Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 869: ?People don't serve themselves, and the earth will die

what? Do you want to see the Qibao Miaoshu, a magic weapon of your own Dao? !

At first hearing the outrageous request suddenly made by the other party, the Daoist who had never had any contact with the little girl outside the demon, had never had any contact with the big flame fairy and knew too much, couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Good, good..."

"If a young Taoist friend is willing to let go of the magical thoughts in his heart and is willing to catch it with his hands, then it is a guest of my fate in the West, and he can join my Western University and share my Western Paradise... By then, let alone want to see, even if it is poor. It is to give this mysterious and anomalous Seven Treasure Tree to the little Taoist friends for free, why not?!"

"Little Taoist friends, listen carefully. My Western bliss is mysterious and unusual, and extraordinary masters can guess..."

"Don't you smell..."

"The twelve lotus platform plays a magic weapon, the white light appears by the Bade Pond, the life is the same as the heavens and the earth is not ridiculous, Fubi Hongbo said that it is crazy, cultivated into the relic name, bliss is the West..."

"If the little Taoist friends are willing to join me in Western teaching, they can avoid a disaster..."

The Taoist Zhunti didn't care at all about Yuanshi Tianzun's increasingly ugly face, so he directly said to his face, and began to introduce the Western Great Teacher created by his brother and his brother.

He actually didn’t want to do this. This was actually because of the changes in the Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, and the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth was quietly eliminated due to the indiscriminate interference of the Great Flame Fairy at Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain. Monk Lu's plan to fill the world of bliss had to be frustrated, so if he could persuade him to join the flame immortal, who was already a dead end, would it be a good thing?

"What do you think of the little Taoist friends?"

The Taoist Zhun mentioned smiled and stroked the Seven Treasure Tree in his hand, and then looked at the big blue eyes that were blinking, with golden hair and fair skin. The Taoist body seemed to be natural. He has the appearance of a saint that makes him sigh, has great wisdom, and seems to be the "external demon" who has a great fate with their Western religion, asking about the Tao.

The Seven Treasure Tree...

It is actually made by the quasi-teacher who is the two sage master of the West with his own body, combined with the seven treasures of gold, silver, and colored glaze. Moreover, it is also known as "Nothing but No Brush", the full name is Qibao Miaoshushu, also known as Qibao Miaoshu stick, it is one of the ten great spiritual treasures!

Moreover, it is also one of the sacred instruments of merit for suppressing the luck of Western teachings. Not to mention the alien demon who is still in a hostile state. Even if it is a close friend, even if the other party really converts to their Western religion, it will definitely be mentioned. It will not be given lightly.

So, now he is just standing in his own position after their five sages have surrounded the enemy, taking advantage of his free time to talk casually and use it to confuse the enemy, if the opponent is really serious, then it really is. Think bad! But there is one thing he didn't say nonsense, that is: he really has the idea of ​​taking the other party captive back to enrich the Western religion!

Of course, the quasi-tiding Taoist also knows that the opponent's strength is too strong. Even Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun have lost in the opponent's hands and lost several treasures, and if they don't first "information" Or if he uses force to subdue the other party first, even if he brings it back to the Western Paradise, I am afraid he will mention that the Taoist and his own senior brother will definitely have no way to suppress or instigate each other.



"Western teachers? It's not impossible to add, but can't you show it to me first? I'll just take a look, just take a look, and I will definitely return it to you after reading it. What's the point?"


Little Annie is definitely not interested in Western teachings or the chaotic world of bliss...because she and the wild world are also not interested in it. If the other party uses such chaotic things to persuade her, it must be a mistake. Little abacus!

Annie is actually just wanting to see the other side's weird one. There are colorful and beautiful colors. It seems to be made of gold, silver, glass, glass, clams, red beads, agate and other messy things. She felt fresh and curious about the branch-like thing made with a strange thing she didn't recognize, and wanted to borrow a piece of it for research.

And ah, she promised that after borrowing and studying, she will definitely pay it back, she will definitely pay it back! However, when is it the time to leave it to her...After all, the other party is the kind of immortal existence, as long as this prehistoric world is not destroyed, it will never die? So, she can take the magic weapon to other worlds and wander for tens of thousands of billions of years. When will she remember it, or if she doesn't want to play, then throw it back and return it to the other party?

(Little master, the little one advises you to grab it directly. Anyway, they are enemies. You don't need to talk about morality. You can just grab it directly, right?)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers thinks that it would be better to just say a few words and just grab it, it would be a bit simpler, anyway, the result is almost the same?)

"Good, good..."

"It seems that the little Taoist friends are still obsessed with understanding..."

Shaking his head, the quasi-tutor is not stupid, how could he casually lend out his own magic weapon? Although he is now a sage of heaven, he will not die even without this magic weapon, but even if the opponent is ready to join him in the Western religion, he will not lend out, even if the opponent just takes a look. Nothing!

Therefore, after seeing the attitude of the other party, he glanced at the old gentleman who was opposite to him, indicating that the other party can start now, because the two brothers and sisters are ready, and now they can fight with all their strength against the day before him The outer evil demon is fighting against the flame fairy who is going against the sky.

"Cloth's innate five elements are trapped!!"

Seeing that the evil demon escaped from the Five Elements Jue Formation, the old man who had been worried about the other party's escape or using some weird means, saw the wink from the Taoist Zhunti, he immediately lowered his brows, one With the whisk in his hand, he directly ordered the Four Sages to be with him, laying down the innate five-element formation they had prepared.

The five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are the essence of all things, combined with yin and yang!

However,'gold, wood, water, fire, and earth' are the five elements of the acquired nature. Now the old gentlemen and the others are preparing to lay out the five elements of the innate. The elements of'gold, water, wood, fire and earth' are taken from the river map. Order!

As for those in Hetu, the five elements go straight, and the natural way of inaction is in line with the old gentleman's own way of quiet and inaction.


Under the orders and instructions of the old gentleman, the old gentleman himself took the lead and took a step forward, and instantly stopped the water level of Renkui in the north of the innate five-element formation, and lit his eyes, using himself as a saint of heaven. Mana forcefully suppressed the outer demon Flame Great Immortal who had lost the first hand!

"Humph! It should have been so!"

Afterwards, the original Tianzun snorted coldly, holding a sword, and holding a glazed lamp on his head, standing at the fire position of Bingding in the south.

"Brother Dao, please..."

The quasi-ti Taoist holding the Seven Treasure Tree, naturally stood on the golden throne of Western Gengxin. His body is the Western Gengjin Bodhi, which happens to complement the Western Gengxin golden position, and it must be able to play a very effective role.

"Good, good!"

Sitting on the twelfth-rank lotus platform, holding a dozen people and demons in their hands are extremely sharp to lead the Taoist, and he also followed his own junior and disciples, and at the same time stood on the wood position of the Eastern A and B, assisting the old gentleman to suppress together That alien demon, lest the opponent rebound.


In the end, it was the Master Tongtian who had finished explaining to Yunxiao and ordered the other party not to go forward. He held the Zhuxian sword without saying a word, with a slightly calm face, and looked at the little girl Huo Daxian for a while, and found that he could not see through the other party. After he couldn't figure out the other party's way, he stood coldly at the position of Wuji in the middle of the five elements formation, and finally completed that formation before the evil demon could react that day!

[The five elements are congenital, stand up! 】

In this way, the five heavenly saints were in the air several tens of feet away from the little girl Annie, standing in different directions, standing at different points in the three-dimensional spherical shape, and surrounding each other, smoothly laying down the congenital that had been prepared for a long time. The Big Five Elements Formation trapped the little girl Huo Daxian who had just escaped from the Great Five Elements Formation again.

In this innate five-element formation taken from Hetu by the old man, the five sages can support each other and rely on each other. Unless one of the saints falls or is dislocated, the five sages will not be lost, and the innate five elements will not be broken! No matter how powerful the alien evil demon trapped in the middle, no matter how powerful the method is, even if the opponent has the power of the heavenly saint Hongjun, you can never get out of it easily! !



"This magic circle actually seals the six senses of time, space, and the human body. It's really amazing... But I tell you, you definitely can't trap me like this!!"


The other party tried to trap herself with that kind of five-element magic circle. Why would there be any reason why Xiao Annie could not fight back?

So, she immediately grabbed a fireball and tried to smash it at the prospective Taoist who was standing on the golden position of Gengxin in the West. Obviously, she had made up her mind. She took the opponent first and snatched it. The Seven Treasure Tree in the opponent's hand?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"This is a little trick!"

Facing the little girl, the Great Flame Fairy, facing the other evil demon who first bombarded her, according to Laojun and Yuanshi, there is a dark red strange flame fireball that can burn the saint’s soul, so the Taoist will not think that With a deliberate swipe of the Qibao Miaoshu, a small green lotus shot out from it quickly, and easily hit the fireball??, and then at that moment, the green lotus and the fireball exploded at the same time. , Turned into a mass of green and red ashes directly in the air.



"Small bugs? Do you really think that? Then you can try this again?!"





??????????← Super fierce!

While she was talking, Little Annie showed thousands of fireballs beside her, directly turning the entire sky into a huge sea of ​​fire consisting of countless fireballs!

Then, she didn’t wait for the quasi-speaking Taoist and the other four sages who were slightly surprised to react, and suddenly turned countless fireballs into her shattering fire that was enough to burn the heavenly saint’s soul and Taoist body. The five heavenly saints including Zhunti suddenly bombarded away violently! !

"not good!!"

"The flames are weird and have chaotic properties. Don't let them touch the edge of the formation!!"

The old gentleman holding the whisk in his hand, seeing the rampant methods of the evil demon outside the sky, and knowing the benefits, he had to wave his hand, control the entire formation, and use the mysterious magical powers of the innate five elements to make the little girl in the formation flame. The distance between Daxian and his five sages instantly stretched infinitely, from the original distance of several tens of feet to the level of "a few feet away from the sky", and then he successfully bought enough reaction time for the saints on his side.


Taking advantage of the fireballs that looked like red birds or swarms of bees did not fly before him, he slowly stretched out his hand, summoned his own mysterious magic weapon Banana fan, and then used boundless mana, so gently The previous one!

Immediately afterwards, as Lao Jun’s plantain fan was blowing out a violent wind, countless six divine fires also spurted out with the gust, directly flying towards the water level of Renkui in the north toward the old man. The incoming fragmented fire slammed away, causing the two different flames to raging against each other in the fierce wind at the same time and suddenly burst apart.


"Heavenly evil demon, I will not rest with Ergan today if I am poor!"

At this time, Yuan Shi Tianzun, who stood at the fire position of Bingding in the south, used his magic weapon Tai Chi rune to protect himself, and then he reached out his hand and pointed at the glazed lamp on his head, causing it to spray a cloud of gold. The flames, and then the flames saw the wind swell, and in an instant it turned into a huge golden fire dragon, opening its huge mouth and roaring and swallowing the massive fireballs flying towards him.

At the beginning, his Yuanshi’s Pangu banner, which had the name of the heavenly treasure, was also the strongest magic weapon for his Yuanshi Tianzun’s proof of the Taoism. It had the power to smash the time and space of the sky, control the ten thousand laws and uprightness, and open up the world. The treasure of the power of the universe was snatched by the evil demon that day before he had time to display it. He had always been worried about that matter!

Therefore, after laying down the Innate Five Elements Array today, he can finally use his magic weapons and spells to fight the evil demon.

It’s just a pity that his Three Treasures Ruyi and Pangu Banners, and other treasures presented to the Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals for safekeeping, all fell into the hands of that little demon girl, so much so that he now has There are not a few magic weapons left, and they are far inferior to the two Western saints who are lacking in supplies, making his face very dull!

"So that's it..."

"What the two Dao brothers said before is indeed not bad. The evil demon in the sky is worthy of the evil charm with the name of the flame fairy, and it is indeed worthy of the name!"

"This kind of dreadful fire that can transcend the world and not in the five elements can burn the sage body and soul. It really cannot be easily touched..."

Seeing the large group of shattering fires that were also approaching him, the Taoists who were standing on the wooden position of the Eastern A and B and maintaining the formation also nodded clearly.

Then, he also sacrificed his magic weapon, swinging the magic pestle, turning it into a huge Optimus iron pillar and spinning it up at high speed, carrying a whirlpool directly towards the countless fireballs that struck. Let countless fireballs be strangled in and exploded in an instant, forming a group of dark red sparks in the sky, just like the dark red lotus flowers growing from the white on the iron pestle?

"If there is only such a means, it would be too disappointing..."

At this time, the Tongtian Hierarch standing on the ground in the center of Wuji did not sacrifice a magic weapon like his senior brother or the enlightened Taoist. Instead, he stood out of thin air with a sword of death, ignoring all things, without mentioning the flames in his eyes. In...It wasn't until those flames were about to bombard the invisible space barriers of the five elements in front of him, that he suddenly slashed his sword!

All I saw was a mighty invisible sword energy?? Directly annihilated those fireballs and turned into little sparks, no longer threatening the barriers of the five elements! Obviously, it can be seen from the words that the Lord Tongtian is very dissatisfied with the abilities of the prestigious Fire Immortal Cuiping Mountain.

"Good, good..."

"Little Taoist fellow is strong in this skill, but he is already a bird in a cage. How can he be brave in fighting against the trapped beast?!"

At last,

It was the quasi Taoist who was in the golden position of Gengxin in the West. He also continued to repeat the old tricks, and directly waved the Seven Treasure Tree in his hand to make the colorful and dappled and unusual treasure tree shine brightly.

After that, among the haze cigarettes, which filled the ground, thousands of green lotus were released, and they quickly came forward with the same violent posture, and with the blessing of the saint’s supernatural powers, they easily shot the thousands. The fragmented fire caused the dark red flames and cyan mana Qinglian to annihilate one by one in the five elements trapped array.

"not good!!"

"Acknowledge fellow daoists! Be careful! Never offer magic weapons easily!!"

However, what the Taoist Receptor never expected was that when his actions and his supreme magic eliminated those fireballs, not only did he not receive the admiration of several other Taoists, but instead ushered in Laojun and Yuanshi The exclamation and sigh of the two saints?




"What's the thing that you don't want to throw out? Why does it seem interesting?!"

(*??︶??*).. .:*▎

Before Laojun and Yuanshi exclaimed, before the enlightened Taoist did not react and took back the magic weapon, Xiao Annie, who was trapped in the Five Elements Array, suddenly appeared in the Five Elements Array by a certain Western Saint to fight against herself. The fire of fragmentation became huge and swayed next to the magic pestle, and then stretched out his hand to grasp it smoothly.

Immediately, the swinging magic pestle shrank in an instant, and she was directly holding it in her hand and playing with it.

Then soon, feeling that there was nothing fun, she withdrew her hand and directly received the humble stick into her space bag.



"What a broken iron rod, it's not fun at all!!"


It's not fun, but it's not fun, but when you get what you have in your hands, and the other party throws it out as a ‘don’t need’ baby, Queen Anne said nothing will be returned! After all, littering is not right. If you accidentally hit cats, dogs, or dogs, how bad is it?

Therefore, she confiscated it directly, and the fines and other things were temporarily exempted! !



(● ̄(??) ̄●)


I found that I couldn't recall my magic weapon. I found that the connection between the magic pestle and myself was inexplicably cut off by the other party. After watching the other party put it in the pocket of the little red skirt, he led the way. The nameless fire broke out, and almost couldn't help but rush into the formation to fight the opponent desperately.

"Okay! What a demon! Take my magic weapon, I will not rest with you!!"

Although the name of Xitian Elysium is nice, but as you know, they lack everything in Xitian Elysium, whether it is a human or a treasure!

And now, it was enough for him to suffer a long time since he lost a devilish pestle.

Therefore, in a hurry, he directly sacrificed his own god-inviting tower, and then did not dare to sacrifice it into the congenital five-element trapped formation, but let his god-pillar emit ten thousand golden lights, constantly moving towards The little girl in the Five Elements Array illuminates it, as if she wants to burn it to ashes with the golden light of the sun, or just annihilate it directly?

"Brother! I'll help you too!!"

Seeing that his senior brother took a small loss to the Taoist, he would naturally not be willing to be left behind. Therefore, he once again hurriedly waved the colorful and gorgeous Seven Treasure Tree in his hand to make countless flowers bloom. Lian continuously bombarded the little girl in the formation!

"Hum hum……"

"Brother Yindao doesn't have to worry about it, and it's today! As long as I wait to work together to eliminate the evil demon that day, the baby will naturally go to his own!"

Found that the two Western leaders had already hit the real fire, Yuanshi Tianzun certainly did not dare to fall behind, and directly input more, almost endless mana into the glazed lamp that was sacrificed above his head, so that the gold in the lamp The flames jumped fiercely, and then countless roaring giant golden flame fire dragons rushed out of the glazed lamp, turning the magic lamp that was originally used to talk about the Scriptures, explore the spirits, and illuminate in an instant. A terrifying flame killing weapon?


At the same time, seeing Jiuyin and Yuanshi continuously release the golden light and flames of the scorching sun toward the formation, and the quasi-shoulder releases the wood-attributed green lotus that can help the fire, the old man made a decisive decision and used his hands. The banana fan of the sacred tree is constantly slamming towards the five elements in the trapped array, causing the gale to carry six divine fires, so that the wind is enough to fan the general heavenly fairy one hundred and eighty thousand miles away and enough to burn the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian The six divine fires of Liu Ding kept burning towards the little girl in the formation!


"You fellow daoists continue to do things, wait for me to use my supernatural powers to refine her directly!!"


With the help of countless golden flames and fire dragons, the scorching sun and golden light with high temperature, the endless stream of six divine fires and countless green lotuses that help the fire, plus the help of the strong wind, an entire congenital five-element trapped formation will become A huge terrible melting pot!

In that congenital five-element trap, there are violent golden flames, roaring fire dragons, raging winds, six divine fires pervading everywhere, and the mysterious green lotus that explodes when it sees fire. Within the formation that trapped the evil demon outside the sky, it instantly turned into a molten purgatory...


Under the control of the old gentleman who is good at alchemy, the space within the formation begins to change and converge... The entire congenital five-element trapped array has instantly transformed from the previous "Jianchi Tianya" to "Heaven's End", becoming a similar It is the size of the alchemy furnace in the Eight Views Palace of Daluoshan, and then compressed the flames countless times, and compressed countless terrible flames into dazzling white light, directly destroying the little demon girl trapped in the five-element formation, and the flame Daxian was burned and refined by the evil demon that day?


Unlike the other four Heavenly Dao saints, Tongtian Daoist did not make a move, because he was holding the Zhuxian Sword in his hand. Now that he releases his sword energy to attack the little girl, it seems to make him feel a little invincible?

Therefore, there is no magic weapon to set fire, and he does not want to use magic to release samādhi real fire or other real fires, so he stands in his position motionless, just frowning and watching the five elements trapped by his own brother and old man. The little girl who is refining alchemy like Daxian Huo.



"It's hot! It's hot! It's dying, dying! You guys stop quickly, don't burn it anymore~!"


Immediately afterwards, in the five-element array that was so fierce that people could hardly open their eyes and was almost compressed into an alchemy furnace the size of the five elements, finally began to hear the strange voice of a little girl, as if afraid, It's like pain, but it's also a weird sound with a little enjoyment?


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

"The evildoers are rampant!!"

"All fellow daoists, please continue to do things. Poverty Dao is going to train her seventy-seven forty-nine fans. She must be made into a stubborn stone!!"

Hearing the faint voice coming from inside, and knowing that the little girl Huo Daxian was actually not a big deal, Laojun gritted his teeth secretly, and instructed other saints to continue to impose various flames, green lotus and sun on the innate five elements trapped array. After the golden light, he concentrated slightly and calmed down. The mana condensed from his whole body gathered in the banana fan, and began to slowly instigate one after another, causing countless gusts and even more terrifying six divine fires to continuously move towards the trapped array. Middle volume to go.

The old monarch was inciting very slowly, and it took almost three or five breaths to instigate it once slowly, but he was incredibly serious, and seemed to be a kind of mysterious avenue?

‘Seven days come and return, the heart of seeing the heaven and the earth is based on the forty-nine days of life and the seven souls, and the death of the forty-nine days, the seven souls are absolutely. ’

The number of seven or seven is the extreme number of yin and yang, so Lao Jun feels that if he wants to refine the evil demon who is no less capable than their heavenly saints, he must have seven forty-nine days!

However, fear of delay will change, and he did not have forty-nine days to waste with the evil spirits here, so he decided to speed up and use his supreme mana and supernatural powers to compress the time of each day into his own fan. Inside, so and so, after just seven or seven forty-nine fans, the opponent will surely turn into ashes!

At that time, after enough counts, let her have all the patience and countless ways, will also be scattered and transformed into nothingness! !



"It's getting better again, you, you bad guys, hurry up and help your assistant~!!!"


I don't know if it is true or not, but the voice of a certain wretched little girl began to be compressed into the size of an alchemy furnace, like the same round of golden sun.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)


"Let's help her... Sister! What are you doing?!"


"Sister Yunxiao, what do you mean?!"

Bixiao and Zhao Gongming, who also heard a little girl yelling and screaming, were anxious, they wanted to fly out to help, and they wanted to attack the saints and give each other a chance to escape?

However, before they could act, the two of them were stopped. They could only look at the Yunxiao that once again arbitrarily blocked the front, wanting to know what the other party meant. You know, now things are endangered, they don't want to waste time here, so as not to lose the first opportunity.


"Brother! And sister!"

"Now that all the saints are there, even if we are all four of us, it won't make any difference...If so, let's look at it again. I believe that there will be nothing wrong with Annie!"

Looking at the Master Tongtian standing in the center of the formation, he saw that the opponent just stopped moving after slaying the fireballs, just looking on the sidelines, Yun Xiao thought and thought, and finally gritted his teeth. , Decided to choose to believe in their teacher.

She felt that their teacher must have made a decision, otherwise, he would not behave like he is now, and even more so would not have been suggesting himself with actions and words just now? Therefore, she must restrain her sister Bi Xiao and her brother Zhao Gongming!

This time, she Yunxiao chose the teacher who trusted them unconditionally and the teacher who trusted them, because they had no choice! Even if they have a **** position, they will not be the opponent of any heavenly saint present! Even if she is only half a step away from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but if she is not holy, she will eventually be just an ant. There is absolutely no possibility of winning against the saint, just like outside Xiqi city that day.


"Sister! When is the time now, what are you thinking?!"

Bi Xiao was a little anxious, and she also found that within that dazzling formation, there were no more voices. If they didn't hurry, they might have no chance again!


"Ah! Who is that?!"

When Bi Xiao was about to say something, or was about to turn her face with her sister Yunxiao and rush away from the opponent's block, suddenly, from the distant mountain stream, four missiles flew out in a row, they directly Flew over from the top of the mountain forest from the two peaks of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, and then suddenly accelerated to rise, and slammed toward the position of Wuji in the center of the congenital five-element formation in the sky? !

‘Go, Thunder Thunder! ’

‘You bad guys! Don't want to hurt my teacher and sister! ! ! ’

The voice of a little girl with milky milk, babbled, came from the bottom of the distant mountain, that soft and cute voice still echoed in the mountains...

However, those four missiles are not actually ‘Sky Thunder’, but ‘Lanzel’ type anti-ship missiles! !

I don't know since when, this kind of exchange is cheap and powerful, and at the same time it won't affect too many innocent small-scale fusion weapons, which have become popular in Cuiping Mountain? As a result, when ordinary disciples go out to perform tasks, if they don't install a few spares in that clique bracelet, they are sometimes embarrassed to go out?

Isn't this?

Someone was rescued by the little Annie from the mandrill spirits. Now she has been nursed for a few days and joined the Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak. With a balanced nutrition, she has grown slim, ruddy, and cute and cute. I played this missile! Moreover, she immediately swarmed all the stock in her bracelet, and all of the four missiles stood proudly toward the sky, compared to the other saints, the Supreme Master who was very eye-catching! !

Actually, she just went to give things to the monsters who were still confronting Wen Zhong in Xiqi City and to the Troll King Chen Tangguan. When she was about to return to the division gate, she found that Shadow Flame could not be used, and then... …After failing many attempts, she used the guide flag to fly to a coordinate point near the Cuiping Mountain's Izuun Peak where she specialized in practicing kung fu, and then when she rushed to the mountain gate, she discovered the fighting situation here.

When she heard the dazzling, big ball-like array of five elements, what came out of them was the sound of their teacher and sister Huo Daxian from Cuiping Mountain. After seeing the bad guys still fanning the flames inside, she He was furious and frustrated, he took out the Lanzel missile that he had been reluctant to use, and directed it towards the one standing still in the sky. It seemed best to sneak attack. It seemed that the leader of the five bad guys directly hit it. ! !



Yun Xiao, Bi Xiao, and others saw four missiles flying in a line toward the master in the sky, and when they saw that their master could not avoid it, they couldn't help but exclaim.

However, they exclaimed and exclaimed, but, for some reason, after a little entanglement, they didn't even want to give a voice reminder or help. They just watched the missiles shoot towards their master. Away?


boom! boom!

Rumbling rumbling...

Four consecutive violent explosions blew up directly above the top of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, and the violent high-temperature flames, raging shock waves and various short-term radiation beams swept away from the upper side!

Afterwards, the swelling fireball directly included the Master Tongtian and the other four students...


However, soon, with the sound of a cold snort from the Lord Tongtian and the strong wind blowing from nowhere, the huge fireball above the sky that was still swelling and blackening was blown away directly, revealing that the inside was still there. The five saints who are busy and unscathed outside the congenital five elements?


He glanced at the foot of the mountain where he had just applied the Taoist method and blew away the flames and the thick smoke. He didn't understand... He felt a little strange, because up to now, he just helped stand. That’s all, I’ve never done anything to the big flame fairy, but the little girl who was still mundane and didn’t even enter the threshold of cultivating immortality, she just hit herself with that weird large-scale magic weapon, instead of hitting herself first. Others, but why?


That magic weapon is also really strange, that is, he is a heavenly saint. If he is replaced by an ordinary god, if he is blown up and down by the four strange little things without precaution, he will have to turn into gray! !

After thinking about it, the Lord Tongtian only glanced into the distance for the last time. After seeing the little girl no longer hitting herself with that weird thing, after thinking about it, he looked at the four saints who are still busy with their own affairs in the five elements. , He simply put out his mind to punish the little girl.


"Little guy, don't make trouble, just watch it here!"

Seeing that his teacher, Master Tongtian, didn’t intend to punish him, Yun Xiao’s flustered heart felt calm, he stretched out his hand and instantly captured the little girl who was still about to dig out, onto the cloud head where the four of his brothers and sisters were standing. I took it in my hand.

Yun Xiao now understands that their teacher Tongtian Sage must have a plan in their heart. Now, they don’t need to do anything, they just need to stay here and watch it, and it’s best to look around and don’t let others. The disciples of Cuiping Mountain who rushed back again made trouble.


"Let go of me! You guys are all badass! Let go of me~!!!"

Sure enough, when the young lady used to say that gods are not necessarily good people, and monsters are not necessarily bad guys, she didn't quite believe it, but now, she believes a little!

Therefore, she was going to take out the large fusion strike missile that the Troll King gave to her self-defense from her martial arts bracelet, and blow up all the people here! Even if it can't be killed, the weird thing that trapped Cuiping Mountain's Chuyun Peak and the badass gods above will all be blown away!

And as to whether she will blow herself up by then, she can no longer take care of that much now, she just wants to save her teacher young lady and those kind brothers and sisters from Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng.



Seeing that the other party was still struggling, and seemed to be ready to take out something, worried that he would accidentally hurt the other party, or worried that the other party was making something extraordinary in the sky, so I had to shook his head, and when he reached out his hand, he was imprisoned by magic. The other party, then protect it by your side.

Who is this little girl in front of me? She doesn't know, she must be a new disciple of the Human Race from Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, right?

However, after seeing the other's well-behaved face and distinct love and hatred temperament, she somehow faintly moved the idea of ​​accepting disciples...Perhaps, no matter what the ending of this matter today, she Yunxiao will The other party brought him back to Sanxian Island, put the other party under his own sect and trained them well, right?


"You don't have to worry, it's useless to worry. Neither you nor us can help her...So, just watch it carefully. No matter what the result is, I will give your teacher an explanation!"

Seeing tears brewing in the eyes of the little girl who was immobilized by herself, Yun Xiao, who couldn't bear it, sighed lightly. After touching the other's head, she gave out her condolences and assured her.

The situation is like this now. When they can't even help, what is the use of this little girl no matter how messed up? So, let's take a look at it, after all, Yun Xiao himself has no good solutions.


In the sky of Izumo Peak of Mount Cuiping, the formations of the five heavenly saints and the actions of refining the evil demon from outside the heavens are still continuing, and the Lord Tongtian who was just named and bombed still stands motionless, as if in It’s like protecting the Four Saints. No one knows what he’s thinking about. He doesn’t help or leaves. He just stands in the position of Wuji in the center of the formation, constantly running his mana, maintaining The operation of the congenital five elements trapped array.

forty one……


forty three……


The old man holding a banana fan slightly drooped his eyelids, and firmly incited the treasure fan in his hand again and again.

The changes that just happened, together with the explosion, obviously did not affect the four people, Laojun, Yuanshi, Zhunti, and Receiving, who were working hard to refine the evil demon from the outside world. They were still carrying their own endless magic powers, constantly Countless flames and green lotus were continuously thrown into the'alchemy furnace' that had been transformed from the congenital five-element formation, so that the temperature inside had reached a terrifying level, even exceeding the level of the core of the sun?

That is, the congenital five-element trap is still working. It directly isolates the temperature with a space barrier, and only a small amount of light is refracted. Otherwise, just let go of the prohibition, I am afraid that the entire land will have to fall into a tragic Not in disaster! !

forty seven……

Forty eight……


One final touch!

Finally, after finishing the forty-eighth strokes, Lao Jun’s originally half drooped eyelids suddenly opened, and his eyes began to become piercing. Then, he took a slow breath before suddenly Operated the full sound of mana, and firmly instigated the last blow towards that'alchemy furnace', making the last wave of violent violent wind, enough to tear the wild land, and enough to burn out the six wilds and Liuhe divine fire , Instigated into that'alchemy furnace'...

forty nine! ! !

Finally, after a long time, the old gentleman, who has not been trapped by foreign objects, finally breathed a sigh of relief after finally instigating the seventh, seventy and forty-nine strokes, and slowly dissipated what was in his hands. With Baoqi, the banana fan, which seemed to have been reduced to an ordinary fan, stopped.

"Good, good..."

"Brother Dao, what's the situation now?"



Seeing Laojun stopped, the Taoist Taoist, Zhunti Daoist and Yuanshi Tianzun, including the Master Tongtian, all looked at the old monarch who presided over the formation, because now that is like a pill furnace, it has become like The scorching sun is normal, and the situation in the congenital five elements is trapped, they can't see clearly, presumably only the old man in charge of the formation knows the specific situation inside?


There was a long silence, Lao Jun didn't speak, but just stood up, took out his Seven Star Sword, and sighed and shook his head.





Seeing Laojun's expressions and actions, the other Four Saints didn't need to think too much to know that the evil demon outside the sky, the little demon girl who was trapped by their Five Saints and was refined by the Four Saints, was not dead? !

You know, in the situation just now, when the five sages join forces, if one of them is replaced by one of them, even if there is a saint of heavenly saints that can be immortal in this world, they will at least The body turned to ashes! !




"Eh heh heh heh..."


As the flames in the trapped formation of the five elements were gradually extinguished, the arrogant voice of a little girl came out clearly from inside.

"You just burned it so that they are very comfortable. Would you like to burn it for you for a while?!"


It turned out that the violent and different flame energies that the Four Saints were constantly adding inside were forcibly condensed into a chaotic flame orb by a messy little girl, and directly solidified, forming a remarkable The treasure of heaven, and was she caught in her hand to play with?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Seriously, Tibbers doesn't understand, those heavenly saints, what are they thinking about, or how long did they think about it before they thought of the bad little master who would burn his house with flames? Don't they know that the little master of Tibbers is named Flame Great Immortal?!

Anyway, Tibbers thinks that no matter how bad it is, they would be better if they just flooded with water. At least, it’s Uncle Tibbers Bear himself is quite afraid of water, because it doesn’t want to change from a shadowy flame bear to a water bear. ! ! )


"Brother Dao, how can this be good?!"


The three heavenly saints of Jiuyin, Zhunti, and Yuanshi saw the little girl trapped inside, and saw the other four saints on their side, unscathed under the full force of the four magic weapons, and they also used them. After creating a magic weapon by the magical energy, they all panicked and looked at the old gentleman who bowed his head and muttered, wanting the other party to quickly come up with a way.


"I was oversight. Her name is clearly called the'Flame Great Immortal', but I have to use flames to train her just now. Why is this?"

With a sigh, Lao Jun himself is gone...


"Hi! Isn't it?"


Hearing what the old gentleman said, the Three Saints finally came to a sense of relief and sighed together! Obviously, they also think that this is the same thing. They are really confused and waste mana, but they have made wedding dresses for the enemy.


Different from the frowning, lamenting, or resentful attitudes of the other four saints, at this time, the Lord Tongtian was just a little surprised and looked at the demon of the innate five elements with an admiration. Flame fairy.

He felt that his disciples' disciples did not have bad eyesight. Not only Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming and they had a good relationship with this little girl, there were even many disciples who secretly joined the Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak. So, it seems that those guys are not all wink guys?


∑(??△`)? !

"Hey! Don't you plan to continue burning? If you don't burn, then I'm going to go out!!"


Seeing those weird people outside stopped unexpectedly, what you look at me and you just didn’t plan to set fires. When I felt a little boring, Little Annie took the initiative and prepared to break out of the battle, ready to hit the door. The guys fought back.


??????????← Super fierce!

↑Waiting for the little master to send!


"Tongtian, hurry! Use the Zhuxian Array to lay down the Zhuxian Sword Formation, before she comes out, quickly kill her!"

Since the ordinary spells and flames are invalid, there is no way. After Yuanshi Tianzun saw the Junior Master Tongtian on the soil position of the Central Wuji, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly shouted at the other party.

Because Yuanshi Tianzun knew that the Master of the Heavens also had four swords, namely the Zhuxian Sword, the Slaying Sword, the Sinking Sword, and the Extreme Sword. They were given by the Master of the Tongtian by Hongjun Teacher. If the Zhuxian formation was added to form the formation, that is It can be combined into the first killing formation of Heaven's Path since the inception of Hongmeng-Zhuxian Formation!

And the Zhu Xian formation is the guardian formation of the sect, and at the same time the ancient killing formation to kill the immortal Zhu Shen, the supreme formation that dominates the heavenly killing, killing the big Luo Jinxian is just waiting! It is said that even the saint of Heaven, in a one-on-one situation, facing the Zhuxian Sword Formation, they might fall under the sword?

Therefore, thinking that the current Tongtian was the only Yuanshi Tianzun who could quickly kill the existence of the evil demon that day, he hurriedly ordered the opponent.

"Wonderful! The Zhuxian sword formation should be used at this time!"

"Friend Tongtian?"

After hearing Yuanshi's words, the Taoists Zhunti and Suyin also agreed, and hurriedly looked at the Master Tongtian who was standing with a sword.


"Tongtian, that's the case, you might as well try it now?!"

After thinking about it, the old man who thought this idea was good also nodded. Because, now their five holy clubs are there, if Tongtian puts out the Zhuxian Sword Formation, they can also help. Under the combined power of the five saints, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation will be majestic and majestic. The external evil demon beheaded on the spot?

After all, the opponent is not afraid of fire or spells, but not necessarily the invincible sharp sword aura of Zhuxian Four Swords! !



The Master Tongtian agreed and directly offered his four Zhuxian Swords, and floated the four swords together with the Zhuxian Sword in his hand over his head.


However, what made the four heavenly saints, Zhunti, Jiying, Laojun, and Yuanshi, caught off guard: When they thought that the other party would take out the Zhuxian formation, the other party suddenly broke through the inherent five-element trapped formation, far away. Before the cloud heads of the few Jiejiaomen who stood in the distance, they directly abandoned their Four Sages, and let the Innate Five Elements be in trouble without breaking through? !




Jiuyin, Zhunti, and Yuanshi didn't know why the other party did that. They just looked at each other with a trace of doubt in surprise.


"not good!!"

Although I don't know why his junior brother Tongtian did that, Lao Jun only knew that the situation is not good now, and something big will happen! !



"Your magic now belongs to me!!"


Amidst the cheering and joyous laughter of a little girl, the Four Saints only found that the magic weapons they held in their hands, sat under their feet, and sacrificed on their heads were all broken out in an instant. Did the evil demon **** it? !


"Tongtian! Do you dare?!"

Yuan Shi, who had lost his magical glass lamp once again, only had time to rant, and was quickly pulled back by his senior brother, and avoided it far.



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