Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 909: Rescue the sisters who fell into enemy forces (●ˇωˇ●)


"Why the target hasn't appeared yet, I'm a little impatient..."

Looking at the hideous puppet rabbit toy in his hand, a certain strange girl with long golden curly hair, blue eyes, snow-white skin, and petite figure pulled its cheeks forcefully, and then sighed at the same time. With a sigh of relief, she lay down directly on the puppets who were temporarily piled up in this aisle by herself, preparing to continue patiently waiting for her prey to arrive.

"Although at that time it was because of being lured by high rewards and volunteered to come here voluntarily..."

"But let yourself wait for a guy who doesn't know if he will come here tonight, but it's really annoying... I didn't think it before, but when I really did it, I realized that this kind of stubborn thing is really boring. That's ok!!"

After sighing again, she muttered to herself, knowing that she was the only one and her dolls in the entire "Pathological Analysis Institute", so she simply gave her own delicate face directly Buried in the arms of the rabbit puppet, he didn't want to raise his head for a long time.

The concealed alarm devices that she has placed at the gates of the'Pathological Analysis Institute', outside the sky, and windows that can easily be infiltrated, have not been triggered, so now she, besides being here, is always teasing herself. Apart from the'cute' toys and talking to herself, she has no better way to pass the time.

"If I knew this was the case, I wouldn't choose this broken place to ambush..."


"It's over, it's fortunate that people have arranged so many traps and puppet bombs here. Isn't it useless at all, and so many resources are wasted?"

Actually, she didn’t mind too much about the puppet bombs that were wasted because of traps...

What she cares more about at this time is: once the wanted suspects are not fooled and did not come to destroy this'Pathological Analysis Institute', but go to another scientific research institution that is in charge of by the guy that Jianqi loves most, then she may Not only will you lose the opportunity to swallow that super high reward, but at the same time you will have to get into the busy work of dealing with the "bombs" she has finally arranged in this research institute alone!

At that time, I am afraid that Shenli Maiye, Jinqi's favorite, and Takiko will definitely laugh at herself for this?


"No way……"

Suddenly, he buried his face in the rabbit puppet toy and whispered "Wailing". The strange girl with long golden curly hair, blue eyes, snow-white skin, and petite figure who was still complaining about herself, suddenly He raised his head, and the first four pulled out a radar-like thing with a screen from the pile of puppets.

Because, I thought that the enemy would not come again tonight, I thought I would miss an opportunity to make money in vain, and I thought I was going to spend the entire second half of the night to clear those traps, thinking that she was a self-inflicted or cocooned herself. Shi was shocked to discover that all of her hidden alarm facilities, which were deployed throughout the entire'Pathological Analysis Institute', were sending her specific signals to detect an enemy invasion at this time?

and so,

She never expected that the enemy would appear at this time, so she was finally able to hurriedly started to quickly operate on her own small radar device for controlling the puppet bomb and tracking the enemy.


"Come on, come on, finally!"

"As a result, thanks to how much I usually do ‘good deeds’, this opportunity to make big money is finally going to fall to my Flanda Severen!!!"

While cheering, this strange girl with long golden curly hair, blue eyes and snow-white skin who claimed to be Flanda Severen finally quickly locked the enemy's position through the device.



"Is this something wrong with the radar, or..."

Flanda, who discovered that the eye-catching red dot identified as the enemy actually coincided with his own green dot in the three-dimensional three-dimensional radar imaging, first checked the instrument in his hand in confusion, and even slightly touched it with his hands. After patted hard, she turned her head hesitantly and looked behind her.



Immediately afterwards, without any surprise, Flanda was caught by a little girl who didn’t know when she appeared behind her, carrying a toy bear with a style very similar to her hideous bomb puppets in her hand. The grimace accompanying him was shocked!

As a result, she was frightened on the spot and threw off the radar in her hands, and fell directly into the pile of her own doll toys, unable to struggle for a long time.

"Eh heh heh..."


"Miss Sister, I just heard everything, you should be here specifically waiting to catch me, am I right?"


Seeing that she had succeeded in scaring the other person, scared so much of the night that she didn't sleep, came to such a place, and wanted to sneak ambush her bad guy, Xiao Annie happily stepped forward again, directly He jumped to the pile of toys that seemed to be bomb puppets.

Then, she stepped on top of a pile of dangerous goods so grandiosely, condescendingly looking down at someone with wide-eyed eyes, leaning on the ground, looking at her with an incredible expression named Flanda · Severen’s bad guy.

"You, you are..."

"Then, that terrorist, wanted suspect... that LV5 flame control superpower, that Anne Hasta who can fight the dragon?!!!"

After the initial panic, Flanda, who finally calmed down a bit, swallowed with difficulty, and at the same time, he asked the other party with some fear.

"But, you..."

"You, how did you appear here?"

Actually, you can be sure without asking her...

Relying on the exquisite little face of the other party that has appeared countless times on various media tools and advertising screens, as well as the long blond hair, the body like an eight-year-old girl, and the one in her hand. Only the iconic ferocious plush toy bear, he must have not run away. The other party is definitely the LV5 superpower who is one of the three wanted targets that Flanda ambush here tonight!

What she didn't know was how did the other party sneak in here quietly, and even approached so close behind her before being detected by her own equipment?

Moreover, what makes Flanda feel even more afraid is:

If the other party didn’t just grimacing behind her to scare herself at this time in the middle of the night, but instead attacked herself with that terrible flame... Thinking of the terrible consequences, she couldn’t help but let her The heart couldn't help dripping cold sweat again.

"You are asking about this..."


"Of course they burned a hole in the wall at random and walked in!"


Little Annie would not tell the other party that she actually used a little bit of her extra power secretly, so she easily discovered that the other party was hiding in this building and quietly avoided most of the detectives. The test machine finally managed to reach behind the opponent and successfully frightened the opponent!

That's right, it's that simple!

However, she still wouldn't tell the other party. For some reasons that made her unhappy, she has gradually ceased to limit her abilities to the LV5 level of flame control ability...Although most of the time , Her Queen Anne is still unwilling to use more power to help the bad guys who don’t want to believe in her, Mikoto and Heizi, but that doesn’t prevent her from using more power to tease. Enemies against her.

For example, when dealing with this bad lady who doesn't go home to sleep in the middle of the night, but ran here to ambush her own badass lady?

"So it's like this..."

At this time, Flanda was taken aback, and finally remembered the record of the little girl in front of her, thinking about the amazing scenes of the other side fighting with the dragon that night and defeating the school city that night. The kind of terrible scene when the strongest mythological party passes.

If that's the case, Flanda is indeed the one who made a mistake today...

Because, with the powerful LV5 flame control ability displayed by the opponent, the strength of the current top powerhouse in the Academy City, the opponent directly set fire to an outer wall and bypassed his own alarm facilities. Come in, it doesn't seem to be an impossible thing?



"Miss Sister..."

"People just heard what you said. Guess what, if they set fire to these things now, what kind of fun will happen?"

??ヾ(⌒??⌒*)o hey hey??

Little Annie doesn't care about the other party's'this' or'that'. The reason why she came in quietly now is that she didn't directly set the fire to burn this'Pathological Analysis Institute' to remind and cooperate in this school city The farther Sister Miqin and Miss Heizi were just to come in and play with the bad guy who wanted to ambush him.

So, now she feels that it's time to have a good entertainment with the unlearned young lady in front of her. By the way, she should also make some movement quickly? Otherwise, if she herself was passive and sabotaged, she would definitely be annoyed by the annoying fellow Heizi sister when she returned!


"you you you……"


You know, these same hideous-looking stuffed puppet toys of Flanda are not just toys, they are also a bunch of special ‘muppet bombs’ that are bound to explode after encountering sparks, sparks or violent attacks! !

and so,

When I saw the desperate little girl with LV5 flame control superpowers in front of me, she directly caught a blazing fireball in such a pile of hundreds of puppets.?? After that, she was naturally scared, and she screamed sternly, and then cried out with her hands and feet, and crawled out of the piles of puppets in panic, and went to the original aisle. There was no shadow everywhere, and he disappeared directly into the dark distance of the complicated passage of the Institute of Pathological Analysis.



"Eh heh heh..."

"Fun and enjoyable escape game, now it's finally about to start..."


After successfully scaring away the opponent, Xiao Anni hurriedly extinguished the fireball in her hand, and then bent down, she found the three-dimensional three-dimensional red dot that marked the enemy and the green dot of the friendly army from the pile of puppets. Image radar seeks enemy imaging equipment.

It's just that the red light spots now represent herself, and the green light spots that are moving away from here at a very fast speed have turned into ‘enemy’!



"The toy closest to this little green dot should be on this line, right?"


Some hesitate to look at the precise three-dimensional flat'map' in her hand, and after looking at the location of the trap that is the closest to the green dot clearly marked on it, Xiao Annie who silently estimated the time for a while, then stepped forward. After a few steps, I left the toy pile and squatted down. At the same time, there was a burst of fire on the fingers, and then a certain line on the ground burned frantically and burned directly into the dark passage in the distance. past……



"This is really fun~!!!"


Little Annie, who discovered that the lines on the ground and the radar on her hand, turned out to be this way of use, and quickly cheered.

Now, she doesn't seem to be too resistant to the tiring work of coming here to burn the institute in the big evening, because, ah, she has found some fun for herself.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


∑(??△`)? !


"Isn't it exploded?!"


With a burst of explosion sound and a sense of vibration coming from the ‘rumbling’, Little Annie soon discovered that the little green dot was still running fast? Then, in no way, she knew she had squatted on the ground again, and then lit another hidden ‘line’ that had already been drawn on the edge of the wall by the opponent.



The sound of explosions suddenly blew up in the originally quiet academy city. It may be due to the distance between them. Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto, who had been waiting for a long time at the top of this building, sounded a bit of a match. Vaguely not clear?

However, looking over from the direction that the voice came from, the faint light of fire was not difficult for them to discover: That place must be the direction of the research institute in charge of a little kid who dropped the chain at a critical moment, even very It may be the'Pathological Analysis Institute' that they targeted!


"My sister! The direction of the explosion seems to be where Annie is in charge. Are we going to continue to act now?!"

Looking at the time on the wristwatch, Shirai Kuroko, who was already 00:28, asked with some hesitation to his sister, who was also looking in the same direction at this time.

Because the current time is more than 20 minutes late from the originally agreed time, Kuroko doesn’t know if they should continue to assault the institute in front of them and complete their pre-arranged super. 'Big Plan'.


"Keep acting!!"

Although I also don’t know why Annie didn’t directly amplify the fire according to the original plan, but instead used bombardment to create movement... However, after looking at the sound of explosions and the faint flames that still came from a distance, I felt that most of them are now Mikoto, who has been successfully attracted by the city's police force, thought for a while, and decided to continue their previous plan!


"Remember! Our task today is very so we must move fast! If you encounter obstacles, don't hesitate when you start. No one in it is innocent!!"

After finishing speaking, Misaka Mikoto jumped forward without waiting for the other party's answer, and then there was a flash of electric light on her body, and easily used the power of electromagnetic propulsion to quickly fly towards the brightly lit research institute ahead!


"Hey! Sister, wait for me!!"

Baijing Heizi screamed, ignoring too much thought, and hurriedly jumped forward, and then moved for a moment, flashing directly in the air, not knowing where to teleport herself to...


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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