Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 929: |????)? Naboo? What's fun in there...

Latest website: Tonight, after dinner, Naboo’s Queen Padmé?? Amidala repelled her own few personal maids and loyal guards, because she only now I want to be alone...


In the room, she was standing alone in front of the huge French window in her bedroom, looking at the sunset shining half of the sky and the busy, all kinds of industrial smoke, behemoth buildings and The spacecraft that shuttled back and forth, but barely saw a trace of the green Coruscant planet and were speechless for a long time.


This Coruscant planet is indeed very good and very developed...

In terms of technology, commerce, degree of development, or industrial output value, maybe her Naboo star in the entire country can't compare to a street here, right?

However, no matter how good and developed this place is, it is not her home, let alone her Naboo, she doesn't want to stay here.

Although it hasn't been long since escaping to the planet of Coruscant, what she has been dreaming about and rest assured is still the beautiful and rich Naboo that belongs to her!


It was an idyllic world, located near the edge of the Galactic Republic in the outer ring of the galaxy. Their planet was inhabited by the Naboo people, known for their peace-loving people, and the clever amphibians, the Gungans. , Just like Jia Jia Binx who came to Coruscant with them, they were not as barbaric and ignorant as she had heard before, but there was a primitive kindness in their clumsiness.

Naboo Star is very beautiful. It does not have much industry. Its economy is mainly composed of agriculture and tourism. Moreover, its surface is different from the cold steel building cluster full of industrial buildings in Coruscant, the capital. In their Naboo star, primitive swamps, lakes, undulating wilderness, forests and green hills are still the themes of the planet.

The peace-loving and uncontested Naboo people are not too keen to transform and destroy their own homes. Therefore, in their gathering places and cities, the rivers and forests are used by the Naboo people. The classical architecture of Beijing is connected with the advanced but seamless greenhouse equipment, directly decorating the entire city there into a place like a fairy home in a dream.

In the eyes of Queen Padmé Amidala, even in the legends of space pilots, the most beautiful creatures in the universe living on the main satellites of Yego and Milius, the dwelling places of the angels, I’m afraid Not as beautiful as their Naboo?


With a light sigh, Padmé Amidala lowered her eyelids lightly, because she had already decided that she would leave Coruscant on their spacecraft early tomorrow morning and return to the dangerous place. Naboo, go and stay with her own people!

After all, here, even if the planet Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, no matter how advanced, safe, and comfortable, it is not her home. Her home is farther away, on the distant Naboo star, which is being traded. The ravaged and poisoned planet...

Although, Queen Padmé Amidala also knew that the councillor of Naboo, Shiv Palpatine, came to tell her good news:

The other party has been successfully nominated as a candidate for the Supreme Speaker of the Galaxy Republic, and promised that as long as the other party can be formally elected as the Supreme Speaker, it will immediately punish the corruption in the Republic, rectify the parliament, and vote and formulate relevant punishment measures for the trade alliance as soon as possible. Guaranteed to resolve their Naboo crisis in the shortest possible time?


Queen Padmé Amidala knew that Congressman Palpatine’s promise was useless, although it was not that the other party could not do what the other party promised, but she knew that the other party promised things in time. Too late, far too late!

She was very worried that when their Naboo star councillor, Mr. Palpatine, straightened everything out and took control of the parliament, their people of Naboo star would have been tragically extinct!

Therefore, she is very confused now, and she doesn’t know what to do, even if she does not give her vote to Palpatine, but to another candidate, such as Bell Ann of Alderland. Dries, Marasdale’s Amway Tim, etc., are of no avail, because they will not do better than Palpatine.

To make matters worse, she suddenly felt that she had voted to oust the procrastination and could not control the former speaker of the parliament, Phoenix Valoren, which seemed to have no effect at all. Facts have proved that their current situation of Naboo will not be improved because the speaker is about to be replaced by their own councillor. It is better to let the former speaker send an investigation team!

Of course, it's too late to regret now, and no matter how you think about that kind of thing, it won't help.

"What should I do now..."

With his eyelids down and his head down, Padmé Amidala had to slowly close his eyes in pain.

Because she knows that the situation here in Coruscant is obvious now, even if she doesn't want to admit it, anyone can see that the council of the Galactic Republic has lost its due role... even if Palpa It is not so easy for Ting to become the highest speaker. It is not so easy to rectify the parliament and to clean up the corrupt, greedy, and procrastinating bureaucrats!

It was a protracted process, and she and the people of Naboo certainly couldn't wait for that time.

Therefore, she had to decide: to return to Naboo tomorrow!

Since she continues to stay here, and she has nothing to do with the parliament and the corrupt bureaucrats, then she can only choose to return to where she can play her role, even if she lives and dies with her own people. She will be caught and tortured by the trade alliance because of this, and she will not hesitate!

Otherwise, what could she do?

‘Hey! Gee! Gee! ’

‘Look, who is this? Is it that Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo? Or a helpless little girl? "

"Ha! But no matter who it is, you can only hide here and cry secretly. It looks like it really makes people feel a little worried!"

Suddenly, the voice of a woman with a ridiculous tone sounded behind her, and she frightened Queen Padmé Amidala, who was thinking about things alone and secretly hurting herself! As a result, she had to quickly clean up her mood, resisted the tears that almost came out of her eyes, and immediately turned around angrily and glared behind her.


However, what surprised Padmé Amidala was that there was no one behind her, in this not-so-large dormitory, which was provided by the council to entertain her, the Queen of Naboo. Except for her alone, there are only the furniture that is not very luxurious, as if the words she heard just now were all her hallucinations?


But soon, Padmé Amidala discovered that what she had heard was not an illusion, but was indeed sent by a strange woman in a weird tight-fitting armor!

Because now, the opponent is slowly appearing from a group of strange hexagonal force fields that are distorting light. It seems to be some kind of advanced invisible device for individual soldiers? And the armor of the opponent just now seems to be directly refracting the light, so that he did not notice the existence of the opponent at all?


"You, who are you?!"

Seeing that the other party sneaked into her bedroom without notice, and was only found out by herself until now, Padmé Amidala was embarrassed, and she had some bad premonitions in her heart. He yelled, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to his wrist.

There, there is a hidden communicator. As long as she gently presses a button, the sirens on the guards on duty outside will sound at the same time, and then her own safety may be guaranteed. .


"Please don't get excited?"

"Little girl, I advise you not to do that kind of boring thing, because I am not here to kill you or do anything unfavorable to you... If I really want to do that to you, please believe me With my patience, I have already started it, and you certainly won’t have any pain or opportunity to resist."

"Besides... You may not believe it. Although I haven't done it myself for a long time, but with the few useless guards outside your door to clean them up, I guess it won't waste me more than ten. Seconds?"

"Very good! That's right!"

The woman wearing blue and white tight armor saw Padmé Amidala stiffly stopping the small gesture of preparing to press the alarm, and then smiled with satisfaction, walked to a sofa, and then She didn't see the outside at all and just sat there with a carefree attitude, as if this was her own home?


Although he stopped the action in his hand, Amidala's eyes were still locked tightly on the opponent, and he planned to press it down as soon as he discovered that the opponent had something wrong.


"Say! Who are you? Why do you sneak in and see me like this? What is the purpose?!"

After thinking about it, I feel that if the other party really wants to be disadvantageous to me, there should be a lot of opportunities to kill or subdue myself without knowing it, so Padmé Amida After hesitating for a while, he frowned, slowly removed his hand that was about to touch the alarm switch.

However, in view of the other party's rude and uninvited manners, she still arrogantly put on a trace of the majesty of the Queen of Sinab, glaring at the other party and screaming.

"Your Majesty, please sit down?"

"But, I remember, you should have met me, do you need me to introduce myself again?"

After hearing Padmé Amidala's words, the visitor did not rush to answer, but smiled and stretched out his hand to indicate that he would sit on the chair in front of him that was obviously the queen seat.


"I can't remember it!"

However, Padmé Amidala did not listen to the other party’s intention and sat down. She just stood with a cold face, trying to control the initiative of the conversation between the two parties, and staring at the other party’s gorgeous face. Those emerald green eyes reluctantly maintained their majesty as a queen.

"But if you insist on not speaking, then you can leave now, otherwise, I will choose to call the guard immediately!"

At the same time she finished speaking, she slowly caged her hands together so that she could press the button to call the outside guard to come in when necessary.

Although she also knows that it may not have much effect in doing so, but it is always good to be able to expel or cause a little trouble and scruples to the other person. She doesn't like the way the woman in front of her looks domineeringly, which makes She felt that the other party was always looking down at her condescendingly, even if she was the queen of a planet?


Unexpectedly, the other party didn't really remember himself...

"Then I first introduce myself?"

"My name is Nova, a five-star general from the Hero Federation of Kepru, the highest officer of the ghost force, and a high-ranking member of the Galaxy Council of this country! How do you think of it? Yesterday we were clearly separated It's very close, didn't Her Majesty even notice me?"


"Damn God, this is really bad news. It seems that my Nova's presence is really low?"

I fully introduced my origin and identity to the Queen Padmé Amidala in front of me, and then saw that there was no extra expression on the other side's face except a hint of surprise, such as'Surprise Think of something like'? Therefore, it is not difficult for Nova to guess that the other party didn't pay attention to her at all yesterday, or simply forgot her directly?


Seems to be impressed?

After thinking about it, Padmé Amidala seemed to remember at this moment. Yesterday, beside that little girl, it seemed that there was a woman standing beside that little girl? However, whether it was yesterday or today, she was disturbed by Naboo and all kinds of upsetting things. How could she be distracted to observe or remember a woman who hadn't said a word to herself?

"It turned out to be Senator Nova?"

"But I don't understand. If you need to see me, just report it directly. With your status, I should have no reason to refuse your request, but you just want to sneak in by yourself. What is this for?"

Yes, Amidala doesn’t understand it very much. If the other party wants to see him, just tell the guards outside. Now, the queen who has lost her homeland will definitely not reject a general. An important person who is also a member of the Diet asked to meet, but the other party actually used this sneaky and unobtrusive trick?


"Because that's too much trouble, and Nova hates trouble!"

In fact, Nova thought it might be because she was used to being a ghost agent? Anyway, she prefers the unfettered feeling of coming and leaving...In her opinion, as a ghost agent and the big boss of the ghost agents, if she wants to come this way If the place has to wait for notification, that would be a serious questioning and insult to her skills and abilities!

This matter is actually the same as when she went to meet the former Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren. Besides, she also kind of likes this kind of sudden appearance from the back of the other party and startled the other party. Is it a little satisfying her kind of evil taste?

Of course, if the other party is an enemy, when the other party hears her, it must be her single-molecule light blade that can easily cut off the shields and elite armor of the Protoss. Is the girl's slender neck split in two?


"Then I don't know what Senator Nova is doing? I came to see me so late. There must be something very important, right?"

"If it does, you can say it now. Otherwise, I will almost have a rest, because I have an important schedule tomorrow morning...I want to return to Naboo as soon as possible, so I must go to bed early and Recharge your energy."

Although I don’t know what is going on with this congressman who has no relationship with him, but after thinking about it, Padmé Amidala, who doesn’t know what the other party is making, still endures something. The anger in my heart urged towards the other party in a cold tone.

Moreover, she also felt that since she was going to Naboo Star soon, it would be meaningless to let the other party find any important things for herself! Because, when returning to Naboo this time, she, Queen Padmé Amidala, was thinking that she would be better than jealous.

"Well, it's actually nothing big..."

"That's it. Our Hero Federation currently intends to support a'respectable' elder to sit on the throne of the highest speaker. Then I heard that Queen Amidala, you still have one vote here... So, I took the liberty to be here. I'm here to interrupt. I intend to let you vote for the candidate our Federation intends to support before you leave tomorrow. Do you think this statement can satisfy you?"

Seeing the other party with a cold face and standing still unwilling to sit down, Nova, who felt that it might be a bit impolite to sit all the time, she stood up again with a smile indifferently, and then stepped towards the other party. Walked over.


"Member Palpatine from Naboo has already been here, and I am also going to vote for him. So I am sorry, Senator Nova, I am afraid I cannot accept your proposal."

It turned out to be for the purpose of drawing votes. Thinking about it, it might be ten and a half months at the latest. The highest speaker will be elected. Amidala felt a little bit about why the other party came to visit quietly at this time. It's clear.

But unfortunately, as she said, she has some decisions in her heart now, and the secret meeting of the other party tonight is doomed to be futile.

"Don't rush to refuse, my honorable Majesty Queen Naboo?"

"I believe that our terms are something you cannot refuse...because, as long as you agree to give votes to candidates we support, I promise that we will help you deal with Naboo Star! You see, this is fair and reasonable Transaction, isn't it?"

Although Nova was slightly surprised that the other party wanted to support the other party's own country, Nova was a little surprised, but after thinking about the current situation of Naboo, she still felt that the other party would definitely not be able to reject her proposal.


"I still think that if our Naboo Senator Palpatine is elected, it might be better for our Naboo Xing situation?"

How could Amidala promise the other party just because of one or two empty promises?

Moreover, in her opinion, whoever becomes the highest speaker of the Republic now has no substantive significance for them, at least not in a short time, and what they lack is time!

Since that is the case, it is better to give them directly to the councillor Palpatine who is also corrupt and incompetent in her opinion. After all, the other party is still her subordinate in a certain sense. In the future... if they still have In the future, when she needs to instruct the other party to use the power of the speaker to provide convenience to Naboo, she will be more comfortable?

"of course!"

"You are indeed the Congressman Palpatine who can choose your own Naboo, that seems to be the most beneficial to you Naboo! But, Your Majesty, have you ever thought about it? Wait until he becomes the Speaker and punishes him. After the corruption and the integration of the entire parliament, I think, no matter what happens, one or two years have passed? I just don’t know if your Naboo stars will still exist by then?

With a lot of chips in her hand, Nova, who was not at all afraid of the opponent's inadequacy, stepped forward slightly, and then stood less than one meter in front of the Queen of Naboo.

"Or, how many people will be left in your Naboo people?"

"I have heard that before returning to the planet Coruscant, Her Majesty had been to the planet Tatooine. I think you must have a deep memory of that violent and **** wild land?"

"You know, the Milky Way galaxy is very big, so big that it exceeds your imagination!"

"But the territory of the Galactic Republic is not big..."

"So, please believe me, there are many places like Tatooine Planet, and if the trade alliance is sufficiently ruthless, I think those who dare to trample on the laws of the Republic for profit, ignore the majesty of the parliament, and even smuggle. Homely folks, when they see the parliament without action for a long time, will they get worse and just kill them all or sell your people as slaves?"

"You also know that, after all, Naboo is too far away from the core area of ​​the Republic of Coruscant. Such terrible things shouldn't be impossible, right?"

After speaking, seeing the other party's hands tightly twisted together, and feeling that after she was talking about the other party's heart, Nova took a step forward and directly stretched out her finger to hook the other party's chin, making the person in front of her The eyes of Her Majesty the Queen, who was a little shorter than herself, looked at her with hesitant and sad eyes.

"Your Majesty, think about it..."

"The profiteering slave trade, the corrupt Galactic Republic of doing nothing, and the Naboo people of an entire planet... If they really capture all your people and sell them outside the territory of the Republic, it will definitely be Can you make a lot of money?"

"Definitely, it must be a little more cost-effective than commercial activities such as smuggling goods..."

"And I also heard..."

"You plan to return to Naboo tomorrow to fight side by side with your people? However, do you think that your broken spacecraft and the remaining dozen men can fight against the giant ships of the Trade Alliance and millions Your robot army?"

"Of course, maybe, at that time, one of our wealthy merchants in the republic can still spend a lot of money on a certain wild planet to re-purchase you, the former Queen of Naboo, who has been ravaged by barbarians?"

"and so……"

"Do you think that your candidate Mr. Palpatine can help you in time before the things I said come true?"

Seeing that the other party was getting paler and paler by herself, and her body started to tremble slightly, Nova opened her mouth and laughed triumphantly again, but she didn't know whether the other party's reaction was really angry. , Or was frightened?

"Obviously, he can't! In fact, no one can, but our Federation or I can!"


A stinky little girl queen still wants to fight her Nova, and wants to play majesty with her, after all, she is still a little tender...


"Let, let me think about it first..."

After a long time, Amidala, who had reacted, first slapped the finger that was holding his chin at the other party, who didn’t know when, and turned around to avoid the other party’s sight and walked to the French window just now, looking a little flustered Towards the night view of the Coruscant planet outside.

It's just that her mind is chaotic, and she feels that what the other party said is likely to come true. Now, where can she put the focus of her eyes on the prosperous scene outside?

"Your Majesty?"

"I advise you not to think too much! If you agree to vote for the candidates identified by our Federation, we can dispatch troops immediately on the day the new Speaker is elected, and use our own troops to help you completely eliminate those ridiculous trade alliances. Robot force!"

"Please trust our determination and force. Let alone the other, the'Phantom'-class battleship we parked outside is probably enough to fight against the crooked and cracked armed merchant ships of those trade alliances. !"

"Why are you still hesitating? Is there a better deal than this?"

Looking at the other person's back facing her and looking out the window, and then at the other person's undulating shoulders, Nova knew that even if she was not good at negotiating, there was absolutely no reason for her to fail today!

Unless the opponent is crazy and does not want to be a queen, nor does he want Naboo and the Naboo people on Naboo, or the other side has other ways to deal with the trade alliance warships outside the orbit of Naboo, otherwise , Apart from honestly compromising and accepting her suggestions, there is absolutely no other better way!


Queen Amidala did not speak, she began to force herself to calm down slowly, and at the same time stared out the window in a daze... But at this time, her thoughts had already involuntarily drifted to the star of Naboo that made her dream. Go up, because there are her home and her people, the people who are struggling to suffer and slaughter under the iron hoof of the trade alliance.

"Your Excellency Nova Senator..."

"Do you dare to promise me? If I choose to vote for you, the promise you just made can be fulfilled immediately. Isn't that lying to me?"

for a long time……

Maybe it is figured out, maybe there is really no other better choice, so we have to grasp the straw that seems to be life-saving?

Therefore, Padmé Amidala finally escaped from Naboo. Now she found that Coruscant had no one to help her, and then she had to prepare to leave for Naboo early tomorrow. , The queen who planned to live and die with her own people compromised.

She doesn't know if what the other party said is true or false, but she remembers that she had heard the rumor that the other party threatened the parliament with force and huge ship artillery and obtained a temporary high-ranking seat... Therefore, since the other party took the initiative to come here today Since the other party offered the kind of conditions that she could not refuse, she chose to turn her back on Naboo’s own parliamentary Parr after she had turned her back on the former speaker of Naboo, Phoenix Valoren who promised to help Naboo Apart from Patin, there is really no better way.

"of course!"

"Our Hero Federation must do what we say, and we also have the ability to fulfill our promises. We don't need the approval of that council at all, because we have our own army, countless army!!"

Nova smiled triumphantly again, and now, after a long time of wrestling, she knew that her mission to come here tonight had been perfectly accomplished, and the next thing was the details, which was not important.

Maybe, before she leaves, she can still tease the young queen in front of her?


"Will you send your main force?"

If we can now have a strong enough force to directly defeat the trade alliance forces that blockade and invade Naboo Star, it is indeed better, because it can be compared to requesting parliament to intervene and sanction, and then the trade alliance has to withdraw. Things are much more efficient!

"The main force?"

"No, no, no! Dealing with those robots, dealing with the private armed forces of the trade alliance, that does not require the main force of our Hero Federation, because the main force is too troublesome to mobilize, and it may also need to pass the acting head of state and our star area. The authorization of the Tribal Council will do!"

"Anyway, Your Majesty Queen Amidala, as long as you know, all you need to do is vote, and then we can do the rest."

Nova smiled, the expression on her face became more and more relaxed, and once again she hugged her arms forward.

Actually, if it weren’t for their Master Anne’s reluctance to directly invade here, she would have led a large army to attack and kill and do her best to occupy this universe, how could she play with that troublesome Republican in this universe? That kind of boring political game?


"Your Excellency Nova, are you sure? The voting is very simple. I can do it now, but I won't make fun of my people's life and death!!"

Seeing the other party walk up to him again, looking at the other party's frivolous ridicule gaze, the stubborn Padmé Amidala finally recovered from the previous panic and replaced it with the old one. With that kind of cold gaze, she tried her best to show the majesty that belongs to the queen to stare at the other side unwillingly.


"Your Majesty, please trust me with confidence. Our Federation has all kinds of troops that are good at dealing with various levels of combat. They are the most professional!"

Seeing that the little queen in front of her became stiff, and was no longer as fun as before, Nova had to curl her lips boringly, and then walked to the side as she spoke.

Which of the human races, protoss, and insect swarms in the Kepulu region was not baptized by countless wars, and which one was not an expert in interstellar warfare? Moreover, even if she needs it, she doesn't need to request reinforcements from the star area at all, it is more than enough to mobilize the Reaper army directly from the world of Mass Effect!

Those harvesters have a cycle of 50,000 years, and they have harvested countless cycles of existence. What kind of opponent hasn't seen it? Isn't playing a trade alliance the same as playing?

Even, Nova said, let alone the trade alliance of the Lao Shizi, even if it is to clean up the entire galaxy or this universe outside the Galactic Republic Council, I am afraid it is more than enough!

"However, Her Majesty..."

"Our army will only be dispatched to "protect" your planet after the new speaker takes office and is authorized by the new speaker. You also know that the trade alliance is a legal member of the Galactic Council. We can never follow Do whatever you want, because it's not legal?"

"But you can rest assured that we are very sure about this election, because there are already at least one-third of the votes, so you don't have to worry about accidentally losing the election! Even I can assure you, even our People lose the election, and on the day they lose the election, we will still send troops to Naboo Star!"

In Nova’s plan, she must hold a Supreme Speaker in her hand, and use the power of the other party to provide convenient and legal procedures for certain actions of her. Therefore, sending troops to help Naboo must be in front of her. After the queen voted, and waited until the election was completed.

Even if the election fails, it doesn’t matter, because it means that the results of the election were wrong or someone cheated. In that case, she will not only send troops to Naboo Star, maybe she will also put them directly in the Parliament building at the same time. A fusion bomb, so that those guys who don't plan to play with her properly, all go to see God?

Of course, the premise is that these aliens also believe in the word of God...


"It's getting late, let's say, who is the person you plan to choose? Is it Bell Andres of Alderland star, or Amway Tim of Marasdale star?"

"I can vote for him now with my authority! Then, Senator Nova, no, it should be Admiral Nova. You only need to remember your promise to me. I will be here Naboo is waiting for you."

Feeling exhausted, Padmé Amidala didn’t want to talk to the domineering woman in front of her anymore, so she planned to cut the mess quickly, and directly set the matter down, then go to bed earlier and send it I hope that the new Supreme Speaker can be elected one day earlier in the parliament, and then Naboo's problem is really as easy as the current Admiral Nova showed, and it can be effectively resolved.

"Our candidate..."

"Queen Amidala should be familiar to you. After all, you got along very well before, but you finally chose not to trust him?"

Just thinking about it, Nova also thinks that bad old man Phoenix Valoren is a bit pitiful. The other party kindly helped the other party within the capacity of the Speaker of the Parliament. What can be gained is a counter-attack? Sure enough, this kind of pitting teammates is always popular no matter what the world is. Although the former speaker who is not determined enough to do things, but is still a little capable, he met such a young queen in front of him. of!

But this is also normal. You can’t expect the rulers of other countries to be as reliable as the heads of Anne of their federation. Although the other party is always mischievous and playful sometimes, it cannot be denied, in terms of ability, that little guy. It is indeed countless times stronger than the queen in front of him, even the two sides are not comparable at all?


"You are crazy, and you want to push Phoenix Valoren to the seat of the speaker? I can think, Congressman Nova, did you deliberately tease me today?!"

Just after calling up a holographic interface on the device on his wrist, and seeing the name of the fourth candidate above, Amidala was a bit startled by the other party’s smiling eyes and had to stop. Under the behavior that he originally intended to vote.

Obviously, the opponent's candidate was the former speaker of Valoren, who was only voted in a no-confidence vote by her hand only yesterday to bring down the throne of the highest speaker! And now, she has to vote for the other party again, this kind of thing is extremely stupid and crazy in her opinion! Instead of doing this, she might as well do nothing yesterday. Otherwise, what would others think of this incident when it spread out?

"I won't vote for him, anyone can, but he can't! And I also doubt the authenticity of what you just said to me!!"

With a ‘pop’, Amidala directly closed the holographic interface on his arm, and then stared at the woman named Nova in front of him with determined and angry eyes.

"We are not crazy, because he is the most suitable!"

If possible, Nova even wants to be the speaker by herself, but unfortunately, she does not have that qualification... Therefore, she really has no other way besides electing the former speaker. Who will let that The **** Galaxy Council rule: Only certain candidates and former speakers are eligible to directly participate in the election?

So, there is no other way for her, except to put the hapless old man on the throne of the Speaker again, and make the banning of voting and election campaigns become ridiculous, what else can she do?

"However, I also know your concerns, Her Majesty..."

"Let’s do this, our head of state, you should have seen it and you must remember it, why not let our head of state go to Naboo Star with you, how do you think of this approach, don’t you? Very sincere?"

"Don't worry, our head of state is not as simple as you think. She is much better than me, and she is now a special master of the Jedi Temple. She will definitely not cause you trouble..."

That's it! !

Because summoning the army on Naboo star may need the help of their cute little head of state, because only the opponent can directly mobilize a certain number of fleets without authorization, and the opponent may give himself money if he stays on the planet Coruscant. Actions cause obstacles and so on... So Nova feels that by kicking the opponent far to Naboo and letting that playful little guy run to such a place to harm the choppy of the trade alliance, she can act cheaply. And by the way, out of sight is pure?

You know, her plan is to slowly annex this country. By then, she will definitely use some unconventional methods and make enemies with certain people, but it's better now. That little guy is so mixed with the people of the Jedi Temple. Familiar, then maybe it will really make her very embarrassed.


Padmé Amidala was stunned, and abruptly stopped the idea that he just wanted to press the button and let the guards come and drive away the **** who was teasing him.




"Crimson? Sister Nova, do you have anything to do? If not, I will hang up the phone, because I am very busy now, and may not have time to talk to you about the orangutans in the boring zoo for the time being. About the principal!"

(= ̄ω ̄=)

Coruscant Planet, late at night, on a street on the 1227th floor of the Earth’s Crust, Little Annie easily told a large group of freak aliens who didn’t know who they were, and spit at them. The "respectful" big-headed monster, plus a large group of security robots that came to stop them, all smashed their hands, and then they clapped their hands contentedly, took out a communicator to connect, and let some pretty one appear on it. A reduced size holographic image of the big sister's head.

"Are you asking what am I doing?"


"Oh! Just leave it alone, it's not a big deal anyway, don't worry, it's okay, I don't need your help, I'll go back by myself later!"


It's really not a big deal. Her Master Anne is now just blatantly beating a group of alien animals that provoke her on the street, and by the way give those robots who dared to obstruct their own legitimate acts of revenge. I beat them up and broke them up. Anyway, there won't be any major issues, at least not yet.



"You said there is something fun? Naboo? Is there anything fun there? Go with the lady queen with white paint yesterday to fight a group of bad guys? Call the fleet?"

(* ̄△ ̄*)

"It's not impossible, but..."


"Oh! Let's not talk about it for Let's go back later and talk slowly, I will run away first!"


Suddenly, I looked around the street and saw that after I defeated those aliens and the mechanical police that are everywhere on Coruscant, there are even more densely packed shuttle boats and powerful police machinery. , And even the Jedi Knights rushed towards here, fearing that things might become more troublesome if they stayed any longer, Little Annie turned off the communication and ran away.

She has had enough trouble now, and if she continues to fight, she will kill her. Of course, the other party will kill her... But some people worry that she will be caught by someone who knows her. Besides hurriedly fleeing the crime scene, there is no There is another better choice.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



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