Shadow Fruit’s Flying Journey After Awakening

Chapter 40 Future Plans, I Want A Lot!

"do not want!"

"do not want!"

"I do not want!"


Perona flew up to Moria on a boulder on the shore of South Blue on the west side of Fangte Island, crying, unwilling to accept Moria's settlement.

"Don't leave me, Master Moria!"


Perona whispered and self-examined as she sobbed, "I will never urge you to ask for food anymore. I will definitely eat on time in the future, and I must not eat until the meal is reached."

"..." Moria had a speechless headache, begging... for your sister's food.

"It's dangerous with me, isn't it good to give you a stable life?"

Moria couldn't understand it. After experiencing hardship, shouldn't he yearn for a peaceful and stable life?

Why is Perona different!

"I don't want it, I will follow Moria-sama!" Perona ignored, she insisted on following Moria.

For her, it was Moria who rescued her, and she and Moria had already known each other for more than a month.

Now if she wants to be with a few strangers, she doesn't want it.

"Oh! I don't want it, don't leave me, Master Moria."

Perona continued to cry incoherently, dangling in front of Moria.


"Don't cry, let me think about it!"

Moria was impatient and waved Perona aside.

Perona heard Moria's words and immediately gritted her teeth without crying, and quietly came to Moria and sat down.

"One side is a stable life, and the other is a dangerous adventure. Which side should I choose?"

Moria closed her eyes and thought, Perona's reaction caused him to think.

After traveling to the present, if he just pursues a peaceful life, he can already do it.

With his current ability and strength, in this world, as long as he is quieter, he can basically live to the end.


Does he want a peaceful life? Obviously, I don't want to. Settling Perona is for the unscrupulous shot.

He wants to become stronger, he wants to shadow Kaido, he wants to rule Wanokuni, he thinks a lot.

He wanted to see how far he could go in this world.

He couldn't see the finale of Hunter, elementary school student Conan and the rise of the national football team, but he wanted to see the finale of One Piece in person.

In short, Moria wants to do a lot, and there is one now.

He wanted to form a pirate group as Mopa and experience the feeling of building a pirate group from beginning to end.

"Just now there are three companions to choose from!"

Thinking of Sister Hera and Brother Flathead, Moria smiled.

"With my strength, I can't conquer the three of them, and I saved Hera, and everyone hates Celestial Dragons, I believe they will not refuse my invitation." Moria thought.

In this way, Perona continues to follow him, and someone can take care of her while he leaves to hunt the strong.

After thinking about it for a while, Moria also looked away. If Perona wants to follow, just follow. Could he still protect a Perona.


Moria stood up and smiled at Perona, "Take you to eat delicious food."

"Yeah!" Perona nodded heavily, a relieved smile from the corners of her mouth, which made people feel distressed.

"Then go!"

Moria said, let Perona fly over his shoulder and sit down, and the two of them walked all the way up the town of Fonte Island.


In the evening, Moria took Perona back to Hera's house.

"Oh, Hera's brother is back!"

As soon as he landed in the air, Moria felt an extra breath in the house, guessing it was Hera's brother Sidoro who had returned.


The door opened, and Hera sister and brother pulled out the peace-headed brother Gangmir.

"You're the swordsman!" Sidorro motioned to Moria in spite of Hera's anxious eyes.


Moria froze for a moment, not understanding why Sidoro thought he was a swordsman.

"I'm not a swordsman!" Moria shook her head.

Sidoro and Hera are both shark-shaped murlocs, both eight meters tall, with bulging muscles and a strong sense of strength.

Hearing Moria said that he was not a swordsman, he didn't care, and said enthusiastically: "Whether you are or not, you are a strong one, how about it, how about a game."

"You have to challenge me!"

Looking at Sidoro who was desperately pulled by Hera, Moria smiled, just about to let you get on the boat to show off your strength, which is not bad, so she nodded and said, "I'll take it."

After all, Moria told Perona to stay away and go aside.


"I object!"

Hera is anxious, but she knows what Moria's strength is, what if she gets angry.

She knew what her brother's character was, and once she started fighting, it was difficult to stop her.

What if Moria is irritated by this?

Hera, who was worried, held Sidoro tightly.

But Sidoro, who was eager to fight, couldn't stop anyone, not even Hera.

This is also the reason why Hera is eager to come back, because she is afraid that her brother's character will easily cause trouble and be besieged by Marine.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I forgot that there is still such an unstable factor as Moria.


Sidorro broke free of Hera and jumped in front of Moria.

Hera was helpless and could only ask Moria, "Master Mopa, my brother has a bad brain, don't be familiar with him, I know you are strong, you must be light!"

"Hey, sister, that's enough!" Sidorro turned his head dissatisfied and said to Hera: "I am the highest bounty in the entire East Blue, a full 96 million Baileys, I use someone else's money."

Sidoro turned back to face Moria with a smile and said, "Use all your strength, don't worry, I am very strong."

"..." Hera was speechless.

A man in front of you offers a bounty more than ten times that of you. You show a bounty in front of him, where is your confidence.

Hera, who was unable to complain, could only look at Moria with a begging gaze.

"Don't worry! I'll be gentle." Moria returned a relieved smile.

Hera nodded and received it, relieved a lot.

The flat-headed brother Gangmir was silent all the time, and looked calm at Moria, as if Moria was just a passerby in front of him.

"Are you ready!" Sidoruo said excitedly, his body trembling, and his fighting spirit was rising.

"bring it on!"

As soon as Moria's voice fell, Sidoro appeared in front of Moria instantly.

"It's pretty fast!"

Moria turned to avoid Sidoro's big fist, and at the same time stepped back.

call out!

Ling Ling's wind sounded, and Sidoro swept across where Moria was standing just now.

"Don't run!"

Sidoro yelled, stepped to Moria's body, and blasted his punch again, pointing straight to Moria's head.

"Three tricks for you!"

Moria smiled, then lowered her head to avoid Sidoro's fist, and bullied herself forward.

Before Sidoro's reaction, Moria condensed Armament Haki's punch and hit Sidoro's stomach.


A huge force, like a sea wave, instantly spread from his stomach, Sidoro's eyes whitened and he almost fainted.


Sidoro knelt on the ground holding his stomach, his face was cold and sweaty, and he stared at Moria blankly.

"Why is the gap so big?" Sidoruo couldn't believe it in his eyes.


Hera quickly walked to her brother's side and asked concerned: "Are you all right!"

"I'm fine!"

Sidoruo Yaoyao's power was very strong for an instant, but it was also dispersed, and he had recovered for a while.

Sidorro understood that Moria had just left his hand, otherwise the power would not spread out, and his stomach would be pierced.

"It's okay!" Hora breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Moria with a grateful smile.

"You are strong!"

"East Blue can't have a strong like you, you should be from Grand Line!"

Sidoro looked at Moria with piercing eyes, and he longed to fight against such a strong man often.

"Have a strong mentality!"

Seeing the fearlessness in Sidoro's eyes, only the desire to fight, Moria's eyes were appreciative.

This kind of person is qualified to be my companion! Moria thought.

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