Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 873: ?ψ(?`?′)??? eh heh heh...

School City, this huge circular modern city with a population of 2.3 million people, is undoubtedly advanced and beautiful. At least, in a certain place, walking on the sidewalk with a schoolbag on his back, it is hopping through. The little girls who are walking to school in the city parks look like that.

Of course, the hugeness, advancement, and beauty of this academy city are only relatively speaking. Compared to the planet-based cosmic cities in the Kepulu region under the name of the head of Anne, this city Still too small and a little behind.

However, even if this place is small and backward, it will not affect her Queen Anne's mood of hanging out here! After all, she had seen and stayed a lot in ancient cities like the Rogge camp, or those backward in other worlds, full of mud and human and animal feces, smelling stinking, so, This academy city here is already a relatively good place for her, at least better than the New York where she was patronized by aliens and various monsters, burned, looted and bombed all day long. too much.



"Tibbs, look at them. There are so many huge windmills in their city. How can those who live nearby fall asleep at night?"


Little Anne has always been surprised that there are rows of giant windmills for power generation in this academy urban city, because when those windmills are turned by the sea breeze, in addition to making huge wind noises, there are also That kind of whistling'buzzing' sound can even be faintly heard at the big house she bought, but when I come here, I feel that the sound is even louder!

You know, under normal circumstances, wind power plants should only be built on remote plains, fields, mountains, seas, seas, or mountains with sufficient wind. After all, that kind of big thing is a huge noise maker. , So, like the current academy city, it is directly built in the city. In the dead of night, the huge whistling and'buzzing' sounds will definitely not be better than the construction site at night!

(Little master, you still don’t care about other people’s home affairs. It’s someone else’s affairs that they can’t sleep at night, and it’s nothing to do with you... You should think quickly. When you’re late and get caught, what do you want? What kind of excuse?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——For a certain person, it’s already time for class, and continue to wander the street, and pacing around to school without hurriedly, without any rush, and there is still time to care about other people’s cities Tibbers, the horrible little master planning and sleeping with nearby residents, said that Tibbers no longer wanted to say something... Anyway, it was useless, because the other party would definitely not listen. )

"Blam me?"


"Who made their school so far away from our home, who made their class schedule so early, who made the subway near the school, or I could be late?!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Her Queen Anne’s time concept has always been very strong. Therefore, the responsibility for being late now must not be attributed to her. Everything is the wrong planning of the city and the obligatory 8:30 in the morning. Tokiwadai Junior High's fault!

Now she has been working hard, but she is still late. Is it possible to blame her omnipotent and never making mistakes, Queen Anne? !

(Yes, yes, don’t blame you...)


(Tibbers thinks that if a bad little master didn’t take the subway on purpose and took the wrong station, if the other party entered two dessert shops and three pastry shops on the road, if not the other party is still sucking one. If you have a large glass of lemon and orange juice, it will definitely believe the nonsense of the other party a little!)




(● ̄(??) ̄●)

In this way, one person and one bear continued to spread on the road without rush, and finally after ten thirty in the morning, I could not see the purpose of the one at the end of the road, hidden in the green shade and brown wall. Place-Private Tokiwa Taichung School.


Speaking of which, the private Tokiwadai Middle School is not only a private aristocratic school for girls, but also an excellent school with the purpose of researching and developing students’ abilities. It is located in the 23rd of the Academy City. It is the campus of the seventh school district, which is the largest among all school districts.

At the same time, it is also the school city, and even the world's leading private aristocratic girls' school, and one of the five famous schools in the school city! Although it only owns the middle school, without elementary schools and high schools, and the scale is not too large, it has always been in the forefront of all ability schools in the school city in terms of ability development, and its daily management is very strict, and even admission requirements One of them is also strongly stipulated as'level LV3 strength ability and above', and if it does not reach the LV3 ability level, even if the other party is the world's top rich or the child of a big family, or the royal family of a certain kingdom All members were rejected by Tokiwadai High School.

From this we can see what kind of strength and confidence this ‘private Tokiwadai Junior High School’ has! !

But today...

‘Ding Dong...’

‘Ding Ding Dong...’

It's already over 10:50 in the morning...

Although the private Tokibandai Middle School’s bell for class preparation, which was emitted ten minutes in advance, rang on time, and a large group of beautiful young ladies in short-sleeved tops, thin summer sweaters, and gray pleated skirts also In this large European-style teaching area, hurriedly walked to the classrooms or their outdoor classes. However, a certain blond and blue-eyed, with a plush toy bear in his hand, was taller than Her little sisters are much shorter, but still carrying her big schoolbag, frowning, looking at the electronic curriculum schedule on the wall of the magnificent and spotless hall of the teaching building. In a daze.

There is no doubt that she is a new transfer student who is late for school again and again, and has been late for more than two hours, and an LV5 flame ability person-Annie Hasta classmate! !



[Regular physical examination this week]

Today’s physical examination schedule is as follows:

‘Read the power check, starting at 11:00, in classroom 042 of the first teaching building. ’

‘Remote operation evaluation, starting at 11:00, in the sports field. ’

‘Perception inspection, starting at 11:00, first teaching building, psychosensory inspection, classroom 037, perception inspection, classroom 026...’

‘Visual examination, starting at 11:00, first teaching building, farsightedness, classroom 037, perspective, classroom 026...’


The electronic curriculum on the wall of the hall of the teaching building is constantly refreshing the time line and the classroom where the physical examination items are located. Then, looking at it, someone who is late for some reason and just came to the school often A transfer student from Pantai Middle School, Annie Hasta, soon discovered that she seemed to miss something important?

Because, she didn't even know that today was going to have the weekly physical examination... She thought she would continue to have classes in the morning, otherwise she wouldn't be so hurriedly'early' Came to school, and if she knew this was the case, then she might as well stay at home to sleep for a while!



"It's really annoying..."


"Tibbers, we seem to have come a little earlier today... If we knew that we wouldn't have to go to class from noon today, we should wait until the afternoon to get up again, and then come here and just punch a card to finish school..."


"Sure enough, going to school is the most annoying..."


Little Annie obviously doesn't like those boring classes and weekly physical examinations, so now she regrets getting up early today... Such insignificant physical examinations are nothing but testing capabilities. It's just intensity and level, and the most she shows is LV5, so it doesn't matter whether it is checked or not, there is definitely no change.

Therefore, she shouldn't have gotten up so early. Anyway, she doesn't have to go to class today. It's not fun to come here for that kind of physical examination! In addition, her Queen Anne is also the main player in the "Homecoming Division", and she did not join any clubs in the school, let alone waiting for activities here after school. Therefore, today is the whole day. It obviously doesn't make any sense to her! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn’t want to pay attention to a nasty little master, because at that time, it was the other party who chose to come to (play) and learn (play) at this school that cultivates superpowers of students, but now suddenly regrets it but can blame it Who?!)



She was about to continue to say something to her little bear, and at the same time she was also wanting not to sneak out and leave early, she was stunned...because, she seemed to find that there seemed to be some unidentified creature full of terrifying aura. He appeared behind him in vain and stared at him with evil eyes?




A certain faint voice, if someone is urinating in the bathroom in the middle of the night, and someone makes such a gloomy greeting from behind, it must be able to scare people out of heart disease or make the heart. Does the tonic functional contraction occur?


!? (??\'\'????)??

Then, of course, Little Annie quickly turned around, ready to scold some terrifying bad guy who ran behind others in broad daylight!


"I said classmate Annie...Excuse me, you just come to school now, and then you don't go to prepare for class, you just stay still here, what do you want to do?!"

After that gloomy little girl who made the goosebumps straight up greeted her, she squinted her eyes and smiled evilly, and carried some kind of evil aura with her, but There was also the head of the cute brown lady with double ponytails, and she leaned down from behind Annie again, reaching out to some of her right shoulders.



"Huh? It turned out to be Miss Heizi, you..."

o(*^▽^*)o Hi!

After discovering that she was really worried about a certain badass double ponytail girl who was fascinated by superpowers and always likes to have trouble with herself, Xiao Annie put on a cute and innocent appearance and smiled dryly, turned a little while back After two small steps, I prepared to be a little further away from the opponent.

To be honest, Xiao Anni is really afraid of the little sister with two pony tails in front of her, because the other party has been holding her late, leaving early, absent from school, not asking for leave, and absenteeism almost every day, and almost Every day, we can successfully catch evidence of her being late, leaving early, absent from class, etc.! !

For example... Like now, when I just came to school, the other party came to the door like this? !


Heizi Baijing didn't rush to speak, but after slowly standing up straight, he continued to squint, staring at someone who has never changed his face, and dared to smile at himself with complicated eyes such as humiliation, resentment, disdain, helplessness and depression. Damn little guy.


Then, her various emotions soon turned into a helpless sigh, and finally she changed into the serious expression that made a little guy most afraid of.




"What's your attitude? I haven't started to trouble you yet. What's the matter with your disgusting little expression? Little guy, I ask you: What are you planning to do now, Why not hurry up to prepare for class?!"

Baijing Kuroko stuck in the waist, and suddenly appeared behind a certain little guy, blocking the other party's way of trying to escape or continue to retreat.

"Could it be..."

"You want to skip class again... Or, do you want to challenge the majesty of Shirai Kuroko, a commissioner of discipline?!"

Regarding the behavior of a little guy who habitually skipped classes, Shirai Kuroko, as a justice commissioner, already felt a little bit intolerable towards a new classmate and transfer student.

You know, although their disciplinary committee members are usually responsible for solving the tricky things in various cases caused by superpowers in the academy city, they must also be responsible for managing campus discipline and maintaining campus security. Yes, and among them, it certainly must include the management of a nasty little guy who has repeatedly violated campus teaching disciplines and skipped classes for various nonsensical reasons without asking for leave!

And now, the other party was once again successfully caught by her Shirai Kuroko!

However, she didn’t really think about how to punish the other party this time... Anyway, it would be impossible to punish the other party to clean the toilet at will, because this hateful guy might just set fire to them. All places were set on fire! !



"Well, Miss Heizi... Why do you walk without a sound, and you always like to suddenly appear behind others?!"


Little Annie didn't say that she skipped class or other things. She just thought about it. She was going to pull this matter elsewhere to distract the attention of the young lady called Heizi, and then think about goodbyes. To sneak away?


"Of course I can appear in any place I want to go!"

She was referring to her abilities, because she was a LV4 space movement capable person, it was too easy to want to appear behind the opponent! So, after dealing with the other party, Heizi stretched out his hand and held on the shoulder of a little guy who still wanted to escape from her hand.

"Go ahead, kid, what do you want to do if you stay still here?!"

After being caught by the Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline, who could not change his face, it was the first time that Shiraikui got the green shield armband from her! Especially in front of this kind of repeated teaching should not be, repeated violations of school discipline, and caught many times as a small clever ghost like a okay person!

However, there is no way...

The other party is still young, is a leapfrog and a transfer student, and is also the third LV5 rare flame ability of Tokiwadai Middle School. Even if she reports all those things to the school, she is just a new student and a little girl. If she didn't adapt to the reasons of the new life and let her handle it by herself, she didn't give any substantive punishment at all. What can she do?

"Of course I was looking for a classroom to prepare for class!"


"Looking for a classroom?!"

"Sure enough, I knew you must have just arrived..."

Heizi covered his head with a headache, and his two brown ponytails also looked a little listless.

"Is this to blame?"


"How far is my home from school? It's not convenient to take a taxi. The tram is too crowded and the air is not good, so people have to take the subway and walk here..."


Yes, although Little Annie is very rich, she still fully promotes the good quality of hard work and insists on walking to school and exercising every day. So, if you are a little late for three or two hours, you don’t need to mind too much. Well... and if you accidentally bump into wind, rain, or something fun and delicious on the road, it’s normal to extend the time of being late to five to six hours a bit, and you don’t need to be like the Shirai Kuroko in front of you. My sister behaved so exaggerated!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Do you think I'm stupid?!"

Heizi looked at the little girl in front of him with an incredible expression, couldn't believe that the other party was an excuse that even such a fool would not believe.

"Sister Heizi is certainly not stupid!"


The other party is really not stupid, just a bit more real, and at the same time she is not as smart as her omnipotent Queen Anne.


ε=(????`●))) alas

"But, sister Heizi!"


"They didn't lie just now. They just changed cars and walked here every day. Sister Heizi, you don't know, the place where they live is really far from here..."


Yes, Little Annie promises that she really insists on walking here every day, because the beautiful big house she bought for a big price is on the other side of the city, and she likes to come to school from different routes every day Sometimes it takes so much time to go the wrong way or ride a car and come over while looking for food.


Yes, at this moment, Heizi feels that if she breaks off with the other party again, she can't tell about this kind of thing after waiting for the 11:00 weekly medical examination, so she feels that she should not skip class to the other party today. There are too many entanglements about being late, or should I remember it first, and the trouble of looking for the other party after the medical examination is the same?

"Okay! Come with me!"

"I have already written an application to the school. Tomorrow, you will move to the student dormitory in the 7th district of Tokibandai Middle School outside the schoolyard, and live next door to my dormitory. It must be much closer than your home. , I call you every day to get up and take you to school. I see if you have any weird excuses for being late, leaving early, and skipping classes in the future?!"

Heizi didn't believe it anymore. She, the most capable and justice commissioner in the history of academy city, couldn't really cure those stinky problems of this little guy in front of her? !


∑(??△`)? !

"I don't want to live in a dormitory. I own a big house, so I don't want to live with you, a bad guy!!"


Xiao Anni slapped the opponent's hand and prepared to flee. However, she was blocked by a nasty double ponytail that suddenly appeared in front of her and grabbed her hand again.


"I, Shirai Kuroko, is the LV4 space movement power person of the 177th branch of the Disciplinary Committee, Xiao Annie, do you think you can escape from my palm?!"

After grasping the opponent's hand steadily, Shirai Heizi sneered. When the opponent did not intend to use force to'resist arrest', no matter how fast the opponent ran, he would definitely not be able to escape her palm! !

"But don't worry, even if you want to live with me, you can't, because you can never live with me, you just live next door to my dormitory!!!"

She Baijing Kuroko is the woman of the older sister. She is destined to live and live with the older sister forever. How could she let this little girl live in their dormitory?

Besides, there are only two beds in their dormitory. It's hard to ask Shirai Kuroko to vacate her own bed for each other, and then go to huddle with her sister.

and many more? !

It seems, hehe...

Heizi suddenly thought, if she could "squeeze" with her elder sister, sleep in a bed every day, keep warm and cuddling with each other, it would seem pretty good? But it's a pity that the reports have been submitted, and the vacant dormitory next door has also been approved. Even if she wants to submit new suggestions, I am afraid it is a bit too late.

Sure enough, the great opportunity was before her eyes, but Shirai Heizi unexpectedly made a mistake again, and once again lost the excellent opportunity to go further with her sister, what a pity! !



"Um...Miss Heizi, what are you thinking about, why is the expression suddenly so terrible?!"


Seeing the weird expression on the opponent's face and the strange laughter inadvertently coming from the opponent's throat, after blinking, Xiao Anni subconsciously wanted to shrink her hand and break away from the opponent. Hand, trying to free his wrist from the restraint of the opponent, and then stay away from the opponent.


"Huh! Children's family, you don't care about my affairs of the Commissioner of Discipline!"

"Also, don't resist. It's useless for you to break free. I'm a LV4 space ability person. You can't escape. Now the time is coming. You should honestly follow me for a physical examination!!!"

Look at the beautiful big clock on the wall of the hall. After seeing that the time has reached 10:58, Shirai Kuroko is anxious and pulls the opponent's hand bitterly. The next second he appears directly at the end of the corridor. .

Obviously, in a hurry, she directly used her abilities in the teaching area.



Annie did not resist, and she would not tell the other party that if she really wanted to escape, she could run away at any time, not to mention the opponent's LV4 spatial mobility, even the LV10 spatial mobility was useless!

Although, the highest in the world is currently only LV5, and theoretically at most only LV6 is possible?

"Let's go!"

"Little guy, hurry in and change your clothes! If you are caught by the omnipotent sister Heizi, don't even think about running away. Now, change your clothes and go to the medical examination with me. After the medical examination, I will tell you this time. Penalties for being late and skipping class..."

After that, regardless of whether the other party was happy or not, he moved instantaneously again, and Shirai Heiko took the other party to the first-year dressing room of their class.


"Also! I told you that you are not allowed to bring toys to school!!"

After taking the other party to the locker room with his space ability, Heizi, who was about to start changing clothes, just took off the thin summer sweater that he had just taken off his jacket and found the hair still being carried by a little guy. Plush toy bear.

"Tibbers is not a toy!"


"Then what is it?"

Heizi was stunned, his hands unbuttoning the buttons of his white shirt stopped.

Then, she subconsciously looked at the other eye that had been held in her arms. One eye was stitched with a button, while the other eye was a mass of intersecting stitches, and there were still a lot of tears on her body. The stitches look crooked and slanted, without any aesthetic feeling. Throwing it on the street in the middle of the night is a tattered doll that may scare passers-by.

"Tibbers is not a toy, it is my pet and my most important companion!!"


Annie’s little bear, Tibbs, is not an ordinary toy. Although it looks like an ordinary plush bear, little Annie will not tell others that her little bear is actually a bear. When I was two years old, I caught and contracted a shadow creature, and it was sealed inside the shell of those stuffed bearskin dolls!

And once she was summoned by her or obtained her instruction, the other party would instantly lift the seal and become a huge and mighty shadow flame bear, burning to death any bad person she wanted to burn to death! Moreover, the other party can still use her own power, as strong as she is, it is impossible to describe the level of LV5 or LV6! !

But, in this world of Demon, Queen Anne deliberately gathered her own power, so, there must be no one who can let her use her own little bear. Miss Heizi probably has no chance. I saw the kind of (cannibal) love (forbearance) that her little bear Tibbers was mad.


"Anyway! Never bring anything non-essential to the class when you come to school, even if it's a physical examination!!"

Even if the other party spoke with a serious face, Kuroko still had a dark face and snatched the other party's bear, then walked a few steps to the side and stuffed it directly into the row of storage boxes on the edge of the hall. After the '86' was in the box, he threw the e-card key towards the little guy!

"Little Annie..."

"So ugly a teddy bear, looks tattered, if I were you, I would definitely throw it in the trash can, and then go to the toy store to buy a bigger, better and more beautiful , So I don’t carry that kind of mess that looks stupid, dirty, and ugly all day long!"

"You haven't changed your toys for many years? I tell you, in the second school district south of our seventh school district, there is a good doll shop in the pedestrian town. The stuffed bear in it is better than yours. That Tibbers is much more beautiful!"

After speaking, Heizi no longer cared about the hesitating little girl behind him, but started to remove the short-sleeved top and gray pleated skirt on her own, and replaced it with the kind of ability test suitable for physical examination. Specify clothing and prepare to go through the ability test that will be performed once a week.

"Let's do it, or else, I'll take you to see when I have time, and then help you pick a better one?"

In fact, Baijing Kuroko wanted to say it a long time ago, so a little blonde girl from Kawaii is carrying a terrifying, tattered Halloween-style stuffed toy that is full of patches, that style. It was a bit too contradictory, so, if possible, she felt that the so-called Tibbers should be replaced as soon as possible?

Anyway, the other party is the LV5 flame superpower of Tokiwadai Middle School. The scholarship that he can receive every month is much higher than that of his own LV4 scholarship. It is definitely not short of money to buy things. ! And if it weren't for her special allowance from Shiraiko and the Disciplinary Committee branch, I'm afraid she would be envious of the expensive scholarship for LV5 capable people!



"Forget about that kind of thing, I actually like my Tibbers..."


You know, a certain magical shadow bear has followed her Queen Anne for many years. There is no credit and hard work, and it also accompanied her through different worlds and helped her beat all kinds of bad guys. It is her most indispensable partner and most favorite toy, and also the most important family member. Therefore, she will definitely not change each other! !

However, since she can't bring her to the medical examination and class, it would be fine to keep it here temporarily. Anyway, she has already remembered the number of the storage box, so she shouldn't forget her little bear again?


∑(????`)? !

(Little master, Xiao Xiao strongly protests! Please hurry up and let the little one go out. The little one must let the female little human know that when she is eaten by the little one, it will be stupid, dirty and dirty. Ugly guy!!

??????????← Super fierce!

——Tibbers doesn't understand. It didn't provoke anyone, so why was it inexplicably missed by the **** female little earthling, and even gave its little master a bad idea? Moreover, what does it look like does not matter to her, does it have a half-coin relationship between Uncle Tibbers Bear and her?

So it feels that it’s best not to let it get a chance, otherwise, the hateful female little earthling outside who dared to treat it like this, and who dared to shut it down in a small black house, the guy named Baijing Heizi It will definitely be grabbed by it, washed and peeled, opened up, and then swallowed directly, or the kind without chewing! ! )


"But, please change your clothes quickly. The physical examination will begin soon. If you fail to complete the physical examination before school is over, you, the little guy from the'Homecoming Department', don't want to leave the school gate before dark!! "

It doesn’t really matter to Shirai Kuroko whether the other party changes toys or not. After all, she just mentions it casually... But she only knows that she has changed her clothes now, but a little guy is still standing there. Not moving, which made her angry again.

Because, it's already past 11:00 They are probably already late now, even if she will use her space movement ability to rush to the meeting point for the medical examination later, it will be useless!



"Isn't it just changing clothes? What kind of fierce..."


There was no way. Seeing the other party was staring, Xiao Annie had to turn around and walked towards her locker, ready to take out the clothes inside and put on those boring ability tests...

"Please hurry up!!"

"Don't dawdle!"


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month?? (????╰╯`??*)

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