Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 889: caveat! Your teammates have left the battlefield! ∑(?△`…

Misawa Junior College...

Even if it’s already night, there are still many students of all grades who came to this cram school to do "advancement counseling and ability development" in the hall, still doing their own things. For example, chatting around, or getting together to do homework, etc., just like the terrible things that happened here and outside the building just now have nothing to do with them, or they don't know what happened.

Moreover, they also turned a blind eye to the two young people who had finally mixed in. They obviously wouldn't be students, and even less likely they would be teachers, and continued to be busy doing their own things.


"It seems to be right. The current Sanzawa School seems to have indeed become the personal base of the alchemist of Oreos?? Isad. The thirteen knights of the Roman Orthodox Church rushed in and attacked. Such a place that has been run by Oreos for three full years is indeed an extremely stupid decision..."

After walking around the back door and avoiding the gazes of the remaining seven knights of the thirteen knights gathered in front of the door, Steele and the man followed him curiously, saying nothing, nothing. The little girl who didn't ask, and didn't have any worries, finally walked around the hall from the staff passage.

And now here, apart from the students of the'Sanzawa School' cram school who are shuttled back and forth in the hall, busily doing their own things, the most eye-catching thing is probably lying downside down on the pillars in that hall. The plate knight leaning on the floor motionless.

Obviously, that guy must be a member of the thirteen knights, and from the other side's motionless posture, unwavering chest and the unusually conspicuous pool of scarlet blood that has been flowing on the ground for an unknown period of time When you look at it, you know that the other party must be dead.



"The strange man with red hair? You can see that there are so many people here, but why did those knights just use that kind of holy light to blow up the whole building? I guess, no matter it is you The kind of magician or the knights outside, you are not good people, are you?!"


Little Annie also knows that if it is in a state of war, the two sides will rely on each other's means. It is normal for the enemy soldiers to use any means, and she sees a lot... But now here At that time, in order to hunt down an'evil' alchemist, she brazenly exploded a whole building of'Sansawa School', and did not take the life and death of the students in the building to heart. Such behavior, in her It seems that it is already equated with the bad guys who must be burned.

And if it wasn't for the other party's failure to bomb the building just now, she would definitely set fire to the armored villains just now, right?

Of course, the alchemist hiding in this building is also a badass, because the other party has held so many students here, it will definitely not be a good person!


Steele didn't answer, just watched the surroundings silently.

Because whether the attacks launched by the thirteen knights are right or wrong, or what kind of disturbances will be caused by then, that is what the Roman Orthodox guys should consider, and it is necessary for him and theirs. The evil church' has nothing to do with it!

Moreover, their usual practice is not better than what the other party does, and it is not necessarily so clean. Otherwise, their organization will not be called ‘necessary evil’.


"Aureos is worthy of being an alchemist of the Zurich school, and even the Roman Orthodox Knights of Crusade can't help him... It has been three years since I heard from him, and even I didn't expect him to hide here. , And really made a big business!!"

Looking at the surrounding situation, and then at the member of the Thirteen Knights of Roman Orthodoxy who was obviously dead beside him, Steele couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.

To be honest, he is now even more worried about the success of his mission today...

After all, compared to these professional'heretical' crusade teams of the Orthodox Church, his strength is obviously weaker...because he is not so arrogant that he thinks that his strength can match those of his own. The'Church of Necessary Evil' is equally proficient in hunting down'heretical' magicians, and the thirteen knights who are extremely skilled in melee or ranged sacred spells are stronger!



Unexpectedly, in this city dominated by abilities, you can actually see this kind of alternative enchantment magic, which made Little Annie a little surprised, and she began to wander around in this hall. I didn't care about the dignified and solemn feeling of the knight's corpse and blood in that hall, and the students who turned a blind eye to her existence.

After all, she has seen too many dead people!

When she was in Azeroth and in the Eastern Kingdom, Queen Anne had seen it: the people of the Kingdom of Lordaeron were almost wiped out by the undead and natural disasters... those big movies Large corpses and large tracts of undead, as well as the more cruel behavior of using corpses as weapons, etc., are far more frightening than the corpse of an insignificant bad guy in front of you! !



Suddenly, a little girl who had made a grumble exclaimed, because she seemed to have discovered some fun and interesting fun.



Little Annie ran up to a young lady and shook her barely with her hand.

Then, she suddenly felt that if she knew that there was a magician in this world earlier, she would not pretend to be a LV5 fire control that now, she has to continue to use the present Disguised as his identity, he is always bound to do things.

However, this feeling of pretending to be a LV5 capable person is also quite strange and fun. Anyway, she has no intention to break the tacit understanding in front of her.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Huh! That guy over there, since you are all here, come out quickly, what can you do if you hide behind sneakily?!"

Stil, who originally wanted to continue up the stairs to investigate the enemy's fictitiousness, stopped before he even stepped forward, hummed coldly, and drank coldly toward the corner of the hall. Scream.


"Haha! How are you..."

Finally, knowing that he had been discovered by the other party, Kamijou Touma could only scratch his explosive short hair awkwardly, and walked out from the corner with a dry smile.

Actually, he really doesn't want to come here...because he tried it just now, returning from the same way and running back to his dormitory?

However, after trying several times, I found that I really couldn't walk out of the street I was already familiar with, and all the people I met on the road regarded myself as non-existent, there was no way, and I was a little at a loss in the face of the unknown. Down, worried that he would be trapped in that bad state forever, so he had to admit his fate and quickly chased up in despair.

"What are you doing..."


I just wanted to walk over and say hello to the two of them, so as to ease the awkward atmosphere between the two sides, so that my previous escape behavior would not be so embarrassing when I saw that tall Steer’s feet After that side fell to the ground motionless, and there was still a large pool of blood knights on the ground, he was really taken aback!

He had just seen the thirteen knights outside, and he wouldn't take it for granted that the opponent was just a prop. When he saw such terrible things, he would definitely not be indifferent.


"This knight... he, is he really dead?!"

Although, when I was outside, I had heard that some of the thirteen knights were killed and part of them were in this building... But now, when I actually saw the opponent’s body, that kind of visual impact , For a first-year high school student in the school city of Shangjo Toma, it is still too big.

Think about it, anyway, before today, he was just an ordinary high school student in academy city. Even if he has a sense of justice, he likes to take care of things and fight injustices, and he usually does not go with those people. Street gangster fights are often chased by those villains with steel pipes and wooden sticks. It’s even more commonplace to be beaten and bloodied when you are unlucky... But when you really see someone lying in a pool of blood When his corpse appeared in front of him, it had a great impact on him.


"He weighs about 75 kilograms, and his blood is about 6,000 milliliters. Although he is a knight of the thirteen knights, although he is strong and physically strong, if a person loses more than a quarter of the blood One, it will be dizzy and even make people comatose... And if the blood loss is more than half, even if it is strong, it will cause the body to enter a deep coma and may cause death..."

"But now, his blood loss is at least more than 5,000 milliliters, and the blood in his body is basically drained... Besides, the blood has begun to solidify, which proves that he has been lying here for a while... In addition, his current heartbeat has completely stopped, his brain fluctuations have completely disappeared, and his body has become stiff..."

"So Kamijou Dangma, do you think he might still be alive now?!"

Steer didn't talk directly about the other party's life and death, but joked at the unsteady Kamijou Toma.


After swallowing, I felt that being too close to a dead person was a bit uncomfortable, so I quickly moved a few steps aside and stood a little further away from the pool of blood, for fear that I would step on the scarlet And leave ugly blood marks on the ground.


Kamijou Toma, who felt his heart was pumping, felt that if he couldn't escape this weird ‘magic enchantment’ by himself now, I’m afraid he would have slipped away long ago!

After all, although he usually likes to fight against injustices and can’t understand those people who bully the weak, but like the current kind of cram school like the devil’s dragon’s lair to save people, this is only for him. For the incompetent students of LV0, it is really too reluctant.


"If you are scared, you can go out and wait for yourself first. We are here today to save people and crush the conspiracy of that ‘evil’ alchemist, but there is no time to take care of you..."

After Steer glanced coldly at the guy who was terrified, he continued to tease him in a mocking tone.

In his opinion, the Kamijou in front of him, if it weren't for that Aleister Crowley had said, the "fantasy killer" who was lodged in the opponent's right hand might be of great use to this action. And the opponent’s ability level is LV0, and his brain is a bit underdeveloped. You don’t have to worry about the opponent knowing about the magic world, and you don’t have to worry about being noticed by someone on the magic side that the opponent is actually an ability student belonging to Academy City. Today, he will not bring this kind of guy who is neither determined nor capable of getting in the way here!


"Damn it! Don't underestimate me, how could I let you, a guy younger than me, take care of you? Anyway, I won't leave, and I will definitely be able to help!!"

Finally, under the opponent's fierce generals, Kamijo, who knew that he was useless to run, raised his right fist viciously, indicating that he also had a hole card, and he would definitely not drag him back easily!

Because, when the time comes, he will definitely not rush to the front. He promises that he will hide at the end and run when the situation is not good. He will definitely not need others to take care of him.

"Hey hey~!"


"It's funny, look at it, no matter how I move them, they really don't seem to have any reaction~!!!"

(????????-)?? Poke!

"Although they can be touched by my fingers, they seem to be completely unaware of my existence, as if our sense of existence has completely disappeared from their eyes and feelings, no matter what we do. Are they all considered non-existent?!"


It turned out that, under the extreme boredom, Little Annie stepped forward, pretending to be curious, first poked a young lady standing in the hall in the face, and then patted another young lady’s ass. I drew a big tabby cat on the other’s face with the crayons of a young lady who was sitting on the small table writing something... and then, those individuals really didn’t mind at all, for her The existence of and everything she does does not exist, still busy with their own affairs?

As a result, she can basically prove one thing to the two with her actions, that is: this magic enchantment is not another mirror space completely independent of the real world, nor is it just a red-haired mage. The two sides of a piece of paper or a coin that she had told her when she came in, but just using some kind of magic to affect the things and people in the area?

This also confirms from the side that Xiao Anni’s opinion at the beginning is that the other party is not like the apprentices of a certain bald space master she met when she was in New York, and she can pull people out of nothing with special equipment. In the mirror space, but with some weird magic to create a weird enchantment.

Although it is not very useful, but it is very fun...

(The omnipotent little master, it's just a barrier where the sense of existence disappears. What's so great about it? You don't know how to do it yourself!!

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Obviously, for this kind of spell that can only be used to bully ordinary people who don't understand magic and weak willpower, Tibbers is not too attractive, because the backward spell barrier is completely useless. , It loses its effect on a slightly stronger mage, such as this second-rate red-haired mage known as a genius? )


"It's the same here..."

Kamijou Touma opened his mouth speechlessly. Although he felt that this feeling of being regarded as non-existent by others when he himself was outside was very strange, but now in this dangerous place, it is obviously not doing that kind of thing. Right?


Those seniors from middle and high schools can let him go crazy now, but...but...wait, wait? He is here now, obviously to save people and smash the conspiracy of the evil alchemist, how can he think about the kind of'evil' things that can do whatever he wants when his sense of existence disappears from the world of others? ? !

Snapped! !

Kamijou, who accidentally thought of some wrong things at the wrong time and in the wrong place, slapped himself severely.


"You guy, what are you doing again?!"

Steele suddenly turned his head strangely, and looked at the person not far away from him who had slapped him inexplicably. He wanted to know what the other party was doing. ?


"Ah! It's nothing! I was hitting a mosquito just now, so please don't care about such small things!!"

Kamijou Touma would not look like the uncle in front of him, but the guy who was only fourteen years old said: He just accidentally thought of something that only adults can think about...


"Hey! Little guy, stop playing, we should start..."

He shook his head, and didn't want to worry about the strangely behaving and perverted Kamijo Stilt, so he turned to look at the little **** the other side who was still painting on the faces of the male and female students...though It’s really a little girl’s nature to play pranks, but at least we should look at the place and time?

They are here now, not to play and play, they are here to investigate the alchemist Oreos Ishad who has developed alchemy to the extreme! Moreover, it is really dangerous here. If they are not careful, they will end up like the members of the Knights of the Orthodox Church lying in the hall in front of them, and become a cold corpse lying on the ground without any attention. ! !

"Wait first!!"


"I'll get better soon. I'm still missing the ones here, I will finish drawing soon!!"


Little Annie, who is having a good time, sees the group not far away ignoring her, and the little sisters who are still talking and smiling happily, where will she let it go?

Therefore, she, who was on her head, ignored the gaze of Kamijou Touma and Steele's urging behind her, she happily stepped on her short legs, turned and ran over, and smiled happily at those. The faces of the young ladies and sisters began to paint.


"Your Excellency Mage Steele, do you know why this is happening here? Why do they think we don't exist?!"

Although I also think that the little girl's actions are very nonsense, and although some evil thoughts flashed in my heart just now... However, Kamijou Toma still thinks this phenomenon is a bit too strange, it is completely based on a little scientific basis. No!

Therefore, he who was trapped in it wanted to know why, and wanted to know the secret and specific reason of this magical enchantment from the magician around him who seemed to have a little skill.

"Well... it's actually very simple!"

"In three years, the building here has already turned into a powerful enchantment for the alchemist Oreos. Although it still looks like a cram school for'Sanzawa School', it can touch the'truth'. Of us, as well as the members of the Knights of the Roman Orthodox Church outside who are coming to fight against each other, what we see is another world."

"This is a two-sided world, the result of a magic enchantment..."

"It's actually like a piece of paper, or a coin... The students of the'Sansawa School' cram school on the front will not be aware of the existence of those of us on the back, even if we are standing there. In front of them, even if someone is doing some strange things on them, they will turn a blind eye...Similarly, we can't interfere with them at all and let them notice our existence..."

After speaking, Steele sighed and looked at the little girl in the distance who was painting on someone's face with a headache. He didn't understand. Is that kind of prank thing really so fun?

Don't know why, he always feels that he came here today and accepted the commission seems a bit irrational? After all, let him bring a powerful fire control ability of LV5, but it seems that he only knows to have fun, which is totally unreliable. In addition, an ordinary person without any ability wants to take this place. This is really something Embarrassed him.

And if I didn’t know that Intiqs was also brought here by the fellow Oreos, and I didn’t know what weird or dangerous things he was planning to do at this moment, I’m afraid he was seeing the Thirteen Knights. After the end of the game, he would definitely stay away from the dangerous place of'Sanze School' for the first time.

"Magic barrier?"

"If this place is made by magic..."

After speaking, Kamijou was a little curious and ignorant in his heart. After thinking about it, he resolutely squatted down and stretched out his hand directly to the floor of the clean hall.

"If it's magic, then my right hand will definitely be able to work on them?!"

But unfortunately, he soon discovered that the floor here and everything here are normal, nothing happened, there is no such thing as he imagined that no matter what ability can be invalidated by him. The beautiful situation that just fell apart after the right hand touched it...

"Heh! Fool, that's useless!"

"This magic enchantment is not a single magic. As long as you don’t destroy the core of magic, you definitely can’t destroy it. And, don’t you think what we are going to do next, if there is no interference from the students, maybe Would it be better?!"

"Let's go, I think, the target we need to deal with may be at the top of this building. We must move faster now."

Still unwilling to stay here in the hall, and staying unwilling to stay for a moment, Steele took the lead and walked quickly up the stairs after preventing the boring behavior of Kamijou Toma.

"But, she..."

Kamijo Toma, who found that his right hand had no effect on the floor and had to stand up in frustration, subconsciously reached out to the little girl who was still busy in the distant crowd...


For the first time, he put his finger on his lips and signaled Kamijou to stop talking, and Steer quickly ran up the stairs without turning his head.


"This this……"

At this time, even Kamijou Touma, who was a little slow in his reaction, found out that those students stopped the things and conversations in their hands together, turned their heads together and looked at them silently...Of course. More is looking at the little girl who was still happy before.

So, obviously, the Steer who found something abnormal in the scene seems to be no longer going to take care of the little girl? !


"Hey! You, you wait for me!!"

Knowing that things have changed, and feeling that the tall red-haired magician might be more powerful and more reliable, Kamijou Touma hurriedly chased the opponent's back without looking back! As for a certain little girl, he really can't take care of it now. After all, the other party's existence of LV5 is countless times stronger than himself. Even if he stays here, it is definitely useless.

Therefore, he can only use this excuse to comfort himself from the bottom of his heart, just as he was ridiculed and taught by another girl who was also LV5 after he forced his way out on the street?




After some two ungrateful guys took the lead to abandon themselves and run away, Little Annie also found out what was wrong almost at the same time.

Because, all those little brothers and sisters who originally thought she didn't exist, at this moment unexpectedly stopped all kinds of things they had originally done, and then they all locked in with that penetrating gaze. she was?

"This... that..."


"Hi~ Hello everyone? Oh, don't look at it like that, people will be shy..."


Although being caught by others may not be a good thing, Queen Anne, who claims to be omnipotent and may have a thicker skin than others, threw away the pen that committed the crime the first time. Then he began to understand and pretend to be confused, indicating that he did not know what was going on!

Maybe the tortoises, bastards, rabbits or cats and dogs on the faces of the little brothers and sisters in front of them are painted by themselves, maybe?

(Report to the omnipotent little master, your two pig teammates, they seem to have left you and ran first. You have been abandoned by them as a target to attract the enemy's attention...


—— Seeing that a certain awkward little master is in an awkward situation, and seeing the other party being watched by countless students from the'Sanzejuku' cram school who stood up, Tibbers relentlessly gave the other party again at this time He used ruthless words to make up for a knife. )



As for the fact that some two guys left and ran away, Little Annie knew about it a long time ago, but she didn't care at all! After all, she didn't count on those two useless guys! In her opinion, the half-hanging mage named Stir, after the other party brought her into this magical enchantment ‘reasonably’, the other party’s use value must be gone!

So, even if the other party doesn't run, she will find a way to leave the two obstructive guys behind and move alone in this building by herself.

‘The wings of the blazing sky are the shining light...’

‘The shining light is to expose the pure whiteness of sin...’

"Pure whiteness is proof of purification..."


‘The result is the future, the future is time...’

‘Time is the same...’

"Oh oh!"


It's not fun now...

Hearing those people staring at him in a daze, they started chanting spells in unison. Little Annie knew that these guys in front of her seemed to be ready to do something to herself.



Soon, those little brothers and sisters finished chanting that kind of long-winded spell, and successfully used their weak spiritual ideas to condense little white light balls.

"It's really troublesome..."


If those little brothers and little sisters are enemies, then nothing said, even if Little Annie only uses the super powers of LV5 flame control, it is enough to burn all those people before the spell is finished!


Now it is obvious that the other party is not only her enemy, but also those puppets and poor bugs who are controlled by the enemy and overspent their mental power and life to use magic to deal with them. They must not be burned directly~www"

Lava shield! !

Seeing that there were at least hundreds of gadgets attacking by herself from all directions, little Annie, who couldn't help it, quickly used the lava shield with LV5 level ability, making a spherical shield formed by flame. She firmly protected herself in the middle.

Boom~! ! !

Then, there was a popping sound...

After the countless small white energy **** flooded her and touched the lava shield with LV5 flame control ability, a powerful white light burst out, and it was found to be invalid after casting the forbidden spell outside. Then the remaining seven knights of the thirteen knights who had to rush in were drowned together.


(*??︶??*).. .:*??ticket??

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