Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 916: ??? (??????????) ??…

Drop~ woo~!

Drop~ woo~! Drop~oo~~!


"No! They are catching up again, go here!!"

The girl behind me who didn’t know what she was thinking about, but was silent on the road, Misaka Mikoto ran forward for a long distance, thinking that she would soon be able to rely on her familiarity with the terrain. When he was "hunted and killed" by the gangsters, he learned to get rid of the gangsters chased by the guards. When he saw several police cars on the road ahead, he was so scared that he panicked. The girl behind her, who was as clever as a puppet, folds directly into a street alley.

He intends to copy the trails and take advantage of the fact that the members of the garrison can't drive to chase them, and get rid of the troublesome guys from this complex city! As for what to do after getting rid of it, he still hasn't thought about it yet.

Drop~ woo~!

Drop~ woo~! Drop~oo~~!


"how come……"

Soon, as the sirens of the police cars and riot cars outside became more and more sound, Kamijou Toma, who was forced to panic into the alley, found out in shock:

I don’t know which proprietor who is insecure, actually built a new high wall directly in the alley behind the building that is used for firefighting and inspection of the building. His safe passage was privately rebuilt into a personal closed warehouse or kitchen and other buildings, and it was so unbelievable that he blocked his way at this critical time?


Now, even if you don't use your brain but use your toes to think, Kamijou Dangma knows that he might be in great trouble this time! !

Drop~ woo~!

Drop~ woo~! Drop~oo~~!


At this time, those outside police sirens that were originally increasing, louder and denser, gradually stopped at this time? However, the desperate Kamijou Touma knew that it didn't mean that the garrison members and their vehicles had been driven away, but that something more cruel would happen soon.

"Beep~! ! ’

Sure enough, the sound of a tuning current that seemed to be a tweeter or microphone sounded, and then a clear shout began to come in from outside the corner of the alley:

"Hello? Cough! Cough!"

‘Listen to me the two suspects inside. You are now surrounded by our security team. You must not be able to get out! "

"Please come out and surrender unconditionally immediately, and don't do any resistance, otherwise we reserve the right to use heavy weapons!"

‘Repeat it...’

‘Listen to me the two suspects in the alley, you are completely surrounded by us now, I advise you to turn back and surrender immediately! Our garrison team will promise to ensure your personal safety to the maximum, provided that you do not resist and surrender yourself? ’

‘Otherwise, we will reserve the right to use heavy weapons! ! ’

"Beep~! ! ’

‘Repeat it again! ! ’

‘Listen to me the two suspects inside, you are now completely surrounded by us, I advise you to come out immediately and surrender unconditionally, otherwise...’

In the eighth school district adjacent to the seventh school district in the academy city, in the back alley of this old shopping street in this faculty residential area that combines old shopping streets and new buildings, a large group The riot cars and guard robots with siren flashing are just like what the high-pitched loudspeaker said, they have surrounded the place!

Although no one has made statistics for the time being, there is no doubt that their current numbers are at least hundreds or even thousands!

Moreover, in a very short period of time, they quickly relied on the advantages of terrain and vehicles to build tight defensive surrounding fortifications, and directly surrounded the entire area including the entire street and worked hard at the same time. All irrelevant people around were evacuated.

By now, in such a short period of time, according to the life detector in their security team and the tracking device deployed on a certain suspect, they are currently surrounded by them, in the back alley of that street. In the corner, the thing that cannot be moved forward or retreat is their LV5 super-electromagnetic gun and electric shock ambassador Mikoto Misaka that has been inaccessible for many days after they have been chasing for the wanted suspect and terrorist.

Of course, the incompetent LV0 who was used as a bait by them, Kamijou, was just a gesture.

‘Listen to me the people inside! ’

‘You’re hard to escape now, I advise you to come out and surrender...’

A certain commander of the garrison outside is still shouting vigorously, but it is temporarily unknown whether the suspects inside listened to them.

And until now, they haven't rushed in. It's nothing more than the powerful lightning power of the LV5 "Electric Shocker" Misaka Mikoto in the fear, afraid that they will be bombarded into dross or electric coke if they rush in...

Otherwise, change someone else and try it inside. Their guards might have rushed in and captured the opponent, or they would just shoot them into a beehive. Why would they have put out a big one like this? It's a battle, but at the beginning, it is this kind of twisted and polite look?



call! call!

With his eyes wide open, his black pupils were full of fear and fear, and he knew how bad and bad things were without thinking about the outside situation... But now he really has no choice. Because he is a LV0 incompetent, without the ability to fly over the wall and escape here.

Moreover, now he can be said to have been completely involved, and the charges related to the'terrorist' and the fugitive suspect' have been confirmed. Even if he runs out and surrenders now, it might be useless. At that time, he will definitely be involved. The guards were treated as accomplices and arrested in the prison.

Therefore, the only hope of getting out now seems to be someone who has been abnormally honest around him.


"Sister Discharge! I said, can you quickly think of a way to use your LV5 lightning ability to defeat the guys outside, and then let us escape successfully?"

"Look outside now. There are so many of them. If we wait like this, we might all be caught!!"

In no way, Kamijou Touma could only look at someone next to him, Mikoto Misaka, who doesn't know why he always feels a bit dull expression and looks a little bit wrong.

But no matter how strange the other party is, now this discharging girl is really his only hope of escape at the moment! Anyway, if it is a "fantasy killer" who only works on superpowers and magic with his LV0, it will definitely not be the number of outsiders who are at least several hundred, and they are also armed with guns. The opponents of the team members!

In fact,

Not to mention the number of hundreds of horrors, even if there are only one or two members of the garrison outside, the kind of well-trained and fully armed guy, I am afraid that he is not physically weak and malnourished like Kamijo Toma. Unknown high school students can deal with the existence.

Because, the magical ability of his right hand to nullify the power of all abilities has no effect on guns and grappling and fighting methods! Therefore, if he were to face it alone, he might suffer from any guarded guard facing him.


"I'm sorry, Misaka doesn't know what you are talking about or why you brought me here..."

"But if you need Misaka to help you use your abilities against the more than 1,000 fully equipped garrison members outside, Misaka suggests that you, who are strangers, should go out and surrender directly, because the current capabilities of Misaka 10032 are not enough. One person fights against so many people..."

"Misaka is so frank and sincere to express his feelings to you, a stranger who has a good impression."

What surprised Kamijou Touma was that it was time for this kind of death. The discharging girl in front of me, the other party still had the mind to play that kind of boring low-level joke with me, and pretended not to know me. Some funny words?


"Sister Discharge, I can warn you, don't make **** jokes with me!"

"If it wasn't for trying to save you, I wouldn't be blocked by them in this terrible place now! So, if you still have a little conscience, please hurry up and use your super-electromagnetic gun. 'Or the power of the'Electric Shocker', save us from their encirclement!"

"Please! If it is a little later, it may really be too late!!"

Anxiously, Kamijou Touma took a step forward, and ferociously reached out and grabbed the shirt of the opponent and pulled it to him, and then face to face, warning him with the harshest tone.

Because the current situation is indeed very critical, the shouts and sirens of the guards outside are still continuing, presumably more and more people are being surrounded, and it is possible to attack and catch him at any time. The "irrelevant people" the terrorists have made and the real "terrorist" Misaka Mikoto in front of them?

and so,

If the LV5 superpower discharge girl in front of you does not act quickly, if you continue to delay like this, I am afraid it will be really late! !


"Although Misaka still doesn't understand what you said..."

"However, according to Misaka 10032's analysis, the stranger in front of me seems to know my sister, so, in order to prevent Misaka 10032 from being captured by the guards, Misaka 10032 is willing to go out and try..."

"Misaka stated his opinions so frankly."

After speaking, Misaka 10032 looked down at his palm and found that he didn't know why lightning began to linger again at this time, and he was free to use his own LV3 defective electrical ability, and the kind of inadvertent emission on his body After the weak electromagnetic wave finally returned to normal, she nodded at the strange stranger in front of her, then turned around and walked out from the corner of this street and alley.

Since the other party wants her Misaka 10032 to try, then she will try it, even if based on her and their analysis, this is unlikely to have any results... However, the worst thing is that she was killed by the guards. In her opinion, the end of the game is not a big deal, because her sisters used to do the kind of overpowering things before, and they have long been used to it.


"But, you..."

Subconsciously felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the other party, but he didn't know what was wrong with the other party. When he saw that Misaka girl in front of him was actually ready to go out and do something, he couldn't help but reach out. He wanted to say something, after thinking about it, his throat tangled a few times, and he had to retract his outstretched hand in a jealousy.

"You must be careful!"

In the end, Kamijou Dangma, who had been tangled for a long time, reminded the other party.

After all, besides relying on the opponent's ability and hoping to get out of trouble with this, he really has no other better way! If he doesn't want to be arrested as a ‘terrorist’ accomplice, and at the same time he will be ordered to drop out of school, cancel the poor scholarship, and be locked up in the juvenile reformatory in the dilapidated Tenth School District?

"Thank you stranger for your concern."

"Misaka replied so sincerely and moved..."

After saying one last time that kind of emotionless words that made Kamijou Toma slightly sluggish, Misaka 10032 turned his head, turned the corner of the alley without hesitation, and walked firmly outside. Ready to use her ability to fight against those outside guards who are fully armed and ready to fight.

‘! ! ’

‘She, she came out! ! ’

'Be careful! Confirmed: She is the LV5 superpower, and the third-ranked'strongest electric shocker' Misaka Mikoto in the academy city. She is one of the three extremely dangerous suspects. Beware of her superpowers. ! ’

'Yes! ’

'understand! ! ’

‘The sniper is ready! Authorized to fire narcotic bombs at any time! ! ’

'Roger that! The sniper is in place! ! ’

‘Hurry up, get there...’

‘Spread it apart, don’t huddle together! ! ’

"Quick, over there..."

At this time, Kamijou Touma finally heard the commotion that began to come from outside and the commander of a certain security team shouted at the players and the other team's dispatch due to being too close to the loudspeaker. the sound of.

Obviously, when the discharge sister Misaka Mikoto appeared in their sight, the reputation of her "super-electromagnetic gun" exerted great invisible pressure on the members of their security team, even if they had an absolute number of people. The advantages are the same.

"Beep~! ! ’

But soon, it may be that the guards outside also discovered their low-level mistakes. So soon, the loudspeaker that had been shouting before was switched off in time, making Kamijou Touma no longer listen. To more about the arrangement and arrangement of the other party.


"Sister Discharge, are you really okay?!"

I always felt that the other party was a bit wrong today, and he was a little disturbed in his heart. After gritting his teeth, he walked casually across the corner of the alley and was about to move on and go out to fight the guards. When the players tried to make a way out for him, he quickly stepped forward, ran to the edge of the alley corner and carefully poked out his small half of his head, facing the seemingly weak figure nervously. Seek proof.

"Although there are many enemies, Misaka will try to destroy them."

"Misaka is like this..."

As he said, Misaka 10032 did not look at Kamijou Toma who was hiding in the corner behind him, and directly stretched out his electric left hand, ready to use the water pipe on the wall to show her that to the guards outside the lane. LV3 paralyzed electric shock of a kind of defective power!

Although, Misaka 10032 has also received a lot of military knowledge training and indoctrination, but in this small environment in front of her, without the help of any military weapons and tools, what she can do now is actually very good. It is limited, and it can only achieve this level at best.

She was going to launch her most powerful electric shock at the guards in front of her, and then paralyze them, and for herself and the stranger behind her who made them unconsciously feel good about it, she made a safe escape from here.


Huh~! !

A dull gunshot from a distance suddenly sounded!

After that,'Misaka Mikoto', who didn't have time to finish the words, opened her own brown eyes slightly, and her pupils began to diminish gradually, and then she stood straight in the horrified gaze of Kamijo Toma. He raised his head and fell down not far from the corner of the alley, and his eyes were so blank and angrily that he didn't move.


After seeing the discharge girl Misaka Mikoto being knocked down by a sniper of the security team, and seeing the special'bullet' like a small needle tube stuck in the opponent's arm, Kamijou immediately put his head in the head. Retracted from the corner!

Now, he didn't need to run out to check, he knew that the discharge girl who had just left was definitely controlled by the guards and could no longer count on.


"What are you kidding about, is the'Super Electromagnetic Cannon' of Xueyuan City LV5 so useless? It will be knocked out by that kind of guard?!"

call! call!

Shrinking at the corner of the lane and panting, intending to calm Kamijou's mood, which is a little unrealistic because of the somewhat unrealistic picture. It is really a bit unimaginable at this time. Accept the kind of things that are happening not far from the corner that are extremely different for him.

You know, when he saw the electric discharge girl in the "Sanze School" incident, he fought the dragon that might only exist in myths and legends, and even almost killed that thing! I have also heard that the other party once fought against the strongest side of Academy City in an abandoned factory and helped the nasty little girl defeat the other party...

But now, she was so simple that she was dealt with by a light narcotic bomb from those LV0 incompetents? Is there anything wrong with this?

In his original idea, it should be that the discharge girl ran out and used the electromagnetic ability to become invulnerable, and then used the terrible electric shock ability of the LV5 level to beat the guards to cry and flee, and finally succeeded. To open an escape route, let the innocent hapless man who was involved in this kind of right and wrong can escape successfully. Such a thing is reasonable...

But now, why the opponent can't help fighting so much, and he was dealt with by the enemy's sniper before he had time to shoot. Isn't this someone taking the wrong script? Why does he always feel that things are a bit wrong today? !

Or is it that he was so unlucky when he was a hemp, so that the bad luck affected the discharging girl who was too close to him?



At this time, the guards outside the corner of the small alley, who had been waiting in full battle, were almost silent at the same time...

Obviously, they also find it a little weird, and they don’t know why that LV5 superpower, the Misaka Mikoto who has the name of "Tokiwadai's Ace", "The Strongest Invincible Electric Shock Princess" and "Super Electromagnetic Gun" So easy to be easily subdued by them.

Although, they also know that their anesthesia guns are specially made, and that the projectiles and needles are specially made of special non-metallic and non-magnetic materials for the electromagnetic ability of the other party... But in their In the impression, the few LV5 superpowers who exist at the peak of the power of the Academy City, even if they are worse, should not be easily taken by them.

Therefore, at this time, they also had to be silent and observe, for fear of what the LV5 suspect was doing, and wanted to deceive them and wait for an opportunity to fight back or flee.

'report! ! ’

‘Sir, I seem to have hit her. The target has been anesthetized and can’t move. Ask for instructions! ’


‘Come on, catch her! And the man hiding inside! ! ’

"Come on! rush in!"

Pedal! Pedal! Pedal! Pedal!

Finally, after a certain sniper who had been confirmed several times yelled out and reported a sentence in the channel of the guards, the guards and their commanders who had been sluggish for a long time finally recovered. Come, and yelled out loudly, and rushed out from behind their bunker, and started rushing into this small alleyway that may only accommodate three people side by side, and toward the hiding place of Shangjo Touma. Go in.

'fast! Catch her! ! ’

Now, since the suspect with the most threat, the terrorist and LV5's strongest electric shocker, Mikoto Misaka, was shot by them before he had time to resist. Since the opponent fell to the ground and looked really gone. Any ability to resist, then they have to temporarily suppress the doubts and surprises in their hearts, intending to rush in first and completely grasp the other party's talking?

As for the other accomplice of the other party inside, the LV0 incompetent high school student who had been stalked by several groups of people for 24 hours before was ignored by them! After all, in the intelligence of the garrison members, the high school student who does not have any superpowers, looks thin and weak, does not have the power to fight chickens, is not good at fighting, and has no lethal weapons and equipment, just casually. In the past, one or two people could easily grab each other, and they didn't need to be concerned at all.


It's over, it's over...

With a sigh in my heart, after hearing the clamor of the security team members and the messy footsteps when they rushed in, Kamijou Touma knew that this unlucky one must be planted again!

Presumably, in a few minutes, he will definitely wear the'silver bracelet' and be escorted to the police car by those heavily armed guards, and then whistle towards a place where prisoners are held, right?


Sobbing in her heart, Kamijou Touma took a last look at the road on the other side of the alley that was illegally built and blocked by an ungodly guy. She felt as if she had lost the strength of her whole body, softly. After sliding down the rock wall to the ground, he just squatted sluggishly on the floor of the slightly dirty and wet alley and no longer had the unrealistic idea of ​​escape.

It's over!

If he knew that was the case, he shouldn't be nosy today...

If just now, he didn’t say a word when he was passing by the disagreeable girl, he didn’t remind him at all, and he didn’t even try to pull him away, just as if he couldn’t see it. If he walked back to his own house, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so unlucky enough to be involved in such a terrible and serious matter, right?

Click! Click! !

However, it is too late to say anything now!

Because he found that at this time, two majestic and stern guards ran to him, pulled their guns and loaded them, and aimed the black hole muzzle at his head! On the other side, at the corner, there are more guards surrounding the discharging girl who fell on the ground, preparing to copy special equipment to the opponent's body, in order to completely eliminate and limit the opponent's defense capabilities.

"Don't shoot..."


"I surrender……"

Although the opponent will certainly not shoot easily, although the opponent will catch him whether he surrenders or not, but in order to gain the benefits of confession and lenient and less surrender in jail, I feel that this time I must be free from the suspects of the discharge girls Unclear about his relationship, he had to raise his hands honestly.

"Two big brothers..."

"I'm frank, I say everything, but I want to make a statement: I really don't have much relationship with their suspects. We and Discharge Girl are really just ordinary friends. Please believe me..."

I'm only talking about this now when I'm desperate. He doesn't know whether the two heavily armed and vicious guards will win the trust of Shangjo Dangma, but he is now a turtle in the urn and there is no way to run. He didn't dare to run, and the main force of resistance became completely unreliable because he had been anaesthetized and fell to the ground. He really had no other better way except to quibble in this way. .


"Stand up, hold your head and turn around to stand against the wall!!"


Under the scream of one of the security team members who put away their weapons, Kamijou Toma, who honestly copied it, quickly felt that he was twisted behind by the opponent and put on a cold thing on his wrist...very Obviously, he has successfully bought a pair of cold silver bracelets that he had imagined before. Take out the kind of food and lodging service that might be given away for free in the future?


"The two suspects were successfully captured!!"

Finally, he was handcuffed to Kamijou Touma and prepared to put him and the LV5'Misaka Mikoto' who was framed from the ground with non-metallic handcuffs for special abilities, and one of them was wearing a dark blue guard The guards in combat uniforms and a full set of bullet-proof protective gear reported to a middle-aged uncle who looked like a commander or captain who walked into the alley to check the situation.

"You guys did a great job!"

"Now take them back and lock them up, other things..."

Suddenly, without waiting for the shy middle-aged uncle to continue to say something, they suddenly discovered that the bare pipes on the walls around them didn't know when they started, and they were dazzling. An electric snake visible to the naked eye?

'I said……'


‘You guys, what are you going to do to my sister? ! ’


As the electric snakes on the exposed rusty iron water pipes on the surrounding building walls became stronger and stronger, the voice of a certain fierce girl moved from the top to the bottom and was about to move'Misaka Mikoto'. And "Kamijo Toma" was passed to the ears of the captured guards.

‘! ! ’

‘She is up there! ! ’

After seeing the abnormal situation around the crowd and hearing the sound from overhead, all the members of the security team, including Kamijou Toma, who was being handcuffed on their backs, lifted them all together. His head looked up with difficulty in the direction where the voice came from the top of the alley between the small and narrow buildings.

'That is……'

'how is this possible? ! ’

"Discharge girl..."

Then, of course, including Kamijou Touma, all the eyesight is qualified and the one who is at the top of the building, holding the water pipe and looking down at them, is wearing a sweatshirt and gray trousers, and is wearing it on his head. He was wearing a baseball cap, but the cap couldn't cover the short brown hair and double pupils, and the look of the pretty girl.

"Lie down for me obediently!!"

Lightning gun!


Click! !

Without giving the members of the garrison more time to react and shoot and resist, the other'discharge girl' Misaka Mikoto who appeared on the top of the building suddenly exerted force and screamed, and the lightning in her hand began While winding, the electric snakes entwined with the rusty iron pipes on the wall in the entire alley below were also activated at the same time, and the entire alley was completely submerged in those bursts of electric light that was obviously controlled by Misaka Mikoto. in……

"Wow~! ’


‘Ah! ! ! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’


Soon, with Misaka Mikoto’s angry blow, the dozens of guards who had just rushed into the lane and captured her sister were crowded with guards, and they didn’t know why they would get mixed up with her sister Misaka 10032. When he was numb, he all screamed, convulsed and fell to the ground.




Mikoto Misaka, who was rushing down the wall from the ten-storey high-rise building, was surrounded by lightning under her feet. She saw the members of the garrison who were easily subdued by her "lightning gun" and fell into a coma. She cuffed her hands so that Kamijou, who was also stunned by the electric shock, snorted coldly, walked to the side of her'sister' who was leaning on the wall, and coldly looked out of the lane and did not enter. The members of the guard team.


"Again, there is another LV5 Misaka Mikoto? ! ! ’

‘What the **** is going on, are they twins? ’

'do not know……'

The commander had been easily electrocuted into the lane by the opponent, and saw another wanted suspect'Misaka Mikoto' appeared in their sight, the outside members of the garrison who thought they were done just now, Qi Qi couldn't help being stunned.

Obviously, the kind of bizarre things that are happening now, especially the two'Misaka Mikoto', seem to be a bit beyond their imagination, and make them unable to react in a short time after losing their command. I don’t know. What should I do now?



The guards who are hiding behind big trees, police cars, flower beds, newspaper booths, telephone booths and even guard robots and armed with guns and live ammunition are obviously beyond her reach, Mikoto Misaka, so she is not ready to rush out and start killing. 'Using her own lightning power to stun those guys, she coldly called out a little girl's name.

Controlling one’s own lightning power to attack with a rifle in a wide range, and not necessarily a matter of the guard team standing next to the conductor, is still a bit too much trouble for Misaka Mikoto, so now it’s time to let someone A little girl who followed up just now, because the other party's negligence caused all this in front of her to take action.



"Mikoto-senpai, you are optimistic!!"


At this time, on the wall of the previous illegal building that was hated by Kamijou Toma, and I don’t know which guy with no morals built it to occupy the public passage, there was a red stamp. The seal gradually expanded, and soon the wall melted and collapsed, revealing the little girl Annie who did not know when she was hiding inside and was licking with a big colorful lollipop in her hand.

And the small room behind Annie, who didn’t know whether it was a warehouse or a kitchen, had already turned into a sea of ​​flames and gradually billowing smoke was rising above the lane... Obviously, her unintentional act had already The guy who made a house illegally occupying a public passage was punished by the kind of property damage he deserved.

"Give it to me, big dogs, drive them away!!!"


Just as the guards outside gradually reacted and prepared to launch targeted attacks on Misaka Mikoto who appeared in their line of sight, Xiao Annie ran to her Mikoto-senpai's side, first glanced at her. Only after a certain "Sister Misaka" who had fainted on the ground took a look, pretended to be vicious and pointed at the bad guys outside who were going to aim their guns at her.



‘Woo... Wang! ! ’

‘Wow~Wow! ! ’

Soon, those outside garrison members who had set up an encirclement were surprised to find that from the buildings that they had previously evacuated and evacuated, they had burst out with flames all over their bodies at this moment. Is it a ferocious two-headed dog made up of molten lava and molten iron?

‘! ! ’

‘What kind of monster is that? ’

"Wow~! ! ’

And, what is even more frightening is that the target of those big dogs the size of a calf is really them!

At this time, they were roaring from the windows that they smashed open and burned with brute force, the walls shattered by bricks, the broken glass or wooden doors, and even the sewer manhole covers, etc., with the violent posture of a tiger descending the mountain. , Rushed directly towards them...

‘! ! ’

'shot! shot! Free shooting! ! ’

'fast! Shoot and kill them! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

In an instant, outside the small alleyway, the fierce and messy gunfire rang out one after another, and countless hot metal bullets that were rotating at a high speed and burning through the air relentlessly turned toward the red flames that were burning. The hideous two-headed dogs hit their bodies and heads, and hit them, sparks splattered all over their bodies, even the magma and flames were hit, and the hot magma, like blood stains, was splashed and burned. Did the lawns, branches, grounds, etc. they pass by all smoke?


Soon the members of the garrison who fired in a panic found desperately that even if they had all the bullets of their rifles in their hands, even if the bullets had penetrated or were trapped in the bodies of the terrifying flame dogs, However, they continue to rush towards them as if there is nothing wrong with them?

"Wow~! ! ’

A member of the Academy Urban Security Team who was in a hurry to replace the magazine was directly crushed by a big dog, and then he just had time to drop the handle of his gun, before he had time to take out the pistol from his waist. He was hit by a hot dog's head on his chest and abdomen, causing him to fly high, and fell heavily on the glass of a roadside car. The moment the car's alarm sounded, he went straight. Fainted.

‘Run! ! ’

The other guard team member had just had time to escape, he was slammed by another big dog that was catching up and fell to the ground. Then he rolled a few times on the ground. Before he could stand up, he was caught up. The dog stepped on it directly.

‘Fire! Fire! ’

‘Stop them! Quickly, start the vehicle! ! ’

Several members of the garrison team cooperated with each other, and they just ran to a riot car while firing. Before they had time to drive, they were given to the direct suspect by a few big dogs that followed. They were directly caught by a big dog in the wheel. After being torn apart, they were just as dizzy and trapped inside...

At this time, more things are still happening in this neighborhood. The thousands of members of the garrison who have just been aggressive, before they have time to take away the suspects they have caught, they are caught by a large group of flames. The big dog rushed away crying and crying, and could no longer take care of their suspects.



"Look at Mikoto-senpai, I drove them all away!!"


After watching her big dogs emptied all the guards outside in a short time, Little Annie triumphantly gestured toward a slightly surprised senior sister.

She completed Mikoto-senpai’s mission perfectly, and even no one was burned to death, but the hapless ones who were burned or bruised, she couldn’t control that much. Who made them run so slow? And then she was driven by her big stupid dogs?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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