Shadow Rogue

Chapter 566: : Star Moon Love, Star Moon Chain! (under)

Chu Rui has seen a lot of beautiful women, all of them in the country, and now the women around them, all of them are big beautiful women, especially the appearance of this beautiful son of Su Meimei, it is definitely the dumping of the country, the existence of the country and the people, 飒飒Although Qin Yue and others are slightly inferior, they are definitely at the same level as Haoyue. They love one person, not the one who loves her. Chu Rui also believes that the prince of the stars will not be such a superficial person who values ​​his appearance. This Haoyue is a charm that can't be refused by the prince of the stars. He deeply loves the charm that he never gave up for tens of thousands of years.

When I saw Haoyue, Chu Rui felt that she was very beautiful for the first time. She had a slight sense of horror. Then, after a few seconds, this sensation disappeared, which is very different from his immunity to beauty. For the sake of the sake, Haoyue is very beautiful, but it has not reached the point where Chu Rui is extremely amazing and reaches a point that is hard to forget. For this woman, Chu Rui is very curious, so she looks at it more, even though Haoyue has lost her life. Lying quietly there, but Chu Rui looked more and more with a special feeling, he could not tell what this feeling is, but from his heart, it is a feeling of shock, for this The charm of a woman's charm, even if there is no life, even though her face is pale, but her bleak face, a faint smile hanging from the corner of her mouth, touched Chu Rui's heart, and shocked his heart.

This is what kind of woman.

Chu Rui wants to know, but unfortunately there is no chance.

When a person has curiosity about the opposite sex, then it is the first step into the restricted area, women, and men.

"Hey, I am coming!"

At this moment, the eyes of the prince of the stars are called a gentle, and it is enough to drop honey.

"Sorry, let you wait so long!"

The prince of the stars put his hand into the hail, gently rubbing the face of Haoyue, the temperature is warm and full of pity.

"Remember the street we knew at the beginning. For tens of thousands of years, I was there every day, watching it, I will remember you, the original, the original, remember the moon, that The innocent hillsides, the low and low shades of green grass, the gentle wind blowing, is so soft, accompanied by a touch of fragrance, I often think of there, my life, the most unforgettable place Since you slept, my world is bleak, and the moon is still there, but the moon is gone, what should I expect, the moon in the sky is round, the star is bright, and it is not the same as your moment. I smile, I am crazy for most of my life, just to get you back to me, I used to think that this thing can definitely be done, but now I can't do it, but I can't let you come back to me. I will go to you, where we can't be together and realize our dreams, but, on your side, I believe we can work together to fulfill our aspirations and create an ideal country!"

The prince of the stars smiled faintly. At this moment, he is not a prince of a country, nor an extremely crazy scientist. He is just a man, stroking the face of his beloved woman, a man who laughs out from the heart.

"Thank you." I watched it for a while, and the prince of the stars turned his head and looked at Chu Rui with great solemnity.

Chu Rui smiled and said nothing.

"In this life, I only thank three people. The first one is my father. His love for me, I can't repay my whole life, I can't pay off. The second is Haoyue. She is taking me from a preparation. Drinking, and then taking over Atlantis, I was manipulated by fate, no waves, no ups and downs, no free life, she gave me the best memories of my life, the third is you, me Thank you very much for fulfilling my greatest wish. I am going to accompany you for the next month. I have nothing to repay you. I can only bless you silently!"

The prince of the stars looked at Chu Rui and smiled slightly. The smile was so pure and so clean.

Chu Rui smiled faintly. At this moment, he did not think of any return. He did not care about what was lost or lost. In the face of all great love, the so-called interests were inevitably insignificant.

The body of the prince of the stars slowly becomes transparent, and then turns into a star-studded point. It really seems to be a star.

"Goodbye, my friend, I hope that you can find the most loved person in your life, and never give up, live and die!"

The prince of the Stars is gone, and his voice is still left in the empty king's palace.

The faint brilliance shines, and the body of Haoyue in the hail seems to be pulled. It slowly floats up and the body gradually disappears. Instead, it is a soft energy light group, just like a bright moon.


The stone with the x and y letters engraved in the Hu Rui backpack suddenly broke free from the limitations of the backpack space and floated out.

The moon is like a mirror, and the stars are shining.

Star, month.

The softness makes people feel warm and quiet, and the peace is so quiet.

Moonlight stars, stars around the moon, stars and moons, at this point, never separated.

The stone exudes a gentle brilliance and shoots into the moon and moon that the moon and the stars have turned into.

Guanghua was released, and Chu Rui was conditioned to close his eyes.

After the adaptation, Chu Rui opened his eyes, here is empty, the stars are gone, the moon is not there, even the stone is not there, and there is only one moon and moon necklace floating in front of him.

Reaching out, Chu Rui slowly took the necklace, no resistance, the necklace that Chu Rui took in his hand came a feeling of warmth.

Chain of Stars and Moons: special props, necklaces, love witnesses of the princes of Atlantis and the generals of the generals, with the blessings of stars and moons, full of spirit and love, symbolizing the pure love of the world, love, only the heart True love, and people who are recognized can have it.

[Property] None.

[Passive effect] Xingyue blessing: The holder has a special buff, life magic recovers 10% per second, and any regular damage is reduced by 30%, and mental damage is reduced by 80%.

[Active Skills] Light of the Stars and Moons: The light of the stars and moons is shrouded, immune to all damage, and there is an 80% chance to double the rebound of the damage, cooling time: 1 hour.

[Special Skills] Love of the Stars and Moons: It is possible to inject a special light of the stars and moons into a different sex. As long as the two are heart-to-heart and truly treated, they can break the barrier of any time and space and instantly transmit them to their side. Consumption: None It can only be used three times a day.

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