Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 891: If we switch roles, I will show you what is called...

The night is still very quiet...

Outside of the "Sansawa School" Cram School Building, there is very little traffic and pedestrians near the river at night. It is suitable as a place for the school to be located. The sounds of insects and birds that rang throughout the night Still here and there...and the whole building is so immersed in the lights of the night, everything is peaceful.

This is a charming and peaceful night in a school city, and nothing happens.

At least, among the residents living in the surrounding area and the few pedestrians passing by, everything is normal here. They did not find anything wrong, nor did they hear the terrible roars and terrible explosions. Misawajuku's building came out.

In the perception of outsiders, under the influence of the so-called "SLR two sides" or "disappearance of existence" magic enchantment, the building of "Misawa Juku" is still the same as before, without any explosion sound. , No lightning strikes, no near collapse, no miraculous recovery like an instantaneous time flow, and no terrible movement from inside!

In the face of magical magic, this academy city, which claims to have the most cutting-edge technology in the world, is at least 20 or 30 years advanced than the outside world, is a leader in the scientific world, and a pioneer in the development of abilities. I didn’t notice anything wrong at all, even those guard robots everywhere were the same, even their robots that looked like big iron barrels, even if they passed by the road outside the'Sanzeju' building many times. It was to leave quickly, turning a blind eye, completely not giving the male and female students who fell to the ground in the broken glass-door hall, the remaining seven knights of the Knights tied to the pillar, and the corpse that dripped blood. Seriously.

At this time, I am afraid that the city is still watching the situation of'Misawajuku', except for the fact that Kamikachi Kaori who has been monitoring and ready to support from the outside and the chairman of the school city, that plan everything, and Outside of Aleister Crowley who let Steel and Kamijou Touma enter here to investigate together, I am afraid that no more people really know the truth here.

"Six floors..."


"Seventh floor..."


"Eighth floor..."


"Nine floors..."


However, at this time, a certain little girl who could run from the first floor to the ninth floor of the "Sansawa School" building without breathing, had already turned out from the stairs very impatiently. He curiously stuck out a cute little head from the corner of the stairway that came to the end, quietly observing the long corridor that seemed to lead to the other side of the staircase.


|??˙??˙) Is no one here?

However, Little Annie soon discovered that there seemed to be nothing here...

Of course, it's actually not nothing. Except for the walls, floors, and some damaged items that have been scorched by magic, the only thing that makes her feel a little surprised, I am afraid that there is only the kind of splash on the wall. I didn't know if it was the blood of that Stir or another unlucky Kamijou Toma and other suspicious liquids that I didn't know what it was.

The current situation is obvious. The two who just left her behind, and the two guys who fled first, must have fought the enemy here before!

And that Steele must have used no less than three flame magic!

This can be seen from the walls, the ground, and those strange scorched objects! And ah, one of the two must have suffered a slight injury, which can be easily judged from the blood traces on the wall! !

Of course, it is also possible that both of them were injured, or both of them were defeated by the enemy, and then they were taken away by the whole package or eaten in one bite?

"Crooked? Is anyone there?!"

|??)???? Hello?

After little Annie looked at the situation clearly, she walked out from the corner of the stairwell, and after thinking about it for a while, she yelled something like this.



However, Xiao Annie stood at the top of the stairs and waited for a long time, and looked at the dark end of the long corridor with suspicion... However, she waited for a long time, but there was no movement at all, it seemed Should there be no one on the other side?



"Tibbers, it seems that the evil alchemist just gave up! Now we ran to the ninth floor in one breath, but he has never sent any more monsters to intercept us, so he must be afraid of us. of!!"


Since the enemy didn’t come out, Little Annie wouldn’t be so stupid as to stand in place and wait for the opponent to respond, so she stepped back on her short legs again, and stompingly carried a certain bad bear Tibble in her hand. Si, jumped forward unsuspectingly.

She is now going to go to the other upward staircase at the end of the corridor in front, and then to the top floor to catch the evil alchemist villain, and rescue someone who has the physique of a great devil, but likes to pretend to be sick Captured foodie Inticus!

Also, if possible, you can also look at the two guys who abandoned her and ran away alone. What is the end now? !

(It’s just that way...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(However, Tibbers knows that the alchemist of others will definitely not be afraid that the power of his family is not too obvious, and it is not too desperate for the bad little master! And the reason why others have not The movement, it’s just that you might think that those winding stairs are not suitable for battlefields? No, when a little master of the family just finished speaking, when she had not had time to walk a few meters away, the other party Sure enough, he appeared at the end of the corridor in time!!)

'Hum hum……'

After bursts of sneers sounded, then, it was the "evil" alchemist Oreos, who was still in a white suit and green hair?? Ishad’s magic projection appeared at the end of the corridor, a long distance away. Appeared, blocking the path of a little girl in due course.


(* ̄△ ̄*)

I just said that the other party might not dare to come, but now it's good, the other party appeared immediately, which made Little Annie feel a little embarrassed on her face? But the embarrassment is only a little bit, not too much, she definitely wouldn't mind too much.

Anyway, anyway, it's all the fault of some bad bear! Who made the other party not remind her that the enemy is coming? !



"Why are you smiling? Don't laugh!"


The big villain is really the most annoying. Every time he appears, he always laughs inexplicably for a while, for fear that others will not know that they have appeared and are about to suffer a shameful failure?

"Green-haired villain, what do you want to do? I tell you, no matter what you say, I will definitely not listen. I am so stubborn. No matter how good you are, it is useless!! "

o(`^??)o Humph!

"Also, I won't be afraid of those bull-headed monsters you turned out, even if you turn out a hundred monsters, it will be useless!!"


Useless is useless, but if the other party can conjure up to a hundred of the minotaur like just now, she can't say that Queen Anne really has to turn around and run away today!

Because, she now maintains the flame control superpower that is suppressed by herself at only LV5 level. It must not be able to suppress so many in such a small environment, but they are not too afraid. Mythological creature of flame.

"Okay, little girl..."

"Don't be too proud of you, you may not know it, this is my world, my "Golden Dayan Art", my "Golden Refining" enchantment! In my magic enchantment, I This is the **** here! Here, I can distort reality at will. I have whatever I want..."

"I am the kind of omnipotent existence!!"

After showing off proudly to the little girl, Oreos?? Isad’s holographic magical image suddenly pulled out a long hair-thin needle from there. As used for acupuncture, the thin needles glowing with cold light were lifted up, while still staring at the little girl in front with a wicked smile.

The opponent is a LV5 fire control superpower. It is one of only eight LV5 superpowers in this magical academy city that focuses on ability training. The opponent's abilities and powers are undoubtedly very powerful. It's...but it's a pity that the other party met him at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

In this regard, Aureos?? Isard is very confident, and firmly believes that in this magical enchantment he can do whatever he wants, his views will soon be verified!



"What are you going to do? I'll tell you, I hate people stabbing me with a needle, let alone you are not a doctor, even if you are a doctor!"


What didn't say, since the other party showed that terrible and shining long needle, it must be to attack or pierce her!

So, Little Annie is thinking about it now. If the other party really dares to **** her with a needle later, even if it can't, she will directly burn the other party in the shortest time. No one can persuade her!

"If you dare to come here, you will definitely be burned to death by me!!"


Thinking about it now, Little Annie still has some lingering fears.

At the beginning, when Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda arranged to be in the Juilliard School, she was honestly treated by the doctors because of her curiosity and ignorance of the new world. Pierced the arm with a sharp needle...

That kind of feeling really hurt her to death! !

At that time, if she had not just left the land of voodoo, she felt a little helpless and still maintained a basic fear of the strange world. The female doctor who dared to pierce her arm with a needle would have been long ago. She turned a fire to ashes! Otherwise, how could she let the other party hit her arm with that strange thing called a vaccine, which is said to be able to prevent and cure the disease? !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


The little girl's exaggerated reaction made Oreos' hands stiffened subconsciously. Then, after he opened his mouth and looked at the little girl, he suddenly changed his mind.


He decided that he would not use his own'golden forging' enchantment to directly'announce' the death of the other party, but use other methods to severely teach the great alchemy that dared to tease him. Magician, dare to laugh at his little devil in Oreos!

He must let her know what is really powerful magic and what is the boundless fear from hell! !



As he said, Aureos' hand slammed hard and directly pierced the sharp and terrifying long thin needle directly into his neck.


!? (??\'\'????)??

Suddenly, Little Annie was taken aback by the other party's self-harm!

Luckily, she just thought that the other party was going to pierce her, and was ready to fight back desperately... But in the end, the other party actually wanted to pierce her by herself? !

This made Little Annie a little bit confused, because ah, such a long thin needle, she felt a bit oozing when she looked at it, and it hurts even when she looked at it, let alone be so cruel to herself Stick yourself!


"The legendary creature, the vicious dog guarding the gates of the underworld, the monster born of Typhon, the ancestor of the Greek demons, and the snake-body monster Ekadena... a **** with a strong body, sharp claws, and a snake tail. Cerberus, the three-headed dog, quickly descended into this world, and wipe out the enemy in front for me!!"

After that, the hand of Aureos’ magic projection finally pulled out the long needle that looked terrifying to Little Annie from his neck... and then soon, in this spacious but very spacious In the empty corridor, new changes finally appeared:

With the appearance of a twisted space door, an extremely strong body, full of rough and crusty pimple muscles, a hideous black iron spiked collar on the neck, and barbs on the body joints and back, with the body of a dog. The tail is the same as a snake's head, and there are three huge dog heads growing on the neck. The mouth, nostrils and eyes are still spitting hot flames. The monster who seems to know that it must be difficult to provoke, he roars fiercely. , Rushed out from the distorted space door that disappeared soon.

Boom! !


With the sound of the heavy object falling, the huge beast with three heads then let out a low roar from its throat and lowered its head, intending to move towards the one in the distance who was still in surprise. The little girl rushed over!

But before it could be put into action, it was stopped in time by the projection of Aureos.

"Hum hum……"

"Little girl, next, just enjoy this gift I brought you, and feel the boundless fear from the underworld... Now, I'm going to work on other things first, and I will come here again later. your……"

"Hopefully, you can still see the fragments of some clothes and shoes after you were eaten by the three-headed dog of hell?!"

Although it is a bit cruel to use this kind of cruel method to deal with a well-behaved little girl, but, given that the other party is a powerful LV5 superpower, given that the other party is now in a hostile state with his Aureos, so, This cruel method seemed to him a little necessary, even if the other party was tortured to death and eaten by the three-headed dog of hell, he would not care too much.

Because, there is always only one person he Aureos cares about, that is, his Inticus, his little angel... In order to save his Inticus, even if he Aureos is transformed into the most evil The **** demon, he is also doing it! !



Little Annie didn't have any more expressions, she just stared curiously at the second monster that was summoned by the opponent again, staring at the flame creature with three heads.


"You just pierced your neck with a needle, and it's so deep, doesn't it hurt?!"


For a long time, after staring at the three-headed hellhound, Xiao Annie remembered something more important, which was:

That guy over there, in this special magic enchantment, summoned that great dog by'imagining', he even had to pierce his own neck first... Isn't he doing that kind of thing? Don't you think that would be stupid, and it would hurt and hurt?

Although, the other party inserted the hair-like needle into his own neck, then pulled it out and discarded it. Through acupuncture and tingling, he entered a state of excitement and concentration, achieving the effect of eliminating uneasiness in the heart and making the imagination clearer. , But... after all, she still felt that it was a bit silly to summon or change the reality of spells that hurt herself.


Aureos was shocked, he didn't know what the little girl wanted to express.

Although the pain must be painful if he stabbed himself with a needle or something, but he had to do that because this was the limitation of his ‘golden day magic technique’ of ‘whatever you want to do’!

If he just "thinks" in his heart and does not take other means, he will be mixed with a lot of distracting thoughts. After all, the human brain has all kinds of messy information, and it is difficult to concentrate on it at all times. In this way, The'command' itself will be unclear, and unclear commands are likely to cause unpredictable consequences or make your'idea' unable to come true...

Therefore, before summoning the legendary creature or using other attack methods, he always needs to rely on his mouth to say the'command' and at the same time pierce himself with a needle, so as to achieve the purpose of condensing the thoughts in his heart. , He didn't feel that there was nothing wrong with doing that!



"You guy’s imagination is really terrible. If you change it to someone else, you can think of even more powerful things. If you are like you, just think of something that looks dull. Stupid dog?"


"Why don't you give me the authority of that magic enchantment, let's change our identities, and I will help you think of a super powerful dragon, or a super monster, which is definitely better than yours. That stupid dog is ten thousand times more cruel, what do you think of my proposal?!"


Feeling that the other party rushed in front of her but only summoned a silly dog, little Annie, who was a little sorry for her identity, volunteered to help the other party use this'whatever you want to achieve', just like a real gem. The magic enchantment produced a creature that could be used to confront her Queen Anne and barely fit her identity?


"Dragon? Humph... wait for you to defeat this three-headed **** dog, sly little guy!!"

How could Aureos give the authority of his'Golden Day Evolving Technique' magic to the little girl who was playing with him carefully? However, there are other things and enemies that need to be dealt with now. After successfully summoning Cerberus who guards the gate of the underworld, he has no time to stay here and talk nonsense with the little girl.


‘Little girl, hope you can have a better time? ’

After speaking, Aureos finally was in a cold wicked smile, the magic projection gradually disappeared with the wind, and soon disappeared.

He left only one with a huge body, almost occupying most of the hallway, and just at that place, he bowed his head and roared, staring at someone who was still blinking big eyes, and he didn't know if he was frightened. The three-headed dog of the stunned little girl!

‘Wow~! ! ’

After Aureos disappeared, the three-headed hellish dog, without the restraints of the temporary owner who summoned it, roared, while flowing the terrible saliva composed of flame molten metal. Step by step, he quickly pushed towards the little girl.



"Hi! Cute puppy, come here and let people touch your dog's head~!"


For this kind of hideous, terrifying, large creature with a large body full of flames, Little Annie has always had no resistance...So, she didn’t care about the one who just left. The bad guy, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he excitedly beckoned to the three-headed **** dog.

The family just thought she would be frightened or something, that kind of boring thing, obviously can't happen to her Queen Anne! Because ah, it's just a small animal like the three-headed **** dog. In the flame kingdom she owns, there are countless others, bigger, more terrifying, cruel and cruel than the **** dog. Fire elemental creatures.

Therefore, she is very interested in the three big dogs that are very similar to the dogs in her Queen Anne's house and wants to get close to them.



"Woo woo woo~ Wang Ao woo!!!"


It's a pity that her enthusiasm was not understood by the three-headed **** dog. Instead, she thought it was a three-headed **** dog that was seriously provoked. After a roar, she rushed towards her. ...



"You dare to kill me!!"


"Come out, Lava Dog, kill it for me!!"


Seeing the other side stepping forward with four strong dog legs and starting to rush towards her from the other side of the corridor, and seeing that the other side was so innocent of her own face, Xiao Annie also rudely used her LV5 directly. The flame control superpowers summoned four flame mimicry monsters that looked exactly the same as the flame land, and they directly squeezed this small corridor. It's full.

‘! ! ’


As a result, the three-headed **** dog that was charging saw a few two-headed lava dogs suddenly appearing in front of him, and he subconsciously slammed the brakes, with strong and strong claws on the floor of the corridor. After leaving a long series of hot scratches, he stopped dangerously.

Obviously, faced with the sudden appearance of the four two-headed lava dogs, Cerberus, the three-headed **** dog, expressed a lot of pressure...because it could see that the flames in and on the opponent's body were not at all comparable. It is weak, and there are still four, even though there is one less head, but the number of opponents is many times more than it! Therefore, it needs to think first, whether it still wants to continue rushing to kill it, and then suffer the fate of being beaten by the other party?




At this time, in the 208 dormitory of the private Tokiwadai Girls’ High School located outside the dormitory of the dormitory, I just secretly used the LV4 space mobile power again within the dormitory to commit crimes against the wind, and ran to the 207 dorm next door After looking around, Bai Jingheizi, who came back with no one behind, was annoyed and threw the phone in his hand on the bedside table, and threw it on his soft bed, rolling and wailing. stand up.

"Heizi, how is the situation now?"

Seeing the performance of the other party, although knowing that the situation would definitely not be too good, Misaka Mikoto still asked a little worriedly.

"What else?"

"That little guy hasn't come back yet. Now the access control has already started. She doesn't answer the phone. I don't know what is going on with her now!!"

Before, it was only Intiqs who did not come back. Now it’s alright. Even the little guy Annie has disappeared. Therefore, without thinking about what will happen tomorrow, Shirai Kuroko hummed out of her bed. He did it cross-legged, and complained to the older sister who was still wearing clothes on the other side of his bed and still didn't want to sleep.


"Heizi, why don't we go out and find them?"

Frowning for a while, Misaka Mikoto felt that waiting in the dormitory was no way, so she gritted her teeth, got up directly from her bed, grabbed her wallet and carried it into her pocket.

She didn't want to go out shopping, but to find someone! The reason for bringing her own wallet is actually because there are more than a dozen coins in the wallet, but her weapons and ammunition are absolutely indispensable, especially now that a certain little girl and that Inticus are missing. Some bad things may happen.


"My sister, there is no clue, where are we going to find them?!"

It’s easy to get out. Whether it's the secret technique of overcoming the wall when the older sister sneaked out in the middle of the night, or her Shirai Kuroko's LV4 space movement ability, they all have ways to get out without letting the housekeeper catch it, but, After going out, where to find someone, she has no choice.

After all, this academy city is a huge city with 23 school districts and a population of 2.3 million. At this time of the night, if you run out to find two guys who don’t know where they will be, it must be It will not be easier to go than finding a needle in a haystack!


Misaka Mikoto was also a little embarrassed, so she couldn't help but sit back again and frowned, because she thought about it and felt that what Kuroko said was indeed a big problem.


"Heizi, I remember that Annie's mobile phone still has a signal. You called her number just now, but she didn't answer it. Am I right?"

But soon, Misaka Mikoto became energetic, and seemed to think of some good way?

"Yes, is there any problem with this?"

Heizi was puzzled. She didn't understand what the elder sister had to do to find each other in such a big city without answering the phone.

"Don't worry about it!"

"Anyway, let's go out first. You take me to the telecommunications tower on the top of the building on the east side. I can find Annie where she is!!"

Thinking of a way, Misaka Mikoto couldn't wait to step forward, grabbing Kuroko's shoulder, and beckoning him to use his spatial displacement ability to take him where he wanted to go.

Because For Mikoto, who is LV5's "Electric Shocker" and can directly manipulate electronics, there is no uninterpretable program preview here, and no firewall that cannot be broken through!

Her ability allows her to directly hack into the computer without going through any cables. She can also hack electronic equipment directly through electrical signals or electronic operations, and even use communication lines to hack someone’s electronic equipment. Give the ability to destroy and so on. Therefore, if she goes to the nearest communication tower, she is sure to make good use of her ability to find the specific position of the little guy Annie in the shortest time! !


"My sister, are you sure?"

Although he still couldn't believe it, Heizi still held his sister's hand, and quickly locked the nearest telecommunications tower to their dormitory building...



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