Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 836: Demonstration task: Go to Brother Chao to beat Jiang Ziya 1 meal! ! …

"So full..."




Stretching her waist, shy of her slightly rounded belly, she had just eaten enough and walked out of her own spaceship that was currently used as a house. Little Annie was caught by four at a glance. The look of the little fairy sitting on the ground cross-legged, trying to absorb the abundant spiritual energy of the morning to cultivate is shocked.

"Wow, you all worked so hard?"


"Well, I won't disturb you for now..."


Seeing others and seeing the four monsters who were nominally their own students were cultivating so hard, Little Annie just nodded indifferently, and then she didn't feel ashamed at all, but turned around without caring at all. Before, with a brisk step, he leaped towards the big bluestone that was irradiated by the sun.

She Queen Anne won't be industrious with those idiots! !

Because, for a genius like her, even if she knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long, her strength has been constantly rising, and she is still the kind that can't stop it, and where does she need to talk to those foolish monsters? The same, get up before dawn, then go to bury your head and practice hard, to absorb the purest trace of heaven and earth aura and the essence of the sun and moon before dawn? !

and so,

Soaking up the sun comfortably after the meal is full and the soup is the most correct thing she should do now! !


ε=(′ο`*))) Huh! !

"Tibbers, no more, no really doesn’t work anymore, people are eating and supporting today, my belly is so up, it’s so uncomfortable... Today, people don’t want to go anywhere, they’re going to be here to bask in the sun, just Going to roll on this big bluestone..."


On the top of Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain, there was a little girl who didn’t eat much meat today but drank the soup. After climbing on the big bluestone, she continued to rub herself a little while drinking. While lying on the boulder, basking in the warm sun, while swelling her belly, she kept rolling around and hiccups full of happiness.

Yesterday, the animals captured by her new monster students were very satisfied with her meal today, because the animals are very fresh and strong, and the stewed soup is even more delicious...

However, although the soup Xiaobai stewed today was very fresh and delicious, she still felt that there were some shortcomings. She felt that the stewed meat was too bad, and it didn’t taste any special taste. If it can be like yesterday, except for the soup In addition, if there is a stir-fried diced pork, it is really perfect.


If it does, she may not be able to eat it anymore, because now she is almost able to support herself after drinking the pot of soup. She really can’t eat more anymore, she has to take a break first. Just rest.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't want to pay attention to a bad little master. As long as the other party doesn't throw it in the pot and cook the soup, it should be satisfied and grateful!)

"Hey... so comfortable..."

(? ̄? ̄?) Huh!

"Xiao Xiong, if we don’t have to work every day, we will have the delicious food that we have never eaten when we wake up, and then we can lie down and digest and sunburn comfortably as we do now when we are full. Then I prepared to have lunch again, and waited until the afternoon to slowly think about where to go to play, how good would it be?"

(*?︶?*).. .:*??


After a few days in this beautiful world, two days of delicious food, and two days of pleasant little days, Xiao Annie no longer wants to fight...

She now wants Jiangzi to stay at home and stay home...every day to eat that kind of super delicious, slowly perfect her "Shan Hai Jing Recipe", and then eat the "Shan Hai Jing" again. After all the delicious, seemingly edible, or processed, even toxic, edible things above have been eaten, then her mission in this world is basically achieved perfectly.

At that time, maybe there will be legends about her Queen Anne in this world?

For example:

That Shennong tasted herbs, invented medicine, made Lei Lei's grains, made pottery, opened up a market, and united with the Yellow Emperor to defeat Chi You... and her Queen Anne, she, the Great Flame Fairy on the Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain, has tasted the world. Animals and plants, eat all over the country, overseas, and the great wilderness, flying in the sky, running on the road, swimming in the water, and crawling underground, leaving a book for the people, gods, fairies and monsters in this world. A comprehensive recipe, that kind of thing, must be extraordinary, right? !



(It sounds like someone really needs to go to work every day...)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Don’t think that Tibbers doesn’t know it. If this horrible little master of his family just ran from outside Runeterra to another world before, he would occasionally do something good and occasionally do something good. Sell ​​and sell cute, and save the world by the way... But now, look at it, the girl has already been exposed, showing the kind of lazy to do, don’t want to work every day, don’t want to do business every day, every day I know how to eat, drink, sleep, and make fun And waiting to die in the sun.......

But a certain guy won't grow up, let alone die. God knows how long she can maintain this state for long? ! )


(*ΦωΦ*)? !



A sweet, waxy and lazy voice floated gently from the mouth of a little girl who was lying on a rock and basking in the sun.

(The little one is here! Great little master, what do you want the little one to do?


——Tibbers now doesn’t want to be with someone who is relying on his strength, does not do business all day, does not practice, and does not teach students. There is no positive attitude and no other pursuits in life. Even the horrible little master who caused him to have no other fun himself, and can't be taken to play! )



"People know that you just said bad things in private again, but... now they are too full to eat, so I don't want to beat you for the time being, so just continue to scream on the side!!!"

?(??3?)? Huh...

The weather today is very good, and Little Annie’s belly is very full, so now she just wants to splash and roll on this stone that is warmed by the morning sun, and does not want to waste time teaching someone who is always breaking. Talking about myself with broken thoughts, I don't want to be good all day, I know I will fool myself to wander, fight, cause trouble or destroy the world, the bad bear!

Just after the early morning, the sun hasn’t risen for a long time, and it still belongs to the top of Izumo Peak in the morning. The temperature at the top of the mountain is still very low, but fortunately, there is basically no night time here. The wind and dew were so cold, and Little Annie herself was not afraid of the little bit of morning cold, and she was still able to enjoy the sun, so she really didn’t move at all... She wanted to lie down like this, beautifully. Sleep until you wake up hungry again?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



"Huh? That's weird..."

∑(′△`)? !

Lying down, Little Annie suddenly found something wrong:

"Hey! Tibbers, what are their monsters trying to do when they gather there? Why don't they continue to meditate and practice to increase their strength like just now, instead they have to surround the big ball of light. The light **** don’t do their jobs, do you care about their breakfast?!"


First, she lay on a stone and basked for a while, and waited until her whole body was tanned and a little hot, and when her little baby-fat face became red, she rubbed in that doubt. With his big blue eyes that were slightly sleepy, he asked his own bad bear Tibbers strangely.

The main god, big ball of light, was successfully caught by her across the plane and cast a spell to forcibly enslaved it. She also caught a clone and threw it here and asked the other party to help her manage those monster students, she never went again. It doesn't matter... even, she didn't have time to implement the kind of thing she thought of yesterday, planning to send the clones of the main gods to the worlds she had been to.

After all, now she is living comfortably in this world, researching the correct ways to eat various animals and plants, she has no time to care about other worlds, and no time to think about the life and death of those useless guys. Too!



(They are now waiting for the time, ready to receive the double reward division mission that is updated on time every day, and then earn the sect contribution points you set, so that they can use those contribution points to learn skills, exchange spells or other things... Yes, the things you ate today, the red-tailed zebra and the beak turtle, were all sent by the'lord god' and asked the monsters to help you catch it back.


——What Tibbers really wants to say is: ‘Isn’t it all because someone who is a teacher is not responsible, why would they do that? Does someone not have a B number in their mind? ’

Of course, it's Uncle Xiong wouldn't go to death like that!

Anyway, the luckiest thing in the world is that those guys had the luck to join the fire fairy of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak and became a disciple of the sect... There is no one in the whole world, or in more worlds, that can compare to it. The little master of Tibbers is more powerful... But this may also be their misfortune, because ah, the bad little master of his family is not a responsible, reliable, willing to teach patiently at all. Good teacher for students! ! )

"Yeah, I got it!"


"It turns out that the guy called the Lord God is so useful? It's really interesting! At that time, people just talked to it casually, asking it to help me, and asking it to take care of the students. How can I think that it is so powerful? That's great..."


Little Annie, who had always thought it was troublesome to be a teacher, was blinking her beautiful big eyes, looking at the group of obedient and student-like monsters in the distance, waiting for the time, and then waiting. As she was taking on the task, she suddenly felt that being a teacher, head of a school or something, is actually not too troublesome?


She can recruit more students, and then throw them all directly to the main god. Let the main **** help her squeeze the value of those guys, and let the mountain spirits and wild monsters help them find delicious food all over the world. of?

Then, her Queen Anne, she, the great flame fairy of Cuiping Mountain's Izuyun Peak, just stays at home and eats and soaks in the sun... That kind of life will surely be very pleasant and comfortable, right?



It’s not impossible to admit students...

However, Little Annie feels that if you accept it later, you can't ask for the ugly ones! Just like her four students now, their fellows, and the squirrel who is a little shorter than herself looks white and fat, very cute and delicious... just barely watch it. It has to be eye-catching, but the courage is a bit too small, and he doesn't have the slightest style of his own flame fairy?

As for the others...

For example, the pine tree spirit, its dull and silent guy, is too old and ugly. Going out in the middle of the night may scare the children. It really seriously affects her extremely glorious and decent image of the flame master. It's a big deal!


And the giant salamander that I first knew was too fat, too tall, and disgusting... Hello everyone, Bai has a whole body of flesh, but is covered with that kind of slimy and disgusting slime. In short, it affects her Queen Anne. Appetite!


As for the fine guard bird...

Not to mention!

Because, that guy knows all day long that the chattering noises are endless, and he gets up early every day, and other birds get up early to catch insects, but he gets up early, but it’s too early to hold a small stone or a small stone. The branches go to fill the East China Sea, and then fly back to do other things...

A small stone a day, can that kind of thing fill the sea? What's the use of perseverance? I'm afraid, when the earth explodes, it won't fill up evenly, right? As for the guy who can do that kind of stupid thing, Huo Daxian is embarrassed to say that the other party is his own student, because it's so embarrassing~! !


Therefore, if she continues to recruit students in the future, she must accept those that cannot be too old and ugly, not too fat or disgusting, nor too noisy or stupid. Anyway, she can only have that kind of length. It has to be more pleasing to the eye, calm temperament, not too courageous, not too noisy... In short, it just can't affect her!

The best thing is, before recruiting new student disciples, let that guy called the Lord God interview for himself, and finally choose the most pleasing ones from the qualified guys? Of course, that kind of thing is not in a hurry, because now, her Queen Anne is going to reluctantly squeeze out a little bit of her own rest time to do a little bit of business?


(= ̄ω ̄=)

"Well, since I am the Flame Fairy of Izuun Peak and the head of Izuun Peak, now, let me get them something good!!"


Seeing those guys quietly waiting under the main god's big ball of light, ready to receive today's sect mission, I felt that as a teacher, as the head, as the flame fairy, it is very necessary for them to help those monsters. The demon's body safely added a small insurance flame, the great fairy Annie, and then moved towards the main **** in the distance, and directly passed a small group of fire flames!


In the almost endless mass exchange list of the main **** Daguangqiu, in the skill item, there is suddenly an additional skill branch, and the main **** promptly reminds and pushes it to the Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak Flame Great Immortal School disciple compulsory Above the foremost position of the skill.

(Little master, is it the only level you do?!


——After seeing a little master who likes to sneak and **** all day long after casting a spell at will, he turned around and rolled on the big bluestone, and didn’t teach the monsters at all, so I couldn’t pass it. Tibbers asked aloud. )


"Tibbers, you don't understand. That skill is already very powerful. It's not the kind of guy who is recognized and acquiesced by others. Even if you want to learn it, the main **** dare not teach it!!"


Feeling that she has generously given the monsters great benefits, this is the main god, and it is an exclusive martial skill or something, so for a little bear who doesn't understand magic at all, she doesn't want to explain too much! !


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


Under the main god's big ball of light, it didn't take long for Little Annie to cast the spell, and a certain big salamander who had been paying attention to and connecting with the main **** discovered the abnormal situation for the first time.


"Hey! It's weird, everyone come and see! The Lord God just seems to recommend a thing called'Martial Skills', and also recommends that all the disciples of Izuunfeng must learn as soon as possible?!"

There were already more than one hundred sect contribution points, and I was entangled with what spells to learn or exchange for a certain orthodox cultivation technique. Before he had time to decide what to exchange, he was taken the initiative of the main **** who almost never spoke. The recommended'window' that popped up was shocked.

Then, of course, he looked simple in appearance, but he was very cunning in private. When he was unsure of his own, he immediately responded to the situation to his fellow seniors.

"Martial skills? Really? Get out of the way and let me see!"

"Ah! Old tree, old tree, look at it, really?!"


Under the reminder of the giant salamander who was the first to discover, the other monsters, the three monsters of the guard bird, the pine tree spirit and the squirrel spirit who were waiting to receive the daily quests, also got under the main god's big ball of light, and It was discovered at the first time that the situation was indeed exactly as the Great Salamander Jing said. The magical'master god' of their masters actually recommended a compulsory master skill to them?


?【Flame Art】?

The flames are burning and everything is gone!

There is no problem in the world that can't be solved by a fireball. If there is, then throw a few more! !

After redeeming and practicing [Flame Jue] Level 1, you must understand the sect teleport skill [Shadow Flame], which cannot be further understood or can be exchanged for upgrades with sect contribution points.


Ignite a little bit of star fire bestowed by Master Flame Great Immortal, and let the terrifying flames instantly envelop my body and escape into the shadow world. Even if there is only one breath, as long as they are not dead, the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak can With that little shadow flame, he instantly teleported himself back to the sect's resident, and was not affected by any physical and magical restrictions.

[Effect] It can be used in any state, you can instantly escape back to your own martial art, with a 100% success rate!

[Consumption] 10% of the current remaining blood and mana.

[Remarks] Only the disciples who obtained the martial arts bracelet under the Flame Fairy of Izuun Peak in Cuiping Mountain can practice and exchange for comprehension, and they must comprehend after redeeming the [Flame Art] level one!


When [Flame Jue] is practiced or converted to a higher level, you will have the opportunity to comprehend [Fragmented Fire] (pseudo), [Burning] (pseudo), [Lava Shield] (pseudo) and Summon Sect Auspiciousness Holy Beast Bear [Tibbers' Fury] (pseudo) and other sect exclusive fire system powerful skills.

[Recommendation Index]: ★★★★★ (Compulsory for five stars!)



"Ah! Good, awesome..."

After reading the description of the martial skill recommended by the main god, the originally big eyes of the squirrel spirit became bigger in an instant, and then her two front teeth were exposed, the ears and the big tail. The fluffy squirrel hair also stood up in shock, and it trembled.

Seeing her appearance, it seems that she can't wait to spend her martial arts contribution points for the first time to learn the compulsory skills recommended by the master **** to them?


"But, it's really expensive... It's just that the first level requires a full 100 points of teacher contribution points to learn to the first level. I just used up the 100 points of contribution I had so hard to save yesterday. point……"

After the disciples of Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain joined the door of the Flame Great Immortal and obtained the bracelet provided by the main god, all of their monsters directly received a full 80 points of martial arts contribution points, but her squirrel spirit Contribution points were used up yesterday...

But now, she only has less than ten points left. She can barely change two flying charms and one five points randomly transmitted from the designated area. The one that can be used 20 times, and the coordinates are fixed at the gate of the division. Izumo Peak's guide flag here is just that.

If she wants to practice the compulsory [Flame Jue] of the school, I am afraid that it will take at least five days or more of the daily tasks of the teacher to do it, and it must be impossible to fail, or to give up to make it hard to get enough? So, after the excitement, the ears and tail of the pine tree spirit quickly languished.


The tree old pine tree spirit did not speak, she just looked at the squirrel spirit in front of her while looking at the description of the teacher's skill by the luminous main **** big ball of light, and after calculating her martial art contribution points, she was very I made up my mind soon.


"Learning it can't fill the East China Sea. Why do you want it? Don't learn! Don't learn!!"

After reading the description of [Flame Jue], the Jingwei Bird, who seemed to have completely followed the Donghai, felt that the martial art was not very useful for filling the Donghai, so he coldly snorted and received it directly. My own daily mission of martial art, and then flew up, turned into a fast-flying big bird, flew towards the distant sky, and disappeared soon...

Obviously, it feels that fire spells and escape skills are useless for filling the East China Sea. For the time being, I don’t plan to learn which of the required spells recommended by the Lord God, because in its eyes, the required spells are always the only kind of spells that move mountains and sea It is the kind of magic that must be learned for its great use in filling the East China Sea with its fine guarding birds! !


The giant salamander watched Jingwei flying away, and the black skin on his slimy forehead wrinkled even more...

Because, just as Jingweibird is unwilling to learn the skills of the teacher, he is not willing to learn from the bottom of his heart. After all, he is a veritable giant salamander, a water monster that grows and grows in water. It must also be mainly living in rivers, lakes and seas, and if he exchanges and strengthens the fire spell of the Master Flame Immortal, will he have to run to the shore to use it when he confronts the enemy in the water in the future?

Therefore, he is now very entangled. For the time being, he does not know whether he should still follow the'strongly recommended' prompt of the main **** when his martial arts contribution points are stretched, and waste precious points to practice the kind that seems to him to be temporarily absent. What kind of fire skill...


"Ah! I, I have learned [Flame Jue], and I have also understood the first level [Splitting Fire]?!"

When Jingwei Bird took the lead to receive the mission and flew away, when the giant salamander was entangled, suddenly, a certain squirrel jumped to the ground and exaggeratedly exclaimed after landing, and when he reached out, it was in her chubby In the palm of her hand, she summoned a fireball the size of a head that was surprisingly hot, and she almost burned her ears and the beautiful fluffy hair on her tail.

"Old tree?"

"It's you... you spent your martial arts contribution points for me to redeem?!"

Obviously, among the three present, there is definitely no one else who can waste a hundred precious teacher contribution points and redeem compulsory sect skills for themselves, except for the pine tree elder who has depended on him for many years. !

That tangled giant salamander, the other party is reluctant to change it, let alone return it to her!

As for their teacher, that is definitely not...

Because, now the other party has fallen asleep on the big bluestone over there, and seems to hear the slight snoring sound? Therefore, the irresponsible teacher who has almost never ignored them or gave them any help in their practice in the past two days, the Great Flame Fairy, is even more impossible to exchange skills for her squirrel spirit for no reason!


The old pine tree spirit did not speak, but just used a dull face full of bark bumps and looked at the squirrel spirit in front of him, neither confessing nor denying it, just like she did a normal little thing just now general.


"It must be you..."

The squirrel spirit was a little moved, and just wanted to pounce on the other person to express some emotion, but soon she became angry again.

"Old tree!!"

"I remember, didn't I redeem the ability to speak for you yesterday, so why don't you still like to speak?!"

Looking at the other's confessed eyes with a smile of relief, the squirrel spirit couldn't laugh all the time!

Because, even if she has already contributed to the other party’s Huafei sect to exchange the ability to speak, and make up for the serious congenital shortcomings of the tree’s refined form, the old tree has been able to lose hundreds of years of hard work before the end of the day. When she heard a word from the other party, until now, the other party still likes to have that kind of silent communication with her before using her eyes to resonate with them.

Her squirrel spirit doesn’t like that at all, because she doesn’t want to reconfirm the look in the other person’s eyes when talking to the other person, even if she is used to it, but she just doesn’t like that feeling, it will make her feel The illusion that a lot of sects’ contribution points are wasted, that’s not good!


After hearing the other party's words, the pine tree spirit still did not speak, but looked at the other party silently.


"But I don't like eye contact... I don't want to look into your eyes every time I speak. Sometimes I can't tell a little lie..."

Yes, this is one of the reasons why Pine Tree Spirit doesn't like to check the other person's eyes, even if she almost never lied to her Tree Elder.


The pine tree spirit shook his head, stepped forward and gently used his dry hand like a branch to caress the trembling, pointed, and beautiful long-haired squirrel ears.

"But, what if it gets dark?"

"At that time, I couldn't see your glasses, and you couldn't see mine..."

In fact, not only is it not working when it is dark, but also when the two are not face-to-face, or when they are too far apart. This is why the squirrel spirit couldn’t wait to give it to himself after he caught the two animals yesterday and returned. The reason why the old tree exchanged his speaking ability.

But it's better now, the other party still likes to do the same way as before, the way of confirming eye contact with her?


Suddenly, after closing his eyes, the tree old pine tree spirit can accurately convey a clear reply to the squirrel spirit who originally had some kind of weak telepathy with him.


"You, you, you... You guy, you actually exchanged the ability of the protoss to communicate without telling me? You only exchanged it at fifteen o'clock? Fifteen o'clock is not a lot?!"

"We did a whole day of mentorship missions yesterday, and only...we only have 18 mentorship contribution points!!"

Soon, the squirrel spirit was startled by the meaning conveyed by the tree old pine tree spirit, and was taken aback. Then, when she saw a little squirrel lying on the big blue stone in the same place, basking in the sun. The girl, after seeing the big flame immortal cast a penetrating look at her with some dissatisfaction, she hurriedly covered her mouth and suppressed her voice as hard as possible.


The old tree did not speak, but continued to gently stroke the other person's head, soothing the other person's emotions, lest the squirrel spirits would once again startle and noisy their teacher Huo Daxian who was practicing (sleeping).

"Old tree..."

"You disappointed me so much, next time I won't help you catch bugs!!!"

Feeling that his opinion was seriously ignored, the squirrel spirit dodges the opponent's hand and threatened the old pine tree spirit in front of her with hatred.


"I don't care! I won't help you catch it, you should catch it yourself!!"


"I won't help!!"


"I won't help. There are no bugs in your tree anyway..."


When the pine tree spirit and the squirrel spirit had some strange question and answer, in the end, there was no big salamander spirit who could make up his mind whether to practice the necessary spells of the teacher, and silently walked under the main god's big ball of light.

Although he also envied the squirrel spirit who had the second senior sister pine tree spirit to exchange for help, and was lucky enough to comprehend the fire of fragmentation at the first level, he still decided to take a look at today's teacher double reward task. What to plan again.

Yesterday, the double mission of the guardian bird was to subdue a thousand-year old demon who forgot what it was called. Then, naturally, the guardian bird who didn't have much ability gave up, and luckily harvested one. It was given away by the main god, originally the magical bag used to catch the thousand-year old demon!

If the task of his giant salamander spirit is the same today, it is impossible to say that he can only learn the indifferent spirit bird, and then he himself can get a universe bag that can catch people and demon, and keep it for personal use?

"Lord God! I want to receive today's double division mission!!"

Anyway, his great salamander skill might not be stronger than that of the fine guard bird. If it’s that kind of task, it can’t be said. He really has to be greedy for the master’s mission props Universe Bag and keep it for the future. Use it to catch the demon for self defense?


Soon, the giant salamander who had been squinting his eyes, the eyes on his squishy big head, even learned the same as the squirrel, and they went round?

"That one……"

"The two are in the same class, what is the demonstration mission? Have you ever received it, how can it have a hundred-point reward for martial arts contribution?!"

After being surprised, he hesitated for a long time and looked at the left and right. Only the two squirrel spirits and the pine tree spirits were making some kind of silent communication. In no way, the giant salamander spirits could only humbly break the tacit understanding of each other and whispered. Inquired.



"What is it, show me?!"


After looking at each other in surprise, the squirrel spirit and the pine tree spirit stopped their silent communication, and immediately moved towards the giant salamander spirit.

"I don't know what it is..."

"The task said that I was to go to the capital of the Shang Dynasty to Chaoge, to a house called Song Yiren, to give a severe lesson to a Yuxu Palace, and to teach that guy named Jiang Ziya, at least I had to beat the other party to beg for mercy. Is the task completed?"

That kind of inexplicable task, the giant salamander has never heard or seen, so he can only share it honestly, so that the squirrel spirit and the pine tree spirit can see:

‘Jiang Ziya, the disciple of Yuxu Palace, has done a lot of evil, rumors slander and insult Huo Daxian. He is now hiding in the house of Song Yiren in Chaoge of the Capital City. After the disciple of Yunfeng Peak receives the task, he should go to Chaoge and beat him up immediately! ! ’

"Who is Jiang Ziya? Is he good?"

After sharing the mission, the giant salamander asked the two inseparable fairies at the same door.


Pine Tree Spirit shook his head, obviously without any impression...

"I know I know!"

"I once overheared a bare-bottomed spirit boy and the big brother'Feng Shen Bang' here. I heard that... the man named Jiang Ziya was beaten away by our teacher. Four powerfully transformed enchantment beasts are said to be...It is said that they were caught at that time..."

Thinking of some squirrel spirits, she suddenly screamed loudly, and then suddenly she covered her mouth again, and while speaking timidly, she looked in the direction of a certain large bluestone.

Fortunately, their sleeping teacher was not disturbed by her...

"Huh? That's amazing, should I give up?"

When the giant salamander listened carefully, he remembered the rumored battle that took place before Chentang Pass, so, of course, he started to retreat.

"No way!"

"A full hundred points for martial arts contribution, double reward is two hundred points! Brother, younger sister thinks you should try, you must try, anyway, if you can't beat it, you can open the flag and escape?"

"If it doesn't work, can you learn the skills of returning to the school before you go out?"

The squirrel spirit felt that she couldn't give up anyway for the two hundred points of "great wealth", so she began to tease her four-elder brother, the giant salamander spirit, and gave the other party suggestions.

Anyway, if it were her, even if she called all the senior brothers, even if she promised to divide half of the sect contribution points afterwards, it would definitely be impossible to give up that kind of task! !


The pine tree spirit thought for a while, and nodded to the giant salamander spirit. He agreed with the view of the squirrel spirit and felt that the giant salamander spirit should not just give up.


The giant salamander spirit is still a bit tangled. He thinks that Jiang Ziya might not be something he can deal with as a demon? If he fails, he won’t be able to claim any more tasks today...

"A full two hundred points for the master’s contribution, or, Brother Si...You can exchange some things and props first, and then the old tree and I will go with you?"

"But, after the matter is over, I want you to help the old man to redeem a compulsory skill from the school!!"

The squirrel spirit's eyes rolled round and round, and then she used her chubby face to suggest to the giant salamander expectantly.


The pine tree spirit looked at the squirrel spirit a little angrily. She felt that it was right for the same door to help each other. How could the other side take the opportunity to threaten him?


"Old tree, you just leave it alone, we haven't done any of our tasks. Bye bye to help him so far to the song, how can he not benefit?"

Although the squirrel spirit doesn't know the truth of the half-to-half meeting, she only knows that she must always seek a little benefit for her good tree! !


Gritting his teeth, I felt that a demon was really a giant salamander spirit. After thinking about it, I felt that even if I divided 100 contribution points, I still earned 100 points in blood, I resolutely agreed to the squirrel spirit's suggestion. , Planning to fight, go to Chaoge to beat that Jiang Ziya, and demonstrate to the other side! !


"Shan Hai Jing Recipe Collection"

(↑Dashang Dynasty Wildlife Edible Research Institute and the authoritative work designated by the Plant Medicine Association!!)

Recipe 3: "Lu Shu Xuan Gui Soup?

specific methods:

First of all, we caught a live, strong and sturdy wild unfinished deer, and a keen and healthy turtle.

Prepare two spoons of wine, one and a half spoons of vinegar, one spoon of light soy sauce, one spoon of salt, one section of **** (sliced), a small dish of green onion, and a pinch of coriander (cut into long sections).

The wild Lushu zebras are slaughtered and broken, and several pork ribs with meat under the ribs are taken and cut into small suitable pieces; the wild spinners are slaughtered and bloodletted, and the shells are dissected and washed and chopped into small pieces respectively; The fresh lushu ribs and turtle meat are blanched in the spring water that is about to boil to remove the blood, picked up and drained and put in the soup pot.

Put two spoons of cooking wine in the pot, one and a half spoons of vinegar, one spoon of light soy sauce, one spoon of salt, one piece of **** (sliced) into the pot, stir well and marinate for half an hour to taste, then add half pot of Kunlun Mountain The fairy spring water with aura.

Cover the soup pot with the lid and place it on the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Cover. Use the samaya real fire to slowly heat it for three to five hours. Wait until the spring water in the pot evaporates for more than half of the time. Pour the Shuxuangui soup into the white ceramic soup pot, then add the prepared green onion and coriander.


Lu Shu Xuangui Soup is delicious, nourishes Qi and Yin, invigorates the spleen and appetite, enhances immunity, after eating, the spiritual energy lingers around the body, long air luck, beneficial for cultivation, and can also protect the seven orifices ~ ~ prevent deafness, treat hands and feet Calluses, whitening skin, very suitable for people with weak constitution, malnutrition, liver and kidney yin deficiency, anemia and other people...

? Queen Anne's comment: Why is there only this pot of soup for a red-tailed and white-headed zebra so hot? Such a bit of stuff, although it is delicious, although it is full after drinking, but the meat is not enough...?? (?? ̄?? ̄?)????

Recipe origin and main ingredients:

① There is a Beast Yan, which looks like a horse with a white head, its text is like a tiger with a red tail, its sound is like a ballad, its name is Lushu, and it is suitable for descendants.

②The strange water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the water of Xianyi. Among them, there are many mysterious tortoises, whose shape is like a tortoise and a bird's head and tail. The name is called a tortoise.

③South of the West Sea, on the shore of the quicksand, after Chishui, before Heishui, there are big mountains, called Kunlun Hill.

Recipe inventor: Chef Xiaobai!

Recipe contributors: Giant Salamander (the daily mission of Shimen to find the spring of Kunlun Mountain), Jingwei Bird (the daily mission of Shimen fails), Squirrel Spirit and Pine Tree Spirit (capture a strong deer and horse, skill One sensitive rotating turtle).


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