Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 866: ?The daily life of Cuiping Mountain?



Seeing a visiting young lady working in her own kitchen, clinking the kitchen utensils that are extremely advanced relative to this world, Xiao Annie expressed a little bit of suspicion. She didn't believe the other party and her home. Xiaobai can make something that can be eaten and satisfy himself!

However, after watching for a while, she didn't intend to report too much expectations, so she had to nest on the sofa again and continued to nibble on her own snacks.

Since the First World War in Xiqi City, a certain messy little girl who has harvested a lot of weird little toys (magic weapons), with nothing to do, returns to the summit of Izumo Peak on the Cuiping Mountain. Of course, he has once again returned to the ideal and happy life of eating, sleeping, and beating bears in the past.


??????????Ok? ? ?

Clang! !

The sound of something falling and cracking sounded. Obviously, it must be that young lady who got some dishes or porcelain to the ground...

But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the opponent is a god, and it is still a big Luo Jinxian. Even if the low-level and high-efficiency spells are not'recovered as before,' the opponent must have other good methods, some of which are Daoshu and Xianfa The plates are removed or restored as before.

Therefore, lying on the sofa and watching cartoons in this world of cultivating immortals, Little Annie didn't worry about the things in the kitchen at all, she was just listening to something!

Bang! !

This time, the sound was louder. I don't know what else fell on the floor. Anyway, it must not be a fragile thing such as a plate or a glass, because Annie did not hear the sound of breaking.



"Hey! Sister Bixiao, are you sure, do you really know how to cook?!"

∑(??△`)? !

Finally, after watching TV for a while, listening to the huge movement from the kitchen, for the sake of her own dinner, Xiao Annie still felt that if she didn't want to use fruit or snacks for a meal, she had better ask a little. Some?

"of course……"

puff! !

A soft object fell onto the hard kitchen floor and made a noise.

"No problem! Don't worry!!"

The voice of Fairy Bixiao from Sanxian Island was heard in the kitchen, but the other party's tone was a little rushed and annoyed. Obviously things weren't as simple as what she said?



"Then I want to eat steak rice today! The steak needs three pieces, a bit more soup, no eggs, but the rice can be slightly less?"


If it's white rice, Little Annie will definitely not like it, even if there is food!

However, if it’s the kind of soup topped with steak, she can barely manage it by adding two thick steaks, adding a little more delicious soup, and putting a few fresh vegetables. Eat a big plate on the ground!

After all, rice and vegetables that are pollution-free, pesticide-free, chemical-fertilizer-free, and genetically-free are also very good, and they are definitely better than those that will not eat the insects produced on the heavily polluted earth of later generations!


"What kind of steak rice, I can't make..."

For a while, when Xiao Annie thought that the other party was already working hard and was about to start the next cartoon, the angry voice of Miss Bixiao's sister came out from the kitchen.

"Then go for beef stew with potatoes, but the beef should be cut into larger pieces and potatoes should be smaller?!"


Indeed, after thinking about it, Annie felt that steak rice was really a bit too complicated for the beginner and the spicy lady Bixiao, so she had to order a super simple one.


"I don't know this..."

It was the faint voice coming out again, and at the same time, the voice in the kitchen stopped. Obviously, a little girl who was messy and picky about eating was a bit embarrassing for Bi Xiao.


|??˙??˙)! !

"Then roast beef is okay? But remember to put less pepper and cumin, but you can put more pepper?!"



"This won't..."

A certain voice from the kitchen became a little smaller, but the grievance seemed to grow louder?



"This one won't, that one won't, then you dare to say you can cook?!"


With a disgusting expression on her face, Xiao Anni waved her hand to turn off the TV. She hugged the pillow on the sofa and buried her little head directly in the soft pillow.


That young lady Bixiao doesn't know how to cook at all. She shouldn't have too much expectation of the other party just now, and she shouldn't let the other party replace Xiaobai to cook dinner for herself! !

"Damn little guy!"

"You must be deliberate? I just came from Sanxian Island. I only caught you two big crabs, a prawn and a shark by the way. I never said that there is beef! Now three choices One, what do you want to eat?!"

Finally, Fairy Bi Xiao, who couldn't help resenting, turned out of the slightly messy kitchen, wearing an apron, and carrying a half-cooked prawn in his hand, and cut off the tongs Of sea crabs and a small white shark looking dead.

Fairy Bixiao said that she has no beef here. If the other party really wants to eat it, she can consider going out and slaughtering the tautoujing guarding the mountain gate, and then cut two pieces and bring it back!



"I have eaten sharks several times, but they are not very tasty. Let's eat prawns and crabs..."


Seeing the other party's angry look, there is no way, Xiao Annie's eyes stared at the other party's angry and dirty face for two seconds, she had to reluctantly choose crab and prawn.

"Remember that the prawns should be shelled and braised, and the crabs should be steamed!"


"That one……"

"Miss Bixiao, why did you chop off the tongs of that big crab?!"

|??)???? Huh?

After making the choice, Little Annie, who felt that the big crab just now seemed a bit wrong, asked curiously.


"If you have been pinched, you will definitely be like me. I can't wait to chop up every crab's pincers before cooking!!"

After immersing for a while, a voice full of resentment floated out.




(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"Sister Bixiao, where are your sister Yunxiao, Sister Qiongxiao, and Uncle Zhao Gongming? Why don't you bring them here with you?!"


A few days ago, Xiao Anni had used the messy magic weapons poured out of the golden bucket of Hunyuan to find the 24 Dinghai God Orbs, and then used the same 24 marbles to form With the twenty-four meridians of the human body, the body was reshaped for that Uncle Zhao Gongming, just like the Nezha she had seen before?

It's just that what she did is much better than the Nezha pinched with lotus and lotus leaves! Anyway, that Uncle Zhao was so excited that he could not wait to leave the next day and ran back to practice, knowing that today, Miss Bixiao came here to visit herself again!


"Brother Zhao Gongming is practicing in retreat. He must adapt to his new innate Taoist body earlier. Sister Qiongxiao is protecting him on Sanxian Island and cannot do without..."

"Sister Yunxiao, she went to Biyou Palace yesterday to see Master Tongtian, and she may not be back now!"

With the sound of busy pots and pans in the kitchen, Bi Xiao's voice became relaxed and happy again, which came out again.


"It turned out to be like this..."



At this time, outside the foothills of Kunlun Mountain...

Huh! !

Suddenly, there was a soft noise in the air. Deng Chanyu, who had been waiting for a long time in this nameless valley, finally waited for the figure of a kid, and then she was shocked and waited until it was confirmed that the person was intact. , She hurriedly greeted him.

"How can it be so long?"

"What's going on? Did you get that whip?!"

She waited here for a full two or three hours. Just now, she had been worried about whether something was wrong, but now, seeing the other person coming back intact, she finally let go of the heart that she had been holding for a while. , And turned to care about the root of the "God Whip".

"Of course I got it. There are some failures where Xiaoye went out, you see?"

Nezha took out the magic whip and stuffed it directly into Deng Chanyu's hand.

The magic whip is one of the treasures of elucidation and teaching. It is made from a wooden whip collected from the Kunlun Mountains by the Antarctic Immortal Weng ordered by Yuanshi Tianzun. The whole body is three feet six inches and five cents long, with 21 knots each. There are four high-grade runes in the festival, which add up to a total of 84 runes. It is a magic weapon against the immortals below the Daluo Jinxian. It is said that it is one with the enshrined gods list. ?

However, Nezha has not been able to confirm this statement. After all, he has not yet begun to enfeoff the gods, so he does not know what it is.

"Xiao Chanyu, you may not know, that Jiang Ziya is really too difficult!!"

"I just asked him casually just now, but who would have thought that that guy could be so eloquent, and he pulled out a lot of myths. Fortunately, I am not a real god, otherwise, it would be a real one. Don't have the face to continue begging him about this stuff?!"

Think about that Jiang Ziya who seems to be full of defense, repulsion, etc. skills, Nezha could not help but wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. If he didn't know that the opponent had nothing to do with the main god, he would almost think that the opponent had exchanged those useless skills!

But fortunately, in the end, he didn't show off his stuff, and directly used the majesty of Tianzun to force him to surrender the beating whip and the central wuji apricot and yellow flag. At any rate, it was a buy one get one free, earning a powerful magic weapon? It's a pity that he didn't dare to carry the Wuji Xinghuang Qi with him, let alone use it. He just made up his mind, and later returned to Cuiping Mountain and sold it directly to the Lord God! He felt that the Central Wuji Apricot and Yellow Flag was one of the five innate flags, and its defensive ability was second only to the second magic weapon of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. Even if the main **** is darker, it can still sell for 1.8 million yuan. Point?

But he wouldn't talk about this matter with the little Chanyu in front of him. Otherwise, the other party would also tell him a two-to-one plus five, and the meeting was divided into half. Then he just took such a big risk and cheated one more A magic weapon, it's not worth it!

"This is the whip?"

Looking at the light and fluttering wooden whip in his hand, Deng Chanyu waved it. He didn't think it was strange or powerful.

"It should be correct. I have become Tianzun's appearance. That Jiang Ziya, he still dares to fool me with a fake?"

"But the eighty-four runes on this thing require Yuqing Taoism and formulas to be practiced. I don't even know how to do it. You should stop making gestures and go back to Cuiping Mountain first. It is too dangerous here. If we are discovered, we can't eat it!!"

Looking around, Nezha, who had just done something wrong, always felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes looking at him around him, and he felt that he was full of vegetation, but he still felt that he ran back to Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, which was suppressed by the Great Flame Fairy and the Lord God. , May it be more secure?


"Yes! It's not safe here, let's go straight back with the master spell!!"

After finishing talking, Deng Chanyu didn’t wait for Nezha’s reaction. She got the magic whip and was ready to go back to hand in the task and blacked out 95,000 martial arts contribution points. She directly transported the Flame Art and used that to return to the teacher’s gate. The Shadow Flames skill disappeared directly into a group of dark flames.

"Hey! Wait for me!!"

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Nezha, who had deceived one more magic weapon and was ready to go back to make a fortune, also disappeared in a dark flame.


Ever since Taishang Laojun’s mount Qing Niu Jing, that is, the one-horned Blue Bull or Banjiao Blue Bull, was captured alive by a little girl, the Great Flame Fairy’s pet, the Giant Flame Bear during the Battle of Xiqi City. After that, there is no such thing as a green bull spirit in this world. Instead, it is replaced by the one-horned king who is holding a steel gun, is powerful, has great magical powers, and has three heads and six arms.

Of course, it is fortunate that its green bull spirit has become refined, and it will utter words at critical times, praying for mercy and mercy, otherwise, the beautiful drop-shaped'dongfu' of the flame immortal on Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain is now In its dedicated freezer, maybe there are many body parts and some tender meat on the body?

In short, the current King Si no longer misses the days when he used to mount the old man...

Because, he has now obtained a martial arts bracelet at the main **** of the Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak, and has become a glorious disciple of the Flame Great Immortal. He has lived the kind of happy, happy, free and not with the cows. A beautiful life without shame, no longer need to miss the kind of staying in the bullpen all day and sleeping, fighting against the bull boy, and praying every day for the quiet and inaction old gentleman to ride him more so that he can go out often. The days are like years.

He is now the Great King Dujiao Si of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain. He has an iron rice bowl and receives a fixed salary from the Lord God every day. That is more than a hundred points of sect contribution points!

Anyway, now he doesn't have to do anything. After waking up and checking in every day, he only needs to hang around the mountain gate, doze off, or brag about others. Besides, there are five social insurances and one housing fund, various benefits and retirement pension subsidies. There is even a set of free luxury residences on the mountainside of Izuun Peak, plus the super-high treatment for three days and four days off. There is no better place than this!

and so,

Now King Si is very satisfied with his life, and he never wants to go back to Douzi Palace to be that kind of mount without cow rights anymore. He just wants to be his King Si. Just like the escaped black dragon that escaped from the dungeon of the Dragon Palace, they are now relying on their own abilities, connections, good background, etc., after they quit or escaped from prison, they went smoothly in the Cuiping Mountain. Got a great job.


And at this time, within a few days of joining the job, I learned how to **** and play the slippery King Si. He just dozed off near the Huishang teleportation point in front of the mountain gate, watching the disciples of Cuiping Mountain from the shadows. He appeared in the flames and hurried to the sect station on the mountainside, watching the sun waiting for the shift time, suddenly, he saw a figure that made him a bit of an impression?

"Huh! Stopped coming!!"

Then, suddenly remembering something, he was clever, and quickly picked up the steel gun in his hand, panting in his nose, jumping up arrogantly and intercepting him.


"One-horned King Si, what do you want to do when blocking my way?!"

Deng Chanyu, who discovered that he had just come out of the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng School’s teleportation point, was intercepted by the opponent before entering the mountain, so angry that he took out his own Golden Dragon Double Cut and prepared to give it to a new school. A good-looking guardian?

Although, she also knows that with her deeds and skills, she may not be the opponent's opponent...


"Sister Chan Yu, Lao Niu is not stopping you, I am stopping him, Lao Niu!"

Although, if it is in the order of priority, in name, the king of the unicorn should call Deng Chanyu as his senior sister, right? However, because there are too many disciples in Cuiping Mountain, basically no one can tell who comes first, so under normal circumstances, most of them are arranged randomly according to the years of Taoism or practice, so now they are unicorns. There was nothing wrong with King Si calling Deng Chanyu in front of him to be a junior sister.

"Lao Niu recognizes this guy!"

"He is a three-generation disciple of Chanjiao, Nezha, the second disciple of the real man Taiyi in Jinguangdong of Qianyuan Mountain, you should stay away from him, he may be a spy!!"

With a wave of the steel spear in his hand, he stopped the spear steadily in front of the forehead of a bewildered spy, and King Si horned with a smug smile.

It should be his meritorious service, isn't it? Not long after taking office, he caught a spy! !


"You said I'm a spy?!!!"

Nezha, who was firmly locked with the tip of his spear and breath, couldn't help but pointed his nose with wide-open eyes, and asked in a dumbfounded manner.

That's right, seriously speaking, he is indeed a spy, not only for Cuiping Mountain but also for Kunlun Mountain, he seems to be a little master, Nezha?

However, there are many people who know about this matter, including the little girl Huo Daxian. Therefore, he himself has long been accustomed to his identity, and others are used to it, and no one cares about this matter. After all, like him Yes, it's not too rare in Cuiping Mountain, and it's not even an exception. But how come this new and powerful green bull spirit even mentioned this kind of thing that everyone has long taunted? !


"One-horned King Si, do you listen to me first about this matter?"

After hearing what the other party said, Deng Chanyu, who recovered after a while finally understood what was going on, reluctantly put away his weapon, and was ready to explain the situation to the green bull spirit in front of him.

"All right!"

"Junior Sister Chanyu, this matter has nothing to do with you today. Let me get out of the way and let me capture this spy from Kunlun Mountain first!"

The one-horned King Si began to explode with fierce aura, ready to make gestures with Nezha, who is known to be the strongest among the three generations of disciples!


"Master, I'm afraid you won't succeed?!"

Thinking that the other party wanted to pick something up, Nezha unceremoniously grabbed his flint-point spear, stepped on the hot wheel, slowly floated from the ground, and waited until the opponent was at the same height before standing. Prepare to fight the doorman in front of you!


"I said you..."

Deng Chanyu just wanted to dissuade him, but soon he was overwhelmed by the drum noises of the fellow brothers and sisters who were going to go back to the school or passing by...

‘! ! ’

'it is good! The green bull spirit, beat the little man who was always in chaos and finally abandoned fiercely, my mother, I've long seen him upset! ’

‘Old cow! Kill that little Nezha! ! ’

‘Brother Bull, fight! beat him! ! ’


‘Nezha, little sister, I’m optimistic about you, let’s give a lesson to that green bull spirit! ! ’

‘Brother Nezha, come on! ! ’

‘Little Nezha is so cute, Sister Sister, of course, I support you, don’t lose too early! ! ’

‘Come on, it’s open! The King of Unicorns singles out Nezha, buys Nezha lose two, and buys Nezha win, one loses five! ! ’


‘I’ll buy a hundred contribution points, it will definitely be the winner! ’

‘Eight hundred o’! ’

‘Fifty o’clock, Nezha! ’

‘Two hundred o’clock, Green Bull! ! ’

‘A hundred nodding cows! Nezha at forty o'clock! ! ’


‘! ! ’

'Hey! Sister Chanyu, are you trying to make trouble? ! ’

'My pleasure! ! ’

Soon, a group of Cuiping Mountain disciples who never thought it was a big deal, or were idle after finishing the sect of the teacher, had nothing to do, and were unwilling to do the kind of boring and low cost-effective cultivation. At the entrance, there was a crowd and noisy, just waiting to see a newcomer and getting the position of protector, the jealous green bull spirit fought against an'old man' of a certain sect.


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