Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 856: Changes in Chaoge

Recently, a good news came from the front line. The minister of the Dashang dynasty, the 300,000 dynasty army led by Wen Zhongwen Tai Shisuo attacked Xiqi City and sent troops out of Huanghua Mountain, defeating the rebellious thief Jiang Ziya and his gang. Fleeing, but also beheaded thousands of Xiqi elite soldiers, severely defeated the spirit of the culprits, and then detoured Qishan, the soldiers surrounded Xiqi City!


Soon, Master Wen will definitely break the city of Xiqi, capture the thief leader Ji Fa and his gangsters alive and tie them back to Chaoge, so that they can enjoy the benefits of punishments such as ‘Jinpan’ and ‘Cannon Burn’, right?

Anyway, King Emperor Xin thought that way, so today he was extremely comfortable, drank so many more glasses, and fell drunk in his bedroom early, letting someone named Daji The concubine took the opportunity to leave for a while and went to a private hall to meet a minister of Chaoge.


"Stop me!!"

In a side hall of Chaoge, the nine-tailed demon fox Daji, the concubine of Shang Emperor Xin, was gritting his teeth and lowering his voice, and clenched his fists, seeming to suppress his anger and hate. He called the human man in front of him who was about to turn and leave, standing with thick eyebrows, big ears, long hair with shawls, and heavy bronze armor.

"Yan Wu Shi!!"

"I kindly introduced you to the king's side. I also asked you to pay a visit to the doctor. He was specially appointed as the chief of Chaoge's military attache. He was in charge of Chaoge's internal and external military affairs. You are the most powerful here in the song, but this is how you return me?!"

"I can warn you..."

"The thing I want, if you don't give it to me soon, don't blame Daji for turning my face and ruthlessly!!"

Looking at the man in front of him who finally turned his head expressionlessly under the threat of his own, somehow, the nine-tailed demon fox Daji who threatened him first, saw the pair of unsentimental faces on his face. Behind my eyes, I couldn't help but step back a little bit scared...


Suddenly remembered who I was, and remembered that I am now not only the most favored and trusted princess of King Zhou, who is less than 10,000 people, but also sent by a certain ancient **** to confuse King King and confused king. The special envoy of the heart, after not worrying that the other party would be disadvantaged to herself, she gritted her teeth reluctantly, took a step forward with cowardice, and behaved a little harder, just standing with that one in front of the gate of the side hall. Men looked at each other.


Master Yan Wu was not in a hurry to speak, he just carried his hands on his back, with no sorrow or joy, and the appearance in the side hall looked beautiful like a flower, the country was overwhelming, and even if he was a man with a strong heart. Until all I saw the pity, the most elegant look, but the heart was like a snake, the woman who troubled Chaozun looked at each other.

However, Yan Wushi knew that the other party was not a serious woman, but a evil spirit evil spirit! !


"Nine-tailed demon fox! I have no teacher to do what I say, and I have never broken my promise for more than 30 years in my life! Since I promised you personally, I will never cheat!"

"You are weak or not, please see, what is this again?!"

With that, Yan Wushi directly took out another one from the storage space in the master bracelet on his left hand, which looked exactly the same as the one he was wearing on his wrist! He spread his hands flat like that, showing it in his palm, and showing it to the other party.

Yes, that's right...

That was a martial band of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, which was directly exchanged from the Lord God by Yan Wushi with a large number of martial arts contribution points! Anyone who only needs to get it and bring it, and is willing to accept being a disciple of Cuiping Mountain's Izuun Peak, can directly obtain the affirmation of the Lord God and bind his identity, thus avoiding the trouble, and the admission rate is Newcomer interviews are getting lower and fewer opportunities!

You know, the value of this stuff is very high!

Even if it was Yan Wushi, it cost a lot of money. He even asked his friend Shentianbing and the help of the chief disciple of the school to reluctantly exchange it from the Lord God! In this world, I am afraid that apart from their teacher, Daxian Huo Daxian can easily obtain, there is only this one in his hand!

Therefore, the degree of its preciousness is not what ordinary people can imagine for those who want to join Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak but suffer from no way out.


"This is... the bracelet? Hurry up! Give it to me!"

Unexpectedly, the other party was really prepared, and he really didn't deceive himself?

Therefore, when Daji was anxious, she planned to rush forward and think about her day and night for a long time. It is said that she is very magical, even to some extent even more tempting than Xiucheng Zhengguo, ranked in the fairy class. .

As a nine-tailed demon fox and suspicious by nature, she would not easily believe in the promises of others. Whether it was the man in front of her or the ancient **** who sent her to the song to charm Emperor Xin, she didn't believe it all. ! Therefore, since the thing that is said to be extremely precious to their helpless little demon is now in front of her eyes, then she definitely has no reason to miss it!


However, Yan Wushi suddenly turned his hand, and the bracelet disappeared directly, filling his eyes with greed, and Daji who was about to rush to tell the treasure to be stolen could not help but be taken aback.


A flushed look of resentment appeared on Daji's face. At this time, if she hadn't really been able to beat the opponent, she might have rushed forward and tore the teasing Yan Wushi in front of her to pieces, or asked someone to fight He grabbed it and threw it into the pit of the scorpion to feed the millions of poisonous snakes, right?


"Nine-tailed demon fox, Daji..."

With a cold snort, looking at the vixen standing not far from him, Yan Wushi finally showed a trace of impatient expression on his cold, unhappy and sad face.

"Look, I have already prepared what you want... But, have you given me what I want? It's been so many days, the soulless puppet I mentioned before, you are serious I thought about it, when did I put it next to King Zhou?"

"Could it be that you want to regret it yourself? are afraid?!"

Because, now that the Shang and Zhou wars have begun, as far as he knows, the conflict between the cut-off and the interpretation of the religion will be on the verge of breaking out, and the war of conferring the gods is about to start, and the princes of the Quartet are also rebelling against the rule of the Shang Emperor Xin. If you don’t hurry up, if you don’t take advantage of the attitude of the main **** in the teacher's door to do it early, if you don’t know who to help, then he really has no chance...

He does not care about the matter of consecrating gods, nor does he care about the disputes between the interception of religion and the interpretation of religion, nor the so-called catastrophe of heaven and earth. He only cares about what he wants, is there a chance to get it?

Therefore, in any case, he must force the nine-tailed demon fox Su Daji in front of him as soon as possible, and act according to his own arrangements and instructions earlier! !


"Master Yan, I can warn you that Di Xin's identity is unusual. You really have thought about it. Are you sure you want to do that? If you are discovered by any god, you and I will be a capital crime. !!!"

"Besides, now Di Xin is obedient to me, and you can get everything you want easily, so why bother to do that?!"

Both eyes stared blankly at the empty palm of Master Yan Wu, and at the baby that she had been looking forward to for many years on the other's wrist. After a long time, Da Ji gritted her teeth secretly and decided to take advantage of the emperor. Xin is drunk, do it tonight, and get the bracelet you dream of as soon as possible! !

Now she has to send the arrow on the string. After all, the other party has discovered her identity and successfully got into the side of the Shang Emperor Xin. She also has the treasures she can’t ask for. Under various reasons, she has to fight for it. Besides, what can she do?


"You don’t need to worry about my affairs, you just need to do your own affairs as I require... and I will give you what you need and everything you want most. What are the consequences, I will bear it myself. This is a fair deal, isn't it?!"

Seeing that the other party seemed to have finally made up his mind, Yan Wushi nodded with satisfaction.

Then he tried again and took out a beautiful ebony box from his martial arts bracelet, first opened it and let Daji take a look at it before closing it again. There is no doubt that what is in full bloom is the soulless puppet he just said needs to be placed by Shang Emperor Xin at night!

As for what is useful, it is not enough for outsiders...


"I once heard Niang Niang's words:'Chengtang looks sad, and should lose the world; Fengming Qishan, the Holy Lord has been born in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The will of heaven has been determined, and the aura is dictated.'? , You are forcibly acting against the sky, so why bother?"

"Using the demon method to murder the'Human Emperor' is a capital crime!!"

Daji did not directly reach out to pick up the wooden box containing the soulless puppet, nor did she ask what would happen to the soulless puppet by the bedside of the present emperor Xin, but she only knew, even if the other party was really. If Di Xin is killed or controlled, there will never be any good results in the end!

And this is the reason why Daji was only sent to bring trouble to the Shangtang world instead of taking the life of Emperor Xin! Therefore, this is also the real reason why Da has struggled for a long time and has never dared to do anything, nor dare to easily accept the other party.

And if Di Xin had a problem and was found to be related to her Daji, she would definitely not be pleased! By then, I am afraid no one will let her go! !


"Prince generals, would rather have a kind?!"

"What is Fengming Qishan, what is Zhou's business, what God's will is determined? Humph! I don't believe in heaven and fate!"

"I only believe that man will conquer the sky!!"

In fact, what Yan Wu Shi wants to say even more is: Why can others gain the world, but Yan Wu Shi can not? !

You know, six hundred years ago, he became the Tang and Jie and ruled the world. Now he is enjoying the national fortune for more than six hundred years. Since his energy is exhausted, why must he give up the world to the little Xiqi in the west? !

So what's so great about the Western Zhou Dynasty's interpretation and teaching as a reliance? You know, he has no teacher but is the eighth disciple under the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng. Behind him are hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters, as well as the powerful flame fairy and the omnipotent main god. Father was born and raised by his mother, standing between the heaven and the earth. Why can't he destroy the Shang Dynasty and rule the world without a teacher? !

'The emperor drives six, the princes drives five, the princes drive four, the doctors three, the scholars are two, the common people are one', and now, he is a doctor in Yan Wushi, and he has enough status to ride a three-car carriage. ... But, he won't be satisfied just like this now, he wants more! !

Of course, he wouldn't talk about this kind of thing with this little nine-tailed demon fox in front of him!

Moreover, if the other party had no use value, or if the other party could be used by him to deal with Emperor Xin of Zhou and let him continue to stay next to Emperor Xin who was about to be controlled by himself, he would confuse the people and the gods with a single sword. After killing the opponent, why would he waste time negotiating with such a vixen? !


Whenever I think of the battle that took place in Cuiping Mountain a few days ago, I think of their 100,000 disciples from Cuiping Mountain, who set up a star battle next week, think of his brothers and sisters who flee in the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun, think of their That teacher, Daxian Flame, had the supreme magical powers of the vicissitudes of life, the resurrection of the dead, and the recovery and restoration of everything in the wave of his hands, and he strengthened his belief in his heart!

So, now he has decided that he must take this opportunity to launch his own plan that he has been brewing for many years. If he fails, he will become benevolent! !


"Yan Wu Shi! I mean... if we are accidentally discovered by someone then, what will you do?!"

After thinking about it for a long time, in the end, he had to reach out to pick up the exquisite ebony box, and felt the slight mana fluctuations coming from it. In the end, he asked the other party in anxiety.

Now, she needs a guarantee! !

"It's okay!"

"At that time, you will also get a master bracelet, which is my junior sister from Yan Wu Shi! If nothing can be done, I will take you back to Cuiping Mountain, where you can get the protection of the Lord God and the teacher. I can easily move you!!"

Although Master Yan Wu didn’t know whether the teacher, Daxian Huo, who had only returned once in more than 20 years, would protect them and disciples, but this did not prevent him from thinking like this and gave the nine in front of him. The tail demon fox drew a big picture cake.


"That's it, Yan Wushi, I'm tired, I'm going to rest, please leave first..."

Put the wooden box in his wide sleeves and put Daji in his sleeves, and finally thought about it, but didn't say anything, just frowned the willow brows, then sighed and waved, indicating that the other party can go out now, because, She needs to return to Di Xin's side earlier, but she can't let the other party wake up without seeing her.

"Tomorrow morning, I will wait for your news. If you do as I said, the bracelet will be handed over!"


Finally, after taking a deep look at the nine-tailed monster fox with a warning look, Yan Wushi turned his head and pushed the door out.

Hum hum……

Of course he knew that even monsters and immortals could not murder the Human Emperor, but he was not a monster, nor was he a god, nor was he a monk who cultivated immortality. He was just a mortal who gained power because of a blessing in disguise!

And since he is a member of the human race, now that the Shang Tang is exhausted, he is certainly qualified to have the opportunity to fight for the position of the human emperor. This is a matter of heaven and earth. There is nothing wrong with it!

Moreover, he learned from the Lord God that the so-called number of days is not completely unchangeable. Therefore, in his view, there are some things that can be done, and he will never miss this rare opportunity. opportunity! !


The battle a few days ago turned Cuiping Mountain from the original beautiful mountains into a messy, sandy Shura battlefield... Then, under the magic of a certain great immortal, it seemed like a miracle. It quickly changed from the devastated Shura battlefield back to the original beautiful landscape with white clouds, a land of immortality that is widely praised near Chentang...

Of course,

It is not only the Cuiping Mountain range that has changed back to its original state. At the same time, there are also farmland, crops, villagers who died due to the tsunami, collapsed houses and city walls that were flooded by the tsunami hundreds of miles around Chentangguan! !

Anyway, the tip of the iceberg of the Great Flame Fairy of Cuiping Mountain began to be known to the world for the first time and began to spread widely, and for the first time the magical card of the Great Flame Fairy appeared in the homes of countless people in Chentangguan...

However, this kind of thing doesn't make any sense to Flame Fairy, a little girl Annie, because she doesn't care about those things!

What she cares more about now is that the neighbor of her family who has been inexplicably proliferated not far from the summit of Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain! !

and so,

Today, Xiao Anni came to the top of the unnamed peak of Cuiping Mountain, the second highest, and came to this place not far from Izuyun Peak, and could even see the top of Izuyun Peak and the place where the Lord God resides halfway up the mountain!

A few days ago, I don’t know why, but after dinner in the morning (noon?), Xiao Anni inexplicably saw that the place was leveled and opened, and then cut wood and gravel, dig up land, and built a large building. A thatched courtyard with a few acres of mountain fields? They even dug a deep well by the way, built a pond, and attracted mountain springs, and then...

Two acquaintances who were acquaintances to Annie, plus a little kid, lived here directly, next door to her house, and allowed her to see each other every day when she got up.

In these days, they live and cook on the second highest mountain not far from the summit of Izumo Peak. They work at sunrise and rest at sunset...and from time to time, the weather is good, When there were no clouds, she was still dancing and practicing martial arts over there, and she finally could not help but find her curiosity, Queen Anne.

"Huh? Huh?"


"I understand. If you say that, you three guys, will you really live next door to my house?!"


I looked at the three people in front of me, looked at a guy named Li Jing who put on burlap clothes, saw the lady Yin who just performed a boulder on her chest, and the one next to him who never grew up, what is it called? Ah, little kid, Annie always feels a little weird...

Although she doesn't mind that someone else lives next door to her house, she always feels a bit twisted when she lives next door to her house. As for where the twisting came from, she couldn't tell why. Come, anyway, it's a bit unnatural.



Li Jing first glanced at his wife and that Madam Yin, then stepped forward and gave a fist to a little girl, and said respectfully:


"Li Jing deeply felt that he was weak, and he was no longer enough to guard Chentangguan, the important task of guarding the hundreds of thousands of Li people within a radius of hundreds of miles. Therefore, he had to resign to Chao Ge and decided to abdicate , Return to the mountain forest!"

"From now on, Li Jing's family will live here, and I hope you can take care of you from the Flame Immortal?!"

In fact, since the disaster a few days ago, Li Jing, who was deeply aware of his shallow ability, had the idea of ​​letting go of everything and returning to the mountains...

Because he knows that in continuing to serve in Chen Tangguan, no matter which side the pressure comes from, he will be drawn into that kind of inescapable whirlpool! So, very simply, the news came from Chaoge that there was a new prime minister named Yan Wushi who was about to be transferred to replace him. After Li Jing took the post of Chentangguan General Soldier, he directly resigned. , At the suggestion of his young son Nezha, came here to live in seclusion.

Although, in his view of Li Jing, Cuiping Mountain may not be a suitable place to live in seclusion. However, he couldn't help his son Nezha's opinion. In the end, he had to reluctantly compromise and built it here two days ago. A few huts and a few acres of mountainous land were opened, preparing to cultivate one's body and cultivate the rest of life.



"So it looks like this..."


Xiao Anni always thought that this Li Jing would be like others, and stayed in the position of that little commander for a hundred or eighty years, and worked until she was old, until she was about to die. The position was passed to his son Nezha, and the site of Chentangguan has been occupied. It has been inherited endlessly from father to son, descendant to grandchild, and descendant to grandchildren!

After all, she knows that the other party is in this position. He has been the emperor of Chentangguan for decades, but who ever thought that this guy's ideological consciousness would be so high that he would really retire if he retires. Yes, just quit the burden, don’t even want your own world?

You know, no matter what the General Soldier Chen Tangguan said, it belongs to the princes of the same party. As Xiao Anni knows, on the earth of later generations, people's small companies or messy departments are all fighting their lives If it must be passed on to your own son, where will it be easily cheaper to outsiders?


"Don't you don't want my parents to live here, do you? Cuiping Mountain is not yours. Don't do that kind of distracting things!!"

Nezha, who thought that the other party was unwilling to let his parents live in seclusion, rushed forward. He had already turned against a certain name and in fact, and had already occupied Cuiping Mountain and Chentangguan. The little girl asked.

Because, he knows that little master Nezha, the current new general in Chentangguan is from Cuiping Mountain, and he is also the one who has been very active recently. The former chief disciple, the minotaur, who had The troll king who fought against his Nezha partner Yang Jian! !

"of course not!"


To be honest, as long as the other party is not messing around on the top of Izumo Peak, Xiao Anni will not take care of the other party's nosy!

"I just want to tell you that morning and noon are fine. When the northwest wind blows here in the evening, can you stop burning wood, because it is easy to smoke over my house!"


That's right!

The reason why Xiao Anni came here today, apart from being curious and wanting to say hello to this family, is to discuss the issue of environmental pollution with each other!



Li Jing and Madam Yin glanced at each other speechlessly. They didn't understand, how did they provoke each other by burning wood?


"You are really strange, why can't you burn wood?!"

Nezha was puzzled, first he looked at the smoker on the roof of his kitchen, and then turned his head to look at a little girl.

"Because burning firewood is poisonous and pollutes the air. It looks annoying, and there will be smog, and sometimes it will smoke to my side. Anyway, you only need to know that it is very serious!!"


This is the truth. Originally, the air at the top of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain in Xiao Anni was very good, but when she was next door to her house, when the Nezha family lived here, she had a particularly sensitive nose. Always smell the smoke and dust when the other party is cooking! !


As soon as Xiao Nezha wanted to refute the opponent, he was held back by his father Li Jing.


"Chentangguan has been burning firewood for decades. I have never heard that burning firewood will... pollute the air... Besides, if we don't allow firewood to be burned, how can we cook?! "

Regarding the strange words that came out of the big flame fairy, Li Jing expressed a little embarrassment... he thought, did this big flame fairy do not want his family to live in seclusion, so he deliberately made things difficult?



Little Annie hasn’t really thought about this issue... But, she thinks that besides burning wood, she can also use magic tricks, induction cookers or other things, or, like her Queen Anne, use that Magical props, use that kind of Nine Dragon God Fire cover to cook?

As for whether other people's homes have the same conditions as hers, then she doesn't care...


"Then what do you want my house to burn?!"

Nezha is angry, he thinks, since the ancient Emperor Yan taught the human race to use flames to obtain cooked food, for thousands of years, he has never heard of anyone who does not allow people to burn firewood. There is no reason. Can you talk? !



"It's very simple, aren't your hot wheels and fire tip guns that can burn fire?!"



(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(Tibbers is speechless...because it knows that some awful little master of its family is just looking for an excuse to see the rarity of other people’s houses. I am afraid that that kind of excuse, even she herself Didn’t you take it seriously?)



Li Jing and Madam Yin also looked at each other wordlessly, wondering if the big flame fairy in front of them, the little girl was serious.


"Huh? Who is that again?!"

Ne Zha had just planned to continue the theory with the other party, but suddenly, he saw three female fairies flying over here from the sky, which made him stunned.


∑(??△`)? !

No need to remind Nezha, Xiao Anni also saw three acquaintances flying over here from the! ! "


"Sister Yunxiao, Sister Qiongxiao, and Sister Bixiao, I am here!!"


I found out that the people came were the three big and small sisters I knew. I remembered that it was indeed Little Annie who hadn’t seen each other for some days, so I couldn’t take care of the Nezha family anymore, and hurriedly cheered on the ground and continued The three female fairies flying towards the sky shouted loudly and shook their hands.

Obviously, the other party's goal is definitely to emerge from Yunfeng in Cuiping, so Xiao Annie, who didn't want the other party to run for nothing, waved to the other party in time...



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