Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 854: ?Jinxian anti-cuiping, where is the dragon fighting?

‘Moo woo...’


boom! !

Condensed by the flags of the twelve capitals of the gods, the three-phase giant of wind, fire and thunder, which is higher than the highest peak of Izumo Peak on the green screen, still punches up. It bombarded and wanted to continue to press down, and wanted to envelop and seal it, the huge black sky full of Zhou Tian stars and surrounding star power!

One of the four major killing formations in the ancient times, the “Twelve Capitals of the Deities of the Great Formation” is not easy to deal with. It was originally called the “Great Forms of the Twelve Gods of the Deities of the Great Formation”. Vigorously proving the Tao, one of the ancient mysteries to obtain the supreme position, the power can be described as unparalleled!

However, this formation wants to condense Pangu's true body and use it to prove the Dao with strength or exert its greatest power, and it also has extremely strict requirements!

That is: the twelve ancestral witches that part of his body was transformed into after Pangu needed to open up the world, evolve the wild world and let all things live in endlessly! Only after the twelve ancestor witches set up an array and activate the twelve capital gods, can they condense the real body of Pangu and use the Pangu Sky-Opening Axe!

According to legend, the power of the original formation is probably only under the ancestor Hongjun?

Once the real body of Pangu is condensed, not only can it destroy the heavens and the earth, but even the saints can only flee as long as they encounter them. Otherwise, they will pass by with an axe, even if they are the immortal saints who are said to be immortal and immortal. There was only a tragic end that turned to ashes on the spot and vanished...

Unfortunately, the Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals are not the twelve ancestral witches of the ancient times, and they are not transformed by the blood of Pangu. Their own abilities and cultivation are also far away from the twelve ancestral witches of the ancient times. Therefore, they can only condense the power of the wind, fire and thunder, the powerful ancestral witch body without the entity, using the twelve capitals of the gods and the big formation deployed by the capital of the gods. Use the power of wind, fire and thunder in his fist to fight against the black Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sky Screen.

But even if it's just that, the power is already terrifying!


Under the terrifying and powerful three-phase power of wind, fire and thunder, under the fist attack of that ancient ancestor Wu’s true figure, not only did the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng half-mountain sect station go up to a thousand The huge mountain with a height of more than 100 meters, the rocky mountain with a weight of hundreds of millions of tons was directly smashed and splashed by its fists, and disappeared in a flash... even the black condensed from the star formation of Zhou Tian The star sky curtain, also under the heavy blow of the opponent's punch, shook the entire earth violently.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of the Twelve Capital Tianshen Array!

Although it is still far from the condensed Pangu's true body, it is impossible to reach the level of destroying the sky and the earth, but the fragmentation of the mountains and the ground, the burning of the city and the sea, I am afraid it is just waiting?

And this is just the fist power of the condensed Ancestral Witch’s true body shadow, and it does not include the power of the violent hurricane, thunder lightning, and Nanming Lihuo brought out by the surrounding formations! It can be seen from this that if the original version of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods Array, what terrible power would it have?

Of course, most of the ancestor witches have fallen. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and there are not many that can remember their existence...

However, the one hundred thousand disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak now exchanged them from the Lord God based on the gods, and the Zhoutian Stars Array, which was based on the one-time Zhoutian Stars Array, is not bad at all. ! !

Because, no matter how you say it, the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is, after all, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's understanding from the chaotic clock, one of the three innate treasures, from the detailed laws of the Hongmeng stars, and it combines the power of three hundred and sixty-five stars in the sky. A super array with Sun Star and Lunar Star as the main star!

It is extremely deep and murderous. It is the protection of the ancient heavenly court, and it is also linked to the power of Zhou Tian's stars, and its power and power are not much worse than the Twelve City Heavenly God Array.

According to rumours,

After being trapped by the original Zhoutian Star Dou formation, even the saint couldn't break free. In the end, even if he didn't fall on the spot, he would be permanently sealed. Its power to trap and kill the enemy is not something ordinary people can easily imagine!

Moreover, even more importantly, even if it is the weakened version of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array formed by the current God Heaven Soldier of Cuiping Mountain, which is composed of the formation chart exchanged by the Lord God, it can also guide the power of Zhou Tian and the stars!

and so,

It has been able to still firmly condense the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun and the twelve capitals of the gods and evil spirits under the opponent to form the phantom of the true body of the ancestor witch, firmly trapped in that huge black star. In the huge screen, and still letting the opponent attack, struggle, and bombard with the three-phase power of wind, fire and thunder, it will not help...

Because now, the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun and the real body of the ancestor shaman condensed by their formation using the Dutian **** evil flag are fighting not only the power of the 100,000 disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, but also That vast and mighty power of Zhou Tianxingchen!

Even if it may only be one billionth of the power of the sky full of stars, it is not something that a mere twelve Taiyi Golden Immortals can easily shake...


Boom~! !

The ancestral witch’s true body condensed by the Kunlun twelve golden immortals with the twelve capitals of the gods, the huge figure is still violently bombarding the stars with the power of the wind, flame and lightning, trying to stop the other party from continuing Under pressure, it seems that you want to break through or penetrate the shady so that you can successfully break through the opponent's formation and counter the enemy?


In this way, the two sides continued to suppress and gather one side, and the other side attacked and resisted. The confrontation remained a stalemate for a long time. For the time being, no one can do anything about it.

However, when the two sides squat, the party with more cards and more people will obviously be more advantageous...

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Suddenly, two round spherical missiles flew out from a certain part of the sky full of stars. They were not too fast, and they dragged a long tail flame, whizzing and flying fast in the air, and Will take the initiative to avoid those hurricanes, sky full of flames and thunder and lightning that escaped from the giant ancestor witch, and go straight to the foot of the twelve capital gods, to the feet of the giant ancestral witch giant, to Kunlun The location of the Twelve Golden Immortal Fabric Array flew down firmly.

Now the spells flying down from the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation have gradually decreased, because after the messy spell attacks at the beginning, which flames, hidden weapons, thunder curses, flying swords, ground thorns, ice cones, etc. After the bombardment of other attack methods, the disciples of Cuiping Mountain’s Izuun Peak soon discovered that the general low-intensity attacks were nothing but the giant’s phantom or the enemy’s original array, but the flame, frost and thunder Will it only add to the opponent's strength? Therefore, the current explosive missiles that occasionally fly out have become the best way to attack.

It’s just that the one-time-use missiles require valuable contribution points to be exchanged from the Lord God, and after the indiscriminate bombing at the beginning and the discovery that they can’t help the enemy, now the disciples of Mount Cuiping gradually consciously The density of the bombing was lowered. After all, the kind of sect's contribution points that can be used as money are not caused by wind and rain. It can only earn so much every day.


Whoosh~! !

In the blink of an eye, the two balls, which were exchanged for unknown ones, started to accelerate and flash when they were not too far away from the 12 Golden Immortals of Kunlun, and then they went down the enemy's formation. Go inside the protective cover! !


【Stalker Missile】

It is the solid and highly maneuverable in the sky of the Kepulu region, the main combat unit [Raven] that is suitable for independent combat in extreme environments and in the universe. The single target special attack missile is standard.

When it is cast, one or several spherical missiles with a regular forward speed will appear from the slot and fly towards the target. When the distance from the hit distance is only two standard tactical distances, the missile will suddenly accelerate and bend into the predetermined target in a short distance. There is a certain chance that the target's armor and shield can be ignored, and it cannot be avoided!

After attacking the target or reaching the predetermined tactical position, the nuclear fusion energy supply device inside the missile will actively overload and explode and produce a large-scale fragmentation and shock wave damage effect. It is especially suitable for fighting against enemy individual groups, slow-moving large targets and light Armor unit.



Boom~! !

Two huge explosions sounded, and then, the fireball that was almost hundreds of meters high and the shock wave that swept all around raged on the foot formation of the giant witch giant, and the violent flames and impact were even more intense. It was shaking the entire lower body of the giant into a twisting and shaking...

But fortunately, in the end, when the explosion subsided gradually, the giant ancestral witch did not seem to have received much influence. The Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Array was still in good condition, leaving the pair wrapped in wind, fire and thunder. The huge pair of punches of the three-phase power were able to continue to bombard the black sky with the sky full of stars, punch after punch.


Puff~! !

After the explosion, Suddenly, True Monarch Qingxu Moral squirted out a mouthful of golden blood!

Obviously, in the explosion of two consecutive Stalker missiles just now, he was responsible for covering and protecting his twelve master brothers with his magic weapon Hunyuan Banner. He was the first to bear the brunt. Strangely, the explosive attack and the shock wave that would flicker in and self-destruct accidentally hurt...

Although, his umbrella-shaped Hunyuan banner, the umbrella bones are made of various exotic animal leg bones, and the umbrella surface is woven from phoenix feathers. Yuanshi Tianzun takes Hunyuan Qi into it again, forming That incomparable magic weapon, and after the magic weapon is deployed, it still shines, and the aura of the three talents of Hunyuan flashes. It has the ability to turn decay into magic. It can not only use the technique of shrinking the ground, but also can be used as a magic weapon of protection. It can be said to be extremely powerful!

But it's a pity...

He is distracted and used more, and is using his own huge mana and mind to control the Dutianshen evil flag, so that he can coordinate with the brother Guangchengzi to coordinate the formation, so he has a little less mana for the Hunyuan flag to provide energy and control? So, when the two strange spheres just flew slowly, they didn't seem to have any great power, but when he was negligent, they suddenly flashed beside the twelve of them and accelerated. He directly hit the Hunyuan banner and exploded, causing him to suffer a sorrowful loss by surprise, almost without the direct collapse of the Ancestral Witch's body due to his mistake.


"Brother Qingxu! How are you, are you okay?!"

Seeing the other party's painstaking effort directly squirted out, Madam Taiyi who was closest to the other party quickly asked worriedly.

However, due to the need to maintain the formation against the terrifying little Zhou Tianxing formation above, his Taiyi does not dare to move rashly now, and can only continue to resonate towards the slight rotation above his head, still maintaining it. The ancestral witch giant's Dutianshen Shaqi conveyed mana, while looking at the other side with concern.

Obviously, the brother of his real Taiyi spouted a mouthful of golden blood, saying that it was absolutely impossible to say that he was not injured! However, he seems to have no other better way besides expressing his concern with a caring greeting.



Among the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun, such as Samantabhadra and Cihangdao, they also saw the situation of the true monarch of Qingxu morality.

If it were in normal times, they would have used the willow branches and dew in the clear glass bottle, or other magic weapons to heal each other... However, the situation does not allow that, so they can only stand silently. In their respective positions, Gan looked at each other secretly anxiously.


call! !

"Fortunately! Dao brothers, don't worry, those disciples of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng are all evil ways, and the poor way almost followed their way!!"

"It's alright now, Pang Dao has been prepared for it, and won't be calculated anymore..."

After exhaling a suffocating breath, and smoothly adjusting his posture, after smoothing the mana surge in his body, the true monarch of Qingxu morality nodded at the concerned eyes of his senior brothers and sisters, and motioned to him. There is no big problem, and it is guaranteed that there will never be any accidents due to temporary care in the future!

However, it was really too dangerous just now. He never expected that the other party would have that kind of weird magic weapon that would suddenly move and die together, and its power was so terrifying? !


"Never mind! Let me help Senior Brother!"

Real Man Fuxian, who was worried about the other party's state, thought for a while, hesitated, and finally released his housekeeping magic weapon, the three magic golden lotus, so that the layer of golden lotus petals were in the protective light of the Hunyuan flag. A closed golden lotus was once again formed, and their Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortal Fists were firmly protected in the innermost part, which was an extra layer of protection, even if there were more **** of that kind in the future. You can also respond calmly without worrying about making mistakes.


"The thieves are rampant. Don't stay here for long. I'll fight back as soon as possible and break free!"

"Quick! Increase mana!!"

Seeing the phantom of that ancestor witch constantly bombarding the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, he could only tremble the opponent, even if it thundered together with the earth, but after he could not break it, he could not escape. Guang Chengzi, who is in charge of the operation of the formation, he, the leader of the Kunlun twelve golden immortals, had no choice but to retreat and plan to break through the enemy first when the time and place and the people are not on his side. Blockade, rush out first and then find another way.

As for what to do after they rushed out, he hasn’t figured it out yet... However, he only knows that their previous plans, the idea of ​​forcing the Flame Immortal to promise not to participate in the war between Xiqi and Chaoge, or The plan to kill and seal the opponent altogether is definitely not necessary to proceed!

Because, now anyone can tell that before the Flame Great Immortal had yet to take action, their Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals were gradually unable to withstand the siege and attack of the one-hundred thousand disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuyun Peak. Well... the strength of this sect, only the number of monks, under the huge number, I am afraid that it will not be weaker than the Jieduo Biyou Palace of the original Wanxian Dynasty!

Although they also know that the individual strength of the disciples of Yunfeng Peak is not too strong, and a single one is not enough for their twelve golden immortals to slash with one sword at will, and they do not even have the three generations of their Yuxu Palace disciples, not as good as theirs. Apprentices like Nezha and Yang Jian, but their twelve golden immortals, no matter how powerful they are, they can’t stand the crowd and they will form the terrible Zhoutian star battle array...

and so,

This matter is probably not something that the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun can solve by themselves. They must leave as soon as possible and report to the master of Yuxu Palace to know it! After all, in the current situation, if one continues to stay here, if one is not good, their twelve golden immortals will become the object of being solved by others. By then, if they fail to explain and teach, they will become a big joke! !


"Brother wise!"

"If things are urgent, I'd better leave early!"


I don’t want to be passively trapped in the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. Use the Twelve Capital Tianshen Array, which is usually unskilled and unused, to do that kind of futile thing, to talk to the opponent at least tens of thousands of Cui The disciples of Pingshanmen, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun, such as the Chi Jingzi, the True Monarch of Qingxu Moral, the True Man of Taiyi, and the True Man of Jade Ding, who went to fight with the power of Zhou Tian and the stars, all opened their heads and expressed their agreement with Guang Chengzi's suggestion.


The gods’ evil flags that were running on their respective heads, they burst out once again under the powerful mana output of the twelve three flowers gathered on top of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. Huaguang, so that the real body of the ancestor witch became stronger, stronger and more solid in an instant.


Boom~! !

Rumbling rumbling...

Endless flames, lightning, and hurricanes began to gush out from its fists, eyes, and huge mouth under the control of the giant ancestor witch, and accompanied by its fists, fist towards the deep and long distance, look It was completely dark, but it was dotted with the starry sky above the Zhou Tian Xingdou Array, and it constantly bombarded towards the position of the Big Dipper! !


The twelve golden immortals of Kunlun selected the Big Dipper with the strongest star power as their breakthrough point!

Because the Big Dipper is the most changeable, and the Big Dipper will appear in different directions in the sky in different seasons, nights, and times!

As the saying goes: the bucket handle refers to the east, the world is spring; the bucket handle guide, the world is summer; the bucket handle refers to the west, the world is autumn; the bucket handles the north, the world is winter... Therefore, the Big Dipper has the greatest change and the strongest star power. Seven stars, the positions of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang have also become the biggest flaws and the most vulnerable positions! !

And those evil ways of Cuiping Mountain, their research on stars, astrology, and the Big Dipper, compared to their Kunlun twelve golden immortals, is just like a toddler, it's not worth it!

Therefore, now that they decided to break through instead of continuing to confront the enemy, the position of the Big Dipper in the sky and the stars of the week became their best breakthrough!


"No! The big array is going to be unable to hold on!"

The gods and heavenly soldiers who presided over the eyes of the Taiyin Formation immediately noticed the strength of the enemy and the danger of their own side...


"Brothers and sisters of Cuiping Mountain, don't keep your hands anymore, hurry up and attack with all your strength! Hurry up and bombard their main formation, otherwise, we really can't stand it!!"

Therefore, under the crisis, he didn't care about the demeanor and image, and directly yelled at his own position.


Whoosh! Whoosh~! !

When the giant of the Ancestral Witch’s body began to furiously attack the Big Dipper’s star position, he realized that the enemy seemed to be planning a final onslaught, and saw the hastily arranged, the strength of each person was uneven, and he cooperated with the chaotic Zhou Tianxing. The formation did have a lot of huge fluctuations under the opponent's fierce attack. After feeling that it was difficult to last for a long time, the disciples of the Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak also began to urge them to don’t want money, and they turned their money. Inventory, the weapons they acquired, such as Lanzel flying mines, stalker missiles, spider mines, deuterium eight explosive devices, and other messy weapons of mass destruction and various magic skills, immediately At the feet of the ancestral witch giant, he furiously bombarded the enemy formation that was firmly protected by some magic weapon...



Whoosh~! !

Rumbling rumbling...

Soon, those chaotic and terrifying explosions, swaying and expanding flames, giant Nanming Lihuo, spreading Samadhi real fire, pulsating shadow flames, icy frost, twisted lightning, huge tornado-forming fire hurricanes, Flying rocky thorns and fragments, almost visible shock waves, explosive shock waves sweeping around, and strong radiation, etc., are on the ground, high in the sky, and forests of the Cuiping Mountains that are shrouded by the Zhoutian Star Array. Li became abusive...

Almost instantly, under the full strength of both parties, blinking their eyes, they turned this huge area shrouded by the black sky into the entire Cuiping Mountain Range directly into the kind of terrifying Nine Nether Flames. Hell, or a place as terrible as the chaotic void! !





"Tibbers, look at it, the people on both sides are so powerful, they can beat them to this level?!"


Seeing that the two sides blushed with thick necks, and did not waste time confronting for too long, but tried for a while and used all their strength, when it was about to tell the winner, a certain flame fairy named Annie, certain The little girl who was frustrated finally jumped up and cheered expectantly from the top of the little white spacecraft that she had well protected.

That's right, she is carrying her own little bear Tibbers like that, just like that, it doesn't matter to her, she stays high on the top of Izumo Peak, which is now protected by her strict protection, which is now like a floating island. Look at the excitement of others! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Report! Dear little master, the little one must remind you that your Cuiping Mountain...It is now except for the top of Izumo Peak that has become a floating island protected by you and the half-mountainside protected by the Lord God Outside of the sect's residence, other places were broken by both of them, and there was no grass left... Are you really sure, is this really okay?


——Seeing that a certain miserable little master would be so happy, Tibbers spoke at the right time and reminded him a little...

Because it doesn’t understand it, it’s been beaten so badly by others in its own home, and it is estimated that there will be only a bunch of ugly and dark glass mountains left after the play. In that case, what is there? Is it worth the other party's pleasure? )





After hearing the reminder of Tibbers, who was pregnant with a cub, was like pouring cold water, Xiao Annie began to think urgently...

"That one……"


"Actually, you don't need to be afraid! Tibbers, people know spells, and the Lord God can do it too. Then, let him take action and just change this place back to its original state. People don't worry!!"


Little Annie said that restoring the landforms, vegetation, and the small animals that were accidentally injured would not be a big problem for her or for the Lord God, but she was reluctant to do that kind of troublesome things like that. That's it...

But now it is different. Since there is that free coolie and the main **** is there, it is much simpler! Because when the time comes, it will definitely restore this place in time, so she doesn't need to worry about it!


She can just watch the excitement now!


Of course, no matter what, the group of guys halfway up the Cuiping Mountain have a little relationship with her, anyway, it must be better than the group of guys who come to her to trouble her!

So, if you can't wait a moment, she might secretly help their idiots, and beat a fat Taoist real Taiyi and those weird grandfathers brought by the other party. Maybe she will have a meal? !

(Well, just do whatever you want, as long as you are happy...)

(* ̄(エ) ̄)

——Some awful little master, in order to watch the excitement, he thinks about how to recover. What can he say now, Tibbers, a dog-legged guy? )



"Huh? Huh!!"


"Those guys are really stupid, how can they add fire to the giant? Wouldn't they continue to throw bombs? They are blind. The weird grandfather just vomited blood by them. Throw a point, a hundred or eighty of them, the twelve of them have that little mana, they have to maintain the formation and the giant, and they have to always protect, how can they be able to persist?!"


Seeing that the guys who started the star battle on the week are all messing around, Little Annie, who is watching the show, can't wait to jump out and give their fools a brainstorm! Then, take away the stupid guy called the God of Heaven, and let her omnipotent, brilliant Queen Anne direct those stupid guys by herself?

Of course, she just thought about it, and didn't rush to do that...



"I also lost that frost spell. There is fire here. Are those guys out of mind? Who do they think they are?!"


Looking at it, Little Annie started to feel anxious for those idiots again!

Because, those guys, some idiots, dare to be shrouded in the **** pot cover in front of your eyes, where flames, lightning and hot wind are raging everywhere, like a molten purgatory. Ice cone? !

That kind of thing was melted away without flying far, did they plan to cool down the trapped enemy or did they want to do something? !


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(Tibbers no longer wants to pay attention to a little girl who still only knows to watch the excitement, only knows how to do nothing, but does nothing. It thinks, let her go. , Anyway, even if she accidentally plays off, she still has a way to recover, so be it...)



"My little master, Nezha, doesn't stand on either side, I only stand on my side!!!"

While a nasty little girl is watching the excitement, scornful, and blind comments in the dark, another little person is also watching the excitement...

It’s just that he is not like a little girl with boundless mana, supernatural powers, omnipotent and doing whatever he wants, who can stay in the Zhoutian Star Array and watch it up close, but early on the Zhoutian Star Dou Before the formation came down, he ran outside in a hurry, so that now he can do nothing, don't worry about being injured by mistake, and don't have to think about other things, he can just lie outside comfortably and watch with his legs up.

"Play it..."

"I persuaded you, those poor uncles and uncles, as well as the master... Don't blame me Nezha for not being loyal. I'm a disciple, I'm also sending food when I go in. It's really embarrassing. ......"

Watching the battle in the distance, watching the Cuiping Mountain that was completely enveloped by the Zhoutian star formation, listening to the roaring thunder from far away, and the violent shaking of the earth like a big earthquake. Nezha simply lay down, I don’t know which farmer was the first to cut it a few days ago and pile it up on the tall haystack in the rice field, biting a full golden ear of rice in his mouth, resting on his pillow With his arms, he just looked at the black sky in the distance, waiting for the two sides to decide the outcome.


"Life is full of tears. If you don’t die, you have to suffer alive. The more you toss, the more unlucky, the more you pursue, the more tragic... I’m not tired of hitting you. It’s better to learn, I lie down on the haystack. ..."

"Fight! Fight! Just for a little Xiqi, it's like this. As for..."

"Forget it! Regardless of you, I'll take a nap first, little master. Anyway, there is a list of enshrined gods. You can die early and super live, die early and enshrine gods. Anyway, you will not lose money!

After muttering a few words to himself, Nezha simply turned his head and closed his eyes.

Yes, for those acquaintances, masters and uncles in the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array and the Twelve Capital Tianshensha Array, as well as his childhood sweetheart Xiaochanyu, Nezha doesn’t seem to worry anymore, because he knows, Even if they die immediately, their souls will be captured immediately by the Conferred God Stage. When they make up enough, they will be resurrected alive and on the spot. How good is that?

Besides, it's useless for him to worry. Anyway, he can't get in. It's also to die if he gets in. It's better to lie here and wait patiently for the two sides to come and die.

boom! !

Rumbling rumbling...

The battle for the shaking of the earth and the mountains is still going on. The huge one, with a little bit of light, but the real black sky is not very clear. Now it has completely enveloped the entire huge Cuiping Mountain range and is constantly trying Shrinking, as if a huge black ball was cut in half, and then half of it was directly buckled in that place 40 miles outside Chentang Pass?


That huge black canopy directly shrouded a lot of farmland in it. As for the farmland and the crops waiting to be harvested in the farmland after the war is over, no one may know for now...


‘Han baby! What is the black ball over there? ’

'do not know……'

‘Is the **** angry? ’

'Do not! It seems that the black dragon is rolling over there.......’

‘You bullshit! Heilong simply couldn't beat those fairy-like disciples of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng! ! ’

‘That wouldn’t be the gods, I saw them when I was a kid, the gods couldn’t beat them either! ’

‘Then what are you talking about over there? ’

'do not know! ! ’


'Hey! ! ’

‘Han baby! Are you still here? Your house has collapsed, don't you go back to see it? ! ’

'what! My pig! ! ’

Amidst the shaking of the earth and the mountains, a small group of villagers was looking at the huge black sphere that was rumbling and thundering in the distance on the small **** at the head of the village. While watching, they were frightened and guessed wildly. Then, At this time, under the reminder of an old man who was staggering, swaying from side to side and daring to report the news, the man named Hanwa quickly turned around and ran towards his home.


Although I can't see what happened in the huge shady scene of Cuiping Mountain, the villagers and farmers in the distance of Chentangguan only know that the ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking, like a ground dragon tumbling under the ground. The things that make people stand unsteady, make mud houses and grass houses collapse, make Chentang Pass chaotic, and crack the city wall, must be inseparable from the huge shady in the distance!

Because, until now, the countless lightning or other fire lights, or the terrible booming noise like thunder in summer, are constantly coming out of that dark screen, so that everyone who is not blind or deaf It is easy to know that everything they perceive, and everything that is currently happening, must have the most direct connection with the shady scene that appeared abruptly on Mount Cuiping.


"Damn it! Husband, tell me, what happened on Cuiping Mountain?!"

Standing on the top of the city gate, looking at Chentangguan Guancheng which was chaotic in the earthquake behind her, looking at the cracked city wall and the damaged gate, looking at the tiles falling, and Mrs. Yin standing by the sword. He slammed into the wall of the battlement bitterly, and turned to ask Li Jing, who was beside him with a firm expression.

It can be confirmed that the source of the earthquake and chaos within a hundred miles of Chentangguan is the Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, which has been performing well for more than two decades! !

Therefore, Mrs. Yin is now very confused, where exactly is happening that will cause a huge black sky to appear over there? !


"Cough! Madam, I don't know..."

Li Jing frowned and looked at the distance for a long time, letting his body sway slightly from side to side with the violently shaking city wall for a while, before lowering his brows weakly.

He also wanted to know what his wife wanted to know, but it was a pity that it was too far away and too dangerous, and now he can’t use the Earth Escape spell between the swaying mountains, except for staying in Chentang Pass. Nothing can be done except presiding over the overall situation.


However, after another thought, Li Jing seemed to think of something else... However, after looking at his wife and shouting, he still didn't say much.


Li Jing couldn't help sighing again.

It seems that what his own son, his third son Nezha and the other's master Taiyi have said before are correct. Now that the world is coming, the sky is killing intent, and the earth is killing intent. No one can escape. , Can't hide, even the peak of Cuiping Mountain, which has developed extremely prosperously in just over twenty years, is no exception!

Therefore, even if he Li Jing now wants to stay out of the matter, take good care of his own Chentangguan, this paradise, and take good care of the welfare of the people, it seems that it is really a little impossible....

However, if you really let yourself give up everything in front of you, give up Chentangguan which is developing better and better, give up the hundreds of thousands of Li people here, and let them fend for themselves. , He seems a bit unbearable?

After all, he Li Jing is also the general soldier here, and he has been guarding here for decades. He knows most of the other people in and out of the city, except for the new immigrants. Yes, where can he easily give up? !


Suddenly, feeling Li Jing suddenly raised his head, and turned to the east with some doubts, looking towards the horizon of the same slightly swaying golden rice field...because he seemed to find that there seemed to be something wrong there. movement?


"Husband, husband, what is that white line that day?!"

Seeing something wrong with her husband, Mrs. Yin also followed the other's eyes and looked eastward.

Then soon, with her eyesight of at least 1.5, she naturally saw something wrong at the end of the golden paddy field, and saw the white line that hit the horizon on that white day?

"do not know……"

"Wait! That's sea water... No! That, that's a tsunami?!"

"Wait, that black good, Madam, hurry up with me, there is a demon dragon in the distance taking the opportunity to haunt me, Chentangguan wants to flood me!!"

Looking at the white line on the horizon and the eye-catching black dragon faintly dancing above the huge white line like a white line, Li Jing was agitated and exclaimed directly.

Because he knows that it is time to prepare for the autumn harvest. The fields are golden, and it must be a bumper year. What's terrible is that those endless rice, those enough for the upper and lower half of the merchants to eat half a year of life-saving food, are extremely big. Most of them have not yet started harvesting! Forget about the earthquake, even if some are shaken off, it is still a minority, and it can be picked up, but once the tsunami hits, the grain here in Chentang Pass will definitely be lost, and everything will be over by then! !


What made Li Jing more worried was that the opponent chose the critical time when the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak were covered by the shady scene? At this time, who has the ability to fight the monster dragon, fight the terrible tsunami, and save the lives of the tens of thousands of Li people here and countless life-saving food that can keep the people of the world alive? !


"Wait for me!!"

Seeing her husband jump directly from the city, and rushed violently towards the distance, she felt that Madam Yin, who was probably unable to ride a horse now, could only grit her teeth and grab her sword. He jumped directly on the head of the city, and started to speed up to pursue the husband Li Jing in front of him.

Now the situation is urgent, she can't even call her helper...

Moreover, in front of the terrible monster dragon and the big tsunami, ordinary people estimated that it would be useless to go, so she simply did not order people to call the elite generals who were busy fighting earthquakes in the city.


At this time, Nezha, who was about to sleep in the haystack of this early-mow rice field, also suddenly sat up on top of the haystack.

Then, he was a little disturbed in his heart. First he curled his mouth and spit out the ears of rice he was biting in. He glanced in the direction of Cuiping Mountain, and saw that the huge black sky was still roaring and saw inside. Still flashing thunder and flames, he gave a cold snort and turned his head to look to the other side.


"What is that……"

Suddenly seeing the white line emerging from the horizon and slowly moving in the distance, Nezha couldn’t help being a little stunned. I don’t know the strange thing in the distance, I don’t know what it looks like from a distance. What is it that is slow, but actually moves very fast?


"Huh! Bastard, dare to come and make trouble at this time?!"


After finally reacting, and with his sharp eyes, he saw the white line in the distance and what the black stuff was churning in the white line, Nezha jumped directly from the haystack, and then directly Calling out the Hot Wheels, regardless of the flames on the Hot Wheels directly igniting other people’s homes, the straw that is left as firewood to burn a year, directly soars into the sky, turning into a red light, towards the east side of the sky. Fly away!

Behind Nezha, there was only the big haystack that was burning and burning more and more...

Rolling and roaring forward, the large tsunami that was tens of meters high was squeezed by the huge seawater behind. With an unstoppable attitude of tens of thousands of horses, it directly flooded the coast and rushed directly into the territory of Chentangguan. The countless golden rice fields to be harvested were torn down and flattened and completely submerged in the tumbling white waves, allowing countless farmers to wait and fiddle with the rice fields for more than half a year, and even the villages along the way and the howling and running villagers, It was directly pressed into the sea water, and everything turned into bubbles!

And in the tumbling waves, a huge black dragon is poking his head and appearing from the huge tsunami from time to time, and from time to time, it looks towards the black screen of Cuiping Mountain that is ten minutes more powerful than the tsunami, and it seems to be Worried or spied something?

Obviously, in the eyes of a little boy who is rushing quickly with his feet on a hot wheel, a celestial ring hanging from his neck, a flaming spear in his hand, and a hand entangled in the sky, the black dragon is clearly the culprit. The culprit is undoubtedly, there must be no mistake! !


"The thief dare you!!"

When the tsunami continued to move forward, when the terrible waves had flooded the full half of Chentangguan’s rice fields and villages, and it was approaching Chentangguan county town and rushing towards Cuiping Mountain, finally, a red light followed In the direction of the huge wave attack, everything is fiercely and quickly along the front of the huge wave!

Obviously, it was Nezha who stepped on the Hot Wheels and armed with a fire-tip spear came to the rescue! The fiery tip gun in his hand not only set fire, but also breathed out cold enough to directly freeze the waves!

As the saying goes,

Exhibit the light, the world is dark, and the cold and foggy day is dark! !

After a bit of cold light on the tip of the gun, in the efforts of Xiao Nezha, he went all-out from the south to the north. After that, the tsunami wave, which was more than ten meters high, was really lost. He froze directly, even directly frozen a long section of tens of meters, making them look like a solid city wall, and finally barely blocked the sea, saving Chentangguan and half of the rice fields and Chentangguan. Villagers.


"What a demon dragon, dare to do evil here, my little master, Nezha, will definitely walk the way for the sky and take your life!!"

Seeing that the situation was basically stabilized, but those ice walls could not last, so Nezha, who was afraid that they would be destroyed by the black dragon, took the lead in moving towards the one that seemed to have been taken aback by the behavior of the frozen giant wave just now. , At this moment the hesitant black dragon rushed over!

He held his fire-tip spear high, and before the opponent could react, he bitterly stabbed the opponent's dark and bright dragon scale, directly smashing the simplest scale called the dragon family, making the dragon The blood was sprinkled directly on and gradually calmed down, but it was still in the sea water that was beating the ice wall desperately.

"Moo woo!!"

"Hey! Wait, kid! What do you want?!"

The black dragon, who was stabbed for no reason, revealed the dragon's head from the sea with some grief, and roared at a human child who was flying in the air on a burning wheel.

Heilong also felt a little strange now, because she didn't seem to offend the other party, so why was the other party stabbed and smashed a piece of her own dragon scale? If the other party doesn't give herself an explanation, she will not let it go! !

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's take your life!!"

In the current hot autumn weather, under the beating of the huge waves that have submerged half of Chentang, the ice wall may break again at any time and submerge the important juncture of Chentang Pass, where is it? Will waste time talking nonsense with each other?

Therefore, after he saw that the opponent’s dragon scale was smashed with a single shot, he roared again and turned into a red light again, swiftly rushing towards the black dragon that did not immediately resist him. Past! And the target he was aiming at with the tip of the red-lighted gun was obviously the scale that the opponent had just injured and was bleeding!

"Moo, roar~!!"

"Asshole! I can't spare you either~!!!"

Seeing the opponent indiscriminately rushed towards him again, the black dragon also roared in anger, directly raised his huge and hideous mouth, and rushed towards the opponent! !


Of course, when the Twelve Capital Tianshen Array formed by the 12 Golden Immortals of Kunlun in the Cuiping Mountain Range was fighting against the Zhou Tianxing Array formed by the disciples of the Chuyun Peak of Cuiping Mountain. When Li Jing and his wife were worried about the disaster caused by the tsunami and rushed here with their legs hurriedly, they sneaked out of Cuiping Mountain before and prepared to watch the lively and sleepy little Nezha, and they went with a certain black dragon who was making waves. Fight together fiercely!

Suddenly, the waves rolled, the dragon roared...

"Moo roar~!!!"

"The demon dragon suffers death!!"

The flames of the hot wheels correspond to the waves of the huge waves, the flaming spear points and the sharp black dragon claws attack each other, the universe from time to time fights against the hard dragon head and huge horns, and Hun Tian Ling is also fighting the slender and strong dragon. Body wrestling, coupled with the roars, reprimands, curses, and the sound of the dragon’s body and dragon’s tail slamming against the huge waves from time to time, in this water temporarily blocked by the ice wall, it is like an enemy meeting. Immediately fought desperately! !


"Take me one more shot!!"

I really couldn’t find the opportunity to stab the piece of dragon scale that I had crushed before, UU reading www.uukanshu. com had no choice but to retreat and pierced the opponent's neck casually!

If it is in normal times, the dark scene of the black Zhoutian star formation did not cover the entire Cuiping Mountain, if the Kunlun twelve golden immortals did not choose to come to Cuiping Mountain to make trouble at this time, I am afraid, this head will come to Chentang. The troubled dragon was simply not his turn to take action, and was instantly beaten to death by the disciples of the wolf-like tiger-like Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, right?


Now the opposing party chose the right time, I am afraid he can only fight the enemy alone, and I don’t know if the ice wall that was frozen by him can withstand it, and it won’t collapse on its own before destroying the dragon. Drop? If it can't stand it and is crushed by a huge wave, it is now being entangled by the dragon again. When it can't be said, it will really cause a great disaster!



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