Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 852: A piercing arrow, 100,000 disciples come to meet?



"Do any of you want to play that kind of burn-out game with me? I tell you, it's really fun!"




Last time, Xiao Anni had played a game of burning buttocks with the chubby guy over there, who seemed to be called Taiyi. The other party had a great time and gave her a gift for cooking and cooking. The smoke stove, the food is delicious...


So, now Xiao Anni doesn’t mind playing with other people again...but, there seem to be a lot of strangers who came across today, and they seem to be a little bit more powerful, so, she hasn’t thought about it yet. It's better to play with who should go first, which made her feel a little bit entangled.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



The big thing is not good, today's things must be bad, what should I do now?

When a kid named Nezha realized that something was wrong, he quickly seized the opportunity to secretly take advantage of his master’s no time to pay attention to himself, and sometimes quietly backed away, trying to get rid of his ties and try to get away from the front. The guys who call the door to make trouble for others are further away, wanting to use this to show that they have no relationship with the other party at all?

Now, the scary words that the little girl who had just returned to the top of Izumo Peak in Cuiping Mountain had confirmed some of his previous foresight, so she subconsciously felt that her master and uncle master The uncles won't have much chance of winning. After thinking hard, he began to reduce his sense of existence, wishing to turn around and run away, and ran directly back to his parents' house in Chentangguan!

If he can, he really hopes that now he is eating and drinking with his father and mother in the Li Mansion compound in Chentangguan, rather than with these uncles who dare to come to trouble others without going through more detailed investigations. Uncles stay here! !



What kind of joke was this, and he even gave the door to the door to play a ‘suffocating bag’ to vent his anger, and burned out people’s games. Does this mean they?




Hearing the little girl, the childlike flame fairy on the opposite side, he dared to speak wildly after seeing their Kunlun twelve golden immortals came to the door, and her attitude was very mad, and there was no sign of repentance, including Guang Chengzi. The Kunlun Golden Immortals, such as Chi Jingzi and Yuding Zhenren, all snorted coldly, groaned, or frowned.

Obviously, the other party’s unreasonable and reckless attitude has already touched some of their inverse scales as the Kunlun twelve golden immortals...because they have been cultivating in Kunlun Yuxu Palace for many years. Today, they are not in the golden fairy realm of'Three Flowers Gathering on Top and Five Qi Chaoyuan', but they are not the existence that anyone can despise!


"Brothers and disciples, please listen to Taiyi..."

Reality Taiyi, who found that coming here today would not go too smoothly, first glanced at his fellow seniors and disciples, and signaled that the other party shouldn't act rashly. After not rushing to fight, he continued to reveal the previous one. A kind of smile and a step forward:

"Little Taoist friend Annie, don't worry about it?"

"Actually, when I am here today, I have other important matters to discuss, not to come here for a big fight..."

Madam Taiyi looked at the flame in the opponent’s hand, and then thought about the last time he was driven back directly by the opponent using that magical method when he personally came to Cuiping Mountain Izuyun Peak. He felt that, if possible, the most Fortunately, be reasonable with the other party first, if you can not fight, it is better not to fight?

Although he did not think that they would be afraid of each other by joining forces with the 12 Golden Immortals of Kunlun, but before things reached the point where they had to fight, if they could seek common ground while reserving differences, use peaceful means to resolve contradictions and resolve the matter smoothly. , That is better.

"Is it important?!"


Little Annie didn’t understand, she could have anything to talk about with these guys who looked fierce and didn’t feel like good people...because she didn’t know them at all, and she didn’t take the initiative to invite them. They had to come to her house by themselves.

"That one……"

(* ̄ω ̄)

"Do you want to send people that kind of delicious food like those villagers yesterday? But I tell you, people only eat meat, so they won't eat those rice again!!!"


Yesterday, when the representatives of the villagers came to visit her and praised her with gratitude and gratitude, they brought the rice they planted themselves, though, if those people, claws, shoes, and small animals come, she Might be happier?

Therefore, if these weird grandpas and strange mullets brought her delicious delicacies today, then her Queen Anne, she, the flame fairy, would reluctantly let them go, and no longer pursue the crooked eyebrows of these guys just now. Straight eyes, let her look at the kind of troublesome things, and she won't want to play the badass game with them again! !


"That, it's not actually..."

After a long while, he understood that the other party was actually asking for the tribute, Tai Yi Zhen, and shook his head in a dubious manner.

After all, they are here today to find fault, reason with each other and find each other's troubles. If the two sides can't agree, they really have to have a meeting. Where can they make a special trip to bring the other party to meet? Besides, what kind of people are their Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals. They are disciples under the seat of Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains. They are immortals of the Golden Immortal level. If they can come together to find each other’s troubles, they are already respecting each other. Now, where would you bring that kind of inexplicable "delicious meat"? !



"Then do you have anything particularly interesting?!"


Queen Anne said that if the other party does not have that delicious meat, fruit or other so-called "natural treasures", but if there are any good things that satisfy her, then she I will also forgive them generously and promise that I will never play games that burn people with them in the future!


"It's not..."

I don’t know if the other party is intentional or unintentional. When I see the other party getting farther and farther, and discovering that the expressions of my brothers and apprentices are getting more and more impatient, Tai Yi’s smile begins to become a little hard, I don’t know what to do with that. The temperament escaped, not like a'big fairy', but a guy who looked more like a little girl and talked.

"It's not even..."


"There is no food, and no fun... Then what are you doing here today, people don't believe you can have anything important!!"


Little Annie, who didn't get a satisfactory answer to herself, licked her lips and rolled her eyes at the other party with disdain. She didn't put those weird uncles and grandpas in her eyes...because those guys didn't bring gifts. , She broke into her house arbitrarily, and she disliked it! !


Madam Taiyi was suddenly speechless...

He just stated clearly that they have very important things to come here today. Moreover, he has also vaguely reminded the other party just now, and gave the other party a step down, so that the two parties have a chance to communicate smoothly. , But why did the other party still pull the matter into the trivial things of eating, drinking and having fun?

"All right!"


"If you weird guys are okay, just go back by yourself, and if you bother me again, be careful I really hit you!"


You know, Annie just now was sad because the scenery in front of her house changed drastically. Therefore, she is in a very bad mood now, and she is not very concerned about these guys who don’t know why they come to her house. , And do not plan to waste too much time on them.


"This little Taoist friend! Stay here!"

Seeing the real Taiyi was choked by the other party, and seeing that the other party was really ready to assume that nothing happened, and people who wanted to pretend to be deaf and dumb were okay, everyone was going to turn around and walk away. The leader Guang Chengzi shouted again. Lived each other.

"I am waiting for the Yuxu Palace gate to come here today, in fact, it is for the actions of the disciples under the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng gate of fellow Taoists!"

"The disciples under the seat of Fellow Daoist are always arguing against my teachings, shouldn't... Fellow Daoist should give us an explanation for Kunlun Yuxu Palace?!"

Compared with the kindness and worries of the real Taiyi who knew the other party, Guang Chengzi appeared to be more impatient. Therefore, he simply went to a showdown with the other party directly, wanting to see what the other party's plan is. What kind of thought?



"Ah! So, you were talking about those guys halfway up the mountain..."


Hearing that these weirdos came to find themselves aggressively, because they were thrown by the main **** and the guys that the main **** had thrown at the bottom of the mountain halfway up Izuyun Peak. Little Annie can barely understand the reason. .


"A few days ago, in the battle of Huanghua Mountain, dozens of disciples from Cuiping Mountain raided my school, and killed 3,000 troops in Xiqi. I don't know what the Flame Immortal can advise?!"

Without waiting for his brothers and apprentices to continue to speak, Zhenren Yuding stepped forward and asked harshly the little girl who was still trying to pretend to be cute and stupid.

Because, that day his own disciple was beaten up by those evil demons outsiders. Although it was not a major problem, as a master, he always needed to give his disciple a good start.



"Oh, I finally understood! You guys actually came to trouble me because you couldn't beat the guys under the mountain. Am I right?!"


That's right, things must be like this!

However, what made Little Annie somewhat wondering was, why didn't these guys find trouble with the group of noisy **** at the foot of the mountain, they wanted to trouble her instead? Is it possible that they think her Queen Anne will be weaker than the group of **** who can only use martial arts contribution points to exchange cultivation bases, spells, and props to the main god?



At this time, neither Guangchengzi, Taiyi nor Yuding said anything, and the other Kunlun golden immortals also looked at the little girl silently, waiting for the other's response.

Although what the other party just said was a bit inaccurate, it was not that they couldn't beat those guys, but their apprentices couldn't beat them, and the reason why they didn't go to the middle of the mountain first was just troublesome... But basically they It can be regarded as acquiescing to the other party.

Because they all feel that if you want to catch the thief first, catch the king, and want to deal with the evil sects that are entrenched here at Cuiping Mountain Izuyun Peak, first dealing with the flame fairy in front of you will always be better than dealing with the group of people It's easier.



"They guys ran out to fight and bullied you, you won't go to them directly, come find me what to do, I don't know the guys under the mountain!"


Yes, except for a few of them, such as the fat squirrel spirit and the old pine spirit, and the giant salamander spirit and the fine guard bird who don’t know where to go, other ones Guy, she really doesn't know all of them!

So, if these guys in front of you want to find someone to reason or avenge, they are really looking for the wrong place. They can go out and turn down. As long as she doesn’t break her Chuyunfeng, she She will definitely not make a move, she promises! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Good, good..."

"In this way, Fellow Daoist Annie is not going to give Yuxu Palace an explanation to the poor people?!"

The other party kept saying that he didn't know his disciple. Who would believe that kind of nonsense?

Therefore, the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun who understood the attitude of the other side surrounded the little girl Huo Daxian who was unhappy and didn't intend to give them an explanation in Guang Chengzi's sigh, preparing to form The Kunlun Golden Immortal Twelve Earthly Branches Enchanted Array, striving to accomplish everything in one fell swoop, surrender or eliminate the enemy who is in front of the battle against the gods and hinders the interpretation and teaching.



"Ha! I see, you guys want to come and fight with me, right?!"


Annie clearly said that she didn't know the guys under the mountain, and she wouldn't be responsible for any behavior of those gangsters. Even if the group of guys in front of her went down the mountain to fight, she didn't plan to do more...but as a result, These people are still reluctant to her?

This is really outrageous! !



The Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals did not speak, but they did not take the initiative to move away, but stood silently and prepared to move.


Finally, although the formation has not yet begun, the harmful fluctuations before the formation of the 12 Earthly Branch Enchanting Formation finally awakened a guy who was sleeping in his cave.


"Grandma tree! Grandma tree! Who are those people and why are they so terrible?!"

A certain fat squirrel who was awakened by the noises and waves of natural enemies, was peeking out from the hole in the pine tree where it lives, and then, when she squeezed out her own fat body After finding out that the situation outside was not right, he hurriedly crawled on the thick pine tree trunk and ran to a certain position before patted a certain dry face on the old pine tree and vomited. Asked verbally.

Obviously, the fat squirrel that was alarmed was the squirrel spirit! !


"do not know……"

The Pine Tree Spirit said that it doesn't recognize anyone except the real Taiyi and Nezha...

Moreover, it just overheard the conversation between the two parties. It seems that those people are not friends of their teacher? Also, in addition to that powerful little Nezha, it is now feeling the full of malice from other people...Those people, those guys who have gathered into the twelve golden immortals under the Kunlun Yuxu Palace, Does not conceal the full malice toward their disciples of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng and their teacher Huo Daxian? !


"But, Grandma, what are they doing now?!"

Looking at the guys in a circle, the fat squirrel felt a little curious, not knowing what those strange Taoists were doing.

"They... are here for trouble..."

The pine tree spirit is studying the formations of the Taoists and the frequency of mana fluctuations, so now its reaction is a little slow...Of course, it may also be the reason for its pine wood brain's slow response?


"Looking for, troublesome!?"

After blinking and stunned for a long time, suddenly, the fat squirrel spirit was agitated, and the fluffy hair on his body was so scared that it stood up at the same time quickly took out a cylindrical shape. Something, toward the top of the pine tree, toward the sky of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak is a fierce pull!


A red piercing cloud arrow flew high into the sky with a strange noise, and successfully aroused the confrontation between Xiao Anni and the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun, as well as the disciples who were resident on the halfway of Cuiping Mountain. Everyone’s attention.

Bang~! ! !

A blast sounded, and then, a large firework bloomed in the sky at the top of Izumo Peak in Cuiping Mountain...

After many years, since the last time the Heavenly Court sent a large number of patrolling gods and heavenly soldiers to besiege Cuiping Mountain Izuyun Peak, the chief disciple of Cuiping Mountain, Xiaoyaosheng had to play a fireworks from the Martial God Altar, summoning all the scattered After the disciples of the disciples who were outside returned to Cuiping Mountain to help in the fight and gained countless sect contribution points and received wide acclaim, today, the same fireworks are lit up again.


o(??ω??)o ticket~

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