Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 894: Regardless of what happened, blocking the news first will never...

In the middle of the night, the skyrocketing flames, deafening explosions, and the horrible roar of unknown animals, plus the huge black shadow in the sky that can be seen by anyone who is not blind, Finally, the apartment buildings and mansions around the street park of this academy city became lively and noisy.

From the windows that turn dark to bright, the flashes of mobile phones and cameras that flicker from far away from time to time, and the exclamations and exclamations that come from time to time, we can know that those who can successfully watch the scene from a distance The onlookers watching the party and the students in the academy city are definitely not very calm at this moment.

‘Drip~oo~! ’

‘Drip~oo~~! ’

‘Drip~oo~! Drop~oo~~! Drop~ woo~! ! ’

Chicks~! !

With the sound of the police sirens getting closer and the harsh brake sound, outside the battlefield of the human-dragon battle, on the edge of a bridge, an explosion-proof vehicle with the garrison logo on its exterior finally stopped dangerously. .

Afterwards, the two members who jumped out of the car, wearing blue and black striped guards’ special explosion-proof combat uniforms, looked at the distant one who was roaring and hovering above the park for the first time. Giant monster.

Obviously, they were really shocked by the terrifying and magical sight they saw for the first time in their lives.


‘Look, what is it that is flying in the sky? ! ’

The policewoman with a pair of thick glasses on the bridge of her nose first reached out and helped her frame on the bridge of her nose, staring at her own highly nearsighted eyes, and staring at the one hovering in the air in the distance. A huge black shadow... To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that they came here on the orders of their heads, if it weren’t for more police car sirens from a distance and getting closer, or for the sirens in the city police system now It has been screamed internally, if they hadn't been there and saw it in person, she might really have never believed this kind of thing anyway!

Even at this moment, she felt a little bit, could this be the cause of her myopia and misunderstanding?

Because, the huge thing that appeared in their vision at this time, it shouldn’t exist here, and it shouldn’t exist in this world... After all, their academy city is different from research. It is a science city where science is the mainstay. Therefore, it is really too magical for the distant stuff that only exists in myths and legends to appear here.


‘Don’t ask me, Jiri...I’m like you, I don’t know anything now...’

'but I think……'

‘If I’m not mistaken, it’s probably really a dragon... a giant dragon? ! ’

Staring at the scene in the distance, Ai Suo Huang Quanchuan, who has not reacted for a long time, is a long-haired healing mature woman who is also a physical education teacher and a guard member. At this time, she is also in the iron decoration around her. For the one in the distance is in the sky. The big guy hovering in the middle has no concept at all!

Having grown to be so old and living for so many years, it was the first time that she really saw such a thing in this world...

Moreover, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have said that she would never believe that there is such a legendary existence in this world!

However, the facts are in front of us, and it is obvious that the guy who is hovering in the distance now, that huge one, has completely alarmed the whole school city. It is the kind of thing that can only be owned in myths and legends. Existence, that is the legend-the dragon! !

Also, if the policeman's eight-fold telescope in her hand is correct, that fellow seems to be a huge multi-headed dragon with five heads of different colors? She was really unbelievable. She didn't understand how could there be such horrible things in this world? !


‘Then what should we do now, do we need to rush over to arrest it? ’

Still holding on to the iron decoration of the frame on the bridge of her nose, she didn’t know what to do now, so she once again subconsciously asked about her teammate Huang Quanchuan Aisu who often acts with her, and wanted to listen first. Listen to the other person's opinion.

'I'm afraid not……'

‘I think we might not be able to beat it... Also, we don’t have such big handcuffs and prisons, nor such a big prison cart, and we may not even have the size of a foot...

After shook his head and put down the telescope in his hand, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui thought for a while, and once again placed the policeman's eightfold telescope in front of his eyes.

But this time, she no longer continued to watch the terrifying dragon hovering and roaring in the sky, but placed her gaze below the dragon's circle, where there was a little ignition and explosion marks.

Fortunately, the bridge head where the two of them are now is at a high place, barely able to pass those tall trees and buildings, and the fire in the park in the distance and some street lights that are still working hard. With help, see clearly the scene on the fountain square in the park in the middle of the street.

'what! ! ’


"You might not believe... I, I actually saw a few students. According to their school uniforms, the one with electric light flashing on him, like the LV5 Mikoto Misaka...and the one riding a strange flame... Big dog? What's on me... seems to be the new LV5 girl? ! ’

'Oh! My God...’

‘Juli! If I don’t have dizziness or the binoculars are okay, I seem to have spotted a boy in our school, that guy... is he there too? ! ’


‘In addition to those students, I also saw a tall man with red hair. I have never seen a guy dressed like that... No, it seems that someone is injured. I saw a figure lying on the ground! ! ’

After putting down the binoculars in his hands in a little astonishment, the guard member Huang Quanchuan Aiho spoke to his teammates in an incredible and worried tone.

‘Juli! I think where should we go now? ! ’

Now she is very worried, because a student is fighting the terrible dragon!

Although she didn’t know why that happened, she didn’t know how the conflict between the two of them came about, let alone where the guys provoke the dragon, but she only knows, if possible. , She hopes that she can also help, not like now, as a guard member who maintains the order of the school city, but can only watch the battle here, and then can't do anything.

'I'm afraid not……'

‘Although I still don’t know what this is all about, but let’s proceed according to the plan promulgated above, stay here to block the bridge, evacuate students and strictly prohibit any unrelated personnel from approaching. ’

‘Now I’m in charge of this matter. We must obey the orders of the General Council. You must listen to me! ! ’

After watching the excitement, I felt that the two of me would not be that huge and terrifying. In the iron decoration of the opponent of the dragon that only appeared in myths and legends, he sighed and put away his hands. The rifle inside, turned around and took a few warning signs and roadblocks used to block the bridge head from his explosion-proof vehicle, and planned to join his teammate Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui to block the bridge head here according to the instructions above. It is strictly forbidden to come to join in the fun. The passage of irrelevant persons or vehicles.

As for the evacuation task of guiding people away from here, that is the responsibility of another group, and now they both only need to do their own duties.

‘Okay, maybe you are right. ’

‘We may be useless in the past, so we’d better set up a cordon first and wait until others come to see the situation...’

‘I hope those children can hold on...’

Although the guard member Huang Quanchuan Aiho wanted to drive directly to the scene to investigate and ask what happened, although she also wanted to know how the huge thing appeared in their school city, and wanted to go. Rescue her LV0 incompetent student and the injured figure lying on the ground... But think about it now that she still has orders, and before the follow-up support team has arrived and built a blockade together , The two of them must stay here as ordered and can't go anywhere... Therefore, after hesitating again and again, she could only sigh and give up.

However, although there is an order not to leave here casually, nor to provide assistance to those children, it does not prevent them from establishing cordon and roadblocks while devoting more attention to those who are far away. The body of the dragon in the sky above the park and the park.




Looking at the Fire Elemental Balrog army that I had finally used to'summon' with flame mimicry in front of me, watching those'Ragnaros' heirs' were actually covered by the enemy's breath of cold ice,'Tuan Anni', Little Annie He stood up directly from the back of a certain big dog bitterly.

at this time,

What happened here has completely shocked the entire Academy City...

At least, residents, students and other related personnel in the vicinity, as well as almost the entire city’s high-level officials, already know what kind of situation is happening here... However, for the confrontation with the dragon and just the fight For everyone in the round, they can't care about so much now, and even more can't control it, because the huge threat still hovering over all of them.

Except for the giant dragon that hovered in the air after eating pain and didn't pounce again, there were a lot of sloppy lines above everyone's heads, like electric wires, and there were lines of icy edges...that seemed to be before. That Shinsakuhoori just installed some kind of forbidden silk barrier that hasn't been long before? However, now they have completely lost their function and have changed from the original "invisible" to "tangible", and their owner, the woman who likes to wear only half-length trousers, has now passed out and can no longer Launched any form of sword attack on the dragon.


Finally, after hurriedly setting up the seriously injured and comatose Kamikazuhoori, Steele had time to look at the front of the fountain in the field, and at the half of the square that was gradually dissipating. The dragon's cold breath breathed into the place directly enveloped.

Just now, under the icy breath of the blue head of the giant dragon, the one that Stil summoned was said to have a high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees, and said that it will never be destroyed, even if it is destroyed, it will continue. The swiftly reborn'King of the Hunting Witch' was already extinguished in that terrible cold breath...

What he never expected was that the breath of that giant dragon was so powerful that he could affect the large number of flame magic rune cards he had just hurriedly deployed around? As a result, he has suffered a serious loss in an instant, so that other powerful spells that could have been used to fight against the dragon are no longer possible! Even the general fire spell became stretched.


What astounded him the most was: Why does someone else’s flame summons seem to be no big deal? At least, what Steele saw, the flame giants that the little girl summoned with flames, even though they had been frozen from the fiery red by the breath of the giant dragon, into masses of icicles exuding icy flames, they still remained. Lively at the forefront of that broken square fountain, still clamoring at the dragon hovering in the air and not willing to come down right away? !


"It's weird, little guy, your flame giants... why are they all right when they become like this?!"

Seeing the guys in the field who were still alive and kicking, Steel finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

Actually, anyone can tell that those flame giants can’t be said to be okay, it’s just that, now the other party has collectively changed from a form full of flames to one by one exuding a breath of ice and cold. The icy lump of horrible blue cold flame, or maybe...Ice flame giant?

This kind of thing is something Steele has never seen before!

Because according to his understanding, the things that are mimicked or summoned by the little girl using the flame control ability seem to be far less powerful than his "King of the Witch Hunter". Therefore, the other party should be collectively affected by the giant just now. The dragon's cold breath is completely wiped out...

However, what was actually eliminated was the "King of the Hunting Witches" that he claimed to be never destroyed, while the flame giant on the other side had nothing to do, at most it changed from the form of flame to ice. The flame form is just a change of appearance? !

"Aha! It's actually very simple!"


"Let me tell you, my LV5 flame control ability is not only capable of controlling high-temperature flames, but also low-temperature cold power! So, even if they are frozen like that, even in their bodies The remaining power of the dragon is also within the control of my ability!!"


Don’t say it’s now, even before, when Little Annie herself was just two years old and was able to control her power freely, what she could control was not just flames, but also the kind of ice. power!

Actually, where is the flame, correctly speaking, it should be a state or phenomenon. It is a phenomenon that emits light and heat when combustibles and combustibles undergo oxidation reaction, and is an external manifestation of energy?

In other words, what Annie controls is not only the flame itself, but what she controls, in fact, can also be said to be energy, but it is specifically manifested as being able to control the flame...

Moreover, flames are not all high-energy states of high-temperature plasma. Flames can also be produced at low temperatures, and the energy deprivation or the ability to impart energy to them is not much different, just like the previous one. Those ice giants or the kind of frosty flames she can release if necessary?

Of course, Annie herself doesn’t like "Frost Flames" too much. After all, no matter what, even if she doesn’t suffer any harm, she still prefers a warmer environment, and even a hot flame. And I definitely don't like the chilly, extremely low-temperature frost!


"It turned out to be like this, it's really amazing..."

Steele originally thought that the opponent’s LV5 flame control superpower was just able to control the flames freely, just like other people in the school city, just like what happened in this city not long ago when he investigated That LV3 fire ability like that of Qiu Yuan Liao in the "Continuous Firing Bandit Incident"!

But who would have thought that this little girl's fire control ability also included the power of frost? However, can the frost flames also be counted as flames?

In this regard, Steele said he was puzzled...

Because in their magician system, fire magic and frost magic are two different branches, and the runes and mediums of magic are also different, just like his genius fire rune mage, Steele. He is very comfortable with fire magic, but he really has more than enough energy for frost magic.

"Of course I am amazing, then who do you think I am?!"

??(????????)?? Humph!

You know, her Queen Anne is one of only eight LV5 superpowers in this city, and she is definitely the most powerful one among them!

Moreover, she is also the ninth most incredible legend of the newly promoted city. It is rumored that'killing people without blinking, eating people without salt, and also likes to give people a fire and burn them into ashes. real body.

So, she is affirmative that Queen Anne is great, and it is a matter of course. It is an indisputable fact that the 2.3 million residents, students, teachers, researchers, etc. of the entire Academy City should know and agree! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't understand, what's so good about...)

"Hello! Hello?!"

"You two guys, can you stop praising each other at this time? Look, that terrible big guy is about to rush down again, and its green breath just gave it its own injury. It's cured, shouldn't you be a little more serious?!"

At this time, Dangjo Toma saw that a little girl still wanted to talk to that girl named Steel, and the magician who had used and abandoned herself in the "Sansawa School" building many times to flatter and discuss each other When it was that kind of boring thing, he hurriedly hid behind the relatively safe **** of the big flame dog, while hurriedly pointing to the sky and yelling at some two untimely guys.

Now that guy in the sky, the man in the abdomen who had just been acquainted with and fooled by him, cut a boss’s wound with a knife in his abdomen, but look now, when that green head spit out that green color. After the strange breath, the wound that was still spilling that strange blood just now returned to normal after the other party hovered and howled in pain?

Therefore, he felt that his life was still in great danger, and felt that he must not relax his vigilance, so he could only hope that the two guys in the field who seemed to be the most powerful guys would act quickly. , Hurry up and prepare, instead of praising each other over who is more powerful, or the kind of trivial things like magic flames! !


"The green energy breath, and the exaggerated healing effect, yes, it looks like the natural force of the Druid faction of the remnants of Rome and Greece, and a bit like the Celtic kind. ...However, that level of healing power is indeed a bit scary."

Of course Steer saw the power of the dragon to heal itself!

Moreover, he also saw that the dragon spit out and healed its own green breath. After drifting down, it also ridiculously spread out many asphalt roads without any plants and the road bricks. A lot of verdant tall bushes and plants and spreading vines sprang up on the sidewalks! If he hadn't been paying attention, he would even think that those places were as if they were left unattended for decades, and then the life of nature reoccupied them?


There is no doubt that he is very sure that it should be the natural power used by the druidic wizards of the natural faction! However, this kind of power is now present on a five-headed dragon that can breathe fire and frost. It is indeed quite incredible!


What is even more faintly worried in Steer's heart is: What kind of terrible power do the bronze dragon head and black dragon head have? Also, if they are here today, can they really succeed in defeating each other?

He currently knows nothing about this, and he doesn't even dare to think too much.

"That's right!"


"That kind of fast healing power is indeed a powerful force of nature, but it has nothing to do with the druid."

(*??︶??*).. .:*

Before, when I was fighting with that useless green-haired guy in the "Sansawa School" building, I was already impatient with the fantasy creature that the other party imagined and created with the "Golden Dayan Art", and disdainful of those big dogs and big snakes. Little Annie, who was fighting with that kind of stuff, rushed to the top floor and blocked each other with Stil and Kamijou, and directly secretly stuffed the dragon knowledge of the world of Azeroth into the other's mind. The dragon head with the green head above obviously has the power of a green dragon in the world of Azeroth.

And the green dragon...

In Azeroth, it is said that he is the guardian of the Emerald Dream. Even Cenarius, the demigod who founded the Druid sect, is said to have been nurtured and cultivated by the green dragon. The green breath emitted by the green-headed guy is indeed the force of nature, but it has nothing to do with the druids of this earth.


"How do you know..."

Steele was a little puzzled, he didn't understand, why the little girl with LV5 flame control ability sounded like the other party even knew Druids and Forces of Nature?

Is it possible that the other party told me last time that the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in London really exists? Is there really a mysterious side power in this world that even their powerful "necessary evil church" does not know? !

‘Wow~! ! ! ’

Suddenly, perhaps the pain of being stabbed fiercely from the abdomen has been completely relieved, perhaps after the injury has been cured, the five-headed dragon that has been circling in the sky for a long time is finally relieved. After adjusting the direction and height, he once again snarled and rushed toward the park square below.

But this time, it’s not the red faucet that has exhaled fiery red flames, or the blue faucet that has exhaled icy breath, and it’s not the green faucet that just healed itself just now. That one has a pair of longan bigger than a football, and a bronze dragon head shining dangerously and roaring sharply! !

"It's down, attack!"


"You idiots, hurry up and beat it down for me now!!"


Little Annie also knows that now is not the time to exchange magic knowledge with a certain foolish flame mage, she doesn't want to do that either!

Therefore, seeing the dragon rushing down again, she acted decisively and pretended to face the frost elemental giants in front that were actually controlled by her and immediately swooped down into the sky again to prepare for a breath attack. The dragon launched another round of attacks.


‘Waghhhhhhh~! ! ! ’

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!


The ice bolts and ice spears glowing with cold light were instantly condensed by the crowded frost element giants in their hands, and then they cheered in unison and some bad heart, until now they still look like Under the order of the playful little girl, they projected toward the giant dragon in the sky!

They have very limited air-to-air capabilities, and only now they have enough attack distance when the opponent dives down. Otherwise, when the dragon was hovering just now, they would not be noisy and do nothing.



‘Gifts for the suffering of giants! ! ’

Now that his own "King of Witch Hunters", who is known to never die, has been destroyed by the dragon, so, there is no way to summon his nirvana once again, so he has to keep his mouth on The cigarette was taken off and looked into the sky. At the same time, a large rune card was sprinkled again. Then, under the action of the spell, the cigarette instantly ignited and turned into a blazing flame...

Immediately afterwards, they soon began to converge in his own hand, and after condensing to a certain extent, under his violent wave of his hand, they turned into that kind of flame sword capable of exploding and attacking at high speed. Headed towards the giant dragon flying down in the sky as a chest bombard! !

This is already the strongest attack that Steele can issue!

If he can no longer cause damage to the dragon this time, then he really has no other better way besides turning around and fleeing in a panic....By then, the dragon in the sky What kind of damage and turmoil can be caused in this academy city is really beyond his control.

Maybe, when things really can’t be cleaned up, what good way does the legendary legendary magician Aleister Crowley have, or maybe he can deal with it directly?


Soon, due to the extremely fast dive of the dragon, those ice spears and ice arrows that were thrown upwards were the first to accumulate and shoot onto the huge body and wide wings of the dragon!

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Snapped! Snapped!


In the howling gust of wind, there were waves of crashing and breaking sounds...

But it is a pity that, except for a few icy arrows that can slightly penetrate into the thick blue-glowing crevices and the wing membranes, the others, when they hit the giant that can breathe frost power, After the dragon's blue body, it could only be transformed into pieces of broken ice in vain.

boom! ! !

Immediately afterwards, Steele’s “gift for giving giant pain” the flame sword also slammed into the chest where the dragon’s neck and body were connected, and instantly exploded a large group of flames, killing the dragon’s small half. The body was submerged in it!


In addition to blasting or completely melting those trembling arrows of ice, it also did not pose any threat to the huge and ferocious five-headed dragon! Even, none of the opponent's dragon scales could be successfully scorched. At this time, the tight blue scales on the huge and strong chest behind the swooping fierce dragon's head were still bright and smooth. Any bit of damage.

Obviously, whether it is fire magic or frost magic, for the five-headed five-color dragon that originally had those two powers, it is not even as useful as the two-meter-long cold steel sword made by the gods. ? At least, the life-saving blow of the Godscraper Fireweaving took advantage of the carelessness of the dragon, but a long crack was cut alive in the opponent's abdomen. If it weren't for the means to heal, I'm afraid it's only Then, it was enough to damage it.

"Roar~! ! ’

Without giving more time to the people underneath to react, the swooping dragon has reached the best attack distance, and then, its violent and violent yellow breath, that is like a dust-like thing, violently The earth spit out from the hideous bronze dragon head.



Bronze dragon's breath, the power of the sand? !



Realizing that the bronze dragon head can actually breathe the bronze dragon sand bursting breath with the power of time, I felt that it would be difficult to use LV5's flame control ability to resist the little Annie, who might be difficult and unwilling to cheat, so she hurriedly followed her. The big lava dog jumped from his back to the other side, and quickly opened his short legs, using his own speed to cover himself with the opponent’s bronze dragon’s breath bombardment. Before the position, jumped out far!

Right now, the Steer who wanted to resist and the guy named Kamijou Touma who was still hiding behind the lava dog, she wouldn't care about that much! Anyway, they all have the ability to protect themselves, so she can't worry or remind them. In any case, if such a big dragon rushes down and they have not seen and did the relevant response work, then they would have died sooner.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

Rumble! ! !

As the dragon dived again and "bombed", I saw that the yellow sand-like breath instantly divided the entire park square into two plowing, leaving a trail on the ground with a foot of about a foot. After such a deep ravine, he slowly adjusted his direction and prepared to hover and rise again.

Just then, those frost giants who were clamoring and clamoring, have completely disappeared...

‘Get out of the way, I’m going to shoot! ! ’

‘Super Electromagnetic Gun! ! ’

Suddenly at this time, a girl's babble sounded!

Then, taking advantage of the moment when the dragon’s position was at its lowest point, a red flame with lightning slammed upwards from a hidden forest behind the park, and it would directly be there. Unexpectedly, the dragon accurately passed a height of about fifty meters, and bombarded the bronze dragon head that was screaming triumphantly!

boom! !

puff! ! !

With a smaller roar and the muffled sound of a substance breaking, the electromagnetic shell did not cause much movement, but it directly successfully beat the bronze dragon head with its big mouth open. It was **** and bloody, it seemed that something directly penetrated its open-mouthed head, and lifted off a large piece of bones and splashed out countless pieces of flesh and blood with the huge head of the sky spirit?

‘Wow! ! ! ’

‘Sizzle~! ! ’’Hah~! ! ‘‘Oh oh...’

Then, with the five heads connected to the heart, it was normal. After the four tragic screams sounded, the five-headed five-color dragon, which was still invincible just now, staggered and almost fell to the ground. Before those buildings, I flopped dangerously with huge wings across the top of the building, and used my limbs to make a ground-supporting action on the top, which shook the hapless building. After making a large exclamation sound, it was finally under the control of the other four dragon heads, successfully dragging the drooping dragon head that was motionless and still bleeding, and slammed its huge wings vigorously. After smashing countless pieces of architectural glass, he flew into the sky again in embarrassment.

'what! ’

‘Haha! Sister, what a beautiful job! ! ’

At this time, there was another cheering voice in the distance. It was obviously from Shirai Kuroko. She was cheering for her sister's beautiful and deadly attack.


Okay, so dangerous, I almost died...

And at this moment, as the dragon flew by, a guy named Kamijou Touma was covered in bloodstains and collapsed softly on the mess that had just been destroyed by the dragon’s breath, and On the ground where neither the frost giants nor the big flame dogs have disappeared.


In eagerness, if it wasn't for him to subconsciously stretch out his right hand, if it wasn't for the big dog that blocked most of the damage before it was smashed, or if it wasn't for his right hand called the "fantasy killer" If it is powerful enough, he might not look like this now.


A cough sounded from the side, and then a tall red-haired figure wearing that recognizable overcoat also struggled from being destroyed by the dragon’s breath, and even turned into a gully stone turret. stand up.


"You... You are Steele?!"

"But, how did you become this strange look?!"

At this time, Kamijou Toma, who was struggling to support the ground, was shocked to find that the guy who knew it was Steel at a glance, seemed to be a little different from just now?


"No, it's too difficult to deal with, take care, everyone, I really did my best..."

After coughing violently for a while and spitting out two large mouthfuls of blood, he awkwardly climbed up from the long gully plowed by the breath of the bronze dragon head, and his whole body was no better than that of Shangjoo. The influence of the time of the bronze dragon made his face full of beards. From a 14-year-old'fake uncle' to a'true uncle', the talented flame mage Steyr Magnus can no longer care about checking his body. The injury and some things that he still didn't notice were wrong, so he staggered and ran to the position of the distant partner, Shenshihuozhi, whom he had just placed there.

Steel knew that he really couldn't stand it...

Because the dragon is too powerful, he can't deal with it!

Moreover, he is not afraid of his flames at all, so staying here has no meaning, and for the safety of his own life and the gods, I feel that it’s not guilty for this school city and that Alestar K. After Laurie's mission, he still thinks it's better for him to use the'mirage' spell to leave this academy city with Divine Split?

"My task has been completed..."

"Next, it depends on your abilities. Good luck?"

Aleister Crowley asked him to investigate the "Misawajuku" building and deal with the commission of Aureos Isard. He has completed perfectly. That guy has been captured alive by a little girl, so he Tyr really has no reason to continue fighting a giant dragon here, that's not what he should do!

The dragon was really an accident. He never thought that Aureos Ishad could actually imagine and summon such an existence out of thin air by using the'Golden Genesis Art'...Presumably, even that Aleister Crowley who has been watching here is also unimaginable, right?

In short, whether it was the giant dragon in the sky or the Intiqs matter, he could wait until everything calmed down, and wait until he and Shenchuan both recovered their injuries, and then quietly came back to take a look?

Because, he can see it now:

The other dragon heads of the terrible dragon were flying and pulling out the fragments of the bronze dragon head that seemed to be dead. After biting off the whole dragon head, they began to sprinkle blood towards the fracture. It exhales the weird red flame and green breath... Then, what makes people startled is that the bronze dragon head quickly disappeared from the dragon head that should have been headshot and died. Is the long neck regrown? !

So, in any case, he has to run now, it's useless for him to stay anyway! After all, not everyone has the courage to face an undead beast, and he still doesn't want to be a dragon-slaying hero! !

‘Wow~! ! ! ’

"Woohoo~! ! ’’Hiss~! ! ’’Ooooooo~! ! ’

When hovering and flying to the highest point again, the bronze head of the five-headed giant dragon, which had grown completely, began to entangle and roar with the other four dragon heads, apparently rejoicing. In the rest of his life, he also carried boundless indignation and anger? !


Σ( ̄д ̄;)

"It seems that this time I really played a big game accidentally..."


After being chased and a short contest of two or three rounds, Xiao Anni also had to admit that she was able to get it out, but others didn’t know that she was the instigator’s colorful dragon. They possess almost the same power as the guardian dragons of the world of Azeroth, but they may be slightly weaker, and it seems that they cannot be killed so easily...

At least, if she only uses LV5's flame control superpower, she must not be easily killed?

(Hmph! Dear little master, you asked for it! Now take a look, let's take it off? If you need a small shot to help you hide your shame, can you give me an order?!


—— Seeing that there might be a chance to come out to save the field, a certain bear ridiculed and ridiculed the least bit...because it knew that at this time, the horrible little master of his family must have no time to punish It's, so it can mock hard, make it hard! ! )


(* ̄△ ̄*)

"Shut up! Tibbers, I don't care about you!!"


Anyway, there are no dead people. Anyway, the guards in the distance are already organizing the evacuation. Anyway, there are still her Queen Anne and the distant sisters Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko in the distance. They must have not lost yet. , As for the red-haired strange man who escapes with magic, she doesn't care if the other party can run away! !

Of course, if you can help now, maybe there is also the silly Shangjo Dangma below? However, the other party’s kind of guy who doesn’t have great abilities except for the special ability of a right hand, she definitely doesn’t have much expectation, because she doesn’t believe that the guy who hasn’t jumped two meters can reach. With that cunning, five-headed colorful dragon that has been flying hovering and diving in the air!

(Well, little master, you are happy...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(After being reprimanded, Tibbers didn’t want to comment on and irritate a nasty little master. He wanted to see what she had to do without cheating in order to defeat that temper. The more irritable, the one who can attack, defend, resist and fight, and also comes with a nanny to heal, as well as the power of the earth and time, as well as spitting frost and flames, and people who are suspected of having some magic Huh?)


"Can you help me attract its attention? I think I might think of a way to deal with it!!"

At this time, he took his sister Shirai Kuroko to hide from there and took the opportunity to inflict a heavy injury on the five-headed dragon, and almost killed Mikoto Misaka, who had one of its heads, ran out and faced him. The little girl who was standing on the messy ground asked aloud.

In fact, if the dragon just didn't have the natural power of the red dragon's breath of life and the green dragon's natural power, it would indeed have a dead head, which is obvious to all!

Therefore, Mikoto Misaka, who felt that she had found a way to deal with the giant dragon, felt that she was indispensable, so she decided to launch an all-round super electromagnetic cannon surprise attack with her sister and the same LV5 little Annie! !


∑(??△`)? !

"Mikoto-senpai, are you really sure?!"


You know, now Xiao Annie herself is a little helpless!

Because she knows that if it is only the LV5 level of fire control ability and power, whether it is a high temperature flame or a low temperature frost, it must not have strong magic resistance to that end, and it is almost completely immune to flame and frost. , And the big guy with strong physical defense ability caused enough effective fatal damage!

Moreover, what’s worse is that in addition to the ability that the opponent has just shown, the opponent will also have the power of the black dragon. God knows what methods the opponent will use later?


So, now she also agrees with a certain bad bear from the bottom of her heart, because ah, if she insists not to use her extra 99.99999999999999999999...% of her power, she insists on using only the LV5 flame control ability and insists on not cheating. , Is it really a little bit difficult?

"You try to help us attract their attention, don't let it focus on us!"

"Please, Annie!!"

Noisy~! !


While speaking, Misaka Mikoto flashed flashes of lightning, and immediately magnetized all of her own and the coins she had just asked for from Kuroko, ensuring that they could be used for'super-electromagnetic guns' at any time. 'The launch!

However, how can a coin with an effective attack distance of only 50 meters attack the huge guy in the sky requires her to think of a solution.


Σ( ̄д ̄;)

"Okay! Just watch it~!!!"


As soon as she stretched out her hand, Little Annie's LV5 housekeeper's magic weapon, the flame-shaped "Lonokis Spear" that claims that even the sacred cloth of **** can easily penetrate, and the golden flamed "Athena Shield" They appeared on her left and right hands respectively.

At this moment, the melee version of the goddess of war Anne Hasta was dressed.

If you don’t force yourself to use the LV5 ability to kill the dragon by yourself, if you just attract the other’s attention and entangle the other side, little things like that, Xiao Anni said, it’s definitely not difficult. She is the omnipotent Queen Anne even without real strength! !


"We will rely on your LV4 space movement ability later. You have to take me to attack it from the air. As long as we are still in the air, the lightning on my body should not accidentally hurt you if we are not grounded. ...So, are you sure?!"

Seeing that the reliable little girl Annie had confidently promised what she had confessed, and with her gun and shield in her hand, Mikoto Misaka felt a little relieved, and turned her head to look at her sister Kuroko next to her.

In the next action, if the fellow Little Annie doesn't lose the chain, then only this companion next to him will play a vital role!


"My sister, do you want to..."

"Okay! Sister, please be sure to entrust your life to me, Heizi will definitely not let you down!!"

He was stunned. After seeing her elder sister stretched out her left hand towards her, Shirai Kuroko was so excited that her small face began to flush, and then he nodded vigorously, and patted vigorously while his ponytail was swaying Her own flat...well, she won't say the word that can destroy one hundred points of health for now!

Anyway, after making a guarantee to his sister, Heizi sullenly, took a step forward, firmly grasped the left and right sides of the sister, and clasped the other's fingers together.


Now that Kuroko promised that there was no problem, Misaka Mikoto looked at the little girl in the same place again, and she was going to see, is there any way the other party can successfully attract the attention of the dragon?

"You guys are optimistic!!"


"Come out!"


"The Fire Eagle Legion of the Flame Kingdom, your queen is calling you~!!!"


Huh~! ! !

With the sound of an eagle's roar, the fireballs that had just been thrown into the sky by Annie. There were hundreds of fireballs in the air. They twisted and exploded in the air. Then, soon A fake'pure blood fire eagle' of various sizes came out from it?

Then, of course, Little Annie was at the largest one of them. When the "Pure Blood Fire Eagle" made up of molten lava and flames from part of the ground rock flew down, she jumped directly and jumped. On the opponent's back, he then transferred directly from a big dog knight to a fire eagle knight queen.

"Fire Eagle Legion, target the dragon, charge with me! Kill it!!!"


Tweet~! ! !

She changed her toy again, and said that she wanted to attract the dragon’s attention, she pointed the spear in her hand towards the sky, and then led her pseudo-blood fire eagles directly. A head-cutting assault formation came out, and it rushed directly towards the dragon in the sky, which seemed to be slightly surprised! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Well, Tibbers suddenly felt at this moment that a nasty little master who was a little serious, seemed to really be able to defeat the dragon without cheating? Of course, it's just possible. , Anyway, if it were replaced by Tibbers being the dragon, it would have to beat a little girl to cry!!)



In the distance, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko glanced at each other in a little astonishment. Obviously, they were shocked by Little Annie's method of directly'summoning' an air force and flying mounts with flames!

However, the more powerful the friendly forces, the higher the success rate of their actions, which is not bad.


Seeing that Little Annie had rushed into the air, and when she was about to fight the dragon, Misaka Mikoto turned her head and looked at the sunspot next to her.

"Don't worry, elder sister, Heizi will always be by your side and always protect you!!"

After speaking, Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto ‘swish’ and disappeared in place without knowing where he teleported to with LV4's spatial movement ability.



At this time, a voice yelled out.

It turned out that it was Kamijou Dangma who had stood up again, his body was in tatters and bloodstains everywhere, and he could only rely on his right hand to sustain his life!

"Actually, I want to help too, my right hand..."

However, the three of them are no longer here, leaving a lonely man in the ruins and the cold night breeze... Obviously, at this moment, no one noticed him anymore. This useless guy, and the Misaka Mikoto who had been struggling with him many times before, didn’t even plan his Kamijou Dangma into that certain battle plan. He has been excluded from the ranks of the dragon slaying operation. ...


'what! ! ’

"Then, that little girl..."

‘Good, so powerful fire control ability, she can actually fly...’


‘It’s really incredible, she’s just eight years old...’


In the distance, roadblocks and cordon have been set up on the bridge head, and with the help of the guards' vehicles and other team members, they are evacuating students and people from the dangerous area in an orderly manner, and are also forcibly blocking any Aiho Huang Quanchuan exclaimed once again in the iron decoration of the vehicles and people who wanted to enter the dangerous area.

Because, it was the first time they saw that the LV5's flame control ability could still be used that way. They could turn into a large group of firebirds with flames, and they could fly freely on them, and then they could use super The long flame spear and shield are ready to attack the dragon. This is indeed what they have never seen, unheard of!

Without exception, they felt that based on the ability that the other party had just shown and the level of LV5 flame control ability that they have shown now, they can definitely rank in the top three in this school city, right?


‘What shall we do now? ’

Before seeing the great firebirds in the sky in the distance, they were about to make contact with the dragon, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui murmured and asked.


‘Continue to block this area and let the other groups speed up. We must evacuate the students and citizens in this area as soon as possible! ! ’

‘I just hope that their fighting will not spread and spread to other school districts...’

What can be done in the iron decoration in the current situation?

After all, is about to collide in the distance, but there are a large group of beautiful and very conspicuous firebirds and a giant dragon in the dark. They can fly, and no one can guarantee that they are only there. Fight in the sky over this area without flying to other places.

'Yes! ’

"It seems that this can only be done..."

Ai Sui Huang Quanchuan nodded and agreed with his companion's decision. After all, in this bad situation now, their guards are definitely not helpful. They can only pin their hopes on those LV5 students... In short, regardless of what is happening now, just block the news first. You can never go wrong.




Wonderful book house

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