Shadow Rogue

Chapter 517: : The guardian beast of the gate of the Imperial City

Knowing that time is limited, Chu Rui did not dare to delay.

They are not fools, they naturally know what the situation is at the moment. Indeed, according to the current progress, this task is really difficult to complete.

Atlantis's reel has a minimum level of 30, but the highest level that can be entered here is 50, which means that even players who come to fifteen, fifty and three turns can still be here. Do the task in the special map of Atlantis.

At this moment, Chu Rui, their group, only one person reached the forty level, followed by the leaf maple, thirty-eight levels, life is too confused, the eve fire, the hustle and the sorrow, the rain and the rain are all 36, Cheng Xiaofei , Qin Yue and Su Meimei, as well as not to blame the upgrade, I know that Ye Xiner playing only has thirty-three grades, and three of them are still in this Atlantis.

This lineup is really too reluctant for the horrible monsters of Atlantis, especially if there are a few players in the team who don’t play very much, basically except for being directed to put skills. I don’t know what it’s all about, but it’s also a rookie that can’t be cooked anymore.

The aristocratic area is smaller than the civilian area in the periphery. It is because it is a circular city. The inner circumference is inevitably smaller than the outer one, and the number of nobles is naturally much less than that of civilians. Extremely luxurious, the house is large and covers a very wide area. It is not estimated to be so big here.

The place is a little smaller, and the natural monsters are intensive. There are three kinds of monsters here, the deep sea Yaksha, the shrimp soldiers, and the crabs. Among them, the crabs will be the most horrible and the most threatening. The deep sea Yaksha is considered a magical double repair, but the physical aspect. More prominent, as long as it is against the harpoon, and the shrimp soldiers are pure physical monsters, although the golden sledgehammer is more horrible, but the shield warrior life is too confused under the full force of the three pastors, the pressure is not very Big, but the crab will be in trouble, this crab shell can be described as bright, the anti-magic resistance is very high, and it is also a magical monster, it is really hurtful, currently In any case, no matter what team, the threat of magic type monsters is far greater than the physical type of monster threats. Fortunately, there is a horrible thief of Chu Rui who is holding the crabs. Otherwise, it can be Some suffered, but Chu Rui did not dare to be very casual after seeing the crab the horrible crab claws last time. The good thing is that after several experiments, the crab will be less than 5% in health. Only under That trigger for crab, shrimp soldiers is like when life is lower than 5%, that would freak generally with a sledgehammer.

Killed a lot of deep sea Yaksha, shrimp soldiers and crabs, Chu Rui and his party also gradually found out, since knowing oneself and knowing each other, Chu Rui will not be so hard, in order to fight for time, even some cd time is relatively long skills It is used out, and some horrible range of anti-killing skills are used without hesitation after introducing a bunch of blame. Anyway, no need to use it, the day will pass, and the cd of these skills will be returned tomorrow. Will be reset.

Driven by Chu Rui's life, it killed about 1,500 monsters and spent about twenty hours.

On the third day, I entered Atlantis for forty-eight hours.

Chu Rui and his party all swallowed the last Yu Shui Dan.

A group of people came to the gates of the royal area to enter the royal area. Looking at this majestic, at the moment it was the door to the broken anomaly, and could not help but feel a little bit.

Even in the splendid civilization, once it has fallen, it will flow into the long river of time and be completely annihilated.

In the tens of thousands of years, most people have forgotten Atlantis, a once brilliant and developed civilization, and this city of Atlantis is gradually eroding. The glory of the past is no longer, now only The remaining wreckage is estimated to be completely annihilated soon, and the broken city of Atlantis will eventually be disintegrated. The structure of the city will eventually be disrupted and combined into this city. The stones will be corroded and will be washed away, and then the world will discover that it is just a pile of broken stone metal. Who would have thought that they were part of the city of Atlantis that was once brilliant.

"Let's go, the last day, hope that it is not something that makes us very difficult, otherwise, this task will blow up!"

Looking at the majestic gate in front of him, Chu Rui sighed and his tone was a little dignified.

After staying for more than two days, I finally cleaned up the civilian areas and the aristocratic areas in the periphery and the middle area. Later, after killing the monsters with the number of missions, Chu Rui saw several waves of deep sea Yasha, and the shrimps and crabs would not dare. The reason for this is that I am afraid that the task will be defeated because of the delay.

In the 72 hours of Atlantis, 54 has been used now, and there are still 18 hours left. If there is something similar to let Chu Rui kill in civilian areas and aristocratic areas. Thousand or five hundred ordinary monsters, and then face the wave ss, then Chu Rui this time the task can only fail, not the strength is not enough, but time is not allowed.

Although the monsters of Atlantis are all only elite monsters, but the attributes are comparable to the waves ss, and there are various special effects, even the horror effects such as breaks exist, it is not able to quickly move, this rhythm, Chu Rui really can't bring it too fast. It is undeniable. If the Chinese strength is ranked in the top fifteen, this efficiency will be doubled, even several times. Perhaps there is such a task, and those masters are eager to come. However, Chu Rui does not want to, he does not like to cooperate with people who do not know, coexist, fight.

Failure will fail, no big deal.

Chu Rui thought so, smiled lightly, entered the game for so long, he really did not fail once, said that a smooth life is not a perfect life, Chu Rui also wants to try the taste of failure, but it is a task. ,What's the big deal.


Feeling a little dignified atmosphere, Chu Rui smiled slightly, very freehand and free and easy to walk in front, the cool back made a lot of teammates' hearts relaxed.

"Who, dare to swear at the Royal City of Atlantis, not to retreat quickly!"

When Chu Rui stepped into the door of the Imperial City, suddenly, a huge macro sounded, and it was very shocking to scream in the ear. The Chu Rui, who was caught off guard, was shocked and deaf. The blind voice of "嗡嗡" is heard in the ear.

Chu Rui looked up and looked at it. I saw that the dragon that was originally thought to be carved on the gate of the city was slowly materialized.

Grass, have you made a mistake.

Laozi entered a city gate, and even the dragon of Nima was given out.

Looking at the dragon that jumped out of the city gate, Chu Rui almost did not have a blood to spray directly out.

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