Shadow of the Beautiful World

Chapter 1563: 17. Go to the dead (part 2)


The deep sound echoed among the compressed stars, and the battlefield divided by the fog of death was finally opened.

The **** Dumu, holding the Infinite Gloves, took the lead and rushed into the battlefield where the outer gods and the cosmic gods were fighting, the entangled light of the Infinite Gloves beating on his arms.

He is very tired.

He has never had such a tired senses since he was searching for power in his youth.

Even at the end of the battle for the supreme mage, even when facing the apocalypse and the giant beast, Dumu had never been so embarrassed.

His robe has been soaked with sweat, as if an increasing weakening force field is being applied to this battlefield, and everyone who enters it will become weak.

The longer the duration, the more obvious the weakening.

This battle is not just a physical confrontation.

It is even more a symbolic opposition, the truth is invading the illusion, just as the foreign **** Tyrion told the truth to the Rune King Thor.

The sun has begun to shine on the stars, no matter how beautiful and perfect the soap bubbles are, they cannot avoid the end of their demise.

Behind Dum, the heroes who were determined to die also rushed into this battlefield from the cracked mist. In front of everyone, the confrontation of the gods was in full swing.

The supreme power of the stars is besieging the sword-wielding outer gods, and their condition is much better than the heroes.

Ms. Death represents the power that comes from the same source as the outer gods. In this battle, she is suppressed the least, so she acts as the main attack.

The elegant lady in a black robe is holding a black scythe, and among the dancing figures, there are crows and tombstones, darkness and elegy illusions.

Her mission of power is beyond the understanding of the heroes. In that seemingly ordinary confrontation, there is also an invisible but real lethal force.

She and Tyrion were in close combat, and the two weapons kept staggering and colliding.

From time to time, hundreds of phantoms were separated and disappeared in the strange swordsmanship of the outside god.

From time to time, they disappeared and flashed in a ghostly posture, slicing everything in the space, and pulling everything in the body into the reflection of the hell, but this can't help the outsider.

The power of death wielded by the latter is equally powerful.

He counterattacked unhurriedly. In the light and dark, the two deities representing existence and need spread out the origin of self.

Those lights and shadows turned into ubiquitous constraints, like a quagmire.

It made the movements of the outside **** stiff and slow, and made death's attacks more threatening.

God and the giant beasts did not directly join the battle, but they changed the environment of the battlefield, letting the battle go to their own side.


Dumu knew that time was not on his side.

Although their power is very weak compared to the outer gods, in the current situation, the heroes can no longer find a better way to intervene. After the power gap is large to a certain extent, all their tactics have failed.

They only have one method of confrontation.


The light of the Infinite Gloves is operated as a rainbow-like halo, with Dum as the center, covering a dozen or so heroes around the body, enough to distort the reality of the light covering the area, and the weakness imposed is temporarily removed.

The supreme mage rushed into the battlefield of death confrontation in a flash, he waved his hands, and the golden flames danced to create a super-large circular cross.

Along with the beating of the doji that pierced through the double ring, the super light cannon burst out of Dumu's hands.

Just like a shining sharp sword, smashing into the outer god's defense circle with a piercing posture, this destructive beam is quick and fast, strengthened with infinite gems, allowing its energy level to break through the single body.


The king of the dead world turned his head, waved a sword to smash the stabbing beam, his eyes fell on Dumu.

The supreme mage saw the one-eyed gleaming blue halo under the skull mask, and the indifferent and relentless eyes, evoking the illusion of death in his mind.

He felt that at this moment he was drawn into a black and white world where demons danced wildly.

Those death gods who were screaming, wearing ragged robes and scythes on their shoulders had red eyes, just like ghost fires floating in the dark.

Dumu's body was shaking.

The soul gem on the Infinite Gloves shined, and he was resisting the invasion of the phantom of death, and he could no longer attack until he got rid of the phantom infestation.


The outer **** Yijian pushed back against the death of the attack. He shook the blade outwards, and a black light peeled off the blade. The shadow of the huge sword like a dark blade straddled the stars and pierced Dum.

Obviously, Tyrion also noticed that Dumu, holding the Infinite Glove, was the core of these ants who tried to contain him.

When Black Blade was added, Dumu was awake from the erosion of death, but the sword shadow was already in front of him.


What comes faster than the blade of assassination is the assistance from the self.

The buckler wrapped in energy whizzed out and blocked the lethal blow for Dum. The captain was thrown by Superman in the form of a cannonball.

While Superman, Thor, Iron Man and the goddess of war rushed into the battlefield brazenly, Steve landed beside Dumu. He grabbed the knocked-out shield and stood in front of Dumu.

This veteran, who was covered with heavy energy, grinned at Dumu and said:

"Assault as much as you want! Before I fall, no one can interfere with you!"

Dumu took a deep breath, as if holding a gun, he raised his right hand, and the infinite gems shined brightly on his hand armor.

The lights of the six gems are shining and beating. The Supreme Mage wants to focus on the central god, and he wants to prepare a destructive magic of the highest level.

On the side of the captain and gods guarding with shields, the heroes swarmed into the battlefield in front of them like a torrent. They experienced the passing of their companions, and their hearts were burning with angry flames.

They rushed towards the outside world unruly, like moths leaping towards the lights.

Tyrion frowned. Under the rush of death, he turned around and cut out a dark sword shadow, trying to kill the ants who were not afraid of death.

But when the blade swept back, it was caught in the wrist by the fingers like iron tongs.

Superman Silver stood firm with the breath of death wrapped around Tyrion. He was like a samurai shaking the sky. Amidst the violent heartbeat, he used his brute force to push the deadly sword beside him.

At this moment, dozens of attacks fell on the body of the outer **** holding the sword, as well as the fists thrown back and forth.

Some can break through the breath of the dead, and some can only return without success.

But it's okay, everyone is attacking!

Just attack like this!

"Do not touch me!!!"

The tone of the outside **** caused gloom.

Splashing cold air burst out on his body, and an endless powerful wind hit Superman, instantly freezing all the heroes surrounding him.

The strong can still persist, the weak, but the fire of life was extinguished the moment the ice was added.

But the sword still couldn't go out.

Diana, who was wrapped in blue war power, threw a power lasso, replaced Clark, and clasped it on Tyrion's wrist.

The muscles of the arms of the goddess of war were stretched, and in the roar, it was like a hill dragging a gallop.

The Supreme Green Light condensed a ferocious green energy warhammer in his hands. After swinging it twice, he slammed Huashan on the head of the outward god.

The king of the dead world's left hand was restricted, so he raised his right hand, and the dark red energy turned into ghost claws, whizzing out, smashing the warhammer with ease, and holding the supreme green light that could not be dodged in his hand.

During the beating of the death rune, Hal felt the world spin, and when he recovered, he had been held by Tyrion.


The five fingers of the outer **** clasped tightly, and the strength of the body's will shattered like ice. In the painful rolling, Hal's spine was completely destroyed.

Death has arrived.

"We...will win! Keep fighting!!!"

At the last moment of his life, the ring on the Supreme Green Lantern's finger shined brightly, and his energy exploded at this moment with the final battle cry.


The green mushroom cloud raged in place, and the strength of the will that was compressed to the extreme was like a piercing sword. At this moment, the dead world aura around Tyrion was removed.

The outer **** was not injured, but he lost the power to protect his body.


Another companion died in battle. This loss of pain made the prodigal son Tony feel like a knife. He was inspired by the platinum supernatural power given by Shazam to that anger. Amidst the thunder, Iron Man flew towards the death.

He shook the steel fist that was entangled by the arc, and in the full swing, the huge fist hammered Tyrion's cheek fiercely.


The face of the outer **** was beaten and deflected outward.

This is probably the first time since the start of the war that the heroes really hurt the king of the dead.


This kind of damage done by the ants was regarded as a shame by Tyrion.

As his sword-holding arm stretched, the divine power lasso was tightened to the extreme, and seeing Iron Man hit a second punch, the King of the Dead raised his right hand and made a virtual grip.

In the next moment, countless red streamers were flying above the battlefield.

Death force surges at the feet of every hero, just like a ghostly claw, grabbing the heroes' necks in an instant and lifting them into the air.


The cold spell was read, and his blue eyes looked at the strangulated Iron Man in front of him. He waved his arm and pulled a lady Diana who was restraining him to his side.

As the burning Vulcan sword pierced Tyrion's body, Flying Frost also revealed his killing intent, and the heart of the goddess of war was shattered in the next moment.


Clark, who broke the ice, saw his companion dying, Superman's eyes became red, and the pain of loss was suffering, making Clark desperate to attack the cold outer god.

He fought like a fierce god, and between his heavy fists, he was extremely brave and forced the **** of death back a few steps.

Thor also wielded the Eternal Spear to assist. He aroused the power given by eternity. In that time flow, several Thors of different timelines were called out.

Lei Guang broke out in anger at this moment, drowning the outside god.

This wave of offensive went into an explosive state, and even the dead lady, who had been cunning on the sidelines, dived into the darkness, preparing to take the opportunity to make a fatal assassination against the gods.

And the outside **** who was overwhelmed by countless attacks also seemed very embarrassed.

He didn't expect that these heroes who feared death would be able to withstand such heavy casualties and force him to this point!

The more He killed, the more angry those rebels became.

The anger broke through the limit and turned into a madness that fears death.

The scene where the heroes rushed to attack first gave Tyrion Dawn Blade, who was defending with a sword, a strong sense of sight.

In his world, in the last battle that also faced the destruction of the world, those compatriots protected by him also made the same sacrifice in exchange for a precious victory.

What are you doing?

This idea emerged in the mind of the outside god.

When did he enter the role of a destroyer from a savior?

He used to disdain cruelty for pleasure...

"Then let me see."

Overwhelmed by countless attacks, but still able to maintain a perfect defense, the foreign **** raised his head, the ice skull visor on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by the beating blue one eye.

He looked at the roaring heroes in front of him. He backed away a few steps and assumed a weird sword-holding posture. He said:

"Sacrifice in exchange for salvation, this is a great righteousness, let me see if you are qualified enough..."

"Take my sword... the enemy breaker!"

Along with Tyrion's low voice, the long sword in his hand was swung.

All the attacks that hit him were reversed by peculiar swordsmanship, and in the sweep of turning around, the forces that struck were turned into even more terrifying impact.

This sword slashes the compressed stars like a storm of harvest.

As the scarlet sword light swept across, the heroes rushing towards the outward gods collapsed and collapsed silently like a sand castle washed by the sea.

Only Superman and Thor withstood this fierce swordsmanship, and a terrifying wound was cut out of Superman's chest, and a beating heart could even be seen.

But Superman didn't care.

He roared, roared, and waved a heavy fist, just like before, never going back! Never give in!

The same is true for Thor. The Rune King also abandoned all hesitation. Like his own father, he held lightning and attacked the impossible enemy.

"What a brave man..."

Tyrion's eyes flashed with admiration, he dragged the sword forward, and between his hands, the scarlet death energy spread all over the sharp blade. The next blow would surely be shocking.

"Everything... dies!"

The scarlet war sword slashed forward, wherever it went, everything disappeared, and Thor rushed forward, gathering all the energy on the weapon, bursting out golden blue electric light.

In the beating of lightning, Clark's fist also shattered everything, and in the bursting energy, it hit the heart of the outside god.


At the same moment, the light cannons intertwined with six-color halos also attacked from the rear, which was Dumu's final blow.

The light enveloped the stars and disappeared after a few seconds.


When the stream of light dissipated, the frozen blade fell, and blood was flowing on the blade, and the hand holding the hilt was trembling slightly.

The armor of the King of the Dead was shattered by Clark's heavy fist and Thor's lightning, and Dum's attack tore a piercing wound on his body.

He was hurt.

In front of his eyes, Clark, who was maintaining an attacking posture, looked pale.

The body of Superman Silver was cut open, and his skin was covered with cracks like a petrified sculpture. Infinite Formula was still trying to repair the injury.

But the strongest blow of the outside **** has cut off all the vitality of Clark.

Thor is still alive.

The eternal spear in his hand has been completely broken, and the mechanical prosthetic limbs have also been annihilated. He half-kneeled on the ground, the power of eternity helped him avoid death.

But it couldn't help him win.

Tyrion dragged his sword past Thor and Clark.

Behind him, Clark's body dissipated like quicksand collapse, and Steve not far away was holding the weak and dying Dumm, and the defeated Thor behind him.

"Really respectable, but it's a pity."

The outside **** said softly, looking at the death in front of him, he said:

"As for are much worse!"

The heroes who entered the stars have been killed and wounded, and the ice sculpture standing on the stars is the last tomb.

The battle was extremely fierce, and their sacrifice was only the result of injury to the outside god, not even serious injury.

But those who went to the dead finally fulfilled their vows.

They use their lives to drag the powerful foreign god...



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