Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 921: Hello, Lord Great Mage|?)?? Huh?

in the afternoon......

Due to some indescribable force majeure factors, Xiao Annie now has to be'forced' to go out for entertainment and recreation, and is ready to stay outside for a whole day, and then slip back quietly when everyone else is asleep at night. Or just play outside for a night and wait until tomorrow morning to go back to sleep on your own?

But, now it seems that she might be more likely to go back at night...

Because Annie discovered that the school city outside is in a mess. More than half of the shops are not open, and there are very few pedestrians on the streets, shops or shopping malls. This whole is still in the process of post-disaster reconstruction and order restoration. The city in China seems very depressed and deserted. No one wants to hang out on the ruined streets outside when there are engineering rescue teams everywhere, so there is really no fun.



There is basically no suspense. Little Annie, who is out to play, naturally finds a place to enjoy the delicious food secretly outside, and happily turns on her own small stove.

No one here recognizes her as the dangerous terrorist who is still wanted, although she only disguised a little bit, just changed into a small skirt that she rarely wears, and then wore a dress. The fashionable little hat makes her dress look similar to the past. Even if it is, she is not easily recognized.

In addition, the identity card she used is a new "legal" identity created by Xiaopang robot. Generally, people who are not familiar with or have seen her with their own eyes will definitely not make her so smart, cute and cute. 'S little girl is associated with the kind of evil'terrorists' on TV news that deliberately over-vilify for the sake of propaganda.



Little Annie, who is eating, is now very satisfied with the food in this restaurant.

Of course, this is not to say how much she likes here or how delicious the food here is, in fact, it is just because the food and soup here are all cooked, not like those everywhere on the street. Those broken shops that specialize in sashimi bibimbap sell only half-baked stuff.

Moreover, the food here is much better than those dark dishes in their "secret base", which only pursue "quantity" but not "quality"! So, even if the taste here is not so good, but when there is contrast and harm, she really feels quite satisfied.



"Have you seen it, I have eaten this fish, please bring me another one..."


Xiao Anni skillfully used something called chopsticks to pick up the wild large yellow croaker that was eaten by her with only a fish head and a fishbone, and then waved it, indicating that it was at the counter in the far distance due to lack of business The good but dozing boss quickly steamed himself another one.

Although the steamed sea fish here is worse than the steamed lake fish that she ate at Uncle Li Gongfu’s house in Qiantang County back then... But now in this heavily polluted earth, as long as it is someone else She can eat, as long as it is the kind of food that is not poisonous to ordinary people on earth, she will always not be too picky.



But soon, the hand raised by Little Annie slowly dropped.

Because she suddenly discovered that the noisy surrounding sounds gradually began to decrease? Then, the whole world gradually became quiet, as if the place in a certain area around her was covered and isolated by an invisible glass cover in an instant?



"Hey! The red-haired bad guy, you must be the one who made trouble again? Come out, I have seen you! You said that you are such a big man, so why do you like to play with this kind of cats? What about the game?!"


Needless to say, for Little Annie, who has seen this situation several times now, she can know for the first time without her own Tibbs the bear reminder or using her immense mental power to investigate: In the case, it is definitely a'good thing' done by a bad guy who pierces earrings, dyes his hair, and also likes to smoke.

Because, what can cause this kind of effect in front of me, except for the self-proclaimed "genius" villain rune magician Steele's kind of "Muggle Expulsion" very similar to the "Idleman Dispelling" magic, just There must be no other possibility.

"I'll say it again..."


"If you have anything, please come out and talk, and leave as soon as you finish. Don't hinder people from eating! Otherwise, be careful that they will set you on fire later!!!"


Although I don’t know why the so-called'genius' Flame Mage even dared to provoke herself easily after knowing a little bit of her own strength, but, Xiao Anni said, given that she is in a pretty good mood now, if the other party didn’t intentionally If she came to find the fault, maybe she could easily forgive the other party generously?

After all, fighting all day long, thinking about it is actually boring...

As for her who just finished saving the world a few days ago and was a little tired of her emotions, now she really doesn’t want to do that kind of bad thing that is useless to hit the bad guys so quickly, she has to take a break for a while. God, wait until you are really idle and have nothing to do before thinking about that kind of thing.


Finally, under the little girl's unconcealed threat, the figure of the ‘genius’ magician Steele walked out of a corner of this restaurant that no one noticed.

However, Steele did not rush to speak. Instead, he walked step by step towards the table of the little girl’s semi-enclosed box from a distance, until he walked to the other side’s table and stood still. He respectfully performed a courtesy dedicated to the wizards on their magic side.

It is not easy for him to appear here, because, ah, he waited for three full days outside the mansion protected by strange magic, before he finally caught the uniqueness in front of him. Good one-on-one close contact with the little girl.



"When did you not learn well become so polite again? I clearly remember that you broke into someone else’s female dormitory without saying a word last time to do that kind of bad thing!!"


When the other party dyes her hair, pierces earrings, smokes, and pierces the payment code on the cheeks, things that only gangsters can do. Little Annie doesn’t want to talk about the other party, but the other party was last time In the middle of the night, she went to the girls' dormitory to do bad things, and the last time she ran to the girls’ middle school to spy on the swimming pool. She still remembers clearly now, even if the other party wants to deny it, it’s useless!

So, don't think that the other party has once fought with them and she has forgotten those things. Anyway, the guy in front of her is the kind of villain in her Queen Anne label! It's just that the other party hasn't been so bad that it must be burned in time to avoid harming society.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)


"Hello, Lord Anne Hasta, the Great Wizard!"

"The priest and rune-magic of the Church of Necessary Evil, the zeroth parish of the British Puritan Church, and Steyr Magnus, who specializes in fire, greet your Excellency!"

After standing in front of the other party, saluting and watching him for a long time, Steer, who ignored the other party’s ridicule of his own words, slowly said what he had been brewing for a long time. . His own details may have been figured out by the other party a long time ago, so he simply didn't hide it at all, and directly and generously said it and bowed his head again and gave a salute.

Although he acted calmly, but at this moment, Steele's mood is undoubtedly very unstable...

Because, if it hadn’t been for the president of the Academy City, Aleister Crowley, who explained and explained to himself three days ago, I am afraid that he and Shenchuan would not even know the flame in front of him that claims to be LV5. The cunning little girl who controls superpowers is thinking about their magic side, right?


!? (??\'\'????)??

"That one……"


"Stilt, the badass magician who doesn't learn well, you just...are you talking to me just now? That messy great magician, isn't it talking about me?!"


I looked at my left and right for the first time, and found that the other party used the kind of "idle dispersal" trick to completely block out the sound and attention coming from the outside. The spell is still in effect. The two of the other party were not affected. At the same time, it was confirmed that the other party was really talking to herself. Little Annie blinked her big blue eyes, and with innocent and ignorant eyes, she turned towards the calmness of the other party. He looked straight over with a determined face.

Annie said that she was pretending to be surprised that she could not understand what the other party was saying...

Anyway, she would definitely not admit it to the'Grand Mage' or something, because, to be precise, her Queen Anne should be:'Lord Anne Hasta, the Arcane Archmage' is right, not What a mess of great magician!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Still the calm look on Steele's face, obviously, he didn't believe the little girl's words.

"Although, if you refuse to admit it, I have nothing to do, but we have actually investigated it clearly..."

"In fact, we all know that the so-called LV5 fire control ability is just a rhetoric for you to hide your identity. From beginning to end, there is no fire control ability at all. You are actually using fire magic. But your superb spellcasting skills have been achieved completely without catalysts, spells or runes, and have reached the level of silence similar to'super powers'."

"I'm right? The Master Anne the Great Mage?"

A few days ago, after Prime Minister Aleister in that "windowless building" explained to himself, Steele finally understood all the doubts before, and finally understood that time. Why did this little girl talk to herself about the so-called "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" in London, England...

It turned out that the root cause of the matter turned out to be like this...

This is already indifferent. The cunning and cunning girl in front of me is not the most powerful LV5 flame control super power in Academy City, nor is it a force on the scientific side. , But a total ambush hidden in the academy city, using magic to pretend to be flame control superpowers, and pretending to be decent, almost completely deceiving him the'genius' flame of Steyr Magnus The'great magician' of the rune magician?



Although I don’t know how the other party discovered it, and although the other party’s reasons are far-fetched, after hearing this and seeing the other party’s eyes, Xiao Annie had to find out with regret, it seemed that she had originally pretended to be the kind Perfect disguise, and even accidentally seen through by the other party?



"Then, this terrific priest and rune magician, Lord Steir Magnus, who specializes in flames, I don’t know if you ran here today to talk to my'great magician', what is it? thing?!"


Little Annie won’t tell the other party that she is not an ordinary great magician, but she is the most, most, most, and most powerful arcane archmage. The other party can’t even think about it. The kind of supreme existence that can't be achieved in a lifetime!

It's just that, because she has always been modest, studious, diligent and cautious, and doesn't like publicity, she doesn't bother to publicize her abilities when she sees people. She talks about it occasionally, casually?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(For a horrible little master who knows all day long to eat, sleep, and play, Tibbers is a little confused. How does she have the face to be "modest, studious, diligent and cautious". The words are pasted on her own face, don’t you feel too panic? Don’t think that Tibbers will not know if she just thinks about it in the bottom of her heart. Anyway, Tibbers is about it. Expresses disdain and extreme contempt!)

Puff! !

The next second, without waiting for a certain'genius' rune flame magician Steele to continue to say something, little Annie grabbed the bad bear who had been put on her lap as a tablecloth and threw it into the soup pot. After putting on the bright iron lid and pressing the heated button on the table at the same time, he clapped his hands and looked at the bad young wizard who was shocked by her nonsensical behavior. .

"All right!"


"Um... Mage Steele, where did we just say? Oh! By the way, you haven't said yet. I was just asking, what is it that you came to find me today?"


Little Annie said that when she was not doing her duty, she would put it in a pot and boil it, pick it up and burn it, it would definitely be much cleaner and more honest. So now she can safely follow the red hair in front of her. The guy at is talking about business, and promises that there won't be any annoying bad things whispering or thinking about some nasty thoughts that she would not have noticed.

"Aren't you here specifically to expose me?"


If that's the case, maybe, she could consider giving the other party a ‘forget it all’, or send the other party to kill and block the news or something, such as a fireball burning the other party to ashes?


Opened his mouth, originally wanted to ask why the other party had thrown a stuffed toy bear into a soup pot to heat up. After all, Steer closed his mouth sensibly, not planning to look like this other party is still in the mood. When it's good, waste time and provoke the opponent.

Because, no matter why the other party wants to do it like that, that kind of thing is not something he should ask or care about. It is better for him to complete today's task first.

"Is such that……"

"Aleister Crowley, the Prime Minister of Academy City, hopes that Your Excellency the Great Wizard of Anne can meet him in person at a convenient time. Is there something he intends to communicate with you privately?"

"This is the task he gave me three days ago, but due to various reasons, this invitation can only be transferred to your presence."

Now that I think about it, Steele also knows something...

No wonder he felt strange before. Why did Indix use the magical banned books and the magical spells he used with the "Thirty-Three Thousand Magic Book" to even not even know him, and it also made him unable to enter. It turns out that the truth is that this little guy in front of you secretly made a ghost?

However, from this point, Steele also had to admit the opponent's superb skills, because it is extremely dangerous to change the magic array and spell styles casually, and the opponent can do it so concealed that he never thought it was the opponent. The reason for this is really amazing!

If you think about the various changes that Indicus has undergone after meeting her opponent...

All those things made him more and more shocked by the ability of the little girl in front of him!

Speaking of it, the things of Intikes and the things in his body that are different from ordinary people, but they have been troubled by God for more than two years, but those problems that have left him and Aureos helpless, But I don’t know when, let the little girl in front of me quietly disappear, and also make Indix turn from a “magic forbidden book catalog that cannot use magic” directly into a memorizing one hundred thousand three thousand books. The magic master of the Book of Magic, that is indeed very admirable.

"This is the letter he asked me to forward. Would you please read it?"

After thinking about it, Steele breathed a sigh of relief and looked inexplicably out of his pocket, and took out a volume that only magicians like them could write, recording voice and text information, but only certain people To open the parchment letter.

"Aleister Crowley..."


"It should be the guy who hides in that strange building all day, and then likes to hang himself upside down in bottles and cans, right?"


Hearing what the bad guy said in front of him, and looking at the strange volume of envelopes in front of him, Xiao Annie quickly thought of who the other person was talking about.


Steele nodded, a little confused in his heart.

"Have you seen your Excellency the Prime Minister?"

So, he thought about it, and after hesitating for a while, he felt that it was okay to ask about this kind of thing, so he asked such a sentence.




Hearing the other party's succinct reply, Steele shut his mouth wittily.

He finally knows now, why Prime Minister Aleister is so careful with this little girl. Now, let’s see that the other party can know that kind of thing before entering the "windowless building". , And also know the status quo of Prime Minister Aleister’s Chairman, it is indispensable to let people think deeply.

However, these things have nothing to do with his Steele. After confirming that Intiqs will be fine, and after conveying the meeting intention of the Prime Minister, he and Shenzhe should also leave the school city and set off for London. , Will not stay here in the academy city where the situation seems to be getting more and more complicated.

"Hey! Do you have anything else?"


After scanning the volume of letters on the table, she could see through Little Annie without opening it, and then raised her head and looked at the badass magician with dyed hair again.

Originally, she thought about getting the bad guy boss troublesome for a while, but now, since the other party no longer wants to play with her, since the other party has seen through her identity, she didn’t have a much better disguised identity, then she is almost the same. It's time to meet that bad guy!

Of course, she is not in a hurry to meet, because at least she should have a full meal here, and then after the meal is full and she is idle, she will definitely go there. Take a trip! However, before that, the first thing she had to do was: let the obtrusive fellow named Steele in front of her get out!

Because the spell used by the other party to'dispel idlers' has severely affected her ordering. If the other party does not walk away quickly, maybe she will throw the other party into the pot, and the other side of her house. The bad bear Tibbers is soaking in the stew together!


(??????????)←Innocent little eyes

↑Weak, poor and helpless...

"No more..."

"Today's mission has been completed, so let's say goodbye, goodbye, Master Anne, the Great Mage!"

After seeing the impatient look on the other party's face that didn't hide the least bit of it, Still, who knew what it meant, he paid another salute and carefully turned and left.

Although he still has a lot of questions in his mind, and he wants to ask some things about Intiqs, but given that the other party is not his friend of Steele, given that the other party is probably a better person than him, or even It may also be the kind of terrible existence that is comparable to that of Prime Minister Aleister, so in the end he didn't do much other than quickly turn around and leave and remove the'idle dispersal' spell.





"Hurry up and bring me another fish..."


Seeing that the other party was quickly sent away by Xiao Annie immediately began to summon food.

Aleister or something, Anne didn't want to care, now she just wanted to fill her belly first, and other less important things, you can wait! Because only when she is full, she will have the strength to think about other things, such as the trivial things like picking up a pregnant bear from the soup pot and wringing it out and burning it out?




(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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