Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 850: Jingwei fills the East China Sea, Taiyi Xun Nezha!

Canghai and Sangtian, these two words combined together form an idiom, meaning that the sea has become fertile farmland, and farmland has become a vast sea... This idiom is generally used as a metaphor for the great changes in the human world, or Is it changing rapidly, and it also describes the changes caused by the long age?

After all, under the scouring of time, it is normal to change with each passing day, and Baiyun Canggu is not surprising.

But today...

In this piece of East China Sea east of Chentang Pass, the idiom described by the idiom'Changhai Sangtian' appeared in the people, fishermen and farmers of Chentang Pass near the East China Sea in just over two years. In our eyes, more and more people are also aware of one thing:

Under the door of the Flame Fairy at Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, there is a third person named Jingwei Bird Disciple. The other party is said to be transformed by the daughter of Emperor Yan. Not only does she have high magic power, she is also very keen on reclaiming the sea, so she just used one With the powerful magical powers that can move mountains and seas, they uprooted most of the mountains near Chentang Pass, except for Cuiping Mountain, and then threw them all into the sea to the east. Just in the middle of the sea, they created a world out of thin air. Large tracts of islands and land?

So, what corresponds to that kind of thing is...

The farmers of Chentangguan quickly discovered that after the three disciples of Chuyunfeng, after the sacred bird Jingwei used the supreme magical powers to remove the mountains, they were in Chentangguan out of thin air. , Gained countless flat and fertile farmland and landless land?

As a result, many villagers who benefited from this have become more and more grateful to the disciples of Cuiping Mountain who often appeared and subdued demons and demons at that time, or who were in peace with the violence....Of course, certain fishermen. We certainly won’t be too happy, but they have also gained some benefits, such as those unowned islands formed after being moved by mountains and reclamation and those islands that are safer and have more fish. Fishery?

The only thing that disturbs the fishermen along the coast is that a certain divine bird called Jingwei is really filling the sea so fast that many farmers don’t recognize them for hundreds of years. Surviving offshore fishing grounds...In some places, they have only been there for three to five months. When the fish season is up, they rowed to find that their fishing grounds have become a large group of islands. What is it near the sea?

Isn't this?

Today, when the sun is gradually slanting to the west, a guy named Jingweiniao once again transported a majestic mountain with a radius of at least a few hundred meters in diameter to the East China Sea with magic spells. The outermost part of the island she filled out, planning to add another big island standing above the sea to the East China Sea?

‘Three hundred miles to the south of Bolei Mountain, it is called Fantiao Mountain, without vegetation and much sand. The water is reduced, and it flows northward into the sea, where there are many eels. ’

And now, the mountain Jingwei is moving is one of the peaks in "Fantiao Mountain"! Maybe soon, with the speed it can carry a large mountain a day, the Fantiao Mountain will definitely disappear on the topographic map of Shanhaijing and the military map of Chentangguan.

However, the matter of Jingwei's reclamation must also abide by the ‘law of conservation of happiness’, because like energy, happiness cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred from one person to another? People on land are happy now, but some people or creatures will definitely be unhappy, such as...the creatures living in the sea and the water monsters?

and so,

Of course, after the three disciples Jingwei Bird, the third disciple of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, the big bird Jiang Nvwa used his magical powers to transport to that mountain and reached her destination, he saw that he was waiting on the sea. A large group of shrimp soldiers and crabs with at least a few hundred and thousands...


"Well, you Jingwei, you really are here again! Tell me, how many years have you filled my Donghaihai, let alone have been more than a thousand years old, are you still endless?"

"Back then, you were a little girl who ran into our East China Sea to swim by herself. Who could be to blame if she accidentally drowned in the East China Sea? Why did she come to anger our East China Sea?!"

A patrol Yaksha, who seems to be the leader, is driving the waves on the sea, surrounded by a large group of shrimp soldiers, crabs, and other marine fish spirits that are looming in the waves, just floating on the sea, clamoring with teeth and claws. To a certain bird flying in the air that grows bigger and more beautiful, and has a striking colorful pattern on its head, a milky white beak, and golden-red sharp claws, protested loudly and rebuked. .

Of course, besides anger, they have more of them now. I am afraid it is the kind of trembling that is scared and fleeing...because ah, they found that the fine guard bird flying far away and the other party Is the mountain that was transported really too big?

Such a mountain, if calculated by weights and measures after two to three thousand years, at least has a mass of tens of millions of tons! Such a big pile of things, if the opponent smashes it down directly instead of gently putting it will definitely cause the shaking of the ground and the terrifying tsunami. That degree of exaggeration is definitely theirs. We can't even think about it! !

"I know, but I don't care, I will blame you!"

"Huh! Anyway, I vowed that I will never give up if the East China Sea is not filled, my Jingwei will never stop! Who made you the East China Sea so deep and drowned me back then?!"

For the Jingwei bird, who is formed by the resentment spirit of a severely obsessive-compulsive patient and a dead-hearted little girl, filling the East China Sea is indeed the first important thing for her to live!

Therefore, facing the deep and helpless words of the grief and indignation of the Donghai Sea tribe, Jingwei, of course and righteously, did not take any care of him, and while pulling the trembling mountain above his head, he faced The group of Dragon Palace Yaksha and shrimp soldiers and crabs in the sea disdainfully used their own principles to refute each other.

Jingwei doesn’t seem to want to say too much to Du Fang, because in the past two years, they have not only talked enough to each other, but also played a lot. Now the other party is playing the same old tune again. What's the use, do you want to persuade her Jingwei not to fill the sea?

You know, the reason why Jiang Nvwa turned into a Jingwei bird back then was to fill the East China Sea. The deep grievances and the deep-seated obsessions were definitely not understood by those sea monsters.


"Our East China Sea, it seems to be so deep since the beginning of the world, can you blame us? Jiang Nvwa! The puddles and creeks on the shore are not deep at all, and some can only reach knees at most, then you Why didn't you go to the shore to swim with your enemies?!"

Xunhai Yasha rounded his eyes, and almost didn't let its dark green fighting fish eyes directly fall out of the eye sockets... It doesn't understand. If the East China Sea is not deep, can it still be called the sea? After speaking from the other side, how come it turns out that they belong to the East China Sea? Is there any reason for this? !

‘Chop~! ’

"I don't care, it's your fault anyway!!"

Jing Wei screamed loudly, and then flew away from the mountain, and flew directly to the top of the mountain.

Obviously, for patients with paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, no amount of truth is useful. She simply did not put those who did not know whether to observe or stop her in her eyes, nor did she listen to each other. If that is the case, I still intend to stick to my own opinion, continue to throw her camel to the mountain, continue to fill her Jingwei sea?


"Daxian, Jingwei Daxian..."

"You want to fill the sea, that's a good thing. I don't want to oppose it, nor dare to oppose... However, this Fantiao Mountain was originally the cave house of my family, but now it was accidentally moved here by you. Let me put this young and old one down first?"

On the top of this mountain, a few wild boar spirits with low cultivation bases are running out of their caves. They are still rushing around the top of the mountain in a hurry, but there is no way.

Think about it, they didn’t provoke anyone. They devoted themselves to cultivating in their own caves. They ran around the mountains when they had nothing to do. When they were hungry, they dig some roots, gnaw some wild fruits, or arched a few trees. Chinese cabbage or something, I didn’t hire anyone, I didn’t provoke anyone... but I thought, they used to eat and drink enough to sleep and practice in the cave, when they opened their eyes, they saw the whole mountain and their family. Are they all carried to the mountain by a big bird with powerful mana, and also came to the top of the East China Sea?

In fact, in recent years, there have been rumors among the demon cultivators: Under the flame great fairy seat of the Yunfeng school of Cuiping Mountain, there is a great bird who can only breathe flames and move mountains and seas. The opponent is not only deep in cultivation, but also Also like to move mountains to fill the sea? Anyway, it is said that many famous mountains and rivers on the east coast were moved by the other side and thrown into the East China Sea. A large area of ​​new land was created abruptly, and hundreds of thousands of acres of flat land were created for the people of the Shang Dynasty along the coast of the East China Sea. Good land?


These wild boar spirits don't really believe in that kind of thing. They don't think that there will be a kind of moral cultivation with high magic power. They will be full and idle. They have to do the bad things of moving mountains and filling the sea... But now, They believe it, they have to believe it!

Because their entire Fantiao Mountain has been carried by the other side to the East China Sea...

And below, the mountains are drenched in the sea abruptly, and they are evenly distributed. Obviously, their mountain is not the first to be moved here by the other party, and it will certainly not be the last. One!

"Get out of the way!"

"I'm going to throw it down, you don't let me go, I don't care if I am smashed to death!!"

Jingwei manages so many things, she just wants to fill the sea. On this issue, it's useless to persuade anyone, even if the Flame Great Immortal of her teacher comes in person! If she can't fill the sea, what is the use of asking for the teacher, the master god, and the brothers and sisters of those sects? !

Other things are still easy to discuss, but reclamation is her Jingwei, her main principle of Jiang Nvwa. There is no room for negotiation or compromise. She will undoubtedly stick to it for ten thousand years. Even thousands of years will not be shaken a bit! !

‘! ! ’

‘Huh! Jingwei! you dare? ! ’

‘? ! ’

‘Daxian! Daxian, don’t...’

‘Daxian! Daxian wait first, at least, should you let me wait first? ! ’

Seeing the mana surging on a certain guard bird in the sky, it was apparently preparing to reclaim the sea, the sea patrol Yaksha and the shrimp soldiers and crabs and the group of wild boar spirits on the mountain were so scared that they hurriedly threatened or begged each other .

‘Chop~! ! ’

"Tarzan is on top!!"

Jing Wei roared, guided her mana, flapped her wings, carried and moved herself to the mountain at the predetermined location, and directly moved towards the piece of filling she had planned a month ago. The predetermined location of the sea field was smashed down!

Of course, if it is said to be smashed, in fact, it is only to put it down at most?

Because Jingwei herself knows that if she throws it directly down with the weight of that big mountain, that kind of tragic earthquake and tsunami will probably affect the surrounding fishermen and many creatures in the sea. She once did that. After being proficient, I will be familiar with the matters that need attention.

And this is why she didn't care about the life and death of the brood of wild boar spirits and other animals on the mountain! In her opinion, it was only a little tremor at the most, forbearance passed, and it must be no big deal.

As for the skill ‘Tarzan’s top pressure’...

That is actually the magical spell that she has exchanged from the main **** with a large amount of sect contribution points. It only needs to consume mana to move or carry a mountain to attack the enemy! However, now Jingwei feels that instead of using a mountain to smash people, is it more practical to reclaim the sea?

However, although the reclamation work in the past two years has been very gratifying, somehow Jingwei still feels a little unsatisfied?

Because, at the beginning, probably due to the close distance, she could use her mana to move to dozens of nearby mountains in one day, and smash them into the East China Sea one by one, not to mention how comfortable it is. ... But as the peaks on the east coast of the east coast are getting smaller and smaller, she needs to fly farther and farther, and she needs to fly inland to search for mountains, so that she consumes a lot of mana, and at most only A mountain can be moved.

Fortunately, even if it was just like this, the speed at which she filled the East China Sea was far surpassed before!

Therefore, seeing that her most urgent hope for many years might be fulfilled, and after filling the East China Sea, which is within a few decades, how can she care about the opinions of those who patrol the sea and the shrimp soldiers? As for the monsters and birds and beasts on the mountain, she didn't want to worry about it. Anyway, she left it for a while at most, and she wouldn't be a dead monster! !

‘! ! ’

‘Wow! dying! dying! Help~! ! ’

The wild boar spirits and small animals on the mountain found that the mountain was falling towards the ground, and they rushed around... But they soon discovered that there was the sea underneath and the air around them, and they couldn't fly around like the birds before. Where can they find a good way to go? !

So, they can't do anything except scurry around...


"No! She's thrown it down again! Hurry up, get out of here first, and get out~!!!"

Upon seeing this, the lead patrol Yaksha roared in horror, and together with the shrimp soldiers and crabs, they lowered the waves one after another, dived back into the water, and then dispersed in the water to make birds and beasts scattered, all of a sudden. Using Shui Dun and other quick travel skills, disappeared in the blink of an eye...

Rumbling rumbling...

Finally, after the mountain that was deliberately slowed down by Jingwei fell into the sea and hit the bottom, after the great and long rumbling sound, after the shaking of the ground and the seabed, the mountain was shaking. The whole sea seemed to boil, and the sea began to roar fiercely, and it was shocked that countless nearby birds who had already settled on this piece of "New Mountain" and "New Island" started from the branches. Flew up with a panic cry... and the big and small fish in the sea, those who were unknown and could not run away in time, also after the roar, rolled their white belly in the sound and turbulent sea and floated to the surface. He was quickly swept away by the tumbling and chaotic waves and disappeared.



"Jingwei! Wait, my Donghai Dragon Clan will not let you go!!"

Seeing another big mountain that fell out of thin air above the East China Sea, and seeing the East China Sea Dragon Palace missing a large area of ​​the sea, by the way, there were countless fish and shrimp lost, and the dizzy shrimp soldiers and crabs in the distance resurfaced on the surface. The patrol Yaksha, while frightened, could only yell at the Jingwei bird that hovered happily in the air.

Although this sentence has been said many times, this attitude must still be expressed. Otherwise, how should they tell the dragon kings when they return?

The reason why they dare not fight with that Jingwei bird is because in the past two years, the shrimp soldiers and crabs in the East China Sea and the patrol Yasha have already fought each other no less than ten times! Fortunately at the beginning, the two sides basically lose and lose, the other can fly, they can dive, basically no one can do anything...


Ever since that Jingwei bird didn’t know what spells he had learned, and after he learned how to breathe fireballs and seas of fire, these Haiyasha and Shrimp Crabs were no longer opponents of each other... Now, when they encounter each other, they even They didn’t dare to leave the sea, nor dared to rush to the sky to fight each other with their ability to control waves. Every day when the other party came to reclaim the sea, they not only cursed, but clamored on the sea for a while and then ran back to the Dragon Palace to report. , There is no other good way at all.

Think about a thousand years ago...

When the Jingwei bird began to fill the sea, the other party could only carry a small stone or a small branch to "fill the sea" at first. They were just looking at it as a joke, thinking that the other party was just a A stupid bird with a bit of a brain problem didn’t even take it to heart...because there are tens of thousands of sand and gravel branches that rush from those big rivers to the East China Sea every day, and for so many years, I haven’t seen those. Big rivers can fill up the East China Sea!

after that,

The Taoism of the Jingwei bird gradually became deeper, the small stones also turned into big rocks, big branches, and still came to fill the East China Sea once a day, day after day, year after year......

At that time, the East China Sea Dragons and the Shrimp and Crab Generals also did not take the other side to heart! Because what the other party did was not as good as the amount of sand and gravel that the big rivers rushed into the East China Sea every day. At most, they just sighed and looked rare, and didn't take it too seriously. .


Now, the other party doesn’t know what’s going on, nor does it know that it’s the insatiable great supernatural power who disregards the precepts of the heavens, and teaches that fine guard bird a good ability, so that the other party can really do it in just two seconds. In more than ten years, it has become very powerful, and from the original big rock or big branch that was like a joke every day, it has directly turned into a terrifying mountain? !

Take a look at this sea area in front of you. Originally last year, the vast blue sea was endless, the site of their East China Sea Dragon Palace, their fish and shrimp pasture... But now, look at it, this place has been invaded by mountains!

Presumably within a few years, after the seawater in the ravines between the mountains inside has receded, it will become the new Donghae County, right? !

Therefore, whether it is the sea patrol Yaksha, or the shrimp soldiers and crabs, they all feel that if they do not restrict the fine guard bird, and let the other party get a big mountain every day, then their days in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, I am afraid that they really will not Farr goes on! !

"Big, my lord..."

"What should we do now?!"

At this time, a huge steel tongs one-armed crab moved the waves to the side of Xunhai Yasha. After looking at the newly dropped mountain in the distance, he asked Xunhai Yasha a little nervously.


"Go back to the Dragon Palace, tell the Dragon King to know!!"

What can it do, and what can it do?

People can't fly down in the sky, and they don't dare to go up. What else can they do, except for running back dingy and returning to their lives, what can they do with the little monsters who are under the Donghai Dragon King?

These things, in the view of the sea patrol Yasha, it was possible to solve these problems by the Dragon Kings, and at most they could only wave their flags and cheer on the side.

In case, one day, the East China Sea is really filled...

The big deal, they just ran to the South China Sea or the North Sea to take refuge in other Dragon King and Demon King. Anyway, these little people, they run to serve as errands in the same way, and they are easy to starve no matter what they do. The Dragon King stayed in the East China Sea and was driven to death by that nasty bird!

"Don't watch it! Haven't watched enough in two years?"

"Hurry up! Hurry up! That's all for today, let's go back everybody!!"


Under the leadership of the patrol Yasha, I was still yelling at the fine guard birds in the sky just now. The shrimp soldiers and crabs who scolded every day saw that their actions did not have any effect on the other party, and saw After the mountain had been thrown down, they could only die, followed their leader to patrol the sea, drilled directly under the surface of the sea, dived directly and disappeared soon...


"The skill of Mount Taishan is really easy to use! Now the 2334th mountain has been lost. If you can build a mountain a day in the future, maybe ten or eight years will be enough?"

Seeing the new side peak of Fantiao Mountain underneath that was being beaten by the calming waves, Jingwei Bird nodded in satisfaction.

In the past, she filled in Donghai for more than a thousand years, but there was no improvement at all... But now, in just over two years, she filled so much! !


She basically moved all the nearby mountains, and she didn’t dare to move around the Cuiping Mountain where the Shimen was located. So now she can only go to a farther place to search for the mountains, and the time and mana required to travel is also More and more, and if this continues, let alone there are several mountains a day like before, maybe even one mountain a day is a little difficult?

Therefore, it must find a way! !

Maybe, that Tarzan is a good choice?

She knew that it was not too far away from the East China Sea, and the mountains were big, with a total of 112 mountains, all of which were super mountains of that kind, and that the top of Mount Tai was even more of a hundred. …Perhaps, she must move that Mount Tarzan before she can barely realize the reputation of her Mount Tarzan skill?

However, Mount Tai is said to have a lot of moral cultivation, and one is more powerful than the other. She may not have been able to fight with Jingwei Bird. Therefore, she has never had the idea of ​​hitting that mountain... But, in the surrounding mountains After being evacuated by her, she couldn't say no, she really had to go to Mount Tai to take the risk!

"All right!"

"Today's work is completed, let's go back to the teacher's door first. I heard that the flame fairy who didn't care has finally returned, and I have to go back soon and see if she is..."

‘Chop~! ! ’

After circling several times in the sky, looking at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and seeing that the place that was originally the vast ocean underneath has become a large verdant mountain after another, Jing Wei screamed happily and turned to the west. The high ground flew back towards the west, towards Chentangguan Cuiping Mountain.

As for the feelings of the Donghai Dragon Palace and the Donghai Sea tribe, as well as the mountain spirits and wild monsters and animals that she forcibly moved to settle on the sea, what their thoughts are, she Jingwei does not care!

Who can let them beat her, or even if they can beat her, they can't catch her?

Actually, on several occasions, she was almost beaten to death or caught by the dragons of the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the cruising gods of the Heavenly Court... But fortunately, she was recommended by the main **** of her teacher, and it seems to be theirs. The "Shadow Flames" that the little teacher learned was really very useful. As long as she was not killed on the spot, even if she was received an incomparable magic weapon, she could easily escape with that skill.

As a result, after all these years, after seeing no matter what she can do, no matter whether it is the dragon clan in the East China Sea Dragon Palace or the gods in the heavens, it seems that they do not intend to care about her anymore, so that she can fill up more smoothly After more than two years of the sea, a large area of ​​the East China Sea has been used to make a large area of ​​land or Daze... If this continues, Jingwei feels that as long as there are enough mountains nearby, she will definitely be able to Can you fulfill your long-cherished wish for thousands of years on a foreseeable day?

She believes that it will! !

Tweet~! !

After uttering another triumphant cry, soon, in the eyes of the mountain spirits, wild monsters and animals on the nearby'islands', resentful, puzzled, or panicked, a certain beautiful bird slammed Soaring into the sky, disappearing into the vast blue sky and white clouds...


Several days have passed since the Battle of Huanghua Mountain. Now Chaoge’s army has passed the wildfire field that was extinguished by heavy rain. It is now only a few days away from Xiqi City. It must be within ten days. , You can definitely encircle Xiqi with soldiers and clamor to capture Jiang Ziya alive and capture Zhou Wu Wang Ji.


The Xiqi Army only lost 3,000 soldiers in the five major formations, and there was no major injury. However, if you lose, you lose. This battle against the Conferred Gods The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is very important to some powerful people who know that God’s predestined “business as a Zhou”, especially when they discovered that those guys who jumped out of the chaos seem to have the ability to disrupt. When is the secret of heaven and hindering the conferment of gods? !

Therefore, a certain Nezha who was close to the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng sect, understood everything about the other party, pretended to be a fool on the battlefield, deliberately indulged in the enemy, and even almost turned against the friendly army in front of the battle. Zhenren Yi was summoned and returned to the golden cave of Qianyuan Mountain.



"If you have anything you want to say quickly, what's wrong with looking at the disciple like this?!"

After looking at my master for a long time, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, Nezha, who didn't show any timidity, finally became a little impatient first, and then didn't wait for his master Taiyi to say something first. He suddenly jumped onto the stone table in the Golden Light Cave and lay on it bored.

This is the advantage of being small, never growing up, and always looking like a three-year-old child, isn't it? Any table can be used as a bed for him.

Moreover, because he is not grown up, he can always play tricks in front of his master without worrying about the other party being annoyed or angry with him.


"Hey...what about Huanghua Mountain, you don't plan to chat with Master me?!".

Taiyi, who had nothing to do with his beloved disciple, had to put away the serious and fat face that was the other's master, and replaced it with another round face like a kind elder, ready to talk about those Business...Although he is still fat now, at least, he can't bluff people like he did before?

"I already said it!"

"That's because I persuaded that Jiang Ziya to retreat, but he was stubborn, he was stubborn, he couldn't listen to people's persuasion, I can't help!!"

Speaking of this, Nezha jumped up from Stone Table Mountain and stood directly on it, protesting loudly.

Many people present at the time had heard about this. Those Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Han Dulong, Xue Ehu, Huang Tianhua, Bukit, etc. were right next to Jiang Ziya, and they could all testify to him. So Nezha felt that he had tried his best. The only blame was that sauce lard was blinded, and he had to be aggressive, so he lost so many soldiers and caused several generals to be slightly injured when they were caught off guard.

"This is not what the master wants to ask..."

Shaking his head, Madam Taiyi shook the whisk in his hand, signalling Nezha not to repeat the old tune, nor deliberately change the subject, because he didn't want to ask this question.

"Then what are you asking?"

Nezha, puzzled, leaned directly on the stone table, slapped his eyes, and leaned towards his master, looking ignorant. He didn't know if it was pretended or it was really that way?


"Fine, let's not talk about this, let's talk about something else now..."

I stared at the other party for a long time, and realized that if this goes on, I will only repeat the situation just now. Knowing that my apprentice will not be honest, I have to sigh and wave his hand, ready to ask myself the most Concerned about those things.


"I heard. It is said that the Great Flame Fairy who has been missing for twenty years has finally returned?"

Squinting, looking at the apprentice sitting cross-legged on the stone table in front of him for another moment, Tai Yi Zhen talent pretended to ask lightly, as if talking about the family.

"Yes, Master!"

Nezha stared at the other party with some curiosity. He just learned the news from the kind of communication tool used by the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, and he didn't know where the news of his master Taiyi came from. Yes, how could it be so smart?

However, how did the other party know that he didn't ask too much, and he asked for nothing! Because Nezha also knew that there were certain things that his master would never tell him. Every time he used the excuses of ‘secrets cannot be revealed’ or ‘the time has not come’ to perfuse him, he had already seen through the other party!


"Hey! It seems to be real at this time... nothing! This matter is finally about to be resolved..."

I closed my eyes and thought for a few breaths. After a while, Taiyi Zhenren suddenly opened his eyes and stared at someone who was about to quietly hide a purple gold gourd filled with pill on the stone table. Give it a glance.

Over the years, Nezha has always used various excuses to ask for something that the other party doesn’t need at all, and sometimes even at the mercy of petty theft, has always made him very confused... Until recently, according to their channels, After learning some news, I finally figured out some of the actions of his good apprentice...

Therefore, Master Taiyi didn't even think about it. He stretched out his hand and took away the gourd without giving him a chance.

"Solve what?"

"Master, what do you want to do?!"

Nezha didn’t care about his small actions when the other party found out. Anyway, he knew that the pill in the gourd would not be able to change much contribution points. If it is gone, it will be gone. Let’s first see what is valuable, and then Master If you don’t need it, just let it go, and exchange it with the main **** for contribution points.

"Master and your uncles, by the order of the respected master, we are ready to solve the trouble of Mount Cuiping..."

"Since the great flame fairy is back, then we should almost set off!"

It took more than 20 years for the Great Flame Fairy to finally come back. This made Madam Taiyi feel that some things had come to be resolved once and for all!

I only hope that by that time the flame fairy and the little girl Annie can understand the current affairs, can follow the providence, and not go against the sky?


"Master! What are you going to do?!"

Unexpectedly, today Master summoned himself to come back. It was indeed such a great event, Nezha secretly said a bad sound, and couldn't help but ask timidly.

"Go to Cuiping Mountain and ask her for a theory!!"

Madam Taiyi said categorically. Obviously, what he meant was definitely not just a "theory"! At that time, if the two parties have no agreement, they can't say it, they will have to use the means to "persuade" the other party properly?


"Master, I still have something to do, or should I go down the mountain first?"

What are you kidding about, the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun go to Cuiping, how can such things be good?

So Nezha decided, and hurried back to Chentangguan, looking for a chance to take away the little Chanyu who is still recuperating on the Cuiping Mountain, and then Master and the others love it, so he won't join in the fun anyway!

Moreover, he faintly felt that if the two sides really conflicted, it seemed that Cuiping Mountain would have a better chance of winning? !

"and many more!"

"Nezha! You are familiar with the road, and you are also familiar with the school of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng, so you also go with the teachers and uncles! Did you hear that?"

Seeing that his apprentice was about to slip away, as soon as the real Taiyi stretched out his hand, he used the tactics in his sleeve, and easily caught Nezha who jumped from the stone table into the Master! Do not hurt me! ! "

I don't know what kind of means my master used, but when he found Nezha that he couldn't break free, he struggled and pleaded.


"Naughty! What kind of nonsense, how can Master harm you?!"


"Okay! Yeah, that's how it's decided. Send the information to your uncles for your teacher. We will go to Cuiping Mountain early in the morning!"




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