Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 901: magic! It is calling me! ???(???)...



"God split, how? I think... Your injury has been so many days, it should be all healed?"

Looking at Intiqs and her friends of this year in the distance, they talked and laughed and walked to the gate of the luxurious mansion, and were quickly caught by the high courtyard wall and lush greenery. After the gloomy garden trees completely blocked the figure, I don’t know why, there is always some unwillingness in my heart, and there is always a genius flame magician with mixed feelings, Steer Magnus, and then he sighs in my heart. He made a sound, and turned his head slowly, and asked the companion who had just arrived next to him.

The privacy of the detached mansion with a garden in the distance was done very well. From such a distance, he would definitely not be able to monitor the situation of Indicus.

However, he had already known that those people would not be disadvantageous to Inticus. Except for a little regret, he didn't have much other thoughts. He just planned to stay here and guard him silently. Regarding the other party, as to when it will end, he hasn't figured out yet.


"There is nothing serious anymore, you can already use your full strength!"

First, he was accidentally injured in the shackled battle against Inticus in Tokiwadai Junior High School. Later, when he was facing the terrible dragon, he was stunned by the heavy blow, until now. The Shinsakuhoori who had just recovered had indeed completely recovered.

Although, if that kind of attack is replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that it would have become a pool of fleshy mud long ago, but she is not an ordinary person. Therefore, the slap of the giant dragon tail hammer will not take her. Life! Moreover, the now recovered Divine Split said that if the dragon dared to reappear, she would definitely let the opponent taste the anger of her strongest white warrior!

But it’s useless to get angry now, because she already knows that the flying dragon has run into the deep sea and can’t escape. Not only does she have no good solution, I’m afraid people all over the world don’t know which one the other side is hiding in. Go in the trench. After all, the ocean is too big and too big, and the terrible pressure in the deep sea is after all a forbidden zone that cannot be easily touched by humans, even if it is strong or advanced technology.


"The kid, how is she now?"

But she knows that, after she spent many days in a coma and self-cultivation, now, many days have passed since the time of Indix. She doesn’t know what the situation is now. It was just the first time that he found it again with the help of Steer's mark.

"She's okay..."

"If my observations these days are correct, I think it should be like that..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Steele took out a cigarette from his pocket and held it to his mouth. He smiled bitterly, because, until now, he hadn't fully understood what was going on. He himself There are also many mysteries to be solved in his mind.

Therefore, he didn't know how to answer the question of his partner's disintegration. When he was not sure, he could only use this kind of uncertain term.


"Did he succeed?!"

Divine Separation remembered the great alchemist-Oreos Isard, who is said to be still imprisoned somewhere in the city by a certain actual controller of Academy City. In her opinion, except Apart from the guy who can even use the'golden refining' forbidden technique to summon the giant dragon, no one really can solve the problem on Inticus.

Anyway, she couldn't think of any more possibilities.


Steele didn't rush to answer, but lowered his head and frowned and thought.

"It shouldn't be him..."

"I was there at the time. The plan of Aureos was simply wishful thinking. What he wanted to use was a vampire... Forget it, let’s not talk about that. I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened. ..."

The situation at that time was very complicated, and even now, Steel himself couldn't figure out how they defeated the fellow Oreos who could even summon the terrifying dragon in the myth and legend!

Maybe it's because of the ‘fantasy killer’ that Kamijou can eliminate no matter what magic or alchemy?

Or, is it the little girl with LV5 superpower whose ability to control flames far exceeds him? But no matter what, until now, I still don’t understand why he was able to blitz successfully and stun the guy who captured the guy and rescued Inticus under that disadvantage. He could only blame everything on the goddess of fate for him. The favor of this genius magician.


"So, they...the kid, what are they going to do in it now?"

Since Steele said that she didn't know, God Split didn't intend to follow up, she just wanted to know the latest developments of Intiqs, which has been monitored until now! Because this was the only reason she came here as soon as she recovered.

"I used magic to eavesdrop on the conversation between them..."

"Speaking of Divine Splitting, you may not believe it, Intiks, she... She is actually going to cast some kind of healing magic, it should be in those one hundred and three thousand magic books..."

This is also the reason why Steele has not left until now, knowing that Inticus’s safety has no problem, knowing that the opponent is surrounded by the protection of several LV4 and LV5 capable people in the Academy City, he still has not left, because he also wants to I know, can Indix really perform magic in a slightly "normal" state?

If so, then things will become very interesting! !

"she was……"

"The kid, are you sure, she can really perform magic in that state?!"

Although they have seen the kid use spells before, and it is still terrifying, and it is definitely not weaker than their joint hands, but that state is very weird after all, and now, if it is in a normal state If it can be used, it will really subvert their impression of Intiqs.


"God split..."

"I think the church may have hidden a lot of things from us, many, many...So, I am also very hesitant now and don't know what to do."

After spitting out a smoke ring, Steer, who was a little tired, glanced at the lush and luxurious mansion in the distance for the last time, thought about it, and simply sat on the concrete pile on the embankment. Go down, prepare to wait patiently here and see what changes will happen in that house?


"If the church is indeed what you think, what are you going to do?"

Frowning, after looking at the house in the distance just like Steele, Shinsei Huozhi asked hesitantly.

"Nothing needs to be done..."

"In fact, we are just two people. Even if we want to do something, we are powerless. Let's take a look for now. Let's take one step and count one step... As for the future, who knows?"

Steele had actually thought about it a long time ago, and now they had better not know what to do, including not reporting any information to the church, etc.! The current situation, let those guys think that everything is normal for Intiqs for the time being, as for how long can I hide it...

He can only do his best, and as long as he can hide it! As for what terrible things would happen after being unable to hide it, he didn't dare to think too much.

"Steyr, you know, that's not a solution..."

Kamikazuho-ori knows that after the Dragon Incident, church members, and even various forces on the mysterious side of the world, must have more or less sent someone to investigate here in the academy city. She had touched her along the way. I have been to many strange and familiar figures, so she feels that how long Indix's problem can be concealed, and how long the current situation can last, she can't guarantee at all!

"That's it for the time being, do you have any good suggestions?"

Anyway, Steele couldn't imagine a better way. If there is a good way to Divine Split, he can listen to him and work hard to cooperate with each other! Because the two of them now have the same purpose and the same people who need to be guarded, nothing more.

"Sorry, not yet!"

Without thinking about it, Shencrahuozhi directly shook his head, and then stood silently next to an old smoker who was sitting on the concrete pile of the river embankment, silently paying attention. Looking at the house hidden in the tall garden in the distance.

Because now, the child of Indix, as well as the other's friends this year, are inside...


"Open Sesame~!!!"


After a little girl took her little friend into the courtyard, she walked along those beautiful pebble paths to a huge and heavy-looking huanghuali solid wood door in the main building, and then nothing He stretched out his little short leg and kicked it away, as if it were something from someone else's house, and didn't seem to care about it at all.



Because it's your own door, your own property, you kick it and you kick it. Anyway, a messy little guy will definitely not feel distressed.


"All right!"


After kicking the door open first, and then pushing open the solid wood door that was kicked ajar, Little Annie walked in first.

"Everyone, please come in!"

"This is my home. Don't be too polite, don't need to be cautious, let alone change your shoes, just step on it, because if it gets dirty, someone will take care of it regularly!!"


She doesn't care whether her friends change shoes or not. Anyway, Annie will definitely not change her shoes.

Because, recently, after she moved to the school’s dormitory and basically can’t live here, some guys seem to have become slack...If she doesn’t come back to add some workload to those who are paid, I’m afraid Those lazy guys are likely to change the cleaning work once a week to once every two weeks or longer without authorization!


"Annie! Is this, this, this really your home? It's so beautiful, and it's so big. Are you really the daughter of a rich businessman or a king?!"

I have never heard of it before, and Chuchun Shili, who came for the first time, was surprised by the big house of Annie's house.

Because, she works in the 177th branch of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, but knows better than anyone what it means to have such a big house in this prosperous area not far from the seventh school district in the rich district of the school city. !

Therefore, even if the main purpose of coming here today is not to be a guest, and even if there are more important things to do today, the Chuchun Shili is really a bit surprised.

"It's not..."


Annie would not tell them that all her money was obtained by the little fat robot directly after hacking the bank system of Xueyuan City, so she bought such a big house and was able to live here for a while. It's not the kind of rich businessman or king's daughter that the other party takes for granted!


"It's really spacious..."

Even when Intiqs lived in the cathedral before, the conditions were not worse than here. After all, she is a very important "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog", so her treatment is certainly not low, but she saw the big picture in front of her. After the house, even if she had lived in the luxurious Tokibandai Girls' High School dormitory for a while, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"What a corrupt guy..."

Although I heard my sister Shirai Kuroko talk about a guy’s big house more than once, Misaka Mikoto came here for the first time, so she couldn’t help smacking a bit after watching it for a while, but, She did not make too many comments.

After all, her Misaka Mikoto is not a material woman!

Besides, she is rich now, and she is still rich in thieves. The doubled scholarship and other incomes are at least twenty times that of the average academy city student! Therefore, she only needs to go to school well, consolidate and develop her own strength, and when she graduates from university, she will naturally become a rich and beautiful woman in the academy city, and at the same time she is the kind of strong and powerful. LV5 superpower, the kind of existence at the top of the school city!

Therefore, she is not too envious of what a little guy has now in advance.


Baijing Kuroko snorted coldly, without making any comments!

Because, she's been here more than once, she's already familiar with it! You know, earlier, when a little guy moved to the dormitory of Tokibandai Middle School and moved to the next door to the dormitory of her and her sister, Adult 208, she was the one who came here to help carry the luggage! !

"That one……"

"Where is Leizi? Is she okay now? Why didn't I see her?!"

After sighing with emotion about this beautiful and luxurious house, Chuchun Shili quickly remembered something more important, that is, her most important friend-Zuo Tian Leizi! !

Two days ago, they sent someone to take the tears from the hospital and took them back here, in the name of taking care of each other better.

After all, it is said that a certain little guy is very rich, and his home is very large and spacious with many rooms. In addition, the hospital is indeed overcrowded. More than 10,000 people passed out in a coma, even if the tears had a separate ward. But when you take care of it, you definitely don't have to be more dedicated at home.

So, after confirming that the patients’ “family members” do have the ability and financial resources to take care of each other, the hospital was also happy, and they directly sent people to send a car to send each other to this place where there is a lot of money. It is said that one street can buy a city in another country, and this single-family mansion with a large garden in the school city with a huge real estate bubble.



"It should be in the room close to the east on the corner of the corridor on the second floor. She should still be in a coma now."


After talking about the other party’s placement in her own house, it was actually the first time that Little Annie came back, so she didn’t know too well... Anyway, Ms. Heizi was responsible for it before, except for the one who took care of the big house. Except for a call from the servants, they never came back.


"Tears, she... Has she been here all alone?!"

After looking around, Chuchun Shili, who hadn't noticed anyone, subconsciously thought it was some irresponsible guy who took the person back and ignored it. She was so scared that she exclaimed on the spot and wanted to rush to the second floor. Go and see the situation of your most important friend.

She really couldn't imagine what a bleak and terrifying situation would be when the tears were left alone in this big house... If she knew this was the case, it would be better to let the other party stay in the hospital. Here! Although the hospital is still understaffed, there are always doctors or nurses to check it out a few times a day, and if there is any accident, there will be someone to deal with it as soon as possible.

"You fool!"

"I said Shili, can you think about it with your mind, how could I leave my tears here alone?"

Without waiting for his colleague and friend Chuchun Shili to run up the luxurious spiral staircase, Shirai Kuroko reached out and grabbed the opponent.

"Before we came here, Laizi had several maids taking care of her 24 hours a day. There were so many servants in Anne's house!"

"But we have to do important things today, so we asked Annie to give them a collective day off, and they won't be back tomorrow."

There are good and bad things, but the advantage is that no matter what they do here, as long as they don’t blow up the house, they will definitely not be monitored and noticed by outsiders! The downside is that after the servants and chefs have left, their dinner and supper tonight are gone...

Perhaps, they have to do it by themselves and have enough food and clothing?

Of course, if you want to be lazy and don’t want to wash the dishes, you can also call the kangaroo takeaway or the little e takeaway brothers to deliver the food they need directly to the gate of the yard outside. Just need to go there to receive it.


"Indikes, now we have done everything you asked for! The big house without outsiders' interference, as well as the patients in need of treatment are all here, what do you want to do next?!"

After stabilizing a worried and impatient friend, Shirai Kuroko turned his head and looked at someone who was still stubbornly wearing that pure white silk gold embroidery without waiting for an unreliable little girl to speak. The guy in the luxurious monastic clothes wanted to see what the other party could do to make the famous doctor in the hospital awaken with helpless tears.

So far, none of the more than 10,000 people who have used "Fantasy Mita", including Laizi, have woken up!

Of course, no one is dead...

Anyway, so far, no one has been able to crack the evil woman, the escaped Mushan Chunsheng's means! Because the files in the other party's research room, those stored in the computer, were completely deleted after a careless security team turned on the computer! And if you want to recover the data that has been deleted to that extent, it will definitely not be solved in a short while!

Besides, even if it can be restored, the value of that incomplete data is worthy of vigilance, because it is related to the lives of more than 10,000 people, and no one dares to try it casually.



"Indix, now how do you want to start your magic ritual?"


Actually, waking up that Zuotian Leizi is a simple matter for Little Annie! However, given that she is only a'LV5' fire control superpower at present, she is unwilling to show too much extra power, and her previous proposal was rejected by some people, she intends to continue to stand by and wait for opportunities. Planning to make trouble for someone who is preparing to use the'unbelievable' magic?

But, add chaos, add chaos, she must have a sense of measure, she will definitely not make things too bad, she just try it casually, just change other people's magic array, it will definitely not cause big problems or dead person's!

Of course, she is not afraid of death, anyway, her Queen Anne-sama is omnipotent, resurrecting in place full of blood and blue, for her, it is just as simple as hooking a finger.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Sure enough, Tibbers knew it would be like this...)

"Well, I think about it..."

"Now, please close all the curtains first. I am worried that too much magic light will leak out..."

"Then, if this living room is big enough, the ceremony will be temporarily decided in the most spacious place in the middle of the hall!"

Looking around, Inticus quickly determined the plan, and began to hate Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Chuharu Shiri to give orders.

Now she is ready to carry out important ritual prerequisite work, and these friends of her own are her assistants, and she must meticulously complete her instructions and arrangements. Otherwise, when the ritual is going on, there will be very different things except for errors. Good surprise!

As for what the accident was, she didn't even know it.

Because, those one hundred and three thousand magic books only recorded countless spells and magic arrays, but they didn't explain the terrible consequences that would happen when the spell went wrong.

"and then?"


As the owner of this place, Little Annie, who was like a troublemaker, did not do anything. She just watched those people go to work, and stood in place with a grin, waiting to see some one who wrote down one hundred and three thousand magic ways After the book, the guy who swelled too much to believe her Queen Anne, wanted to see what the other party was going to do.


"I heard what Heizi said, your flame mimicry seems very powerful?"

On the night of the Dragon Disaster, Inticus, who was lying in a coma, did miss the performance of a certain LV5 flame control superpower, so it is natural that she did not know.

"Yeah, so what?"


Annie didn't understand, her own flame mimicry was so powerful, what about the next magic ritual? You know, she has made up her mind to help and add to the chaos, is it possible that the other party still wants to use her own flame ability to help?

"Is such that!"

"I need you to use your flame mimicry ability to burn the soil, and pinch a few little people out for me! Of course, the furniture in this living room, it is best to reduce it in proportion to all of us and the current furniture. , The more perfect the better!!"

After confirming the opponent's abilities, Inticus clapped her hands, prayed with both hands, and pleaded with a certain little girl and old man.

Although you don't need to pinch the villain and replace it with something else, for the sake of the perfect ritual and for the first time you use magic to avoid trouble, Indix finally felt that it was better to be more cautious and pursue perfection?

"Really, does it take so much trouble?"


Although that kind of thing is not difficult, but with so many people here and so much furniture, Little Annie hesitates, not knowing whether she should help the other party with this little favor.

Anyway, whether it was the magic ritual she saw in herself or from other books, there was never that kind of person who needed to pinch the villain! Anyway, the opponent's spell sounds a bit unreliable? !


At this time, a certain black-faced double ponytail teleported directly behind Annie in an instant.

"Such a simple thing, you still find it troublesome?"

"Little guy, go upstairs and have a look. Tears are still in a coma. If you don't hurry up and wake her up, will you often come back to serve her to eat and drink Lazar?!"

Although Kuroko knew that he could hire servants or entrust doctors and nurses who came to check regularly to do things like that... But compared to those troublesome situations, she felt that it would be better to rescue the other party as soon as possible.

Because, she used to go to the hospital with Shili to take care of the tears for a long time, wiped her body and held her **** and urinal, she really didn’t want to do that bad thing anymore, even if they were friends. No way!


At that time, they just went to the hospital occasionally to do that. Now, after picking up the other party, if they don't wake up quickly, then they have to do that kind of thing almost every day! That kind of scary scene, she felt terrified even thinking about it.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"I don't want to carry the **** bowl, I will go out looking for mud now, it will be well soon, you guys wait for me!!"


Thinking of a certain young lady lying on her own bed every day, **** and peeing, and thinking of the stinky and dirty stuff, Little Annie immediately persuaded.

So, she didn't dare to hesitate anymore, she hurried out and ran out of the door, planning to follow that Inticus's words, quickly find some mud and burn it, and then pinch some little people's furniture to give each other a play The kind of play games! And she also decided that even if there is a mess later, she will definitely rescue the young lady Zuotian Leizi, and will never give the other person a chance to continue to pee and pee on her bed! !


"Now everyone, let's set up the living room here first..."

Ready to use the "first" magic of his life, and prepare to confirm the spells in the one hundred and three thousand magic books in his mind, Inticus clapped her hands with a little excitement and faced Misaka who was present. Three friends, Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Chuchun Shiri, ordered again.

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

Looking at the lobby of this luxurious castle-like mansion, Misaka Mikoto, who just closed the curtains, letting the light here is slightly insufficient, began to look a little confused, not knowing what to do. Do it.

After all, even though she is a LV5 superpower, is she "Tokiwadai's strongest trump card" and "the strongest invincible Dengeki Princess" and the new "Dragon Slayer Warrior"? I have even seen some strange guys use magic, but if she is planning to use magic or something herself, she really has no clue at all, because she really doesn’t understand anything, in case she is not careful. If you mess up...

"Very simple!"

"You only need to arrange the surrounding furniture according to my instructions, and then take the small objects that are easy to loose and fall into other rooms. Don't put them in the hall to interfere with our next ceremony! !"

This place is very large and spacious, so Indix feels that there must be no problem with her spell of summoning angels here! However, the premise is to remove those fragmentary things that are not conducive to the use of the summoning spell and are prone to shaking.


Although I don’t know how moving furniture and removing small decorative objects that are easy to loose have to do with the magic that will be performed, under the command of Inticus, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Hatsuharu Shiri still bite the bullet and worked hard. Moved.

Soon, they didn't do much more in the hall that was originally tidy and regularly taken care of. They only completed the task after moving a few small objects and decorations that blocked the way.

"Next, what are we going to do?"

I don’t know why, Chuchun Shili always feels a little unreliable...

However, since LV5's Mikoto and LV4's Kuroko both chose to believe each other, she didn't have much to say, just gritted her teeth silently and followed each other's requirements and carefully observed.

"Now this ground has been emptied. It is very big and the ground is white marble. There really is no better place than this!"

"Next is the last step!"

After looking at the surrounding environment, and comparing the description of the magic ritual in her mind, Inticus nodded with satisfaction, expressing her satisfaction with the big house of Annie's family!




Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Hatsuharu Shiri did not speak, but looked at some Inticus who was holding his arm and touching his chin, pretending to be a small adult, wanting to know that the other party would do it next. Something strange.

"To be on the safe side, I need to draw a large magic array here..."

"But, it seems that there is no ink with magical power, nor blood with magical beast..."

"So, it seems that there is really no other way but to do it like that!!"

Everything was ready, and I only owed Dongfeng Intiqs. After thinking for a while, she still had to turn her head and look at the three in front of her who were staring at herself. Of three friends.


"Well, what do we need to do now, or move things?"

Seeing Inticus looking at her, Misaka Mikoto subconsciously felt that something bad was about to happen, but she didn't know what it would be.

"It's like this!"

"I need to draw a magic circle on the ground here, so I need a little bit of blood from you, it's about a few hundred CC..."

"Don't worry, after the angel comes, all the pains on your body will be healed immediately, the kind that doesn't even have scars!!!"

Although, the blood will not recover...

Actually, when there is no magic ink or blood of spirit beasts, it is also possible to use the blood of primates who are born with spirituality! But now, the primates in this house seem to be only the few people in front of them.


"Indix, aren't you going to cast the evil spells that summon demons or dragons?!"

Hearing what the other party said, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help exclaiming!

If she had changed before, she would never believe in magic, but after experiencing the "Mitsawajuku" incident described by Annie and the battle against the giant dragon, she has reached an acceptable level of magic. That level.

However, she was really taken aback by using her own blood to outline the evil things of the magic circle! Because, in the kind of ritual that only appears in movies, TV and in, using human blood, skulls, nails or human skin and flesh, it will definitely not be a good ritual! !


"It's not summoning demons and dragons, it's summoning angels, it's an important ritual that can heal injuries and diseases of any degree!"

Although Summoning demons and dragons or something, Indix seems to have seen it in those one hundred and three thousand magic books, but now is not the time to summon that kind of existence, and she certainly won’t To summon that terrible thing.

Absolutely not! Never! !


"Where is the use of human blood to outline the formation of summoning angels, Indix, are you sure you are not mistaken, the summoning is not the fallen angel from hell?!"

"Can't you change something slightly more normal?!"

Mikoto Misaka is still suspicious of things like using human blood to outline formations and performing rituals. The kind of scenes that are extremely evil just thinking about it, Misaka Mikoto is still suspicious, so I don’t know if I should believe the Inticus in front of me. She was still a little undecided.

If she hadn't witnessed Intikes going crazy in their Tokibantai Middle School's swimming pool that day, maybe she would have waved away long ago, so where would she perform that kind of inexplicable magic ritual with her?


"Generally speaking, magic ink is the best, but we don't have..."

Inticus shook her head regretfully, and rejected Misaka Mikoto's proposal.

"The blood of spirit beasts was originally okay, but it seems that no spirit beast has been seen in the academy city... The blood of the dragon that fought with you at that time must be excellent, even its blood is absolutely strong. I've used magic ink countless times, but now I definitely can't find its blood, and it has been scoured by the people in the Academy City..."

Although Indix had fainted gorgeously at that time, she could not witness the mythical behemoth that was summoned out of thin air by using the'Golden Genesis Art', but, with those images, With the reports and the descriptions of these friends in front of her, she could also guess what kind of existence the other party was like.

"So, now I can only use primate blood instead..."

"Mikoto, and Kuroko, if you don't want to contribute a little bit of your blood, maybe you can go to the zoo to catch a monkey?"

Her own blood is definitely not willing to contribute easily, not only because she is afraid of pain, but also because she needs to outline the formation, preside over the ceremony, and maintain a clear mind!

Therefore, if she must maintain her best condition, she definitely can't use her own blood. That will definitely affect her condition and is absolutely not allowed.

"Monkey, monkey?"

It would be too cruel to catch a monkey for bleeding...

"Although the magic ink and the blood of primates, it sounds like there is some truth to it, but... Heizi, since Tears are your good friends, then please make sure to contribute a little bit of your own blood. Come on, please!!!"

Misaka Mikoto didn't want to put her own blood at all, and didn't want to catch a cute animal like a monkey, so she had to look at her sister Shirai Kuroko next to her.

If it were not for your own blood, then there would be no problem at all! Anyway, others don’t die if they donate blood, so let your good sister Heizi take care of this kind of thing!


"My sister, I think it's better to leave this important thing to Laizi's best friend...So, Shili, do you think my statement is correct?!"

What's a joke, how could she let someone take a knife and put a bowl of blood in her hand? Even if the other party promised not to cause any injuries or scars, it would not work, she would not do that!

To be honest, it is not that she is unwilling to save the tears, but that she would rather spend more time to capture the Mu Shan Chunsheng back than let people cut herself casually.


"But, people are a little dizzy, and that kind of thing really doesn't work..."

The evil practice of drawing the magic array with blood is probably only seen in the movie and the plot. Therefore, she has doubts and dislikes, but she, who doesn’t trust her, hears After that terrible thing, without thinking about it, he hid his hands behind his back.

Anyway, she didn't believe it too much at first, and now she wants to let her bleed, such unscientific things without any basis, she will definitely not agree!


"Indikes, is there no other way? Ordinary ink won't work? If I can, I can let Heizi use the space move to go out and buy it back. It will be very fast and will not delay your time! "

He didn't want it, Kuroko didn't want it, Shiri was even more unwilling, so Misaka Mikoto scratched the short hair on her head with a headache, not knowing what to do.

"No way..."

She shook her head and sighed. If there is a good way, she can't help but choose... It seems that she really can only find a way to go to the zoo and get a monkey back.

If you are catching a larger orangutan, then return some blood and then return it, or simply go to the zoo to borrow the blood, surely there is no problem, right?

"Haha! I'm back!!"


At this time, a cheer sounded.

Then, a certain little girl rushed in holding a large pile of clay figures, furniture and other clay models that had just been burnt and were still emitting heat.


∑(??△`)? !

"It's weird, you guys, what are you doing looking at me like this?!"


She ran to the crowd and threw the hot stuff in her arms directly on the floor. She stood up straight and slapped her hands. She saw the four people in front of her looking at her with strange expressions and eyes. He couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Little Annie..."

"We have something very, very important to your Sister Tears. I think you will definitely not reject us?!"

Seeing a certain ignorant little girl rushing in, after a while, a certain black-bellied LV4 space mobile high-powered person named Shirai Kuroko approached the opponent in a gloomy manner.

Because she feels that if you draw a little bit of blood from an energetic little guy, there must be no problem! !



"You have to talk about what it is, and then, if it is not difficult, I will definitely consider it seriously..."

~( ̄0 ̄)/

If it's too difficult, then she didn't say anything, Queen Anne will definitely refuse it!

Annie is not stupid, she knows that they must have nothing good when seeing the other person's expressions and false smiles! So, she didn't directly agree, but casually said something to fool the other party, preparing to see what important things were first, and then make plans.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Stupid little human beings on the even want to get rid of the messy little master of the Tibbers family? Don’t they know that the little master of the family is even in **** Do the devil monarchs or the angels in the highest heaven panic when they see it?!

Speaking of the methods of punishing people, certain demonic monarchs or **** demon gods who have been captured and enslaved have a deep understanding...

Of course, I have a deep understanding of it, and it must also include the shadow bear Tibbers, who could have become the king of shadow bears, dominate the shadow world and reach the pinnacle of bear! You know, a certain messy little guy back then, she was just two years old, and even the uncle Xiong recognized the existence of it. These stupid little human beings on earth still want to hit her idea...)


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

(*????╰╯`??)?? Please like the activity?? (????╰╯`??*)

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