a pity...

After all, inside the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover, even if it is a normal Tianxian and even a Taiyi True Immortal like him, if it is covered in the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover and there is no effective means of defense or escape, it will be the same. It was the tragic end that turned into ashes and was completely ruined in one thousand years of cultivation!

"Still a real person!!"

"Thank you real guy!"

Unexpectedly, the two of them would be rescued by each other again. After looking at each other, Li Jing and Madam Yin clasped their fists together and bowed respectfully to each other.

"Good, good..."

"The poor Dao didn't want to be like this. But how can that little friend Annie be too stubborn, and he was still stubborn when the world started to kill the robbery?"

The real Taiyi waved his hand and signaled that the two of them stopped politely. Then, with some regret and pity, he moved towards the gradually shrinking, seemingly to have suppressed the "Flame Great Immortal", and said to the completely refined Nine Dragon God Fire Cover.

To be honest, he really didn't want to be like this just now, but the little girl was too stubborn and blatantly attacked him without listening to his persuasion. Besides doing that, he really had no other good way... .. After all, he doesn’t have much magic weapon now. If he doesn’t use the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover, he will probably be burned to death!

So, he really had to do it, he had to do it...


"Dao Master, do you call that monster a fellow Daoist?!"

At this time, the careful Madam Yin suddenly discovered that the face of Madam Taiyi didn't seem right. Not only did he not have the pleasant look of the queen who defeated the evildoer, but he had a heavy face?

Moreover, she also heard a more wrong key word in the other party's words.


"Oh! It's true that I don't want to conceal it, this time Pang Dao came here, but he actually received the request of the two sons, Nezha, the disciple Zhenling of Pang Dao, who came to resolve your misunderstandings..."

It is broad daylight, Nezha is dead, ordinary people like Li Jing and Mrs. Yin who do not practice Taoism, even if they are two powerful men, must easily fail to see each other’s true spirit, so in order to avoid trouble, and For various reasons, the Taiyi true talent had to come here in person.

But how can I think that in the end, I still had to use the means of Thunder to suppress the opponent directly?

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"


Li Jing and Mrs. Yin looked at each other inexplicably. For the couple who almost separated a life and death just now, they were really confused, so they continued to ask with some confusion.

"in fact……"

"That friend Annie is not the monster who killed and set fire as mentioned in your list. On the contrary, she burned those monsters and saved the kid you adopted..."

"Actually, all this is a misunderstanding..."

Now that the matter has settled, since the oppression of the other party has been eliminated, Majestic Taiyi can only sigh, knowing what he knows, the one that asked him to ask Nezha to be very small, but now it is making trouble Very big things were told slowly to these two important figures of Chen Tangguan, one to five to ten.


"Why, how could this be?"

Looking at the Jiulong Divine Fire Cover still braving the terrible flames in the distance, Madam Yin was shocked and directly dropped the sword in her hand and fell to the ground.

She didn't expect that the little fire demon they just attacked, that little girl, was actually a true moral cultivator with merits in killing demon?

Moreover, the other party seems to be very familiar with his dead son Nezha? !

But now, they actually...


"Real person! Why would Dao Jiang Ziya mislead me?!"

At this time, Li Jing also bitterly inserted the long bronze hair in his hand into the ground, and after he plunged the spear into the ground deeply, he asked inexplicably.

He is not afraid of monsters being powerful, nor is he afraid of being killed by monsters, but...if Li Jing killed the righteous man by mistake because of his indiscriminateness, it would be a shame in his life!

and so,

Now Li Jing has fluttered a certain long beard, looks like a fairy wind, and keeps talking about losing to monsters and having to save people. His mouth is full of benevolence and morality, but in private, it is a fly-in-law, and he actually framed it. The righteous man, the Taoist Jiang who misled him was secretly hated,

Moreover, Li Jing secretly made up his mind, next time he saw the thief and Taoist, he would definitely shoot a spear in the back of the opponent! !


"That's why I said it, all this is a misunderstanding!!"

Madam Taiyi sighed, then slapped his thigh. He didn't intend to continue discussing the mess of today. He just wanted to go up and quickly put the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover to see if the little girl's soul was still intact?

If it is, he must make up for it...

For example, when he refinished Nezha's gold body, he could also use some scraps to make one for the other party, and then continue to keep it under the door and teach it well?


"Be careful!!"

Reality Taiyi found that things had changed, so he quickly jumped in front of Li Jing and Madam Yin, and reached out to protect them.

The next moment...

The flames burst into the sky suddenly!

Afterwards, the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Cover was lifted directly and quickly shrunk, and was firmly grasped by a small white hand...

"Eh heh heh~!!!"


"This fire-breathing toy is really interesting, it's destined to me! Now since you throw it out and don't want it, then it belongs to me, are you okay?!"


While Xiao Anni laughed triumphantly, the flames inside the Nine Dragon God's Fire Cover began to gradually spread, and directly enveloped the wall of Chen Tangguan and the stone-stacked towers in the raging flames...

Fortunately, the soldiers who were stationed above were all hit by the arcane impact of Little Annie and flew into Guancheng. Otherwise, I am afraid that they will all turn to ashes under the flames of the real fire of Samadhi! !

"I'm leaving, goodbye~!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

Now that the good things are already in hand, and enough to play, and the anger is over, it is natural for Little Annie to go home with the trophies! !

"and many more!!"

Seeing that the other party is not only okay, but also wanting to go along with his baby, Madam Taiyi was anxious and just wanted to go up...


The opponent slammed a fireball, and directly exploded the ground in front of him into a large pit full of flames and lava. Seeing that scary scene, after there was no magic weapon to deal with the opponent's strange fire, Knowing the severity, of course he ran away in fright! !


"Please stop!"

At this time, in the sky, a man wearing a bellyband, holding a flaming gun, stepping on a hot wheel, and a large circle of universe on his neck, and his bare **** Nezha with Hun Tianling on his hands, appeared... …Of course, his current appearance can only be seen by his master Taiyi and the little girl Annie.

He came to persuade peace, but, he didn't expect, in just half a day, this kind of thing would happen here? !

"Huh! You remember!"


"I'm the Great Flame Fairy who lives on the top of Izumo Peak in Cuiping Mountain! This Nine Dragon God Fire Cover is related to me, so I will take it away first. I should be able to take it back and give it to my Xiaobai stew soup? Anyway, you don't use it to find it. I won’t return it to you if you find me!!!"


After that, she achieved all her goals, and today's mood suddenly became more relaxed. She didn’t get entangled with those people, and she didn’t go to see the bare-bottomed little and It was a direct flash, the transmission disappeared and disappeared...

boom! !

At this time, not long after Xiao Anni left, the wall of Chentangguan finally began to collapse under the soaring fire of samādhi, turning the wall from the majestic stone wall into a piece of A piece of ruined wall...


"No! I'm going to put out the fire first, otherwise once the samādhi fire spreads, I'm afraid the lives of tens of thousands of people in Chentangguan City will be lost!!!"

Seeing the little girl'escape', Madam Taiyi didn't dare to chase him. Instead, he stretched out his hand and snatched the Hot Wheels control area from Nezha's feet in the air that Li Jing and his wife could not see. They were thrown into the flaming barrier and the forest outside the city, and the flames that had been leaked out by his Nine Dragons Divine Flame were all gathered into the two magic weapons of wind and fire attributes.

Soon, at Chentang Pass, only the burnt-down city wall of Guancheng and a chaos and broken walls were left...




Looking at the mess in front of them, whether it is Madam Taiyi, Li Jing or Madam Yin, they can only stare at each other, but there is no way...


"Li Jing, and Mrs. Yin..."

"The matter is here, the magic weapon of the poor road has also been snatched away, so I won't bother you any more, I can go with the poor road!!

After that, the real man Taiyi also used an escape technique and disappeared directly in the same place...He needs to go back and think of a way to see if there is any good idea from which Cuiping Mountain can reach the Flame Fairy on Yunfeng. Take back your own baby in your hands?


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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